GetLastWarning() 공개 메소드

get last warning message (string)
public GetLastWarning ( )
  * Search in sphinx client
  * @param string $query
  * @param string $index
  * @return SphinxResult|string
  * @throws \Exception
 public function search($query, $index = '*')
     $result = $this->_sphinx_client->Query($query, $index);
     if (!$result) {
         throw new \Exception("Sphinx client error: " . $this->_sphinx_client->GetLastError());
     } else {
         if (!empty($result['warning'])) {
             return $this->_sphinx_client->GetLastWarning();
         return new SphinxResult($result);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function query($query, $offset, $perPage, SearchEngineOptions $options = null)
     if (null === $options) {
         $options = new SearchEngineOptions();
     assert($offset >= 0);
     $query = $this->parseQuery($query);
     $preg = preg_match('/\\s?(recordid|storyid)\\s?=\\s?([0-9]+)/i', $query, $matches, 0, 0);
     if ($preg > 0) {
         $this->sphinx->SetFilter('record_id', [$matches[2]]);
         $query = '';
     $this->sphinx->SetLimits($offset, $perPage);
     $index = $this->getQueryIndex($query, $options);
     $res = $this->sphinx->Query($query, $index);
     $results = new ArrayCollection();
     if ($res === false) {
         if ($this->sphinx->IsConnectError() === true) {
             $error = $this->app->trans('Sphinx server is offline');
         } else {
             $error = $this->sphinx->GetLastError();
         $warning = $this->sphinx->GetLastWarning();
         $total = $available = $duration = 0;
         $suggestions = new ArrayCollection();
         $propositions = [];
     } else {
         $error = $res['error'];
         $warning = $res['warning'];
         $duration = $res['time'];
         $total = $res['total_found'];
         $available = $res['total'];
         $resultOffset = $offset;
         if (isset($res['matches'])) {
             foreach ($res['matches'] as $record_id => $match) {
                 try {
                     $record = new \record_adapter($this->app, $match['attrs']['sbas_id'], $match['attrs']['record_id'], $resultOffset);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $suggestions = $this->getSuggestions($query, $options);
         $propositions = '';
     return new SearchEngineResult($results, $query, $duration, $offset, $available, $total, $error, $warning, $suggestions, $propositions, $index);
예제 #3
 protected function execute()
     $sph = $this->sphinxClient->RunQueries();
     if ($error = $this->sphinxClient->GetLastError()) {
         throw new ESphinxException($error);
     if ($error = $this->sphinxClient->GetLastWarning()) {
         throw new ESphinxException($error);
     if (!is_array($sph)) {
         throw new ESphinxException("Sphinx client returns result not array");
     $results = array();
     foreach ($sph as $result) {
         if (isset($result['error']) && strlen($result['error'])) {
             throw new ESphinxException($result['error']);
         $results[] = new ESphinxResult($result);
     return $results;
예제 #4
if ($select) {
if ($limit) {
    $cl->SetLimits(0, $limit, $limit > 1000 ? $limit : 1000);
$res = $cl->Query($q, $index);
// print me out
if ($res === false) {
    print "Query failed: " . $cl->GetLastError() . ".\n";
} else {
    if ($cl->GetLastWarning()) {
        print "WARNING: " . $cl->GetLastWarning() . "\n\n";
    print "Query '{$q}' retrieved {$res['total']} of {$res['total_found']} matches in {$res['time']} sec.\n";
    print "Query stats:\n";
    if (is_array($res["words"])) {
        foreach ($res["words"] as $word => $info) {
            print "    '{$word}' found {$info['hits']} times in {$info['docs']} documents\n";
    print "\n";
    if (is_array($res["matches"])) {
        $n = 1;
        print "Matches:\n";
        foreach ($res["matches"] as $docinfo) {
            print "{$n}. doc_id={$docinfo['id']}, weight={$docinfo['weight']}";
        if ($forum = intval(trim($forum))) {
            $sp_fids[] = $forum;
    !empty($sp_fids) && $cl->setfilter('fid', $sp_fids);
$sp_page = isset($page) ? abs((int) $page) : 1;
$sp_page = max(1, $sp_page);
$sp_perpage = 10;
$sp_start = ($page - 1) * $sp_perpage;
$sp_total_result = 100;
$cl->setlimits($sp_start, $sp_perpage);
$res = $cl->query($sp_keyword, $sp_index);
//*	显示sphinx错误信息,用于调试
if ($cl->GetLastWarning()) {
    die("WARNING: " . $cl->GetLastWarning() . "\n\n");
if (empty($res['matches'])) {
    include template('search_threads');
$query_string = 'search.php?' . preg_replace('|&page=\\d+|', '', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);
$multipage = multi($res['total'], $sp_perpage, $sp_page, $query_string);
$sp_res_keys = array_keys($res['matches']);
$sp_find_ids = join(',', $sp_res_keys);
$sp_res_order = array_flip($sp_res_keys);
예제 #6
 public function run($subject_id, $clean = true, $query_offset = 0, $from, $to)
     // skip if matching_status is "matching"
     $matching_status = $this->custom_model->get_value('subject', 'matching_status', $subject_id);
     if ($matching_status == 'matching') {
         echo "subject is matching";
         return false;
     // flag subject as matching.. do other bot runs this queue.
