예제 #1
function create_ecp_PaymentMethod()
    $uniqueValue = get_unique_value();
    $merchantAccountId = 'account-' . $uniqueValue;
    $merchantPaymentMethodId = 'pm-' . $uniqueValue;
    $email = get_unique_value() . '@nomail.com';
    $successUrl = 'http://good.com/';
    //need a trailing slash
    $errorUrl = 'http://bad.com/';
    //need a trailing slash
    $name = 'John Vindicia';
    $addr1 = '303 Twin Dolphin Drive';
    $city = 'Redwood City';
    $district = 'CA';
    $postalCode = '94065';
    $country = 'US';
    $address = new Address();
    $paymentmethod = new PaymentMethod();
    $ecp = new ECP();
    $account = new Account();
    return $account;
function create_paypal_PaymentMethod()
    $uniqueValue = get_unique_value();
    $merchantAccountId = 'account-' . $uniqueValue;
    $merchantPaymentMethodId = 'pm-' . $uniqueValue;
    $email = get_unique_value() . '@nomail.com';
    $successUrl = 'http://good.com/';
    //need a trailing slash
    $errorUrl = 'http://bad.com/';
    //need a trailing slash
    $name = 'John Vindicia';
    $addr1 = '303 Twin Dolphin Drive';
    $city = 'Redwood City';
    $district = 'CA';
    $postalCode = '94065';
    $country = 'US';
    $address = new Address();
    $paymentmethod = new PaymentMethod();
    $paypal = new PayPal();
    $account = new Account();
    //return $account;
    return array('account' => $account, 'paymentmethod' => $paymentmethod);

require_once "Vindicia/Soap/Vindicia.php";
require_once "Vindicia/Soap/Const.php";
$account = new Account();
// existing customer's Account ID. Tax will be added based on shippingAddress populated on this Account
$pm = new PaymentMethod();
$pm->setMerchantPaymentMethodId('VINTESTPM-' . rand(10000, 99999));
// Unique payment method id
// This guarantees that validation transactions use MYR currency
$hostedPageInfo = new HostedPage();
// specify a page on your site customer will be redirected to after completing the MOLPay payment
// If the billing plan is recurring, customer can pay with credit card only
$provider = new PaymentProvider();
$abill = new AutoBill();
// AutoBill will be billed in this currency. Make sure the Product and BillingPlan has prices in MYR
$abill->setMerchantAutoBillId('VINTEST-AB-' . rand(10000, 99999));
// Unique subscription ID