예제 #1
 case "Delete":
 case "Add":
     $db->query("select id from userinfo where UserName='******'");
     $ContID = $db->f(0);
 case "Edit":
     echo "<font class=bigTextBold>{$cmd} Support Parts</font>\n";
     $cmd = "Query";
     $t = new SupportPartsTable();
     $t->heading = 'on';
     $t->add_extra = 'on';
     $db = new DB_hotspot();
     echo "&nbsp<a href=\"" . $sess->self_url() . $sess->add_query(array("cmd" => "Add")) . "\">Add Support Parts</a>&nbsp\n";
     echo "&nbsp<a href=\"" . $sess->url("/SupportTickets.php") . "\">Tickets</a>&nbsp\n";
     echo "<font class=bigTextBold>{$cmd} Support Parts</font>\n";
     // These fields will be searchable and displayed in results.
     // Format is "RealFieldName"=>"Field Name Formatted For Display",
     $t->fields = array("ItemID", "ProductCode", "PartNo", "Description", "Quantity", "Price", "TicketNo");
     $t->map_cols = array("ItemID" => "Item I D", "ProductCode" => "Product Code", "PartNo" => "Part No", "Description" => "Description", "Quantity" => "Quantity", "Price" => "Price", "TicketNo" => "Ticket No");
     // When we hit this page the first time,
     // there is no .
     if (!isset($q)) {
         $q = new SupportParts_Sql_Query();
         // We make one
         $q->conditions = 1;
         // ... with a single condition (at first)
         $q->translate = "on";
예제 #2
     	printf("<tr><td colspan=2></td><td align=right>TOTAL&nbsp;CHARGE&nbsp;</td><td align=right>$%0.2f</td><td></td></tr>\n",$TotalCharge);
         } */
     $cmd = "Query";
     $t = new MySupportTicketsTable();
     $t->heading = 'on';
     $t->add_extra = 'on';
     $db = new DB_hotspot();
     $db->query("select Mail from userinfo where UserName='******'");
     if ($db->next_record()) {
         $MyEmail = $db->f(0);
     echo "<br><a href=\"" . $sess->url("/SupportTickets.php") . $sess->add_query(array("cmd" => "Add")) . "\">Create New Support Ticket</a>&nbsp\n";
     echo "<h1>Find Ticket</h1>";
     if ($SrchState == "Array") {
         $SrchState = array();
     if (!$assigned) {
         #	$assigned='me';
         #	if ($auth->auth["uname"]=='cams')
         $assigned = 'anyone';
예제 #3
     $cmd = "Query";
     $t = new SupportTicketsTable();
     $t->heading = 'on';
     $t->add_extra = 'on';
     /* or set to base url of php file to link to, defaults to PHP_SELF */
     $t->add_total = 'on';
     /* add a grand total row to the bottom of the table on the numberic columns */
     $t->add_insert = 'SupportTicketsform';
     /* Add a blank row ontop of table allowing insert or search */
     $t->add_insert_buttons = 'Search';
     /* Control which buttons appear on the add_insert row eg: Add,Search */
     /* See below - EditMode can also be turned on/off by user if section below uncommented */
     #$t->edit = 'SupportTicketsform';   /* Allow rows to be editable with a save button that appears onchange */
     #$t->ipe_table = 'SupportTickets';   /* Make in place editing changes immediate without a save button */
     $db = new DB_hotspot();
     echo "<a href=\"" . $sess->self_url() . $sess->add_query(array("cmd" => "Add")) . "\">Add Support Tickets</a>\n";
     $SupportTickets_fields = array();
     if (array_key_exists("SupportTickets_fields", $_REQUEST)) {
         $SupportTickets_fields = $_REQUEST["SupportTickets_fields"];
     if (empty($SupportTickets_fields)) {
         $SupportTickets_fields = array_first_chunk($t->default, 7, 11);
     $t->fields = $SupportTickets_fields;
     #$t->extra_html = array('fieldname'=>'extrahtml');
     #$t->align      = array('fieldname'=>'right', 'otherfield'=>'center');
     echo "<a href=javascript:show('ColumnSelector')>Column Chooser</a>";
     echo "<form id=ColumnSelector method='post' style=display:none>\n";