     // clear all match record for this subject
     $config['hostname'] = "";
     $config['username'] = "******";
     $config['password'] = "******";
     $config['database'] = "thothconnect";
     $config['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
     $config['dbprefix'] = "";
     $config['pconnect'] = FALSE;
     $config['db_debug'] = TRUE;
     $config['cache_on'] = FALSE;
     $config['cachedir'] = "";
     $config['char_set'] = "utf8";
     $config['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
     $thothconnect_db = $this->load->database($config, true);
     $query = $this->db->query("SELECT client_id FROM subject WHERE id = " . $subject_id);
     $row = $query->row();
     $client_id = $row->client_id;
     if ($clean) {
         $thothconnect_db->delete('website_c' . $client_id, array('subject_id' => $subject_id));
         $thothconnect_db->delete('twitter_c' . $client_id, array('subject_id' => $subject_id));
         $thothconnect_db->delete('facebook_c' . $client_id, array('subject_id' => $subject_id));
     // begin re-matching this subject
     // get search string from subject_id
     $query = $this->custom_model->get_value('subject', 'query', $subject_id);
     // sphinx init
     $cl = new SphinxClient();
     $q = $query;
     $sql = "";
     $mode = SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED;
     $host = "";
     $port = 9312;
     $index = "*";
     $groupby = "";
     $groupsort = "@group desc";
     $filter = "group_id";
     $filtervals = array();
     $distinct = "";
     $sortby = "@id ASC";
     $sortexpr = "";
     $offset = $query_offset;
     $limit = 1000000;
     $ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25;
     $select = "";
     echo 'limit=' . $limit . ' offset=' . $offset . PHP_EOL;
     //Extract subject keyword from search string
     $keywords = get_keywords($q);
     // do query
     $cl->SetServer($host, $port);
     $cl->SetWeights(array(100, 1));
     // if ( count($filtervals) )	$cl->SetFilter ( $filter, $filtervals );
     // if ( $groupby )				$cl->SetGroupBy ( $groupby, SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, $groupsort );
     if ($sortby) {
         $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, $sortby);
     // if ( $sortexpr )			$cl->SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXPR, $sortexpr );
     if ($distinct) {
     if ($select) {
     if ($limit) {
         $cl->SetLimits(0, $limit, $limit > 1000000 ? $limit : 1000000);
     $res = $cl->Query($q, $index);
     //$res = true;
     // do Insert to DB
     // Current matching
     $current_matching = array();
     /*$query_matchs = $this->db->get_where('matchs',array('subject_id'=>$subject_id));
     		if($query_matchs->num_rows() > 0)
     			echo PHP_EOL.'currents matching :'.$query_matchs->num_rows();
     			foreach($query_matchs->result() as $match)
     				$current_matching[] = $match->post_id;
     // set matching date range from-to
     $from = strtotime($from);
     $to = strtotime($to);
     // Search and Update
     if ($res === false) {
         echo "Query failed: " . $cl->GetLastError() . ".\n";
     } else {
         if ($cl->GetLastWarning()) {
             echo "WARNING: " . $cl->GetLastWarning() . "\n\n";
         echo "Query '{$q}' \nretrieved {$res['total']} of {$res['total_found']} matches in {$res['time']} sec.\n";
         if ($res['total'] == 0) {
             echo "no result<br/>\n";
         } else {
             if ($res['total'] > $limit + $offset) {
                 $this->run($subject_id, $limit + $offset);
             } else {
                 echo "Updating...";
                 foreach ($res["matches"] as $k => $docinfo) {
                     //					echo '('.$k.')'.$docinfo["id"]." ";
                     // Reset PHP Timeout to 1min
                     // if found in $current_matching then skip
                     if (in_array($docinfo["id"], $current_matching)) {
                     } else {
                         // else insert new match
                         $post = new Post_model();
                         // if post_date is our of range then skip
                         $post_date = strtotime($post->post_date);
                         if ($post_date < $from || $post_date > $to) {
                         $mood = get_mood($post->body, $keywords);
                         $subject = $post->get_subject($subject_id);
                         if ($post->type == "post" || $post->type == "comment") {
                             $postData = $post->get_post_website($post->id);
                             if ($postData != null) {
                                 $data = array();
                                 $data["post_id"] = $postData->post_id;
                                 $data["post_date"] = $postData->post_date;
                                 $data["title"] = $postData->title;
                                 $data["body"] = $postData->body;
                                 $data["type"] = $postData->type;
                                 $data["author_id"] = $postData->author_id;
