When the [[formats|supported formats]] property is specified, ContentNegotiator will support response format negotiation based on the value of the GET parameter [[formatParam]] and the Accept HTTP header. If a match is found, the [[Response::format]] property will be set as the chosen format. The [[Response::acceptMimeType]] as well as [[Response::acceptParams]] will also be updated accordingly. When the [[languages|supported languages]] is specified, ContentNegotiator will support application language negotiation based on the value of the GET parameter [[languageParam]] and the Accept-Language HTTP header. If a match is found, the [[\yii\base\Application::language]] property will be set as the chosen language. You may use ContentNegotiator as a bootstrapping component as well as an action filter. The following code shows how you can use ContentNegotiator as a bootstrapping component. Note that in this case, the content negotiation applies to the whole application. php in application configuration use yii\web\Response; return [ 'bootstrap' => [ [ 'class' => 'yii\filters\ContentNegotiator', 'formats' => [ 'application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'application/xml' => Response::FORMAT_XML, ], 'languages' => [ 'en', 'de', ], ], ], ]; The following code shows how you can use ContentNegotiator as an action filter in either a controller or a module. In this case, the content negotiation result only applies to the corresponding controller or module, or even specific actions if you configure the only or except property of the filter. php use yii\web\Response; public function behaviors() { return [ [ 'class' => 'yii\filters\ContentNegotiator', 'only' => ['view', 'index'], // in a controller if in a module, use the following IDs for user actions 'only' => ['user/view', 'user/index'] 'formats' => [ 'application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, ], 'languages' => [ 'en', 'de', ], ], ]; }
부터: 2.0
저자: Qiang Xue (qiang.xue@gmail.com)
상속: extends yii\base\ActionFilter, implements yii\base\BootstrapInterface
예제 #1
 public function behaviors()
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application\\json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]];
     $behaviors['authenticator'] = ['class' => QueryParamAuth::className()];
     return $behaviors;
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function behaviors()
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]];
     $behaviors['verbs'] = ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => ['*' => ['GET', 'AJAX'], 'file-upload' => ['POST', 'AJAX']]];
     return $behaviors;
예제 #3
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     $behaviors['rateLimiter'] = ['class' => RateLimiter::className(), 'enableRateLimitHeaders' => false];
     $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]];
     return $behaviors;
예제 #4
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     $behaviors['authenticator'] = ['class' => HttpBearerAuth::className(), 'only' => ['dashboard']];
     $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]];
     $behaviors['access'] = ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'only' => ['dashboard'], 'rules' => [['actions' => ['dashboard'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => ['@']]]];
     return $behaviors;
예제 #5
 public function behaviors()
     // Options Request Behavior must going at first because swagger makes OPTIONS requests before POST
     // and this behavior must run early than VerbsFilter
     $behaviors = ['optionsRequestFilter' => OptionsRequestFilter::className()];
     $behaviors = array_merge($behaviors, parent::behaviors(), ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]], 'corsFilter' => Cors::className(), 'authenticator' => QueryParamAuthSwagger::className()]);
     return $behaviors;
예제 #6
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     // bootstrap the ContentNegotiatot behavior earlier to use detected format for authenticator
     /** @var ContentNegotiator $contentNegotiator */
     $contentNegotiator = Yii::createObject(['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['text/html' => Response::FORMAT_HTML, 'application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'application/xml' => Response::FORMAT_XML, 'text/csv' => Response::FORMAT_CSV, 'application/pdf' => Response::FORMAT_PDF, 'application/vnd.ms-excel' => Response::FORMAT_XLS]]);
     return array_merge(parent::behaviors(), ['contentNegotiator' => $contentNegotiator, 'authenticator' => ['class' => \yii\filters\auth\CompositeAuth::className(), 'authMethods' => !Yii::$app->user->getIsGuest() || Yii::$app->response->format === Response::FORMAT_HTML ? [] : [\yii\filters\auth\HttpBasicAuth::className(), \yii\filters\auth\QueryParamAuth::className()]], 'rateLimiter' => ['class' => \yii\filters\RateLimiter::className(), 'user' => Yii::$app->user->getIdentity()], 'access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['allow' => true, 'roles' => ['@']]]], 'menu' => ['class' => ActiveNavigation::className()]]);
예제 #7
 public function behaviors()
