예제 #1
  * Update Gmail cookie
  * @return bool true
  * @param string raw HTML header
  * @access private
  * @static
  * @author Neerav
  * @since 19 Apr 2006
 function update_cookies($data = "")
     // completely rewritten (expanded, fixed); Neerav; 25 Jan 2007
     $new_cookies = GMailer::get_cookies($data);
     $parse_headers = $data == "" ? $this->gmail_data : $data;
     $replace_cookies = array("S", "GX", "GXAS_SEC", "GMAIL_AT", "GMAIL_HELP");
     //Debugger::say("new cookies: ".print_r($new_cookies,true));
     //Debugger::say("old cookie: ".print_r($this->cookie_str,true));
     //Debugger::say("set new cookies: ".print_r($parse_headers,true));
     foreach ($replace_cookies as $indexval => $cookie) {
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match("/" . $cookie . "=([^;]*);/U", $parse_headers, $matches)) {
             //Debugger::say("cookie matches: ".print_r($matches,true));
             if (preg_match("/" . $cookie . "=([^;]*);/U", $this->cookie_str)) {
                 $this->cookie_str = preg_replace("/" . $cookie . "=([^;]*);/U", $cookie . "=" . $matches[1] . ";", $this->cookie_str);
             } else {
                 $this->cookie_str = $cookie . "=" . $matches[1] . "; " . $this->cookie_str;
     // save updated cookie
     //Debugger::say("new cookie: ".print_r($this->cookie_str,true));
     return true;
예제 #2
  * Connect to Gmail without setting any session/cookie
  * @return bool Connect to Gmail successfully or not
 function connectNoCookie()
     Debugger::say("Start connecting without cookie...");
     $postdata = "service=mail";
     $postdata .= "&Email=" . urlencode($this->login);
     $postdata .= "&Passwd=" . urlencode($this->pwd);
     $postdata .= "&null=Sign%20in";
     $postdata .= "&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%3F";
     // Added by Neerav; 28 June 2005
     $postdata .= "&rm=false";
     // not required but appears
     $postdata .= "&hl=en";
     // Added by Neerav; 8 July 2005
     // login challenge
     //id="logintoken" value="cpVIYkaTDTkVZ9ZHNM_384GVV79tjExj-ac2NFVgS3AVbm7lEn7Q967JHKe_sDzMP7plluysBDJRyUwkjuHQFw:D0cwussDwRyIgJGSdeMMnA" name="logintoken">
     if (isset($this->logintoken) and $this->logintoken != "") {
         $postdata .= "&logintoken=" . $logintoken;
     if (isset($this->logincaptcha) and $this->logincaptcha != "") {
         $postdata .= "&logincaptcha=" . $logincaptcha;
     $c = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, GM_LNK_LOGIN);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, GM_USER_AGENT);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_REFERER, GM_LNK_REFER);
     $this->gmail_data = curl_exec($c);
     //Debugger::say("login result: ".$result);
     /** from here we have to perform "cookie-handshaking"... **/
     Debugger::say("Start cookie-handshaking...");
     $cookies = GMailer::get_cookies($this->gmail_data);
     Debugger::say("1st phase cookie obtained: " . $cookies);
     $this->logintoken = "";
     $this->logincaptcha = "";
     if (strpos($this->gmail_data, "errormsg_0_Passwd") > 0) {
         $this->cookie_str = "";
         $this->cookie_ik_str = "";
         // Added appropriate error message; by Neerav; 8 July 2005
         $a = array("action" => "sign in", "status" => "failed", "message" => "Username and password do not match. (You provided " . $this->login . ")", "login_error" => "userpass");
         array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
         //Debugger::say("login incorrect: ".print_r($a,true));
         Debugger::say("Connect FAILED: user/pass incorrect");
         return false;
         // Added to support login challenge; by Neerav; 8 July 2005
     } elseif (strpos($this->gmail_data, "errormsg_0_logincaptcha") > 0) {
         $this->cookie_str = "";
         $this->cookie_ik_str = "";
         ereg("id=\"logintoken\" value=\"([^\"]*)\" name=\"logintoken\"", $this->gmail_data, $matches);
         Debugger::say("Connect FAILED: login challenge");
         //Debugger::say("Connect FAILED: login challenge: ".$this->gmail_data);
         //Debugger::say("ErrorLogin: "******"ErrorToken: ".$matches[1]);
         //Debugger::say("logintoken: ".print_r($matches,true));
         // Added appropriate error message; by Neerav; 8 July 2005
         $a = array("action" => "sign in", "status" => "failed", "message" => "login challenge", "login_token" => $matches[1], "login_error" => "challenge");
         array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
