  * Use current logger instance and write a debug message
  * @static
  * @param string $message
  * @param array $params
  * @return
 public static function debug($message, $params = array())
     if (!class_exists("ConfService")) {
     if (!ConfService::getConf("SERVER_DEBUG")) {
     $logger = self::getInstance();
     if ($logger == null) {
     $message .= "\t";
     if (is_string($params)) {
         $message .= $params;
     } else {
         if (is_array($params) && count($params)) {
             $message .= $logger->arrayToString($params);
         } else {
             if (!empty($params)) {
                 $message .= print_r($params, true);
     $logger->write($message, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
예제 #2

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
// Slovenian translation: April 21 2011 by Vladimir Bohinc (vladimir.bohinc@gmail.com)
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Slovenščina", "date_format" => "d/m/Y H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_intl_locale" => "sl-SI", "0" => "Zadnja različica", "1" => "Ime", "2" => "Velikost", "3" => "Vrsta", "4" => "Spremenjeno", "5" => "Dejanja", "6" => "Preimenuj", "7" => "Izbriši", "8" => "Mapa", "9" => "Midi avdio", "10" => "Besedilna datoteka", "11" => "Javaskript", "12" => "GIF slika", "13" => "JPG slika", "14" => "HTML stran", "15" => "HTML stran", "16" => "REAL audio", "17" => "REAL video", "18" => "PERL skripta", "19" => "ZIP arhiv", "20" => "WAV audio", "21" => "PHP skripta", "22" => "PHP skripta", "23" => "Datoteka", "24" => "Gor", "25" => "Naložite eno ali več datotek (največ " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") v mapo: ", "26" => "Ustvari novo mapo v: ", "27" => "Naloži", "28" => "Ustvari novo datoteko v: ", "29" => "Ustvari", "30" => "Poimenujte mapo in nato kliknite na &quot;Ustvari&quot;", "31" => "Izbrati morate datoteko", "32" => "Razišči", "33" => "Napaka pri nalaganju datotek(e)!", "34" => "Datoteka", "35" => "je bila uspešno ustvarjena v mapi", "36" => "Njena velikost je", "37" => "Napisati morate veljavno ime", "38" => "Mapa", "39" => "je bila ustvarjena v", "40" => "Ta mapa že obstaja (imena niso občutljiva na velikost črk)", "41" => "je bila preimenovana v", "42" => "v", "43" => "že obstaja (imena niso občutljiva na velikost črk)", "44" => "je izbrisana", "45" => "mapa", "46" => "datoteka", "47" => "Res želite izbrisati", "48" => "Vredu", "49" => "Prekliči", "50" => "Exe izvedljiva datoteka", "51" => "Urejevalnik", "52" => "Urejanje datoteke", "53" => "Shrani", "54" => "Prekliči", "55" => "je bila spremenjena", "56" => "BMP slika", "57" => "PNG slika", "58" => "CSS datoteka", "59" => "MP3 audio", "60" => "RAR arhiv", "61" => "GZ arhiv", "62" => "Korenska mapa", "63" => "Odjava", "64" => "XLS razpredelnica", "65" => "Word besedilo", "66" => "Kopiraj", "67" => "Izbrana datoteka", "68" => "Lepljenje v", "69" => "Ali pa izberite drugo mapo", "70" => "Premakni", "71" => "Ta datoteka že obstaja (imena niso občutljiva na velikost črk)", "72" => "Korenska pot ni pravilna. Preverite nastavitve v &quot;conf/conf.php&quot; datoteki", "73" => "je bila kopirana v mapo", "74" => "je bila premaknjena v mapo", "75" => "Datoteke users.txt ni v mapi prive", "76" => "Ta datoteka je bila