     echo "<a href=javascript:hide('ColumnSelector')>Hide</a>";
예제 #4
function SupportEmail($TicketNo, $OldStatus = "")
    global $UserName, $Name, $Company, $StreetAddress, $Town, $State, $PostCode, $CO, $OtherDetail;
    global $Quantity, $ProductCode, $PartNo, $Description, $Price, $Duration, $Rate, $Details, $Email, $Comment, $ByContact;
    global $HomePhone, $WorkPhone, $Mobile, $Status, $ShortDesc, $EngineerEmail, $Created, $EnteredBy, $SequenceNo;
    global $AssignedTo, $ByUser;
    if ($TicketNo < 1) {
        return false;
    $Level = 0;
    $db = new DB_hotspot();
    $stf = new SupportTicketsform();
    $mf = new userinfoform();
    $EngineerEmail = get_email($AssignedTo);
    if ($OldStatus) {
        $Status = $OldStatus . "->" . $Status;
    $subj = "Ticket: {$TicketNo}, {$Status}, {$ShortDesc}";
    $Msg = "Job for: <b>{$UserName}, {$Name}</b><br>\n";
    if ($StreetAddress . $Town . $State . $PostCode) {
        $Msg .= "at: <b>";
        if ($StreetAddress) {
            $Msg .= "{$StreetAddress}, ";
        if ($Town) {
            $Msg .= "{$Town}, ";
        if ($State) {
            $Msg .= "{$State}, ";
        if ($PostCode) {
            $Msg .= "{$PostCode}";
        $Msg .= "</b><br>\n";
    if (isset($HomePhone)) {
        $Msg .= "HomePhone: <b>{$HomePhone}</b><br>\n";
    if (isset($WorkPhone)) {
        $Msg .= "WorkPhone: <b>{$WorkPhone}</b><br>\n";
    if (isset($Mobile)) {
        $Msg .= "Mob: <b>{$Mobile}</b><br>\n";
    if (isset($Mail)) {
        $Msg .= "Email: <b>{$Mail}</b><br>\n";
    $Msg .= "------------------------------------------------------------<br>\n";
    $Msg .= "Entered By: <b>{$EnteredBy}</b><br>\n";
    $Msg .= "Date: <b>{$Created}</b><br>\n";
    if (isset($Location)) {
        $Msg .= "Location: <b>{$Location}</b><br>\n";
    if (isset($RoomNo)) {
        $Msg .= "Room No: <b>{$RoomNo}</b><br>\n";
    if (isset($Severity)) {
        $Msg .= "Severity: <b>{$Severity}</b><br>\n";
    if ($Level > 0) {
        $Msg .= "Level: <b>{$Level}</b><br>\n";
    $Msg .= "Description: <b>{$ShortDesc}</b> {$OtherDetail}<br>\n";
    $Msg .= "------------------------------------------------------------<br>\n";
    	$db->query("select id from SupportParts where TicketNo='".$TicketNo."'");
    	$sp = new SupportPartsform;
    	while ($db->next_record()) {
    		$Msg .= "Part: <b>$Quantity x $ProductCode, $PartNo, $Description @ $Price</b><br>\n";
    	$db->query("select id from SupportDetails where TicketNo='".$TicketNo."'");
    	$sd = new SupportDetailsform;
    	while ($db->next_record()) {
    		$Msg .= "Work: <b>$Duration minutes @ $Rate /hour, $Details</b><br>\n";
    $db->query("select distinct FileName from SupportFiles where TicketNo='" . $TicketNo . "'");
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $Msg .= "Attachment: http://os.{$CO}.com.au/files/{$TicketNo}/" . $db->f(0) . "<br>\n";
    $db->query("select id from SupportComments where TicketNo='" . $TicketNo . "'");
    $sc = new SupportCommentsform();
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $Msg .= "Comment by <b>{$ByUser}:</b> ";
        $Msg .= str_replace('" src="/candy/', '" src="http://os.' . $CO . '.com.au/candy/', $Comment);
        $Msg .= "<br>\n";
    $url = "https://os.{$CO}.com.au/SupportTickets.php?cmd=View&id=" . $TicketNo;
    $Msg .= "<a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a><br>\n";
    $hdrs = "From: ticket+{$TicketNo}@{$CO}.net.au";
    if ($EngineerEmail) {
        $hdrs .= "\r\nTo: {$EngineerEmail}";
    htmlMail("info@{$CO}.com.au", $subj, $Msg, $hdrs);
    //, $text="", $name="", $type="Application/Octet-Stream", $data="", $name2="", $display2="")
    echo "<pre>";
    echo $hdrs;
    echo $subj;
    echo "\n";
    echo $Msg;
    echo "</pre>";