public function Exec($command) { $engine = $this->session->getSpooler(); if (!isset($engine[0]['shell'])) { print "?!"; exit; } $shell = $engine[0]['shell']; $host = $shell['host']; $user = $shell['user']; $password = $shell['password']; $method = 'CURL'; set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../vendor/phpseclib'); include 'Net/SSH2.php'; include 'Crypt/RSA.php'; $ssh = new \Net_SSH2($host); if (1) { $key = new \Crypt_RSA(); $ret = $key->loadKey("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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\n3wUYsjeDxqq8Km93+iMQ8DDNZIvoVcfYQW9BfDlf\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- "); if (!$ret) { echo "loadKey failed\n"; print "<pre>" . $ssh->getLog() . '</pre>'; exit; } } elseif (isset($shell['password'])) { $key = $shell['password']; } else { $key = ''; // ?! possible ? } if (!$ssh->login($user, $key)) { exit("Login Failed ({$user})"); } return $ssh->exec("system '{$command}'"); }
/** * Logs in to a SSH server with the specified credentials, * and returns the Net_SSH2 instance. * * @return Net_SSH2 $ssh * @author Ronald Rey **/ public static final function getSSH($host, $user, $pass, $timeout) { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); if (!$ssh->login($user, $pass)) { exit('Login to failed.'); } $ssh->setTimeout($timeout); $ssh->write(" "); return $ssh; }
/** * @throws \Jumper\Exception\CommunicatorException */ public function connect() { $authentication = $this->authentication->getAuthentication($this->ssh); if (!$this->ssh->login($this->authentication->getUser(), $authentication)) { throw new CommunicatorException($this->ssh->getLastError()); } }
public function runCommand($cmd) { if (!empty($this->key_path)) { $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents($this->key_path)); } $ssh = new Net_SSH2($this->host, $this->port); if ($key) { $ssh->login($this->user, $key); } else { $ssh->login($this->user, $this->password); } $out = $ssh->exec($cmd); return $out; }
function getPing($sourceIP, $destinationIP) { // This will work with any pfSense install. $sourceIP is the IP address of the WAN that you want to // use to ping with. This allows you to ping the same address from multiple WANs if you need to. global $local_pfsense_ip; global $pfSense_username; global $pfSense_password; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($local_pfsense_ip); if (!$ssh->login($pfSense_username, $pfSense_password)) { //exit('Login Failed'); return array(0, 0); } $terminal_output = $ssh->exec('ping -c 5 -q -S ' . $sourceIP . ' ' . $destinationIP); // If using something besides OS X you might want to customize the following variables for proper output of average ping. $findme_start = '= '; $start = strpos($terminal_output, $findme_start); $ping_return_value_str = substr($terminal_output, $start + 2, 100); $findme_stop1 = '.'; $stop = strpos($ping_return_value_str, $findme_stop1); $findme_avgPing_decimal = '.'; $avgPing_decimal = strpos($ping_return_value_str, $findme_avgPing_decimal, 6); $findme_forward_slash = '/'; $avgPing_forward_slash = strpos($ping_return_value_str, $findme_forward_slash); $avgPing = substr($ping_return_value_str, $stop + 5, $avgPing_decimal - $avgPing_forward_slash - 1); return $avgPing; }
public function execute($com = false) { if ($com == false) { die("Epic Fail! Yes, it was epic"); } $oldPath = set_include_path("/home/sites/"); App::import("Vendor", "SSH2", array("file" => "phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php")); set_include_path($oldPath); $ssh = new Net_SSH2(''); $login = $ssh->login('root', 'WEB1MH0r5t7Wn'); $out = ''; switch ($com) { case "sync-berrics-all": $out .= $ssh->exec("/home/sites/"); $out .= $ssh->exec("/home/sites/"); break; case "sync-berrics-all-check": $out .= $ssh->exec("/home/sites/"); break; case "sync-berrics-splash": $out .= $ssh->exec("/home/sites/"); break; default: $out .= "Nothing to do..."; break; } $this->set(compact("out")); //echo $ssh->exec('/home/sites/'); }
