예제 #1
  * Writes out the nzb when processing releases. Performed outside of smarty due to memory issues
  * of holding all parts in an array.
 function writeNZBforReleaseId($relid, $name, $catId, $path)
     $db = new DB();
     $cat = new Category();
     $catrow = $cat->getById($catId);
     $site = new Sites();
     $fp = _gzopen($path, "w");
     if ($fp) {
         gzwrite($fp, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
         gzwrite($fp, "<!DOCTYPE nzb PUBLIC \"-//newzBin//DTD NZB 1.1//EN\" \"http://www.newzbin.com/DTD/nzb/nzb-1.1.dtd\">\n");
         gzwrite($fp, "<nzb xmlns=\"http://www.newzbin.com/DTD/2003/nzb\">\n\n");
         gzwrite($fp, "<head>\n");
         if ($catrow) {
             gzwrite($fp, " <meta type=\"category\">" . htmlspecialchars($catrow["title"], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "</meta>\n");
         if ($name != "") {
             gzwrite($fp, " <meta type=\"name\">" . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "</meta>\n");
         gzwrite($fp, "</head>\n\n");
         $result = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT binaries.*, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate, groups.name as groupname FROM binaries inner join groups on binaries.groupID = groups.ID WHERE binaries.releaseID = %d ORDER BY binaries.name", $relid));
         while ($binrow = $db->getAssocArray($result)) {
             $groups = array();
             $groupsRaw = explode(' ', $binrow['xref']);
             foreach ($groupsRaw as $grp) {
                 if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9\\.\\-_]+):(\\d+)?$/i', $grp, $match) && strtolower($grp) !== 'xref') {
                     $groups[] = $match[1];
             if (count($groups) == 0) {
                 $groups[] = $binrow["groupname"];
             gzwrite($fp, "<file poster=\"" . htmlspecialchars($binrow["fromname"], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "\" date=\"" . $binrow["unixdate"] . "\" subject=\"" . htmlspecialchars($binrow["name"], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . " (1/" . $binrow["totalParts"] . ")\">\n");
             gzwrite($fp, " <groups>\n");
             foreach ($groups as $group) {
                 gzwrite($fp, "  <group>" . $group . "</group>\n");
             gzwrite($fp, " </groups>\n");
             gzwrite($fp, " <segments>\n");
             $resparts = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT(messageID), size, partnumber FROM parts WHERE binaryID = %d ORDER BY partnumber", $binrow["ID"]));
             while ($partsrow = $db->getAssocArray($resparts)) {
                 gzwrite($fp, "  <segment bytes=\"" . $partsrow["size"] . "\" number=\"" . $partsrow["partnumber"] . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($partsrow["messageID"], ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8') . "</segment>\n");
             gzwrite($fp, " </segments>\n</file>\n");
         gzwrite($fp, "<!-- generated by newznab " . $site->version() . " -->\n</nzb>");
예제 #2
  * Process all untagged releases to see if musicinfo exists for them.
 public function processMusicReleases()
     $ret = 0;
     $db = new DB();
     $numlookedup = 0;
     $res = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT searchname, ID from releases where musicinfoID IS NULL and categoryID in ( select ID from category where parentID = %d ) ORDER BY postdate DESC LIMIT 1000", Category::CAT_PARENT_MUSIC));
     if ($db->getNumRows($res) > 0) {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             echo "MusicPr : Processing " . $db->getNumRows($res) . " audio releases\n";
         while ($arr = $db->getAssocArray($res)) {
             if ($numlookedup > Music::NUMTOPROCESSPERTIME) {
             $albumId = -2;
             $album = $this->parseArtist($arr['searchname']);
             if ($album !== false) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'MusicPr : Looking up: ' . $album["artist"] . ' - ' . $album["album"] . "\n";
                 //check for existing music entry
                 $albumCheck = $this->getMusicInfoByName($album["artist"], $album["album"]);
                 if ($albumCheck === false) {
                     // get from amazon
                     $ret = $this->updateMusicInfo($album["artist"], $album["album"], $album['year']);
                     if ($ret !== false) {
                         $albumId = $ret;
                 } else {
                     $albumId = $albumCheck["ID"];
             $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET musicinfoID = %d WHERE ID = %d", $albumId, $arr["ID"]));
  * Query the indexer directly.  Returns an array of the results, unless
  * there was an error in which case ``false`` is returned.  However, if
  * Sphinx returns an "invalid query" error (1064), then an empty result
  * array is returned.  Note that an empty "result array" is not the same as
  * an empty array and will instead look like::
  *      array({"_totalrows": 0})
  * If  ``$lookupQuery`` is an empty string, then the results returned will
  * be the data from the index--this is not guaranteed to be the most recent
  * data that is in the MySQL database.  If you absolutely need the most
  * recent data from MySQL, then ``$lookupQuery`` should be a valid SQL
  * query that has contains "releases.ID IN (%s)".
  * @param   string      $sphinxQuery    The raw SphinxQL query.
  * @param   string      $lookupQuery    The SQL to use to lookup the results.
  * @param   bool/int    $useCache    	The ttl to store the item in the cache.
  * @return  array|false
 public function searchDirect($sphinxQuery, $lookupQuery = "", $useCache = false)
     $cache = new Cache();
     if ($useCache !== false && $cache->enabled && $cache->exists($sphinxQuery)) {
         $ret = $cache->fetch($sphinxQuery);
         if ($ret !== false) {
             return $ret;
     // Connect to Sphinx
     $hostport = explode(":", $this->site->sphinxserverhost);
     $sdb = mysqli_connect($hostport[0], "root", "", "", $hostport[1]);
     if (!$sdb) {
         // Couldn't connect to Sphinx.
         return false;
     // Get the results from Sphinx.
