public function actionBuy()
     $output = array('errno' => 1, 'html' => '');
     //Check session
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         //Check input
         if (isset($_GET['equipments_type']) && is_numeric($_GET['equipments_type']) && $_GET['equipments_type'] > 0 && isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id'] > 0) {
             //Search object
             switch ($_GET['equipments_type']) {
                 case Inventory::EQUIPMENT_TYPE_ARMOUR:
                     $item = Armours::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']);
                     $itemObject = new ArmoursObjects();
                     $itemObject->attributes = array('armours_id' => $item->id, 'knights_id' => $this->user_data['knights']->id, 'current_pde' => $item->pde);
                 case Inventory::EQUIPMENT_TYPE_SPEAR:
                     $item = Spears::model()->findByPk($_GET['id']);
                     $itemObject = new SpearsObjects();
                     $itemObject->attributes = array('spears_id' => $item->id, 'knights_id' => $this->user_data['knights']->id, 'current_pde' => $item->pde);
                 case Inventory::EQUIPMENT_TYPE_TRICK:
                     $item = null;
                     $item = null;
             //Check item
             if ($item) {
                 //Check requeriments
                 if (EquipmentRequirements::checkAccomplish($_GET['equipments_type'], $_GET['id'], $this->user_data['knights']->id)) {
                     //Check coins
                     if ($item->prize <= $this->user_data['knights']->coins) {
                         //add item to inventory of knight
                         if ($emptyPosition = Inventory::getFirstEmptySocket($this->user_data['knights']->id)) {
                             //Save item object
                             //Add item to knight's inventory
                             $inventoryObject = new Inventory();
                             $inventoryObject->attributes = array('knights_id' => $this->user_data['knights']->id, 'type' => $_GET['equipments_type'], 'identificator' => $itemObject->id, 'position' => $emptyPosition, 'amount' => 1);
                             //sustract coins
                             $this->user_data['knights']->coins -= $item->prize;
                             //Set purchase history
                             $purchase = new KnightsPurchases();
                             $purchase->attributes = array('knights_id' => $this->user_data['knights']->id, 'equipments_type_id' => $_GET['equipments_type'], 'identificator' => $_GET['id'], 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'status' => KnightsPurchases::STATUS_PURCHASED, 'knights_card_charisma' => $this->user_data['knights_card']->charisma, 'knights_card_trade' => $this->user_data['knights_card']->trade);
                             if (!$purchase->save()) {
                                 Yii::log('No salva el historial de la compra.');
                             $output['errno'] = 0;
                             $output['html'] = '<p>Ya tienes el objeto en tu <a href="/character/inventory/sir/' . $this->user_data['knights']->name . '">inventario</a> listo para utilizar.</p>';
                             $output['coins'] = number_format($this->user_data['knights']->coins, 0, ',', '.');
                         } else {
                             $output['html'] = '<p>No tienes suficiente espacio en el inventario secundario.</p>';
                     } else {
                         $output['html'] = '<p>¡No tienes suficiente dinero!</p><p>Siempre puedes <a href="/jobs">ganar algo de dinero</a> prestando tus servicios como caballero.</p>';
                 } else {
                     $output['html'] = '<p>No cumples con alguno de los requisitos.</p>';
             } else {
                 $output['html'] = '<p>El objecto no se ha encontrado.</p>';
         } else {
             $output['html'] = '<p>Los datos del item no son correctos.</p>';
     } else {
         $output['html'] = '<p>La sesión ha expirado. Necesitas volver a hacer login.</p>';
     echo CJSON::encode($output);
  * Activa una cuenta
 public function actionAccountActivation()
     $template = 'error';
     $data = array('message' => '', 'code' => 'en la activación.');
     //Validation input
     $user = new Users();
     $user->attributes = array(
     //Check email
     $validator = new CEmailValidator();
     if ($validator->validateValue($_GET['email'])) {
         //Check if user exist
         $user = Users::model()->find('email=:email', array(':email' => $_GET['email']));
         if ($user) {
             //User found
             if ($user->status == Users::STATUS_PENDING_ACTIVATION) {
                 //Load his knight
                 $knight = Knights::model()->find('users_id=:users_id', array('users_id' => $user->id));
                 //Check if code is the same
                 $codigo_activacion = md5($user->email . $knight->name . $user->password_md5 . $user->suscribe_date);
                 if ($_GET['code'] === $codigo_activacion) {
                     //ACTIVATED ACCOUNT
                     //1.- change status
                     $user->status = Users::STATUS_ENABLE;
                     $knight->status = Knights::STATUS_WITHOUT_EQUIPMENT;
                     //2.- create card
                     $knight_card = new KnightsCard();
                     $knight_card->attributes = array('knights_id' => $knight->id);
                     //3.- Create general stats
                     $knight_stats = new KnightsStats();
                     $knight_stats->attributes = array('knights_id' => $knight->id);
                     if (!$knight_stats->save()) {
                         Yii::trace('[Site][actionAccountActivation] No se puede salvar las stats del caballero', 'error');
                     //4.- set stats attack location
                     //load all location
                     $locations = Constants::model()->findAll( 
                     	array( ':type'=> Constants::KNIGHTS_LOCATION)
                     if( count($locations) > 0 ){
                     	//Foreach location set a value for attack location. Defense is depending of shield
                     	foreach( $locations as $location ){
                     		$knights_stats_attack_location = new KnightsStatsAttackLocation();
                     		$knights_stats_attack_location->attributes = array(
                     	$data['message'] .= 'No hay datos de localizaciones';
                     //Change for points of location. 48 is the maximun position number in the attack and defense points