function set_addr($subnet, $interface) { $interface = $interface != '' ? $interface : $GLOBALS['ethernet_forenaming_scheme'] . '1'; $ip = explode('/', $subnet); $cidr = $ip[1]; $ip_parts = explode('.', $ip[0]); $ip_parts[3] = $ip_parts[3] + 1; $gw = implode('.', $ip_parts); $ip_parts[3] = $ip_parts[3] + 1; $ip = implode('.', $ip_parts); $ssh = new Net_SSH2(''); if ($ssh->login('admin', $GLOBALS['admin_password'])) { //while we're here we might as well reset the mac addresses again. $detail = $ssh->exec('int eth print'); if (preg_match_all("/{$GLOBALS['ethernet_forenaming_scheme']}/", $detail, $matches)) { $i = 1; foreach ($matches[0] as $match) { $ssh->exec('int ethernet reset-mac-address ' . $GLOBALS['ethernet_forenaming_scheme'] . $i); $ssh->exec(':beep frequency=120 length=2ms;'); $i++; if ($i == '10') { $ssh->exec('int ethernet reset-mac-address ' . $GLOBALS['sfp_forenaming_scheme'] . '1'); } } } $ssh->exec('ip address add address=' . $ip . '/' . $cidr . ' interface=' . $interface); //set the ip on the specified interface. $ssh->exec('ip route add dst-address= gateway=' . $gw); //add the default route } }
public function deploy() { $releaseId = $this->dataBase->startRelease(); $ssh = new Net_SSH2(SSH_SERVER); $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->setPassword(SSH_PASSWORD); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents(PATH_TO_PRIVATE_KEY)); if (!$ssh->login(SSH_LOGIN, $key)) { $this->dataBase->logStep($releaseId, 'ssh ' . SSH_SERVER, ['error' => 'Login failed'], 1); exit('Login Failed'); } $ssh->enableQuietMode(); $command = $this->bash->dtLock('sandbox-mercury', 'mercury'); $output['success'] = $ssh->exec($command); $output['error'] = $ssh->getStdError(); $this->dataBase->logStep($releaseId, $command, $output, $ssh->getExitStatus()); $command = $this->bash->dtPrep('sandbox-mercury', 'mercury', ["mercury" => "dev"]); $output['success'] = $ssh->exec($command); $output['error'] = $ssh->getStdError(); $this->dataBase->logStep($releaseId, $command, $output, $ssh->getExitStatus()); $command = $this->bash->dtPush('sandbox-mercury', 'mercury'); $output['success'] = $ssh->exec($command); $output['error'] = $ssh->getStdError(); $this->dataBase->logStep($releaseId, $command, $output, $ssh->getExitStatus()); }
public function Exec($host, $user, $password, $command) { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); if (!$ssh->login($user, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } echo $ssh->exec("system '{$command}'"); }
function delete_user($username, $server_host, $server_username, $server_password) { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($server_host); if ($ssh->login($server_username, $server_password) == false) { exit('Login Failed'); } $command = 'userdel -r ' . $username; echo $ssh->exec($command); }
function ConectSSHStation($server) { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($server); if (!$ssh->login(userubnt, passubnt)) { print "Login Failed {$server}"; } $mca = $ssh->exec("mca-status"); return $mca; }
public function Exec($command) { set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '../vendor/phpseclib'); include 'Net/SSH2.php'; $ssh = new \Net_SSH2($this->host); if (!$ssh->login($this->user, $this->password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } return $ssh->exec("system '{$command}'"); }
public function connectToServer() { include Mage::getBaseDir('base') . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'Ssh' . DS . 'Net' . DS . 'SSH2.php'; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($this->getMacServerIp()); if ($ssh->login($this->getMacServerUser(), $this->getMacServerPassword())) { return $ssh; } else { return false; } }
public function Exec($command, $stdin = '') { $database = $this->session->getDatabase(); $name = $database['name']; $engine = $this->session->getSpoolerByName($name, 'waae'); if (!isset($engine[0]['shell'])) { print "?!"; exit; } set_include_path('../vendor/phpseclib' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); include 'Net/SSH2.php'; include 'Crypt/RSA.php'; $shell = $engine[0]['shell']; $host = $shell['host']; $user = $shell['user']; $ssh = new \Net_SSH2($host); if (isset($shell['key'])) { $key = new \Crypt_RSA(); $ret = $key->loadKey($shell['key']); if (!$ret) { echo "loadKey failed\n"; print "<pre>" . $ssh->getLog() . '</pre>'; exit; } } elseif (isset($shell['password'])) { $key = $shell['password']; } else { $key = ''; // ?! possible ? } if (!$ssh->login('autosys', $key)) { print 'Login Failed'; print "<pre>" . $ssh->getLog() . '</pre>'; exit; } if ($stdin == '') { return $ssh->exec(". ~/.bash_profile;{$command}"); } // Test STDIN $ssh->enablePTY(); print "profile" . $ssh->exec(". ~/.bash_profile"); print "sort" . ($exec = $ssh->exec('sort')); $ssh->write(<<<EOF echo "update_job: SE.ERIC.JOB.JobType_UNIX" echo "description: 'ok!!' EOF ); $ssh->reset(true); $ssh->setTimeout(2); print $ssh->read(); return; return $ssh->read(); // outputs the echo above }
