예제 #1
 public function run_my_messages()
     if ($rws = DB::f("select * from messages where `to`=:id or `from`=:id order by dt desc", array("id" => $this->app->getUser("id")))) {
         $rws = $this->load_messages_users($rws);
         return $this->display_my_messages($rws);
     $this->app->setSuccess("<!--[You_have_not_any_messages_yet]-->", 5);
예제 #2
 public function run()
     global $geo_cities, $geo_countries;
     $geo_cities = set_by_id(DB::f("select * from geo_cities"));
     $geo_countries = set_by_id(DB::f("select * from geo_countries"));
     if ($user = Auth::getUser()) {
         $this->user = $user;
     $old_CID = null;
     $is_called_common = 0;
     while ($this->CID != $old_CID) {
         $old_CID = $this->CID;
         try {
             $channel = ChannelFactory::create($this);
             if ($this->CID == $old_CID && !$is_called_common && !$this->is_ajax) {
                 $is_called_common = 1;
                 $this->CID = "common";
         } catch (CHException $e) {
             if ($this->is_ajax) {
                 $this->data["error"] = "[" . $e->getType() . "] " . $e->getMessage();
             } else {
                 $this->setError($e->getMessage(), $e->getType());
     if ($this->is_ajax) {
     } else {
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
 * checks all active subscriptions in the database
 * to see if they need to be billed again
require_once 'anet_php_sdk/AuthorizeNet.php';
require_once 'AuthorizeNetMerchantAccount.php';
// gets today's date
$today = date('Y-m-d');
// gets all active records with a next bill date equal to today
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . TBL_COLLEGE_SUBSCRIPTION . " WHERE fldActive=1 AND fldNextBillDate='{$today}'";
// loops through all matching records, gets the customer's customer profile ID, the payment profile ID, and bills them for the subscription renewal. If the transaction faisl, the subscription is canceled
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $fldId = $db->f('fldId');
    $fldType = $db->f('fldType');
    $fldCoach = $db->f('fldCoach');
    $fldAmount = $db->f('fldAmount');
    $fldPaymentProfileId = $db->f('fldPaymentProfileId');
    // gets the customer profile Id
    $query = "SELECT fldFirstName,fldLastName," . "fldANetCustomerProfileId,fldEmail FROM " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " WHERE fldId={$fldCoach}";
    $fldFirstName = $db1->f('fldFirstName');
    $fldLastName = $db1->f('fldLastName');
    $fldCustomerProfileId = $db1->f('fldANetCustomerProfileId');
    $fldEmail = $db1->f('fldEmail');
    // attempts to charge the user for the subscription
    $transaction = new AuthorizeNetTransaction();
    $transaction->amount = $fldAmount;
$fldTransportation = $_REQUEST['tp_id'];
$tbl_transportation_discount = 'tbl_transportation_discount';
$q = $_REQUEST["q"];
$que = "select * from " . $tbl_transportation_discount . " where Event_id='" . $q . "'";
if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
	<label>Select Transportation:</label>
	<select name="fldTransportation" id="fldTransportation" onchange="transport_charge(this.value)">
		 <option value="0">I have my own transportation</option>
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $id = $func->output_fun($db->f('id'));
        $Event_id = $func->output_fun($db->f('Event_id'));
        $Diparture_City = $func->output_fun($db->f('Diparture_City'));
        $Departure_Time = $func->output_fun($db->f('Departure_Time'));
        $Transportation_charge = $func->output_fun($db->f('Transportation_charge'));
        $Diparture_City . " departing at " . $Departure_Time;
	     <option value="<?php 
        echo $id;
        if ($id == $fldTransportation) {
 selected="selected" <?php 
if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') {
