/** * Initialize download folder if not already done */ public function initFolder() { $downloadFolder = $this->getPublicDownloadFolder(); $downloadUrl = $this->getPublicDownloadUrl(); if (is_file($downloadFolder . "/grid_t.png")) { return; } $pDir = dirname(__FILE__); $messages = ConfService::getMessages(); $sTitle = sprintf($messages["action.share.1"], ConfService::getCoreConf("APPLICATION_TITLE")); $sLegend = $messages["action.share.20"]; @copy($pDir . "/res/dl.png", $downloadFolder . "/dl.png"); @copy($pDir . "/res/favi.png", $downloadFolder . "/favi.png"); @copy($pDir . "/res/grid_t.png", $downloadFolder . "/grid_t.png"); @copy($pDir . "/res/button_cancel.png", $downloadFolder . "/button_cancel.png"); @copy(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/server/index.html", $downloadFolder . "/index.html"); $htaccessContent = "Order Deny,Allow\nAllow from all\n"; $htaccessContent .= "\n<Files \".ajxp_*\">\ndeny from all\n</Files>\n"; $path = parse_url($downloadUrl, PHP_URL_PATH); $htaccessContent .= ' <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine on RewriteBase ' . $path . ' RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^([.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\\.php$ share.php?hash=$1 [QSA] RewriteRule ^([.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)--([a-z-]+)$ share.php?hash=$1&lang=$2 [QSA] RewriteRule ^([.a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ share.php?hash=$1 [QSA] </IfModule> '; file_put_contents($downloadFolder . "/.htaccess", $htaccessContent); $content404 = file_get_contents($pDir . "/res/404.html"); $content404 = str_replace(array("AJXP_MESSAGE_TITLE", "AJXP_MESSAGE_LEGEND"), array($sTitle, $sLegend), $content404); file_put_contents($downloadFolder . "/404.html", $content404); }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $fileVars) { if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) { return; } $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); switch ($action) { //------------------------------------ // CHANGE USER PASSWORD //------------------------------------ case "pass_change": $userObject = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); if ($userObject == null || $userObject->getId() == "guest") { header("Content-Type:text/plain"); print "SUCCESS"; } $oldPass = $httpVars["old_pass"]; $newPass = $httpVars["new_pass"]; $passSeed = $httpVars["pass_seed"]; if (AuthService::checkPassword($userObject->getId(), $oldPass, false, $passSeed)) { AuthService::updatePassword($userObject->getId(), $newPass); } else { header("Content-Type:text/plain"); print "PASS_ERROR"; } header("Content-Type:text/plain"); print "SUCCESS"; break; default: break; } return ""; }
public function initMeta($accessDriver) { $this->accessDriver = $accessDriver; if (!function_exists("exif_read_data")) { return; } $messages = ConfService::getMessages(); $def = $this->getMetaDefinition(); if (!count($def)) { return; } $cdataHead = '<div> <div class="panelHeader infoPanelGroup" colspan="2">' . $messages["meta.exif.1"] . '</div> <table class="infoPanelTable" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">'; $cdataFoot = '</table></div>'; $cdataParts = ""; foreach ($def as $key => $label) { $trClass = $even ? " class=\"even\"" : ""; $even = !$even; $cdataParts .= '<tr' . $trClass . '><td class="infoPanelLabel">' . $label . '</td><td class="infoPanelValue" id="ip_' . $key . '">#{' . $key . '}</td></tr>'; } $selection = $this->xPath->query('registry_contributions/client_configs/component_config[@className="InfoPanel"]/infoPanelExtension'); $contrib = $selection->item(0); $contrib->setAttribute("attributes", implode(",", array_keys($def))); $contrib->setAttribute("modifier", "ExifCellRenderer.prototype.infoPanelModifier"); $htmlSel = $this->xPath->query('html', $contrib); $html = $htmlSel->item(0); $cdata = $this->manifestDoc->createCDATASection($cdataHead . $cdataParts . $cdataFoot); $html->appendChild($cdata); parent::init($this->options); }
function bookmarkBar($allBookmarks) { //echo '<div id="bmbar_title">MyBookmarks </div>'; $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); foreach (array_reverse($allBookmarks) as $path) { if (is_array($path)) { $path = $path["PATH"]; } echo '<div class="bm" onmouseover="this.className=\'bm_hover\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'bm\';"><img width="16" height="16" src="' . CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER . '/images/crystal/mimes/16/folder.png" border="0" align="ABSMIDDLE" style="float:left;"><a href="#" class="disabled" title="' . $mess[146] . '" onclick="ajaxplorer.actionBar.removeBookmark(\'' . $path . '\'); return false;" onmouseover="$(this).addClassName(\'enabled\');" onmouseout="$(this).removeClassName(\'enabled\');"><img width="16" height="16" src="' . CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER . '/images/crystal/actions/16/delete_bookmark.png" border="0" align="ABSMIDDLE" alt="' . $mess[146] . '"></a> <a href="#" onclick="ajaxplorer.goTo(\'' . $path . '\'); return false;" class="bookmark_button">' . $path . '</a></div>'; } }
public function AJXP_Exception($messageString, $messageId = false) { if ($messageId !== false && class_exists("ConfService")) { $messages = ConfService::getMessages(); if (array_key_exists($messageId, $messages)) { $messageString = $messages[$messageId]; } else { $messageString = $messageId; } } parent::__construct($messageString); }
public function processUserAccessPoint($action, $httpVars, $fileVars) { switch ($action) { case "user_access_point": $uri = explode("/", trim($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "/")); array_shift($uri); $action = array_shift($uri); $this->processSubAction($action, $uri); $_SESSION['OVERRIDE_GUI_START_PARAMETERS'] = array("REBASE" => "../../", "USER_GUI_ACTION" => $action); AJXP_Controller::findActionAndApply("get_boot_gui", array(), array()); unset($_SESSION['OVERRIDE_GUI_START_PARAMETERS']); break; case "reset-password-ask": // This is a reset password request, generate a token and store it. // Find user by id if (AuthService::userExists($httpVars["email"])) { // Send email $userObject = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->createUserObject($httpVars["email"]); $email = $userObject->personalRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", "email", AJXP_REPO_SCOPE_ALL, ""); if (!empty($email)) { $uuid = AJXP_Utils::generateRandomString(48); ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->saveTemporaryKey("password-reset", $uuid, AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["email"]), array()); $mailer = AJXP_PluginsService::getInstance()->getUniqueActivePluginForType("mailer"); if ($mailer !== false) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $link = AJXP_Utils::detectServerURL() . "/user/reset-password/" . $uuid; $mailer->sendMail(array($email), $mess["gui.user.1"], $mess["gui.user.7"] . "<a href=\"{$link}\">{$link}</a>"); } else { echo 'ERROR: There is no mailer configured, please contact your administrator'; } } } // Prune existing expired tokens ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->pruneTemporaryKeys("password-reset", 20); echo "SUCCESS"; break; case "reset-password": ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->pruneTemporaryKeys("password-reset", 20); // This is a reset password if (isset($httpVars["key"]) && isset($httpVars["user_id"])) { $key = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->loadTemporaryKey("password-reset", $httpVars["key"]); if ($key != null && $key["user_id"] == $httpVars["user_id"] && AuthService::userExists($key["user_id"])) { AuthService::updatePassword($key["user_id"], $httpVars["new_pass"]); } ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->deleteTemporaryKey("password-reset", $httpVars["key"]); } AuthService::disconnect(); echo 'SUCCESS'; break; default: break; } }
public function initMeta($accessDriver) { $this->accessDriver = $accessDriver; $messages = ConfService::getMessages(); $def = $this->getMetaDefinition(); $cdataHead = '<div> <div class="panelHeader infoPanelGroup" colspan="2">' . $messages["meta.serial.1"] . '</div> <table class="infoPanelTable" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0">'; $cdataFoot = '</table></div>'; $cdataParts = ""; $selection = $this->xPath->query('registry_contributions/client_configs/component_config[@className="FilesList"]/columns'); $contrib = $selection->item(0); $even = false; $searchables = array(); foreach ($def as $key => $label) { $col = $this->manifestDoc->createElement("additional_column"); $col->setAttribute("messageString", $label); $col->setAttribute("attributeName", $key); $col->setAttribute("sortType", "String"); if ($key == "stars_rate") { $col->setAttribute("modifier", "MetaCellRenderer.prototype.starsRateFilter"); $col->setAttribute("sortType", "CellSorterValue"); } else { if ($key == "css_label") { $col->setAttribute("modifier", "MetaCellRenderer.prototype.cssLabelsFilter"); $col->setAttribute("sortType", "CellSorterValue"); } else { $searchables[$key] = $label; } } $contrib->appendChild($col); $trClass = $even ? " class=\"even\"" : ""; $even = !$even; $cdataParts .= '<tr' . $trClass . '><td class="infoPanelLabel">' . $label . '</td><td class="infoPanelValue" id="ip_' . $key . '">#{' . $key . '}</td></tr>'; } $selection = $this->xPath->query('registry_contributions/client_configs/component_config[@className="InfoPanel"]/infoPanelExtension'); $contrib = $selection->item(0); $contrib->setAttribute("attributes", implode(",", array_keys($def))); if (isset($def["stars_rate"]) || isset($def["css_label"])) { $contrib->setAttribute("modifier", "MetaCellRenderer.prototype.infoPanelModifier"); } $htmlSel = $this->xPath->query('html', $contrib); $html = $htmlSel->item(0); $cdata = $this->manifestDoc->createCDATASection($cdataHead . $cdataParts . $cdataFoot); $html->appendChild($cdata); $selection = $this->xPath->query('registry_contributions/client_configs/template_part[@ajxpClass="SearchEngine"]'); $tag = $selection->item(0); $tag->setAttribute("ajxpOptions", json_encode(count($searchables) ? array("metaColumns" => $searchables) : array())); parent::init($this->options); }
function errorToXml($mixed) { if (is_a($mixed, "AJXP_Exception")) { $messages = ConfService::getMessages(); $error = "Unkown Error"; if (isset($mixed->messageId) && array_key_exists($mixed->messageId, $messages)) { $error = $messages[$mixed->messageId]; } else { $error = $mixed->messageId; } AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, $error); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); exit(1); } }
/** * @param AJXP_Node $node * @param int $newSize * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ public function precheckQuotaUsage($node, $newSize = 0) { // POSITIVE DELTA ? if ($newSize == 0) { return null; } $delta = $newSize; $quota = $this->getAuthorized(); $path = $this->getWorkingPath(); $q = $this->getUsage($path); AJXP_Logger::debug("QUOTA : Previous usage was {$q}"); if ($q === false) { $q = $this->computeDirSpace($path); } if ($q + $delta >= $quota) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); throw new Exception($mess["meta.quota.3"] . " (" . AJXP_Utils::roundSize($quota) . ")!"); } }
/** * @param String $action * @param Array $httpVars * @param Array $fileVars * @throws Exception */ public function receiveAction($action, $httpVars, $fileVars) { //VAR CREATION OUTSIDE OF ALL CONDITIONS, THEY ARE "MUST HAVE" VAR !! $messages = ConfService::getMessages(); $repository = ConfService::getRepository(); $userSelection = new UserSelection($repository, $httpVars); $nodes = $userSelection->buildNodes(); $currentDirPath = AJXP_Utils::safeDirname($userSelection->getUniqueNode()->getPath()); $currentDirPath = rtrim($currentDirPath, "/") . "/"; $currentDirUrl = $userSelection->currentBaseUrl() . $currentDirPath; if (empty($httpVars["compression_id"])) { $compressionId = sha1(rand()); $httpVars["compression_id"] = $compressionId; } else { $compressionId = $httpVars["compression_id"]; } $progressCompressionFileName = $this->getPluginCacheDir(false, true) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "progressCompressionID-" . $compressionId . ".txt"; if (empty($httpVars["extraction_id"])) { $extractId = sha1(rand()); $httpVars["extraction_id"] = $extractId; } else { $extractId = $httpVars["extraction_id"]; } $progressExtractFileName = $this->getPluginCacheDir(false, true) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "progressExtractID-" . $extractId . ".txt"; if ($action == "compression") { $archiveName = AJXP_Utils::sanitize(AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["archive_name"]), AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); $archiveFormat = $httpVars["type_archive"]; $tabTypeArchive = array(".tar", ".tar.gz", ".tar.bz2"); $acceptedExtension = false; foreach ($tabTypeArchive as $extensionArchive) { if ($extensionArchive == $archiveFormat) { $acceptedExtension = true; break; } } if ($acceptedExtension == false) { file_put_contents($progressCompressionFileName, "Error : " . $messages["compression.16"]); throw new AJXP_Exception($messages["compression.16"]); } $typeArchive = $httpVars["type_archive"]; //if we can run in background we do it if (ConfService::backgroundActionsSupported() && !ConfService::currentContextIsCommandLine()) { $archivePath = $currentDirPath . $archiveName; file_put_contents($progressCompressionFileName, $messages["compression.5"]); AJXP_Controller::applyActionInBackground($repository->getId(), "compression", $httpVars); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("check_compression_status", array("repository_id" => $repository->getId(), "compression_id" => $compressionId, "archive_path" => SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($archivePath)), $messages["compression.5"], true, 2); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); return null; } else { $maxAuthorizedSize = 4294967296; $currentDirUrlLength = strlen($currentDirUrl); $tabFolders = array(); $tabAllRecursiveFiles = array(); $tabFilesNames = array(); foreach ($nodes as $node) { $nodeUrl = $node->getUrl(); if (is_file($nodeUrl) && filesize($nodeUrl) < $maxAuthorizedSize) { array_push($tabAllRecursiveFiles, $nodeUrl); array_push($tabFilesNames, substr($nodeUrl, $currentDirUrlLength)); } if (is_dir($nodeUrl)) { array_push($tabFolders, $nodeUrl); } } //DO A FOREACH OR IT'S GONNA HAVE SOME SAMES FILES NAMES foreach ($tabFolders as $value) { $dossiers = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($value)); foreach ($dossiers as $file) { if ($file->isDir()) { continue; } array_push($tabAllRecursiveFiles, $file->getPathname()); array_push($tabFilesNames, substr($file->getPathname(), $currentDirUrlLength)); } } //WE STOP IF IT'S JUST AN EMPTY FOLDER OR NO FILES if (empty($tabFilesNames)) { file_put_contents($progressCompressionFileName, "Error : " . $messages["compression.17"]); throw new AJXP_Exception($messages["compression.17"]); } try { $tmpArchiveName = tempnam(AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir(), "tar-compression") . ".tar"; $archive = new PharData($tmpArchiveName); } catch (Exception $e) { file_put_contents($progressCompressionFileName, "Error : " . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } $counterCompression = 0; //THE TWO ARRAY ARE MERGED FOR THE FOREACH LOOP $tabAllFiles = array_combine($tabAllRecursiveFiles, $tabFilesNames); foreach ($tabAllFiles as $fullPath => $fileName) { try { $archive->addFile(AJXP_MetaStreamWrapper::getRealFSReference($fullPath), $fileName); $counterCompression++; file_put_contents($progressCompressionFileName, sprintf($messages["compression.6"], round($counterCompression / count($tabAllFiles) * 100, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN) . " %")); } catch (Exception $e) { unlink($tmpArchiveName); file_put_contents($progressCompressionFileName, "Error : " . $e->getMessage()); throw $e; } } $finalArchive = $tmpArchiveName; if ($typeArchive != ".tar") { $archiveTypeCompress = substr(strrchr($typeArchive, "."), 1); file_put_contents($progressCompressionFileName, sprintf($messages["compression.7"], strtoupper($archiveTypeCompress))); if ($archiveTypeCompress == "gz") { $archive->compress(Phar::GZ); } elseif ($archiveTypeCompress == "bz2") { $archive->compress(Phar::BZ2); } $finalArchive = $tmpArchiveName . "." . $archiveTypeCompress; } $destArchive = AJXP_MetaStreamWrapper::getRealFSReference($currentDirUrl . $archiveName); rename($finalArchive, $destArchive); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_create", array($destArchive, filesize($destArchive))); if (file_exists($tmpArchiveName)) { unlink($tmpArchiveName); unlink(substr($tmpArchiveName, 0, -4)); } $newNode = new AJXP_Node($currentDirUrl . $archiveName); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(null, $newNode, false)); file_put_contents($progressCompressionFileName, "SUCCESS"); } } elseif ($action == "check_compression_status") { $archivePath = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["archive_path"]); $progressCompression = file_get_contents($progressCompressionFileName); $substrProgressCompression = substr($progressCompression, 0, 5); if ($progressCompression != "SUCCESS" && $substrProgressCompression != "Error") { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("check_compression_status", array("repository_id" => $repository->getId(), "compression_id" => $compressionId, "archive_path" => SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($archivePath)), $progressCompression, true, 5); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); } elseif ($progressCompression == "SUCCESS") { $newNode = new AJXP_Node($userSelection->currentBaseUrl() . $archivePath); $nodesDiffs = array("ADD" => array($newNode), "REMOVE" => array(), "UPDATE" => array()); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(null, $newNode, false)); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage($messages["compression.8"], null); AJXP_XMLWriter::writeNodesDiff($nodesDiffs, true); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); if (file_exists($progressCompressionFileName)) { unlink($progressCompressionFileName); } } elseif ($substrProgressCompression == "Error") { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, $progressCompression); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); if (file_exists($progressCompressionFileName)) { unlink($progressCompressionFileName); } } } elseif ($action == "extraction") { $fileArchive = AJXP_Utils::sanitize(AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["file"]), AJXP_SANITIZE_DIRNAME); $fileArchive = substr(strrchr($fileArchive, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), 1); $authorizedExtension = array("tar" => 4, "gz" => 7, "bz2" => 8); $acceptedArchive = false; $extensionLength = 0; $counterExtract = 0; $currentAllPydioPath = $currentDirUrl . $fileArchive; $pharCurrentAllPydioPath = "phar://" . AJXP_MetaStreamWrapper::getRealFSReference($currentAllPydioPath); $pathInfoCurrentAllPydioPath = pathinfo($currentAllPydioPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); //WE TAKE ONLY TAR, TAR.GZ AND TAR.BZ2 ARCHIVES foreach ($authorizedExtension as $extension => $strlenExtension) { if ($pathInfoCurrentAllPydioPath == $extension) { $acceptedArchive = true; $extensionLength = $strlenExtension; break; } } if ($acceptedArchive == false) { file_put_contents($progressExtractFileName, "Error : " . $messages["compression.15"]); throw new AJXP_Exception($messages["compression.15"]); } $onlyFileName = substr($fileArchive, 0, -$extensionLength); $lastPosOnlyFileName = strrpos($onlyFileName, "-"); $tmpOnlyFileName = substr($onlyFileName, 0, $lastPosOnlyFileName); $counterDuplicate = substr($onlyFileName, $lastPosOnlyFileName + 1); if (!is_int($lastPosOnlyFileName) || !is_int($counterDuplicate)) { $tmpOnlyFileName = $onlyFileName; $counterDuplicate = 1; } while (file_exists($currentDirUrl . $onlyFileName)) { $onlyFileName = $tmpOnlyFileName . "-" . $counterDuplicate; $counterDuplicate++; } if (ConfService::backgroundActionsSupported() && !ConfService::currentContextIsCommandLine()) { file_put_contents($progressExtractFileName, $messages["compression.12"]); AJXP_Controller::applyActionInBackground($repository->getId(), "extraction", $httpVars); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("check_extraction_status", array("repository_id" => $repository->getId(), "extraction_id" => $extractId, "currentDirUrl" => $currentDirUrl, "onlyFileName" => $onlyFileName), $messages["compression.12"], true, 2); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); return null; } mkdir($currentDirUrl . $onlyFileName, 0777, true); chmod(AJXP_MetaStreamWrapper::getRealFSReference($currentDirUrl . $onlyFileName), 0777); try { $archive = new PharData(AJXP_MetaStreamWrapper::getRealFSReference($currentAllPydioPath)); $fichiersArchive = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($pharCurrentAllPydioPath)); foreach ($fichiersArchive as $file) { $fileGetPathName = $file->getPathname(); if ($file->isDir()) { continue; } $fileNameInArchive = substr(strstr($fileGetPathName, $fileArchive), strlen($fileArchive) + 1); try { $archive->extractTo(AJXP_MetaStreamWrapper::getRealFSReference($currentDirUrl . $onlyFileName), $fileNameInArchive, false); } catch (Exception $e) { file_put_contents($progressExtractFileName, "Error : " . $e->getMessage()); throw new AJXP_Exception($e); } $counterExtract++; file_put_contents($progressExtractFileName, sprintf($messages["compression.13"], round($counterExtract / $archive->count() * 100, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN) . " %")); } } catch (Exception $e) { file_put_contents($progressExtractFileName, "Error : " . $e->getMessage()); throw new AJXP_Exception($e); } file_put_contents($progressExtractFileName, "SUCCESS"); $newNode = new AJXP_Node($currentDirUrl . $onlyFileName); AJXP_Controller::findActionAndApply("index", array("file" => $newNode->getPath()), array()); } elseif ($action == "check_extraction_status") { $currentDirUrl = $httpVars["currentDirUrl"]; $onlyFileName = $httpVars["onlyFileName"]; $progressExtract = file_get_contents($progressExtractFileName); $substrProgressExtract = substr($progressExtract, 0, 5); if ($progressExtract != "SUCCESS" && $progressExtract != "INDEX" && $substrProgressExtract != "Error") { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("check_extraction_status", array("repository_id" => $repository->getId(), "extraction_id" => $extractId, "currentDirUrl" => $currentDirUrl, "onlyFileName" => $onlyFileName), $progressExtract, true, 4); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); } elseif ($progressExtract == "SUCCESS") { $newNode = new AJXP_Node($currentDirUrl . $onlyFileName); $nodesDiffs = array("ADD" => array($newNode), "REMOVE" => array(), "UPDATE" => array()); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(null, $newNode, false)); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(sprintf($messages["compression.14"], $onlyFileName), null); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("check_index_status", array("repository_id" => $newNode->getRepositoryId()), "starting indexation", true, 5); AJXP_XMLWriter::writeNodesDiff($nodesDiffs, true); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); if (file_exists($progressExtractFileName)) { unlink($progressExtractFileName); } } elseif ($substrProgressExtract == "Error") { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, $progressExtract); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); if (file_exists($progressExtractFileName)) { unlink($progressExtractFileName); } } } }
/** * Send a <reload> XML instruction for refreshing the list * @static * @param $diffNodes * @param bool $print * @return string */ public static function writeNodesDiff($diffNodes, $print = false) { /** * @var $ajxpNode AJXP_Node */ $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $buffer = "<nodes_diff>"; if (isset($diffNodes["REMOVE"]) && count($diffNodes["REMOVE"])) { $buffer .= "<remove>"; foreach ($diffNodes["REMOVE"] as $nodePath) { $nodePath = AJXP_Utils::xmlEntities($nodePath, true); $buffer .= "<tree filename=\"{$nodePath}\" ajxp_im_time=\"" . time() . "\"/>"; } $buffer .= "</remove>"; } if (isset($diffNodes["ADD"]) && count($diffNodes["ADD"])) { $buffer .= "<add>"; foreach ($diffNodes["ADD"] as $ajxpNode) { $ajxpNode->loadNodeInfo(false, false, "all"); if (!empty($ajxpNode->metaData["mimestring_id"]) && array_key_exists($ajxpNode->metaData["mimestring_id"], $mess)) { $ajxpNode->mergeMetadata(array("mimestring" => $mess[$ajxpNode->metaData["mimestring_id"]])); } $buffer .= self::renderAjxpNode($ajxpNode, true, false); } $buffer .= "</add>"; } if (isset($diffNodes["UPDATE"]) && count($diffNodes["UPDATE"])) { $buffer .= "<update>"; foreach ($diffNodes["UPDATE"] as $originalPath => $ajxpNode) { $ajxpNode->loadNodeInfo(false, false, "all"); if (!empty($ajxpNode->metaData["mimestring_id"]) && array_key_exists($ajxpNode->metaData["mimestring_id"], $mess)) { $ajxpNode->mergeMetadata(array("mimestring" => $mess[$ajxpNode->metaData["mimestring_id"]])); } $ajxpNode->original_path = $originalPath; $buffer .= self::renderAjxpNode($ajxpNode, true, false); } $buffer .= "</update>"; } $buffer .= "</nodes_diff>"; return AJXP_XMLWriter::write($buffer, $print); /* $nodePath = AJXP_Utils::xmlEntities($nodePath, true); $pendingSelection = AJXP_Utils::xmlEntities($pendingSelection, true); return AJXP_XMLWriter::write("<reload_instruction object=\"data\" node=\"$nodePath\" file=\"$pendingSelection\"/>", $print); */ }
