public function testDuplicateEmail(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->haveRecord('users', ['email' => $this->tester['email']]);
     $I->fillField('email', $this->tester['email']);
     $I->click('Register', 'button');
     $I->seeFormErrorMessage('email', 'already been taken');
예제 #2
 public function canEditMicroblog(FunctionalTester $I)
     $fake = Factory::create();
     $text = $fake->text();
     $id = $I->haveRecord('microblogs', ['user_id' => $this->user->id, 'text' => $text, 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), 'score' => 0]);
     $I->amOnRoute('', [$id]);
예제 #3
파일: LinksCest.php 프로젝트: mlanin/go
 public function deleteMyRedirect(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->haveRecord('links', $this->linkRecord);
     $I->dontSeeRecord('links', $this->linkRecord);
     $I->dontSee('/' . $this->link['uri']);
예제 #4
 public function deletePost(FunctionalTester $I)
     $id = $I->haveRecord('posts', $this->postAttributes);
     $I->see('Hello Universe');
     $I->dontSee('Hello Universe');
 public function testLoginSuccsess(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->wantTo('login as a user');
     $I->haveRecord('users', ['name' => 'john', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt('123456'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->fillField('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $I->fillField('password', '123456');
예제 #6
 public function loginUsingCredentials(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->haveRecord('users', $this->userAttributes);
     $I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'password']);
예제 #7
 public function tryRegisterDesiredInputWithDefaultRole(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->haveRecord('roles', ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Spectator', 'slug' => 'spectator', 'landing' => 'admin/profile', 'is_default' => true, 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->wantTo('Register a user with desired input');
     $I->fillField('username', 'usertest');
     $I->fillField('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $I->fillField('password', '123456');
     $I->fillField('password_confirmation', '123456');
     $I->seeRecord('users', ['username' => 'usertest']);
예제 #8
 public function _before(FunctionalTester $I)
     $dt = new DateTime();
     $I->haveRecord('roles', ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Administrator', 'slug' => 'administrator', 'landing' => 'admin/dashboard', 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->haveRecord('users', ['id' => 1, 'username' => 'admin', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt('123456'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->haveRecord('users', ['id' => 2, 'username' => 'admin2', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt('123456'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->haveRecord('password_resets', ['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'token' => 'reset-token', 'created_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->haveRecord('password_resets', ['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'token' => 'reset-token2', 'created_at' => $dt->modify('-2 hour')]);
     $I->haveRecord('role_user', ['user_id' => 1, 'role_id' => 1]);
     $I->haveRecord('role_user', ['user_id' => 2, 'role_id' => 1]);
예제 #9
 public function _before(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->haveRecord('roles', ['id' => 1, 'name' => 'Administrator', 'slug' => 'administrator', 'landing' => 'admin/dashboard', 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->haveRecord('roles', ['id' => 2, 'name' => 'Spectator', 'slug' => 'spectator', 'landing' => 'admin/profile', 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->haveRecord('users', ['id' => 1, 'username' => 'admin', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt('123456'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->haveRecord('users', ['id' => 2, 'username' => 'spectator', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt('123456'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->haveRecord('role_user', ['user_id' => 1, 'role_id' => 1]);
     $I->haveRecord('role_user', ['user_id' => 2, 'role_id' => 2]);
$I->see('Username', 'label');
$I->see('Password', 'label');
$I->see('Remember me', 'label');
$I->seeElement('input', ['value' => 'Log in', 'class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-block']);
$I->amGoingTo('fill an invalid user in order to see the errors');
// When
$I->fillField('username', 'admin');
$I->fillField('password', '12345');
// And
$I->click('Log in', 'input[type=submit]');
// Then
$I->expectTo('see an error message');
$I->seeInField('username', 'admin');
$I->see('Invalid data', '.alert-danger');
$I->haveRecord('users', ['first_name' => 'System', 'last_name' => 'Administrator', 'username' => 'admin', 'password' => Hash::make('secret'), 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'remember_token' => null]);
$I->amGoingTo('full a valid user and see the result');
// When
$I->fillField('password', 'secret');
// And
$I->click('Log in', 'input[type=submit]');
// Then
$I->see('You have arrived.', 'h1');
$I->see('Log out', 'a');
$I->amGoingTo('log out');
// When
$I->click('Log out', 'a');
// Then
예제 #11

use Coyote\Actkey;
$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('confirm my email address');
$userId = 100001;
$actkey = 'randomstring';
$I->haveRecord('users', ['id' => $userId, 'name' => 'Joe Doe', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt('123'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), 'is_confirm' => 0]);
// uzywamy modelu poniewaz w tabeli nie ma klucza "id"
Actkey::create(['actkey' => $actkey, 'user_id' => $userId]);
$I->see('Adres e-mail został pozytywnie potwierdzony');
$I->dontSeeRecord('actkeys', ['actkey' => $actkey, 'user_id' => $userId]);
예제 #12