    if ($func->input_fun($_POST['fldOppComments']) == '') {
        $error_msg[] = "Please Fill the Comment Box.";
    } else {
        $fldId = $_REQUEST['athid'];
        $strDataArr = array('fldathleteid' => $fldId, 'fldcoachid' => $_SESSION['Coach_id'], 'fldOppComments' => $func->input_fun($_POST['fldOppComments']));
        $db->insertRec('tbl_Opp_Comments', $strDataArr);
        if (count($error_msg) == 0) {
								<div class="thankyoumessage">
            echo "Your comment has been successfully posted.";
if (count($error_msg) > 0) {
    foreach ($error_msg as $key => $value) {
								<div class="thankyoumessage">
        echo $value;
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$coachflag = 0;
$Athleteflag = 0;
$collegeflag = 0;
if ($_SESSION['mode'] == '') {
$fldEventId = $_REQUEST['fldEventId'];
$query = "Select * from " . TBL_EVENT . " where fldEventId = '{$fldEventId}' ";
$fldfldEventId = $db->f('fldEventId');
$fldEventName = $db->f('fldEventName');
$fldSport = $db->f('fldSport');
$fldEventDescription = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldEventDescription'));
$fldEventDescription = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $fldEventDescription);
$fldEventLocation = $db->f('fldEventLocation');
$fldEventStartDate = $db->f('fldEventStartDate');
$fldEventEndDate = $db->f('fldEventEndDate');
$fldHomeTeam = $db->f('fldHomeTeam');
$fldAwayTeam = $db->f('fldAwayTeam');
$fldEventStatus = $db->f('fldEventStatus');
$query_sport = "Select * from " . TBL_SPORTS . " where fldId = '{$fldSport}' ";
$sport_nmae = $db1->f('fldSportsname');
$query_School = "Select * from " . TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM . " where fldId = '{$fldHomeTeam}' ";
 $fldShuttleRun = $rating_func->output_fun($profile_db->f('fldShuttleRun'));
 $fldBenchPressMax = $rating_func->output_fun($profile_db->f('fldBenchPressMax'));
 $fldSquatMax = $rating_func->output_fun($profile_db->f('fldSquatMax'));
 ####### APPROVED_BY_COACH ################
 if ($coachApprove == 0 || $coachApprove == "") {
     // mail to Coach for pending approval request
     //User Selected School
     $schoolid = $fldSchool;
     $sportid = $fldSport;
     $emailarr = array();
     $selquery = 'select first.fldId,first.fldEmail as fldEmail,first.fldName as name,first.fldLastName as lname,first.fldUsername as HSCoachUsername,first.fldPassword as HSCoachPassword from ' . TBL_HS_AAU_COACH . ' first,' . TBL_HS_AAU_COACH_SPORT_POSITION . ' second  where second.fldCoachNameId = first.fldId and second.fldSportId =' . $sportid . ' and first.fldSchool =' . $schoolid;
     if ($coach_db->num_rows() > 0) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < $coach_db->num_rows(); $i++) {
             $emailarr[] = $rating_func->output_fun($coach_db->f('fldEmail'));
             $name = $rating_func->output_fun($coach_db->f('name'));
             $lname = $rating_func->output_fun($coach_db->f('lname'));
             #Login Info
             $HSCoachUsername = $rating_func->output_fun($coach_db->f('HSCoachUsername'));
             $HSCoachPassword = $rating_func->output_fun($coach_db->f('HSCoachPassword'));
         foreach ($emailarr as $key => $emailvalue) {
             ######################## EMAIL to HS COACH - Athlete Approval Notification ########################
             $subjectStre = "College Prospect Network - Athlete Pending Approval";
             $bodyStre = "Hi Coach " . ucfirst($name) . '&nbsp;' . ucfirst($lname) . ",<br /><br />";
             #Main Body
             $bodyStre .= "You are receiving this email because " . ucfirst($aname) . "&nbsp;" . ucfirst($anamel) . " has applied to join <a href=http://www.CollegeProspectNetwork.com>www.CollegeProspectNetwork.com.</a> <br />";
<div class="container">