     $lev = error_reporting();
     $result = mysqli_query($sdb, $sphinxQuery);
     $error = mysqli_error($sdb);
     // A 1064 error means that the query is invalid, so we don't care
     // about that.
     if ($error && mysqli_errno($sdb) != 1064) {
         // All other errors we will considered a failure.
         return false;
     // Get the query metadata.
     $meta = array();
     $mresult = mysqli_query($sdb, "SHOW META");
     if (!$mresult) {
         return false;
     while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($mresult)) {
         $meta[$row[0]] = $row[1];
     $results = array();
     if ($result) {
         while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
             if ($lookupQuery) {
                 // Save the IDs for a batch lookup.
                 $results[] = $row["id"];
             } else {
                 $results[] = $row;
     if ($lookupQuery && count($results) > 0) {
         $ndb = new DB();
         $sql = sprintf($lookupQuery, implode(",", $results));
         $result = $ndb->queryDirect($sql);
         if ($result) {
             $results = array();
             while ($row = $ndb->getAssocArray($result)) {
                 $results[] = $row;
     $count = 0;
     if (count($results) > 0 && array_key_exists("total", $meta)) {
         $count = (int) $meta["total_found"];
         $results[0]["_totalrows"] = $count > MAX_MATCHES ? MAX_MATCHES : $count;
     if ($useCache !== false && $cache->enabled) {
         $cache->store($sphinxQuery, $results, $useCache);
     return $results;
 public function processTvReleases($site, $numtoProcess = 100)
     $ret = 0;
     $db = new DB();
     $tvmaze = new TVMaze();
     $tvdb = new TheTVDB();
     $lookupTvMaze = $site->lookuptvmaze;
     $lookuptheTvDB = $site->lookupthetvdb;
     // get all releases without a tvinfo which are in a tv category.
     $result = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT searchname, ID from releases where tvinfoID = -1 and categoryID in ( select ID from category where parentID = %d ) order by postdate desc limit %d ", Category::CAT_PARENT_TV, $numtoProcess));
     if ($db->getNumRows($result) > 0) {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             echo "TVInfo  : Looking up " . $db->getNumRows($result) . " releases. TvMaze:" . ($lookupTvMaze ? "on" : "off") . " theTVDB:" . ($lookuptheTvDB ? "on" : "off") . "\n";
         while ($arr = $db->getAssocArray($result)) {
             $show = $this->parseNameEpSeason($arr['searchname']);
             if ($show && $show['name'] != '') {
                 // find the ID locally
                 $tvinforow = $this->getTvInfoByTitle($show['cleanname']);
                 if ($tvinforow && $this->echooutput) {
                     echo sprintf("TVInfo  : Found %s %s %s\n", $show['cleanname'], $show['seriesfull'], $tvinforow['localonly'] == 1 ? "Local Only" : "");
                 // if not found locally try maze
                 if (!$tvinforow && $lookupTvMaze) {
                     if ($this->echooutput) {
                         echo "TVInfo  : Didnt find " . $show['cleanname'] . " locally, checking TvMaze\n";
                     $tvmShow = $tvmaze->singleSearch($show['cleanname']);
                     if ($tvmShow && $this->compare($show['cleanname'], $tvmShow->name) >= TvInfo::MATCH_PROBABILITY) {
                         $this->addTvInfoFromMaze($show['cleanname'], $tvmShow);
                         $tvinforow = $this->getByMazeID($tvmShow->id);
                         //get back out on maze id, not insertid, incase it failed to insert due to mazeid already existing
                 // if not found locally or maze try tvdb
                 if (!$tvinforow && $lookuptheTvDB) {
                     $seriesinfo = $tvdb->lookupSeriesID($show['cleanname']);
                     if ($seriesinfo && $seriesinfo["id"] > 0 && $this->compare($show['cleanname'], $seriesinfo["name"]) >= TvInfo::MATCH_PROBABILITY) {
                         $tvinforow = $this->getByTvdbID($seriesinfo["id"]);
                         if (!$tvinforow) {
                             if ($this->echooutput) {
                                 echo "TVInfo  : Didnt find " . $show['cleanname'] . " locally, checking theTVDB\n";
                             $tvdbShow = $tvdb->lookupSeries($seriesinfo["id"], $show['cleanname'], false);
                             $this->addTvInfoFromTVDB($show, $tvdbShow);
                             $tvinforow = $this->getByTvdbID($tvdbShow["tvdbID"]);
                             //get back out on tvdb id, not insertid, incase it failed to insert due to tvdbid already existing
                 // if tv try and get episode info
                 if ($tvinforow) {
                     $seriesfull = isset($show['seriesfull']) && !empty($show['seriesfull']) ? $db->escapeString($show['seriesfull']) : "null";
                     $season = isset($show['season']) && !empty($show['season']) ? $db->escapeString($show['season']) : "null";
                     $episode = isset($show['episode']) && !empty($show['episode']) ? $db->escapeString($show['episode']) : "null";
                     $tvairdate = isset($show['airdate']) && !empty($show['airdate']) ? $db->escapeString($show['airdate']) : "null";
                     $tvepisodetitle = "null";
                     $shortfullep = str_replace('S', '', $show['season']) . 'x' . str_replace('E', '', $show['episode']);
                     $episodeid = "null";
                     // only bother looking up for episode data if the match wasnt to a local tvinfo row
                     if ($tvinforow["localonly"] == 0) {
                         //check local releases to see if we already have the data (release or episodeinfo)
                         $epsql = sprintf("select tvtitle as title, tvairdate as airdate from releases\n                                 where tvairdate is not null and season = %s and episode = %s and tvinfoID = %d\n                                 union select eptitle as title, airdate from episodeinfo where tvinfoID = %d and fullep = %s", $db->escapeString($show['season']), $db->escapeString($show['episode']), $tvinforow["ID"], $tvinforow["ID"], $db->escapeString($shortfullep));
