예제 #1
 public function execute()
     $extProjId = Config::getInstance()->getValue(Config::id_externalTasksProject);
     $issueList = $this->inputIssueSel->getIssueList();
     $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($this->teamid);
     $teamMembers = $team->getMembers();
     $jobs = new Jobs();
     $realStartTimestamp = $this->endTimestamp;
     // note: inverted intentionnaly
     $realEndTimestamp = $this->startTimestamp;
     // note: inverted intentionnaly
     $loadPerJobs = array();
     foreach ($issueList as $issue) {
         if ($extProjId == $issue->getProjectId()) {
         $issueTimetracks = $issue->getTimeTracks(NULL, $this->startTimestamp, $this->endTimestamp);
         foreach ($issueTimetracks as $tt) {
             // check if user in team
             if (!array_key_exists($tt->getUserId(), $teamMembers)) {
             // find real date range
             if (NULL == $realStartTimestamp || $tt->getDate() < $realStartTimestamp) {
                 $realStartTimestamp = $tt->getDate();
             if (NULL == $realEndTimestamp || $tt->getDate() > $realEndTimestamp) {
                 $realEndTimestamp = $tt->getDate();
             if ($issue->isProjManagement(array($this->teamid))) {
                 $jobid = '999_Management';
                 if (!array_key_exists($jobid, $loadPerJobs)) {
                     // create job if not exist in jobList
                     $loadPerJobs[$jobid] = array('name' => T_('Management'), 'color' => 'A3A3A3', 'nbDays' => floatval($tt->getDuration()));
                 } else {
                     $loadPerJobs[$jobid]['nbDays'] += floatval($tt->getDuration());
             } else {
                 if ($team->isSideTasksProject($issue->getProjectId())) {
                     // TODO check category (detail all sidetasks categories)
                     $jobid = '999_SideTasks';
                     if (!array_key_exists($jobid, $loadPerJobs)) {
                         // create job if not exist in jobList
                         $loadPerJobs[$jobid] = array('name' => T_('SideTasks'), 'color' => 'C2C2C2', 'nbDays' => floatval($tt->getDuration()));
                     } else {
                         $loadPerJobs[$jobid]['nbDays'] += floatval($tt->getDuration());
                 } else {
                     $jobid = $tt->getJobId();
                     if (!array_key_exists($jobid, $loadPerJobs)) {
                         // create job if not exist in jobList
                         $loadPerJobs[$jobid] = array('name' => htmlentities($jobs->getJobName($jobid), ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401, "UTF-8"), 'color' => $jobs->getJobColor($jobid), 'nbDays' => floatval($tt->getDuration()));
                     } else {
                         $loadPerJobs[$jobid]['nbDays'] += floatval($tt->getDuration());
     //self::$logger->error("date range: ".date('Y-m-d', $this->startTimestamp).'-'.date('Y-m-d', $this->endTimestamp));
     //self::$logger->error("real date range: ".date('Y-m-d', $realStartTimestamp).'-'.date('Y-m-d', $realEndTimestamp));
     // array sort to put sideTasks categories at the bottom
     $this->execData = array('loadPerJobs' => $loadPerJobs, 'realStartTimestamp' => $realStartTimestamp, 'realEndTimestamp' => $realEndTimestamp);
     return $this->execData;
예제 #2
  * Get info (color & name) for the jobs found in timetracks
  * @param TimeTrack[] $timeTracks
  * @return mixed[]
 private function getJobDetails(array $timeTracks)
     $jobs = new Jobs();
     $jobDetails = array();
     foreach ($timeTracks as $tt) {
         $jobid = $tt->getJobId();
         if (!array_key_exists($jobid, $jobDetails)) {
             $jobDetails[$jobid] = array("jobColor" => $jobs->getJobColor($jobid), "jobName" => $jobs->getJobName($jobid));
