protected function execute() { $sph = $this->sphinxClient->RunQueries(); if ($error = $this->sphinxClient->GetLastError()) { throw new ESphinxException($error); } if ($error = $this->sphinxClient->GetLastWarning()) { throw new ESphinxException($error); } if (!is_array($sph)) { throw new ESphinxException("Sphinx client returns result not array"); } $results = array(); foreach ($sph as $result) { if (isset($result['error']) && strlen($result['error'])) { throw new ESphinxException($result['error']); } $results[] = new ESphinxResult($result); } return $results; }
<?php require "spec/fixtures/sphinxapi.php"; $cl = new SphinxClient(); $cl->SetRetries(10, 20); $cl->AddQuery('test1'); $cl->SetGroupBy('attr', SPH_GROUPBY_DAY); $cl->AddQuery('test2'); $cl->RunQueries();
/** * Does an index search via Sphinx and returns the results * * @param string $type Search type. Valid types are: author, title, series, subject, keyword (default) * @param string $term Search term/phrase * @param int $limit Number of results to return * @param int $offset Where to begin result set -- for pagination purposes * @param array $sort_array Numerically keyed array of sort parameters. Valid options are: newest, oldest * @param array $location_array Numerically keyed array of location params. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET * @param array $facet_args String-keyed array of facet parameters. See code below for array structure * @return array String-keyed result set */ public function search($type, $term, $limit, $offset, $sort_opt = NULL, $format_array = array(), $location_array = array(), $facet_args = array(), $override_search_filter = FALSE, $limit_available = FALSE, $show_inactive = FALSE) { if (is_callable(array(__CLASS__ . '_hook', __FUNCTION__))) { eval('$hook = new ' . __CLASS__ . '_hook;'); return $hook->{__FUNCTION__}($type, $term, $limit, $offset, $sort_opt, $format_array, $location_array, $facet_args, $override_search_filter, $limit_available); } require_once $this->locum_config['sphinx_config']['api_path'] . '/sphinxapi.php'; $db =& MDB2::connect($this->dsn); $term_arr = explode('?', trim(preg_replace('/\\//', ' ', $term))); $term = trim($term_arr[0]); if ($term == '*' || $term == '**') { $term = ''; } else { $term_prestrip = $term; //$term = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z0-9*\- ]/iD', '', $term); $term = preg_replace('/\\*\\*/', '*', $term); //fix for how iii used to do wildcards } $final_result_set['term'] = $term; $final_result_set['type'] = trim($type); $cl = new SphinxClient(); $cl->SetServer($this->locum_config['sphinx_config']['server_addr'], (int) $this->locum_config['sphinx_config']['server_port']); // Defaults to 'keyword', non-boolean $bool = FALSE; $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ALL); if (!$term) { // Searches for everything (usually for browsing purposes--Hot/New Items, etc..) $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2); } else { $picturebook = array('picturebook', 'picture book'); $picbk_search = '(@callnum ^E)'; $term = str_ireplace($picturebook, $picbk_search, $term); if ($type == 'keyword') { // Custom fiction and non-fiction search $nonfic_search = ' (@callnum "0*" | @callnum "1*" | @callnum "2*" | @callnum "3*" | @callnum "4*" | @callnum "5*" | @callnum "6*" | @callnum "7*" | @callnum "8*" | @callnum "9*")'; $fiction_search = ' (@title fiction | @subjects fiction | @callnum mystery | @callnum fantasy | @callnum fiction | @callnum western | @callnum romance)'; if (stripos($term, 'nonfiction') !== FALSE) { $term = '@@relaxed ' . str_ireplace('nonfiction', '', $term) . $nonfic_search; } else { if (strpos($term, 'non-fiction') !== FALSE) { $term = '@@relaxed ' . str_ireplace('non-fiction', '', $term) . $nonfic_search; } else { if (strpos($term, 'fiction') !== FALSE) { $term = '@@relaxed ' . str_ireplace('fiction', '', $term) . $fiction_search; } } } } // Is it a boolean search? if (preg_match("/ \\| /i", $term) || preg_match("/ \\-/i", $term) || preg_match("/ \\!/i", $term)) { $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN); $bool = TRUE; } if (preg_match("/ OR /i", $term)) { $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_BOOLEAN); $term = preg_replace('/ OR /i', ' | ', $term); $bool = TRUE; } // Is it a phrase search? if (preg_match("/\"/i", $term) || preg_match("/\\@/i", $term)) { $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2); $bool = TRUE; } } // Set up for the various search types switch ($type) { case 'author': $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('author' => 50, 'addl_author' => 30)); $idx = 'bib_items_author'; break; case 'title': $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('title' => 50, 'title_medium' => 50, 'series' => 30)); $idx = 'bib_items_title'; break; case 'series': $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('title' => 5, 'series' => 80)); $idx = 'bib_items_title'; break; case 'subject': $idx = 'bib_items_subject'; break; case 'callnum': $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('callnum' => 100)); $idx = 'bib_items_callnum'; //$cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ANY); break; case 'tags': $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('tag_idx' => 100)); $idx = 'bib_items_tags'; //$cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_PHRASE); break; case 'reviews': $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('review_idx' => 100)); $idx = 'bib_items_reviews'; break; case 'keyword': default: $cl->SetFieldWeights(array('title' => 400, 'title_medium' => 30, 'author' => 70, 'addl_author' => 40, 'tag_idx' => 25, 'series' => 25, 'review_idx' => 10, 'notes' => 10, 'subjects' => 5)); $idx = 'bib_items_keyword'; break; } // Filter out the records we don't want shown, per locum.ini if (!