                         $epinfo = $db->queryOneRow($epsql);
                         // check maze for ep if mazeID is known
                         if (!$epinfo && $lookupTvMaze && $tvinforow["mazeID"]) {
                             if (strpos($show["seriesfull"], '/') !== false) {
                                 $tvmEpInfo = $tvmaze->getDatedEpisode($tvinforow["mazeID"], str_replace("/", "-", $show["seriesfull"]));
                             } else {
                                 $tvmEpInfo = $tvmaze->getNumberedEpisode($tvinforow["mazeID"], str_replace('S', '', $show['season']), str_replace('E', '', $show['episode']));
                             if ($tvmEpInfo) {
                                 $episodeid = $this->addEpisode(null, $tvmEpInfo->id, $tvinforow["releasetitle"], $tvmEpInfo->airdate, $tvmEpInfo->season, $tvmEpInfo->number, $tvmEpInfo->name, null, null, $tvmEpInfo->summary, null, null, null, $tvinforow["ID"]);
                                 $epinfo = $this->getEpisodeInfoByID($episodeid);
                         // check tvdb for ep if tvdb is known
                         if (!$epinfo && $lookuptheTvDB && $tvinforow["tvdbID"]) {
                             $tvdbEpInfo = $tvdb->lookupEpisode($tvinforow["tvdbID"], $show);
                             if ($tvdbEpInfo) {
                                 $episodeid = $this->addEpisode($tvdbEpInfo["id"], null, $tvinforow["releasetitle"], $tvdbEpInfo["airdate"], $tvdbEpInfo["season"], $tvdbEpInfo["number"], $tvdbEpInfo["name"], $tvdbEpInfo["director"], $tvdbEpInfo["gueststars"], $tvdbEpInfo["summary"], $tvdbEpInfo["rating"], $tvdbEpInfo["writer"], $tvdbEpInfo["epabsolute"], $tvinforow["ID"]);
                                 $epinfo = $this->getEpisodeInfoByID($episodeid);
                         if ($epinfo) {
                             if (!empty($epinfo['airdate'])) {
                                 $tvairdate = $db->escapeString($epinfo['airdate']);
                             if (!empty($epinfo['eptitle'])) {
                                 $tvepisodetitle = $db->escapeString($epinfo['eptitle']);
                     $db->exec(sprintf("update releases set tvinfoID=%d, seriesfull = %s, season = %s, episode = %s, tvairdate=%s, tvtitle=%s, episodeinfoID=%s where ID = %d", $tvinforow["ID"], $seriesfull, $season, $episode, $tvairdate, $tvepisodetitle, $episodeid, $arr['ID']));
                 } else {
                     $this->markAsNotFound($show, $arr["ID"]);
             } else {
                 $this->markAsNotFound($show, $arr["ID"]);
     return $ret;
 function processReleases()
     require_once WWW_DIR . "/lib/binaries.php";
     $db = new DB();
     $currTime_ori = $db->queryOneRow("SELECT NOW() as now");
     $cat = new Category();
     $nzb = new Nzb();
     $s = new Sites();
     $releaseRegex = new ReleaseRegex();
     $page = new Page();
     $groups = new Groups();
     $retcount = 0;
     echo $s->getLicense();
     echo "\n\nStarting release update process (" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . ")\n";
     if (!file_exists($page->site->nzbpath)) {
         echo "Bad or missing nzb directory - " . $page->site->nzbpath;
         return -1;
     // Get all regexes for all groups which are to be applied to new binaries
     // in order of how they should be applied
     echo "Stage 1 : Applying regex to binaries\n";
     $activeCategories = $cat->get();
     $catbasedsizes = $db->getLookupAsArray($activeCategories, "ID");
     $activeGroups = $groups->getActive(false);
     $groupbasedminsizes = $db->getLookupAsArray($groups->getAllNoReleases(), "ID");
     foreach ($activeGroups as $groupArr) {
         //check if regexes have already been applied during update binaries
         if ($groupArr['regexmatchonly'] == 1) {
         $groupRegexes = $releaseRegex->getForGroup($groupArr['name']);
         echo "Stage 1 : Applying " . sizeof($groupRegexes) . " regexes to group " . $groupArr['name'] . "\n";
         // Get out all binaries of STAGE0 for current group
         $newUnmatchedBinaries = array();
         $ressql = sprintf("SELECT binaries.ID, binaries.name, binaries.date, binaries.totalParts, binaries.procstat, binaries.fromname from binaries where groupID = %d and procstat IN (%d,%d) and regexID IS NULL order by binaries.date asc", $groupArr['ID'], Releases::PROCSTAT_NEW, Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLENOTMATCHED);
         $resbin = $db->queryDirect($ressql);
         $matchedbins = 0;
         while ($rowbin = $db->getAssocArray($resbin)) {
             $regexMatches = array();
             foreach ($groupRegexes as $groupRegex) {
                 $regexCheck = $releaseRegex->performMatch($groupRegex, $rowbin['name']);
                 if ($regexCheck !== false) {
                     $regexMatches = $regexCheck;
             if (!empty($regexMatches)) {
                 $relparts = explode("/", $regexMatches['parts']);
                 $db->exec(sprintf("update binaries set relname = replace(%s, '_', ' '), relpart = %d, reltotalpart = %d, procstat=%d, categoryID=%s, regexID=%d, reqID=%s where ID = %d", $db->escapeString($regexMatches['name']), $relparts[0], $relparts[1], Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $regexMatches['regcatid'], $regexMatches['regexID'], $db->escapeString($regexMatches['reqID']), $rowbin["ID"]));
             } else {
                 if ($rowbin['procstat'] == Releases::PROCSTAT_NEW) {
                     $newUnmatchedBinaries[] = $rowbin['ID'];
         //mark as not matched
         if (!empty($newUnmatchedBinaries)) {
             $db->exec(sprintf("update binaries set procstat=%d where ID IN (%s)", Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLENOTMATCHED, implode(',', $newUnmatchedBinaries)));
     // Move all binaries from releases which have the correct number of files on to the next stage.
