db_field_for_locale() 공개 정적인 메소드

Determine the DB field name to use for the given base field
public static db_field_for_locale ( string $field, string $locale )
$field string DB field name
$locale string Locale to use
 public function augmentSQL(SQLQuery &$query, DataQuery &$dataQuery = null)
     // When filtering my menu, swap out condition for locale specific condition
     $locale = Fluent::current_locale();
     $field = Fluent::db_field_for_locale("ShowInMenus", $locale);
     $query->replaceText("\"{$this->ownerBaseClass}\".\"ShowInMenus\"", "\"{$this->ownerBaseClass}\".\"{$field}\"");
  * Add 'Hidden' flag to the SiteTree object if the page is not present in this locale
  * @param array $flags
 public function updateStatusFlags(&$flags)
     if (!$this->owner->{Fluent::db_field_for_locale("LocaleFilter", Fluent::current_locale())}) {
         $flags['fluenthidden'] = array('text' => _t('Fluent.BadgeHiddenShort', 'Hidden'), 'title' => _t('Fluent.BadgeHiddenHelp', 'Page is hidden in this locale'));
 public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     // get all fields to translate and remove
     $translated = $this->getTranslatedTables();
     foreach ($translated as $table => $translatedFields) {
         foreach ($translatedFields as $translatedField) {
             // Find field matching this translated field
             // If the translated field has an ID suffix also check for the non-suffixed version
             // E.g. UploadField()
             $field = $fields->dataFieldByName($translatedField);
             if (!$field && preg_match('/^(?<field>\\w+)ID$/', $translatedField, $matches)) {
                 $field = $fields->dataFieldByName($matches['field']);
             // Highlight any translated field
             if ($field) {
             // Remove translation DBField from automatic scaffolded fields
             foreach (Fluent::locales() as $locale) {
                 $fieldName = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($translatedField, $locale);
                 $fields->removeByName($fieldName, true);
 public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     // get all fields to translate and remove
     $translated = $this->getTranslatedTables();
     foreach ($translated as $table => $translatedFields) {
         foreach ($translatedFields as $translatedField) {
             // Find field matching this translated field
             // If the translated field has an ID suffix also check for the non-suffixed version
             // E.g. UploadField()
             $field = $fields->dataFieldByName($translatedField);
             if (!$field && preg_match('/^(?<field>\\w+)ID$/', $translatedField, $matches)) {
                 $field = $fields->dataFieldByName($matches['field']);
             // Highlight any translated field
             if ($field && !$field->hasClass('LocalisedField')) {
                 // Add a language indicator next to the fluent icon
                 $locale = Fluent::current_locale();
                 $title = $field->Title();
                 $field->setTitle('<span class="fluent-locale-label">' . strtok($locale, '_') . '</span>' . $title);
             // Remove translation DBField from automatic scaffolded fields
             foreach (Fluent::locales() as $locale) {
                 $fieldName = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($translatedField, $locale);
                 $fields->removeByName($fieldName, true);
예제 #5
  * Tests that DB fields are properly named
 public function testDBFieldNaming()
     $this->assertEquals('Title_en_NZ', Fluent::db_field_for_locale('Title', 'en_NZ'));
     $this->assertEquals('ParentID_en_NZ', Fluent::db_field_for_locale('ParentID', 'en_NZ'));
    public function run($request)
        // Extend time limit
        // we may need some proivileges for this to work
        // without this, running under sake is a problem
        // maybe sake could take care of it ...
        $this->withTransaction(function ($task) {
            $classes = $task->fluentClasses();
            $tables = DB::tableList();
            $deleteQueue = array();
            foreach ($classes as $class) {
                // Ensure that a translationgroup table exists for this class
                $groupTable = strtolower($class . "_translationgroups");
                if (isset($tables[$groupTable])) {
                    $groupTable = $tables[$groupTable];
                } else {
                    Debug::message("Ignoring class without _translationgroups table {$class}", false);
                // Disable filter
                if ($class::has_extension('FluentFilteredExtension')) {
                // Select all instances of this class in the default locale
                $instances = DataObject::get($class, sprintf('"Locale" = \'%s\'', Convert::raw2sql(Fluent::default_locale())));
                foreach ($instances as $instance) {
                    $isPublished = false;
                    if ($instance->hasMethod('isPublished')) {
                        $isPublished = $instance->isPublished();
                    if ($instance->ObsoleteClassName) {
                        Debug::message("Skipping {$instance->ClassName} with ID {$instanceID} because it from an obsolete class", false);
                    $instanceID = $instance->ID;
                    $translatedFields = $task->getTranslatedFields($instance->ClassName);
                    Debug::message("Updating {$instance->ClassName} {$instance->MenuTitle} ({$instanceID})", false);
                    $changed = false;
                    // Select all translations for this
                    $translatedItems = DataObject::get($class, sprintf('"Locale" != \'%1$s\' AND "ID" IN (
							SELECT "OriginalID" FROM "%2$s" WHERE "TranslationGroupID" IN (
								SELECT "TranslationGroupID" FROM "%2$s" WHERE "OriginalID" = %3$d
						)', Convert::raw2sql(Fluent::default_locale()), $groupTable, $instanceID));
                    foreach ($translatedItems as $translatedItem) {
                        $locale = DB::query(sprintf('SELECT "Locale" FROM "%s" WHERE "ID" = %d', $class, $translatedItem->ID))->value();
                        // since we are going to delete the stuff
                        // anyway, no need bothering validating it
                        DataObject::config()->validation_enabled = false;
                        // Unpublish and delete translated record
                        if ($translatedItem->hasMethod('doUnpublish')) {
