function processResources($count = 0, $xml = "")
    while (isset($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_va_" . $count])) {
        $kbe = new KnowledgeBaseEntry();
        $kbe->EditorId = $kbe->OwnerId = CALLER_SYSTEM_ID;
        $kbe->Id = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_va_" . $count];
        $kbe->Value = base64_decode($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vb_" . $count]);
        $kbe->Type = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vc_" . $count];
        $kbe->Title = base64_decode($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vd_" . $count]);
        $kbe->IsDiscarded = !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_ve_" . $count]);
        $kbe->ParentId = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vf_" . $count];
        $kbe->Rank = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vg_" . $count];
        $kbe->Size = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vh_" . $count];
        $kbe->Tags = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vi_" . $count];
        $kbe->Languages = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vj_" . $count];
        $kbe->Tags = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vi_" . $count];
        $kbe->IsPublic = !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vk_" . $count]);
        $kbe->FulltextSearch = !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vl_" . $count]);
        $kbe->ShortcutWord = $_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vm_" . $count];
        $kbe->AllowBotAccess = !empty($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_vn_" . $count]);
        $xml .= "<r rid=\"" . base64_encode($kbe->Id) . "\" disc=\"" . base64_encode($_POST[POST_INTERN_PROCESS_RESOURCES . "_ve_" . $count]) . "\" />\r\n";
    Server::$Response->SetStandardResponse(1, $xml);
 function CalculateRank()
     if ($this->ParentId == "1") {
         $this->Rank = 1;
     $this->Rank = -1;
     $rank = 0;
     $parent = $this->ParentId;
     while (true) {
         $perow = KnowledgeBaseEntry::GetById($parent, false);
         if ($perow != null) {
             $parent = $perow["parentid"];
         } else {
     if ($rank > 0) {
         $this->Rank = $rank + 1;
     } else {
         $this->Rank = 1;
 private function SEND_PHP_MAIL($_receiver = "", $result = "", $_html = false)
     if (strpos($_receiver, ",") !== false) {
         $emails = explode(",", $_receiver);
         foreach ($emails as $mail) {
             if (!empty($mail) && !Is::Null(strpos($mail, "@"))) {
                 $result = $this->SEND_PHP_MAIL(trim($mail), $result);
         return $result;
     $mailtext = $this->MailBodyText;
     $ehash = md5(date('r', time()));
     $EOL = "\r\n";
     if (empty($this->FakeSender)) {
         $headers = "From: " . $this->Mailbox->Email . $EOL;
     } else {
         $headers = "From: " . $this->FakeSender . $EOL;
     $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $this->ReplyTo . $EOL;
     $headers .= "Date: " . date("r") . $EOL;
     $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $EOL;
     $headers .= "X-Mailer:" . VERSION . $EOL;
     if ($this->Attachments != null) {
         $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"" . $ehash . "\"" . $EOL . $EOL;
         $headers .= "--" . $ehash . $EOL;
         $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed" . $EOL;
         $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $EOL . $EOL;
         $headers .= $mailtext . $EOL . $EOL;
         $headers .= "--" . $ehash . $EOL;
         foreach ($this->Attachments as $resId) {
             $res = KnowledgeBaseEntry::GetById($resId);
             if ($res == null) {
             $content = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents("./uploads/" . $res["value"])));
             $headers .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $res["title"] . "\"" . $EOL;
             $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . $EOL;
             $headers .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $res["title"] . "\"" . $EOL . $EOL;
             $headers .= $content . $EOL . $EOL;
             $headers .= "--" . $ehash . $EOL;
         $mailtext = "";
         $headers .= "--" . $ehash . "--" . $EOL;
     } else {
         $headers .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed" . $EOL;
         $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" . $EOL . $EOL;
     if (@mail($_receiver, $this->Subject, $mailtext, $headers)) {
         return 1;
     } else {
         return "The email could not be sent using PHP mail(). Please try another Return Email Address or use SMTP.";
 define("IN_LIVEZILLA", true);
 header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
 if (!defined("LIVEZILLA_PATH")) {
     define("LIVEZILLA_PATH", "./");
 require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
 require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
 require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
 require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
 require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
 $color = ExternalChat::ReadTextColor();
 $entry = KnowledgeBaseEntry::GetById(Communication::ReadParameter("id", ""), true);
 if (!empty($entry)) {
     $html = IOStruct::GetFile(PATH_TEMPLATES . "kb_entry.tpl");
     if (!empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_kcss"])) {
         $html = str_replace("<!--custom_css-->", "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" . Server::$Configuration->File["gl_kcss"] . "\">", $html);
     if (Server::$Configuration->File["gl_knbr"]) {
         $rresult = $entry->GetRateResult();
         if (($rate = Communication::ReadParameter("h", -1)) != -1) {
             $html = str_replace("<!--rate_text-->", "<br><div id=\"lz_chat_dialog_kb_rate\">" . $LZLANG["client_feedback_success"] . "</div>", $html);
         } else {
             $bhtml = "<a href=\"./knowledgebase.php?id=<!--id-->&h=MQ__\"><!--lang_client_yes--></a><a href=\"./knowledgebase.php?id=<!--id-->&h=MA__\"><!--lang_client_no--></a>";
             $fhtml = $rresult[0] > 0 ? str_replace("<!--users-->", $rresult[0], str_replace("<!--total-->", $rresult[1], $LZLANG["client_found_helpful"])) . " " : "";
             $html = str_replace("<!--rate_text-->", "<br><div id=\"lz_chat_dialog_kb_rate\">" . $fhtml . $LZLANG["client_was_helpful"] . $bhtml . "</div>", $html);
예제 #5
* LiveZilla getfile.php
* Copyright 2014 LiveZilla GmbH
* All rights reserved.
