예제 #1
// adapt turns
$player->turns = $player->turns * $speed / $ship->speed;
if ($player->turns > $max_turns) {
    $player->turns = $max_turns;
// take the money from the user
$player->credits -= $cost;
// assign the new ship
$ship->ship_type_id = $var["ship_id"];
// delete cargo
// update
// get new ship object
$ship = new SMR_SHIP(SmrSession::$old_account_id, SmrSession::$game_id);
// adapt hardware
$db->query("SELECT * FROM hardware_type");
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $hardware_type_id = $db->f("hardware_type_id");
    // take hardware we don't support
    if ($ship->hardware[$hardware_type_id] > $ship->max_hardware[$hardware_type_id]) {
        $ship->hardware[$hardware_type_id] = $ship->max_hardware[$hardware_type_id];
// take weapons that we can't carry
$ship->weapon = array_slice($ship->weapon, 0, $ship->hardpoint);
// disable hardware
$db->query("DELETE FROM ship_is_cloaked WHERE account_id = {$player->account_id} AND " . "game_id = {$player->game_id}");
$db->query("DELETE FROM ship_has_illusion WHERE account_id = {$player->account_id} AND " . "game_id = {$player->game_id}");
// if we changed max hardware we need to compensate this.
예제 #2
    if ($port->race_id > 1) {
        $new_relations = $player->relations[$port->race_id] - 45;
        if ($new_relations < -500) {
            $new_relations = -500;
        $db->query("REPLACE INTO player_has_relation (account_id, game_id, race_id, relation) VALUES({$player->account_id}, {$player->game_id}, {$port->race_id}, {$new_relations})");
    // also we change alignment
    if ($player->relations_global_rev[$port->race_id] < -299) {
        $new_alignment = $player->alignment + $port_original_level * 2;
    } else {
        $new_alignment = $player->alignment - $port_original_level * 2;
    $db->query("UPDATE player SET alignment={$new_alignment} WHERE account_id={$player->account_id} AND game_id={$player->game_id} LIMIT 1");
//kill the dead people
foreach ($dead_traders as $acc_id) {
    $dead_acc = new SMR_PLAYER($acc_id, $player->game_id);
    $dead_ship = new SMR_SHIP($acc_id, $player->game_id);
$container = array();
$container["url"] = "skeleton.php";
$container["body"] = "port_attack.php";
$container["attacker"] = $attacker;
$container["portdamage"] = $port_msg;
$container["dead_traders"] = $dead_traders;
예제 #3
// log
$account->log(2, "Player entered game " . SmrSession::$game_id, $player->sector_id);
$container = array();
$container["url"] = "skeleton.php";
if ($player->land_on_planet == "TRUE") {
    $container["body"] = "planet_main.php";
} else {
    $container["body"] = "current_sector.php";
require_once get_file_loc('smr_alliance.inc');
require_once get_file_loc("smr_force.inc");
require_once get_file_loc("smr_planet.inc");
require_once get_file_loc("smr_port.inc");
require_once get_file_loc('smr_sector.inc');
$player = new SMR_PLAYER(SmrSession::$old_account_id, SmrSession::$game_id);
$ship = new SMR_SHIP(SmrSession::$old_account_id, SmrSession::$game_id);
$sector = new SMR_SECTOR($player->sector_id, SmrSession::$game_id, SmrSession::$old_account_id);
// update turns on that player
// we cant move if we are dead
//check if we are in kill db...if we are we don't do anything
$db->query("SELECT * FROM kills WHERE dead_id = {$player->account_id} AND game_id = {$player->game_id}");
if (!$db->next_record()) {
    if ($ship->hardware[HARDWARE_SHIELDS] == 0 && $ship->hardware[HARDWARE_ARMOR] == 0 && ($var["body"] != "trader_attack.php" && $var["url"] != "trader_attack_processing.php" && $var["body"] != "port_attack.php" && $var["url"] != "port_attack_processing.php" && $var["body"] != "planet_attack.php" && $var["url"] != "planet_attack_processing.php")) {
        $player->sector_id = $player->get_home();
        $player->newbie_turns = 100;
        //print("$var[body], $var[url]");
        $container = array();
예제 #4
$last_active = time() - 259200;
$db->query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE game_id = {$player->game_id} AND " . "sector_id = " . $var["target_sector"] . " AND " . "last_active > {$last_active} AND " . "land_on_planet = 'FALSE' AND " . "account_id NOT IN (" . implode(',', $HIDDEN_PLAYERS) . ")");
while ($db->next_record()) {
    // we may skip player if this is a protected gal.