     echo "Stage 2 : Marking binaries where all parts are available";
     $result = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT relname, date, SUM(reltotalpart) AS reltotalpart, groupID, reqID, fromname, SUM(num) AS num, coalesce(g.minfilestoformrelease, s.minfilestoformrelease) as minfilestoformrelease FROM   ( SELECT relname, reltotalpart, groupID, reqID, fromname, max(date) as date, COUNT(ID) AS num FROM binaries     WHERE procstat = %s     GROUP BY relname, reltotalpart, groupID, reqID, fromname ORDER BY NULL ) x left outer join groups g on g.ID = x.groupID inner join ( select value as minfilestoformrelease from site where setting = 'minfilestoformrelease' ) s GROUP BY relname, groupID, reqID, fromname, minfilestoformrelease ORDER BY NULL", Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED));
     while ($row = $db->getAssocArray($result)) {
         // Less than the site permitted number of files in a release. Dont discard it, as it may
         // be part of a set being uploaded.
         if ($row["num"] < $row["minfilestoformrelease"]) {
             //echo "Number of files in release ".$row["relname"]." less than site/group setting (".$row['num']."/".$row["minfilestoformrelease"].")\n";
             //$db->exec(sprintf("update binaries set procattempts = procattempts + 1 where relname = %s and procstat = %d and groupID = %d and fromname = %s", $db->escapeString($row["relname"]), Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $row["groupID"], $db->escapeString($row["fromname"]) ));
         } elseif ($row["num"] >= $row["reltotalpart"]) {
             $incomplete = false;
             if ($row['reltotalpart'] == 0 && strtotime($currTime_ori['now']) - strtotime($row['date']) < 14400) {
                 $incomplete = true;
             } else {
                 // Check that the binary is complete
                 $binlist = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT binaries.ID, totalParts, date, COUNT(DISTINCT parts.messageID) AS num FROM binaries, parts WHERE binaries.ID=parts.binaryID AND binaries.relname = %s AND binaries.procstat = %d AND binaries.groupID = %d AND binaries.fromname = %s GROUP BY binaries.ID ORDER BY NULL", $db->escapeString($row["relname"]), Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $row["groupID"], $db->escapeString($row["fromname"])));
                 foreach ($binlist as $rowbin) {
                     if ($rowbin['num'] < $rowbin['totalParts']) {
                         // Allow to binary to release if posted to usenet longer than four hours ago and we still don't have all the parts
                         if (!(strtotime($currTime_ori['now']) - strtotime($rowbin['date']) > 14400)) {
                             $incomplete = true;
             if (!$incomplete) {
                 // Right number of files, but see if the binary is a allfilled/reqid post, in which case it needs its name looked up
                 if ($row['reqID'] != '' && $page->site->reqidurl != "") {
                     // Try and get the name using the group
                     $binGroup = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("SELECT name FROM groups WHERE ID = %d", $row["groupID"]));
                     $newtitle = $this->getReleaseNameForReqId($page->site->reqidurl, $page->site->newznabID, $binGroup["name"], $row["reqID"]);
                     // if the feed/group wasnt supported by the scraper, then just use the release name as the title.
                     if ($newtitle == "no feed") {
                         $newtitle = $row["relname"];
                     // Valid release with right number of files and title now, so move it on
                     if ($newtitle != "") {
                         $db->exec(sprintf("update binaries set relname = %s, procstat=%d where relname = %s and procstat = %d and groupID = %d and fromname=%s", $db->escapeString($newtitle), Releases::PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, $db->escapeString($row["relname"]), Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $row["groupID"], $db->escapeString($row["fromname"])));
                     } else {
                         // Item not found, if the binary was added to the index yages ago, then give up.