                                 $data["author"] = $postData->author;
                                 $data["website_id"] = $postData->website_id;
                                 $data["website_name"] = $postData->website_name;
                                 $data["website_cate_id"] = $postData->website_cate_id;
                                 $data["website_cate"] = $postData->website_cate;
                                 $data["website_type_id"] = $postData->website_type_id;
                                 $data["website_type"] = $postData->website_type;
                                 $data["group_id"] = $subject->group_id;
                                 $data["group"] = $subject->group;
                                 $data["url"] = substr($postData->root_url, 0, -1) . "" . $postData->url;
                                 $data["page_id"] = $postData->page_id;
                                 $data["subject_id"] = $subject->subject_id;
                                 $data["subject_name"] = $subject->subject_name;
                                 $data["mood"] = $mood;
                                 $data["mood_by"] = 'system';
                                 $thothconnect_db->insert("website_c" . $subject->client_id, $data);
                                 $post->insert_post_comment($postData->page_id, $subject->client_id, $thothconnect_db);
                         } else {
                             if ($post->type == "tweet" || $post->type == "retweet") {
                                 $postData = $post->get_post_twitter($post->id);
                                 if ($postData != null) {
                                     $data = array();
                                     $data["post_id"] = $postData->post_id;
                                     $data["post_date"] = $postData->post_date;
                                     $data["body"] = $postData->body;
                                     $data["type"] = $postData->type;
                                     $data["author_id"] = $postData->author_id;
                                     $data["author"] = $postData->author;
                                     $data["group_id"] = $subject->group_id;
                                     $data["group"] = $subject->group;
                                     $data["tweet_id"] = $postData->tweet_id;
                                     $data["subject_id"] = $subject->subject_id;
                                     $data["subject_name"] = $subject->subject_name;
                                     $data["mood"] = $mood;
                                     $data["mood_by"] = 'system';
                                     $thothconnect_db->insert("twitter_c" . $subject->client_id, $data);
                             } else {
                                 if ($post->type == "fb_post" || $post->type == "fb_comment") {
                                     $postData = $post->get_post_facebook($post->id);
                                     if ($postData != null) {
                                         $data = array();
                                         $data["post_id"] = $postData->post_id;
                                         $data["post_date"] = $postData->post_date;
                                         $data["body"] = $postData->body;
                                         $data["type"] = $postData->type;
                                         $data["author_id"] = $postData->author_id;
                                         $data["author"] = $postData->author;
                                         $data["group_id"] = $subject->group_id;
                                         $data["group"] = $subject->group;
                                         $data["facebook_page_id"] = $postData->facebook_page_id;
                                         $data["facebook_page_name"] = $postData->facebook_page_name;
                                         $data["subject_id"] = $subject->subject_id;
                                         $data["subject_name"] = $subject->subject_name;
                                         $data["facebook_id"] = $postData->facebook_id;
                                         $data["parent_post_id"] = $postData->parent_post_id;
                                         $data["likes"] = $postData->likes;
                                         $data["shares"] = $postData->shares;
                                         $data["mood"] = $mood;
                                         $data["mood_by"] = 'system';
                                         $thothconnect_db->insert("facebook_c" . $subject->client_id, $data);
                         $data = array(
                         	'post_id'=> $post->id, 
                         	'subject_id' => $subject_id , 
                         	'matching_date' => null,
                         	'sentiment' => $mood,
                         	'by' => 'system',
                         	'system_correct' => $mood,
                         	'system_correct_date' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i',time())
     // flag subject as update..