public function applyActions($actionName, $httpVars, $fileVars) { $git = new VersionControl_Git($this->repoBase); switch ($actionName) { case "git_history": $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["file"]); $file = ltrim($file, "/"); $res = $this->gitHistory($git, $file); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); $ic = AJXP_Utils::mimetype($file, "image", false); $index = count($res); $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); foreach ($res as &$commit) { unset($commit["DETAILS"]); $commit["icon"] = $ic; $commit["index"] = $index; $commit["EVENT"] = $mess["meta.git." . $commit["EVENT"]]; $index--; AJXP_XMLWriter::renderNode("/" . $commit["ID"], basename($commit["FILE"]), true, $commit); } AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); break; break; case "git_revertfile": $originalFile = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["original_file"]); $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["file"]); $commitId = $httpVars["commit_id"]; $command = $git->getCommand("cat-file"); $command->setOption("s", true); $command->addArgument($commitId . ":" . $file); $size = $command->execute(); $command = $git->getCommand("show"); $command->addArgument($commitId . ":" . $file); $commandLine = $command->createCommandString(); $outputStream = fopen($this->repoBase . $originalFile, "w"); $this->executeCommandInStreams($git, $commandLine, $outputStream); fclose($outputStream); $this->commitChanges(); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::reloadDataNode(); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); break; case "git_getfile": $file = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["file"]); $commitId = $httpVars["commit_id"]; $attach = $httpVars["attach"]; $command = $git->getCommand("cat-file"); $command->setOption("s", true); $command->addArgument($commitId . ":" . $file); $size = $command->execute(); $command = $git->getCommand("show"); $command->addArgument($commitId . ":" . $file); $commandLine = $command->createCommandString(); if ($attach == "inline") { $fileExt = substr(strrchr(basename($file), '.'), 1); if (empty($fileExt)) { $fileMime = "application/octet-stream"; } else { $regex = "/^([\\w\\+\\-\\.\\/]+)\\s+(\\w+\\s)*({$fileExt}\\s)/i"; $lines = file(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/editor.browser/resources/other/mime.types"); foreach ($lines as $line) { if (substr($line, 0, 1) == '#') { continue; } // skip comments $line = rtrim($line) . " "; if (!preg_match($regex, $line, $matches)) { continue; } // no match to the extension $fileMime = $matches[1]; } } if (empty($fileMime)) { $fileMime = "application/octet-stream"; } HTMLWriter::generateInlineHeaders(basename($file), $size, $fileMime); } else { HTMLWriter::generateAttachmentsHeader(basename($file), $size, false, false); } $outputStream = fopen("php://output", "a"); $this->executeCommandInStreams($git, $commandLine, $outputStream); fclose($outputStream); break; break; default: break; } }
function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $fileVars) { if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) { return; } if (preg_match('/MSIE 7/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match('/MSIE 8/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { // Force legacy theme for the moment $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"] = "oxygen"; } if (!defined("AJXP_THEME_FOLDER")) { define("CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER", AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/gui.ajax/res"); define("AJXP_THEME_FOLDER", CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER . "/themes/" . $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"]); } foreach ($httpVars as $getName => $getValue) { ${$getName} = AJXP_Utils::securePath($getValue); } if (isset($dir) && $action != "upload") { $dir = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($dir); } $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); switch ($action) { //------------------------------------ // GET AN HTML TEMPLATE //------------------------------------ case "get_template": HTMLWriter::charsetHeader(); $folder = CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER . "/html"; if (isset($httpVars["pluginName"])) { $folder = AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/" . AJXP_Utils::securePath($httpVars["pluginName"]); if (isset($httpVars["pluginPath"])) { $folder .= "/" . AJXP_Utils::securePath($httpVars["pluginPath"]); } } $crtTheme = $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"]; $thFolder = AJXP_THEME_FOLDER . "/html"; if (isset($template_name)) { if (is_file($thFolder . "/" . $template_name)) { include $thFolder . "/" . $template_name; } else { if (is_file($folder . "/" . $template_name)) { include $folder . "/" . $template_name; } } } break; //------------------------------------ // GET I18N MESSAGES //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // GET I18N MESSAGES //------------------------------------ case "get_i18n_messages": $refresh = false; if (isset($httpVars["lang"])) { ConfService::setLanguage($httpVars["lang"]); $refresh = true; } HTMLWriter::charsetHeader('text/javascript'); HTMLWriter::writeI18nMessagesClass(ConfService::getMessages($refresh)); break; //------------------------------------ // SEND XML REGISTRY //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // SEND XML REGISTRY //------------------------------------ case "get_xml_registry": $regDoc = AJXP_PluginsService::getXmlRegistry(); $changes = AJXP_Controller::filterActionsRegistry($regDoc); if ($changes) { AJXP_PluginsService::updateXmlRegistry($regDoc); } if (isset($_GET["xPath"])) { $regPath = new DOMXPath($regDoc); $nodes = $regPath->query($_GET["xPath"]); AJXP_XMLWriter::header("ajxp_registry_part", array("xPath" => $_GET["xPath"])); if ($nodes->length) { print AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($regDoc->saveXML($nodes->item(0))); } AJXP_XMLWriter::close("ajxp_registry_part"); } else { AJXP_Utils::safeIniSet("zlib.output_compression", "4096"); header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8'); print AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($regDoc->saveXML()); } break; //------------------------------------ // DISPLAY DOC //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // DISPLAY DOC //------------------------------------ case "display_doc": HTMLWriter::charsetHeader(); echo HTMLWriter::getDocFile(AJXP_Utils::securePath(htmlentities($_GET["doc_file"]))); break; //------------------------------------ // GET BOOT GUI //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // GET BOOT GUI //------------------------------------ case "get_boot_gui": header("X-UA-Compatible: chrome=1"); HTMLWriter::charsetHeader(); if (!is_file(TESTS_RESULT_FILE)) { $outputArray = array(); $testedParams = array(); $passed = AJXP_Utils::runTests($outputArray, $testedParams); if (!$passed && !isset($_GET["ignore_tests"])) { die(AJXP_Utils::testResultsToTable($outputArray, $testedParams)); } else { AJXP_Utils::testResultsToFile($outputArray, $testedParams); } } $START_PARAMETERS = array("BOOTER_URL" => "index.php?get_action=get_boot_conf", "MAIN_ELEMENT" => "ajxp_desktop"); if (AuthService::usersEnabled()) { AuthService::preLogUser(isset($httpVars["remote_session"]) ? $httpVars["remote_session"] : ""); AuthService::bootSequence($START_PARAMETERS); if (AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null || AuthService::logUser(null, null) == 1) { if (AuthService::getDefaultRootId() == -1) { AuthService::disconnect(); } else { $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); if (!$loggedUser->canRead(ConfService::getCurrentRootDirIndex()) && AuthService::getDefaultRootId() != ConfService::getCurrentRootDirIndex()) { ConfService::switchRootDir(AuthService::getDefaultRootId()); } } } } AJXP_Utils::parseApplicationGetParameters($_GET, $START_PARAMETERS, $_SESSION); $confErrors = ConfService::getErrors(); if (count($confErrors)) { $START_PARAMETERS["ALERT"] = implode(", ", array_values($confErrors)); } $JSON_START_PARAMETERS = json_encode($START_PARAMETERS); $crtTheme = $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"]; if (ConfService::getConf("JS_DEBUG")) { if (!isset($mess)) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); } if (is_file(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/themes/{$crtTheme}/html/gui_debug.html")) { include AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/themes/{$crtTheme}/html/gui_debug.html"; } else { include AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/html/gui_debug.html"; } } else { if (is_file(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/themes/{$crtTheme}/html/gui.html")) { $content = file_get_contents(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/themes/{$crtTheme}/html/gui.html"); } else { $content = file_get_contents(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/html/gui.html"); } if (preg_match('/MSIE 7/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match('/MSIE 8/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $content = str_replace("ajaxplorer_boot.js", "ajaxplorer_boot_protolegacy.js", $content); } $content = AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($content, false); if ($JSON_START_PARAMETERS) { $content = str_replace("//AJXP_JSON_START_PARAMETERS", "startParameters = " . $JSON_START_PARAMETERS . ";", $content); } print $content; } break; //------------------------------------ // GET CONFIG FOR BOOT //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // GET CONFIG FOR BOOT //------------------------------------ case "get_boot_conf": if (isset($_GET["server_prefix_uri"])) { $_SESSION["AJXP_SERVER_PREFIX_URI"] = $_GET["server_prefix_uri"]; } $config = array(); $config["ajxpResourcesFolder"] = "plugins/gui.ajax/res"; $config["ajxpServerAccess"] = AJXP_SERVER_ACCESS; $config["zipEnabled"] = ConfService::zipEnabled(); $config["multipleFilesDownloadEnabled"] = ConfService::getCoreConf("ZIP_CREATION"); $config["customWording"] = array("welcomeMessage" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_WELCOME_MESSAGE"], "title" => ConfService::getCoreConf("APPLICATION_TITLE"), "icon" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_ICON"], "iconWidth" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_ICON_WIDTH"], "iconHeight" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_ICON_HEIGHT"], "iconOnly" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_ICON_ONLY"], "titleFontSize" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_FONT_SIZE"]); $config["usersEnabled"] = AuthService::usersEnabled(); $config["loggedUser"] = AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null; $config["currentLanguage"] = ConfService::getLanguage(); $config["session_timeout"] = intval(ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime")); if (!isset($this->pluginConf["CLIENT_TIMEOUT_TIME"]) || $this->pluginConf["CLIENT_TIMEOUT_TIME"] == "") { $to = $config["session_timeout"]; } else { $to = $this->pluginConf["CLIENT_TIMEOUT_TIME"]; } $config["client_timeout"] = $to; $config["client_timeout_warning"] = $this->pluginConf["CLIENT_TIMEOUT_WARN"]; $config["availableLanguages"] = ConfService::getConf("AVAILABLE_LANG"); $config["usersEditable"] = ConfService::getAuthDriverImpl()->usersEditable(); $config["ajxpVersion"] = AJXP_VERSION; $config["ajxpVersionDate"] = AJXP_VERSION_DATE; if (stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "msie 6")) { $config["cssResources"] = array("css/pngHack/pngHack.css"); } if (!empty($this->pluginConf['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID'])) { $config["googleAnalyticsData"] = array("id" => $this->pluginConf['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID'], "domain" => $this->pluginConf['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_DOMAIN'], "event" => $this->pluginConf['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_EVENT']); } $config["i18nMessages"] = ConfService::getMessages(); $config["password_min_length"] = ConfService::getCoreConf("PASSWORD_MINLENGTH", "auth"); $config["SECURE_TOKEN"] = AuthService::generateSecureToken(); $config["streaming_supported"] = "true"; $config["theme"] = $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"]; header("Content-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8"); print json_encode($config); break; default: break; } return false; }
