public function authenticate()
     if (self::hasModSsl()) {
         // Fix to support reverseProxy without SSLProxyEngine
         $clientCert = !empty($_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT']) ? $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_CERT'] : $_SERVER['HTTP_SSL_CLIENT_CERT'];
         // get Identity
         $certificate = Custom_Auth_ModSsl_Certificate_Factory::buildCertificate($clientCert);
         $config = Tinebase_Config::getInstance()->get('modssl');
         if (class_exists($config->username_callback)) {
             $callback = new $config->username_callback($certificate);
         } else {
             // fallback to default
             $callback = new Custom_Auth_ModSsl_UsernameCallback_Standard($certificate);
         $this->setIdentity(call_user_func(array($callback, 'getUsername')));
         if ($certificate instanceof Custom_Auth_ModSsl_Certificate_X509) {
             if (!$certificate->isValid()) {
                 $lines = '';
                 foreach ($certificate->getStatusErrors() as $line) {
                     $lines .= $line . '#';
                 if (Tinebase_Core::isLogLevel(Zend_Log::ERR)) {
                     Tinebase_Core::getLogger()->err(__METHOD__ . '::' . __LINE__ . ' ModSsl authentication for ' . $this->_identity . ' failed: ' . $lines);
                 return new Zend_Auth_Result(Zend_Auth_Result::FAILURE_CREDENTIAL_INVALID, $this->_identity, $certificate->getStatusErrors());
             $messages = array('Authentication Successfull');
             // If certificate is valid store it in database
             $controller = Addressbook_Controller_Certificate::getInstance();
             try {
                 $controller->create(new Addressbook_Model_Certificate($certificate));
             } catch (Tinebase_Exception_Duplicate $e) {
                 // Fail silently if certificate already exists
             return new Zend_Auth_Result(Zend_Auth_Result::SUCCESS, $this->_identity, $messages);
     return new Zend_Auth_Result(Zend_Auth_Result::FAILURE, 'Unknown User', array('Unknown Authentication Error'));
 private static function pullCertificateFromMessage($msgTempFile)
     $return = false;
     $path = Tinebase_Core::getTempDir();
     //            if(!$msg)
     //            {
     //                return $return;
     //            }
     $w = '';
     $output = array();
     $w = exec('cat ' . $msgTempFile . ' | openssl smime -pk7out | openssl pkcs7 -print_certs', $output);
     if (!$w == '') {
         return $return;
     $aux1 = '';
     //  string with output from command...
     foreach ($output as $line) {
         $aux1 .= $line . chr(0xa);
     // certificates array..
     $aux2 = explode('-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----', $aux1);
     // fix certificates..
     $aux5 = array();
     foreach ($aux2 as $item) {
         $aux3 = explode('-----END CERTIFICATE-----', $item);
         $aux4 = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' . $aux3[0] . '-----END CERTIFICATE-----';
         $aux5[] = $aux4;
     // only one no CA certificate ....
     foreach ($aux5 as $item) {
         $Data_cert = Custom_Auth_ModSsl_Certificate_Factory::buildCertificate($item, FALSE);
         if (!$Data_cert->isCA()) {
             $return = $Data_cert;
     return $return;