         //Debugger::say("login challenge: ".print_r($a,true));
         return false;
     Debugger::say("Received: " . $this->gmail_data);
     /*** js forward path (Gan:  no longer used? 10 Sept 2005)
     		$a = strpos($this->gmail_data, "top.location = \"");
     		$b = strpos($this->gmail_data, ";", $a);
     		$forward = substr($this->gmail_data, $a+16, $b-($a+16)-1);
     		// forces relative url into absolute if not already; Added by Neerav; 31 July 2005 
     		if (substr($forward,0,8) != "https://") {
     			$forward = "https://mail.google.com/accounts/".$forward;
     $a = strpos($this->gmail_data, "Location: ");
     $b = strpos($this->gmail_data, "\n", $a);
     $forward = substr($this->gmail_data, $a + 10, $b - ($a + 10));
     Debugger::say("Redirecting: " . $forward);
     $c = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
     // Forward url is now absolute instead of relative; Fixed by Gan; 27 July 2005
     //curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, "https://mail.google.com/accounts/".$forward);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $forward);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, GM_USER_AGENT);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookies);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
     curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_REFERER, GM_LNK_REFER);
     $ret = curl_exec($c);
     $data = GMailer::get_cookies($ret);
     $d = $data ? $data : $cookies;
     $d = $d . ";TZ=" . $this->timezone;
     Debugger::say("2nd phase cookie obtained: " . $d);
     $this->cookie_str = $cookies . ";" . $d;
     // the cookie string obtained from gmail
     Debugger::say("Finished connecting without cookie.");
     return true;
예제 #3
  * Connect to Gmail without setting any session/cookie
  * @return bool Connect to Gmail successfully or not
 function connectNoCookie()
     $postdata = "service=mail";
     $postdata .= "&Email=" . urlencode($this->login);
     $postdata .= "&Passwd=" . urlencode(str_replace(' ', '+', $this->pwd));
     $postdata .= "&null=Sign%20in";
     $postdata .= "&continue=https%3A%2F%2Fmail.google.com%2Fmail%3F";
     // Added by Neerav; 28 June 2005
     $postdata .= "&rm=false";
     // not required but appears
     $postdata .= "&hl=en";
     /* 		// Updated by Neerav; 4 Apr 2006 */
     /* 		$postdata = array(); */
     /* 		$postdata['ltempl'] 		= "yj_blanco";	 */
     /* 		$postdata['ltemplcache'] 	= 2;	 */
     /* 		$postdata['continue'] 		= "http://mail.google.com/mail/";	 */
     /* 		$postdata['service'] 		= "mail";	 */
     /* 		$postdata['rm'] 			= "false";	 */
     /* 		$postdata['hl'] 			= "en";	 */
     /* 		$postdata['Email'] 			= $this->login;	 */
     /* 		$postdata['Passwd'] 		= str_replace(' ','+',$this->pwd);	 */
     /* 		$postdata['rmShown'] 		= 1;	 */
     /* 		$postdata['null'] 			= "Sign in";	 */
     // Added by Neerav; 8 July 2005
     // login challenge
     //id="logintoken" value="cpVIYkaTDTkVZ9ZHNM_384GVV79tjExj-ac2NFVgS3AVbm7lEn7Q967JHKe_sDzMP7plluysBDJRyUwkjuHQFw:D0cwussDwRyIgJGSdeMMnA" name="logintoken">
     if (isset($this->logintoken) and $this->logintoken != "") {
         $postdata .= "&logintoken=" . $logintoken;
     if (isset($this->logincaptcha) and $this->logincaptcha != "") {
         $postdata .= "&logincaptcha=" . $logincaptcha;
     $this->gmail_data = GMailer::execute_curl(GM_LNK_LOGIN, GM_LNK_LOGIN_REFER, 'post', $postdata, 'nocookie', "");
     /* 		Debugger::say("first phase: ".print_r($this->gmail_data,true)); */
     $a = array("action" => "connecting to Gmail (without cookie)", "status" => $this->gmail_data != "" ? "success" : "failed", "message" => $this->gmail_data != "" ? "connected to Gmail (without cookie)" : "no response", "login_error" => $this->gmail_data != "" ? "" : "no response");
     array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
     if ($this->gmail_data == "") {
         return false;
     /** from here we have to perform "cookie-handshaking"... **/
     $cookies = GMailer::get_cookies($this->gmail_data);
     /* 		Debugger::say("first phase cookies: ".print_r($cookies,true)); */
     /* 		print_r($cookies); */
     $this->logintoken = "";
     $this->logincaptcha = "";
     if (strpos($this->gmail_data, "errormsg_0_Passwd") > 0) {
         $this->cookie_str = "";
         $this->cookie_ik_str = "";
         // Added appropriate error message; by Neerav; 8 July 2005