  <div class="innerWraper">

    <div class="middle-bg">

    <div class="cantener">

  <div class="register-main">

$query = " Select * from " . TBL_SPORTCALENDER . " where fldID ='" . $_REQUEST['fldId'] . "'";

 <p><h1>Sports Calendar</h1></p>

                      <div class="registerPage">



                                  <!--  <span><img src="<?php 
//echo SITE_URL;
//echo $fldSchoolLogo;
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
if ($_SESSION['mode'] == "" or $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] == "") {
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
$error_msg = '';
$fldUsername = $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'];
$query = " Select * from " . TBL_ATHELETE_REGISTER . " where fldUsername = '******' ";
$Status = $db->f('fldStatus');
$image_name = $db->f('fldImage');
$fldAthleteid = $db->f('fldId');
$fldFirstname = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldFirstname'));
$fldLastname = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldLastname'));
$fldClass = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldClass'));
$fldHeight = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldHeight'));
$fldWeight = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldWeight'));
$fldDescription = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldDescription'));
$fldDescription = str_replace("<br>", "\n", $fldDescription);
$fldEmail = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldEmail'));
$fldUsername = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldUsername'));
$fldSchool = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldSchool'));
$fldSport = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldSport'));
$fldJerseyNumber = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldJerseyNumber'));
$fldPrimaryPosition = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldPrimaryPosition'));
예제 #10
    $i = strrpos($str, ".");
    if (!$i) {
        return "";
    $l = strlen($str) - $i;
    $ext = substr($str, $i + 1, $l);
    return $ext;
//Edit Mode
$fldId = $_REQUEST['fldId'];
if ($_GET['mode'] == 'edit' and $fldId != "") {
    $query = " Select * from " . TBL_ATHLETE_VIDEO . " where fldId =" . $fldId;
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        $fldTitle = $db->f('fldTitle');
        $fldVideo = $db->f('fldVideo');
        $fldStatus = $db->f('fldStatus');
} else {
    $fldTitle = " ";
    $fldVideo = " ";
    $fldStatus = " ";
//Submit Form
if ($_POST['isSubmit'] == 'save') {
    //Edit the user info
    $fldTitle = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldTitle']);
    $fldStatus = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldStatus']);
    $video_upload = $_FILES['fldVideo']['name'];
    if ($video_upload) {
  <META NAME="Description" CONTENT="My Account">

<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<script language="Javascript" src="javascript/functions.js"></script>



include 'header.php';

    <!--middle panel starts from here -->

<!--content panel starts from here -->

<div class="container">

  <div class="innerWraper">

    <div class="middle-bg">

    <div class="cantener">

  <div class="register-main">

########### FEEDBAK_FROM_OPPOSING_COACH #############
$query_6 = "select * from tbl_opp_comments where (date(fldaddedDate) >= (DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 8 day)) AND date(fldaddedDate)< (now())) GROUP BY fldathleteid,fldcoachid";
$arr_info = array();
$totalPages = $rating_db_6->num_rows();
if ($totalPages > 0) {
    for ($k = 0; $k < $totalPages; $k++) {
        $UserID = $rating_db_6->f('fldId');
        $rating_func->setAtheleteRating("WEEKLY", $UserID, "FEEDBAK_FROM_OPPOSING_COACH", true);
########### MOST_PROFILE_VIEW #############
$query_7 = "select * from tbl_athelete_register where fldStatus='Active' ORDER BY fldWeeklycounter DESC";
$arr_info = array();
$totalPages = $rating_db_7->num_rows();
if ($totalPages > 0) {
    $UserID = $rating_db_7->f('fldId');
    $rating_func->setAtheleteRating("WEEKLY", $UserID, "MOST_PROFILE_VIEW", true);
######### WEEKLY RATING END ##################
    $Id = $_REQUEST['Id'];
    $active_query_details = "update " . TBL_ADDTONETWORK_REQUEST . " set status = 'DEACTIVE' where Id='" . $Id . "'";
    $activemsg = $db->query($active_query_details);
    if (isset($activemsg)) {
        $_REQUEST['msg'] = "Request successfully updated.";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
		<title>CPN - College Network Request</title>
		<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="My Account">
		<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="My Account">
		<link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
		<script language="Javascript" src="javascript/functions.js"></script>
		<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
            function activeRequest(Id) {
                if(confirm("Sure you want to approve this request?")) {
                    document.frmUsers.action = "?mode=active&Id=" + Id;
            function dectiveRequest(Id) {
                if(confirm("Sure you want to deny this request? You can approve still approve it later.")) {
                    document.frmUsers.action = "?mode=deactive&Id=" + Id;
include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$tbl_transportation_discount = 'tbl_transportation_discount';
$c = $_REQUEST["c"];
$que = "select * from " . $tbl_transportation_discount . " where id='" . $c . "'";
if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
    while ($db->next_record()) {
        $Transportation_charge = $func->output_fun($db->f('Transportation_charge'));