function roundSize($filesize) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $size_unit = $mess["byte_unit_symbol"]; if ($filesize < 0) { $filesize = sprintf("%u", $filesize); } if ($filesize >= 1073741824) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " G" . $size_unit; } elseif ($filesize >= 1048576) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " M" . $size_unit; } elseif ($filesize >= 1024) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " K" . $size_unit; } else { $filesize = $filesize . " " . $size_unit; } if ($filesize == 0) { $filesize = "-"; } return $filesize; }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $fileVars) { if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) { return; } $xmlBuffer = ""; foreach ($httpVars as $getName => $getValue) { ${$getName} = AJXP_Utils::securePath($getValue); } if (isset($dir) && $action != "upload") { $dir = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($dir); } $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); switch ($action) { //------------------------------------ // SWITCH THE ROOT REPOSITORY //------------------------------------ case "switch_repository": if (!isset($repository_id)) { break; } $dirList = ConfService::getRepositoriesList(); /** @var $repository_id string */ if (!isset($dirList[$repository_id])) { $errorMessage = "Trying to switch to an unkown repository!"; break; } ConfService::switchRootDir($repository_id); // Load try to init the driver now, to trigger an exception // if it's not loading right. ConfService::loadRepositoryDriver(); if (AuthService::usersEnabled() && AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null) { $user = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $activeRepId = ConfService::getCurrentRepositoryId(); $user->setArrayPref("history", "last_repository", $activeRepId); $user->save("user"); } //$logMessage = "Successfully Switched!"; $this->logInfo("Switch Repository", array("rep. id" => $repository_id)); break; //------------------------------------ // SEND XML REGISTRY //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // SEND XML REGISTRY //------------------------------------ case "get_xml_registry": case "state": $regDoc = AJXP_PluginsService::getXmlRegistry(); $changes = AJXP_Controller::filterRegistryFromRole($regDoc); if ($changes) { AJXP_PluginsService::updateXmlRegistry($regDoc); } $clone = $regDoc->cloneNode(true); $clonePath = new DOMXPath($clone); $serverCallbacks = $clonePath->query("//serverCallback|hooks"); foreach ($serverCallbacks as $callback) { $callback->parentNode->removeChild($callback); } $xPath = ''; if (isset($httpVars["xPath"])) { $xPath = ltrim(AJXP_Utils::securePath($httpVars["xPath"]), "/"); } if (!empty($xPath)) { $nodes = $clonePath->query($xPath); if ($httpVars["format"] == "json") { $data = AJXP_XMLWriter::xmlToArray($nodes->item(0)); HTMLWriter::charsetHeader("application/json"); echo json_encode($data); } else { AJXP_XMLWriter::header("ajxp_registry_part", array("xPath" => $xPath)); if ($nodes->length) { print AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($clone->saveXML($nodes->item(0))); } AJXP_XMLWriter::close("ajxp_registry_part"); } } else { AJXP_Utils::safeIniSet("zlib.output_compression", "4096"); if ($httpVars["format"] == "json") { $data = AJXP_XMLWriter::xmlToArray($clone); HTMLWriter::charsetHeader("application/json"); echo json_encode($data); } else { header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8'); print AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($clone->saveXML()); } } break; //------------------------------------ // BOOKMARK BAR //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // BOOKMARK BAR //------------------------------------ case "get_bookmarks": $bmUser = null; if (AuthService::usersEnabled() && AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null) { $bmUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); } else { if (!AuthService::usersEnabled()) { $confStorage = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl(); $bmUser = $confStorage->createUserObject("shared"); } } if ($bmUser == null) { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); } $driver = ConfService::loadRepositoryDriver(); if (!is_a($driver, "AjxpWrapperProvider")) { $driver = false; } if (isset($httpVars["bm_action"]) && isset($httpVars["bm_path"])) { $bmPath = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["bm_path"]); if ($httpVars["bm_action"] == "add_bookmark") { $title = ""; if (isset($httpVars["bm_title"])) { $title = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["bm_title"]); } if ($title == "" && $bmPath == "/") { $title = ConfService::getCurrentRootDirDisplay(); } $bmUser->addBookMark($bmPath, $title); if ($driver) { $node = new AJXP_Node($driver->getResourceUrl($bmPath)); $node->setMetadata("ajxp_bookmarked", array("ajxp_bookmarked" => "true"), true, AJXP_METADATA_SCOPE_REPOSITORY, true); } } else { if ($httpVars["bm_action"] == "delete_bookmark") { $bmUser->removeBookmark($bmPath); if ($driver) { $node = new AJXP_Node($driver->getResourceUrl($bmPath)); $node->removeMetadata("ajxp_bookmarked", true, AJXP_METADATA_SCOPE_REPOSITORY, true); } } else { if ($httpVars["bm_action"] == "rename_bookmark" && isset($httpVars["bm_title"])) { $title = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["bm_title"]); $bmUser->renameBookmark($bmPath, $title); } } } AJXP_Controller::applyHook("msg.instant", array("<reload_bookmarks/>", ConfService::getRepository()->getId())); if (AuthService::usersEnabled() && AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null) { $bmUser->save("user"); AuthService::updateUser($bmUser); } else { if (!AuthService::usersEnabled()) { $bmUser->save("user"); } } } AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::writeBookmarks($bmUser->getBookmarks(), true, isset($httpVars["format"]) ? $httpVars["format"] : "legacy"); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); break; //------------------------------------ // SAVE USER PREFERENCE //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // SAVE USER PREFERENCE //------------------------------------ case "save_user_pref": $userObject = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $i = 0; while (isset($httpVars["pref_name_" . $i]) && isset($httpVars["pref_value_" . $i])) { $prefName = AJXP_Utils::sanitize($httpVars["pref_name_" . $i], AJXP_SANITIZE_ALPHANUM); $prefValue = AJXP_Utils::sanitize(SystemTextEncoding::magicDequote($httpVars["pref_value_" . $i])); if ($prefName == "password") { continue; } if ($prefName != "pending_folder" && $userObject == null) { $i++; continue; } $userObject->setPref($prefName, $prefValue); $userObject->save("user"); AuthService::updateUser($userObject); //setcookie("AJXP_$prefName", $prefValue); $i++; } header("Content-Type:text/plain"); print "SUCCESS"; break; //------------------------------------ // SAVE USER PREFERENCE //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // SAVE USER PREFERENCE //------------------------------------ case "custom_data_edit": case "user_create_user": $data = array(); if ($action == "user_create_user" && isset($httpVars["NEW_new_user_id"])) { $updating = false; AJXP_Utils::parseStandardFormParameters($httpVars, $data, null, "NEW_"); $original_id = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($data["new_user_id"]); $data["new_user_id"] = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($data["new_user_id"], AJXP_SANITIZE_EMAILCHARS); if ($original_id != $data["new_user_id"]) { throw new Exception(str_replace("%s", $data["new_user_id"], $mess["ajxp_conf.127"])); } if (AuthService::userExists($data["new_user_id"], "w")) { throw new Exception($mess["ajxp_conf.43"]); } $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $limit = $loggedUser->personalRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", "USER_SHARED_USERS_LIMIT", AJXP_REPO_SCOPE_ALL, ""); if (!empty($limit) && intval($limit) > 0) { $count = count($this->getUserChildren($loggedUser->getId())); if ($count >= $limit) { throw new Exception($mess['483']); } } AuthService::createUser($data["new_user_id"], $data["new_password"]); $userObject = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->createUserObject($data["new_user_id"]); $userObject->setParent($loggedUser->getId()); $userObject->save('superuser'); $userObject->personalRole->clearAcls(); $userObject->setGroupPath($loggedUser->getGroupPath()); $userObject->setProfile("shared"); } else { if ($action == "user_create_user" && isset($httpVars["NEW_existing_user_id"])) { $updating = true; AJXP_Utils::parseStandardFormParameters($httpVars, $data, null, "NEW_"); $userId = $data["existing_user_id"]; if (!AuthService::userExists($userId)) { throw new Exception("Cannot find user"); } $userObject = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->createUserObject($userId); if ($userObject->getParent() != AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId()) { throw new Exception("Cannot find user"); } if (!empty($data["new_password"])) { AuthService::updatePassword($userId, $data["new_password"]); } } else { $updating = false; $userObject = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); AJXP_Utils::parseStandardFormParameters($httpVars, $data, null, "PREFERENCES_"); } } $paramNodes = AJXP_PluginsService::searchAllManifests("//server_settings/param[contains(@scope,'user') and @expose='true']", "node", false, false, true); $rChanges = false; if (is_array($paramNodes) && count($paramNodes)) { foreach ($paramNodes as $xmlNode) { if ($xmlNode->getAttribute("expose") == "true") { $parentNode = $xmlNode->parentNode->parentNode; $pluginId = $parentNode->getAttribute("id"); if (empty($pluginId)) { $pluginId = $parentNode->nodeName . "." . $parentNode->getAttribute("name"); } $name = $xmlNode->getAttribute("name"); if (isset($data[$name]) || $data[$name] === "") { if ($data[$name] == "__AJXP_VALUE_SET__") { continue; } if ($data[$name] === "" || $userObject->parentRole == null || $userObject->parentRole->filterParameterValue($pluginId, $name, AJXP_REPO_SCOPE_ALL, "") != $data[$name] || $userObject->personalRole->filterParameterValue($pluginId, $name, AJXP_REPO_SCOPE_ALL, "") != $data[$name]) { $userObject->personalRole->setParameterValue($pluginId, $name, $data[$name]); $rChanges = true; } } } } } if ($rChanges) { AuthService::updateRole($userObject->personalRole, $userObject); $userObject->recomputeMergedRole(); if ($action == "custom_data_edit") { AuthService::updateUser($userObject); } } if ($action == "user_create_user") { AJXP_Controller::applyHook($updating ? "user.after_update" : "user.after_create", array($userObject)); if (isset($data["send_email"]) && $data["send_email"] == true && !empty($data["email"])) { $mailer = AJXP_PluginsService::getInstance()->getUniqueActivePluginForType("mailer"); if ($mailer !== false) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $link = AJXP_Utils::detectServerURL(); $apptitle = ConfService::getCoreConf("APPLICATION_TITLE"); $subject = str_replace("%s", $apptitle, $mess["507"]); $body = str_replace(array("%s", "%link", "%user", "%pass"), array($apptitle, $link, $data["new_user_id"], $data["new_password"]), $mess["508"]); $mailer->sendMail(array($data["email"]), $subject, $body); } } echo "SUCCESS"; } else { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage($mess["241"], null); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); } break; case "user_update_user": if (!isset($httpVars["user_id"])) { throw new Exception("invalid arguments"); } $userId = $httpVars["user_id"]; if (!AuthService::userExists($userId)) { throw new Exception("Cannot find user"); } $userObject = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->createUserObject($userId); if ($userObject->getParent() != AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId()) { throw new Exception("Cannot find user"); } $paramsString = ConfService::getCoreConf("NEWUSERS_EDIT_PARAMETERS", "conf"); $result = array(); $params = explode(",", $paramsString); foreach ($params as $p) { $result[$p] = $userObject->personalRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", $p, AJXP_REPO_SCOPE_ALL, ""); } HTMLWriter::charsetHeader("application/json"); echo json_encode($result); break; //------------------------------------ // WEBDAV PREFERENCES //------------------------------------ //------------------------------------ // WEBDAV PREFERENCES //------------------------------------ case "webdav_preferences": $userObject = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $webdavActive = false; $passSet = false; $digestSet = false; // Detect http/https and host if (ConfService::getCoreConf("WEBDAV_BASEHOST") != "") { $baseURL = ConfService::getCoreConf("WEBDAV_BASEHOST"); } else { $baseURL = AJXP_Utils::detectServerURL(); } $webdavBaseUrl = $baseURL . ConfService::getCoreConf("WEBDAV_BASEURI") . "/"; $davData = $userObject->getPref("AJXP_WEBDAV_DATA"); $digestSet = isset($davData["HA1"]); if (isset($httpVars["activate"]) || isset($httpVars["webdav_pass"])) { if (!empty($httpVars["activate"])) { $activate = $httpVars["activate"] == "true" ? true : false; if (empty($davData)) { $davData = array(); } $davData["ACTIVE"] = $activate; } if (!empty($httpVars["webdav_pass"])) { $password = $httpVars["webdav_pass"]; if (function_exists('mcrypt_encrypt')) { $user = $userObject->getId(); $secret = defined("AJXP_SAFE_SECRET_KEY") ? AJXP_SAFE_SECRET_KEY : "CDAFx¨op#"; $password = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($user . $secret), $password, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB)); } $davData["PASS"] = $password; } $userObject->setPref("AJXP_WEBDAV_DATA", $davData); $userObject->save("user"); } if (!empty($davData)) { $webdavActive = isset($davData["ACTIVE"]) && $davData["ACTIVE"] === true; $passSet = isset($davData["PASS"]); } $repoList = ConfService::getRepositoriesList(); $davRepos = array(); $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); foreach ($repoList as $repoIndex => $repoObject) { $accessType = $repoObject->getAccessType(); $driver = AJXP_PluginsService::getInstance()->getPluginByTypeName("access", $accessType); if (is_a($driver, "AjxpWrapperProvider") && !$repoObject->getOption("AJXP_WEBDAV_DISABLED") && ($loggedUser->canRead($repoIndex) || $loggedUser->canWrite($repoIndex))) { $davRepos[$repoIndex] = $webdavBaseUrl . "" . ($repoObject->getSlug() == null ? $repoObject->getId() : $repoObject->getSlug()); } } $prefs = array("webdav_active" => $webdavActive, "password_set" => $passSet, "digest_set" => $digestSet, "webdav_force_basic" => ConfService::getCoreConf("WEBDAV_FORCE_BASIC") === true, "webdav_base_url" => $webdavBaseUrl, "webdav_repositories" => $davRepos); HTMLWriter::charsetHeader("application/json"); print json_encode($prefs); break; case "get_user_template_logo": $tplId = $httpVars["template_id"]; $iconFormat = $httpVars["icon_format"]; $repo = ConfService::getRepositoryById($tplId); $logo = $repo->getOption("TPL_ICON_" . strtoupper($iconFormat)); if (isset($logo) && is_file(AJXP_DATA_PATH . "/plugins/core.conf/tpl_logos/" . $logo)) { header("Content-Type: " . AJXP_Utils::getImageMimeType($logo) . "; name=\"" . $logo . "\""); header("Content-Length: " . filesize(AJXP_DATA_PATH . "/plugins/core.conf/tpl_logos/" . $logo)); header('Pragma:'); header('Cache-Control: public'); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() - 10000) . " GMT"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 5 * 24 * 3600) . " GMT"); readfile(AJXP_DATA_PATH . "/plugins/core.conf/tpl_logos/" . $logo); } else { $logo = "default_template_logo-" . ($iconFormat == "small" ? 