     return $jobDetails;
예제 #3
  * @param int[] $weekDates
  * @param int $userid
  * @param TimeTracking $timeTracking
  * @param array $incompleteDays
  * @return mixed[]
 public static function getWeekTask(array $weekDates, $teamid, $userid, TimeTracking $timeTracking, array $incompleteDays)
     $totalElapsed = array();
     $todayAtMidnight = mktime(0, 0, 0);
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
         $weekDate = $weekDates[$i];
         $totalElapsed[$weekDate] = array("elapsed" => 0, "class" => in_array($weekDate, $incompleteDays) && $weekDate < $todayAtMidnight ? "incompleteDay" : "");
     $jobs = new Jobs();
     $weekTasks = NULL;
     $holidays = Holidays::getInstance();
     $weekTracks = $timeTracking->getWeekDetails($userid);
     foreach ($weekTracks as $bugid => $jobList) {
         try {
             $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($bugid);
             $backlog = $issue->getBacklog();
             $extRef = $issue->getTcId();
             $summary = $issue->getSummary();
             $description = SmartyTools::getIssueDescription($bugid, $extRef, $summary);
             $projectId = $issue->getProjectId();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $backlog = '!';
             $extRef = '';
             $summary = '<span class="error_font">' . T_('Error: Task not found in Mantis DB !') . '</span>';
             //$description = SmartyTools::getIssueDescription($bugid,$extRef,$summary);
             $description = Tools::mantisIssueURL($bugid, NULL, TRUE) . ' ' . $bugid . ' : ' . $summary;
             $projectId = -1;
         foreach ($jobList as $jobid => $dayList) {
             // if no backlog set, display a '?' to allow Backlog edition
             if (is_numeric($backlog)) {
                 $formattedBacklog = $backlog;
                 // prepare json data for the BacklogDialogbox
                 $jsonIssueInfo = self::getUpdateBacklogJsonData($bugid, $jobid, $teamid, $userid);
             } else {
                 #if (($team->isSideTasksProject($issue->projectId)) ||
                 #    ($team->isNoStatsProject($issue->projectId))) {
                 // do not allow to edit sideTasks Backlog
                 $formattedBacklog = '';
                 $jsonIssueInfo = '';
                 #} else {
                 #   $formattedBacklog = '?';
             $dayTasks = "";
             for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
                 $title = NULL;
                 $bgColor = NULL;
                 if ($i <= 5) {
                     $h = $holidays->isHoliday($weekDates[$i]);
                     if ($h) {
                         $bgColor = $h->color;
                         #$bgColor = Holidays::$defaultColor;
                         $title = $h->description;
                 } else {
                     $bgColor = Holidays::$defaultColor;
                 $day = 0;
                 if (array_key_exists($i, $dayList)) {
                     $day = $dayList[$i];
                 $dayTasks[] = array('bgColor' => $bgColor, 'title' => $title, 'day' => $day);
                 $totalElapsed[$weekDates[$i]]['elapsed'] += $day;
                         $deadline = $issue->getDeadLine();
                         if (!is_null($deadline) || (0 != $deadline)) {
                            $formatedDate = Tools::formatDate(T_("%Y-%m-%d"), $deadline);
             try {
                 $project = ProjectCache::getInstance()->getProject($projectId);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $project = null;
             if ($project != null) {
                 if (!$project->isSideTasksProject(array($teamid)) && !$project->isExternalTasksProject()) {
                     // TODO does $issue belong to current team's project ? what if not ?
