예제 #1
 public function view()
     $owners = [];
     foreach (Owner::find() as $id => $owner) {
         if (count($owner['pets']) > 0) {
             $owners[$id] = $owner;
             $owners[$id]['active'] = Str::ends_with($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'pets/' . $owner['_id']);
     $this->set('owners', $owners);
예제 #2
 public function run($fonts = null)
     if (\Cli::option('help', \Cli::option('h', false)) or empty($fonts)) {
         empty($fonts) and \Cli::error(\Cli::color('No font given.', 'red'));
         return static::help();
     $pdf = new \TCPDF();
     $type = \Cli::option('type', \Cli::option('t', ''));
     $enc = \Cli::option('enc', \Cli::option('e', ''));
     $flags = \Cli::option('flags', \Cli::option('f', 32));
     $outpath = \Cli::option('outpath', \Cli::option('o', K_PATH_FONTS));
     $platid = \Cli::option('platid', \Cli::option('p', 3));
     $encid = \Cli::option('encid', \Cli::option('n', 1));
     $addcbbox = \Cli::option('addcbbox', \Cli::option('b', false));
     $link = \Cli::option('link', \Cli::option('l', false));
     $path = \Cli::option('path', \Cli::option('p'));
     if (!is_null($path) and !\Str::ends_with($path, DS)) {
         $path .= DS;
     $fonts = explode(',', $fonts);
     foreach ($fonts as $font) {
         if (strpos($font, DS) === false and !is_null($path)) {
             $font = $path . $font;
         $fontfile = realpath($font);
         $fontname = \TCPDF_FONTS::addTTFfont($fontfile, $type, $enc, $flags, $outpath, $platid, $encid, $addcbbox, $link);
         if ($fontname == false) {
             $errors = true;
             \Cli::error(\Cli::color($font . ' cannot be added.', 'red'));
         } else {
             \Cli::write(\Cli::color($font . ' added.', 'green'));
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         \Cli::error(\Cli::color('Process finished with errors.', 'red'));
     } else {
         \Cli::write(\Cli::color('Process successfully finished.', 'green'));
예제 #3
            $body = call_user_func($callback, $body);
$is_truncated = false;
if (!$options['is_detail']) {
    if ($options['line']) {
        list($body, $is_truncated4line) = Util_string::truncate4line($body, $options['line'], '', $options['is_rtrim'], $options['encoding']);
    if ($options['width']) {
        list($body, $is_truncated4count) = Util_string::truncate($body, $options['width'], '', true);
    $is_truncated = $is_truncated4line || $is_truncated4count;
if ($is_truncated && $options['trimmarker']) {
    if (!Str::ends_with($body, "\n")) {
        $body .= ' ';
    $body .= $options['trimmarker'];
echo $body;
if ($is_truncated && $options['read_more_uri']) {
<div class="bodyMore"><?php 
    echo Html::anchor($options['read_more_uri'], 'もっとみる');
예제 #4
    public static function package($args, $build = true)
        $name = str_replace(array('/', '_', '-'), '', \Str::lower(array_shift($args)));
        $class_name = ucfirst($name);
        $vcs = \Cli::option('vcs', \Cli::option('v', false));
        $path = \Cli::option('path', \Cli::option('p', PKGPATH));
        $drivers = \Cli::option('drivers', \Cli::option('d', ''));
        if (empty($name)) {
            throw new \Exception('No package name has been provided.');
        if (!in_array($path, \Config::get('package_paths')) and !in_array(realpath($path), \Config::get('package_paths'))) {
            throw new \Exception('Given path is not a valid package path.');
        \Str::ends_with($path, DS) or $path .= DS;
        $path .= $name . DS;
        if (is_dir($path)) {
            throw new \Exception('Package already exists.');
        if ($vcs) {
            $output = <<<COMPOSER
\t"name": "fuel/{$name}",
\t"type": "fuel-package",
\t"description": "{$class_name} package",
\t"keywords": [""],
\t"homepage": "http://fuelphp.com",
\t"license": "MIT",
\t"authors": [
\t\t\t"name": "AUTHOR",
\t\t\t"email": "*****@*****.**"
\t"require": {
\t\t"composer/installers": "~1.0"
\t"extra": {
\t\t"installer-name": "{$name}"

            static::create($path . 'composer.json', $output);
            $output = <<<README
# {$class_name} package
Here comes some description

            static::create($path . 'README.md', $output);
        if (!empty($drivers)) {
            $drivers === true or $drivers = explode(',', $drivers);
            $output = <<<CLASS

namespace {$class_name};

class {$class_name}Exception extends \\FuelException {}

class {$class_name}
\t * loaded instance
\t */
\tprotected static \$_instance = null;