16 : 22) . ".png"; header("Content-Type: " . AJXP_Utils::getImageMimeType($logo) . "; name=\"" . $logo . "\""); header("Content-Length: " . filesize(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/core.conf/" . $logo)); header('Pragma:'); header('Cache-Control: public'); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() - 10000) . " GMT"); header("Expires: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", time() + 5 * 24 * 3600) . " GMT"); readfile(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/core.conf/" . $logo); } break; case "get_user_templates_definition": AJXP_XMLWriter::header("repository_templates"); $count = 0; $repositories = ConfService::listRepositoriesWithCriteria(array("isTemplate" => 1), $count); $pServ = AJXP_PluginsService::getInstance(); foreach ($repositories as $repo) { if (!$repo->isTemplate) { continue; } if (!$repo->getOption("TPL_USER_CAN_CREATE")) { continue; } $repoId = $repo->getId(); $repoLabel = $repo->getDisplay(); $repoType = $repo->getAccessType(); print "<template repository_id=\"{$repoId}\" repository_label=\"{$repoLabel}\" repository_type=\"{$repoType}\">"; $driverPlug = $pServ->getPluginByTypeName("access", $repoType); $params = $driverPlug->getManifestRawContent("//param", "node"); $tplDefined = $repo->getOptionsDefined(); $defaultLabel = ''; foreach ($params as $paramNode) { $name = $paramNode->getAttribute("name"); if (strpos($name, "TPL_") === 0) { if ($name == "TPL_DEFAULT_LABEL") { $defaultLabel = str_replace("AJXP_USER", AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId(), $repo->getOption($name)); } continue; } if (in_array($paramNode->getAttribute("name"), $tplDefined)) { continue; } if ($paramNode->getAttribute('no_templates') == 'true') { continue; } print AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($paramNode->ownerDocument->saveXML($paramNode)); } // ADD LABEL echo '<param name="DISPLAY" type="string" label="' . $mess[359] . '" description="' . $mess[429] . '" mandatory="true" default="' . $defaultLabel . '"/>'; print "</template>"; } AJXP_XMLWriter::close("repository_templates"); break; case "user_create_repository": $tplId = $httpVars["template_id"]; $tplRepo = ConfService::getRepositoryById($tplId); $options = array(); AJXP_Utils::parseStandardFormParameters($httpVars, $options); $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $newRep = $tplRepo->createTemplateChild(AJXP_Utils::sanitize($httpVars["DISPLAY"]), $options, null, $loggedUser->getId()); $gPath = $loggedUser->getGroupPath(); if (!empty($gPath)) { $newRep->setGroupPath($gPath); } $res = ConfService::addRepository($newRep); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); if ($res == -1) { AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, $mess[426]); } else { // Make sure we do not overwrite otherwise loaded rights. $loggedUser->load(); $loggedUser->personalRole->setAcl($newRep->getUniqueId(), "rw"); $loggedUser->save("superuser"); $loggedUser->recomputeMergedRole(); AuthService::updateUser($loggedUser); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage($mess[425], null); AJXP_XMLWriter::reloadDataNode("", $newRep->getUniqueId()); AJXP_XMLWriter::reloadRepositoryList(); } AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); break; case "user_delete_repository": $repoId = $httpVars["repository_id"]; $repository = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repoId); if (!$repository->getUniqueUser() || $repository->getUniqueUser() != AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId()) { throw new Exception("You are not allowed to perform this operation!"); } $res = ConfService::deleteRepository($repoId); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); if ($res == -1) { AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, $mess[427]); } else { $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); // Make sure we do not override remotely set rights $loggedUser->load(); $loggedUser->personalRole->setAcl($repoId, ""); $loggedUser->save("superuser"); AuthService::updateUser($loggedUser); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage($mess[428], null); AJXP_XMLWriter::reloadRepositoryList(); } AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); break; case "user_delete_user": $userId = $httpVars["user_id"]; $userObject = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->createUserObject($userId); if ($userObject == null || !$userObject->hasParent() || $userObject->getParent() != AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId()) { throw new Exception("You are not allowed to edit this user"); } AuthService::deleteUser($userId); echo "SUCCESS"; break; case "user_list_authorized_users": $defaultFormat = "html"; HTMLWriter::charsetHeader(); if (!ConfService::getAuthDriverImpl()->usersEditable()) { break; } $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $crtValue = $httpVars["value"]; $usersOnly = isset($httpVars["users_only"]) && $httpVars["users_only"] == "true"; $existingOnly = isset($httpVars["existing_only"]) && $httpVars["existing_only"] == "true"; if (!empty($crtValue)) { $regexp = '^' . $crtValue; } else { $regexp = null; } $skipDisplayWithoutRegexp = ConfService::getCoreConf("USERS_LIST_REGEXP_MANDATORY", "conf"); if ($skipDisplayWithoutRegexp && $regexp == null) { print "<ul></ul>"; break; } $limit = intval(ConfService::getCoreConf("USERS_LIST_COMPLETE_LIMIT", "conf")); $searchAll = ConfService::getCoreConf("CROSSUSERS_ALLGROUPS", "conf"); $displayAll = ConfService::getCoreConf("CROSSUSERS_ALLGROUPS_DISPLAY", "conf"); $baseGroup = "/"; if ($regexp == null && !$displayAll || $regexp != null && !$searchAll) { $baseGroup = AuthService::filterBaseGroup("/"); } AuthService::setGroupFiltering(false); $allUsers = AuthService::listUsers($baseGroup, $regexp, 0, $limit, false); if (!$usersOnly) { $allGroups = array(); $roleOrGroup = ConfService::getCoreConf("GROUP_OR_ROLE", "conf"); $rolePrefix = $excludeString = $includeString = null; if (!is_array($roleOrGroup)) { $roleOrGroup = array("group_switch_value" => $roleOrGroup); } $listRoleType = false; if (isset($roleOrGroup["PREFIX"])) { $rolePrefix = $loggedUser->mergedRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", "PREFIX", null, $roleOrGroup["PREFIX"]); $excludeString = $loggedUser->mergedRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", "EXCLUDED", null, $roleOrGroup["EXCLUDED"]); $includeString = $loggedUser->mergedRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", "INCLUDED", null, $roleOrGroup["INCLUDED"]); $listUserRolesOnly = $loggedUser->mergedRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", "LIST_ROLE_BY", null, $roleOrGroup["LIST_ROLE_BY"]); if (is_array($listUserRolesOnly) && isset($listUserRolesOnly["group_switch_value"])) { switch ($listUserRolesOnly["group_switch_value"]) { case "userroles": $listRoleType = true; break; case "allroles": $listRoleType = false; break; default: break; } } } switch (strtolower($roleOrGroup["group_switch_value"])) { case 'user': // donothing break; case 'group': $authGroups = AuthService::listChildrenGroups($baseGroup); foreach ($authGroups as $gId => $gName) { $allGroups["AJXP_GRP_" . rtrim($baseGroup, "/") . "/" . ltrim($gId, "/")] = $gName; } break; case 'role': $allGroups = $this->getUserRoleList($loggedUser, $rolePrefix, $includeString, $excludeString, $listRoleType); break; case 'rolegroup': $groups = array(); $authGroups = AuthService::listChildrenGroups($baseGroup); foreach ($authGroups as $gId => $gName) { $groups["AJXP_GRP_" . rtrim($baseGroup, "/") . "/" . ltrim($gId, "/")] = $gName; } $roles = $this->getUserRoleList($loggedUser, $rolePrefix, $includeString, $excludeString, $listRoleType); empty($groups) ? $allGroups = $roles : (empty($roles) ? $allGroups = $groups : ($allGroups = array_merge($groups, $roles))); //$allGroups = array_merge($groups, $roles); break; default: break; } } $users = ""; $index = 0; if ($regexp != null && (!count($allUsers) || !empty($crtValue) && !array_key_exists(strtolower($crtValue), $allUsers)) && ConfService::getCoreConf("USER_CREATE_USERS", "conf") && !$existingOnly) { $users .= "<li class='complete_user_entry_temp' data-temporary='true' data-label='{$crtValue}'><span class='user_entry_label'>{$crtValue} (" . $mess["448"] . ")</span></li>"; } else { if ($existingOnly && !empty($crtValue)) { $users .= "<li class='complete_user_entry_temp' data-temporary='true' data-label='{$crtValue}' data-entry_id='{$crtValue}'><span class='user_entry_label'>{$crtValue}</span></li>"; } } $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); if ($regexp == null && !$usersOnly) { $users .= "<li class='complete_group_entry' data-group='AJXP_GRP_/' data-label='" . $mess["447"] . "'><span class='user_entry_label'>" . $mess["447"] . "</span></li>"; } $indexGroup = 0; if (!$usersOnly && is_array($allGroups)) { foreach ($allGroups as $groupId => $groupLabel) { if ($regexp == null || preg_match("/{$regexp}/i", $groupLabel)) { $users .= "<li class='complete_group_entry' data-group='{$groupId}' data-label='{$groupLabel}' data-entry_id='{$groupId}'><span class='user_entry_label'>" . $groupLabel . "</span></li>"; $indexGroup++; } if ($indexGroup == $limit) { break; } } } if ($regexp == null && method_exists($this, "listUserTeams")) { $teams = $this->listUserTeams(); foreach ($teams as $tId => $tData) { $users .= "<li class='complete_group_entry' data-group='/AJXP_TEAM/{$tId}' data-label='[team] " . $tData["LABEL"] . "'><span class='user_entry_label'>[team] " . $tData["LABEL"] . "</span></li>"; } } foreach ($allUsers as $userId => $userObject) { if ($userObject->getId() == $loggedUser->getId()) { continue; } if (!$userObject->hasParent() && ConfService::getCoreConf("ALLOW_CROSSUSERS_SHARING", "conf") || $userObject->getParent() == $loggedUser->getId()) { $userLabel = $userObject->personalRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", "USER_DISPLAY_NAME", AJXP_REPO_SCOPE_ALL, $userId); //if($regexp != null && ! (preg_match("/$regexp/i", $userId) || preg_match("/$regexp/i", $userLabel)) ) continue; if (empty($userLabel)) { $userLabel = $userId; } $userDisplay = $userLabel == $userId ? $userId : $userLabel . " ({$userId})"; if (ConfService::getCoreConf("USERS_LIST_HIDE_LOGIN", "conf") == true && $userLabel != $userId) { $userDisplay = $userLabel; } $users .= "<li class='complete_user_entry' data-label='{$userLabel}' data-entry_id='{$userId}'><span class='user_entry_label'>" . $userDisplay . "</span></li>"; $index++; } if ($index == $limit) { break; } } if (strlen($users)) { print "<ul>" . $users . "</ul>"; } AuthService::setGroupFiltering(true); break; case "load_repository_info": $data = array(); $repo = ConfService::getRepository(); if ($repo != null) { $users = AuthService::countUsersForRepository(ConfService::getRepository()->getId(), true); $data["core.users"] = $users; if (isset($httpVars["collect"]) && $httpVars["collect"] == "true") { AJXP_Controller::applyHook("repository.load_info", array(&$data)); } } HTMLWriter::charsetHeader("application/json"); echo json_encode($data); break; case "get_binary_param": if (isset($httpVars["tmp_file"])) { $file = AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . "/" . AJXP_Utils::securePath($httpVars["tmp_file"]); if (isset($file)) { header("Content-Type:image/png"); readfile($file); } } else { if (isset($httpVars["binary_id"])) { if (isset($httpVars["user_id"]) && AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null && AuthService::getLoggedUser()->isAdmin()) { $context = array("USER" => $httpVars["user_id"]); } else { $context = array("USER" => AuthService::getLoggedUser()->getId()); } $this->loadBinary($context, $httpVars["binary_id"]); } } break; case "get_global_binary_param": if (isset($httpVars["tmp_file"])) { $file = AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . "/" . AJXP_Utils::securePath($httpVars["tmp_file"]); if (isset($file)) { header("Content-Type:image/png"); readfile($file); } } else { if (isset($httpVars["binary_id"])) { $this->loadBinary(array(), $httpVars["binary_id"]); } } break; case "store_binary_temp": if (count($fileVars)) { $keys = array_keys($fileVars); $boxData = $fileVars[$keys[0]]; $err = AJXP_Utils::parseFileDataErrors($boxData); if ($err != null) { } else { $rand = substr(md5(time()), 0, 6); $tmp = $rand . "-" . $boxData["name"]; @move_uploaded_file($boxData["tmp_name"], AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . "/" . $tmp); } } if (isset($tmp) && file_exists(AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . "/" . $tmp)) { print '<script type="text/javascript">'; print 'parent.formManagerHiddenIFrameSubmission("' . $tmp . '");'; print '</script>'; } break; default: break; } if (isset($logMessage) || isset($errorMessage)) { $xmlBuffer .= AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(isset($logMessage) ? $logMessage : null, isset($errorMessage) ? $errorMessage : null, false); } if (isset($requireAuth)) { $xmlBuffer .= AJXP_XMLWriter::requireAuth(false); } return $xmlBuffer; }
