function getAddressbook($gmail_acc, $gmail_pwd) { $my_timezone = 0; $gmailer = new GMailer(); if ($gmailer->created) { $gmailer->setLoginInfo($gmail_acc, $gmail_pwd, $my_timezone); echo "Created gmailer obj...<br />"; if ($gmailer->connect()) { echo 'connected with gmailer obj...<br />'; // GMailer connected to Gmail successfully. // Do something with it. //Get the contacts // For "Inbox" $gmailer->fetchBox(GM_CONTACT, "all", ""); $snapshot = $gmailer->getSnapshot(GM_CONTACT); //Outputs an array of the contacts return $snapshot; return $snapshot->contacts; //Outputs the number of contacts //var_dump($snapshot->contacts_total); } else { return $gmailer->lastActionStatus(); } } }
$gm->getCookieFromBrowser(); $mode = $_GET['mode']; if (strlen($mode) != 0 and $mode != 'enter' and !$gm->isConnected()) { header("Location: ?"); } switch ($mode) { case 'new': $tpl = new Templates('tpls'); $tpl->set('contact_form', array('name' => "", 'email' => "", 'id' => -1)); $tpl->set('main', 'content', $tpl->parse('contact_form')); print $tpl->parse('main'); break; case 'edit': $id = $_GET['id']; if (!$gm->fetchBox(GM_CONTACT, 'detail', $id)) { die($gm->lastActionStatus()); } $sps = $gm->getSnapshot(GM_CONTACT); $tpl = new Templates('tpls'); foreach ($sps->contacts as $c) { $tpl->set('contact_form', array('name' => $c['name'], 'email' => $c['email'], 'id' => $id)); $tpl->set('main', 'content', $tpl->parse('contact_form')); } print $tpl->parse('main'); break; case 'del': $id = $_GET['id']; if (!$gm->deleteContact($id)) { die($gm->lastActionStatus()); } header("Location: ?mode=list");