<label>Transportation Charge:</label>
<input type="text" name="Transportation_charge" id="Transportation_charge" value="<?php 
    echo $Transportation_charge;
" readonly />
<!-- <span style="color:#444;line-height:18px;margin-left:230px;">
<font style="color:#777;">* We provide Transportation for Event and our charge is $20 <br />from sterling high school.<br></font>
<font style="color:#777;">* Bus leave at 6:15am & back at 8:00 pm<br />* If you want to interesting so selecting above Select Transportation</font>-->   								    
예제 #15
    $admin_mail = "*****@*****.**";
    SendHTMLMail1($admin_mail, $subjectStre, $bodyStre, $_POST['fldEmail']);
    //if (isset($t)) {
    //Thanks for sending mail
    header("location:page.php?page_name=contactus&msg=Your email has been sent to the appropriate team to best address your needs, and you should receive a response shortly.");

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
if ($flag == 1) {
    echo $db->f('fldPageMetaTitle');
		<META NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="<?php 
if ($flag == 1) {
    echo $db->f('fldPageMetaKeyword');
		<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="<?php 
if ($flag == 1) {
    echo $db->f('fldPageMetaDescraption');
include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
if ($_SESSION['mode'] == "" or $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] == "") {
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
$query = " Select * from " . TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM . " where fldUserName ='******'FRONTEND_USER'] . "'";
$School_id = $db->f('fldId');
$fldSchoolname = $db->f('fldSchoolname');
$fldSchoolCity = $db->f('fldCity');
$fldSchoolState = $db->f('fldState');
$fldSchoolZipcode = $db->f('fldZipcode');
$fldSchoolLogo = $db->f('fldLogo');
$school_sport_coach = $func->school_sport_coach($School_id);

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$q = $_GET["q"];
$selquery = " Select * from " . TBL_ATHLETE_STATS_CATAGORY . " where (fldParentId ='" . $q . "') and (fldStatus=1)";
for ($field_count = 0; $field_count < $db->num_rows(); $field_count++) {
    $fldName = $db->f('fldName');
    $fldId = $db->f('fldId');


    echo $fldName;

                                    <span><input type="text" name="category[]" />

                                    <input type="hidden" name="categoryId[]" value="<?php 
    echo $fldId;
예제 #18
		<div class="container">
			<div class="innerWraper">
				<div class="middle-bg">
					<div class="cantener">
						<div class="register-main">
							<div class="registerPage messaging">
$username = $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'];

$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count from " . TBL_MAIL . "  WHERE UserTo='{$username}' and status='unread' and visible='ACTIVE'";
$count = $func->output_fun($db->f('count'));