\t * array of loaded instances
\t */
\tprotected static \$_instances = array();

\t * Default config
\t * @var array
\t */
\tprotected static \$_defaults = array();

\t * Init
\t */
\tpublic static function _init()
\t\t\\Config::load('{$name}', true);

\t * {$class_name} driver forge.
\t *
\t * @param\tstring\t\t\t\$instance\t\tInstance name
\t * @param\tarray\t\t\t\$config\t\tExtra config array
\t * @return  {$class_name} instance
\t */
\tpublic static function forge(\$instance = 'default', \$config = array())
\t\tis_array(\$config) or \$config = array('driver' => \$config);

\t\t\$config = \\Arr::merge(static::\$_defaults, \\Config::get('{$name}', array()), \$config);

\t\t\$class = '\\{$class_name}\\{$class_name}_' . ucfirst(strtolower(\$config['driver']));

\t\tif( ! class_exists(\$class, true))
\t\t\tthrow new \\FuelException('Could not find {$class_name} driver: ' . ucfirst(strtolower(\$config['driver']));

\t\t\$driver = new \$class(\$config);

\t\tstatic::\$_instances[\$instance] = \$driver;

\t\treturn \$driver;

\t * Return a specific driver, or the default instance (is created if necessary)
\t *
\t * @param   string  \$instance
\t * @return  {$class_name} instance
\t */
\tpublic static function instance(\$instance = null)
\t\tif (\$instance !== null)
\t\t\tif ( ! array_key_exists(\$instance, static::\$_instances))
\t\t\t\treturn false;

\t\t\treturn static::\$_instances[\$instance];

\t\tif (static::\$_instance === null)
\t\t\tstatic::\$_instance = static::forge();

\t\treturn static::\$_instance;

            static::create($path . 'classes' . DS . $name . '.php', $output);
            $output = <<<DRIVER

namespace {$class_name};

abstract class {$class_name}_Driver
\t* Driver config
\t* @var array
\tprotected \$config = array();

\t* Driver constructor
\t* @param array \$config driver config
\tpublic function __construct(array \$config = array())
\t\t\$this->config = \$config;

\t* Get a driver config setting.
\t* @param string \$key the config key
\t* @param mixed  \$default the default value
\t* @return mixed the config setting value
\tpublic function get_config(\$key, \$default = null)
\t\treturn \\Arr::get(\$this->config, \$key, \$default);

\t* Set a driver config setting.
\t* @param string \$key the config key
\t* @param mixed \$value the new config value
\t* @return object \$this for chaining
\tpublic function set_config(\$key, \$value)
\t\t\\Arr::set(\$this->config, \$key, \$value);

\t\treturn \$this;

            static::create($path . 'classes' . DS . $name . DS . 'driver.php', $output);
            $bootstrap = "\n\t'{$class_name}\\\\{$class_name}_Driver' => __DIR__ . '/classes/{$name}/driver.php',";
            if (is_array($drivers)) {
                foreach ($drivers as $driver) {
                    $driver = \Str::lower($driver);
                    $driver_name = ucfirst($driver);
                    $output = <<<CLASS

namespace {$class_name};

class {$class_name}_{$driver_name}  extends {$class_name}_Driver
\t* Driver specific functions

                    $bootstrap .= "\n\t'{$class_name}\\\\{$class_name}_{$driver_name}' => __DIR__ . '/classes/{$name}/{$driver}.php',";
                    static::create($path . 'classes' . DS . $name . DS . $driver . '.php', $output);
        } else {
            $output = <<<CLASS

namespace {$class_name};

class {$class_name}Exception extends \\FuelException {}

class {$class_name}
\t * Default config
\t * @var array
\t */
\tprotected static \$_defaults = array();

\t* Driver config
\t* @var array
\tprotected \$config = array();

\t * Init
\t */
\tpublic static function _init()
\t\t\\Config::load('{$name}', true);

\t * {$class_name} driver forge.
\t *
\t * @param\tarray\t\t\t\$config\t\tConfig array
\t * @return  {$class_name}
\t */
\tpublic static function forge(\$config = array())
\t\t\$config = \\Arr::merge(static::\$_defaults, \\Config::get('{$name}', array()), \$config);

\t\t\$class = new static(\$config);

\t\treturn \$class;

\t* Driver constructor
\t* @param array \$config driver config
\tpublic function __construct(array \$config = array())
\t\t\$this->config = \$config;

\t* Get a config setting.
\t* @param string \$key the config key
\t* @param mixed  \$default the default value
\t* @return mixed the config setting value
\tpublic function get_config(\$key, \$default = null)
\t\treturn \\Arr::get(\$this->config, \$key, \$default);