         $a = array("action" => "sign in", "status" => "failed", "message" => "Username and password do not match. (You provided " . $this->login . ")", "login_error" => "userpass");
         array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
         return false;
         // Added to support login challenge; by Neerav; 8 July 2005
     } elseif (strpos($this->gmail_data, "errormsg_0_logincaptcha") > 0) {
         $this->cookie_str = "";
         $this->cookie_ik_str = "";
         //id="logintoken" value="cpVIYkaTDTkVZ9ZHNM_384GVV79tjExj-ac2NFVgS3AVbm7lEn7Q967JHKe_sDzMP7plluysBDJRyUwkjuHQFw:D0cwussDwRyIgJGSdeMMnA" name="logintoken">
         ereg("id=\"logintoken\" value=\"([^\"]*)\" name=\"logintoken\"", $this->gmail_data, $matches);
         //Debugger::say("Connect FAILED: login challenge: ".$this->gmail_data);
         //Debugger::say("ErrorLogin: "******"ErrorToken: ".$matches[1]);
         //Debugger::say("logintoken: ".print_r($matches,true));
         // Added appropriate error message; by Neerav; 8 July 2005
         $a = array("action" => "sign in", "status" => "failed", "message" => "login challenge", "login_token" => $matches[1], "login_error" => "challenge");
         array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
         return false;
         // Check if the Gmail URL has changed; Added by Neerav; 14 Sept 2005
     } elseif (strpos($this->gmail_data, "Invalid request.")) {
         $this->cookie_str = "";
         $this->cookie_ik_str = "";
         $a = array("action" => "sign in", "status" => "failed", "message" => "Gmail: Invalid request. (libgmailer: Gmail seems to have changed the URL again.)", "login_error" => "URL");
         array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
         return false;
         // Check for a cookie as a way to check the Gmail URL; Added by Neerav; 14 Sept 2005
     } elseif ($cookies == "") {
         $this->cookie_str = "";
         $this->cookie_ik_str = "";
         $a = array("action" => "sign in", "status" => "failed", "message" => "libgmailer: Phase one cookie not obtained. Gmail may be down.", "login_error" => "cookie");
         array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
         return false;
     $a = array("action" => "phase one cookie", "status" => "success", "message" => "Received: " . $cookies);
     array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
     /*** js forward path (Gan:  no longer used? 10 Sept 2005)
     		$a = strpos($this->gmail_data, "top.location = \"");
     		$b = strpos($this->gmail_data, ";", $a);
     		$forward = substr($this->gmail_data, $a+16, $b-($a+16)-1);
     		// forces relative url into absolute if not already; Added by Neerav; 31 July 2005 
     		if (substr($forward,0,8) != "https://") {
     			$forward = "https://mail.google.com/accounts/".$forward;
     $a = strpos($this->gmail_data, "Location: ");
     $b = strpos($this->gmail_data, "\n", $a);
     $forward = substr($this->gmail_data, $a + 10, $b - ($a + 10));
     $a = array("action" => "redirecting", "status" => "success", "message" => "Redirecting to: " . $forward);
     array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
     // Forward url is now absolute instead of relative; Fixed by Gan; 27 July 2005
     //curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, "https://mail.google.com/accounts/".$forward);
     /* 		$ret = GMailer::execute_curl($forward, GM_LNK_REFER, 'post', $postdata, "cookie", $cookies); */
     // Added extra required cookie; by Neerav; 4 Apr 2006
     $second = GMailer::execute_curl($forward, GM_LNK_LOGIN_REFER, 'get', "", "cookie", "GoogleAccountsLocale_session=en; " . $cookies);
     $data = GMailer::get_cookies($second);
     /* 		Debugger::say("second phase: ".print_r($second,true)); */
     /* 		Debugger::say("second phase cookies: ".print_r($data,true)); */
     /* 		print_r($data); */
     $a = array("action" => "phase two cookie", "status" => "success", "message" => "Obtained: " . $d);
     array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
     /* 		$this->cookie_str = $cookies.";".$d;  // the cookie string obtained from gmail */
     if (strpos($second, "SetSID") !== false) {
         $a = array("action" => "phase three required", "status" => "success", "message" => "Starting...");
         /* 			$forward = preg_match("/<meta content=\"0;\s*url=([^\"]*)\"/",$second,$matches); */
         /* 			print_r($matches); */