								<div style="margin-bottom:15px;" class="messagecenter">
if ($count > 0) {

									   <a href="Athmessage.php?action=inbox" <?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['action'] == 'inbox' || $_REQUEST['action'] == '' ? 'class="active"' : '';
    echo $count;
예제 #19
        /********* Athelete Rate Checking****************/
        require_once "athlete_rating.php";
        /********* Athelete Rate Checking****************/
    case 'coach':
        //HS Coach ID
        $UserID = $_SESSION['Coach_id'];
    case 'college':
        //College Coach ID
        $UserID = $_SESSION['College_Coach_id'];
        //Check Subscription Status
        $query = " Select fldSubscribe from " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " where fldId ='" . $UserID . "' ";
        $_SESSION['fldSubscribe'] = $db->f('fldSubscribe');
$Pending_request = $func->selectTableOrder(TBL_NETWORK, "fldId", "fldId", "where fldReceiverid='" . $UserID . "' and fldReceiverType='" . $UserType . "' and fldStatus='Pending'");
if (count($Pending_request) > 0) {
    $NetworkReq_Pending = "(<font style='color:red;'>" . count($Pending_request) . " Pending</font>)";
#### INBOX ####
$inboxinfo = $func->selectTableOrder(TBL_MAIL, "mail_id", "mail_id", "where UserTo='" . $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] . "' and status ='unread'");
$Countinboxinfo = count($inboxinfo);
if ($Countinboxinfo > 0) {
    $Countinboxinfo = "(<font style='color:red;'>" . $Countinboxinfo . " Unread</font>)";
} else {
    $Countinboxinfo = "";
예제 #20

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
 * checks users who have a free trial and ends the trial if 5 days have passed
$college_subscription_query = "select * from tbl_college_coach_register where date(fldAddDate)<= (DATE_SUB(now(), INTERVAL 5 day)) and fldSubscribe=2";
for ($k = 0; $k < $db->num_rows(); $k++) {
    $arr_info[$k]['fldCollegename'] = $db->f('fldCollegename');
    $arr_info[$k]['fldStatus'] = $db->f('fldStatus');
    $arr_info[$k]['fldSubscribe'] = $db->f('fldSubscribe');
for ($kj = 0; $kj < count($arr_info); $kj++) {
    $sql1 = "update  " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . "  set   fldSubscribe='0' where fldCollegename='" . $arr_info[$kj]['fldCollegename'] . "'";
 * Not sure what this does, but setting up a section for it
$college_subscription_complet_query = "select * from tbl_college_coach_register where date(fldCancelDate) = now() and fldCancelCount !=0";
if ($db1->num_rows() > 0) {

