function display($tpl = null) { $option = JRequest::getCmd('option'); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $uri = JFactory::getURI(); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $model = $this->getModel(); $item =& $this->get('item'); $form =& $this->get('form'); $isNew = $item->id < 1; $edit = JRequest::getVar('edit', true); // fail if checked out not by 'me' if ($model->isCheckedOut($user->get('id'))) { $msg = JText::sprintf('DESCBEINGEDITTED', JText::_('The item'), $item->name); $mainframe->redirect('index.php?option=' . $option . '&view=statistics', $msg, 'error'); } // Edit or Create? if (!$isNew) { $model->checkout($user->get('id')); } // icon //if there is no icon selected, use default icon $default = JoomleagueHelper::getDefaultPlaceholder("icon"); if (empty($item->icon)) { $item->icon = $default; } if (!empty($item->class)) { /* * statistic class parameters */ $class =& JLGStatistic::getInstance($item->class); $this->assign('calculated', $class->getCalculated()); } $this->assignRef('item', $item); $this->assignRef('edit', $edit); $this->assignRef('form', $form); $this->assignRef('fieldsets', $form->getFieldsets()); $this->assign('cfg_which_media_tool', JComponentHelper::getParams($option)->get('cfg_which_media_tool', 0)); $this->addToolbar(); JHTML::_('behavior.tooltip'); parent::display($tpl); }
function display($tpl = null) { $this->form = $this->get('form'); $this->edit = JRequest::getVar('edit', true); // icon //if there is no icon selected, use default icon $default = JoomleagueHelper::getDefaultPlaceholder("icon"); $icon = $this->form->getValue('icon'); if (empty($icon)) { $this->form->setValue('icon', $default); } $class = $this->form->getValue('class'); if (!empty($class)) { /* * statistic class parameters */ $class = JLGStatistic::getInstance($class); $this->calculated = $class->getCalculated(); } $this->addToolbar(); JHtml::_('behavior.tooltip'); parent::display($tpl); }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
function getInputStats() { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT_ADMINISTRATOR . '/statistics/base.php'; $match = $this->getData(); $project_id = $match->project_id; $query = ' SELECT,,stat.short,stat.class,stat.icon,stat.calculated,ppos.position_id AS posid' . ' FROM #__joomleague_statistic AS stat ' . ' INNER JOIN #__joomleague_position_statistic AS ps ON ' . ' INNER JOIN #__joomleague_project_position AS ppos ON ppos.position_id=ps.position_id ' . ' WHERE ppos.project_id=' . $project_id . ' ORDER BY stat.ordering, ps.ordering '; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $res = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $stats = array(); foreach ($res as $k => $row) { $stat = JLGStatistic::getInstance($row->class); $stat->bind($row); $stat->set('position_id', $row->posid); $stats[] = $stat; } return $stats; }
protected function loadForm($name, $source = null, $options = array(), $clear = false, $xpath = false) { // Handle the optional arguments. $options['control'] = JArrayHelper::getValue($options, 'control', false); // Create a signature hash. $hash = md5($source . serialize($options)); // Check if we can use a previously loaded form. if (isset($this->_forms[$hash]) && !$clear) { return $this->_forms[$hash]; } // Get the form. JForm::addFormPath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/models/forms'); JForm::addFieldPath(JPATH_COMPONENT . '/models/fields'); try { $form = JForm::getInstance($name, $source, $options, false, $xpath); // load base configuration xml for stats $form->loadFile(JLG_PATH_ADMIN . '/statistics/base.xml'); // specific xml configuration depends on stat type $item = $this->loadFormData(); if ($item && $item->class) { $class = JLGStatistic::getInstance($item->class); $xmlpath = $class->getXmlPath(); $form->loadFile($xmlpath); } if (isset($options['load_data']) && $options['load_data']) { // Get the data for the form. $data = $this->loadFormData(); } else { $data = array(); } // Allow for additional modification of the form, and events to be triggered. // We pass the data because plugins may require it. $this->preprocessForm($form, $data); // Load the data into the form after the plugins have operated. $form->bind($data); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->setError($e->getMessage()); return false; } // Store the form for later. $this->_forms[$hash] = $form; return $form; }
/** * get all statistics types that are in use for the player in his/her whole career * @return array */ function getCareerStats($person_id, $sports_type_id) { if (empty($this->_careerStats)) { $query = 'SELECT,' . ',' . ' s.short,' . ' s.class,' . ' s.icon,' . ' s.calculated,' . ' AS pposid,' . ' ppos.position_id AS position_id,' . ' s.params,' . ' s.baseparams' . ' FROM #__joomleague_person AS p' . ' INNER JOIN #__joomleague_team_player AS tp ON' . ' INNER JOIN #__joomleague_project_position AS ppos ON' . ' INNER JOIN #__joomleague_position AS pos ON' . ' INNER JOIN #__joomleague_position_statistic AS ps ON' . ' INNER JOIN #__joomleague_statistic AS s ON' . ' WHERE' . $this->_db->Quote($person_id); if ($sports_type_id > 0) { $query .= ' AND pos.sports_type_id=' . $this->_db->Quote($sports_type_id); } $query .= ' GROUP BY'; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $this->_careerStats = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); } $stats = array(); if (count($this->_careerStats) > 0) { foreach ($this->_careerStats as $k => $row) { $stat = JLGStatistic::getInstance($row->class); $stat->bind($row); $stat->set('position_id', $row->position_id); $stats[$row->id] = $stat; } } return $stats; }
/** * returns stats assigned to positions assigned to project * @param int statid 0 for all stats * @param int positionid 0 for all positions * @return array objects */ function getProjectStats($statid = 0, $positionid = 0) { if (empty($this->_stats)) { require_once JLG_PATH_ADMIN . '/statistics/base.php'; $project = $this->getProject(); $project_id = $project->id; $query = ' SELECT,, stat.short, stat.class, stat.icon, stat.calculated, as pposid, ppos.position_id AS position_id, stat.params, stat.baseparams FROM #__joomleague_statistic AS stat INNER JOIN #__joomleague_position_statistic AS ps ON INNER JOIN #__joomleague_project_position AS ppos ON ppos.position_id=ps.position_id AND ppos.project_id=' . $project_id . ' INNER JOIN #__joomleague_position AS pos ON WHERE stat.published=1 AND pos.published =1 '; $query .= ' ORDER BY pos.ordering,ps.ordering '; $this->_db->setQuery($query); $this->_stats = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); } // sort into positions $positions = $this->getProjectPositions(); $stats = array(); // init foreach ($positions as $pos) { $stats[$pos->id] = array(); } if (count($this->_stats) > 0) { foreach ($this->_stats as $k => $row) { if (!$statid || $statid == $row->id || is_array($statid) && in_array($row->id, $statid)) { $stat = JLGStatistic::getInstance($row->class); $stat->bind($row); $stat->set('position_id', $row->position_id); $stats[$row->position_id][$row->id] = $stat; } } if ($positionid) { return isset($stats[$positionid]) ? $stats[$positionid] : array(); } else { return $stats; } } else { return $stats; } }