                     $tooltipAttr = $issue->getTooltipItems($teamid, $userid);
                     $infoTooltip = Tools::imgWithTooltip('images/b_info.png', $tooltipAttr);
                 } else {
                     $infoTooltip = '';
             } else {
                 $infoTooltip = '';
             // prepare json data for the IssueNoteDialogbox
             if ($project != null) {
                 if (!$project->isSideTasksProject(array($teamid)) && !$project->isExternalTasksProject()) {
                     $issueNote = IssueNote::getTimesheetNote($issue->getId());
                     if (!is_null($issueNote)) {
                         $issueNoteId = $issueNote->getId();
                         $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($issueNote->getReporterId());
                         $rawNote = $issueNote->getText();
                         $note = trim(IssueNote::removeAllReadByTags($rawNote));
                         // used for the tooltip NOT the dialoBox
                         $tooltipAttr = array('reporter' => $user->getRealname(), 'date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $issueNote->getLastModified()), 'Note' => $note);
                         $readByList = $issueNote->getReadByList(TRUE);
                         if (0 != count($readByList)) {
                             $tooltipAttr['Read by'] = implode(', ', array_keys($readByList));
                         $noteTooltip = Tools::imgWithTooltip('images/b_note.png', $tooltipAttr, NULL, 'js-add-note-link', ' style="cursor: pointer;" data-bugId="' . $issueNote->getBugId() . '"');
                     } else {
                         $issueNoteId = 0;
                         $noteTooltip = Tools::imgWithTooltip('images/b_note_grey.png', T_('Click to add a note'), NULL, 'js-add-note-link', ' style="cursor: pointer;" data-bugId="' . $issue->getId() . '"');
                 } else {
                     $noteTooltip = '';
             } else {
                 $noteTooltip = '';
             // if project not declared in current team, then
             // user cannot add a timetrack by clicking in the weekTasks table
             // Note: (this would generate an error on addTimetrack)
             $team = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($teamid);
             $isTeamProject = !is_null($team->getProjectType($projectId));
             $weekTasks[$bugid . "_" . $jobid] = array('bugid' => $bugid, 'description' => $description, 'formattedBacklog' => $formattedBacklog, 'jobid' => $jobid, 'jobName' => $jobs->getJobName($jobid), 'dayTasks' => $dayTasks, 'infoTooltip' => $infoTooltip, 'summary' => addslashes(htmlspecialchars($summary)), 'updateBacklogJsonData' => $jsonIssueInfo, 'issueNoteId' => $issueNoteId, 'noteTooltip' => $noteTooltip, 'isTeamProject' => $isTeamProject);
     return array("weekTasks" => $weekTasks, "totalElapsed" => $totalElapsed);
 public function execute()
     $my_endTimestamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m', $this->endTimestamp), date('d', $this->endTimestamp), date('Y', $this->endTimestamp));
     // candidate teams
     $teamList = Team::getTeams(true);
     if (!array_key_exists($this->displayedTeam, $teamList)) {
         $teamIds = array_keys($teamList);
         if (count($teamIds) > 0) {
             $this->displayedTeam = $teamIds[0];
         } else {
             $this->displayedTeam = 0;
     // get timetracks
     $timetracks = array();
     if (0 != $this->displayedTeam) {
         $members = TeamCache::getInstance()->getTeam($this->displayedTeam)->getActiveMembers();
         if (!empty($members)) {
             $memberIdList = array_keys($members);
             $formatedMembers = implode(', ', $memberIdList);
             $query = "SELECT * FROM `codev_timetracking_table` " . "WHERE date >= {$this->startTimestamp} AND date <= {$my_endTimestamp} " . "AND userid IN ({$formatedMembers})" . "ORDER BY date;";
             $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query);
             if (!$result) {
                 echo "<span style='color:red'>ERROR: Query FAILED</span>";
             $jobs = new Jobs();
             while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) {
                 $tt = TimeTrackCache::getInstance()->getTimeTrack($row->id, $row);
