/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $fob = KeyFob::findOrFail($id); $fob->markLost(); \Notification::success("Key Fob marked as lost/broken"); return \Redirect::route('account.show', $fob->user_id); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request) { $this->repository->update($request->only('name'), auth()->user()->getAuthIdentifier()); $this->repository->updateProfile($request->except('_token'), auth()->user()->getAuthIdentifier()); \Notification::success(trans('users.flash.profile_updated')); return redirect()->back(); }
/** * Start the creation of a new gocardless payment * Details get posted into this method and the redirected to gocardless * @param $userId * @throws \BB\Exceptions\AuthenticationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\FormValidationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\NotImplementedException */ public function store($userId) { User::findWithPermission($userId); $requestData = \Request::only(['reason', 'amount', 'return_path', 'stripeToken', 'ref']); $stripeToken = $requestData['stripeToken']; $amount = $requestData['amount']; $reason = $requestData['reason']; $returnPath = $requestData['return_path']; $ref = $requestData['ref']; try { $charge = Stripe_Charge::create(array("amount" => $amount, "currency" => "gbp", "card" => $stripeToken, "description" => $reason)); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Log::error($e); if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['error' => 'There was an error confirming your payment'], 400); } \Notification::error("There was an error confirming your payment"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); } //Replace the amount with the one from the charge, this prevents issues with variable tempering $amount = $charge->amount / 100; //Stripe don't provide us with the fee so this should be OK $fee = $amount * 0.024 + 0.2; $this->paymentRepository->recordPayment($reason, $userId, 'stripe', $charge->id, $amount, 'paid', $fee, $ref); if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['message' => 'Payment made']); } \Notification::success("Payment made"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); }
public function update(UpdatePassword $request) { $user = auth()->user(); $this->repository->updatePassword($request->get('password'), $user->id); \Notification::success(trans('users.flash.password_updated')); return redirect()->back(); }
public function update($userId) { //Verify the user can access this user record - we don't need the record just the auth check $user = User::findWithPermission($userId); $input = \Input::all(); //Clear the profile photo field as this is handled separately below. unset($input['new_profile_photo']); if (empty($input['profile_photo_private'])) { $input['profile_photo_private'] = false; } //Trim all the data so some of the validation doesn't choke on spaces foreach ($input as $key => $value) { if (is_string($value)) { $input[$key] = trim($value); } } $this->profileValidator->validate($input, $userId); $this->profileRepo->update($userId, $input); if (\Input::file('new_profile_photo')) { try { $this->userImage->uploadPhoto($user->hash, \Input::file('new_profile_photo')->getRealPath(), true); $this->profileRepo->update($userId, ['new_profile_photo' => 1]); \Notification::success("Photo uploaded, it will be checked and appear shortly"); } catch (\Exception $e) { \Log::error($e); } } else { \Notification::success("Profile Updated"); } return \Redirect::route('members.show', $userId); }
/** * Start the creation of a new balance payment * Details get posted into this method * @param $userId * @throws \BB\Exceptions\AuthenticationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\FormValidationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\NotImplementedException */ public function store($userId) { $user = User::findWithPermission($userId); $this->bbCredit->setUserId($user->id); $requestData = \Request::only(['reason', 'amount', 'return_path', 'ref']); $amount = $requestData['amount'] * 1 / 100; $reason = $requestData['reason']; $returnPath = $requestData['return_path']; $ref = $requestData['ref']; //Can the users balance go below 0 $minimumBalance = $this->bbCredit->acceptableNegativeBalance($reason); //What is the users balance $userBalance = $this->bbCredit->getBalance(); //With this payment will the users balance go to low? if ($userBalance - $amount < $minimumBalance) { if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['error' => 'You don\'t have the money for this'], 400); } \Notification::error("You don't have the money for this"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); } //Everything looks gooc, create the payment $this->paymentRepository->recordPayment($reason, $userId, 'balance', '', $amount, 'paid', 0, $ref); //Update the users cached balance $this->bbCredit->recalculate(); if (\Request::wantsJson()) { return \Response::json(['message' => 'Payment made']); } \Notification::success("Payment made"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); }