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     $behaviors['authenticator'] = ['class' => HttpBasicAuth::className(), 'auth' => [$this, 'auth'], 'only' => ['create', 'update', 'delete']];
     $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'application/xml' => Response::FORMAT_XML]];
     $behaviors['access'] = ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'ruleConfig' => ['class' => AccessRule::className()], 'only' => ['create', 'update', 'delete'], 'rules' => [['allow' => true, 'actions' => ['create', 'update'], 'roles' => [User::ROLE_ADMIN, User::ROLE_USER]], ['allow' => true, 'actions' => ['delete'], 'roles' => [User::ROLE_ADMIN]]]];
     $behaviors['verbs'] = ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => ['search-airport' => ['post', 'get']]];
     return $behaviors;
예제 #8
 public function behaviors()
     $public_actions = isset(Yii::$app->params["public-actions"]) ? Yii::$app->params["public-actions"] : [];
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     if (isset($public_actions[$this->className()])) {
         $this->public_actions = array_merge($this->public_actions, $public_actions[$this->className()]);
     $behaviors['OAuth'] = ['class' => OAuthBearerFilter::className(), 'except' => $this->public_actions];
     return array_merge($behaviors, ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]]]);
예제 #9
 public function behaviors()
     return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), ['access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['actions' => ['login', 'error'], 'allow' => true], ['actions' => ['logout', 'index'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => ['@']]]], 'verbs' => ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => ['delete' => ['post']]], 'bootstrap' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'charset' => 'UTF-8'], 'languages' => ['en', 'de']]]);
     return [
                 'verbs' => [
                     'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
                     'actions' => [
                         'delete' => ['post'],
예제 #10
 public function behaviors()
     return ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['text/html' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]], 'access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['allow' => true, 'actions' => ['get', 'widget-get'], 'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
         return true;
     }], ['allow' => true, 'actions' => ['list', 'widget-list', 'page-count'], 'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
         return true;
     }]], 'denyCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
         throw new ForbiddenHttpException('Access Denied.');
     }], 'verbs' => ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => ['get' => ['post'], 'widget-get' => ['post'], 'list' => ['post'], 'widget-list' => ['post'], 'page-count' => ['post']]]];
예제 #11
 public function behaviors()
     // get the parent behaviors to overwrite
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     if (!$this->getUserAuthClass()) {
     } else {
         // change to admin user auth class
         $behaviors['authenticator'] = ['class' => \yii\filters\auth\CompositeAuth::className(), 'user' => $this->getUserAuthClass(), 'authMethods' => [\yii\filters\auth\QueryParamAuth::className(), \yii\filters\auth\HttpBearerAuth::className()]];
         // change to admin rate limiter
         $behaviors['rateLimiter'] = ['class' => \yii\filters\RateLimiter::className(), 'user' => $this->getUserAuthClass()];
     $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => \yii\filters\ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'application/xml' => \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_XML]];
     return $behaviors;
예제 #12
 public function behaviors()
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     //set response header to application/json only
     $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]];
     $behaviors['ipFilter'] = ['class' => IPFilter::className()];
     $behaviors['tokenFilter'] = ['class' => TokenFilter::className()];
     $behaviors['openPollFilter'] = ['class' => OpenPollFilter::className()];
     // $behaviors['verbs'] = [
     //     'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
     //     'actions' => [
     //         'submit' => ['get'],
     //         'get' => ['get'],
     //     ],
     // ];
     return $behaviors;
예제 #13
  * Remove not used behaviors from parent behaviors.
  * @return array The list of behvaiors.
 public function behaviors()
     // get the parent behaviors to overwrite
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     if (!$this->getUserAuthClass()) {
     } else {
         // change to admin user auth class
         $behaviors['authenticator'] = ['class' => CompositeAuth::className(), 'user' => $this->getUserAuthClass(), 'authMethods' => [QueryParamAuth::className(), HttpBearerAuth::className()]];
     $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'application/xml' => Response::FORMAT_XML]];
     // by default rate limiter behavior is removed as its not implememented.