    if ($sector->is_protected_gal()) {
        $curr_account = new SMR_ACCOUNT();
        // if one is vet and the other is newbie we skip it
        if (different_level($rank_id, $curr_account->get_rank(), $account->veteran, $curr_account->veteran)) {
    $curr_player = new SMR_PLAYER($db->f("account_id"), $player->game_id);
    $curr_ship = new SMR_SHIP($db->f("account_id"), $player->game_id);
    // he's a friend if he's in our alliance (and we are not in a 0 alliance
    if ($player->alliance_id != 0 && $curr_player->alliance_id == $player->alliance_id) {
        $friendly_vessel += $curr_ship->attack_rating();
    } else {
        $enemy_vessel += $curr_ship->defense_rating() * 10;
print "<p>";
print "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"0\" class=\"standard\">";
print "<tr>";
print "<th>&nbsp;</th>";
print "<th align=\"center\">Scan Results</th>";
print "</tr>";
print "<tr>";
print "<td>Friendly vessels</td>";
// ********************************
// *
// * A t t a c k e r   s h o o t s
// *
// ********************************
$attacker_total_msg = array();
$attacker_msg = array();
if ($player->getAllianceID() != 0) {
    $db->query('SELECT * FROM player ' . 'WHERE game_id = ' . $player->getGameID() . ' AND ' . 'alliance_id = ' . $player->getAllianceID() . ' AND ' . 'sector_id = ' . $player->getSectorID() . ' AND ' . 'land_on_planet = \'FALSE\' AND ' . 'newbie_turns = 0 ' . 'ORDER BY rand() LIMIT 10');
} else {
    $db->query('SELECT * FROM player ' . 'WHERE game_id = ' . $player->getGameID() . ' AND ' . 'sector_id = ' . $player->getSectorID() . ' AND ' . 'account_id = ' . $player->getAccountID() . ' AND ' . 'land_on_planet = \'FALSE\' AND ' . 'newbie_turns = 0');
$db2 = new SmrMySqlDatabase();
while ($db->next_record() && ($forces->hasCDs() || $forces->hasSDs() || $forces->hasMines())) {
    $curr_attacker =& SmrPlayer::getPlayer($db->f('account_id'), SmrSession::$game_id);
    $curr_attacker_ship = new SMR_SHIP($db->f('account_id'), SmrSession::$game_id);
    // disable cloak
    $db2->query('SELECT * FROM ship_has_weapon, weapon_type ' . 'WHERE account_id = ' . $curr_attacker->getAccountID() . ' AND ' . 'game_id = ' . SmrSession::$game_id . ' AND ' . 'ship_has_weapon.weapon_type_id = weapon_type.weapon_type_id ' . 'ORDER BY order_id');
    // iterate over all existing weapons
    while ($db2->next_record() && ($forces->hasCDs() || $forces->hasSDs() || $forces->hasMines())) {
        $weapon_name = $db2->f('weapon_name');
        $shield_damage = $db2->f('shield_damage');
        $armour_damage = $db2->f('armour_damage');
        $accuracy = $db2->f('accuracy');
        if ($forces->hasMines()) {
            if ($armour_damage > 0) {
                // mines take 20 armour damage each
                $mines_dead = round($armour_damage / 20);
                // more damage than mines?
                if ($mines_dead > $forces->getMines()) {
예제 #6
    $attacker_list = "(" . $attacker_list . ")";
} else {
    // mhh. we are not in an alliance.
    // so we fighting alone.
    $attacker_list = "(" . $attacker->account_id . ")";
print "<td valign=\"top\">";
if ($attacker_list == "()") {
    print "&nbsp;";
} else {
    $db->query("SELECT * FROM player WHERE game_id = " . SmrSession::$game_id . " AND " . "account_id IN {$attacker_list}");
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $curr_player = new SMR_PLAYER($db->f("account_id"), SmrSession::$game_id);
        $curr_ship = new SMR_SHIP($db->f("account_id"), SmrSession::$game_id);
        print "{$player->level_name}<br>";
        print "<span style=\"color:yellow;\">{$curr_player->player_name} ({$curr_player->player_id})</span><br>";
        print "Race: {$curr_player->race_name}<br>";
        print "Level: {$curr_player->level_id}<br>";
        print "Alliance: {$curr_player->alliance_name}<br><br>";
        print "<small>";
        print "{$curr_ship->ship_name}<br>";
        print "Rating : " . $curr_ship->attack_rating() . "/" . $curr_ship->defense_rating() . "<br>";
        print "Shields : " . $curr_ship->shield_low() . "-" . $curr_ship->shield_high() . "<br>";
        print "Armor : " . $curr_ship->armor_low() . "-" . $curr_ship->armor_high() . "<br>";
        print "Hard Points: {$curr_ship->weapon_used}<br>";
        print "Combat Drones: " . $curr_ship->combat_drones_low() . "-" . $curr_ship->combat_drones_high();
        print "</small><br><br><br>";