                         $maxaddeddate = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("SELECT NOW() as now, MAX(dateadded) as dateadded FROM binaries WHERE relname = %s and procstat = %d and groupID = %d and fromname=%s", $db->escapeString($row["relname"]), Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $row["groupID"], $db->escapeString($row["fromname"])));
                         // If added to the index over 48 hours ago, give up trying to determine the title
                         if (strtotime($maxaddeddate['now']) - strtotime($maxaddeddate['dateadded']) > 60 * 60 * 48) {
                             $db->exec(sprintf("update binaries set procstat=%d where relname = %s and procstat = %d and groupID = %d and fromname=%s", Releases::PROCSTAT_NOREQIDNAMELOOKUPFOUND, $db->escapeString($row["relname"]), Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $row["groupID"], $db->escapeString($row["fromname"])));
                 } else {
                     $db->exec(sprintf("update binaries set procstat=%d where relname = %s and procstat = %d and groupID = %d and fromname=%s", Releases::PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, $db->escapeString($row["relname"]), Releases::PROCSTAT_TITLEMATCHED, $row["groupID"], $db->escapeString($row["fromname"])));
         if ($retcount % 100 == 0) {
             echo ".";
     $retcount = 0;
     echo "\nStage 3 : Creating releases from complete binaries\n";
     // Get out all distinct relname, group from binaries of STAGE2
     $result = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT relname, groupID, g.name as group_name, fromname, max(categoryID) as categoryID, max(regexID) as regexID, max(reqID) as reqID, MAX(date) as date, count(binaries.ID) as parts, coalesce(sum(binaries.size),0) as size from binaries inner join groups g on g.ID = binaries.groupID where procstat = %d and relname is not null group by relname, g.name, groupID, fromname ORDER BY COUNT(binaries.ID) desc", Releases::PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE));
     while ($row = $db->getAssocArray($result)) {
         $relguid = md5(uniqid());
         // Get categoryID if one has been allocated to this
         if ($row["categoryID"] != "") {
             $catId = $row["categoryID"];
         } else {
             $catId = $cat->determineCategory($row["group_name"], $row["relname"]);
         // Determine if size matches permitted boundaries and discard here if not.
         $gsize = $groupbasedminsizes[$row["groupID"]][0]["minsizetoformrelease"];
         if ($gsize == "" || $gsize == 0) {
             $gsize = $row["size"];
         $ssize = $page->site->minsizetoformrelease;
         if ($ssize == "" || $ssize == 0) {
             $ssize = $row["size"];
         $csize = $catbasedsizes[$catId][0]["minsizetoformrelease"];
         if ($csize == "" || $csize == 0) {
             $csize = $row["size"];
         $cpsize = $catbasedsizes[$catId][0]["parentminsizetoformrelease"];
         if ($cpsize == "" || $cpsize == 0) {
             $cpsize = $row["size"];
         $cmaxsize = $catbasedsizes[$catId][0]["maxsizetoformrelease"];
         if ($cmaxsize == "" || $cmaxsize == 0) {
             $cmaxsize = $row["size"];
         $cpmaxsize = $catbasedsizes[$catId][0]["parentmaxsizetoformrelease"];
         if ($cpmaxsize == "" || $cpmaxsize == 0) {
             $cpmaxsize = $row["size"];
         $overallminsize = max($gsize, $ssize, $csize, $cpsize);
         $overallmaxsize = min($cmaxsize, $cpmaxsize);
         if ($row["size"] < $overallminsize || $row["size"] > $overallmaxsize) {
             echo sprintf("Stage 3 : Discarding - %s (Size %s outside permitted range of %s%s)\n", $row["relname"], formatBytes($row["size"]), $overallminsize != $row["size"] ? formatBytes($overallminsize) : "", $overallmaxsize != $row["size"] ? formatBytes($overallmaxsize) : "");
             $db->exec(sprintf("DELETE parts, binaries FROM parts JOIN binaries ON binaries.ID = parts.binaryID WHERE relname=%s and groupID=%d and fromname=%s and procstat=%d", $db->escapeString($row["relname"]), $row["groupID"], $db->escapeString($row["fromname"]), Releases::PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE));
         } else {
             // Clean release name
             $cleanRelName = $this->cleanReleaseName($row['relname']);
             $relid = $this->insertRelease($cleanRelName, $row["parts"], $row["groupID"], $relguid, $catId, $row["regexID"], $row["date"], $row["fromname"], $row["reqID"], $page->site);
             // Tag every binary for this release with its parent release id
             $db->exec(sprintf("update binaries set procstat = %d, releaseID = %d where relname = %s and procstat = %d and groupID = %d and fromname=%s", Releases::PROCSTAT_RELEASED, $relid, $db->escapeString($row["relname"]), Releases::PROCSTAT_READYTORELEASE, $row["groupID"], $db->escapeString($row["fromname"])));
             // Write the nzb to disk
             $nzbfile = $nzb->getNZBPath($relguid, $page->site->nzbpath, true);
             $nzb->writeNZBforReleaseId($relid, $cleanRelName, $catId, $nzbfile);
             // Remove used binaries
             $db->exec(sprintf("DELETE parts, binaries FROM parts JOIN binaries ON binaries.ID = parts.binaryID WHERE releaseID = %d ", $relid));
             // If nzb successfully written, then load it and get size completion from it
             $nzbInfo = new nzbInfo();
             if (!$nzbInfo->loadFromFile($nzbfile)) {
                 echo "Stage 3 : Failed to write nzb file (bad perms?) " . $nzbfile . "\n";
                 //copy($nzbfile, "./ERRORNZB_".$relguid);
             } else {
                 // Check if gid already exists
                 $dupes = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM releases WHERE gid = %s) as total", $db->escapeString($nzbInfo->gid)));
                 if ($dupes['total'] > 0) {
                     echo "Stage 3 : Duplicate - " . $cleanRelName . " -" . $nzbInfo->gid . "-\n";
                 } else {
                     $db->exec(sprintf("update releases set totalpart = %d, size = %s, completion = %d, GID=%s where ID = %d", $nzbInfo->filecount, $nzbInfo->filesize, $nzbInfo->completion, $db->escapeString($nzbInfo->gid), $relid));
                     echo "Stage 3 : Added release " . $cleanRelName . "\n";
                     //Increment new release count
     // Delete any releases under the minimum completion percent.