function runcmd($cmd) { include 'Net/SSH2.php'; $ssh = new Net_SSH2('localhost'); if (!$ssh->login('rc', 'cacapedo')) { exit('Login Failed'); } // echo $ssh->exec('pwd'); $r = $ssh->exec($cmd); return str_replace("\n", "<br>", $r); }
public static function localhost_connect() { global $cphp_config; $sSSH = new Net_SSH2(''); $sKey = new Crypt_RSA(); $sKey->loadKey(file_get_contents($cphp_config->settings->rootkey)); if ($sSSH->login("root", $sKey)) { return $sSSH; } else { return $sErrors = array("Could not connect to the local host."); } }
/** * connect to the remote server * @return bool|\Net_SSH2 */ private function connect() { $ssh = new \Net_SSH2(Setting::getSetting('remote:host')); $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents(Setting::getSetting('ssh:priv_key'))); if (!$ssh->login(Setting::getSetting('remote:user'), $key)) { $cli = new CLImate(); $cli->error("Could not connect to server"); return false; } return $ssh; }
/** IS USED TO CONNECT TO SSH INCLUDE THIS BEFORE FUNCTION CALL * set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . ROOT_DIRECTORY_PATH . 'phpseclib'); include_once('Net/SSH2.php'); include_once('Crypt/RSA.php'); EXAMPLE AT addEc2Request.php @return empty sting if thigs goes wrong. */ function connect_to_ssh($publicDnsName, $keyPairName) { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($publicDnsName); $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents(ROOT_DIRECTORY_PATH . AMAZON_SSH_KEYS . $keyPairName)); if (!$ssh->login('ubuntu', $key)) { //WHEN USER IS NOT LOGGED INTO SSH return 2; } else { //if things goes right. return array('Net_SSH2' => $ssh, 'Crypt_RSA' => $key); } }
/** * Establish a SSH2 connection using PHPSECLIB * * @return object (ssh obj) OR string (err) */ function newNetSSH2($ip, $sshport = 22, $login, $password) { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($ip, $sshport); if (!$ssh->login($login, $password)) { $socket = @fsockopen($ip, $sshport, $errno, $errstr, 5); if ($socket == FALSE) { $debug = "Unable to connect to {$ip} on port {$sshport} : {$errstr} ( Errno: {$errno} )"; return $debug; } return 'Unable to connect to box with SSH'; } return $ssh; }
/** * Execute task and return report info * * @return \Deployer\Task */ public function execute() { foreach ($this->params() as $param => $value) { $this->_params[$param] = \Deployer::applyGlobalParams($value); } $ssh = new \Net_SSH2($this->param('host'), $this->param('port')); if (!$ssh->login($this->param('username'), $this->param('password'))) { throw new \Deployer\TaskException('Can\'t connect to remote host'); } $scp = new \Net_SCP($ssh); $scp->put($this->param('dest'), file_get_contents($this->param('file'))); $info = sprintf('Filesize: %d bytes', filesize($this->param('file'))); return $this->info($info); }
function connect() { try { $ssh = new \Net_SSH2($this['addr'], $this['ssh_port'] ?: 22); $key = $this->getPrivateKey(); if (!$ssh->login($this['ssh_user'] ?: 'dokku', $key)) { throw $this->exception('Login Failed!'); } return $ssh; } catch (BaseException $e) { throw $e; // don't do anything yet // var_dump($e); } }
/** * Execute task and return report info * * @return \Deployer\Task */ public function execute() { $info = ''; foreach ($this->params() as $param => $value) { $this->_params[$param] = \Deployer::applyGlobalParams($value); } $ssh = new \Net_SSH2($this->param('host'), $this->param('port')); if (!$ssh->login($this->param('username'), $this->param('password'))) { throw new \Deployer\TaskException('Can\'t connect to remote host'); } foreach ((array) $this->param('cmd') as $cmd) { $command = 'cd ' . $this->param('directory') . ' && ' . $cmd; $command = \Deployer::applyGlobalParams($command); $result = $ssh->exec($command); $info .= '$ ' . $command . PHP_EOL . $result . PHP_EOL; } return $this->info($info); }
function get_json_info_from_server($ip_address, $username, $password, $start_date, $end_date = null) { global $path_to_logfile_rollup; $ssh = new Net_SSH2($ip_address); if (!$ssh->login($username, $password)) { exit('Login Failed'); } $command = 'php ' . $path_to_logfile_rollup . 'logfile_rollup.php ' . $start_date; if ($end_date !== null) { $command .= ' ' . $end_date; } $json_response = null; try { $json_response = $ssh->exec($command); } catch (Exception $e) { die($e->getMessage()); } return $json_response; }