/** * @return string */ public function getDescriptionLong($skipLink = false) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); if (count($this->relatedNotifications)) { $key = "notification.tpl.group." . ($this->getNode()->isLeaf() ? "file" : "folder") . "." . $this->action; $tpl = $this->replaceVars($mess[$key], $mess) . ": "; $tpl .= "<ul>"; foreach ($this->relatedNotifications as $relatedNotification) { $tpl .= "<li>" . $relatedNotification->getDescriptionLong(true) . "</li>"; } $tpl .= "</ul>"; } else { $tpl = $this->replaceVars($mess["notification.tpl.long." . ($this->getNode()->isLeaf() ? "file" : "folder") . "." . $this->action], $mess); } if (!$skipLink) { $tpl .= "<br><br>" . $this->replaceVars($mess["notification.tpl.long.ajxp_link"], $mess); } return $tpl; }
/** * @param ShareCenter $shareCenter * @param ShareStore $shareStore * @param ShareRightsManager $shareRightManager */ public static function migrateLegacyMeta($shareCenter, $shareStore, $shareRightManager, $dryRun = true) { $metaStoreDir = AJXP_DATA_PATH . "/plugins/metastore.serial"; $publicFolder = ConfService::getCoreConf("PUBLIC_DOWNLOAD_FOLDER"); $metastores = glob($metaStoreDir . "/ajxp_meta_0"); if ($dryRun) { print "RUNNING A DRY RUN FOR META MIGRATION"; } foreach ($metastores as $store) { if (strpos($store, ".bak") !== false) { continue; } // Backup store if (!$dryRun) { copy($store, $store . ".bak"); } $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($store)); foreach ($data as $filePath => &$metadata) { foreach ($metadata as $userName => &$meta) { if (!AuthService::userExists($userName)) { continue; } $userObject = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->createUserObject($userName); if (isset($meta["ajxp_shared"]) && isset($meta["ajxp_shared"]["element"])) { print "\n\nItem {$filePath} requires upgrade :"; $share = $meta["ajxp_shared"]; $element = $meta["ajxp_shared"]["element"]; if (is_array($element)) { $element = array_shift(array_keys($element)); } // Take the first one only $legacyLinkFile = $publicFolder . "/" . $element . ".php"; if (file_exists($legacyLinkFile)) { // Load file, move it to DB and move the meta $publiclet = $shareStore->loadShare($element); rename($legacyLinkFile, $legacyLinkFile . ".migrated"); if (isset($share["minisite"])) { print "\n--Migrate legacy minisite to new minisite?"; try { $sharedRepoId = $publiclet["REPOSITORY"]; $sharedRepo = ConfService::getRepositoryById($sharedRepoId); if ($sharedRepo == null) { print "\n--ERROR: Cannot find repository with id " . $sharedRepoId; continue; } $shareLink = new ShareLink($shareStore, $publiclet); $user = $shareLink->getUniqueUser(); if (AuthService::userExists($user)) { $userObject = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl()->createUserObject($user); $userObject->setHidden(true); print "\n--Should set existing user {$user} as hidden"; if (!$dryRun) { $userObject->save(); } } $shareLink->parseHttpVars(["custom_handle" => $element]); $shareLink->setParentRepositoryId($sharedRepo->getParentId()); print "\n--Creating the following share object"; print_r($shareLink->getJsonData($shareCenter->getPublicAccessManager(), ConfService::getMessages())); if (!$dryRun) { $shareLink->save(); } $meta["ajxp_shared"] = ["shares" => [$element => ["type" => "minisite"], $sharedRepoId => ["type" => "repository"]]]; } catch (Exception $e) { print "\n-- Error " . $e->getMessage(); } } else { print "\n--Should migrate legacy link to new minisite with ContentFilter"; try { $link = new ShareLink($shareStore); $link->setOwnerId($userName); $parameters = array("custom_handle" => $element, "simple_right_download" => true); if (isset($publiclet["EXPIRE_TIME"])) { $parameters["expiration"] = $publiclet["EXPIRE_TIME"]; } if (isset($publiclet["DOWNLOAD_LIMIT"])) { $parameters["downloadlimit"] = $publiclet["DOWNLOAD_LIMIT"]; } $link->parseHttpVars($parameters); $parentRepositoryObject = $publiclet["REPOSITORY"]; $driverInstance = AJXP_PluginsService::findPlugin("access", $parentRepositoryObject->getAccessType()); if (empty($driverInstance)) { print "\n-- ERROR: Cannot find driver instance!"; continue; } $options = $driverInstance->makeSharedRepositoryOptions(["file" => "/"], $parentRepositoryObject); $options["SHARE_ACCESS"] = "private"; $newRepo = $parentRepositoryObject->createSharedChild(basename($filePath), $options, $parentRepositoryObject->getId(), $userObject->getId(), null); $gPath = $userObject->getGroupPath(); if (!empty($gPath) && !ConfService::getCoreConf("CROSSUSERS_ALLGROUPS", "conf")) { $newRepo->setGroupPath($gPath); } $newRepo->setDescription(""); // Smells like dirty hack! $newRepo->options["PATH"] = SystemTextEncoding::fromStorageEncoding($newRepo->options["PATH"]); $newRepo->setContentFilter(new ContentFilter([new AJXP_Node("pydio://" . $parentRepositoryObject->getId() . $filePath)])); if (!$dryRun) { ConfService::addRepository($newRepo); } $hiddenUserEntry = $shareRightManager->prepareSharedUserEntry(["simple_right_read" => true, "simple_right_download" => true], $link, false, null); $selection = new UserSelection($parentRepositoryObject, []); $selection->addFile($filePath); if (!$dryRun) { $shareRightManager->assignSharedRepositoryPermissions($parentRepositoryObject, $newRepo, false, [$hiddenUserEntry["ID"] => $hiddenUserEntry], [], $selection); } $link->setParentRepositoryId($parentRepositoryObject->getId()); $link->attachToRepository($newRepo->getId()); print "\n-- Should save following LINK: "; print_r($link->getJsonData($shareCenter->getPublicAccessManager(), ConfService::getMessages())); if (!$dryRun) { $hash = $link->save(); } // UPDATE METADATA $meta["ajxp_shared"] = ["shares" => [$element => array("type" => "minisite")]]; } catch (Exception $e) { print "\n-- ERROR: " . $e->getMessage(); } } if ($dryRun) { rename($legacyLinkFile . ".migrated", $legacyLinkFile); } continue; } else { // // File does not exists, remove meta // unset($meta["ajxp_shared"]); } $repo = ConfService::getRepositoryById($element); if ($repo !== null) { print "\n--Shared repository: just metadata"; // Shared repo, migrating the meta should be enough $meta["ajxp_shared"] = array("shares" => [$element => array("type" => "repository")]); } } } } print "\n\n SHOULD NOW UPDATE METADATA WITH FOLLOWING :"; print_r($data); if (!$dryRun) { file_put_contents($store, serialize($data)); } } }
/** * Display a human readable string for a bytesize (1MB, 2,3Go, etc) * @static * @param $filesize * @param bool $phpConfig * @return string */ public static function roundSize($filesize, $phpConfig = false) { if (self::$sizeUnit == null) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); self::$sizeUnit = $mess["byte_unit_symbol"]; } if ($filesize < 0) { $filesize = sprintf("%u", $filesize); } if ($filesize >= 1073741824) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . ($phpConfig ? "G" : " G" . self::$sizeUnit); } elseif ($filesize >= 1048576) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . ($phpConfig ? "M" : " M" . self::$sizeUnit); } elseif ($filesize >= 1024) { $filesize = round($filesize / 1024 * 100) / 100 . ($phpConfig ? "K" : " K" . self::$sizeUnit); } else { $filesize = $filesize . " " . self::$sizeUnit; } if ($filesize == 0) { $filesize = "-"; } return $filesize; }
function listUsers() { AJXP_XMLWriter::sendFilesListComponentConfig('<columns switchGridMode="filelist"><column messageId="ajxp_conf.6" attributeName="ajxp_label" sortType="String"/><column messageId="ajxp_shared.10" attributeName="repo_accesses" sortType="String"/></columns>'); if (!ENABLE_USERS) { return; } $users = AuthService::listUsers(); $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $repoList = ConfService::getRepositoriesList(); $userArray = array(); foreach ($users as $userIndex => $userObject) { $label = $userObject->getId(); if (!$userObject->hasParent() || $userObject->getParent() != $loggedUser->getId()) { continue; } if ($userObject->hasParent()) { $label = $userObject->getParent() . "000" . $label; } $userArray[$label] = $userObject; } ksort($userArray); foreach ($userArray as $userObject) { $isAdmin = $userObject->isAdmin(); $userId = AJXP_Utils::xmlEntities($userObject->getId()); $repoAccesses = array(); foreach ($repoList as $repoObject) { if ($repoObject->hasOwner() && $repoObject->getOwner() == $loggedUser->getId()) { if ($userObject->canWrite($repoObject->getId())) { $repoAccesses[] = $repoObject->getDisplay() . " (rw)"; } else { if ($userObject->canRead($repoObject->getId())) { $repoAccesses[] = $repoObject->getDisplay() . " (r)"; } } } } print '<tree text="' . $userId . '" isAdmin="' . $mess[$isAdmin ? "ajxp_conf.14" : "ajxp_conf.15"] . '" icon="user_shared.png" openicon="user_shared.png" filename="/users/' . $userId . '" repo_accesses="' . implode(", ", $repoAccesses) . '" parentname="/users" is_file="1" ajxp_mime="shared_user" />'; } }
function replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($xml) { $messages = ConfService::getMessages(); $matches = array(); $xml = str_replace("AJXP_CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER", CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER, $xml); $xml = str_replace("AJXP_SERVER_ACCESS", SERVER_ACCESS, $xml); $xml = str_replace("AJXP_MIMES_EDITABLE", Utils::getAjxpMimes("editable"), $xml); $xml = str_replace("AJXP_MIMES_IMAGE", Utils::getAjxpMimes("image"), $xml); $xml = str_replace("AJXP_MIMES_AUDIO", Utils::getAjxpMimes("audio"), $xml); $xml = str_replace("AJXP_MIMES_ZIP", Utils::getAjxpMimes("zip"), $xml); if (preg_match_all("/AJXP_MESSAGE(\\[.*?\\])/", $xml, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { $messId = str_replace("]", "", str_replace("[", "", $match[1])); $xml = str_replace("AJXP_MESSAGE[{$messId}]", $messages[$messId], $xml); } } return $xml; }
function copyOrMoveFile($destDir, $srcFile, &$error, &$success, $move = false) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $destFile = $this->repository->getOption("PATH") . $destDir . "/" . basename($srcFile); $realSrcFile = $this->repository->getOption("PATH") . "{$srcFile}"; $recycle = $this->repository->getOption("RECYCLE_BIN"); if (!file_exists($realSrcFile)) { $error[] = $mess[100] . $srcFile; return; } if (dirname($realSrcFile) == dirname($destFile)) { if ($move) { $error[] = $mess[101]; return; } else { $base = basename($srcFile); $i = 1; if (is_file($realSrcFile)) { $dotPos = strrpos($base, "."); if ($dotPos > -1) { $radic = substr($base, 0, $dotPos); $ext = substr($base, $dotPos); } } // auto rename file $i = 1; $newName = $base; while (file_exists($this->repository->getOption("PATH") . $destDir . "/" . $newName)) { $suffix = "-{$i}"; if (isset($radic)) { $newName = $radic . $suffix . $ext; } else { $newName = $base . $suffix; } $i++; } $destFile = $this->repository->getOption("PATH") . $destDir . "/" . $newName; } } if (is_dir($realSrcFile)) { $errors = array(); $succFiles = array(); if ($move) { if (is_file($destFile)) { unlink($destFile); } $res = rename($realSrcFile, $destFile); } else { $dirRes = $this->dircopy($realSrcFile, $destFile, $errors, $succFiles); } if (count($errors) || isset($res) && $res !== true) { $error[] = $mess[114]; return; } } else { if ($move) { if (is_file($destFile)) { unlink($destFile); } $res = rename($realSrcFile, $destFile); } else { $res = copy($realSrcFile, $destFile); } if ($res != 1) { $error[] = $mess[114]; return; } } if ($move) { // Now delete original // $this->deldir($realSrcFile); // both file and dir $messagePart = $mess[74] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($destDir); if (RecycleBinManager::recycleEnabled() && $destDir == "/" . $recycle) { RecycleBinManager::fileToRecycle($srcFile); $messagePart = $mess[123] . " " . $mess[122]; } if (isset($dirRes)) { $success[] = $mess[117] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(basename($srcFile)) . " " . $messagePart . " (" . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($dirRes) . " " . $mess[116] . ") "; } else { $success[] = $mess[34] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(basename($srcFile)) . " " . $messagePart; } } else { if (RecycleBinManager::recycleEnabled() && $destDir == "/" . $this->repository->getOption("RECYCLE_BIN")) { RecycleBinManager::fileToRecycle($srcFile); } if (isset($dirRes)) { $success[] = $mess[117] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(basename($srcFile)) . " " . $mess[73] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($destDir) . " (" . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($dirRes) . " " . $mess[116] . ")"; } else { $success[] = $mess[34] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(basename($srcFile)) . " " . $mess[73] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($destDir); } } }