$override_search_filter) { if (trim($this->locum_config['location_limits']['no_search'])) { $cfg_filter_arr = $this->csv_parser($this->locum_config['location_limits']['no_search']); foreach ($cfg_filter_arr as $cfg_filter) { $cfg_filter_vals[] = $this->string_poly($cfg_filter); } $cl->SetFilter('loc_code', $cfg_filter_vals, TRUE); } } // Valid sort types are 'newest' and 'oldest'. Default is relevance. switch ($sort_opt) { case 'newest': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'pub_year DESC, @relevance DESC'); break; case 'oldest': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'pub_year ASC, @relevance DESC'); break; case 'catalog_newest': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'bib_created DESC, @relevance DESC'); break; case 'catalog_oldest': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'bib_created ASC, @relevance DESC'); break; case 'title': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, 'title_ord'); break; case 'author': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'author_null ASC, author_ord ASC'); break; case 'top_rated': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'rating_idx'); break; case 'popular_week': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'hold_count_week'); break; case 'popular_month': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'hold_count_month'); break; case 'popular_year': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'hold_count_year'); break; case 'popular_total': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'hold_count_total'); break; case 'atoz': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, 'title_ord'); break; case 'ztoa': $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'title_ord'); break; default: $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXPR, "@weight + (hold_count_total)*0.02"); break; } // Filter by material types if (is_array($format_array)) { foreach ($format_array as $format) { if (strtolower($format) != 'all') { $filter_arr_mat[] = $this->string_poly(trim($format)); } } if (count($filter_arr_mat)) { $cl->SetFilter('mat_code', $filter_arr_mat); } } // Filter by location if (count($location_array)) { foreach ($location_array as $location) { if (strtolower($location) != 'all') { $filter_arr_loc[] = $this->string_poly(trim($location)); } } if (count($filter_arr_loc)) { $cl->SetFilter('loc_code', $filter_arr_loc); } } // Filter by pub_year if ($facet_args['facet_year']) { if (strpos($facet_args['facet_year'][0], '-') !== FALSE) { $min_year = 1; $max_year = 9999; $args = explode('-', $facet_args['facet_year'][0]); $min_arg = (int) $args[0]; $max_arg = (int) $args[1]; if ($min_arg && $min_arg > $min_year) { $min_year = $min_arg; } if ($max_arg && $max_arg < $max_year) { $max_year = $max_arg; } $cl->setFilterRange('pub_year', $min_year, $max_year); } else { $cl->SetFilter('pub_year', $facet_args['facet_year']); } } // Filter by pub_decade if ($facet_args['facet_decade']) { $cl->SetFilter('pub_decade', $facet_args['facet_decade']); } // Filter by lexile if ($facet_args['facet_lexile']) { $cl->SetFilter('lexile', $facet_args['facet_lexile']); } // Filter by Series if (count($facet_args['facet_series'])) { foreach ($facet_args['facet_series'] as &$facet_series) { $facet_series = $this->string_poly($facet_series); } $cl->SetFilter('series_attr', $facet_args['facet_series']); } // Filter by Language if (count($facet_args['facet_lang'])) { foreach ($facet_args['facet_lang'] as &$facet_lang) { $facet_lang = $this->string_poly($facet_lang); } $cl->SetFilter('lang', $facet_args['facet_lang']); } // Filter inactive records if (!$show_inactive) { $cl->SetFilter('active', array('0'), TRUE); } // Filter by age if (count($facet_args['age'])) { foreach ($facet_args['age'] as $age_facet) { $cl->SetFilter('ages', array($this->string_poly($age_facet))); } } // Filter by availability if ($limit_available) { $cl->SetFilter('branches', array($this->string_poly($limit_available))); } $cl->SetRankingMode(SPH_RANK_SPH04); $proximity_check = $cl->Query($term, $idx); // Quick check on number of results // If original match didn't return any results, try a proximity search if (empty($proximity_check['matches']) && $bool == FALSE && $term != "*" && $type != "tags") { $term = '"' . $term . '"/1'; $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED); $forcedchange = 'yes'; } // Paging/browsing through the result set. $sort_limit = 2000; if ($offset + $limit > $sort_limit) { $sort_limit = $offset + $limit; } $cl->SetLimits((int) $offset, (int) $limit, (int) $sort_limit); // And finally.... we search. $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); // CREATE FACETS $cl->SetLimits(0, 1000); // Up to 1000 facets $cl->SetArrayResult(TRUE); // Allow duplicate documents in result, for facet grouping $cl->SetGroupBy('pub_year', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR); $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); $cl->ResetGroupBy(); $cl->SetGroupBy('pub_decade', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR); $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); $cl->ResetGroupBy(); $cl->SetGroupBy('mat_code', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, '@count desc'); $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); $cl->ResetGroupBy(); $cl->SetGroupBy('branches', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, '@count desc'); $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); $cl->ResetGroupBy(); $cl->SetGroupBy('ages', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, '@count desc'); $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); $cl->ResetGroupBy(); $cl->SetGroupBy('lang', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, '@count desc'); $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); $cl->ResetGroupBy(); $cl->SetGroupBy('series_attr', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, '@count