     $data = array('matching_status' => 'update', 'latest_matching' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', time()), 'from' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', $from), 'to' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', $to));
     $this->db->update('subject', $data, array('id' => $subject_id));
예제 #7
 function getLastWarning()
     return $this->sphinx->GetLastWarning();
예제 #8
  * Return last warning
  * @return string
 public function getWarning()
     return $this->client->GetLastWarning();
예제 #9
 private function doSearch($q, $page)
     global $wgOut;
     $mode = SPH_MATCH_ALL;
     $index = 'suggested_titles';
     $page_size = 20;
     $limit = 1000;
     $ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25;
     $host = 'localhost';
     $port = 9312;
     $cl = new SphinxClient();
     $cl->SetServer($host, $port);
     $cl->SetWeights(array('wst_title' => 5, 'wst_text' => 2));
     $cl->SetLimits(($page - 1) * $page_size, $page_size, $limit);
     // don't search w/ leading "how to" if user added it
     $q_prime = preg_replace('@^\\s*how\\s+to\\s+@i', '', $q);
     $res = $cl->Query($q_prime, $index);
     $error = $res === false ? $cl->GetLastError() : '';
     $warning = $cl->GetLastWarning();
     /*$spelling = $this->getSpellingInfo($q);
     		if ($spelling) {
     			$res['spelling'] = $spelling;
     		} else {
     			$res['spelling'] = '';
     if (count($res['matches']) > 0) {
         $titles = $this->getInfo($res['matches']);
         $keys = array_keys($titles);
         $excerpts = $cl->BuildExcerpts($titles, 'suggested_titles', $q);
         foreach ($excerpts as $i => $excerpt) {
             $excerpts[$keys[$i]] = $excerpt;
         foreach ($res['matches'] as $i => &$docinfo) {
             $id = $docinfo['id'];
             $docinfo['attrs']['excerpt'] = $excerpts[$id];
     } else {
         $error = wfMsg('search-keywords-not-found', $q);
     // construct paging bar
     $total = (int) ceil(1.0 * $res['total_found'] / $page_size);
     $paging = array();
     if ($page > 1) {
         $paging[] = 'prev';
     if ($page > 1) {
         $paging[] = 1;
     if ($page >= 5) {
         $paging[] = '...';
     if ($page >= 4) {
         $paging[] = $page - 2;
     if ($page >= 3) {
         $paging[] = $page - 1;
     $paging[] = $page;
     if ($page < $total) {
         $paging[] = $page + 1;
     if ($page + 1 < $total) {
         $paging[] = $page + 2;
     if ($page + 2 < $total) {
         $paging[] = '...';
     if ($page < $total) {
         $paging[] = 'next';
     $vars = array('results' => $res, 'q' => $q, 'error' => $error, 'warning' => $warning, 'page' => $page, 'page_size' => $page_size, 'paging' => $paging);
     return $vars;
예제 #10
파일: test.php 프로젝트: awebc/web_xbf

 * User: yunsong
 * Date: 3/12/16
 * Time: 10:46 AM
require "../../common/components/SphinxClient.php";
$sphinx = new SphinxClient();
$sphinx->SetServer("", 9312);
//        $sphinx->SetMatchMode(6);// SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED2
$sphinx->SetLimits(0, 20);
$res = $sphinx->Query($query, "feeds");
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
echo 1;
예제 #11
function sphinx_search_action($arrSearch)
    global $PHORUM;
    // No pecl class, try php version
    if (!class_exists('SphinxClient')) {
        // loads from php include_path
        require_once 'sphinxapi.php';
    // these are the index-names set in sphinx.conf - one for searching messages, the other for searching by authors only
    // both contain an additional index for the deltas - changes done after the last full reindex
    $index_name_msg = 'phorum5_msg_d phorum5_msg';
    $index_name_author = 'phorum5_author phorum5_author_d';
    // excerpts_index is just one index as that function only accepts one, it used for determining charsets / mapping tables, nothing more
    $excerpts_index = 'phorum5_msg';
    $index = $index_name_msg;
    if ($arrSearch['match_type'] == 'ALL') {
        $match_mode = SPH_MATCH_ALL;
    } elseif ($arrSearch['match_type'] == 'ANY') {
        $match_mode = SPH_MATCH_ANY;
    } elseif ($arrSearch['match_type'] == 'PHRASE') {
        $match_mode = SPH_MATCH_PHRASE;
    } elseif ($arrSearch['match_type'] == 'AUTHOR') {
        $match_mode = SPH_MATCH_PHRASE;
        $index = $index_name_author;
    } else {
        // Return search control to Phorum in case the search type isn't handled by the module.
        return $arrSearch;
    if (empty($arrSearch['search']) && !empty($arrSearch['author'])) {
        $arrSearch['search'] = $arrSearch['author'];
        $index = $index_name_author;
    $sphinx = new SphinxClient();
    $sphinx->SetServer($PHORUM['mod_sphinx_search']['hostname'], $PHORUM['mod_sphinx_search']['port']);
    // set the limits for paging
    $sphinx->SetLimits($arrSearch['offset'], $arrSearch['length']);
    // set the timeframe to search
    if ($arrSearch['match_dates'] > 0) {
        $min_ts = time() - 86400 * $arrSearch['match_dates'];
        $max_ts = time();
        $sphinx->SetFilterRange('datestamp', $min_ts, $max_ts);
    // Check what forums the active Phorum user can read.
    $allowed_forums = phorum_api_user_check_access(PHORUM_USER_ALLOW_READ, PHORUM_ACCESS_LIST);
    // If the user is not allowed to search any forum or the current
    // active forum, then return the emtpy search results array.
    if (empty($allowed_forums) || $PHORUM['forum_id'] > 0 && !in_array($PHORUM['forum_id'], $allowed_forums)) {
        $arrSearch['results'] = array();
        $arrSearch['totals'] = 0;
        $arrSearch['continue'] = 0;
        $arrSearch['raw_body'] = 1;
        return $arrSearch;
    // Prepare forum_id restriction.