public function update($logEntryId) { $reason = \Request::get('reason'); if (!in_array($reason, ['training', 'testing'])) { throw new \BB\Exceptions\ValidationException("Not a valid reason"); } $equipmentLog = $this->equipmentLogRepository->getById($logEntryId); /* if ($equipmentLog->user_id == \Auth::user()->id) { throw new \BB\Exceptions\ValidationException("You can't update your own record"); } */ if (!\Auth::user()->hasRole($equipmentLog->device) && !\Auth::user()->isAdmin()) { throw new \BB\Exceptions\ValidationException("You don't have permission to alter this record"); } if (!empty($equipmentLog->reason)) { throw new \BB\Exceptions\ValidationException("Reason already set"); } $billedStatus = $equipmentLog->billed; if ($equipmentLog->billed) { //the user has been billed, we need to undo this. $payments = $this->paymentRepository->getPaymentsByReference($equipmentLog->id . ':' . $equipmentLog->device); if ($payments->count() == 1) { $this->paymentRepository->delete($payments->first()->id); $billedStatus = false; } else { throw new \BB\Exceptions\ValidationException("Unable to locate related payment, please contact an admin"); } } $this->equipmentLogRepository->update($logEntryId, ['reason' => $reason, 'billed' => $billedStatus]); \Notification::success("Record Updated"); return \Redirect::back(); }
public function store() { $input = \Input::only('subject', 'message', 'send_to_all', 'recipient'); $this->emailNotificationValidator->validate($input); //This is for admins only unless they are part of a group, then they have access to specific lists if (!\Auth::user()->isAdmin() && !\Auth::user()->hasRole('laser')) { } if ($input['send_to_all']) { if ($input['recipient'] == 'all') { if (!\Auth::user()->isAdmin()) { throw new AuthenticationException("You don't have permission to send to this group"); } $users = $this->userRepository->getActive(); } else { if ($input['recipient'] == 'laser_induction_members') { if (!\Auth::user()->hasRole('laser')) { throw new AuthenticationException("You don't have permission to send to this group"); } $users = $this->inductionRepository->getUsersForEquipment('laser'); } else { throw new NotImplementedException("Recipient not supported"); } } foreach ($users as $user) { $notification = new UserMailer($user); $notification->sendNotificationEmail($input['subject'], nl2br($input['message'])); } } else { //Just send to the current user $notification = new UserMailer(\Auth::user()); $notification->sendNotificationEmail($input['subject'], nl2br($input['message'])); } \Notification::success('Email Queued to Send'); return \Redirect::route('notificationemail.create'); }
public function cancelUpload() { if (unlink($this->uploadedFile["tmp_name"])) { Notification::success(1, 'File upload was canceled.'); return true; } else { return false; } }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param Email $email * @param $token * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function activate(Email $email, $token) { if ($email->activate($token, auth()->user())) { \Notification::success(trans('email::email.activation_success')); } else { \Notification::error(trans('email::email.activation_failed')); } return redirect($this->redirectPath()); }
/** * Update the specified user in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param \App\User $user * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, User $user) { $user->update($request->except('biography', 'contactDetails', 'address')); $user->biography()->updateOrCreate([], $request->biography); $user->contactDetails()->updateOrCreate([], $request->contactDetails); $user->profile()->updateOrCreate([], $request->profile); $user->address()->updateOrCreate([], $request->address); \Notification::success("Künstler erfolgreich aktualisiert."); return back(); }
/** * Action the admin approve requests * * @param $id * * @return mixed * @throws \BB\Exceptions\AuthenticationException */ public function approve($id) { $user = User::findWithPermission($id, 'comms'); if (\Input::has('inducted_by')) { $user->inducted_by = \Auth::id(); $user->save(); \Notification::success('Updated'); } return \Redirect::route('account.induction.index'); }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param $userId * @param int $id * @throws \BB\Exceptions\NotImplementedException * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function update($userId, $id) { $induction = Induction::findOrFail($id); if (\Input::get('mark_trained', false)) { $induction->trained = \Carbon\Carbon::now(); $induction->trainer_user_id = \Input::get('trainer_user_id', false); $induction->save(); } elseif (\Input::get('is_trainer', false)) { $induction->is_trainer = true; $induction->save(); } else { throw new \BB\Exceptions\NotImplementedException(); } \Notification::success("Updated"); return \Redirect::route('account.show', $userId); }
/** * Remove cash from the users balance * * @param $userId * @return mixed * @throws \BB\Exceptions\AuthenticationException * @throws \BB\Exceptions\InvalidDataException */ public function destroy($userId) { $user = User::findWithPermission($userId); $this->bbCredit->setUserId($userId); $amount = \Request::get('amount'); $returnPath = \Request::get('return_path'); $ref = \Request::get('ref'); $minimumBalance = $this->bbCredit->acceptableNegativeBalance('withdrawal'); if ($user->cash_balance + $minimumBalance * 100 < $amount * 100) { \Notification::error("Not enough money"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); } $this->paymentRepository->recordPayment('withdrawal', $userId, 'balance', '', $amount, 'paid', 0, $ref); $this->bbCredit->recalculate(); \Notification::success("Payment recorded"); return \Redirect::to($returnPath); }