desc'); $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); $cl->ResetGroupBy(); $cl->SetGroupBy('lexile', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR); $cl->AddQuery($term, $idx); $cl->ResetGroupBy(); $results = $cl->RunQueries(); // Include descriptors $final_result_set['num_hits'] = $results[0]['total_found']; if ($results[0]['total'] <= $this->locum_config['api_config']['suggestion_threshold'] || $forcedchange == 'yes') { if ($this->locum_config['api_config']['use_yahoo_suggest'] == TRUE) { $final_result_set['suggestion'] = $this->yahoo_suggest($term_prestrip); } } // Pull full records out of Couch if ($final_result_set['num_hits']) { $skip_avail = $this->csv_parser($this->locum_config['format_special']['skip_avail']); $bib_hits = array(); foreach ($results[0]['matches'] as $match) { $bib_hits[] = (string) $match['id']; } $final_result_set['results'] = $this->get_bib_items_arr($bib_hits); foreach ($final_result_set['results'] as &$result) { $result = $result['value']; if ($result['bnum']) { // Get availability (Only cached) $result['status'] = $this->get_item_status($result['bnum'], FALSE, TRUE); } } } $final_result_set['facets'] = $this->sphinx_facetizer($results); if ($forcedchange == 'yes') { $final_result_set['changed'] = 'yes'; } return $final_result_set; }
/** * 执行批量查询 * * @return array The results of the queries. */ function runQueries() { return $this->sphinx->RunQueries(); }
function sphinx_do_search($by_date = false, $start = 0, $count = 50) { global $globals; $start_time = microtime(true); $indices = $_REQUEST['w'] . ' ' . $_REQUEST['w'] . '_delta'; $cl = new SphinxClient(); $cl->SetServer($globals['sphinx_server'], $globals['sphinx_port']); $cl->SetLimits($start, $count); // status, title, tags, url, content $cl->SetWeights(array(0, 4, 2, 1, 1)); $response = array(); $queries = array(); $recorded = array(); $response['rows'] = 0; $response['time'] = 0; if (empty($_REQUEST['words'])) { return $response; } $words_array = explode(" ", $_REQUEST['words']); $words_count = count($words_array); $words = $_REQUEST['words']; if ($_REQUEST['t']) { $max_date = time(); $min_date = intval($_REQUEST['t']); $cl->SetFilterRange('date', $min_date, $max_date); } if ($_REQUEST['h']) { $max_date = time(); $min_date = $max_date - intval($_REQUEST['h']) * 3600; $cl->SetFilterRange('date', $min_date, $max_date); } if ($_REQUEST['w'] == 'links' && $_REQUEST['s']) { $cl->SetFilter('status', array($_REQUEST['s_id'])); } if ($_REQUEST['u']) { $u = new User(); $u->username = $_REQUEST['u']; $u->read(); $cl->SetFilterRange('user', $u->id, $u->id); } if ($_REQUEST['w'] == 'links' && $_REQUEST['p']) { $f = '@' . $_REQUEST['p']; } else { $f = '@*'; } if ($by_date || $_REQUEST['o'] == 'date') { $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'date'); } else { $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'date'); //$cl->SetSortMode (SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE); } $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2); if ($_REQUEST['p'] == 'url') { $q = $cl->AddQuery("{$f} \"{$words}\"", $indices); } else { $q = $cl->AddQuery("{$f} {$words}", $indices); } array_push($queries, $q); // If there are no boolean opertions, add a new search for ANY of the terms if (!preg_match('/( and | or | [\\-\\+\\&\\|])/i', $words) && $words_count > 1) { $n = 0; foreach ($words_array as $w) { if ($n > 0) { $f .= ' |'; } $f .= " {$w}"; $n++; } $q = $cl->AddQuery($f, $indices); array_push($queries, $q); } $results = $cl->RunQueries(); $n = 0; $response['error'] = $results['error']; foreach ($queries as $q) { $res = $results[$q]; if (is_array($res["matches"])) { $response['rows'] += $res["total_found"]; // $response['time'] += $res["time"]; foreach ($res["matches"] as $doc => $docinfo) { if (!$recorded[$doc]) { $response['ids'][$n] = $doc; $recorded[$doc] = true; $n++; } else { $response['rows']--; } } } } $response['time'] = microtime(true) - $start_time; return $response; }
function CsGetData($index = '*', $words = '卫浴', $wheres = '', $orderby = 'id desc', $firstRow = 0, $listRows = 10, $timeout = 1, $host = 'localhost', $port = 9312) { require C('INTERFACE_PATH') . 'coreseek/api/sphinxapi.php'; $mem = new Memcache(); $result = $mem->connect('localhost', 11211); $mem_key = 'coreseek_config'; if ($mem->get($mem_key)) { $config = $mem->get($mem_key); } else { $config = (require C('ROOT_SITE_DIR') . 'coreseek_config.php'); $mem->set($mem_key, $config, 0, 86400 * 365); } if (date('H') > 5 && date('H') < 6) { $host = $config[1]['host']; $port = $config[1]['port']; } else { $host = $config[1]['host']; $port = $config[1]['port']; } $cl = new SphinxClient(); $cl->SetServer($host, $port); $cl->SetArrayResult(true); $cl->SetConnectTimeout($timeout); if ($wheres) { foreach ($wheres as $where) { $cl->SetFilter($where['field'], array($where['value']), $where['status']); } } $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, $orderby); $cl->SetLimits($firstRow, $listRows); $cl->AddQuery($words, $index); $result = $cl->RunQueries(); return $result; }
public function indexAction(Application $application, Template $template) { $template->setParameter('title', 'Форс-о-метр'); if (array_key_exists('query', $_GET)) { $query = $this['query'] = $_GET['query']; $search = new SphinxClient(); $search->SetServer('localhost', 3312); $search->SetGroupBy('created_at', SPH_GROUPBY_MONTH); // Полный поиск (запрос): $search->ResetFilters(); $search->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_PHRASE); $search->AddQuery($query, 'forceometer'); // Поиск уникальных в месяц (запрос): $search->ResetFilters(); $search->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_PHRASE); $search->SetFilter('uniq_m', array(1)); $search->AddQuery($query, 'forceometer'); // Поиск уникальных вообще (запрос): $search->ResetFilters(); $search->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_PHRASE); $search->SetFilter('uniq_f', array(1)); $search->AddQuery($query, 'forceometer'); $query_result = $search->RunQueries(); // Поиск уникальных постеров месяца (вообще): $search->ResetFilters(); $search->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_FULLSCAN); $search->SetFilter('uniq_m', array(1)); $bare_query = $search->Query('', 'forceometer'); /* $search -> ResetFilters(); $search -> SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_FULLSCAN); $bare_query2 = $search -> Query('', 'forceometer'); */ if (!