    $search_forums = array();
    foreach (explode(',', $arrSearch['match_forum']) as $forum_id) {
        if ($forum_id == 'ALL') {
            $search_forums = $allowed_forums;
        if (isset($allowed_forums[$forum_id])) {
            $search_forums[] = $forum_id;
    $sphinx->SetFilter('forum_id', $search_forums);
    // set the sort-mode
    $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_ATTR_DESC, 'datestamp');
    // do the actual query
    $results = $sphinx->Query($arrSearch['search'], $index);
    $res = $sphinx->GetLastWarning();
    if ($res) {
        error_log("sphinx_search.php: WARNING: {$res}");
    $res = $sphinx->GetLastError();
    if ($res) {
        error_log("sphinx_search.php: ERROR: {$res}");
    // if no messages were found, then return empty handed.
    if (!isset($results['matches'])) {
        $arrSearch['results'] = array();
        $arrSearch['totals'] = 0;
        $arrSearch['continue'] = 0;
        $arrSearch['raw_body'] = 1;
        return $arrSearch;
    $search_msg_ids = $results['matches'];
    // get the messages we found
    $found_messages = phorum_db_get_message(array_keys($search_msg_ids), 'message_id', true);
    // sort them in reverse order of the message_id to automagically sort them by date desc this way
    // prepare the array for building highlighted excerpts
    $docs = array();
    foreach ($found_messages as $id => $data) {
        // remove hidden text in the output - only added by the hidden_msg module
        $data['body'] = preg_replace("/(\\[hide=([\\#a-z0-9]+?)\\](.+?)\\[\\/hide\\])/is", '', $data['body']);
        $docs[] = htmlspecialchars(phorum_strip_body($data['body']));
    $words = '';
    if (!empty($results['words'])) {
        $words = implode(' ', array_keys($results['words']));
    $opts = array('chunk_separator' => ' [...] ');
    // build highlighted excerpts
    $highlighted = $sphinx->BuildExcerpts($docs, $excerpts_index, $words, $opts);
    $res = $sphinx->GetLastWarning();
    if ($res) {
        error_log("sphinx_search.php: WARNING: {$res}");
    $res = $sphinx->GetLastError();
    if ($res) {
        error_log("sphinx_search.php: ERROR: {$res}");
    $cnt = 0;
    foreach ($found_messages as $id => $content) {
        $found_messages[$id]['short_body'] = $highlighted[$cnt];
    $arrSearch['results'] = $found_messages;
    // we need the total results
    $arrSearch['totals'] = $results['total_found'];
    if ($arrSearch['totals'] > 1000) {
        $arrSearch['totals'] = 1000;
    // don't run the default search
    $arrSearch['continue'] = 0;
    // tell it to leave the body alone
    $arrSearch['raw_body'] = 1;
    return $arrSearch;
예제 #12
 public function __construct($rowsPerPage, $currentPage, $siteID, $wildCardString, $sortBy, $sortDirection)
     $this->_db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance();
     $this->_siteID = $siteID;
     $this->_sortByFields = array('firstName', 'lastName', 'city', 'state', 'dateModifiedSort', 'dateCreatedSort', 'ownerSort');
     if (ENABLE_SPHINX) {
         /* Sphinx API likes to throw PHP errors *AND* use it's own error
          * handling.
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
         $sphinx = new SphinxClient();
         $sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
         $sphinx->SetWeights(array(0, 100, 0, 0, 50));
         $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 1000);
         $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'date_added');
         // FIXME: This can be sped up a bit by actually grouping ranges of
         //        site IDs into their own index's. Maybe every 500 or so at
         //        least on the Hosted system.
         $sphinx->SetFilter('site_id', array($this->_siteID));
         /* Create the Sphinx query string. */
         $wildCardString = DatabaseSearch::humanToSphinxBoolean($wildCardString);
         /* Execute the Sphinx query. Sphinx can ask us to retry if its
          * maxed out. Retry up to 5 times.
         $tries = 0;
         do {
             /* Wait for one second if this isn't out first attempt. */
             if (++$tries > 1) {
             $results = $sphinx->Query($wildCardString, SPHINX_INDEX);
             $errorMessage = $sphinx->GetLastError();
         } while ($results === false && strpos($errorMessage, 'server maxed out, retry') !== false && $tries <= 5);
         /* Throw a fatal error if Sphinx errors occurred. */
         if ($results === false) {
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Error: ' . ucfirst($errorMessage) . '.');
         /* Throw a fatal error (for now) if Sphinx warnings occurred. */
         $lastWarning = $sphinx->GetLastWarning();
         if (!empty($lastWarning)) {
             // FIXME: Just display a warning, and notify dev team.