public function post() { $contact = $this->contact->first(); if (!is_null($contact)) { $id = $contact->id; $contact = $this->contact->find($id); $contact->phone = \Input::get('phone'); $contact->email = \Input::get('email'); $contact->address = \Input::get('address'); $contact->map = json_encode(explode(',', trim(\Input::get('map')))); $contact->show = 1; $contact->save(); } else { $data = array('phone' => \Input::get('phone'), 'email' => \Input::get('email'), 'address' => \Input::get('address'), 'map' => \Input::get('map'), 'show' => 1); $this->contact->create($data); } \Notification::success('Done !'); return \Redirect::back(); }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('user_id')) { $uid = Input::get('user_id'); $user = CmsUser::find($uid); //CHECK IF USER EXISTS if (empty($user)) { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_user_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::user'); } else { $user->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_user_success', CMSLANG, array('user' => $user->username)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::user'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_user_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::user'); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('role_id')) { $rid = Input::get('role_id'); $page = CmsPage::where_role_id($rid)->first(); //CHECK IF ROLE STILL IN USE if (!empty($page)) { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_role_stillinuse_error', CMSLANG, array('page' => $page->name)), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::role'); } else { $role = CmsRole::find($rid); $role->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_role_success', CMSLANG, array('role' => $role->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::role'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_role_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::page'); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('gallery_id')) { $gid = Input::get('gallery_id'); $gallery = CmsGallery::find($gid); //CHECK IF GALLERY EXISTS if (!empty($gallery)) { //DELETE FROM DB $gallery->files()->delete(); $gallery->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_gallery_success', CMSLANG, array('gallery' => $gallery->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::gallery'); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_gallery_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::gallery'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_gallery_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::gallery'); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('banner_id')) { $bid = Input::get('banner_id'); $banner = CmsBanner::find($bid); //CHECK IF BANNER EXISTS if (!empty($banner)) { //DELETE FROM DB $banner->files()->delete(); $banner->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_banner_success', CMSLANG, array('banner' => $banner->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::banner'); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_banner_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::banner'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_banner_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::banner'); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('download_id')) { $did = Input::get('download_id'); $download = CmsDownload::find($did); //CHECK IF DOWNLOAD EXISTS if (!empty($download)) { //DELETE FROM DB $download->files()->delete(); $download->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_download_success', CMSLANG, array('download' => $download->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::download'); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_download_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::download'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_download_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::download'); } }
/** * This is a basic method for recording a payment transfer between two people * This should not exist and the normal balance payment controller should be used * If any more work is needed here please take the time and move it over! * * @param Request $request * @param integer $userId * * @return mixed * @throws ValidationException * @throws AuthenticationException */ public function recordTransfer(Request $request, $userId) { $user = User::findWithPermission($userId); $this->bbCredit->setUserId($user->id); $amount = $request->get('amount'); $targetUserId = $request->get('target_user_id'); $targetUser = $this->userRepository->getById($targetUserId); if ($targetUserId === $userId) { throw new ValidationException('Your\'e trying to send money to yourself, no!'); } //What is the users balance $userBalance = $this->bbCredit->getBalance(); //With this payment will the users balance go to low? if ($userBalance - $amount < 0) { \Notification::error("You don't have the money for this"); return \Redirect::route('account.balance.index', $user->id); } $this->paymentRepository->recordBalanceTransfer($user->id, $targetUser->id, $amount); \Notification::success("Transfer made"); return \Redirect::route('account.balance.index', $user->id); }