/** * @param String $type * @param String $element * @throws Exception * @return bool */ public function deleteShare($type, $element) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); AJXP_Logger::debug(__CLASS__, __FILE__, "Deleting shared element " . $type . "-" . $element); if ($type == "repository") { if (strpos($element, "repo-") === 0) { $element = str_replace("repo-", "", $element); } $repo = ConfService::getRepositoryById($element); if ($repo == null) { // Maybe a share has $share = $this->loadShare($element); if (is_array($share) && isset($share["REPOSITORY"])) { $repo = ConfService::getRepositoryById($share["REPOSITORY"]); } if ($repo == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot find associated share"); } $element = $share["REPOSITORY"]; } $this->testUserCanEditShare($repo->getOwner()); $res = ConfService::deleteRepository($element); if ($res == -1) { throw new Exception($mess[427]); } if ($this->sqlSupported) { if (isset($share)) { $this->confStorage->simpleStoreClear("share", $element); } else { $shares = self::findSharesForRepo($element); if (count($shares)) { $keys = array_keys($shares); $this->confStorage->simpleStoreClear("share", $keys[0]); } } } } else { if ($type == "minisite") { $minisiteData = $this->loadShare($element); $repoId = $minisiteData["REPOSITORY"]; $repo = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repoId); if ($repo == null) { return false; } $this->testUserCanEditShare($repo->getOwner()); $res = ConfService::deleteRepository($repoId); if ($res == -1) { throw new Exception($mess[427]); } // Silently delete corresponding role if it exists AuthService::deleteRole("AJXP_SHARED-" . $repoId); // If guest user created, remove it now. if (isset($minisiteData["PRELOG_USER"]) && AuthService::userExists($minisiteData["PRELOG_USER"])) { AuthService::deleteUser($minisiteData["PRELOG_USER"]); } // If guest user created, remove it now. if (isset($minisiteData["PRESET_LOGIN"]) && AuthService::userExists($minisiteData["PRESET_LOGIN"])) { AuthService::deleteUser($minisiteData["PRESET_LOGIN"]); } if (isset($minisiteData["PUBLICLET_PATH"]) && is_file($minisiteData["PUBLICLET_PATH"])) { unlink($minisiteData["PUBLICLET_PATH"]); } else { if ($this->sqlSupported) { $this->confStorage->simpleStoreClear("share", $element); } } } else { if ($type == "user") { $this->testUserCanEditShare($element); AuthService::deleteUser($element); } else { if ($type == "file") { $publicletData = $this->loadShare($element); if (isset($publicletData["OWNER_ID"]) && $this->testUserCanEditShare($publicletData["OWNER_ID"])) { PublicletCounter::delete($element); if (isset($publicletData["PUBLICLET_PATH"]) && is_file($publicletData["PUBLICLET_PATH"])) { unlink($publicletData["PUBLICLET_PATH"]); } else { if ($this->sqlSupported) { $this->confStorage->simpleStoreClear("share", $element); } } } else { throw new Exception($mess["share_center.160"]); } } } } } }
/** * @param AJXP_Node $node * @param int $newSize * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ public function precheckQuotaUsage($node, $newSize = 0) { // POSITIVE DELTA ? if ($newSize == 0) { return null; } $delta = $newSize; $quota = $this->getAuthorized(); $soft = $this->getSoftLimit(); $q = $this->getUsage(); $this->logDebug("QUOTA : Previous usage was {$q}"); if ($q + $delta >= $quota) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); throw new Exception($mess["meta.quota.3"] . " (" . AJXP_Utils::roundSize($quota) . ")!"); } else { if ($soft !== false && $q + $delta >= $soft && $q <= $soft) { $this->sendSoftLimitAlert(); } } }
AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); if (isset($loggingResult)) { AJXP_XMLWriter::loggingResult($loggingResult, $rememberLogin, $rememberPass); } AJXP_XMLWriter::sendUserData(); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); exit(1); } } $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); if ($loggedUser != null) { if ($loggedUser->getPref("lang") != "") { ConfService::setLanguage($loggedUser->getPref("lang")); } } $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); foreach ($_GET as $getName => $getValue) { ${$getName} = Utils::securePath($getValue); } foreach ($_POST as $getName => $getValue) { ${$getName} = Utils::securePath($getValue); } $selection = new UserSelection(); $selection->initFromHttpVars(); if (isset($action) || isset($get_action)) { $action = isset($get_action) ? $get_action : $action; } else { $action = ""; } if (isset($dir) && $action != "upload") { $dir = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($dir);
public function uploadActions($action, $httpVars, $filesVars) { switch ($action) { case "trigger_remote_copy": if (!$this->hasFilesToCopy()) { break; } $toCopy = $this->getFileNameToCopy(); $this->logDebug("trigger_remote", $toCopy); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("next_to_remote", array(), "Copying file " . $toCopy . " to remote server"); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); exit(1); break; case "next_to_remote": if (!$this->hasFilesToCopy()) { break; } $fData = $this->getNextFileToCopy(); $nextFile = ''; if ($this->hasFilesToCopy()) { $nextFile = $this->getFileNameToCopy(); } $crtRep = ConfService::getRepository(); session_write_close(); $secureToken = ""; $httpClient = $this->getRemoteConnexion($secureToken); //$httpClient->setDebug(true); $postData = array("get_action" => "upload", "dir" => base64_encode($fData["destination"]), "secure_token" => $secureToken); $httpClient->postFile($crtRep->getOption("URI") . "?", $postData, "Filedata", $fData); if (strpos($httpClient->getHeader("content-type"), "text/xml") !== false && strpos($httpClient->getContent(), "require_auth") != false) { $httpClient = $this->getRemoteConnexion($secureToken, true); $postData["secure_token"] = $secureToken; $httpClient->postFile($crtRep->getOption("URI"), $postData, "Filedata", $fData); } unlink($fData["tmp_name"]); $response = $httpClient->getContent(); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); $this->logDebug("next_to_remote", $nextFile); if (intval($response) >= 400) { AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, "Error : " . intval($response)); } else { if ($nextFile != '') { AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("next_to_remote", array(), "Copying file " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($nextFile) . " to remote server"); } else { AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("reload_node", array(), "Upload done, reloading client."); } } AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); exit(1); break; case "upload": $rep_source = AJXP_Utils::securePath("/" . $httpVars['dir']); $this->logDebug("Upload : rep_source ", array($rep_source)); $logMessage = ""; foreach ($filesVars as $boxName => $boxData) { if (substr($boxName, 0, 9) != "userfile_") { continue; } $this->logDebug("Upload : rep_source ", array($rep_source)); $err = AJXP_Utils::parseFileDataErrors($boxData); if ($err != null) { $errorCode = $err[0]; $errorMessage = $err[1]; break; } $boxData["destination"] = $rep_source; $destCopy = AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($this->repository->getOption("TMP_UPLOAD")); $this->logDebug("Upload : tmp upload folder", array($destCopy)); if (!is_dir($destCopy)) { if (!@mkdir($destCopy)) { $this->logDebug("Upload error : cannot create temporary folder", array($destCopy)); $errorCode = 413; $errorMessage = "Warning, cannot create folder for temporary copy."; break; } } if (!is_writeable($destCopy)) { $this->logDebug("Upload error: cannot write into temporary folder"); $errorCode = 414; $errorMessage = "Warning, cannot write into temporary folder."; break; } $this->logDebug("Upload : tmp upload folder", array($destCopy)); if (isset($boxData["input_upload"])) { try { $destName = tempnam($destCopy, ""); $this->logDebug("Begining reading INPUT stream"); $input = fopen("php://input", "r"); $output = fopen($destName, "w"); $sizeRead = 0; while ($sizeRead < intval($boxData["size"])) { $chunk = fread($input, 4096); $sizeRead += strlen($chunk); fwrite($output, $chunk, strlen($chunk)); } fclose($input); fclose($output); $boxData["tmp_name"] = $destName; $this->storeFileToCopy($boxData); $this->logDebug("End reading INPUT stream"); } catch (Exception $e) { $errorCode = 411; $errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); break; } } else { $destName = $destCopy . "/" . basename($boxData["tmp_name"]); if ($destName == $boxData["tmp_name"]) { $destName .= "1"; } if (move_uploaded_file($boxData["tmp_name"], $destName)) { $boxData["tmp_name"] = $destName; $this->storeFileToCopy($boxData); } else { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $errorCode = 411; $errorMessage = "{$mess['33']} " . $boxData["name"]; break; } } } if (isset($errorMessage)) { $this->logDebug("Return error {$errorCode} {$errorMessage}"); return array("ERROR" => array("CODE" => $errorCode, "MESSAGE" => $errorMessage)); } else { $this->logDebug("Return success"); return array("SUCCESS" => true); } session_write_close(); break; default: break; } }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $fileVars) { $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $timestamp_url = $this->getFilteredOption("TIMESTAMP_URL"); $timestamp_login = $this->getFilteredOption("USER"); $timestamp_password = $this->getFilteredOption("PASS"); //Check if the configuration has been initiated if (empty($timestamp_url) || empty($timestamp_login) || !empty($timestamp_password)) { throw new AJXP_Exception($mess["timestamp.4"]); $this->logError("Config", "TimeStamp : configuration is needed"); return false; } //Check if after being initiated, conf. fields have some values if (strlen($timestamp_url) < 2 || strlen($timestamp_login) < 2 || strlen($timestamp_password) < 2) { throw new AJXP_Exception($mess["timestamp.4"]); $this->logError("Config", "TimeStamp : configuration is incorrect"); return false; } //Get active repository $repository = ConfService::getRepository(); if (!$repository->detectStreamWrapper(true)) { return false; } $selection = new UserSelection($repository, $httpVars); $destStreamURL = $selection->currentBaseUrl(); $fileName = $selection->getUniqueFile(); $fileUrl = $destStreamURL . $fileName; $file = AJXP_MetaStreamWrapper::getRealFSReference($fileUrl, true); //Hash the file, to send it to Universign $hashedDataToTimestamp = hash_file('sha256', $file); //Check that a tokken is not going to be timestamped ! if (substr("{$file}", -4) != '.ers') { if (file_exists($file . '.ers')) { throw new AJXP_Exception($mess["timestamp.1"]); return false; } else { //Prepare the query that will be sent to Universign $dataToSend = array('hashAlgo' => 'SHA256', 'withCert' => 'true', 'hashValue' => $hashedDataToTimestamp); $dataQuery = http_build_query($dataToSend); //Check if allow_url_fopen is allowed on the server. If not, it will use cUrl if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { $context_options = array('http' => array('method' => 'POST', 'header' => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n" . "Content-Length: " . strlen($dataQuery) . "\r\n" . "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($timestamp_login . ':' . $timestamp_password) . "\r\n", 'content' => $dataQuery)); //Get the result from Universign $context = stream_context_create($context_options); $fp = fopen($timestamp_url, 'r', false, $context); $tsp = stream_get_contents($fp); } else { $timestamp_header = array("Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Content-Length: " . strlen($dataQuery), "Authorization: Basic " . base64_encode($timestamp_login . ':' . $timestamp_password)); $timeout = 5; $ch = curl_init($timestamp_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $dataQuery); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $timestamp_header); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //Get the result from Universign $tsp = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } //Save the result to a file file_put_contents($file . '.ers', $tsp); //Send the succesful message $this->logInfo("TimeStamp", array("files" => $file, "destination" => $file . '.ers')); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::reloadDataNode(); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage($mess["timestamp.3"] . $fileName, null); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); } } else { throw new AJXP_Exception($mess["timestamp.2"]); return false; } }
