default_locale() 공개 정적인 메소드

Retrieves the default locale
public static default_locale ( mixed $domain = null ) : string
$domain mixed Domain to determine the default locale for. If null, the global default will be returned. If true, then the current domain will be used.
리턴 string
 public function updateRelativeLink(&$base, &$action)
     // Don't inject locale to subpages
     if ($this->owner->ParentID && SiteTree::config()->nested_urls) {
     // For blank/temp pages such as Security controller fallback to querystring
     $locale = Fluent::current_locale();
     if (!$this->owner->exists()) {
         $base = Controller::join_links($base, '?' . Fluent::config()->query_param . '=' . urlencode($locale));
     // Check if this locale is the default for its own domain
     $domain = Fluent::domain_for_locale($locale);
     if ($locale === Fluent::default_locale($domain)) {
         // For home page in the default locale, do not alter home url
         if ($base === null) {
         // For all pages on a domain where there is only a single locale,
         // then the domain itself is sufficient to distinguish that domain
         // See
         $domainLocales = Fluent::locales($domain);
         if (count($domainLocales) === 1) {
     // Simply join locale root with base relative URL
     $localeURL = Fluent::alias($locale);
     $base = Controller::join_links($localeURL, $base);
 public function handleRequest(SS_HTTPRequest $request, DataModel $model = null)
     self::$is_at_root = true;
     // Check for existing routing parameters, redirecting to another locale automatically if necessary
     $locale = Fluent::get_request_locale();
     if (empty($locale)) {
         // Determine if this user should be redirected
         $locale = $this->getRedirectLocale();
         $this->extend('updateRedirectLocale', $locale);
         // Check if the user should be redirected
         $domainDefault = Fluent::default_locale(true);
         if (Fluent::is_locale($locale) && $locale !== $domainDefault) {
             // Check new traffic with detected locale
             return $this->redirect(Fluent::locale_baseurl($locale));
         // Reset parameters to act in the default locale
         $locale = $domainDefault;
         $params = $request->routeParams();
         $params[Fluent::config()->query_param] = $locale;
     if (!DB::isActive() || !ClassInfo::hasTable('SiteTree')) {
         $this->response = new SS_HTTPResponse();
         $this->response->redirect(Director::absoluteBaseURL() . 'dev/build?returnURL=' . (isset($_GET['url']) ? urlencode($_GET['url']) : null));
         return $this->response;
     $localeURL = Fluent::alias($locale);
     $request->match($localeURL . '/$URLSegment//$Action', true);
     $controller = new ModelAsController();
     $result = $controller->handleRequest($request, $model);
     return $result;
 public function augmentWrite(&$manipulation)
     // Bypass augment write if requested
     if (!self::$_enable_write_augmentation) {
     // Get locale and translation zone to use
     $locale = $this->owner->getSourceQueryParam('Fluent.Locale') ?: Fluent::current_locale();
     $defaultLocale = Fluent::default_locale();
     // Get all tables to translate fields for, and their respective field names
     $includedTables = $this->getTranslatedTables();
     // Iterate through each select clause, replacing each with the translated version
     foreach ($manipulation as $class => $updates) {
         // If this table doesn't have translated fields then skip
         if (empty($includedTables[$class])) {
         foreach ($includedTables[$class] as $field) {
             // Skip translated field if not updated in this request
             if (!isset($updates['fields'][$field])) {
             // Copy the updated value to the locale specific field
             // (Title => Title_fr_FR)
             $updateField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $locale);
             $updates['fields'][$updateField] = $updates['fields'][$field];
             // If not on the default locale, write the stored default field back to the main field
             // (if Title_en_NZ then Title_en_NZ => Title)
             // If the default subfield has no value, then save using the current locale
             if ($locale !== $defaultLocale) {
                 $defaultField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $defaultLocale);