odstranjena", "77" => "Pošlji", "78" => "Posreduj", "79" => "PDF datoteka", "80" => "MOV video", "81" => "AVI video", "82" => "MPG video", "83" => "MPEG video", "84" => "Pomoč", "85" => "Osveži", "86" => "Zapri", "87" => "Najdi", "88" => "Prenesi", "89" => "Datoteke ni mogoče odpreti", "90" => "Natisni", "91" => "FLASH video", "92" => "Jezik", "93" => "Da lahko izbirate med jeziki mora brskalnik sprejemati piškote.", "94" => "Uporabnik", "95" => "Izberite vaš jezik: ", "96" => "Prosim izberite ciljno mapo v drevesu: ", "97" => "Naloži datoteke", "98" => "Kliknite kjerkoli v okviru da ga zaprete.", "99" => "ni zapisljiva. Tu gre morda za težavo z dovoljenji, posvetujte se s skrbnikom.", "100" => "Ne najdem datoteke ", "101" => "Izvorna in ciljna mapa je ista!", "102" => "Napaka pri ustvarjanju datotek(e): ", "103" => "Ne najdem mape ", "104" => "Odpri mesto v naslovnem polju", "105" => "Pošlji URL za dostop do tega mesta po e-pošti.", "106" => "Pošlji e-pošto", "107" => "Vaše ime in/ali e-pošta", "108" => "Prejemnikova e-pošta", "109" => "URL ki ga je mogoče klikniti", "110" => "Dodaj komentar", "111" => "Naslednja e-pošta je bila poslana: ", "112" => "Pošiljanje e-pošte je spodletelo: ", "113" => "Izbira je prazna!", "114" => "Pri kopiranju je prišlo do neznane napake!", "115" => "Datoteka je bila uspešno shranjena", "116" => "Datoteka", "117" => "Mapa", "118" => "Prenesi več datotek", "119" => "Kliknite na vsako datoteko ki jo želite prenesti.", "120" => "Nimate zadostnih dovoljenj za brisanje celotne drevesne strukture!", "121" => "Slikovna datoteka ", "122" => "Smeti", "123" => "je bila premaknjena v ", "124" => "Prepišem obstoječe datoteke?", "125" => "Datoteka/mapa s tem imenom že obstaja (imena niso občutljiva na velikost črk). Prosim izberite drugo ime!", "126" => "Sličice", "127" => "Velikost", "128" => "datotek izbrano.", "129" => "Pogled", "130" => "Mape", "131" => "Podrobnosti", "132" => "Nobene datoteke ali mape", "133" => "Ime", "134" => "Vrsta", "135" => "Mere", "136" => "Prikaži večjo sliko", "138" => "Spremenjeno", "139" => "Uredi na spletu", "140" => "Predvajaj celotno mapo", "141" => "Prebiranje mape", "142" => "Prijavljen(a) kot ", "143" => "Javno brskanje. Prijavite se.", "144" => "Niste prijavljeni.", "145" => "Moji zaznamki", "146" => "Izbriši zaznamek", "147" => "Zaznamki", "148" => "Matični", "149" => "Osveži", "150" => "Prikaz", "151" => "Preklopi prikaz...", "152" => "Dodaj zaznamek", "153" => "Dodaj tenutno mesto med zaznamke", "154" => "Nova mapa", "155" => "Ustvari novo mapo", "156" => "Nova datoteka", "157" => "Ustvari novo datoteko", "158" => "Preimenuj izbrano datoteko ali mapo", "159" => "Kopiraj izbor v...", "160" => "Premakni izbor v...", "161" => "Izbriši izbor", "162" => "Urejanje besedilne datoteke na spletu.", "163" => "Prijava", "164" => "Odjava", "165" => "Nastavitve", "166" => "O Pydio", "167" => "O Pydio", "168" => "Prijava v APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "Odjava z APPLICATION_TITLE", "170" => "Trenutna mapa", "171" => "Razišči", "172" => "Izbor", "173" => "Ime nove mape", "174" => "Ime nove datoteke", "175" => "Izberite ciljno mapo", "176" => "Izbor bo premaknjen v Smeti.", "177" => "Ali res želite nepovratno izbrisati izbrane datoteke?", "178" => "Predhodna", "179" => "Naslednja", "180" => "Vnesite