예제 #1
  * Method used to build the headers of a web-based message.
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   string $message_id The message-id
  * @param   string $from The sender of this message
  * @param   string $to The primary recipient of this message
  * @param   string $cc The extra recipients of this message
  * @param   string $body The message body
  * @param   string $in_reply_to The message-id that we are replying to
  * @param   array $iaf_ids Array with attachment file id-s
  * @return  string The full email
 public static function buildFullHeaders($issue_id, $message_id, $from, $to, $cc, $subject, $body, $in_reply_to, $iaf_ids = null)
     // hack needed to get the full headers of this web-based email
     $mail = new Mail_Helper();
     // FIXME: $body unused, but does mime->get() have side effects?
     $body = $mail->mime->get(array('text_charset' => APP_CHARSET, 'head_charset' => APP_CHARSET, 'text_encoding' => APP_EMAIL_ENCODING));
     if (!empty($issue_id)) {
         $mail->setHeaders(array('Message-Id' => $message_id));
     } else {
         $issue_id = 0;
     // if there is no existing in-reply-to header, get the root message for the issue
     if ($in_reply_to == false && !empty($issue_id)) {
         $in_reply_to = Issue::getRootMessageID($issue_id);
     if ($in_reply_to) {
         $mail->setHeaders(array('In-Reply-To' => $in_reply_to));
     if ($iaf_ids) {
         foreach ($iaf_ids as $iaf_id) {
             $attachment = Attachment::getDetails($iaf_id);
             $mail->addAttachment($attachment['iaf_filename'], $attachment['iaf_file'], $attachment['iaf_filetype']);
     $cc = trim($cc);
     if (!empty($cc)) {
         $cc = str_replace(',', ';', $cc);
         $ccs = explode(';', $cc);
         foreach ($ccs as $address) {
             if (!empty($address)) {
     return $mail->getFullHeaders($from, $to, $subject);
예제 #2
  * Method used to build the headers of a web-based message.
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   string $message_id The message-id
  * @param   string $from The sender of this message
  * @param   string $to The primary recipient of this message
  * @param   string $cc The extra recipients of this message
  * @param   string $body The message body
  * @param   string $in_reply_to The message-id that we are replying to
  * @return  string The full email
 function buildFullHeaders($issue_id, $message_id, $from, $to, $cc, $subject, $body, $in_reply_to)
     // hack needed to get the full headers of this web-based email
     $mail = new Mail_API();
     if (!empty($issue_id)) {
         $mail->setHeaders(array("Message-Id" => $message_id));
     } else {
         $issue_id = 0;
     // if there is no existing in-reply-to header, get the root message for the issue
     if ($in_reply_to == false && !empty($issue_id)) {
         $in_reply_to = Issue::getRootMessageID($issue_id);
     if ($in_reply_to) {
         $mail->setHeaders(array("In-Reply-To" => $in_reply_to));
     $cc = trim($cc);
     if (!empty($cc)) {
         $cc = str_replace(",", ";", $cc);
         $ccs = explode(";", $cc);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($ccs); $i++) {
             if (!empty($ccs[$i])) {
     return $mail->getFullHeaders($from, $to, $subject);
예제 #3
 function getBaseThreadingHeaders($issue_id)
     $root_msg_id = Issue::getRootMessageID($issue_id);
     return array("Message-ID" => Mail_API::generateMessageID(), "In-Reply-To" => $root_msg_id, "References" => $root_msg_id);
예제 #4
 public static function getBaseThreadingHeaders($issue_id)
     $root_msg_id = Issue::getRootMessageID($issue_id);
     return array('Message-ID' => self::generateMessageID(), 'In-Reply-To' => $root_msg_id, 'References' => $root_msg_id);
예제 #5
  * Method used to send email notifications for a given issue.