                 // Note that null may be DB escaped as a string here. @see DBField::prepValueForDB
                 if (!empty($updates['fields'][$defaultField]) && $updates['fields'][$defaultField] != DB::getConn()->prepStringForDB('') && strtolower($updates['fields'][$defaultField]) != 'null') {
                     $updates['fields'][$field] = $updates['fields'][$defaultField];
         // Save back modifications to the manipulation
         $manipulation[$class] = $updates;
예제 #4
  * Test output for helpers in domain mode
 public function testDomainsHelpers()
     Config::inst()->update('Fluent', 'force_domain', true);
     // Test Fluent::domains
     $this->assertEquals(array('', '', ''), array_keys(Fluent::domains()));
     // Test Fluent::default_locale
     $usDefault = $this->withURL('', '/', '/', function ($test) {
         return Fluent::default_locale(true);
     $this->assertEquals('en_US', $usDefault);
     $this->assertEquals('en_US', Fluent::default_locale(''));
     $this->assertEquals('fr_CA', Fluent::default_locale());
     // Test Fluent::domain_for_locale
     $this->assertEquals(null, Fluent::domain_for_locale('nl_NL'));
     $this->assertEquals('', Fluent::domain_for_locale('en_US'));
     $this->assertEquals('', Fluent::domain_for_locale('es_ES'));
     $this->assertEquals('', Fluent::domain_for_locale('fr_CA'));
     $this->assertEquals('', Fluent::domain_for_locale('en_NZ'));
     // Test Fluent::locales
     $usLocales = $this->withURL('', '/', '/', function ($test) {
         return Fluent::locales(true);
     $this->assertEquals(array('es_ES', 'en_US'), $usLocales);
     $this->assertEquals(array('es_ES', 'en_US'), Fluent::locales(''));
     $this->assertEquals(array('fr_CA', 'en_NZ', 'en_US', 'es_ES'), Fluent::locales());
     Config::inst()->update('Fluent', 'force_domain', false);
    public function run($request)
        // Extend time limit
        // we may need some proivileges for this to work
        // without this, running under sake is a problem
        // maybe sake could take care of it ...
        $this->withTransaction(function ($task) {
            $classes = $task->fluentClasses();
            $tables = DB::tableList();
            $deleteQueue = array();
            foreach ($classes as $class) {
                // Ensure that a translationgroup table exists for this class
                $groupTable = strtolower($class . "_translationgroups");
                if (isset($tables[$groupTable])) {
                    $groupTable = $tables[$groupTable];
                } else {
                    Debug::message("Ignoring class without _translationgroups table {$class}", false);
                // Disable filter
                if ($class::has_extension('FluentFilteredExtension')) {
                // Select all instances of this class in the default locale
                $instances = DataObject::get($class, sprintf('"Locale" = \'%s\'', Convert::raw2sql(Fluent::default_locale())));
                foreach ($instances as $instance) {
                    $isPublished = false;
                    if ($instance->hasMethod('isPublished')) {
                        $isPublished = $instance->isPublished();
                    if ($instance->ObsoleteClassName) {
                        Debug::message("Skipping {$instance->ClassName} with ID {$instanceID} because it from an obsolete class", false);
                    $instanceID = $instance->ID;
                    $translatedFields = $task->getTranslatedFields($instance->ClassName);
                    Debug::message("Updating {$instance->ClassName} {$instance->MenuTitle} ({$instanceID})", false);
                    $changed = false;
                    // Select all translations for this
                    $translatedItems = DataObject::get($class, sprintf('"Locale" != \'%1$s\' AND "ID" IN (
							SELECT "OriginalID" FROM "%2$s" WHERE "TranslationGroupID" IN (
								SELECT "TranslationGroupID" FROM "%2$s" WHERE "OriginalID" = %3$d
						)', Convert::raw2sql(Fluent::default_locale()), $groupTable, $instanceID));
                    foreach ($translatedItems as $translatedItem) {
                        $locale = DB::query(sprintf('SELECT "Locale" FROM "%s" WHERE "ID" = %d', $class, $translatedItem->ID))->value();
                        // since we are going to delete the stuff
                        // anyway, no need bothering validating it