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Warning: ' . ucfirst($lastWarning) . '.');
         /* Show warnings for assert()s again. */
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 1);
         if (empty($results['matches'])) {
             $this->_WHERE = '0';
         } else {
             $attachmentIDs = implode(',', array_keys($results['matches']));
             $this->_WHERE = 'attachment.attachment_id IN(' . $attachmentIDs . ')';
     } else {
         $tmp = DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere(DatabaseSearch::fulltextEncode($wildCardString), $this->_db, 'attachment.text');
         $this->_WHERE = str_replace(") (", ") AND (", $tmp);
           preg_match_all('/"(?:\\\\.|[^\\\\"])*"|\S+/', $wildCardString, $matches);
                       if($match[0]=='"' || strtolower($match)=="and" || strtolower($match)=="or")
                           $tmp=$tmp." ".$match;
           foreach($arrNew as $match)
               $arrWhere[] = DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere(
            $this->_WHERE=implode(" AND ",$arrWhere);*/
     $sbase = new SearchBase();
     $arrFilter = $sbase->buildFilter();
     $filter = $arrFilter["where"];
     $column = $arrFilter["extra_column"];
     $join = $arrFilter["extra_join"];
     $isSearchAttachment = isset($_REQUEST["bulk_resume"]) && $_REQUEST["bulk_resume"];
     if ($isSearchAttachment) {
         /* How many companies do we have? */
         $sql = sprintf("SELECT\r\n                count(*) AS count\r\n            FROM\r\n                attachment\r\n            LEFT JOIN candidate\r\n                ON attachment.data_item_id = candidate.candidate_id\r\n                AND attachment.site_id = candidate.site_id\r\n            LEFT JOIN user AS owner_user\r\n                ON candidate.owner = owner_user.user_id\r\n                %s\r\n            WHERE\r\n                resume = 1\r\n            AND\r\n                %s\r\n            AND\r\n                (attachment.data_item_type = %s OR attachment.data_item_type = %s)\r\n            AND\r\n                attachment.site_id = %s\r\n            AND\r\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_admin_hidden) OR (candidate.is_admin_hidden = 0))\r\n            AND\r\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_active) OR (candidate.is_active = 1))\r\n                %s\r\n", $join, $this->_WHERE, DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, DATA_ITEM_BULKRESUME, $this->_siteID, $filter);
     } else {
         $sql = sprintf("SELECT\r\n                count(*) AS count\r\n            FROM\r\n                attachment\r\n            LEFT JOIN candidate\r\n                ON attachment.data_item_id = candidate.candidate_id\r\n                AND attachment.site_id = candidate.site_id\r\n            LEFT JOIN user AS owner_user\r\n                ON candidate.owner = owner_user.user_id\r\n                %s\r\n            WHERE\r\n                resume = 1\r\n            AND\r\n                %s\r\n            AND\r\n                (attachment.data_item_type = %s)\r\n            AND\r\n                attachment.site_id = %s\r\n            AND\r\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_admin_hidden) OR (candidate.is_admin_hidden = 0))\r\n            AND\r\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_active) OR (candidate.is_active = 1))\r\n                %s\r\n", $join, $this->_WHERE, DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $this->_siteID, $filter);
     $rs = $this->_db->getAssoc($sql);
     /* Pass "Search By Resume"-specific parameters to Pager constructor. */
     parent::__construct($rs['count'], $rowsPerPage, $currentPage);
예제 #13
 public function run($subject_id, $clean = true, $query_offset = 0, $from, $to)
     // skip if matching_status is "matching"
     $matching_status = $this->custom_model->get_value('subject', 'matching_status', $subject_id);
     if ($matching_status == 'matching') {
         echo "subject is matching";
         return false;
     // flag subject as matching.. do other bot runs this queue.