  * @param integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param string $type The notification type
  * @param int $entry_id The entries id that was changed
  * @param bool $internal_only Whether the notification should only be sent to internal users or not
  * @param array $extra_recipients
  * @return bool
 public static function notify($issue_id, $type, $entry_id = null, $internal_only = false, $extra_recipients = null)
     $prj_id = Issue::getProjectID($issue_id);
     $extra = array();
     if ($extra_recipients) {
         foreach ($extra_recipients as $user) {
             $extra[] = array('sub_usr_id' => $user, 'sub_email' => '');
     $emails = array();
     $users = self::getUsersByIssue($issue_id, $type);
     if ($extra_recipients && count($extra) > 0) {
         $users = array_merge($users, $extra);
     $user_emails = Project::getUserEmailAssocList(Issue::getProjectID($issue_id), 'active', User::ROLE_CUSTOMER);
     $user_emails = Misc::lowercase($user_emails);
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         if (empty($user['sub_usr_id'])) {
             if ($internal_only == false || in_array(strtolower($user['sub_email']), array_values($user_emails))) {
                 $email = $user['sub_email'];
         } else {
             $prefs = Prefs::get($user['sub_usr_id']);
             if (Auth::getUserID() == $user['sub_usr_id'] && (empty($prefs['receive_copy_of_own_action'][$prj_id]) || $prefs['receive_copy_of_own_action'][$prj_id] == false)) {
             // if we are only supposed to send email to internal users, check if the role is lower than standard user
             if ($internal_only == true && User::getRoleByUser($user['sub_usr_id'], Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) < User::ROLE_USER) {
             if ($type == 'notes' && User::isPartner($user['sub_usr_id']) && !Partner::canUserAccessIssueSection($user['sub_usr_id'], 'notes')) {
             $email = User::getFromHeader($user['sub_usr_id']);
         // now add it to the list of emails
         if (!empty($email) && !in_array($email, $emails)) {
             $emails[] = $email;
     // prevent the primary customer contact from receiving two emails about the issue being closed
     if ($type == 'closed') {
         if (CRM::hasCustomerIntegration($prj_id)) {
             $crm = CRM::getInstance($prj_id);
             $stmt = 'SELECT
             $customer_contact_id = DB_Helper::getInstance()->getOne($stmt, array($issue_id));
             if (!empty($customer_contact_id)) {
                 try {
                     $contact = $crm->getContact($customer_contact_id);
                     $contact_email = $contact->getEmail();
                 } catch (CRMException $e) {
                     $contact_email = '';
                 foreach ($emails as $i => $email) {
                     $email = Mail_Helper::getEmailAddress($email);
                     if ($email == $contact_email) {
                         $emails = array_values($emails);
     if (!$emails) {
         return null;
     $headers = false;
     switch ($type) {
         case 'closed':
             $data = Issue::getDetails($issue_id);
             $data['closer_name'] = User::getFullName(History::getIssueCloser($issue_id));
             $subject = ev_gettext('Closed');
             if ($entry_id) {
                 $data['reason'] = Support::getEmail($entry_id);
         case 'updated':
             // this should not be used anymore
             return false;
         case 'notes':
             $data = self::getNote($issue_id, $entry_id);
             $headers = array('Message-ID' => $data['note']['not_message_id']);
             if (@$data['note']['reference_msg_id'] != false) {
                 $headers['In-Reply-To'] = $data['note']['reference_msg_id'];
             } else {
                 $headers['In-Reply-To'] = Issue::getRootMessageID($issue_id);
             $headers['References'] = Mail_Helper::fold(implode(' ', Mail_Helper::getReferences($issue_id, @$data['note']['reference_msg_id'], 'note')));
             $subject = 'Note';
         case 'emails':
             // this should not be used anymore
             return false;
         case 'files':
             $data = self::getAttachment($issue_id, $entry_id);
             $subject = 'File Attached';
     // FIXME: $data and $subject might be used uninitialized
     self::notifySubscribers($issue_id, $emails, $type, $data, $subject, $internal_only, $entry_id, $headers);
예제 #6
  * Method used to send email notifications for a given issue.