uporabniško ime in geslo", "181" => "Uporabnik: ", "182" => "Geslo: ", "183" => "Prosim izberite drugo ciljno mapo!", "184" => "Išči v trenutni mapi in njenih podmapah", "185" => "Prekini iskanje", "186" => "Pregledovalnik slik", "187" => "Spletni urejevalnik - ", "189" => "Uredi nastavitve", "190" => "Jezik", "191" => "Privzeti prikaz", "192" => "Seznam s podrobnostmi", "193" => "Sličice", "194" => "Spremenite geslo", "195" => "Uporabniške nastavitve", "196" => "Vaša izbira jezika se razlikuje od trenutno uporabljenega!\\n Želite osvežiti prikaz da se uveljavi vaš izbor?", "197" => "Sprememba gesla bo stopila v veljavo pri naslednji prijavi.", "198" => "Novo geslo", "199" => "Potrditev", "200" => "Preklopi v zbirko...", "201" => "Opozorilo, vse vaše spremembe niso shranjene!\\n Ali ne želite shranili sprememb?", "202" => "Opozorilo, rekurzivno kopiranje!", "203" => "Ciljna mapa je enaka izvorni mapi!", "204" => "Datoteka \"", "205" => "\" presega omejitev velikosti (", "206" => "Mb).\\nZato ne bo prenešena na strežnik.", "207" => "Nimate pravic zapisovanja v to mapo", "208" => "Nimate pravic branja te mape", "209" => "Notranja napaka strežnika, prosim obvestite skrbnika!", "210" => "Nalaganje spodletelo", "211" => "Datoteka je prevelika!", "212" => "Datoteke ni na strežniku!", "213" => "Napaka pri kopiranju datoteke v trenutno mapo", "214" => "Brskaj", "215" => "Začni", "216" => "Počisti", "217" => "Počisti zaključene", "218" => "Odstrani s čakalne vrste", "219" => "Zaključeno", "220" => "Izprazni", "221" => "Izprazni Smeti", "222" => "Obnovi", "223" => "Obnovi datoteko/mapo na njeno prvotno mesto", "224" => "Pojdi", "225" => "Preimenuj zaznamek", "226" => "Seznam", "227" => "Prikaži seznam s podrobnostmi", "228" => "Sličice", "229" => "Prikaži sličice", "230" => "Predvajaj", "231" => "Začni predstavitev", "232" => "Ustavi", "233" => "Ustavi predstavitev", "234" => "Poglej izbrane slike", "235" => "Razpni", "236" => "Pomanjšaj", "237" => "Staro geslo", "238" => "Gesli sta si različni!", "239" => "Prosim vnesite vaše trenutno geslo", "240" => "Napačno geslo!", "241" => "Vaše nastavitve so bile uspešno shranjene!", "242" => "SVN dnevnik", "243" => "Revizija", "244" => "Avtor", "245" => "Datum", "246" => "Sporočilo", "247" => "Izvleci", "248" => "Izvleci izbor v...", "249" => "Uporabniki", "250" => "Zbirke", "251" => "Dnevniki", "252" => "Dosežena je bila omejitev kvote velikosti.", "253" => "Prišlo je do HTTP napake:", "254" => "Prišlo je do IO napake:", "255" => "Prišlo je do varnostne napake:", "256" => "Napredek", "257" => "Odstrani", "258" => "Število datotek", "259" => "Skupna velikost", "260" => "bajtov", "261" => "Zapomni si me", "262" => "Ena ali več datotek že obstaja \\nv ciljni mapi.\\nKaj želite storiti?", "263" => "Prepiši", "264" => "Preskoči", "265" => "Datoteke", "266" => "B", "267" => "Ustvari", "268" => "Ustvari novo tabelo", "269" => "Struktura", "270" => "Uredi strukturo tabele", "271" => "Spusti", "272" => "Spusti odprto tabelo", "273" => "Vstavi", "274" => "Vstavi nov zapis", "275" => "Ali res želite odstraniti izbrano tabelo/tabele?", "276" => "Uredi izbran zapis", "277" => "Izbriši izbrane zapise", "278" => "Ali res želite izbrisati izbrane zapise?", "279" => "Tabele", "280" => "Zapisi", "281" => "Omejitev prenosa", "282" => "Velikost: ", "283" => "Skupna velikost", "284" => "Število: ", "285" => "Ne najdem uporabnika, poskusite ponovno.