public function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $fileVars) { $selection = new UserSelection(); $dir = $httpVars["dir"] or ""; $dir = AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($dir); if ($dir == "/") { $dir = ""; } $selection->initFromHttpVars($httpVars); if (!$selection->isEmpty()) { //$this->filterUserSelectionToHidden($selection->getFiles()); } $urlBase = "pydio://" . ConfService::getRepository()->getId(); $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); switch ($action) { case "monitor_compression": $percentFile = fsAccessWrapper::getRealFSReference($urlBase . $dir . "/.zip_operation_" . $httpVars["ope_id"]); $percent = 0; if (is_file($percentFile)) { $percent = intval(file_get_contents($percentFile)); } if ($percent < 100) { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("monitor_compression", $httpVars, $mess["powerfs.1"] . " ({$percent}%)", true, 1); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); } else { @unlink($percentFile); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); if ($httpVars["on_end"] == "reload") { AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("reload_node", array(), "powerfs.2", true, 2); } else { $archiveName = AJXP_Utils::sanitize($httpVars["archive_name"], AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); $archiveName = str_replace("'", "\\'", $archiveName); $jsCode = "\n PydioApi.getClient().downloadSelection(null, \$('download_form'), 'postcompress_download', {ope_id:'" . $httpVars["ope_id"] . "',archive_name:'" . $archiveName . "'});\n "; AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgJsAction($jsCode, $mess["powerfs.3"], true); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("reload_node", array(), "powerfs.2", true, 2); } AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); } break; case "postcompress_download": $archive = AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $httpVars["ope_id"] . "_" . AJXP_Utils::sanitize(AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["archive_name"]), AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); $fsDriver = AJXP_PluginsService::getInstance()->getUniqueActivePluginForType("access"); if (is_file($archive)) { if (!$fsDriver->getFilteredOption("USE_XSENDFILE", ConfService::getRepository()) && !$fsDriver->getFilteredOption("USE_XACCELREDIRECT", ConfService::getRepository())) { register_shutdown_function("unlink", $archive); } $fsDriver->readFile($archive, "force-download", $httpVars["archive_name"], false, null, true); } else { echo "<script>alert('Cannot find archive! Is ZIP correctly installed?');</script>"; } break; case "compress": case "precompress": $archiveName = AJXP_Utils::sanitize(AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($httpVars["archive_name"]), AJXP_SANITIZE_FILENAME); if (!ConfService::currentContextIsCommandLine() && ConfService::backgroundActionsSupported()) { $opeId = substr(md5(time()), 0, 10); $httpVars["ope_id"] = $opeId; AJXP_Controller::applyActionInBackground(ConfService::getRepository()->getId(), $action, $httpVars); AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); $bgParameters = array("dir" => SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($dir), "archive_name" => SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($archiveName), "on_end" => isset($httpVars["on_end"]) ? $httpVars["on_end"] : "reload", "ope_id" => $opeId); AJXP_XMLWriter::triggerBgAction("monitor_compression", $bgParameters, $mess["powerfs.1"] . " (0%)", true); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); session_write_close(); exit; } $rootDir = fsAccessWrapper::getRealFSReference($urlBase) . $dir; $percentFile = $rootDir . "/.zip_operation_" . $httpVars["ope_id"]; $compressLocally = $action == "compress" ? true : false; // List all files $todo = array(); $args = array(); $replaceSearch = array($rootDir, "\\"); $replaceReplace = array("", "/"); foreach ($selection->getFiles() as $selectionFile) { $baseFile = $selectionFile; $args[] = escapeshellarg(substr($selectionFile, strlen($dir) + ($dir == "/" ? 0 : 1))); $selectionFile = fsAccessWrapper::getRealFSReference($urlBase . $selectionFile); $todo[] = ltrim(str_replace($replaceSearch, $replaceReplace, $selectionFile), "/"); if (is_dir($selectionFile)) { $objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($selectionFile), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); foreach ($objects as $name => $object) { $todo[] = str_replace($replaceSearch, $replaceReplace, $name); } } if (trim($baseFile, "/") == "") { // ROOT IS SELECTED, FIX IT $args = array(escapeshellarg(basename($rootDir))); $rootDir = dirname($rootDir); break; } } $cmdSeparator = PHP_OS == "WIN32" || PHP_OS == "WINNT" || PHP_OS == "Windows" ? "&" : ";"; if (!$compressLocally) { $archiveName = AJXP_Utils::getAjxpTmpDir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $httpVars["ope_id"] . "_" . $archiveName; } chdir($rootDir); $cmd = $this->getFilteredOption("ZIP_PATH") . " -r " . escapeshellarg($archiveName) . " " . implode(" ", $args); $fsDriver = AJXP_PluginsService::getInstance()->getUniqueActivePluginForType("access"); $c = $fsDriver->getConfigs(); if ((!isset($c["SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES"]) || $c["SHOW_HIDDEN_FILES"] == false) && stripos(PHP_OS, "win") === false) { $cmd .= " -x .\\*"; } $cmd .= " " . $cmdSeparator . " echo ZIP_FINISHED"; $proc = popen($cmd, "r"); $toks = array(); $handled = array(); $finishedEchoed = false; while (!feof($proc)) { set_time_limit(20); $results = fgets($proc, 256); if (strlen($results) == 0) { } else { $tok = strtok($results, "\n"); while ($tok !== false) { $toks[] = $tok; if ($tok == "ZIP_FINISHED") { $finishedEchoed = true; } else { $test = preg_match('/(\\w+): (.*) \\(([^\\(]+)\\) \\(([^\\(]+)\\)/', $tok, $matches); if ($test !== false) { $handled[] = $matches[2]; } } $tok = strtok("\n"); } if ($finishedEchoed) { $percent = 100; } else { $percent = min(round(count($handled) / count($todo) * 100), 100); } file_put_contents($percentFile, $percent); } // avoid a busy wait if ($percent < 100) { usleep(1); } } pclose($proc); file_put_contents($percentFile, 100); break; default: break; } }
/** * Create a user * @static * @throws Exception * @param $userId * @param $userPass * @param bool $isAdmin * @return null * @todo the minlength check is probably causing problem with the bridges */ static function createUser($userId, $userPass, $isAdmin = false) { $userId = AuthService::filterUserSensitivity($userId); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("user.before_create", array($userId, $userPass, $isAdmin)); if (!ConfService::getCoreConf("ALLOW_GUEST_BROWSING", "auth") && $userId == "guest") { throw new Exception("Reserved user id"); } if (strlen($userPass) < ConfService::getCoreConf("PASSWORD_MINLENGTH", "auth") && $userId != "guest") { $messages = ConfService::getMessages(); throw new Exception($messages[378]); } $authDriver = ConfService::getAuthDriverImpl(); $confDriver = ConfService::getConfStorageImpl(); $authDriver->createUser($userId, $userPass); if ($isAdmin) { $user = $confDriver->createUserObject($userId); $user->setAdmin(true); $user->save("superuser"); } AJXP_Controller::applyHook("user.after_create", array($user)); AJXP_Logger::logAction("Create User", array("user_id" => $userId)); return null; }
public function switchAction($actionName, $httpVars, $fileVars) { $this->baseURL = rtrim($this->getFilteredOption("ETHERPAD_SERVER"), "/"); $this->apiKey = $this->getFilteredOption("ETHERPAD_APIKEY"); $userSelection = new UserSelection(ConfService::getRepository(), $httpVars); if ($userSelection->isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("Empty selection"); } $repository = ConfService::getRepository(); if (!$repository->detectStreamWrapper(false)) { return false; } $selectedNode = $userSelection->getUniqueNode(); $selectedNode->loadNodeInfo(); if (!$selectedNode->isLeaf()) { throw new Exception("Cannot handle folders, please select a file!"); } $nodeExtension = strtolower(pathinfo($selectedNode->getPath(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); // Determine pad ID if ($nodeExtension == "pad") { $padID = file_get_contents($selectedNode->getUrl()); } else { // TRY TO LOAD PAD ID FROM NODE SHARED METADATA $metadata = $selectedNode->retrieveMetadata("etherpad", AJXP_METADATA_ALLUSERS, AJXP_METADATA_SCOPE_GLOBAL, false); if (isset($metadata["pad_id"])) { $padID = $metadata["pad_id"]; } else { $padID = AJXP_Utils::generateRandomString(); $selectedNode->setMetadata("etherpad", array("pad_id" => $padID), AJXP_METADATA_ALLUSERS, AJXP_METADATA_SCOPE_GLOBAL, false); } } require_once "etherpad-client/etherpad-lite-client.php"; $client = new EtherpadLiteClient($this->apiKey, $this->baseURL . "/api"); $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); $userName = $loggedUser->getId(); $userLabel = $loggedUser->mergedRole->filterParameterValue("core.conf", "USER_DISPLAY_NAME", AJXP_REPO_SCOPE_ALL, $userName); $res = $client->createAuthorIfNotExistsFor($userName, $userLabel); $authorID = $res->authorID; $res2 = $client->createGroupIfNotExistsFor($loggedUser->getGroupPath()); $groupID = $res2->groupID; $fullId = $groupID . "\$" . $padID; if ($actionName == "etherpad_create") { $resP = $client->listPads($groupID); $currentContent = file_get_contents($selectedNode->getUrl()); if ($nodeExtension == "html" && strpos($currentContent, "<html>") === false) { $currentContent = "<html><head></head><body>{$currentContent}</body></html>"; } if (!in_array($fullId, $resP->padIDs)) { $client->createGroupPad($groupID, $padID, null); if ($nodeExtension == "html" && !empty($currentContent)) { $client->setHTML($fullId, $currentContent); } else { if ($nodeExtension != "pad") { $client->setText($fullId, $currentContent); } } } else { if ($nodeExtension != "pad") { // If someone is already connected, do not override. $existingAuthors = $client->listAuthorsOfPad($fullId); if (!count($existingAuthors->authorIDs)) { if ($nodeExtension == "html" && !empty($currentContent)) { $client->setHTML($fullId, $currentContent); } else { $client->setText($fullId, $currentContent); } } } } $res4 = $client->createSession($groupID, $authorID, time() + 14400); $sessionID = $res4->sessionID; setcookie('sessionID', $sessionID, null, "/"); $padID = $groupID . '$' . $padID; $data = array("url" => $this->baseURL . "/p/" . $padID, "padID" => $padID, "sessionID" => $sessionID); HTMLWriter::charsetHeader('application/json'); echo json_encode($data); } else { if ($actionName == "etherpad_save") { $padID = $httpVars["pad_id"]; if ($nodeExtension == "html" || $nodeExtension == "pad") { $res = $client->getHTML($padID); $content = $res->html; } else { $res = $client->getText($padID); $content = $res->text; } if ($nodeExtension == "pad") { // Create a new file and save the content in it. $origUrl = $selectedNode->getUrl(); $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $dateStamp = date(" Y-m-d H:i", time()); $startUrl = preg_replace('"\\.pad$"', $dateStamp . '.html', $origUrl); $newNode = new AJXP_Node($startUrl); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_create", array($newNode, strlen($content))); file_put_contents($newNode->getUrl(), $content); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array(null, $newNode)); } else { AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.before_change", array($selectedNode, strlen($content))); file_put_contents($selectedNode->getUrl(), $content); clearstatcache(true, $selectedNode->getUrl()); $selectedNode->loadNodeInfo(true); AJXP_Controller::applyHook("node.change", array($selectedNode, $selectedNode)); } } else { if ($actionName == "etherpad_close") { // WE SHOULD DETECT IF THERE IS NOBODY CONNECTED ANYMORE, AND DELETE THE PAD. // BUT SEEMS LIKE THERE'S NO WAY TO PROPERLY REMOVE AN AUTHOR VIA API $sessionID = $httpVars["session_id"]; $client->deleteSession($sessionID); } else { if ($actionName == "etherpad_proxy_api") { if ($httpVars["api_action"] == "list_pads") { $res = $client->listPads($groupID); } else { if ($httpVars["api_action"] == "list_authors_for_pad") { $res = $client->listAuthorsOfPad($httpVars["pad_id"]); } } HTMLWriter::charsetHeader("application/json"); echo json_encode($res); } else { if ($actionName == "etherpad_get_content") { HTMLWriter::charsetHeader("text/plain"); echo $client->getText($httpVars["pad_id"])->text; } } } } } return null; }
function crossRepositoryCopy($httpVars) { ConfService::detectRepositoryStreams(true); $mess = ConfService::getMessages(); $selection = new UserSelection(); $selection->initFromHttpVars($httpVars); $files = $selection->getFiles(); $accessType = $this->repository->getAccessType(); $repositoryId = $this->repository->getId(); $origStreamURL = "ajxp.{$accessType}://{$repositoryId}"; $destRepoId = $httpVars["dest_repository_id"]; $destRepoObject = ConfService::getRepositoryById($destRepoId); $destRepoAccess = $destRepoObject->getAccessType(); $destStreamURL = "ajxp.{$destRepoAccess}://{$destRepoId}"; // Check rights if (AuthService::usersEnabled()) { $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser(); if (!$loggedUser->canRead($repositoryId) || !$loggedUser->canWrite($destRepoId)) { AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, "You do not have the right to access one of the repositories!"); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); exit(1); } } $messages = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $origFile = $origStreamURL . $file; $destFile = $destStreamURL . $httpVars["dest"] . "/" . basename($file); $origHandler = fopen($origFile, "r"); $destHandler = fopen($destFile, "w"); if ($origHandler === false || $destHandler === false) { $errorMessages[] = AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, $mess[114] . " ({$origFile} to {$destFile})", false); continue; } while (!feof($origHandler)) { fwrite($destHandler, fread($origHandler, 4096)); } fflush($destHandler); fclose($origHandler); fclose($destHandler); $messages[] = $mess[34] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(basename($origFile)) . " " . $mess[73] . " " . SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($destFile); } AJXP_XMLWriter::header(); if (count($errorMessages)) { AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, join("\n", $errorMessages), true); } AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(join("\n", $messages), null, true); AJXP_XMLWriter::close(); exit(0); }