$query_result || $query_result[0]['total_found'] == 0) { $this['not_found'] = 1; return true; } $result = array('posts' => array(), 'posters' => array(), 'uniq_m' => array(), 'uniq_f' => array()); for ($y = 2009; $y <= date('Y'); $y++) { for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) { // Пропуск несуществующих дат и текущего месяца: if ($y == 2009 && $m < 3) { continue; } if ($y == date('Y') && $m >= date('m')) { break; } $stamp = $y . '-' . ($m < 10 ? '0' . $m : $m) . '-01'; $result['posts'][$stamp] = 0; $result['posters'][$stamp] = 0; $result['uniq_m'][$stamp] = 0; $result['uniq_f'][$stamp] = 0; } } // Проходим результаты: if ($query_result[0]['matches']) { foreach ($query_result[0]['matches'] as $match) { $date = $match['attrs']['@groupby']; $stamp = substr($date, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($date, 4, 2) . '-01'; if (array_key_exists($stamp, $result['posts'])) { $result['posts'][$stamp] = $match['attrs']['@count']; } } } if ($bare_query['matches']) { foreach ($bare_query['matches'] as $match) { $date = $match['attrs']['@groupby']; $stamp = substr($date, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($date, 4, 2) . '-01'; if (array_key_exists($stamp, $result['posters'])) { $result['posters'][$stamp] = $match['attrs']['@count']; } } } if ($query_result[1]['matches']) { foreach ($query_result[1]['matches'] as $match) { $date = $match['attrs']['@groupby']; $stamp = substr($date, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($date, 4, 2) . '-01'; if (array_key_exists($stamp, $result['uniq_m'])) { $result['uniq_m'][$stamp] = $match['attrs']['@count']; } } } /* if ($bare_query2['matches']) { foreach($bare_query2['matches'] as $match) { $date = $match['attrs']['@groupby']; $stamp = substr($date, 0, 4) .'-'. substr($date, 4, 2) .'-01'; if (array_key_exists($stamp, $result['uniq_f'])) $result['uniq_f'][$stamp] = $match['attrs']['@count']; } }*/ foreach ($result['posts'] as $date => $count) { if ($count == 0) { unset($result['posts'][$date]); unset($result['posters'][$date]); unset($result['uniq_f'][$date]); unset($result['uniq_m'][$date]); } } $this['results'] = json_encode($result); unset($result); return true; } return true; }
/** * 从sphinx获取数据 不带分组筛选 * @author 吕小虎 * @datetime * @return */ public function sphinx($data) { $this->data = $data; //分词 $this->data['split'] = \Xz\Func\Common\Tools::curlGetContentMs($this->di['config']->base->split . '/wd/' . urlencode($this->data['wd']), 50); if (empty($this->data['split'])) { $this->data['split'] = $data['wd']; } $sphinxConfig = $this->di["config"]["combusinessearchsphinxdist"]; $sphinx = new \SphinxClient(); $sphinx->SetServer($sphinxConfig['host'], intval($sphinxConfig['port'])); // $sphinx->SetServer('', 9111); $indexTable = $sphinxConfig->table; $gcdweight = "weight()+IF(hasgccid>0, 100, 0) as cbweight"; $fieldStr = "id, comname, legal, areaid, uptime,{$gcdweight}"; $sphinx->SetSelect($fieldStr); //排序 有gccid的靠前 if (isset($data['order']) && !empty($data['order'])) { $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, $data['order']); } else { $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'cbweight DESC'); } //搜某个字段 $t = isset($this->data['t']) ? trim($this->data['t']) : ''; //搜索类型 app/common $type = isset($this->data['type']) ? $this->data['type'] : 'common'; //一级分类筛选 if (!empty($this->data['cate1id']) && intval($this->data['cate1id']) > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('cate1', array(intval($this->data['cate1id'])), false); } //二级分类筛选 if (!empty($this->data['cate2id']) && intval($this->data['cate2id']) > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('cate2', array(intval($this->data['cate2id'])), false); } //地区筛选 if (!empty($this->data['areaid']) && intval($this->data['areaid']) > 0) { if ($this->data['areaid'] % 10000 == 0) { $start = intval($this->data['areaid'] / 10000) * 10000; $end = $start + 9999; $sphinx->SetFilterRange('areaid', $start, $end, false); } elseif ($this->data['areaid'] % 100 == 0) { $start = intval($this->data['areaid'] / 100) * 100; $end = $start + 99; $sphinx->SetFilterRange('areaid', $start, $end, false); } else { $sphinx->SetFilter('areaid', array(intval($this->data['areaid']))); } } //成立时间筛选 if (isset($this->data['foundstart']) && $this->data['foundstart'] > 0) { $start = intval($this->data['foundstart']); $end = isset($this->data['foundend']) && $this->data['foundend'] > $this->data['foundstart'] ? intval($this->data['foundend']) : time(); $sphinx->SetFilterRange('startdate', $start, $end, false); } //成立时间筛选 if (isset($this->data['busstart']) && $this->data['busstart'] > 0) { $start = intval($this->data['busstart']); $end = isset($this->data['busend']) && $this->data['busend'] > $this->data['busstart'] ? intval($this->data['busend']) : time(); $sphinx->SetFilterRange('businessstart', $start, $end, false); } //注册资本 if (isset($this->data['regcapstart']) && $this->data['regcapstart'] > 0) { $start = intval($this->data['regcapstart']); $end = isset($this->data['regcapend']) && $this->data['regcapend'] > $this->data['regcapstart'] ? intval($this->data['regcapend']) : 100000000; $sphinx->SetFilterRange('regcapital', $start, $end, false); } //企业状态 if (isset($this->data['state']) && $this->data['state'] > 0) { if ($this->data['state'] == 10) { //有效企业 $sphinx->SetFilterRange('intstate', 0, 10, false); } elseif ($this->data['state'] == 20) { //无效企业 $sphinx->SetFilterRange('intstate', 11, 20, false); } else { $sphinx->SetFilter('intstate', array(intval($this->data['state'])), false); } } $offset = isset($this->data['offset']) ? intval($this->data['offset']) : 0; $limit = isset($this->data['limit']) ? intval($this->data['limit']) : 200; $max = isset($this->data['max']) ? intval($this->data['max']) : 200; $sphinx->SetLimits($offset, $limit, $max); //企业名称和企业法人搜索 企业注册号搜索 if (!empty($this->data['wd'])) { //处理搜索词 $keyArr = explode(' ', $this->data['split']); $keyArr = array_filter($keyArr); $keyStr = ''; if (is_array($keyArr) && !empty($keyArr)) { foreach ($keyArr as $value) { $keyStr .