\t* Set a config setting.
\t* @param string \$key the config key
\t* @param mixed \$value the new config value
\t* @return object \$this for chaining
\tpublic function set_config(\$key, \$value)
\t\t\\Arr::set(\$this->config, \$key, \$value);

\t\treturn \$this;

            static::create($path . 'classes' . DS . $name . '.php', $output);
            $bootstrap = "";
        $output = <<<CONFIG

return array(


        static::create($path . 'config' . DS . $name . '.php', $output);
        $output = <<<CLASS


\t'{$class_name}\\\\{$class_name}' => __DIR__ . '/classes/{$name}.php',
\t'{$class_name}\\\\{$class_name}Exception' => __DIR__ . '/classes/{$name}.php',

        static::create($path . 'bootstrap.php', $output);
        $build and static::build();
예제 #5
파일: string.php 프로젝트: uzura8/flockbird
 public static function truncate4line($body, $line, $trimmarker = '...', $is_rtrim = true, $encoding = null)
     $encoding or $encoding = \Fuel::$encoding;
     $is_truncated = false;
     if (!$line) {
         return array($body, $is_truncated);
     if (!($pos = Util_string::mb_strpos_n($body, "\n", $line, $encoding))) {
         return array($body, $is_truncated);
     $is_truncated = $pos < mb_strlen($body, $encoding);
     $body = mb_substr($body, 0, $pos, $encoding);
     if ($is_truncated) {
         if ($is_rtrim) {
             $body = rtrim($body);
         if ($trimmarker) {
             if (!Str::ends_with($body, "\n")) {
                 $body .= ' ';
             $body .= $trimmarker;
     return array($body, $is_truncated);
예제 #6
파일: str.php 프로젝트: takawasitobi/pembit
  * Test for Str::ends_with()
  * @test
 public function test_ends_with()
     $string = 'HELLO WORLD';
     $output = Str::ends_with($string, 'WORLD');
     $output = Str::ends_with($string, 'world');
     $output = Str::ends_with($string, 'world', true);
예제 #7
 protected static function process_migration($scaffold, $module, $module_path)
      * Migration files are a special case because the 
      * original and destination file names are not
      * constant. Depending on the existing migrations
      * files, we could have to move the
      * 003_create_category.php migration file from the
      * application to the 002_create_category.php
      * migration file in the module.
      * Moreover, we don't need to do any replacements
      * here.
     $app_migrations_path = APPPATH . 'migrations';
     $module_migrations_path = $module_path . 'migrations';
     // Getting the list of migrations files in the
     // application.
     $app_migrations = \File::read_dir($app_migrations_path);
     // If the migration directory doesn't exists in the
     // module, we create it.
     if (!file_exists($module_migrations_path)) {
         mkdir($module_migrations_path, static::$folder_permissions, true);
     $migration_filename_end = '_create_' . \Inflector::pluralize($scaffold) . '.php';
     $module_migrations = \File::read_dir($module_migrations_path);
     // Searching if the migration file already exists
     $module_migration_filename = null;
     $already_exists = false;
     foreach ($module_migrations as $module_migration) {
         if (\Str::ends_with($module_migration, $migration_filename_end)) {
             $module_migration_filename = $module_migration;
             $already_exists = true;
     // If it doesn't, the migration file name generated
     if (is_null($module_migration_filename)) {
         // Finding the destination migration file name.
         $nb_module_migrations = count($module_migrations);
         $module_migration_number = str_pad($nb_module_migrations + 1, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
         $module_migration_filename = $module_migration_number . $migration_filename_end;
     // Finding the original migration file
     foreach ($app_migrations as $app_migration) {
         if (\Str::ends_with($app_migration, $migration_filename_end)) {
             // Moving it to the destination file.
             $migration_from = $app_migrations_path . DS . $app_migration;
             $migration_to = $module_migrations_path . DS . $module_migration_filename;
              * If it already exists, the migration is
              * not overriden except if the force option
              * is set.
             if (!$already_exists || static::$force) {
                 \Cli::write("\tCreating migration: " . $migration_to, 'green');
                 file_put_contents($migration_to, file_get_contents($migration_from));
             \Cli::write("\tDeleting migration: " . $migration_from, 'green');
예제 #8
  * Add file to zip
  * @param string      $filename
  * @param string|null $localname Where will be added to the file in the zip
  * @return bool
 private function addFileToZip($filename, $localname = null)
     if ($localname === null) {
         $localname . basename($filename);
     if (empty($localname)) {
         $localname = basename($filename);
     } elseif (!empty($localname) && !\Str::ends_with($localname, '/')) {
         $localname .= '/' . basename($filename);
     $result = $this->_zip_archive->addFile($filename, $localname);
     return $result;