<?php //path to the CreateDocx class within your PHPDocX installation require_once '../../../classes/CreateDocx.inc'; $docx = new CreateDocx(); $docx->addText('Arc:'); $options = array('width' => 70, 'height' => 70, 'fillcolor' => '#555555', 'strokecolor' => '#ff0000', 'strokeweight' => '4', 'startAngle' => 0, 'endAngle' => 210); $docx->addShape('arc', $options); $docx->addText('Curve:'); $options = array('from' => '300,40', 'to' => '120,150', 'fillcolor' => '#555555', 'strokecolor' => '#ff0000', 'strokeweight' => '4', 'control1' => '60,70', 'control2' => '125,170'); $docx->addShape('curve', $options); $docx->addText('Line:'); $options = array('from' => '10,10', 'to' => '150,10', 'strokecolor' => '#0000ff', 'strokeweight' => '2', 'position' => 'absolute', 'margin-left' => 20); $docx->addShape('line', $options); $docx->addText('Polyline:'); $options = array('points' => '10,10 20,20 25,10 40,7 3,55', 'strokecolor' => '#ff00ff', 'strokeweight' => '2', 'position' => 'absolute', 'marginLeft' => 40); $docx->addShape('polyline', $options); $docx->addBreak(); $docx->addText('Rectangle:'); $options = array('width' => 60, 'height' => 20, 'strokecolor' => '#ff00ff', 'strokeweight' => '3', 'fillcolor' => '#ffff00', 'position' => 'absolute', 'marginLeft' => 10, 'marginTop' => -5); $docx->addShape('rect', $options); $docx->addText('Rounded rectangle:'); $options = array('width' => 60, 'height' => 30, 'strokecolor' => '#ff00ff', 'strokeweight' => '3', 'fillcolor' => '#ffff00', 'position' => 'absolute', 'marginLeft' => 60, 'marginTop' => 2, 'arcsize' => 0.3); $docx->addShape('roundrect', $options); $docx->addBreak(); $docx->addText('Arbitrary shape:'); $options = array('path' => 'm,118hdc80,65,159,24,252,v33,11,66,24,100,34c374,41,413,29,419,51v30,109,-6, 202,-100,234c308,296,299,311,285,318v-31,16,-100,34,-100,34c140,341, 92,339,51,318,33,309,20,288,17,268,14,251,34,218,34,218hal,118hdxe', 'width' => 40, 'height' => 40, 'strokecolor' => '#000000', 'strokeweight' => '2', 'fillcolor' => '#ff0000', 'position' => 'absolute', 'marginLeft' => 5, 'marginTop' => 0); $docx->addShape('shape', $options); $docx->addText('The same arbitrary shape but with negative z-index and a negative margin-top so it is drawn behind this text.');