= '"' . $value . '" '; } } if (is_numeric($this->data['wd']) && mb_strlen($this->data['wd'], 'UTF-8') == 15) { //注册号全匹配搜索 $sphinx->AddQuery('@regno ' . $this->data['wd'], $indexTable); } elseif ($t == 'legal') { //企业名称和法人搜索 $sphinx->AddQuery('@legal ' . $this->data['wd'], $indexTable); } else { //企业名称和法人搜索 $sphinx->AddQuery('@(comname,legal) ' . $keyStr, $indexTable); } } else { $sphinx->AddQuery('', $indexTable); } $batchResult = $sphinx->RunQueries(); $error = $sphinx->getLastError(); if ($error) { $result['data'] = array(); $result['total_found'] = 0; $result['time'] = 0; return $result; } $result = array(); if (is_array($batchResult) && count($batchResult) > 0) { $result['data'] = $batchResult[0]; $result['total_found'] = $result['data']['total_found']; $result['time'] = $result['data']['time']; } $result['split'] = $this->data['split']; $cidArr = array(); if (isset($result['data']['matches'])) { foreach ($result['data']['matches'] as $k => $v) { $cidArr[] = $v['attrs']['id']; } } $result['data'] = $cidArr; return $this->outputData($result); }
function sphinx_get_search_link($by_date = false, $start = 0, $count = 50) { global $globals; $cl = new SphinxClient(); $cl->SetServer($globals['sphinx_server'], $globals['sphinx_port']); $cl->SetLimits($start, $count); // status, title, tags, url, content $cl->SetWeights(array(0, 4, 2, 1, 1)); $response = array(); $queries = array(); $recorded = array(); $response['rows'] = 0; $response['time'] = 0; $words = $_REQUEST['q'] = trim(substr(strip_tags($_REQUEST['q']), 0, 250)); if (empty($words)) { return $response; } if (preg_match('/^ *(\\w+): *(.*)/', $words, $matches)) { $prefix = $matches[1]; $words = $matches[2]; } if (preg_match('/^http[s]*/', $prefix)) { // It's an url search $words = "{$prefix}:{$words}"; $prefix = false; $field = 'url'; } if ($prefix) { switch ($prefix) { case 'date': $by_date = true; break; case 'url': $field = 'url'; break; case 'title': $field = 'title'; break; case 'tag': case 'tags': $field = 'tags'; break; } } $words_count = count(explode(" ", $words)); if ($field) { $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'date'); $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED); $q = $cl->AddQuery("@{$field} \"{$words}\"", 'main delta'); array_push($queries, $q); } elseif ($words_count < 2 || $by_date) { $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'date'); $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ALL); $q = $cl->AddQuery($words, 'main delta'); array_push($queries, $q); } else { if ($words_count > 2) { $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_PHRASE); //$cl->SetSortMode (SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'date'); $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE); $q = $cl->AddQuery($words, 'main delta'); array_push($queries, $q); } $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ALL); $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'date'); //$cl->SetSortMode (SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE); $q = $cl->AddQuery($words, 'main delta'); array_push($queries, $q); $cl->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_ANY); $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_RELEVANCE); $q = $cl->AddQuery($words, 'main delta'); array_push($queries, $q); } $results = $cl->RunQueries(); $n = 0; $response['error'] = $results['error']; foreach ($queries as $q) { $res = $results[$q]; if (is_array($res["matches"])) { $response['rows'] += $res["total_found"]; $response['time'] += $res["time"]; foreach ($res["matches"] as $doc => $docinfo) { if (!$recorded[$doc]) { $response['ids'][$n] = $doc; $recorded[$doc] = true; $n++; } else { $response['rows']--; } } } } return $response; }
protected function QuerySearch($index, $sort, $order, $port = 9312, $host = 'localhost') { $sphinx = new SphinxClient(); $sphinx->SetServer($host, $port); $sphinx->SetConnectTimeout(1); $sphinx->SetArrayResult(true); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, static::LIMIT_SEARCH); $sphinx->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2); $sphinx->SetSortMode($order, $sort); // Limit results to a certain period if (!is_null($this->search_range)) { $sphinx->SetFilterRange($sort, time() - $this->search_range, time()); } // Check for multi-query search if (is_array($this->search)) { foreach ($this->search as $query) { if (!empty($query)) { $sphinx->AddQuery($this->FilterSearch($query), $index); } } $result = $sphinx->RunQueries(); } else { $result = $sphinx->Query($this->FilterSearch($this->search), $index); } if ($result === false) { throw new ErrorException('Search failed: ' . $sphinx->GetLastError()); } // Return result $ids = array(); $ids[] = 0; // Make IN() valid even if Sphinx returned nothing if (is_array($this->search)) { // Merge results from multi-query search foreach ($result as $r) { if (isset($r['matches'])) { foreach ($r['matches'] as $match) { $ids[] = $match['id']; } } } } elseif (isset($result['matches'])) { foreach ($result['matches'] as $match) { $ids[] = $match['id']; } } return $ids; }
