function getGoodDistanceNew(SmrSector &$sector, $goodID, $transaction) { global $var, $container; // check if we already did this if (isset($var['good_distance'])) { // transfer this value transfer('good_distance'); // return this value return $var['good_distance']; } $x = Globals::getGood($goodID); switch ($transaction) { case 'Buy': $x['TransactionType'] = 'Sell'; break; case 'Sell': $x['TransactionType'] = 'Buy'; } $di = Plotter::findDistanceToX($x, $sector, true); if (is_object($di)) { $di = $di->getRelativeDistance(); } $container['good_distance'] = $di; return $di; }
<br /> <br /> <a class="nav" href="<?php echo $CargoJettisonLink; ?> ">Cargo Holds (<?php echo $ThisShip->getCargoHolds(); ?> /<?php echo $ThisShip->getMaxCargoHolds(); ?> )</a><br /><?php if ($ThisShip->hasCargo()) { foreach ($ThisShip->getCargo() as $GoodID => $GoodAmount) { $Good =& Globals::getGood($GoodID); ?> <img src="<?php echo $Good['ImageLink']; ?> " alt="<?php echo $Good['Name']; ?> " /> : <?php echo $GoodAmount; ?> <br /><?php } } ?>
create_error('You can\'t dump cargo while on a planet!'); } if ($player->getTurns() < 1) { create_error('You do not have enough turns to dump cargo!'); } //lets make sure there is actually that much on the ship if ($amount > $ship->getCargo($good_id)) { create_error('You can\'t dump more than you have.'); } $sector =& $player->getSector(); if ($sector->offersFederalProtection()) { create_error('You can\'t dump cargo in a Federal Sector!'); } require_once ''; // get the distance $x = Globals::getGood($good_id); $x['TransactionType'] = 'Sell'; $good_distance = Plotter::findDistanceToX($x, $sector, true); if (is_object($good_distance)) { $good_distance = $good_distance->getRelativeDistance(); } $good_distance = max(1, $good_distance); $lost_xp = round(SmrPort::getBaseExperience($amount, $good_distance)); $player->decreaseExperience($lost_xp); $player->increaseHOF($lost_xp, array('Trade', 'Experience', 'Jettisoned'), HOF_PUBLIC); // take turn $player->takeTurns(1, 1); $ship->decreaseCargo($good_id, $amount); $player->increaseHOF($amount, array('Trade', 'Goods', 'Jettisoned'), HOF_PUBLIC); // log action $account->log(LOG_TYPE_TRADING, 'Dumps ' . $amount . ' of ' . $good_name . ' and looses ' . $lost_xp . ' experience', $player->getSectorID());