$SessionUserID = isset($_SESSION['Athlete_id']) ? $_SESSION['Athlete_id'] : 0;
$rating_func = new COMMONFUNC();
$rating_db = new DB();
if ($SessionUserID > 0) {
    $query = "Select * from tbl_athelete_register where fldId = '{$SessionUserID}' ";
    $totalPages = $rating_db->num_rows();
    if ($totalPages > 0) {
        $UserID = $rating_db->f('fldId');
        $uploadImage = $rating_db->f('fldImage');
        $coachApprove = $rating_db->f('fldApproveCoachId');
        $uploadVideo = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_athlete_video", "fldId", "fldAthleteId", $rating_db->f('fldId'));
        $uploadGameSchedule = $rating_func->GetValue("tbl_event", "fldEventId", "fld_UserType='athlete' AND fldUserName", $rating_db->f('fldUsername'));
        $fldGPA = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldGPA'));
        $fldSATScore = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldSATScore'));
        $fldACTScore = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldACTScore'));
        $fldClassRank = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldClassRank'));
        $fldClearinghouseEligible = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldClearinghouseEligible'));
        $fldIntendedMajor = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldIntendedMajor'));
        $fldClass = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldClass'));
        $fldHeight = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldHeight'));
        $fldWeight = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldWeight'));
        $fldSport = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldSport'));
        //$fldJerseyNumber = $rating_func -> output_fun($rating_db -> f('fldJerseyNumber'));
        $fldPrimaryPosition = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldPrimaryPosition'));
        $fldSecondaryPosition = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldSecondaryPosition'));
        $fldVertical = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fldVertical'));
        $fld40_yardDash = $rating_func->output_fun($rating_db->f('fld40_yardDash'));
예제 #22
 if ($_REQUEST['fldPassword'] == '') {
     $error_msg[] = "Please enter Password";
 if ($_REQUEST['logininfo'] == "athlete") {
     ########### ATHLETE #############
     $fldUsername = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldUsername']);
     $fldPassword = $func->input_fun($_POST['fldPassword']);
     $whereClause = "fldUsername='******' and fldPassword= '******' ";
     $retVal = $db->MatchingRec(TBL_ATHELETE_REGISTER, $whereClause);
     //If Username & Password Matches
     if ($retVal != 0) {
         $query = " Select fldUsername,fldEmail,fldId,fldApproveCoachId,fldStatus from " . TBL_ATHELETE_REGISTER . " where  fldUsername = '******' ";
         $fldUsername = $db->f('fldUsername');
         $Email = $db->f('fldEmail');
         $fldId = $db->f('fldId');
         $sessIsApproved = 0;
         $fldApproveCoachId = $db->f('fldApproveCoachId ');
         if ($fldApproveCoachId != 0) {
             $sessIsApproved = 1;
         $sessStatus = "Active";
         $fldStatus = $db->f('fldStatus');
         if ($fldStatus == "DEACTIVE") {
             $sessStatus = "Inactive";
         if ($sessStatus == "Active") {




include 'header.php';

    <!--middle panel starts from here -->

<!--content panel starts from here -->

<div class="container">

<div class="innerWraper">

<div class="middle-bg">

<div class="cantener">

<div class="register-main">
예제 #24
include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$q = $_GET["q"];
if ($q != 'select') {
    $query = "Select * from " . TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM . " where fldId =" . $q;
    $address = $db->f('fldAddress');
    $city = $db->f('fldCity');
    $state = $db->f('fldState');
    $zipcode = $db->f('fldZipcode');
    $location = $address . "\r\n" . $city . ", " . $state . " " . $zipcode;
<span>	<textarea name="fldEventLocation" id="fldEventLocation" rows="4" cols="15"    ><?php 
    if ($location) {
        echo $location;
</textarea></span><font color="#0000ff">*</font></span>
} else {
예제 #25

include_once "inc/common_functions.php";
//for common function
include_once "inc/page.inc.php";
include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$qs = $_GET["qs"];
$schoolid = $_GET["schoolid"];
$selquery = 'select c.fldName as name,c.fldId as id  from ' . TBL_HS_AAU_COACH . ' c,' . TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM_COACH . ' ts where c.fldId=ts.coachnameid and  ts.sportid =' . $qs . ' and ts.schoolid=' . $schoolid;
$strcombo = '';
$strcombo .= '<select name="fldCoach" style="width:276px">';
$strcombo .= '<option value = "">Select coach</option>';
for ($i = 0; $i < $db->num_rows(); $i++) {
    $strcombo .= '<option value="' . $db->f('id') . '">';
    $strcombo .= $db->f('name') . '</option>';
echo $strcombo .= '</select>';

  if (window.opener.progressWindow)