                     for ($i = 1; $i <= 48; $i++) {
                         $knights_stats_attack_location = new KnightsStatsAttackLocation();
                         $knights_stats_attack_location->attributes = array('knights_id' => $knight->id, 'location' => $i);
                     //6.- Set default equipment
                     //Set armours
                     foreach (Armours::getDefaultEquipment() as $key => $id) {
                         //Find armour
                         $armour = Armours::model()->findByPk($id);
                         if ($armour) {
                             //creamos nuevo objeto de la armadura
                             $armour_object = new ArmoursObjects();
                             $armour_object->attributes = array('armours_id' => $id, 'knights_id' => $knight->id, 'current_pde' => $armour->pde);
                             if (!$armour_object->save()) {
                                 //$data['message'] .= '<p>Armadura '.$id.' ('.$armour_object->attributes['armours_id'].') generada ('.var_dump( $armour_object->getErrors()).') ';
                                 Yii::trace('[SITE][actionAccountActivation] Error al salvar la armadura ' . $armour->name, 'error');
                             //Lo inventariamos. Como son los primeros objetos la posición que ocupa será empezando desde 1
                             $inventory = new Inventory();
                             //Sabemos que no hay objetos por lo que ocupamos las primeras posiciones, que concuerdan con el id
                             $inventory->attributes = array('knights_id' => $knight->id, 'type' => Inventory::EQUIPMENT_TYPE_ARMOUR, 'identificator' => $armour_object->id, 'position' => $key + 11);
                             $data['message'] .= 'e inventariada (' . $inventory->save() . ')</p>';
                         } else {
                             $data['message'] .= '<p>KAKUNA MATATA!!';
                     //Set spears
                     $position = 27;
                     $spear = Spears::model()->findByPk(1);
                     //Lanza de entrenamiento
                     foreach (Spears::getDefaultEquipment() as $key => $id) {
                         //Creamos el bojeto lanza
                         $spear_object = new SpearsObjects();
                         $spear_object->attributes = array('spears_id' => $spear->id, 'knights_id' => $knight->id, 'current_pde' => $spear->pde);
                         $data['message'] .= '<p>Lanza ' . $id . ' generada</p>';
                         //La inventariamos
                         $inventory = new Inventory();
                         $inventory->attributes = array('knights_id' => $knight->id, 'type' => Inventory::EQUIPMENT_TYPE_SPEAR, 'identificator' => $spear_object->id, 'position' => $position++);
                         $data['message'] .= 'e inventariada (' . $inventory->save() . ')</p>';
                     //Creamos las eventos de knights_events_last
                     $sql = '';
                     for ($i = 0; $i < Yii::app()->params['events']['event_last']['maximum']; $i++) {
                         $sql .= 'INSERT INTO knights_events_last (knights_id, type, identificator, date) VALUES (' . $knight->id . ', ' . KnightsEvents::TYPE_VOID . ', 0, \'2012-01-01 00:00:' . ($i < 10 ? '0' . $i : $i) . '\' );';
                         $event = new KnightsEventsLast();
                         $event->attributes = array(
                         	'type'=> KnightsEvents::TYPE_VOID,
                         	'date'=>'2012-01-01 00:00:'.(($i<10)?'0'.$i:$i)//for update
                     $command = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql);
                     //Create healing row
                     $healing = new Healings();
                     $healing->attributes = array('knights_id' => $knight->id, 'next_healing_date' => null);
                     if (!$healing->save()) {
                         Yii::trace('[SITE][actionAccountActivation] I can not insert healing row.', 'error');
                     //Create settings
                     $knights_settings = new KnightsSettings();
                     $knights_settings->attributes = array('knights_id' => $knight->id);
                     if (!$knights_settings->save()) {
                         Yii::trace('[SITE][actionAccountActivation] I can not insert setting row.', 'error');
                     //UPDATE YELLOW PAGES
                     $initial_character = substr($knight->name, 0, 1);
                     if (is_numeric($initial_character)) {
                         $initial_character = '[0-9]';
                     } else {
                         $initial_character = strtoupper($initial_character);
                     $yellow_pages_total = YellowPagesTotal::model()->with('letter0')->find(' = :letter', array(':letter' => $initial_character));
                     $yellow_pages_total->total += 1;
                     if (!$yellow_pages_total->save()) {
                         Yii::trace('[SITE][actionAccountActivation] No se ha podido actualizar yellow pages total', 'error');
                     $yellow_pages_total_by_letter = new YellowPagesTotalByLetter();
                     $yellow_pages_total_by_letter->attributes = array('letter' => $yellow_pages_total->letter, 'knights_id' => $knight->id);
                     if (!$yellow_pages_total_by_letter->save()) {
                         Yii::trace('[SITE][actionAccountActivation] No se ha podido crear yellow pages total by letter', 'error');
                     //Hacemos el login de alta
                     $model = new LoginForm();
                     $model->attributes = array('username' => $user->email, 'password' => 'nolosabemos');
                     //Check if all is ok
                     if ($model->loginFromValidation()) {
                         $template = 'accountActivation';
                     } else {
                         $data['message'] = 'Se ha producido un error al validar la cuenta. Escribenos un correo a ' . Yii::app()->params['adminEmail'];
                 } else {
                     $data['message'] = 'El usuario y el código de activación no son correctos.';
             } else {
                 //Message Error: user is not pending of activation
                 $data['message'] = 'El usuario no está pendiente de activación';
         } else {
             //User not found
             $data['message'] = 'El usuario o código de activación no están relacionados.';
     } else {
         //Input not valid
         $data['message'] = 'Los datos de entrada no son correctos.';
     //Show Output
     $this->render($template, $data);