function ssh_connect($host) { dbg_log("Connecting over SSH to {$host}"); #define('NET_SSH2_LOGGING', NET_SSH2_LOG_COMPLEX); $ssh = new Net_SSH2($host); $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->setPassword(get_config()->host_ssh_private_key_password); $keyPath = get_config()->host_ssh_private_key; $keyString = file_get_contents($keyPath); $userString = get_config()->host_ssh_username; if (!$key->loadKey($keyString)) { dbg_log(var_dump($ssh->getErrors(), true)); exit("cannot import key {$keyPath}"); } if (!$ssh->login($userString, $key)) { dbg_log($ssh->getLastError()); exit('Login Failed'); } return $ssh; }
function getInfo($ip, $sshkey_location) { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($ip); //key $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents($sshkey_location)); if (!$ssh->login('root', $key)) { die("SSH Login Failed!"); } else { $return['disk_usage'] = $ssh->exec("df -k .|awk 'NR==2 {print \$5}'"); $return['disk_remaining'] = 100 - substr($return['disk_usage'], 0, -1) . "%"; $uptime = $ssh->exec('echo `uptime`'); list($uptime, $load) = explode('load average:', $uptime); list($trash, $uptime) = explode(' up ', $uptime); list($uptime, $trash) = explode(', ', $uptime); $return['uptime'] = $uptime; $return['load'] = $load; //get memory $return['memory_free'] = $ssh->exec("cat /proc/meminfo|grep 'MemFree'"); list($trash, $return['memory_free']) = explode('MemFree:', $return['memory_free']); } return $return; }
/** * ??? * * @param string[][] $data Die Serverdaten * @return ??? */ public static function Verbinden($data) { $ssh = null; if ($data['ZV']['zv_ssh_auth_type'] == 'passwd') { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($data['ZV']['zv_ssh_address']); $res = @$ssh->login($data['ZV']['zv_ssh_login'], $data['ZV']['zv_ssh_password']); if (!$res) { return null; } $ssh->setTimeout(0); } else { if ($data['ZV']['zv_ssh_auth_type'] == 'keyFile') { $ssh = new Net_SSH2($data['ZV']['zv_ssh_address']); $key = new Crypt_RSA(); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents($data['ZV']['zv_ssh_key_file'])); if (!$ssh->login($data['ZV']['zv_ssh_login'], $key)) { return null; } $ssh->setTimeout(0); } } return $ssh; }
<html> <head><title>Bandit</title></head> <body> <?php set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . 'c:\\wamp\\www\\bandit\\phpseclib'); include 'phpseclib\\Net\\SSH2.php'; $ssh = new Net_SSH2(''); if (!$ssh->login('bandit1', 'boJ9jbbUNNfktd78OOpsqOltutMc3MY1')) { exit('Login Failed'); } else { echo "<b>CONECTADO!</b> <p>"; } echo "Bandit2 Pass Walkthrough<p>\n\t++ ls -la (to see all files)<br>\n\t++ cat ./- (special character filename)<p>"; echo "<h1>" . $ssh->exec('cat ./-') . "</h1>"; echo $ssh->exec('exit'); ?> </body> </html>
<?php $output = shell_exec('sh'); echo "<pre>{$output}</pre>"; exit; include 'Crypt/RSA.php'; include 'Net/SSH2.php'; try { $key = new Crypt_RSA(); //$key->setPassword('whatever'); $key->loadKey(file_get_contents('id_rsa.ppk')); $ssh = new Net_SSH2(''); if (!$ssh->login('username', $key)) { exit('Login Failed'); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } exit; echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$'); $ssh->write("ls -la\n"); echo $ssh->read('username@username:~$');
/** * Login * * @param String $username * @param optional String $password * @return Boolean * @access public */ function login($username, $password = '') { if (!parent::login($username, $password)) { return false; } $packet = pack('CNa*N3', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, strlen('session'), 'session', $this->client_channel, $this->window_size, $this->packet_size_server_to_client); if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->_get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { user_error('Connection closed by server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } extract(unpack('Ctype', $this->_string_shift($response, 1))); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION: $this->_string_shift($response, 4); // skip over client channel extract(unpack('Nserver_channel', $this->_string_shift($response, 4))); $this->server_channels[$this->client_channel] = $server_channel; $this->_string_shift($response, 4); // skip over (server) window size extract(unpack('Npacket_size_client_to_server', $this->_string_shift($response, 4))); $this->packet_size_client_to_server = $packet_size_client_to_server; break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE: user_error('Unable to open channel', E_USER_NOTICE); return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); } $packet = pack('CNNa*CNa*', NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, $server_channel, strlen('subsystem'), 'subsystem', 1, strlen('sftp'), 'sftp'); if (!