\\n Poskrbite, da tipka Caps Lock ni aktivna!", "286" => "Vaš uporabniški račun ni usklajen s trenutno različico, prosim uporabite postopke nadgradnje.", "287" => "Dovoljenja", "288" => "Lastnik", "289" => "Skupina", "290" => "Vsi", "291" => "Uveljavi rekurzivno?", "292" => "Daj v skupno rabo", "293" => "Ustvari javno povezavo do te datoteke", "294" => "Čas veljavnosti povezave (v dneh) in geslo za dostop (pustite prazno za dostop brez gesla).", "295" => "Iztek veljavnosti", "296" => "Kopiraj spodnji URL: ", "297" => "Nov uporabnik", "298" => "Ustvari nov uporabniški račun", "299" => "Nova zbirka", "300" => "Ustvari novo zbirko", "301" => "Uredi nastavitve", "302" => "Kopiraj kot besedilo", "303" => "Kopiraj izbor kot besedilo razdeljeno s tabulatorjem.", "304" => "Nazaj", "305" => "Nazaj na glavno stran", "306" => "Preveliko postavk", "307" => "Zapolni obvezna polja", "308" => "Ustvari povezavo", "309" => "Ustvari", "310" => "Možnosti", "311" => "Samodejno nalagaj ob dodajanju datotek", "312" => "Možnosti", "313" => "Arhiviraj", "314" => "Stisni izbor v zip...", "315" => "Stisni izbor v", "316" => "Odpri z...", "317" => "Urejevalnik izvorne kode", "318" => "Urejevalnik CodePress", "319" => "Urejevalnik HTML", "320" => "WYSIWYG urejevalnik HTML", "321" => "Izberi", "322" => "Izberi trenutno datoteko", "323" => "Pošlji URL po e-pošti", "324" => "Nobenega urejevalnika ni na voljo", "325" => "Najboljše ujemanje", "326" => "Brez ujemanja", "327" => "100%", "328" => "Prikazovalnik IMagick", "329" => "Ogled PDF, SVG in TIFF datotek na spletu", "330" => "Prosim počakajte da se slike ustvarijo...", "331" => "Stran", "332" => "od", "333" => "Urejevalnik Pixlr", "334" => "več", "335" => "Prosim vnesite številko strani med 1 in ", "336" => "Oprostite, sem ne morete spustiti map, samo datoteke!", "337" => "Samodejno začni", "338" => "Samodejno končaj", "339" => "Konflikti", "340" => "Vprašaj", "341" => "Informacije o datoteki", "342" => "Informacije o mapi", "343" => "Informacije o sliki", "344" => "Išči v", "345" => "Ni bilo mogoče pridobiti informacij o različicah", "346" => "Vaša različica je posodobljena", "347" => "Nova različica je na voljo - (%s) ! Obiščite %s", "348" => "Zbirka je bila dana v skupno rabo.", "349" => "Opozorilo, manjkajoče utemeljitve", "350" => "Uporabniški račun s tem imenom že obstoja, prosim izberite drugo ime.", "351" => "Nimate dovoljenj za deljenje virov in urejanja skupne rabe.", "352" => "Zbirka s tem imenom že obstoja, prosim izberite drugo ime.", "353" => "Ciljni uporabnik", "354" => "Ustvarite novega uporabnika ali pa izberite obstoječ uporabniški račun s seznama.", "355" => "Uporabnik", "356" => "Geslo", "357" => "Ciljna zbirka", "358" => "Izberite ime za vire v skupni rabi in določite privzete pravice uprabniškega računa.", "359" => "Oznaka", "360" => "Dovoljenja", "361" => "Branje", "362" => "Pisanje", "363" => "Skupna raba", "364" => "Nimate pravic za opravljanje te operacije", "365" => "Nimate pravic naložiti več kot %s datotek naenkrat.", "366" => "Ta uporabnik nima aktivne zbirke.", "367" => "Nimate pravic nalagati te vrste datotek. Prosim izberite sledeče vrste : ", "368" => "Izbor je bil uspešno izvlečen iz arhiva %s v mapo %s", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE povezava", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE javni prenosi", "371" => "Za dostop do cilja te povezave je zahtevano geslo", "372" => "Trenutna zbirka", "373" => "Cilj", "374" => "Map ni mogoče kopirati preko zbirk", "375" => "Opozorilo, seja je neaktivna več kot __IDLE__, samodejno boste odjavljeni čez __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Kliknite kjerkoli za reaktivacijo seje", "378" => "Opozorilo, geslo je prazno oz. prekratko!", "379" => "Ni varno!", "380" => "Prekratko", "381" => "Zelo šibko", "382" => "Šibko", "383" => "Srednje močno", "384" => "Močno", "385" => "Zelo močno", "386" => "Prijava je bila trikrat neuspešna .\\nZaradi varnosti morate vnesti kodo s spodnje slike.", "389" => "Prosim preberite spodnjo kodo: ", "390" => "Koda", "391" => "Ni zbirk", "392" => "Opozorilo, različica APPLICATION_TITLE se je spremenila (sedaj %s), prosim počistite brskalnikov medpomnilnik in osvežite stran (F5), zato da preprečite nepravilno delovanje!", "393" => "Opozorilo, dolžina imena mora biti krajša od %s znakov, ime te datoteke bo skrajšano!", "394" => "Oprostite, skupna raba map s trenutnim gonilnikom preverjanja istovetnosti ni mogoča (uporabniški računi se ne urejajo). Skupna raba datotek je kljub temu možna.", "395" => "Spuščena postavka je mapa, teh se ne da naložiti na strežnik! Res želite nadaljevati nalaganje?", "396" => "Način overitve", "397" => "Prenesi (v kosih)", "398" => "Prenesi v več kosih", "399" => "Vnesite število kosov in nato kliknite na posamezno datoteko da jo prenesete na vaš računalnik.", "400" => "Število kosov: ", "401" => "Za združitev posameznih kosov (na vašem računalniku) lahko uporabite naslednji program : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "parent_access_key" => "w", "refresh_access_key" => "e", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "T", "bookmarks_access_key" => "j", "upload_access_key" => "N", "folder_access_key" => "m", "file_access_key" => "d", "rename_access_key" => "r", "copy_access_key" => "K", "move_access_key" => "P", "delete_access_key" => "I", "edit_access_key" => "e", "view_access_key" => "g", "download_access_key" => "s", "settings_access_key" => "n", "about_access_key" => "A", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "z", "restore_access_key" => "o", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "create_repo_accesskey" => "z", "create_user_accesskey" => "u", "open_with_access" => "z", "403" => "Nastavitve WebDAV", "404" => "Lahko uporabite protokol WebDAV za priklop vaših APPLICATION_TITLE zbirk kot &quot;omrežni pogon&quot; na različnih odjemalcih, vključno z Windows, Mac, iPhone, itd", "405" => "Uporabite naslednje povezave za dostop do zbirk; s svojim uporabniškim imenom in tu določenim geslom. Opozorilo, te ne bodo delovale, dokler ne omogočite te funkcije in ne vnesete gesla.", "406" => "Omogoči WebDAV zmožnost", "407" => "Vnesite geslo, če prvič omogočate WebDAV funkcionalnost, oziroma če želite uporabljati drugo geslo :", "408" => "WebDAV zmožnost uspešno omogočena, ne pozabite posodobiti gesla če prvič omogočate WebDAV funkcionalnost!", "409" => "WebDAV zmožnost uspešno onemogočena", "410" => "Posodobitev WebDAV gesla uspešna", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Int.", "532" => "Ext.", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.");