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->am('a Administrator see Partners');
$I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'admin']);
$id = $I->haveRecord('partners', ['name' => 'Mario', 'country_id' => 1, 'state_id' => 1, 'city_id' => 1]);
$I->amOnPage('/partners/' . $id);
예제 #13

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('I am Admin and Update Company Mau');
$I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'admin']);
$id = $I->haveRecord('companys', ['name' => 'Maur', 'partner_id' => '2', 'currency_id' => '3', 'fiscalRegimen_id' => '2']);
$I->amOnPage('/settings/company/' . $id);
$I->seeCurrentUrlEquals('/settings/company/' . $id . '/edit');
$I->seeInField('name', 'Maur');
$I->seeInField('partner_id', '2');
$I->seeInField('currency_id', '3');
$I->seeInField('fiscalRegimen_id', '2');
$I->amGoingTo('Change name of Maur to Association_Mau');
$form = ['name' => 'Association_Mau', 'partner_id' => '3', 'currency_id' => '2', 'fiscalRegimen_id' => '1'];
예제 #14

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->expectTo('have a usere in the database');
$I->haveRecord('users', ['username' => 'verem', 'password' => 'danverem', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'profile_state' => 0]);
$I->expectTo('have a logged in user');
$user = $I->grabRecord('users', ['username' => 'verem']);
$I->amLoggedAs(['username' => $user->username, 'id' => $user->id, 'password' => $user->password]);
$I->wantTo('test if chops is posting to database');
$I->see('What\'s that special meal you just ate today');
$I->fillField('name', 'edikaikong');
$I->attachFile('image', 'julia.jpeg');
$I->fillField('about', 'This food is the best dish in the country');
예제 #15

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('login as a user');
$I->haveRecord('users', ['name' => 'Joe Doe', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => bcrypt('123'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
$I->fillField('name', 'Joe Doe');
$I->fillField('password', '123');
$I->see('Joe Doe', '.dropdown-username');
예제 #16

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('I am Admin and Delete a new currency');
$I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'admin']);
$form = ['name' => 'Mau', 'symbol' => '@'];
$id = $I->haveRecord('currencys', ['name' => 'Mau', 'symbol' => '@']);
$I->amOnPage('/settings/currency/' . $id);
$I->submitForm('//form', ['id' => $id], 'Delete');
예제 #17
// only empty name
$I->amGoingTo('test name validation');
$I->fillField('slug', 'libro');
$I->fillField('active', 1);
$I->dontSeeRecord('categories', ['slug' => 'libro', 'active' => 1]);
$I->see('The name field is required', '.error');
$I->seeInField('slug', 'libro');
$I->dontSee('The slug field is required');
// all form filled
$I->fillField('name', 'Libro');
$I->fillField('slug', 'libro');
$I->fillField('active', 1);
$I->haveRecord('categories', ['name' => 'Libro', 'slug' => 'libro', 'active' => 1]);
$I->seeInTitle('All categories');
$I->see('Libro', 'td');
$I->see('libro', 'td');
$I->see('Si', 'td');
$I->see('Edit', '.btn-edit');
$I->see('Delete', '.btn-delete');
// name is unique
$I->amGoingTo('validate if name is unique');
$I->fillField('name', 'Libro');
$I->fillField('slug', 'libro');
$I->dontSeeRecord('categories', ['name' => 'Libro', 'slug' => 'libro', 'active' => 0]);

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->am('an user');
$I->wantTo('Update a group');
$I->haveRecord('users_groups', ['name' => 'test_group', 'path' => '/var/www/test', 'organization_id' => '1', 'created_at' => '2015-05-08 00:00:00', 'updated_at' => '2015-05-08 00:00:00']);
//modify user
$I->fillField(['name' => 'name'], 'test_groups_2');
예제 #19

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('I am Admin and Delete a new user');
$I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'admin']);
$form = ['name' => 'Jorge', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '123456', 'password_confirmation' => '123456'];
$id = $I->haveRecord('users', ['name' => 'Jorge', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
$I->amOnPage('/settings/users/' . $id);
$I->submitForm('//form', ['id' => $id], 'Delete');
$I->see('was delete');

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->am('a user');
$I->wantTo('activate my email adress with expired code');
$I->haveRecord('users_confirmations', ['type' => 'mail', 'confirmation_code' => 'KGcClDwrpbZn2XwHJbBTcqf28GrY5O', 'user_id' => 1, 'created_at' => '2015-05-08 00:00:00', 'updated_at' => '2015-05-08 00:00:00']);
$code = $I->grabRecord('users_confirmations', ['user_id' => 1, 'type' => 'mail']);
$I->amOnPage('/confirmation/mail/' . $code->confirmation_code);
$I->dontSeeRecord('users_profiles', ['user_id' => 1, 'mail_confirmed' => 1]);
예제 #21
 public function loginUsingCredentials(FunctionalTester $I)
     $I->haveRecord('users', $this->userAttributes);
     $I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'password']);

