$pm = new PaymentMethod();
$pm->setMerchantPaymentMethodId('VINTESTPM-' . rand(10000, 99999));
// Unique payment method id
$hostedPageInfo = new HostedPage();
// specify a page on your site customer will be redirected to after completing the MOLPay payment
// Customer can choose any payment method type at MOLPay
$provider = new PaymentProvider();
$transaction = new Transaction();
// Unique transaction ID, use prefix to tell transactions apart from the subscription transactions
$transaction->setMerchantTransactionId('VINTEST-' . rand(10000, 99999));
//Create purchase line items. This can also be created by looking up a CashBox Product
$transaction_lineItem0 = new TransactionItem();
// If using a CashBox Product, specify the Product's ID here
$transaction_lineItem0->setName('Digital Magazine');
// Specify appropriate Avalara TaxCode here