                        DataObject::config()->validation_enabled = false;
                        // Unpublish and delete translated record
                        if ($translatedItem->hasMethod('doUnpublish')) {
                            Debug::message("  --  Unpublishing {$locale}", false);
                            if ($translatedItem->doUnpublish() === false) {
                                throw new ConvertTranslatableException("Failed to unpublish");
                        Debug::message("  --  Adding {$translatedItem->ID} ({$locale})", false);
                        foreach ($translatedFields as $field) {
                            $trField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $locale);
                            if ($translatedItem->{$field}) {
                                Debug::message("     --  Adding {$trField}", false);
                                $instance->{$trField} = $translatedItem->{$field};
                                $changed = true;
                        // for some reason, deleting items here has disruptive effects
                        // as too much stuff gets removed, so lets wait with this until the end of the migration
                        $deleteQueue[] = $translatedItem;
                    if ($changed) {
                        if (!$isPublished) {
                        } elseif ($instance->doPublish() === false) {
                            Debug::message("  --  Publishing FAILED", false);
                            throw new ConvertTranslatableException("Failed to publish");
                        } else {
                            Debug::message("  --  Published", false);
            foreach ($deleteQueue as $delItem) {
                Debug::message("  --  Removing {$delItem->ID}", false);
 public function testResetTranslations()
     $page = $this->objFromFixture('FluentTest_TranslatedPage', 'translated1');
     $defaultField = 'Title_' . Fluent::default_locale();
     $defaultValue = $page->{$defaultField};
     $this->assertEquals($page->Title_fr_CA, $defaultValue);
     $this->assertEquals($page->Title_en_NZ, $defaultValue);
     $this->assertEquals($page->Title_en_US, $defaultValue);
     $this->assertEquals($page->Title_es_ES, $defaultValue);
  * Adds a UI message to indicate whether you're editing in the default locale or not
  * @param  FieldList $fields
  * @return $this
 protected function addLocaleIndicatorMessage(FieldList $fields)
     if (Fluent::config()->disable_current_locale_message) {
         return $this;
     // If the field is already present, don't add it a second time
     if ($fields->fieldByName('CurrentLocaleMessage')) {
         return $this;
     $localeNames = Fluent::locale_names();
     $isDefaultLocale = Fluent::default_locale() === Fluent::current_locale();
     $messageClass = $isDefaultLocale ? 'good' : 'notice';
     $message = $isDefaultLocale ? _t('Fluent.DefaultLocale', 'This is the default locale') : _t('Fluent.DefaultLocaleIs', 'The default locale is') . ' ' . $localeNames[Fluent::default_locale()];
     $fields->unshift(LiteralField::create('CurrentLocaleMessage', sprintf('<p class="message %s">' . _t('Fluent.EditingIn', 'Please note: You are editing in') . ' %s. %s.</p>', $messageClass, $localeNames[Fluent::current_locale()], $message)));
     return $this;
  * Resets all translated fields to their value in the default locale
 public function resetTranslations()
     $translated = $this->getTranslatedTables();
     foreach ($translated as $table => $fields) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $defaultField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, Fluent::default_locale());
             $defaultValue = $this->owner->{$defaultField};
             foreach (Fluent::locales() as $locale) {
                 if ($locale === Fluent::default_locale()) {
                 $localeField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $locale);
                 $originalValue = $this->owner->{$localeField};
                 $this->owner->{$localeField} = $defaultValue;
                 // If these values differ, but a change isn't detected, then force a change
                 if ($this->owner->exists() && $originalValue != $defaultValue && !$this->owner->isChanged($field)) {
 public function init()
     // Reset any session locale to use the default locale as the standard 'base' locale