/** * 特殊的搜索,用于供应商查询收录,产品查询收录等 * * @Author tianyunzi * @DateTime 2015-12-23T15:16:46+0800 * @param [type] $data [description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function fromSpecialSphinx($data) { $this->data = $data; $this->data["split"] = "@comname " . $this->data["wd"]; $sphinxConfig = $this->di["config"]["prosearchd"]; $sphinx = new \SphinxClient(); $sphinx->SetServer($sphinxConfig['host'], intval($sphinxConfig['port'])); //$sphinx->SetMatchMode(SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2); $indexTable = "product_distri"; //TODO 索引范围 if (isset($this->data["cate1"]) && $this->data["cate1"] > 0) { $indexTable = "product_distri_" . $this->data["cate1"]; } if (!isset($this->data['cateid']) && isset($this->data['cate3'])) { $this->data['cateid'] = $this->data['cate3']; } $sphinx->SetSelect("id, cid, brand, feature, province, city"); if (isset($this->data["pid"]) && $this->data["pid"] > 0) { $this->data["split"] = ""; $sphinx->SetFilter("id", array($this->data["pid"]), false); } if (isset($this->data["cid"]) && $this->data["cid"] > 0) { $this->data["split"] = ""; $sphinx->SetFilter("cid", array($this->data["cid"]), false); } if (!empty($this->data['cateid']) && intval($this->data['cateid']) > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('cate3', array(intval($this->data['cateid'])), false); } if (!empty($this->data['brand']) && intval($this->data['brand']) > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('brand', array(intval($this->data['brand'])), false); } if (!empty($this->data['province']) && intval($this->data['province']) > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('province', array(intval($this->data['province'])), false); } if (!empty($this->data['city']) && intval($this->data['city']) > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('city', array(intval($this->data['city'])), false); } if (!empty($this->data['iscertify']) && intval($this->data['iscertify']) > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('is_gccertify', array(intval($this->data['iscertify'])), false); } if (!empty($this->data['isprice']) && intval($this->data['isprice']) > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilterRange('price', 1, 9999999, false); } if (!empty($this->data['feature'])) { $featureArr = explode('_', $this->data['feature']); foreach ($featureArr as $value) { $sphinx->SetFilter('feature', array(intval($value)), false); } } if (!empty($this->data['sort'])) { switch ($this->data['sort']) { case 1: $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'tradenum DESC'); break; case 2: $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'visitnum DESC'); //访问量/热度 break; case 3: $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'price DESC'); break; case 4: $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'price ASC'); break; case 6: $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'integral DESC'); break; default: $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'id DESC'); break; } } else { $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'id DESC'); } if (isset($this->data['pid']) && $this->data['pid'] > 0) { $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 1, 1); } else { $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 200, 200); } $sphinx->AddQuery($this->data['split'], $indexTable); $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('feature', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->AddQuery($this->data['split'], $indexTable); $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); if (isset($this->data["pid"]) && $this->data["pid"] > 0) { $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 1, 1); } else { $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); } $sphinx->SetGroupBy('brand', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->AddQuery($this->data['split'], $indexTable); if (!empty($this->data['province'])) { //市 $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('city', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->AddQuery($this->data['split'], $indexTable); } else { //省 $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('province', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->AddQuery($this->data['split'], $indexTable); } $batchResult = $sphinx->RunQueries(); $error = $sphinx->getLastError(); if ($error) { $result['data'] = array(); $result['property'] = '[]'; $result['brand'] = '[]'; $result['city'] = '[]'; $result['province'] = '[]'; $result['total_found'] = 0; $result['time'] = 0; $result['split'] = $this->data['split']; return $result['data']; } $result = array(); if (is_array($batchResult) && count($batchResult) > 0) { $result['data'] = $batchResult[0]; $result['property'] = isset($batchResult[1]) ? $batchResult[1] : array(); $result['brand'] = isset($batchResult[2]) ? $batchResult[2] : array(); if (!empty($this->data['province'])) { $result['city'] = isset($batchResult[3]) ? $batchResult[3] : array(); } else { $result['province'] = isset($batchResult[3]) ? $batchResult[3] : array(); } } $resData = array(); if (isset($result['data']['matches'])) { foreach ($result['data']['matches'] as $k => $v) { $resData[] = array($k, $v['attrs']['cid']); } } $result['total_found'] = $result['data']['total_found']; $result['time'] = $result['data']['time']; $result['split'] = $this->data['split']; $result['data'] = $resData; if (!empty($result['province'])) { $province = $this->fomatSphinxData($result['province']); $result['province'] = json_encode($province); } else { $result['province'] = '[]'; } if (!empty($result['city'])) { $city = $this->fomatSphinxData($result['city']); $result['city'] = json_encode($city); } else { $result['city'] = '[]'; } if (!empty($result['brand'])) { $brand = $this->fomatSphinxData($result['brand']); $result['brand'] = json_encode($brand); } else { $result['brand'] = '[]'; } if (!empty($result['property'])) { $property = $this->fomatSphinxData($result['property']); $result['property'] = json_encode($property); } else { $result['property'] = '[]'; } return $result; }