     if ($page->site->completionpercent != 0) {
         echo "Stage 4 : Deleting releases less than " . $page->site->completionpercent . " complete\n";
         $result = $db->query(sprintf("select ID from releases where completion > 0 and completion < %d", $page->site->completionpercent));
         foreach ($result as $row) {
      *Potentially leave this in to mop up release when the cat sizes change.
     		// Delete releases whos minsize is less than the site or group minimum
     		$result = $db->query("select releases.ID from releases left outer join (SELECT g.ID, coalesce(g.minsizetoformrelease, s.minsizetoformrelease) as minsizetoformrelease FROM groups g inner join ( select value as minsizetoformrelease from site where setting = 'minsizetoformrelease' ) s ) x on x.ID = releases.groupID where minsizetoformrelease != 0 and releases.size < minsizetoformrelease");
     		if (count($result) > 0)
     			echo "Stage 4 : Deleting ".count($result)." release(s) where size is smaller than minsize for site/group\n";
     			foreach ($result as $row)
     		$result = $db->query("select releases.ID, name, categoryID, size FROM releases JOIN (
     						case when catc.minsizetoformrelease = 0 then catp.minsizetoformrelease else catc.minsizetoformrelease end as minsizetoformrelease, 
     						case when catc.maxsizetoformrelease = 0 then catp.maxsizetoformrelease else catc.maxsizetoformrelease end as maxsizetoformrelease 
     						from category catp join category catc on catc.parentID = catp.ID 
     						where (catc.minsizetoformrelease != 0 or catc.maxsizetoformrelease != 0) or (catp.minsizetoformrelease != 0 or catp.maxsizetoformrelease != 0) 
     						) x on x.ID = releases.categoryID 
     						(size < minsizetoformrelease and minsizetoformrelease != 0) or 
     						(size > maxsizetoformrelease and maxsizetoformrelease != 0)");
     		if(count($result) > 0)
     			echo "Stage 4 : Deleting release(s) not matching category min/max size ...\n";
     			foreach ($result as $r){
     echo "Stage 5 : Post processing started\n";
     $postprocess = new PostProcess(true);
     // aggregate the releasefiles upto the releases.
     echo "Stage 6 : Aggregating Files\n";
     $db->exec("update releases INNER JOIN (SELECT releaseID, COUNT(ID) AS num FROM releasefiles GROUP BY releaseID) b ON b.releaseID = releases.ID and releases.rarinnerfilecount = 0 SET rarinnerfilecount = b.num");
     // Remove the binaries and parts used to form releases, or that are duplicates.
     if ($page->site->partsdeletechunks > 0) {
         echo "Stage 7 : Chunk deleting unused binaries and parts";
         $query = sprintf("SELECT parts.ID as partsID,binaries.ID as binariesID FROM parts\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN binaries ON binaries.ID = parts.binaryID\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE binaries.dateadded < %s - INTERVAL %d HOUR LIMIT 0,%d", $db->escapeString($currTime_ori["now"]), ceil($page->site->rawretentiondays * 24), $page->site->partsdeletechunks);
         $cc = 0;
         $done = false;
         while (!$done) {
             $dd = $cc;
             $result = $db->query($query);
             if (count($result) > 0) {
                 $pID = array();
                 $bID = array();
                 foreach ($result as $row) {
                     $pID[] = $row['partsID'];
                     $bID[] = $row['binariesID'];
                 $pID = '(' . implode(',', $pID) . ')';
                 $bID = '(' . implode(',', $bID) . ')';
                 $fr = $db->exec("DELETE FROM parts WHERE ID IN {$pID}");
                 if ($fr > 0) {
                     $cc += $fr;
                     $cc += $db->exec("DELETE FROM binaries WHERE ID IN {$bID}");
                 if ($cc == $dd) {
                     $done = true;
                 echo $cc % 10000 ? '.' : '';
             } else {
                 $done = true;
         echo "\nStage 7 : Complete - " . $cc . " rows affected\n";
     } else {
         echo "Stage 7 : Deleting unused binaries and parts\n";
         $db->exec(sprintf("DELETE parts, binaries FROM parts JOIN binaries ON binaries.ID = parts.binaryID\r\n\t\t\tWHERE binaries.dateadded < %s - INTERVAL %d HOUR", $db->escapeString($currTime_ori["now"]), ceil($page->site->rawretentiondays * 24)));
     // User/Request housekeeping, should ideally move this to its own section, but it needs to be done automatically.
