예제 #1

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//You may first check the available styles using the parseStyles('../files/TemplateStyles.docx') methohd
$docx->importStyles('../../files/TemplateStyles.docx', 'merge', array('crazyStyle'));
$docx->addText('This is the resulting paragraph with the "CrazyStyle".', array('pStyle' => 'crazyStyle'));
//You may also import a complete XML style sheet by
//$docx->importStyles('../files/TemplateStyles.docx', $type= 'replace');
예제 #2

//path to  the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation
require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc';
$docx = new CreateDocx();
//You may first check the available styles using the parseStyles('../files/TemplateStyles.docx') methohd
$docx->importStyles('../../files/stylesTemplate.docx', 'merge', array('heading 1'));
$docx->addText('This is the resulting paragraph with a standard heading style.', array('pStyle' => 'Heading1'));
//You may also import a complete XML style sheet by
//$docx->importStyles('../files/TemplateStyles.docx', $type= 'replace');