                 $user = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($tt->getUserId());
                 $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($tt->getIssueId());
                 if (!is_null($tt->getCommitterId())) {
                     $committer = UserCache::getInstance()->getUser($tt->getCommitterId());
                     $committer_name = $committer->getName();
                     $commit_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $tt->getCommitDate());
                 } else {
                     $committer_name = '';
                     // this info does not exist before v1.0.4
                     $commit_date = '';
                 $timetracks[$row->id] = array('user' => $user->getName(), 'date' => date('Y-m-d', $tt->getDate()), 'job' => $jobs->getJobName($tt->getJobId()), 'duration' => $tt->getDuration(), 'committer' => $committer_name, 'commit_date' => $commit_date, 'task_id' => $issue->getId(), 'task_extRef' => $issue->getTcId(), 'task_summary' => $issue->getSummary());
     $this->execData = array('teamList' => $teamList, 'startTimestamp' => $this->startTimestamp, 'endTimestamp' => $this->endTimestamp, 'timetracks' => $timetracks);
     return $this->execData;
예제 #5
  * display Timetracking Tuples
  * @param int $userid
  * @param TimeTracking $timeTracking
  * @return mixed[]
 private function getTimetrackingTuples($userid, TimeTracking $timeTracking)
     // Display previous entries
     $query = "SELECT id, bugid, jobid, date, duration" . " FROM `codev_timetracking_table`" . " WHERE userid = {$userid}" . " AND date >= " . $timeTracking->getStartTimestamp() . " ORDER BY date";
     $result = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_query($query) or die("Query failed: {$query}");
     $jobs = new Jobs();
     $timetrackingTuples = array();
     while ($row = SqlWrapper::getInstance()->sql_fetch_object($result)) {
         // get information on this bug
         try {
             $issue = IssueCache::getInstance()->getIssue($row->bugid);
             // get general information
             $jobName = $jobs->getJobName($row->jobid);
             $formatedDate = Tools::formatDate("%Y-%m-%d", $row->date);
             $cosmeticDate = Tools::formatDate("%Y-%m-%d - %A", $row->date);
             $formatedJobName = str_replace("'", "\\'", $jobName);
             $formatedSummary = str_replace("'", "\\'", $issue->getSummary());
             $formatedSummary = str_replace('"', "\\'", $formatedSummary);
             $formatedSummary = htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('![\\t\\r\\n]+!', ' ', $formatedSummary));
             //$totalEstim = $issue->effortEstim + $issue->effortAdd;
             $timetrackingTuples[$row->id] = array('timestamp' => $row->date, 'date' => $formatedDate, 'formatedId' => $issue->getFormattedIds(), 'duration' => $row->duration, 'formatedJobName' => $formatedJobName, 'summary' => $formatedSummary, 'cosmeticDate' => $cosmeticDate, 'mantisURL' => Tools::mantisIssueURL($row->bugid, NULL, true), 'issueURL' => Tools::issueInfoURL($row->bugid), 'issueId' => $issue->getTcId(), 'projectName' => $issue->getProjectName(), 'issueSummary' => htmlspecialchars(preg_replace('![\\t\\r\\n]+!', ' ', $issue->getSummary())), 'jobName' => $jobName, 'categoryName' => $issue->getCategoryName(), 'currentStatusName' => $issue->getCurrentStatusName());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $summary = T_('Error: Task not found in Mantis DB !');
             $timetrackingTuples[$row->id] = array('formatedId' => $row->bugid, 'duration' => $row->duration, 'summary' => $summary, 'mantisURL' => '', 'issueURL' => $row->bugid, 'issueId' => '!', 'projectName' => '!', 'issueSummary' => '<span class="error_font">' . $summary . '</span>', 'categoryName' => '!', 'currentStatusName' => '!');
     $currentTimeTrackingTuples = array();
     $futureTimeTrackingTuples = array();
     foreach ($timetrackingTuples as $trackId => $timeTrackingTuple) {
         if ($timeTrackingTuple['timestamp'] <= $timeTracking->getEndTimestamp()) {
             $currentTimeTrackingTuples[$trackId] = $timeTrackingTuple;
         } else {
             $futureTimeTrackingTuples[$trackId] = $timeTrackingTuple;
     return array("current" => $currentTimeTrackingTuples, "future" => $futureTimeTrackingTuples);