* LiveZilla is a registered trademark.
* Improper changes to this file may cause critical errors.
define("IN_LIVEZILLA", true);
if (!defined("LIVEZILLA_PATH")) {
    define("LIVEZILLA_PATH", "./");
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_lib/";
require LIVEZILLA_PATH . "_definitions/";
if (isset($_GET["id"]) && Server::InitDataProvider()) {
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    if (strpos($id, ".") === false && !Is::Null($res = KnowledgeBaseEntry::GetById($id))) {
        if (file_exists("./uploads/" . $res["value"]) && strpos($res["value"], "..") === false) {
            header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
            header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
            header('Content-Length: ' . filesize("./uploads/" . $res["value"]));
            header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . urlencode($res["title"]));
            exit(file_get_contents("./uploads/" . $res["value"]));
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
 function KnowledgebaseEntryCreate()
     $kbEntry = new KnowledgeBaseEntry();
     $params = ApiV2::GetObjectFields("KnowledgeBaseEntry");
     if ($kbEntry = $this->CreateFromJSON($params, json_decode($_POST["p_data"]), $kbEntry, "KnowledgeBaseEntry")) {
         $parent = KnowledgeBaseEntry::GetById($kbEntry->ParentId, false);
         if ($parent == null) {
             $this->ErrorFilter = "ParentId";
         } else {
             $kbEntry->EditorId = CALLER_SYSTEM_ID;
             $kbEntry->OwnerId = CALLER_SYSTEM_ID;
             $kbEntry->Edited = $kbEntry->Created = time() + 1;
             if (empty($kbEntry->Id)) {
                 $kbEntry->Id = getId(32);
             $this->JSONOutput = APIV2::Encode(array("KnowledgeBaseEntry" => ApiV2::ClearObject($params, $kbEntry)), $this->JSONParams);
 function FormatBotAutoReplies($_chat, $_answers, $_alternate = true, $html = "", $single = "")
     $tth = ".";
     $bind = " " . LocalizationManager::$TranslationStrings["client_or"] . " ";
     if (!empty(Server::$Groups[$_chat->DesiredChatGroup]) && Server::$Groups[$_chat->DesiredChatGroup]->IsHumanAvailable()) {
         $resultpc = DBManager::Execute(false, "SELECT * FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . DATABASE_POSTS . "` WHERE `chat_id`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($_chat->ChatId) . "' AND `repost`=0 AND `receiver`='" . DBManager::RealEscape($this->SystemId) . "';");
         if ($this->WelcomeManager && DBManager::GetRowCount($resultpc) >= $this->WelcomeManagerOfferHumanChatAfter) {
             $tth = " " . LocalizationManager::$TranslationStrings["client_or"] . " <a class=\"lz_chat_human\" onclick=\"var _this = this;lz_chat_set_talk_to_human(true,true);this.className='';'wait';setTimeout(function(){'default'; },3000);\">" . LocalizationManager::$TranslationStrings["client_talk_to_human"] . "</a>.";
             $bind = ", ";
     $lm = empty(Server::$Configuration->File["gl_dtfbc"]) ? $bind . " <a class=\"lz_chat_mail\" onclick=\"lz_chat_require_leave_message();\">" . LocalizationManager::$TranslationStrings["client_leave_a_message"] . "</a>" : "";
     if (count($_answers) == 0) {
         return LocalizationManager::$TranslationStrings["client_bot_no_result_found"] . $lm . $tth;
     } else {
         if (count($_answers) > 0) {
             $html .= LocalizationManager::$TranslationStrings["client_your_result"] . "<br>";
             $html .= "<ul class=\"lz_chat_bot_resource\">";
             foreach ($_answers as $qa) {
                 if (!empty($qa->ResourceId)) {
                     $res = KnowledgeBaseEntry::GetById($qa->ResourceId);
                     $target = $qa->NewWindow ? "target=\"_blank\" " : "";
                     $html .= "<li>";
                     if ($res["type"] == 2) {
                         $html .= "<a class=\"lz_chat_link\" href=\"" . $res["value"] . "\" " . $target . ">" . $res["title"] . "</a>";
                     } else {
                         if ($res["type"] == 3 || $res["type"] == 4) {
                             $html .= "<a class=\"lz_chat_link\" href=\"" . LIVEZILLA_URL . "getfile.php?id=" . $res["id"] . "\" " . $target . ">" . $res["title"] . "</a>";
                         } else {
                             $html .= "<b>" . $res["title"] . "</b><br><br>" . str_replace("<a ", "<a " . $target, str_replace("<A", "<a", $res["value"]));
                     $html .= "</li>";
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($qa->Answer)) {
                         $single = $qa->Answer . "<br><br>";
             $html .= "</ul>";
     if (!empty($single)) {
         $html = $single;
     $html = Server::$Groups[$_chat->DesiredChatGroup]->TextReplace($html, Visitor::$BrowserLanguage);
     $html = $_chat->TextReplace($html);
     $html = $this->TextReplace($html);
     $html = Configuration::Replace($html);
     return $html . ($_alternate ? LocalizationManager::$TranslationStrings["client_bot_result_found"] . $lm . $tth : "");