     $this->db->update('subject', array('matching_status' => 'matching'), array('id' => $subject_id));
     // clear all match record for this subject
     if ($clean) {
         $this->db->delete('matchs', array('subject_id' => $subject_id));
     // begin re-matching this subject
     // get search string from subject_id
     $query = $this->custom_model->get_value('subject', 'query', $subject_id);
     // sphinx init
     $cl = new SphinxClient();
     $q = $query;
     $sql = "";
     $mode = SPH_MATCH_EXTENDED;
     $host = "";
     $port = 9312;
     $index = "*";
     $groupby = "";
     $groupsort = "@group desc";
     $filter = "group_id";
     $filtervals = array();
     $distinct = "";
     $sortby = "@id ASC";
     $sortexpr = "";
     $offset = $query_offset;
     $limit = 1000000;
     $ranker = SPH_RANK_PROXIMITY_BM25;
     $select = "";
     echo 'limit=' . $limit . ' offset=' . $offset . PHP_EOL;
     //Extract subject keyword from search string
     $keywords = get_keywords($q);
     // do query
     $cl->SetServer($host, $port);
     $cl->SetWeights(array(100, 1));
     // if ( count($filtervals) )	$cl->SetFilter ( $filter, $filtervals );
     // if ( $groupby )				$cl->SetGroupBy ( $groupby, SPH_GROUPBY_ATTR, $groupsort );
     if ($sortby) {
         $cl->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_EXTENDED, $sortby);
     // if ( $sortexpr )			$cl->SetSortMode ( SPH_SORT_EXPR, $sortexpr );
     if ($distinct) {
     if ($select) {
     if ($limit) {
         $cl->SetLimits(0, $limit, $limit > 1000000 ? $limit : 1000000);
     $res = $cl->Query($q, $index);
     // do Insert to DB
     // Current matching
     $current_matching = array();
     $query_matchs = $this->db->get_where('matchs', array('subject_id' => $subject_id));
     if ($query_matchs->num_rows() > 0) {
         echo PHP_EOL . 'currents matching :' . $query_matchs->num_rows();
         foreach ($query_matchs->result() as $match) {
             $current_matching[] = $match->post_id;
     // set matching date range from-to
     $from = strtotime($from);
     $to = strtotime($to);
     // Search and Update
     if ($res === false) {
         echo "Query failed: " . $cl->GetLastError() . ".\n";
     } else {
         if ($cl->GetLastWarning()) {
             echo "WARNING: " . $cl->GetLastWarning() . "\n\n";
         echo "Query '{$q}' \nretrieved {$res['total']} of {$res['total_found']} matches in {$res['time']} sec.\n";
         if ($res['total'] == 0) {
             echo "no result<br/>\n";
         } else {
             if ($res['total'] > $limit + $offset) {
                 $this->run($subject_id, $limit + $offset);
             } else {
                 echo "Updating...";
                 foreach ($res["matches"] as $k => $docinfo) {
                     //					echo '('.$k.')'.$docinfo["id"]." ";
                     // Reset PHP Timeout to 1min
                     // if found in $current_matching then skip
                     if (in_array($docinfo["id"], $current_matching)) {
                     } else {
                         // else insert new match
                         $post = new Post_model();
                         // if post_date is our of range then skip
                         $post_date = strtotime($post->post_date);
                         if ($post_date < $from || $post_date > $to) {
                         $mood = get_mood($post->body, $keywords);
                         $data = array('post_id' => $post->id, 'subject_id' => $subject_id, 'matching_date' => null, 'sentiment' => $mood, 'by' => 'system', 'system_correct' => $mood, 'system_correct_date' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i', time()));
                         $this->db->insert('matchs', $data);
     // flag subject as update..
     $data = array('matching_status' => 'update', 'latest_matching' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', time()), 'from' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', $from), 'to' => mdate('%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s', $to), 'bot_id' => 0);
     $this->db->update('subject', $data, array('id' => $subject_id));
예제 #14
파일: test2.php 프로젝트: igez/gaiaehr

require 'sphinxapi.php';
$cl = new SphinxClient();
$cl->SetLimits(0, 25, 1000);
$result = $cl->Query('Codeine');
if ($result === false) {
    echo "Query failed: " . $cl->GetLastError() . ".\n";
} else {
    if ($cl->GetLastWarning()) {
        echo "WARNING: " . $cl->GetLastWarning();
    print '<pre>';
    //	if(!empty($result["matches"])){
    //		print '<pre>';
    //		foreach ( $result["matches"] as $doc => $docinfo ) {
    //		}
    //	}
예제 #15
파일: Search.php 프로젝트: rankinp/OpenCATS
 public function __construct($rowsPerPage, $currentPage, $siteID, $wildCardString, $sortBy, $sortDirection)
     $this->_db = DatabaseConnection::getInstance();
     $this->_siteID = $siteID;
     $this->_sortByFields = array('firstName', 'lastName', 'city', 'state', 'dateModifiedSort', 'dateCreatedSort', 'ownerSort');
     if (ENABLE_SPHINX) {
         /* Sphinx API likes to throw PHP errors *AND* use it's own error
          * handling.
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
         $sphinx = new SphinxClient();
         $sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
         $sphinx->SetWeights(array(0, 100, 0, 0, 50));
         $sphinx->SetLimits(0, 1000);
         $sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'date_added');
         // FIXME: This can be sped up a bit by actually grouping ranges of
         //        site IDs into their own index's. Maybe every 500 or so at
         //        least on the Hosted system.
         $sphinx->SetFilter('site_id', array($this->_siteID));
         /* Create the Sphinx query string. */
         $wildCardString = DatabaseSearch::humanToSphinxBoolean($wildCardString);
         /* Execute the Sphinx query. Sphinx can ask us to retry if its
          * maxed out. Retry up to 5 times.