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->am('a user');
$I->wantTo('activate my phone number with expired code');
$I->haveRecord('users_confirmations', ['type' => 'phone', 'confirmation_code' => '1234', 'user_id' => 1, 'created_at' => '2015-05-08 00:00:00', 'updated_at' => '2015-05-08 00:00:00']);
//step 1
$code = $I->grabRecord('users_confirmations', ['user_id' => 1, 'type' => 'phone']);
$I->fillField(['name' => 'code'], $code->confirmation_code);
$I->dontSeeRecord('users_profiles', ['user_id' => 1, 'phone_confirmed' => 1]);
예제 #23

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('test if chops can be displayed on the home page after posting');
$I->expectTo('have a registered user in the database');
$user_id = $I->haveRecord('users', ['username' => 'John Doe', 'password' => 'johndope', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'profile_state' => 0]);
$I->expectTo('have a chops record in the database');
$I->haveRecord('chops', ['chops_name' => 'A new name', 'about' => 'About this chops', 'user_id' => $user_id, 'likes' => 0]);
$I->expectTo('have the action take place in the controller');
$I->see('About this chops');
$I->see('A new name');
예제 #24

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->am('a Administrator see Users');
$I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'admin']);
$id = $I->haveRecord('users', ['name' => 'Mario', 'email' => '*****@*****.**']);
$I->amOnPage('/settings/users/' . $id);

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->am('an user');
$I->wantTo('Add an user to a group');
$I->haveRecord('users_groups', ['name' => 'group_test', 'organization_id' => '1', 'created_at' => '2015-05-08 00:00:00', 'updated_at' => '2015-05-08 00:00:00']);
 public function _before(FunctionalTester $I)
     $email = 'admin+' . str_random(8) . '';
     $I->haveRecord('users', ['name' => 'admin', 'email' => $email, 'status' => 1, 'password' => bcrypt('password'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime()]);
     $I->amLoggedAs(['email' => $email, 'password' => 'password']);
예제 #27

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('register a user from index page');
$I->expectTo('have a users in the database');
$I->haveRecord('users', ['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'username' => 'andelabendozy', 'password' => bcrypt('password'), 'created_at' => new DateTime(), 'updated_at' => new DateTime(), 'status' => TRUE, 'profile_state' => FALSE]);
$I->submitForm('form#register', ['name' => 'prosper', 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => '12345678', 'password_confirmation' => '12345678']);
$I->seeRecord('users', ['email' => '*****@*****.**']);
예제 #28

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->am('a Administrator see Product');
$I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'admin']);
$id = $I->haveRecord('products', ['name' => 'Fresca', 'description' => 'Fresca de 600 ml', 'purchasePrice' => 7, 'salePrice' => 9, 'qtyAvailable' => 20, 'incomingQty' => 12, 'virtualAvailable' => 32, 'ean13' => 'Fresca Coca-cola company', 'uom_id' => 4, 'partner_id' => 2]);
$I->amOnPage('/products/' . $id);
$I->see('Fresca de 600 ml');
예제 #29

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('flush old devices');
$piOne = ['ip' => '', 'mac' => '11:22:33:44:55:66', 'name' => 'Awesome Pi One', 'created_at' => (new \Carbon\Carbon())->subHour()->toDateTimeString(), 'updated_at' => (new \Carbon\Carbon())->subHour()->toDateTimeString()];
$I->haveRecord('devices', $piOne);
$piTwo = ['ip' => '', 'mac' => '11:22:33:44:55:67', 'name' => 'Awesome Pi Two', 'created_at' => (new \Carbon\Carbon())->subHour()->toDateTimeString(), 'updated_at' => (new \Carbon\Carbon())->now()->toDateTimeString()];
$I->haveRecord('devices', $piTwo);
$I->assertEquals(2, \PiFinder\Device::count());
$I->assertEquals(1, \PiFinder\Device::count());
$I->dontSeeRecord('devices', $piOne);
$I->seeRecord('devices', $piTwo);

$I = new FunctionalTester($scenario);
$I->wantTo('I am Admin and Update CertificateSats Mau');
$I->amLoggedAs(['email' => '*****@*****.**', 'password' => 'admin']);
$id = $I->haveRecord('certificatesats', ['name' => 'Benny', 'noSerie' => '123456', 'startDate' => '0000-00-00', 'endDate' => '0000-00-00']);
$I->amOnPage('/settings/certificatesats/' . $id);
$I->seeCurrentUrlEquals('/settings/certificatesats/' . $id . '/edit');
$I->seeInField('name', 'Benny');
$I->seeInField('noSerie', '123456');
$I->seeInField('startDate', '0000-00-00');
$I->seeInField('endDate', '0000-00-00');
$I->amGoingTo('Change name of Benny to Iggy2');
$form = ['name' => 'Iggy2', 'noSerie' => '1234567', 'startDate' => '2010-02-01', 'endDate' => '2019-04-01'];