/** * Handle a POST request to reset a user's password. * * @param Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|null */ public function postReset(Request $request) { $credentials = $request->only('email', 'password', 'password_confirmation', 'token'); $validator = app('Illuminate\\Contracts\\Validation\\Factory')->make($credentials, ['token' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|min:8']); if ($validator->fails()) { throw new FormValidationException('Error', $validator->errors()); } //We aren't using a confirm password box so this can be faked $credentials['password_confirmation'] = $credentials['password']; $response = Password::reset($credentials, function ($user, $password) { $user->password = $password; $user->save(); }); switch ($response) { case Password::PASSWORD_RESET: \Notification::success("Your password has been changed"); return redirect()->home(); default: \Notification::error(trans($response)); return redirect()->back()->withInput(); } }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('tag_id')) { $tid = Input::get('tag_id'); $tag = CmsTag::find($tid); //CHECK IF TAG EXISTS if (!empty($tag)) { $lang = $tag->lang; //DELETE FROM DB $tag->blogs()->delete(); $tag->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_tag_success', CMSLANG, array('tag' => $tag->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::tag', array($lang)); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_tag_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::tag', array($lang)); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_gallery_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::tag', array($lang)); } }
public function delete($id) { $this->cate->delete($id); \Notification::success('DELETED !'); return \Redirect::back(); }
public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('blog_id')) { $bid = Input::get('blog_id'); $blog = CmsBlog::find($bid); //CHECK IF BLOG EXISTS if (!empty($blog)) { //OK, DELETE $blog->pages()->delete(); $blog->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_blog_success', CMSLANG, array('blog' => $blog->name)), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::blog', array($blog->lang)); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_blog_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::blog', array(LANG)); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_blog_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::blog', array(LANG)); } }
public function updateSubscriptionAmount($id) { $amount = \Input::get('monthly_subscription'); if ($amount < 5) { throw new ValidationException('The minimum subscription is 5 GBP'); } elseif (!\Auth::user()->isAdmin() && $amount < 15) { throw new ValidationException('The minimum subscription is 15 GBP, please contact the trustees for a lower amount. trustees@buildbrighton.com'); } $user = User::findWithPermission($id); $user->updateSubAmount(\Input::get('monthly_subscription')); \Notification::success('Details Updated'); return \Redirect::route('account.show', [$user->id]); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse */ public function destroy($id = null) { Auth::logout(); \Notification::success('Logged Out'); return redirect()->home(); }
public function post_clone_element() { if (Input::has('page_id') and Input::has('element_id') and Input::has('newpage_id')) { $pid = Input::get('page_id'); $nid = Input::get('newpage_id'); $eid = Input::get('element_id'); $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (Input::has('to_clone')) { //CREATE NEW ELEMENT //GET ELEMENT MODEL $element = CmsElement::find($eid); $new_element_attr = array('author_id' => AUTHORID, 'name' => $element->name, 'label' => $element->label, 'text' => $element->text, 'zone' => $element->zone, 'lang' => LANG, 'is_valid' => 0); $new_element = new CmsElement($new_element_attr); $page = CmsPage::find($nid); $page->elements()->insert($new_element); } else { //GET ELEMENT MODEL $element = CmsElement::find($eid); $clone_array = array('cmselement_id' => $eid, 'cmspage_id' => $nid, 'created_at' => $now, 'updated_at' => $now); DB::table('elements_pages')->insert($clone_array); } Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.clone_element_success', CMSLANG, array('element' => $element->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::page', array(LANG)); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.clone_element_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::page', array(LANG)); } }
public function destroyPhoto($equipmentId, $photoId) { $equipment = $this->equipmentRepository->findBySlug($equipmentId); $photo = $equipment->photos[$photoId]; $equipment->removePhoto($photoId); Storage::delete($equipment->getPhotoBasePath() . $photo['path']); \Notification::success("Image deleted"); return \Redirect::route('equipment.edit', $equipmentId); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy($id) { $group = Sentry::findGroupById($id); $group->delete(); Notification::success('Group was successfully deleted'); return Redirect::action('App\\Controllers\\Admin\\GroupController@index'); }