         $tries = 0;
         do {
             /* Wait for one second if this isn't out first attempt. */
             if (++$tries > 1) {
             $results = $sphinx->Query($wildCardString, SPHINX_INDEX);
             $errorMessage = $sphinx->GetLastError();
         } while ($results === false && strpos($errorMessage, 'server maxed out, retry') !== false && $tries <= 5);
         /* Throw a fatal error if Sphinx errors occurred. */
         if ($results === false) {
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Error: ' . ucfirst($errorMessage) . '.');
         /* Throw a fatal error (for now) if Sphinx warnings occurred. */
         $lastWarning = $sphinx->GetLastWarning();
         if (!empty($lastWarning)) {
             // FIXME: Just display a warning, and notify dev team.
             $this->fatal('Sphinx Warning: ' . ucfirst($lastWarning) . '.');
         /* Show warnings for assert()s again. */
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 1);
         if (empty($results['matches'])) {
             $this->_WHERE = '0';
         } else {
             $attachmentIDs = implode(',', array_keys($results['matches']));
             $this->_WHERE = 'attachment.attachment_id IN(' . $attachmentIDs . ')';
     } else {
         $this->_WHERE = DatabaseSearch::makeBooleanSQLWhere(DatabaseSearch::fulltextEncode($wildCardString), $this->_db, 'attachment.text');
     /* How many companies do we have? */
     $sql = sprintf("SELECT\n                COUNT(*) AS count\n            FROM\n                attachment\n            LEFT JOIN candidate\n                ON attachment.data_item_id = candidate.candidate_id\n                AND attachment.data_item_type = %s\n                AND attachment.site_id = candidate.site_id\n            LEFT JOIN user AS owner_user\n                ON candidate.owner = owner_user.user_id\n            WHERE\n                resume = 1\n            AND\n                %s\n            AND\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_admin_hidden) OR (candidate.is_admin_hidden = 0))\n            AND\n                (ISNULL(candidate.is_active) OR (candidate.is_active = 1))\n            AND\n                attachment.site_id = %s", DATA_ITEM_CANDIDATE, $this->_WHERE, $this->_siteID);
     $rs = $this->_db->getAssoc($sql);
     /* Pass "Search By Resume"-specific parameters to Pager constructor. */
     parent::__construct($rs['count'], $rowsPerPage, $currentPage);
예제 #16
$sphinx->SetServer(SPHINX_HOST, SPHINX_PORT);
$sphinx->SetWeights(array(0, 100, 0, 0, 50));
$sphinx->SetLimits(0, 10);
$sphinx->SetSortMode(SPH_SORT_TIME_SEGMENTS, 'date_added');
$sphinx->SetFilter('site_id', TEST_SITE_ID);
/* Execute the Sphinx query. Sphinx can ask us to retry if its
 * maxed out. Retry up to 5 times.
$tries = 0;
do {
    /* Wait for one second if this isn't out first attempt. */
    if (++$tries > 1) {
    $results = $sphinx->Query(TEST_QUERY, SPHINX_INDEX);
    $errorMessage = $sphinx->GetLastError();
} while ($results === false && strpos($errorMessage, 'server maxed out, retry') !== false && $tries <= 5);
/* Throw a fatal error if Sphinx errors occurred. */
if ($results === false) {
    fwrite($stderr, 'Sphinx Error: ' . ucfirst($errorMessage) . ".\n");
/* Throw a fatal error (for now) if Sphinx warnings occurred. */
$lastWarning = $sphinx->GetLastWarning();
if (!empty($lastWarning)) {
    fwrite($stderr, 'Sphinx Warning: ' . ucfirst($lastWarning) . ".\n");
fwrite($stdout, "Sphinx appears to be working properly.\n");
예제 #17
  * RunQueries() + validate.
  * - Single Query: Resultados da Query
  * - Multi Query:  Array de Resultados das Querys
  * Formato de cada Resultado:
  * <code>
  * //Results
  * array(
  *     array(
  *         'id'     => 12345,
  *         'weight' => 30,
  *         'attrs'  => array(...)
  *     ),
  *     array(
  *         'id'     => 23456,
  *         'weight' => 20,
  *         'attrs'  => array(...)
  *     ),
  *     ...
  * );
  * </code>
  * @param \SphinxClient $sphinxClient
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return array
 protected function getResult(\SphinxClient $sphinxClient)
     $result = $sphinxClient->RunQueries();
     if (false === $result) {
         throw new \Exception($sphinxClient->getLastError());
     if ($sphinxClient->GetLastWarning()) {
         throw new \Exception($sphinxClient->GetLastWarning());
     if (false === $result) {
         throw new \Exception($sphinxClient->getLastError());
     if ($sphinxClient->GetLastWarning()) {
         throw new \Exception($sphinxClient->GetLastWarning());
     //Suporte ao formato inicial de unica query
     if (count($result) === 1) {
         return current($result);
     return $result;