  * @access  public
  * @param   integer $issue_id The issue ID
  * @param   string $type The notification type
  * @param   array $ids The list of entries that were changed
  * @param   integer $internal_only Whether the notification should only be sent to internal users or not
  * @return  void
 function notify($issue_id, $type, $ids = FALSE, $internal_only = FALSE, $extra_recipients = FALSE)
     if ($extra_recipients) {
         $extra = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($extra_recipients); $i++) {
             $extra[] = array('sub_usr_id' => $extra_recipients[$i], 'sub_email' => '');
     $emails = array();
     $users = Notification::getUsersByIssue($issue_id, $type);
     if ($extra_recipients && count($extra) > 0) {
         $users = array_merge($users, $extra);
     $user_emails = Project::getUserEmailAssocList(Issue::getProjectID($issue_id), 'active', User::getRoleID('Customer'));
     $user_emails = array_map('strtolower', $user_emails);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($users); $i++) {
         if (empty($users[$i]["sub_usr_id"])) {
             if ($internal_only == false || in_array(strtolower($users[$i]["sub_email"]), array_values($user_emails))) {
                 $email = $users[$i]["sub_email"];
         } else {
             // don't send the notification email to the person who performed the action
             if (Auth::getUserID() == $users[$i]["sub_usr_id"]) {
             // if we are only supposed to send email to internal users, check if the role is lower than standard user
             if ($internal_only == true && User::getRoleByUser($users[$i]["sub_usr_id"], Issue::getProjectID($issue_id)) < User::getRoleID('standard user')) {
             $email = User::getFromHeader($users[$i]["sub_usr_id"]);
         // now add it to the list of emails
         if (!empty($email) && !in_array($email, $emails)) {
             $emails[] = $email;
     // prevent the primary customer contact from receiving two emails about the issue being closed
     if ($type == 'closed') {
         $stmt = "SELECT\r\n                        iss_customer_contact_id\r\n                     FROM\r\n                        " . APP_DEFAULT_DB . "." . APP_TABLE_PREFIX . "issue\r\n                     WHERE\r\n                        iss_id=" . Misc::escapeInteger($issue_id);
         $customer_contact_id = $GLOBALS["db_api"]->dbh->getOne($stmt);
         if (!empty($customer_contact_id)) {
             list($contact_email, , ) = Customer::getContactLoginDetails(Issue::getProjectID($issue_id), $customer_contact_id);
             for ($i = 0; $i < count($emails); $i++) {
                 $email = Mail_API::getEmailAddress($emails[$i]);
                 if ($email == $contact_email) {
                     $emails = array_values($emails);
     if (count($emails) > 0) {
         $headers = false;
         switch ($type) {
             case 'closed':
                 $data = Notification::getIssueDetails($issue_id);
                 $data["closer_name"] = User::getFullName(History::getIssueCloser($issue_id));
                 $subject = 'Closed';
                 if ($ids != false) {
                     $data['reason'] = Support::getEmail($ids);
             case 'updated':
                 // this should not be used anymore
                 return false;
             case 'notes':
                 $data = Notification::getNote($issue_id, $ids);
                 $headers = array('Message-ID' => $data['note']['not_message_id']);
                 if (@$data['note']['reference_msg_id'] != false) {
                     $headers['In-Reply-To'] = $data['note']['reference_msg_id'];
                 } else {
                     $headers['In-Reply-To'] = Issue::getRootMessageID($issue_id);
                 $headers['References'] = Mail_API::fold(join(' ', Mail_API::getReferences($issue_id, @$data['note']['reference_msg_id'], 'note')));
                 $subject = 'Note';
             case 'emails':
                 // this should not be used anymore
                 return false;
             case 'files':
                 $data = Notification::getAttachment($issue_id, $ids);
                 $subject = 'File Attached';
         Notification::notifySubscribers($issue_id, $emails, $type, $data, $subject, $internal_only, $ids, $headers);