$this->_send_binary_packet($packet)) { return false; } $response = $this->_get_binary_packet(); if ($response === false) { user_error('Connection closed by server', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } extract(unpack('Ctype', $this->_string_shift($response, 1))); switch ($type) { case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: break; case NET_SSH2_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: default: user_error('Unable to initiate SFTP channel', E_USER_NOTICE); return $this->_disconnect(NET_SSH2_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION); } if (!$this->_send_sftp_packet(NET_SFTP_INIT, "")) { return false; } $response = $this->_get_sftp_packet(); if ($this->packet_type != NET_SFTP_VERSION) { user_error('Expected SSH_FXP_VERSION', E_USER_NOTICE); return false; } extract(unpack('Nversion', $this->_string_shift($response, 4))); $this->version = $version; while (!empty($response)) { extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4))); $key = $this->_string_shift($response, $length); extract(unpack('Nlength', $this->_string_shift($response, 4))); $value = $this->_string_shift($response, $length); $this->extensions[$key] = $value; } /* SFTPv4+ defines a 'newline' extension. SFTPv3 seems to have unofficial support for it via '*****@*****.**', however, I'm not sure what '*****@*****.**' is supposed to do (the fact that it's unofficial means that it's not in the official SFTPv3 specs) and '*****@*****.**' / 'newline' are likely not drop-in substitutes for one another due to the fact that 'newline' comes with a SSH_FXF_TEXT bitmask whereas it seems unlikely that '*****@*****.**' would. */ /* if (isset($this->extensions['*****@*****.**'])) { $this->extensions['newline'] = $this->extensions['*****@*****.**']; unset($this->extensions['*****@*****.**']); } */ $this->request_id = 1; /* A Note on SFTPv4/5/6 support: <> states the following: "If the client wishes to interoperate with servers that support noncontiguous version numbers it SHOULD send '3'" Given that the server only sends its version number after the client has already done so, the above seems to be suggesting that v3 should be the default version. This makes sense given that v3 is the most popular. <> states the following; "If the server did not send the "versions" extension, or the version-from-list was not included, the server MAY send a status response describing the failure, but MUST then close the channel without processing any further requests." So what do you do if you have a client whose initial SSH_FXP_INIT packet says it implements v3 and a server whose initial SSH_FXP_VERSION reply says it implements v4 and only v4? If it only implements v4, the "versions" extension is likely not going to have been sent so version re-negotiation as discussed in draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-13 would be quite impossible. As such, what Net_SFTP would do is close the channel and reopen it with a new and updated SSH_FXP_INIT packet. */ if ($this->version != 3) { return false; } $this->pwd = $this->_realpath('.'); return true; }
<?php if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') { exit("must be run from php-cli\n"); } $log = 1; define('PANEL_BASE_PATH', '/home/nulled/www'); set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . PANEL_BASE_PATH . '/server/modules/core/phpseclib'); require_once PANEL_BASE_PATH . '/server/modules/core/phpseclib/Net/SSH2.php'; $ssh = new Net_SSH2(''); if (!$ssh->login('user', 'pass')) { exit('Login Failed'); } $cmd_file = '/home/nulled/www/server/logs/command.issue'; unlink($cmd_file); $i = 0; while (true) { if (is_file($cmd_file) and filesize($cmd_file) and ($command = file_get_contents($cmd_file)) !== false) { unlink($cmd_file); $i = 0; if ($log) { echo "{$cmd_file} found\n"; } $return = $ssh->exec(trim($command)); file_put_contents($cmd_file . '.receiving', $return); rename($cmd_file . '.receiving', $cmd_file . '.return'); } $i++; if ($i > 10000) { $i--; // echo "usleep(200000)\n";