function sphinxList($filterArr, $page = 0) { $result = array('data' => array(), 'cate4' => array(), 'property' => array(), 'province' => array(), 'city' => array(), 'brand' => array(), 'total_found' => 0, 'time' => 0); $perpage = isset($filterArr['perpage']) && $filterArr['perpage'] ? $filterArr['perpage'] : 20; $sphinxConfig = array('host' => '', 'port' => 9020); $sphinx = new \SphinxClient(); $sphinx->SetServer($sphinxConfig['host'], intval($sphinxConfig['port'])); if (isset($filterArr["has_children"]) && $filterArr["has_children"] == 1) { $indexTable = "product_distri_special"; } elseif (isset($filterArr['cate1']) && $filterArr['cate1']) { $indexTable = "product_distri_" . $filterArr["cate1"]; } else { $indexTable = "product_m_distri"; } $gcdweight = "weight()+IF(id>900000000, tradenum*100, 0)+inquirynum*20+star*2+basescore*5+creditscore+IF(is_op=1, all_uv*10+all_pv, 0)+IF(id>900000000, weight()*0.1, 0) as gcpdweight"; if (isset($filterArr["has_children"]) && $filterArr["has_children"] == 1) { $sphinx->SetSelect("id, cid, brand, cate4, feature, province, city, {$gcdweight}"); } else { $sphinx->SetSelect("id, cid, brand, feature, province, city, {$gcdweight}"); } /**************************************** 过滤模块 ******************************************/ /* 分类过滤 */ if (isset($filterArr['cate3']) && isset($filterArr['cate2to3'])) { $sphinx->SetFilter('cate2', array(intval($filterArr["cate3"])), false); } elseif (isset($filterArr['cate3'])) { $sphinx->SetFilter('cate3', array(intval($filterArr["cate3"])), false); } /* 是否通过工厂认证 */ if (isset($filterArr['filters']['iscertify']) && $filterArr['filters']['iscertify'] > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('is_gccertify', array($filterArr['filters']['iscertify']), false); } /* 是否显示价格 */ if (isset($filterArr['filters']['isprice']) && $filterArr['filters']['isprice'] > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilterRange('price', 1, 9999999, false); } /* 省过滤 */ if (!empty($filterArr['filters']['province']) && is_numeric($filterArr['filters']['province'])) { $sphinx->SetFilter('province', array(intval($filterArr['filters']['province'])), false); } /* 市过滤 */ if (!empty($filterArr['filters']['city']) && is_numeric($filterArr['filters']['city'])) { $sphinx->SetFilter('city', array(intval($filterArr['filters']['city'])), false); } /* 品牌过滤 */ if (isset($filterArr['filters']['brand']) && $filterArr['filters']['brand'] > 0) { $sphinx->SetFilter('brand', array(intval($filterArr['filters']['brand'])), false); } /* 属性过滤 */ if (isset($filterArr['filters']['feature']) && $filterArr['filters']['feature']) { $featureArr = explode('_', $filterArr['filters']['feature']); foreach ($featureArr as $value) { $sphinx->SetFilter('feature', array(intval($value)), false); } } /***************************************** 过滤结束 ******************************************/ /***************************************** 排序 *********************************************/ $sort = isset($filterArr['orders']['sort']) ? $filterArr['orders']['sort'] : ''; if ($sort && $sort == 1) { //销量倒叙排列 $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'tradenum DESC'); } elseif ($sort && $sort == 2) { //热度倒叙排列 $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'visitnum DESC'); } elseif ($sort && $sort == 3) { //价格正序排列 $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'price ASC'); } elseif ($sort && $sort == 4) { //价格倒序排列 $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'price DESC'); } elseif ($sort && $sort == 5) { //返积分正序排列 $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'integral DESC'); } else { //默认综合排序 $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, 'gcpdweight DESC'); } /*************************************** 排序结束 ********************************************/ /* limit限制 */ $sphinx->SetLimits(0, $perpage * 10, $perpage * 10); $sphinx->AddQuery("", $indexTable); /**************************************** 开始并发查询 **************************************/ /*############# 属性 ###############*/ $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('feature', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 200, 200); $sphinx->AddQuery("", $indexTable); /*############# 省 ###############*/ $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('province', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->AddQuery("", $indexTable); /*############# 市 ###############*/ $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('city', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->AddQuery("", $indexTable); /*############# 品牌 ###############*/ $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('brand', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->AddQuery("", $indexTable); /*############# 4级分类 ###############*/ //有子分类使用特权产品索引,可以对cate4排序 if (isset($filterArr["has_children"]) && $filterArr["has_children"] == 1) { $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('cate4', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->AddQuery("", $indexTable); } /*############# 执行 ###############*/ $batchResult = $sphinx->RunQueries(); /**************************************** 完成并发查询 **************************************/ /**************************************** 错误验证 **************************************/ $error = $sphinx->getLastError(); if ($error) { return $result; } /**************************************** 结果抽取处理 **************************************/ if (is_array($batchResult) && count($batchResult) > 0) { $result['data'] = $batchResult[0]; $result['property'] = isset($batchResult[1]) ? $batchResult[1] : array(); $result['province'] = isset($batchResult[2]) ? $batchResult[2] : array(); $result['city'] = isset($batchResult[3]) ? $batchResult[3] : array(); $result['brand'] = isset($batchResult[4]) ? $batchResult[4] : array(); $result["cate4"] = isset($batchResult[5]) ? $batchResult[5] : array(); } else { return $result; } $resData = array(); if (!isset($result['data']['matches'])) { $result['data']['matches'] = array(); } foreach ($result['data']['matches'] as $k => $v) { $resData[] = array($k, $v['attrs']['cid']); } $result['total_found'] = $result['data']['total_found']; $result['time'] = $result['data']['time']; $result['data'] = $resData; $result['data'] = sortData($result['data']); if ($page > 0) { $result["data"] = array_slice($result["data"], ($page - 1) * $perpage, $perpage); } $result["property"] = !empty($result['property']) ? fomatSphinxData($result['property']) : array(); $result["province"] = !empty($result['province']) ? fomatSphinxData($result['province']) : array(); $result["city"] = !empty($result['city']) ? fomatSphinxData($result['city']) : array(); $result["brand"] = !empty($result['brand']) ? fomatSphinxData($result['brand']) : array(); $result["cate4"] = !empty($result['cate4']) ? fomatSphinxData($result['cate4']) : array(); $result["property"] = json_encode($result["property"], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $result["province"] = json_encode($result["province"], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $result["city"] = json_encode($result["city"], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $result["brand"] = json_encode($result["brand"], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $result["cate4"] = json_encode($result["cate4"], JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); return $result; }
/** * 功能描述 获取筛选 * @author 吕小虎 * @datetime ${DATE} ${TIME} * @version * @param * @return */ public function dataFilterFromSphinx($data) { $this->data = $data; //分词 $this->data['split'] = \Xz\Func\Common\Tools::curlGetContentMs($this->di['config']->base->split . '/wd/' . urlencode($this->data['wd']), 50); if (empty($this->data['split'])) { $this->data['split'] = $data['wd']; } $sphinxConfig = $this->di["config"]["combusinessearchsphinxdist"]; $sphinx = new \SphinxClient(); $sphinx->SetServer($sphinxConfig['host'], intval($sphinxConfig['port'])); $indexTable = $sphinxConfig->table; $fieldStr = isset($data['field']) ? implode(',', $data['field']) : "id, comname, legal, areaid, uptime"; $sphinx->SetSelect($fieldStr); //一级分类筛选 if (!empty($this->data['cate1id']) && intval($this->data['cate1id']) > 0) { $sphinx->AddQuery('@cate1', $this->data['cate1id'], $indexTable); } //二级分类筛选 if (!empty($this->data['cate2id']) && intval($this->data['cate2id']) > 0) { $sphinx->AddQuery('@cate2', $this->data['cate2id'], $indexTable); } //地区筛选 if (!empty($this->data['areaid']) && intval($this->data['areaid']) > 0) { if ($this->data['areaid'] % 10000 == 0) { $start = intval($this->data['areaid'] / 10000) * 10000; $end = $start + 9999; $sphinx->SetFilterRange('areaid', $start, $end, false); } elseif ($this->data['areaid'] % 100 == 0) { $start = intval($this->data['areaid'] / 100) * 100; $end = $start + 99; $sphinx->SetFilterRange('areaid', $start, $end, false); } else { $sphinx->SetFilter('areaid', intval($this->data['areaid'])); } } //企业名称和法人搜索 $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 1, 1); $sphinx->AddQuery('@(comname,legal)' . $this->data['split'], $indexTable); $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); //分类 $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('cate1', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->AddQuery('@(comname,legal)' . $this->data['split'], $indexTable); $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20, 20); $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('cate2', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->AddQuery('@(comname,legal)' . $this->data['split'], $indexTable); //地区 $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 35, 20); $sphinx->ResetGroupBy(); $sphinx->SetGroupBy('areaid', SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, "@count desc"); $sphinx->AddQuery('@(comname,legal)' . $this->data['split'], $indexTable); $result = array(); $batchResult = $sphinx->RunQueries(); // print_r($batchResult); $error = $sphinx->getLastError(); if ($error) { $result = array('cate1' => array(), 'cate2' => array(), 'areaid' => array()); } else { // $result['data'] = $batchResult[0]; $result['cate1'] = array(); if (isset($batchResult[1]['matches']) && is_array($batchResult[1]['matches']) && !empty($batchResult[1]['matches'])) { foreach ($batchResult[1]['matches'] as $value) { $result['cate1'][$value['attrs']['@groupby']] = $value['attrs']['@count']; } } $result['cate2'] = array(); if (isset($batchResult[2]['matches']) && is_array($batchResult[2]['matches']) && !empty($batchResult[2]['matches'])) { foreach ($batchResult[2]['matches'] as $value) { $result['cate2'][$value['attrs']['@groupby']] = $value['attrs']['@count']; } } $result['areaid'] = array(); if (isset($batchResult[3]['matches']) && is_array($batchResult[3]['matches']) && !empty($batchResult[3]['matches'])) { foreach ($batchResult[3]['matches'] as $value) { $result['areaid'][$value['attrs']['@groupby']] = $value['attrs']['@count']; } } } return $result; }
/** * RunQueries() + validate. * * - Single Query: Resultados da Query * * - Multi Query: Array de Resultados das Querys * * Formato de cada Resultado: * * <code> * //Results * array( * array( * 'id' => 12345, * 'weight' => 30, * 'attrs' => array(...) * ), * array( * 'id' => 23456, * 'weight' => 20, * 'attrs' => array(...) * ), * ... * ); * </code> * * @param \SphinxClient $sphinxClient * * @throws \Exception * * @return array */ protected function getResult(\SphinxClient $sphinxClient) { $result = $sphinxClient->RunQueries(); if (false === $result) { throw new \Exception($sphinxClient->getLastError()); } if ($sphinxClient->GetLastWarning()) { throw new \Exception($sphinxClient->GetLastWarning()); } if (false === $result) { throw new \Exception($sphinxClient->getLastError()); } if ($sphinxClient->GetLastWarning()) { throw new \Exception($sphinxClient->GetLastWarning()); } //Suporte ao formato inicial de unica query if (count($result) === 1) { return current($result); } return $result; }