예제 #1

 * ------------------------------------
 *          Reply deletion
 * ------------------------------------
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Delete a reply as a visitor, normal member and admin.');
$topic = $I->postATopic(['title' => 'My Awsome Topic.']);
$reply = $I->have('Reply', ['topic_id' => $topic->id]);
// Testing as a visitor
$I->am('as a visitor');
$I->amOnRoute('topics.show', $topic->id);
$I->dontSeeElement('#reply-delete-' . $reply->id);
$I->amOnRoute('topics.delete', $topic->id);
// Test as a normal member
$I->am('as a member');
$I->dontSeeElement('#reply-delete-' . $reply->id);
$I->amOnRoute('topics.delete', $topic->id);
// Testing as a admin user
$I->am('a Phphub admin');
$I->amOnRoute('topics.show', $topic->id);
$I->seeElement('#reply-delete-' . $reply->id);
$I->click('#reply-delete-' . $reply->id);
$I->dontSeeRecord('replies', ['id' => $reply->id]);

 * ------------------------------------
 *          Notify user being "@"
 * ------------------------------------
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Notify a User when he/she is being AT on a newly Reply');
$SuperMan = $I->have('User', ['name' => 'SuperMan']);
$user = $I->signIn();
$topic = $I->postATopic(['title' => 'My Awsome Topic.', 'user_id' => $user->id]);
// another user leave a reply
$randomUser = $I->signIn();
$I->amOnRoute('topics.show', $topic->id);
$I->fillField(['name' => 'body'], 'The Awsome Reply. @SuperMan');
$I->see('The Awsome Reply. <a href="' . route('users.show', $SuperMan->id) . '">@SuperMan</a>');
// sign in the author
$user = $I->signIn($SuperMan);
$I->seeRecord('users', ['id' => $user->id, 'notification_count' => 1]);
$I->see('My Awsome Topic.');
$I->see('The Awsome Reply. <a href="' . route('users.show', $SuperMan->id) . '">@SuperMan</a>');
$I->seeRecord('users', ['id' => $user->id, 'notification_count' => 0]);
예제 #3
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->am('a Larabook member');
$I->wantTo('Login to Larabook');

$I->signIn(); //signin logic in Functional Helper

$I->see('Post a status');
예제 #4

 * ------------------------------------
 *          Down vote a topic
 * ------------------------------------
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Down Vote Topic as a visitor and a menber.');
$topic = $I->postATopic(['title' => 'My Awsome Topic.']);
// --------------- As a visitor --------------
$I->am('as a Visitor');
$I->amOnRoute('topics.show', $topic->id);
// --------------- As a member --------------
$user = $I->signIn();
$I->am('as a Member');
$I->amOnRoute('topics.show', $topic->id);
$I->see('My Awsome Topic.');
$I->seeRecord('topics', ['id' => $topic->id, 'vote_count' => -1]);
예제 #5

 * ------------------------------------
 *          Notify attented user
 * ------------------------------------
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('Notify A User when he/she attented a Topic');
$topic = $I->postATopic(['title' => 'My Awsome Topic.']);
// attented a topic
$user = $I->signIn();
$I->amOnRoute('topics.show', $topic->id);
// another user leave a reply
$randomUser = $I->signIn();
$I->amOnRoute('topics.show', $topic->id);
$I->fillField(['name' => 'body'], 'The Awsome Reply.');
$I->see('The Awsome Reply.');
// the first user sign in again
$user = $I->signIn($user);
$I->seeRecord('users', ['id' => $user->id, 'notification_count' => 1]);
$I->see('My Awsome Topic.');
$I->see('The Awsome Reply.');
$I->seeRecord('users', ['id' => $user->id, 'notification_count' => 0]);