    <!--middle panel starts from here -->

<!--content panel starts from here -->

<div class="container">

<div class="innerWraper">
include_once 'inc/common_functions.php';
include_once 'inc/page.inc.php';
// TODO: Add a form token to make sure people aren't spoofing form data
if ($_SESSION['mode'] == "" or $_SESSION['FRONTEND_USER'] == "") {
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$flag = 0;
 * gets coach information. This is used to pre-fill form fields 
 * and provide necessary data for the Authorize.net transaction
$query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " WHERE fldUserName='******'";
$fldCoach = $db->f('fldId');
$fldCollegename = $db->f('fldCollegename');
$fldtransectionId = $db->f('fldtransectionId');
$fldCancelCount = $db->f('fldCancelCount');
$fldSubscribe = $db->f('fldSubscribe');
// gets all active subscriptions for the current user
// gets available subscription types for the form
$fields = 'fldId,fldType,fldSport';
$where = 'WHERE fldCoach=' . $fldCoach . ' AND fldActive=1';
$subsList = $func->selectTableOrder($table, $fields, 'fldId', $where);
$subsCount = count($subsList);
// creates a human-readable version of the active subscriptions
     $AAUCity = $row['AAUCity'];
     $AAUState = $row['AAUState'];
     $AAUZipCode = $row['AAUZipCode'];
     $AAUOther = $row['AAUOther'];
     // END ADD fIELD ON 16-2-13
     $fldTransportation = $row['fldTransportation'];
     if (isset($row['fldTranscript'])) {
         $fldTranscript = $row['fldTranscript'];
     $fldCouponNumber = $row['fldCouponNumber'];
     $fldprice = $row['fldprice'];
     $fldpaymentstatus = $row['fldpaymentstatus'];
     $evquery = "SELECT * FROM " . TBL_SPECIAL_EVENT . " WHERE `fldEventId` ='" . $fldSpecialEvent . "' ";
     $fldEventStatus = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldEventStatus'));
     $fldEventStartDate = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldEventStartDate'));
     $fldEventName = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldEventName'));
     $fldEventcurrentprice = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldEventcurrentprice'));
     $fldEventfutureprice = $func->output_fun($db->f('fldEventfutureprice'));
     $Early_Discount_day = $func->output_fun($db->f('Early_Discount_day'));
     $Early_discount_rate = $func->output_fun($db->f('Early_discount_rate'));
     $Transcript_discount = $func->output_fun($db->f('Transcript_discount'));
 function getExtension($str)
     $i = strrpos($str, ".");
     if (!$i) {
         return "";
     $l = strlen($str) - $i;
예제 #29
include_once "../inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$q = $_GET["q"];
if ($q != 'select') {

         <tr height="20">

			<td valign="top" align="right" class="normalblack_12" width="30%">Location<font color="red"> *</font> </td>

			<td valign="top"  align="center" class="normalblack_12" > : &nbsp; </td>     

    $query = "Select * from " . TBL_HS_AAU_TEAM . " where fldId =" . $q;
    $location = $db->f('fldAddress');

			<td valign="top" align="left" class="normalblack_12"  colspan=2><textarea name="fldEventLocation" id="fldEventLocation" rows="4" cols="24"    ><?php 
    if ($location) {
        echo $location;


include_once "inc/config.inc.php";
//for paging
$func = new COMMONFUNC();
$db = new DB();
$lnb = "2";
$error_msg = '';
$flag = 0;
if ($_SESSION['mode'] == 'college' and $fldId != "") {
    #get the records
    $query = " Select * from " . TBL_COLLEGE_COACH_REGISTER . " where fldUserName = '******' ";
    if ($db->num_rows() > 0) {
        $College_id = $db->f('fldId');
        $fldUserName = $db->f('fldUserName');
        $fldCollegename = $db->f('fldCollegename');
        $fldCoachname = $db->f('fldCoachname');
        $fldPosition = $db->f('fldPosition');
        $fldNeedType = $db->f('fldNeedType');
        $fldEmail = $db->f('fldEmail');
        $fldFirstName = $db->f('fldFirstName');
        $fldLastName = $db->f('fldLastName');
        $fldAlternativeEmail = $db->f('fldAlternativeEmail');
        $fldPhone = $db->f('fldPhone');
        $fldAlternativePhone = $db->f('fldAlternativePhone');
        $fldEnrollmentNumber = $db->f('fldEnrollmentNumber');
        $fldDivison = $db->f('fldDivison');