     $users = new Users();
     echo "Done    : Added " . $retcount . " releases\n\n";
     return $retcount;

// Script will dump out all nfos in the system into a folder based on the date posted to usenet ./YYYYMMDD/release.nfo
define('FS_ROOT', realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
require_once FS_ROOT . "/../../www/config.php";
require_once FS_ROOT . "/../../www/lib/util.php";
$db = new DB();
$res = $db->queryDirect("select releases.searchname, releases.postdate, uncompress(releasenfo.nfo) as nfo from releases inner join releasenfo on releases.ID = releasenfo.releaseID and releasenfo.nfo is not null order by postdate");
while ($row = $db->getAssocArray($res)) {
    $dir = date("Ymd", strtotime($row["postdate"]));
    if (!file_exists($dir)) {
    $filename = $dir . "/" . safeFilename($row["searchname"]) . ".nfo";
    if (!file_exists($filename)) {
        $fh = fopen($filename, 'w');
        fwrite($fh, cp437toUTF($row["nfo"]));
    $i["isdir"] = is_dir($f) ? 1 : 0;
    $i["fullname"] = $f;
    $i["webpath"] = $webpath . "/" . $i["name"] . ($i["isdir"] == 1 ? "/" : "");
    $i["mtime"] = filemtime($f);
    $i["pathinfo"] = pathinfo($f);
    if ($i["isdir"] == 1) {
        $i["pathinfo"]["extension"] = "";
        $dirs[] = $i["name"];
    } else {
        $i["size"] = filesize($f);
    $items[$i["name"]] = $i;
if (!$listmode) {
    $relres = $r->getByNames($dirs);
    while ($rel = $db->getAssocArray($relres)) {
        if (isset($items[$rel["searchname"]])) {
            $items[$rel["searchname"]]["release"] = $rel;
uasort($items, 'sortbymodified');
$page->smarty->assign('results', $items);
$page->smarty->assign('lm', $listmode);
if ($subpath != "") {
    $page->smarty->assign('subpath', $subpath . "/");
$parentpath = "";
if ($subpath != "") {
    $pos = strrpos($subpath, "/");
    if ($pos !== false) {
예제 #8
  * Process all untagged book releases for additional metadata.
 public function processBookReleases()
     $ret = 0;
     $db = new DB();
     $numlookedup = 0;
     $res = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT searchname, ID from releases where bookinfoID IS NULL and categoryID = %d ORDER BY postdate DESC LIMIT 100", Category::CAT_BOOK_EBOOK));
     if ($db->getNumRows($res) > 0) {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             echo "BookPrc : Processing " . $db->getNumRows($res) . " book releases\n";
         while ($arr = $db->getAssocArray($res)) {
             if ($numlookedup > Book::NUMTOPROCESSPERTIME) {
             $bookId = -2;
             $book = $this->parseAuthor($arr['searchname']);
             if ($book !== false) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'BookPrc : ' . $book["author"] . ' - ' . $book["title"] . "\n";
                 //check for existing book entry
                 $bookCheck = $this->getBookInfoByName($book["author"], $book["title"]);
                 if ($bookCheck === false) {
                     // get from amazon
                     $ret = $this->updateBookInfo($book["author"], $book["title"]);
                     if ($ret !== false) {
                         $bookId = $ret;
                 } else {
                     $bookId = $bookCheck["ID"];
             $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET bookinfoID = %d WHERE ID = %d", $bookId, $arr["ID"]));
예제 #9
require_once "config.php";
require_once WWW_DIR . "/lib/adminpage.php";
require_once WWW_DIR . "/lib/site.php";
require_once WWW_DIR . "/lib/framework/db.php";
$page = new AdminPage();
$page->title = "Admin Hangout";
$statusmsgs = array();
// status messages
// mysql config settings
$db = new DB();
$result = $db->queryDirect("SELECT @@group_concat_max_len, @@max_allowed_packet");
$data = $db->getAssocArray($result);
if ($data['@@group_concat_max_len'] < 8192) {
    $statusmsgs[] = addmsg("MySql my.cnf setting group_concat_max_len is too low, should be >= 8192.", "http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_group_concat_max_len");
if ($data['@@max_allowed_packet'] < 12582912) {
    $statusmsgs[] = addmsg("MySql my.cnf setting max_allowed_packet is too low, should be >= 12582912.", "http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-system-variables.html#sysvar_max_allowed_packet");
// default keys not changed
if ($page->site->amazonpubkey == "AKIAIPDNG5EU7LB4AD3Q" && $page->site->lookupmusic + $page->site->lookupgames + $page->site->lookupbooks != 0) {
    $statusmsgs[] = addmsg("Amazon shared key in use. Not using your own Amazon API key will result in failed amazon lookups.", "http://newznab.readthedocs.org/en/latest/faq/");
if ($page->site->rawretentiondays > 10) {
    $statusmsgs[] = addmsg("Binary header retention is set at " . $page->site->rawretentiondays . ". Having this value any higher than 2 can cause the database to grow very large.", "site-edit.php");
         $group = $_POST["group"];
     if (isset($_POST["categoryID"])) {
         $category = $_POST["categoryID"];
 if ($path != "") {
     if (substr($path, strlen($path) - 1) != '/') {
         $path = $path . "/";
     $releases = $rel->getForExport($postfrom, $postto, $group, $category);
     $s = new Sites();
     $nzb = new NZB();
     $site = $s->get();
     $nzbCount = 0;
     while ($release = $db->getAssocArray($releases)) {
         $catname = safeFilename($release["catName"]);
         if (!file_exists($path . $catname)) {
             mkdir($path . $catname);
         @readgzfile($nzb->getNZBPath($release["guid"], $site->nzbpath));
         $nzbfile = ob_get_contents();
         $filename = getFilename($path . $catname . "/", $release["searchname"]);
         echo $filename . "\n";
         $fh = fopen($filename, 'w');
         fwrite($fh, $nzbfile);
         if ($nzbCount % 10 == 0 && !empty($argc)) {
예제 #11
  * Process all untagged releases to see if they are found in predb.