     if (isset($behaviors['rateLimiter'])) {
     return $behaviors;
예제 #14
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     return ['verb' => ['class' => 'yii\\filters\\VerbFilter', 'actions' => ['delete' => ['post']]], 'access' => ['class' => 'yii\\filters\\AccessControl', 'only' => ['upload', 'delete'], 'rules' => [['allow' => true, 'roles' => ['@']]]], 'negotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'only' => ['upload', 'delete'], 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]]];
예제 #15
 public function behaviors()
     return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), ['authenticator' => ['class' => CompositeAuth::className(), 'authMethods' => [['class' => HttpBearerAuth::className()], ['class' => QueryParamAuth::className(), 'tokenParam' => 'access-token']]], 'bootstrap' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]]]);
예제 #16
 public function behaviors()
     return [['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]]];
예제 #17
 public function behaviors()
     return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), ['authenticator' => ['class' => CompositeAuth::className(), 'authMethods' => [['class' => HttpBearerAuth::className()], ['class' => QueryParamAuth::className()]]], 'bootstrap' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'charset' => 'UTF-8'], 'languages' => ['en', 'de']], 'corsFilter' => ['class' => \yii\filters\Cors::className(), 'cors' => ['Origin' => ['http://lukisongroup.com', 'http://lukisongroup.int'], 'Access-Control-Request-Method' => ['POST', 'PUT', 'GET'], 'Access-Control-Request-Headers' => ['X-Wsse'], 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' => true, 'Access-Control-Max-Age' => 3600, 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' => ['X-Pagination-Current-Page']]]]);
 public function behaviors()
     return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), ['bootstrap' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'charset' => 'UTF-8'], 'languages' => ['en', 'de']]]);
예제 #19
 public function behaviors()
     return ['access' => ['class' => 'yii\\filters\\AccessControl', 'rules' => [['allow' => true, 'roles' => ['@']], ['allow' => false, 'roles' => ['?']]]], 'contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['text/html' => Response::FORMAT_HTML, 'application/xhtml+xml' => Response::FORMAT_HTML, 'application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'application/xml' => Response::FORMAT_XML]]];
예제 #20
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function behaviors()
     return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'only' => ['resource'], 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]]]);
  * @return array
 public function behaviors()
     return ['access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'rules' => [['allow' => true, 'roles' => ['admin']]]], 'contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'only' => ['upload', 'delete'], 'formatParam' => '_format', 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]], 'verbs' => ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => ['upload' => ['get', 'post'], 'delete' => ['post', 'delete']]]];
예제 #22
 public function behaviors()
     return ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => []], 'verbs' => ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => ['delete' => ['post']]]];
예제 #23
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     $beh = parent::behaviors();
     $beh['contentNegotiator'] = ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON], 'except' => ['index']];
     return $beh;
예제 #24
 public function behaviors()
     return [['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'only' => ['messages', 'create-message', 'conversations', 'delete-conversation', 'mark-conversation-as-read', 'mark-conversation-as-unread'], 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]]];
예제 #25
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     return ['verbs' => ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => ['upload' => ['post']]], 'negotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]]];
예제 #26
 public function behaviors()
     return ArrayHelper::merge(parent::behaviors(), ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON], 'only' => ['add-to-cart', 'change-quantity', 'delete']]]);
예제 #27
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     return ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]], 'verbs' => ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => ['save' => ['post'], 'delete' => ['post'], 'add-child' => ['post'], 'remove-child' => ['post']]]];
예제 #28
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     return ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON]], 'verbFilter' => ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => $this->verbs()], 'authenticator' => ['class' => CompositeAuth::className(), 'except' => ['index', 'view', 'options'], 'authMethods' => [HttpBasicAuth::className(), HttpBearerAuth::className(), QueryParamAuth::className()]], 'access' => ['class' => AccessControl::className(), 'only' => ['create', 'update', 'delete'], 'rules' => [['actions' => ['create', 'update', 'delete'], 'allow' => true, 'roles' => ['@']]]], 'rateLimiter' => ['class' => RateLimiter::className()]];
예제 #29
  * @inheritdoc
 public function behaviors()
     return ['contentNegotiator' => ['class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => ['application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON, 'application/xml' => Response::FORMAT_XML]], 'verbFilter' => ['class' => VerbFilter::className(), 'actions' => $this->verbs()], 'authenticator' => ['class' => CompositeAuth::className()], 'rateLimiter' => ['class' => RateLimiter::className()]];
예제 #30
 public function behaviors()
     $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
     $behaviors['authenticator'] = array('class' => HttpBasicAuth::className());
     $behaviors['bootstrap'] = array('class' => ContentNegotiator::className(), 'formats' => array('application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON));
     return $behaviors;