                            Debug::message("  --  Unpublishing {$locale}", false);
                            if ($translatedItem->doUnpublish() === false) {
                                throw new ConvertTranslatableException("Failed to unpublish");
                        Debug::message("  --  Adding {$translatedItem->ID} ({$locale})", false);
                        foreach ($translatedFields as $field) {
                            $trField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $locale);
                            if ($translatedItem->{$field}) {
                                Debug::message("     --  Adding {$trField}", false);
                                $instance->{$trField} = $translatedItem->{$field};
                                $changed = true;
                        // for some reason, deleting items here has disruptive effects
                        // as too much stuff gets removed, so lets wait with this until the end of the migration
                        $deleteQueue[] = $translatedItem;
                    if ($changed) {
                        if (!$isPublished) {
                        } elseif ($instance->doPublish() === false) {
                            Debug::message("  --  Publishing FAILED", false);
                            throw new ConvertTranslatableException("Failed to publish");
                        } else {
                            Debug::message("  --  Published", false);
            foreach ($deleteQueue as $delItem) {
                Debug::message("  --  Removing {$delItem->ID}", false);
  * Rewrites the WHERE fragment of a query
  * @param string $class
  * @param array $translatedColumns Translated columns
  * @param SQLQUery $query
  * @param string $keywords SQL escaped keywords
  * @param string $keywordsHTML HTML escaped keywords
 public function augmentFilter($class, $translatedColumns, SQLQuery $query, $keywords, $keywordsHTML, $booleanMode)
     // Augment the search section
     $locale = Fluent::current_locale();
     $wherePattern = self::$where_replacements[$class];
     $translatedPattern = $wherePattern;
     $searchColumns = self::$search_columns[$class];
     foreach (array_intersect($searchColumns, $translatedColumns) as $column) {
         $replacement = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($column, $locale);
         $translatedPattern = preg_replace('/\\b' . preg_quote($column) . '\\b/', $replacement, $translatedPattern);
     // If no fields were translated, then don't modify
     if ($translatedPattern === $wherePattern) {
     // Inject keywords into patterns
     $search = array('/\\$keywords/i', '/\\$htmlEntityKeywords/i', '/\\$boolean/i');
     $replace = array($keywords, $keywordsHTML, $booleanMode ? 'IN BOOLEAN MODE' : '');
     $whereOriginal = preg_replace($search, $replace, $wherePattern);
     $whereTranslated = preg_replace($search, $replace, $translatedPattern);
     $where = $query->getWhere();
     $newWhere = array();
     foreach ($query->getWhere() as $where) {
         // Remove excessive whitespace which breaks string replacement
         $where = preg_replace('/\\s+/im', ' ', $where);
         $whereOriginal = preg_replace('/\\s+/im', ' ', $whereOriginal);
         $newWhere[] = str_replace($whereOriginal, "{$whereOriginal} + {$whereTranslated}", $where);
 public function updateCMSFields(FieldList $fields)
     // get all fields to translate and remove
     $translated = $this->getTranslatedTables();
     foreach ($translated as $table => $translatedFields) {
         foreach ($translatedFields as $translatedField) {
             // Find field matching this translated field
             // If the translated field has an ID suffix also check for the non-suffixed version
             // E.g. UploadField()
             $field = $fields->dataFieldByName($translatedField);
             if (!$field && preg_match('/^(?<field>\\w+)ID$/', $translatedField, $matches)) {
                 $field = $fields->dataFieldByName($matches['field']);
             // Highlight any translatable field
             if ($field && !$field->hasClass('LocalisedField')) {
                 // Add a language indicator next to the fluent icon
                 $locale = Fluent::current_locale();
                 $title = $field->Title();
                 $titleClasses = 'fluent-locale-label';
                 // Add a visual indicator for whether the value has been changed from the default locale
                 $isModified = Fluent::isFieldModified($this->owner, $field, $locale);
                 $modifiedTitle = 'Using default locale value';
                 if ($isModified) {
                     $titleClasses .= ' fluent-modified-value';
                     $modifiedTitle = 'Modified from default locale value - click to reset';
                 $field->setTitle(sprintf('<span class="%s" title="%s">%s</span>%s', $titleClasses, $modifiedTitle, strtok($locale, '_'), $title));
                 // Set the default value to the element so we can compare it with JavaScript
                 if (Fluent::default_locale() !== $locale) {
                     $field->setAttribute('data-default-locale-value', $this->owner->{Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field->getName(), Fluent::default_locale())});
             // Remove translation DBField from automatic scaffolded fields
             foreach (Fluent::locales() as $locale) {
                 $fieldName = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($translatedField, $locale);
                 $fields->removeByName($fieldName, true);
  * Resets all translated fields to their value in the default locale
 public function resetTranslations()
     $translated = $this->getTranslatedTables();
     foreach ($translated as $table => $fields) {
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $defaultField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, Fluent::default_locale());
             $defaultValue = $this->owner->{$defaultField};
             foreach (Fluent::locales() as $locale) {
                 if ($locale === Fluent::default_locale()) {
                 $localeField = Fluent::db_field_for_locale($field, $locale);
                 $originalValue = $this->owner->{$localeField};
                 $this->owner->{$localeField} = $defaultValue;
                 // If these values differ, but a change isn't detected, then force a change
                 if ($this->owner->exists() && $originalValue != $defaultValue && !$this->owner->isChanged($field)) {