         /* 			Debugger::say("third phase location: ".print_r($matches,true)); */
         /* 			$third = GMailer::execute_curl( */
         /* 				str_replace("&amp;","&",$forward[1]),  */
         /* 				"", // no referrer  */
         /* 				'get', "",  */
         /* 				"nocookie", ""); */
         $forward = preg_match("/<meta content=\"0;\\s*url=([^\"]*)\"/", $second, $matches);
         /* 			print_r($matches); */
         /* 			Debugger::say("third phase location: ".print_r($matches,true)); */
         /* 			print_r(str_replace("&amp;","&",$matches[1])); */
         $third = GMailer::execute_curl(str_replace("&amp;", "&", $matches[1]), "", 'get', "", "nocookie", "");
         $data = GMailer::get_cookies($third);
         /* 			Debugger::say("third phase: ".print_r($third,true)); */
         /* 			Debugger::say("third phase cookies: ".print_r($data,true)); */
         $data = preg_replace("/GX=.*?;\\s?GX=/", "GX=", $data);
         /* 			Debugger::say("third phase cookies (corrected): ".print_r($data,true)); */
     $d = $data ? $data : $cookies;
     $d = $d . ";TZ=" . $this->timezone;
     $this->cookie_str = preg_replace("/LSID=mail[^;]*?;/", "", $d);
     // the cookie string obtained from gmail
     /* 		print_r($this->cookie_str); */
     // cleanup redundant cookies
     /* 		$this->cookie_str = ereg_replace( */
     /* 								"S=gmail=([^\:]*):gmail_yj=([^\:]*):gmproxy=([^\;]*);",  */
     /* 								"",  */
     /* 								$this->cookie_str */
     /* 							); */
     /* 		$this->cookie_str .= ";S=gmail=".$matches[1].":gmail_yj=".$matches[2].":gmproxy=".$matches[3].";"; */
     return true;
예제 #4
  * Update Gmail cookie
  * @return bool true
  * @param string raw HTML header
  * @access private
  * @static
  * @author Neerav
  * @since 19 Apr 2006
 function update_cookies($data = "")
     // completely rewritten (expanded, fixed); Neerav; 25 Jan 2007
     /* 		$this->cookie_str = GMailer::get_cookies($data, $this->cookie_str); */
     //$new_cookies = GMailer::get_cookies($data);
     $new_cookies_array = GMailer::get_cookies($data, 'array');
     $existing_cookies = explode(";", $this->cookie_str);
     //Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__).": ".__LINE__.": "."existing cookies: ".print_r($existing_cookies,true));
     //Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__).": ".__LINE__.": "."cookies returned: ".print_r($new_cookies_array,true));
     if (is_string($new_cookies_array) or count($new_cookies_array) == 0) {
         // no cookies to update
         $a = array("action" => "update cookies", "status" => "success", "message" => "no cookies to be updated");
         array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
         ///Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__).": ".__LINE__.": update_cookies():\n".print_r($a,true));
         return true;
     } else {
         //Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__).": ".__LINE__.": "."new cookies: ".print_r($new_cookies_array,true));
     $all_cookies = array();
     $cookie_count = count($existing_cookies);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $cookie_count; $i++) {
         $cookie = trim($existing_cookies[$i]);
         if ($cookie == "") {
         list($name, $value) = explode("=", $cookie, 2);
         $all_cookies["{$name}"] = "{$value}";
         //Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__).": ".__LINE__.": "."this cookie: \n".$cookie."\nexploded:\n".$name."\n".$value);
     //Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__).": ".__LINE__.": "."all existing cookies: \n".print_r($all_cookies,true));
     foreach ($new_cookies_array as $name => $cookie) {
         //$replace_cookies = array("S","GX","GXAS_SEC","GMAIL_AT","GMAIL_HELP");
         if (isset($all_cookies["{$name}"])) {
             $all_cookies["{$name}"] = $cookie['value'];
     $cookie_string = "";
     foreach ($all_cookies as $name => $value) {
         $cookie_string .= $cookie_string == "" ? $name . "=" . $value : "; " . $name . "=" . $value;
     $a = array("action" => "update cookies", "status" => "success", "message" => "Updated cookies");
     array_unshift($this->return_status, $a);
     //Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__).": ".__LINE__.": update_cookies():\n".print_r($a,true));
     // save updated cookie
     ///Debugger::say(basename(__FILE__).": ".__LINE__.": update_cookies(): new cookie: ".print_r($this->cookie_str,true));
     return true;