 public function processReleases($daysback = 3)
     $db = new DB();
     if ($this->echooutput) {
         echo "Predb   : Updating releases with pre data\n";
     $matched = 0;
     $releasesQuery = $db->queryDirect(sprintf('SELECT ID, searchname FROM releases WHERE preID IS NULL AND adddate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL %d DAY)', $daysback));
     while ($arr = $db->getAssocArray($releasesQuery)) {
         $arr['searchname'] = str_replace(' ', '_', $arr['searchname']);
         $sql = sprintf("SELECT ID FROM predb WHERE dirname = %s LIMIT 1", $db->escapeString($arr['searchname']));
         $predbQuery = $db->queryOneRow($sql);
         if ($predbQuery) {
             $db->exec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET preID = %d WHERE ID = %d', $predbQuery['ID'], $arr['ID']));
     if ($this->echooutput) {
         echo "Predb   : Matched pre data to " . $matched . " releases\n";
예제 #12
  * Process all untagged movies to link them to a movieinfo row.
 public function processMovieReleases()
     $ret = 0;
     $db = new DB();
     $nfo = new Nfo();
     $res = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT searchname, ID from releases where imdbID IS NULL and categoryID in ( select ID from category where parentID = %d ) ORDER BY postdate DESC LIMIT 100", Category::CAT_PARENT_MOVIE));
     if ($db->getNumRows($res) > 0) {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             echo "MovProc : Processing " . $db->getNumRows($res) . " movie releases\n";
         while ($arr = $db->getAssocArray($res)) {
             $imdbID = false;
             /* Preliminary IMDB ID Detection from NFO file */
             $rawnfo = '';
             if ($nfo->getNfo($arr['ID'], $rawnfo)) {
                 $imdbID = $this->parseImdbFromNfo($rawnfo);
             if ($imdbID !== false) {
                 // Set IMDB (if found in nfo) and move along
                 $db->exec(sprintf("update releases set imdbID = %s where ID = %d", $db->escapeString($imdbID), $arr["ID"]));
                 //check for existing movie entry
                 $movCheck = $this->getMovieInfo($imdbID);
                 if ($movCheck === false || isset($movCheck['updateddate']) && time() - strtotime($movCheck['updateddate']) > 2592000) {
                     $movieId = $this->updateMovieInfo($imdbID);
             $moviename = $this->parseMovieName($arr['searchname']);
             if ($moviename !== false) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'MovProc : ' . $moviename . ' [' . $arr['searchname'] . ']' . "\n";
                 //$buffer = getUrl("https://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq=&q=".urlencode($moviename.' site:imdb.com'));
                 $buffer = getUrl("http://www.bing.com/search?&q=" . urlencode($moviename . ' site:imdb.com'));
                 // make sure we got some data
                 if ($buffer !== false && strlen($buffer)) {
                     $imdbId = $this->parseImdbFromNfo($buffer);
                     if ($imdbId !== false) {
                         //update release with imdb id
                         $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET imdbID = %s WHERE ID = %d", $db->escapeString($imdbId), $arr["ID"]));
                         //check for existing movie entry
                         $movCheck = $this->getMovieInfo($imdbId);
                         if ($movCheck === false || isset($movCheck['updateddate']) && time() - strtotime($movCheck['updateddate']) > 2592000) {
                             $movieId = $this->updateMovieInfo($imdbId);
                     } else {
                         //no imdb id found, set to all zeros so we dont process again
                         $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET imdbID = %d WHERE ID = %d", 0, $arr["ID"]));
                 } else {
                     //url fetch failed, will try next run
             } else {
                 //no valid movie name found, set to all zeros so we dont process again
                 $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET imdbID = %d WHERE ID = %d", 0, $arr["ID"]));
  * Check all untagged console releases for their extended metadata.
 public function processConsoleReleases()
     $ret = 0;
     $db = new DB();
     $numlookedup = 0;
     $res = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT searchname, ID from releases where consoleinfoID IS NULL and categoryID in ( select ID from category where parentID = %d ) ORDER BY postdate DESC LIMIT 100", Category::CAT_PARENT_GAME));
     if ($db->getNumRows($res) > 0) {
         if ($this->echooutput) {
             echo "ConsPrc : Processing " . $db->getNumRows($res) . " console releases\n";
         while ($arr = $db->getAssocArray($res)) {
             if ($numlookedup > Console::NUMTOPROCESSPERTIME) {
             $gameInfo = $this->parseTitle($arr['searchname']);
             if ($gameInfo !== false) {
                 if ($this->echooutput) {
                     echo 'ConsPrc : ' . $gameInfo["title"] . ' (' . $gameInfo["platform"] . ')' . "\n";
                 //check for existing console entry
                 $gameCheck = $this->getConsoleInfoByName($gameInfo["title"], $gameInfo["platform"]);
                 if ($gameCheck === false) {
                     $gameId = $this->updateConsoleInfo($gameInfo);
                     if ($gameId === false) {
                         $gameId = -2;
                 } else {
                     $gameId = $gameCheck["ID"];
                 //update release
                 $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET consoleinfoID = %d WHERE ID = %d", $gameId, $arr["ID"]));
             } else {
                 //could not parse release title
                 $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET consoleinfoID = %d WHERE ID = %d", -2, $arr["ID"]));