예제 #3
* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
//	Pydio 中文 简体 UTF-8 语言包
//	张佺(net_robber) 汉化
//	CNZhangQuan@Gmail.com || net_robber@TimeCtrl.net
//  吴南南(nannanwu@gmail.com)修改
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "简体中文", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_intl_locale" => "zh-CN", "0" => "上一版本", "1" => "名称", "2" => "大小", "3" => "类型", "4" => "修改日期", "5" => "动作", "6" => "重命名(R)", "7" => "删除(D)", "8" => "目录", "9" => "Midi文件", "10" => "Text文件", "11" => "JavaScript", "12" => "GIF图片", "13" => "JPG图片", "14" => "HTML文件", "15" => "HTML文件", "16" => "REAL文件", "17" => "REAL文件", "18" => "PERL脚本", "19" => "ZIP文件", "20" => "WAV文件", "21" => "PHP", "22" => "PHP脚本", "23" => "文件", "24" => "上一级目录", "25" => "上传一个或多个文件 (最多 " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . " 个) 到目录: ", "26" => "创建新目录于 : ", "27" => "上传(U)", "28" => "创建新文件于 : ", "29" => "创建", "30" => "给目录命名并点击 &quot;创建&quot;", "31" => "必须选择一个文件", "32" => "浏览", "33" => "文件上传错误 !", "34" => "这个文件", "35" => "成功创建", "36" => "它的大小是", "37" => "必须使用一个有效的名称", "38" => "目录", "39" => "已经创建", "40" => "目录已经存在", "41" => "已经重命名为", "42" => "到", "43" => "已经存在", "44" => "已经删除", "45" => "目录", "46" => "文件", "47" => "是否确认删除", "48" => "确认", "49" => "取消", "50" => "可执行文件", "51" => "编辑(E)", "52" => "编辑文件", "53" => "保存", "54" => "取消", "55" => "已经修改", "56" => "BMP图片", "57" => "PNG图片", "58" => "CSS文件", "59" => "MP3文件", "60" => "RAR文件", "61" => "GZ文件", "62" => "根目录", "63" => "注销登陆", "64" => "XLS文件", "65" => "Word文件", "66" => "复制(C)", "67" => "已选择的文件", "68" => "粘贴到", "69" => "或者选择另外一个目录", "70" => "移动(M)", "71" => "文件已存在", "72" => "跟目录错误,请检查配置文件conf.php", "73" => "已经复制到目录", "74" => "已经移动到目录", "75" => "文件users.txt不在目录prive", "76" => "文件已删除", "77" => "发送", "78" => "略过", "79" => "PDF文件", "80" => "MOV文件", "81" => "AVI文件", "82" => "MPG文件", "83" => "MPEG文件", "84" => "帮助", "85" => "刷新", "86" => "关闭", "87" => "查找", "88" => "下载(w)", "89" => "不能打开文件", "90" => "打印", "91" => "FLASH文件", "92" => "语言", "93" => "如果不能选择语言,请设置您的浏览器允许使用cookies.", "94" => "登录", "95" => "选择您的语言 :", "96" => "请选择目标目录 : ", "97" => "Upload文件", "98" => "点击任意位置关闭.", "99" => "没有写权限,请联系管理员.", "100" => "找不到文件", "101" => "源文件夹与目标文件夹相同!", "102" => "创建文件时出错:", "103" => "找不到目录 ", "104" => "跳转至指定目录", "105" => "以邮件发送当前链接地址.", "106" => "发送邮件", "107" => "您的邮件地址", "108" => "收件人地址", "109" => "Clickable URL", "110" => "添加注释", "111" => "发送到以下邮件地址 :", "112" => "邮件发送失败 : ", "113" => "未选中!", "114" => "复制时发生未知错误!", "115" => "文件保存成功", "116" => "文件", "117" => "文件夹", "118" => "下载多个文件", "119" => "选择要下载的文件.", "120" => "您没有权限删除整个目录!", "121" => "图像文件 ", "122" => "回收站", "123" => "被移动到 ", "124" => "覆盖已有文件?", "125" => "指定的文件或文件夹名称(大小写敏感)已存在,请选择一个新名称!", "126" => "缩略图", "127" => "大小", "128" => "已选择文件.", "129" => "查看(V)", "130" => "文件夹", "131" => "详细信息", "132" => "没有选中任何文件或文件夹", "133" => "名称", "134" => "类型", "135" => "图像尺寸", "136" => "查看大图", "138" => "最后修改.", "139" => "在线编辑", "140" => "播放整个目录", "141" => "读取目录", "142" => "当前登录用户 ", "143" => "Guest浏览. 登录.", "144" => "未登录.", "145" => "我的收藏夹", "146" => "从收藏夹删除", "147" => "收藏夹", "148" => "上级目录(P)", "149" => "刷新(h)", "150" => "显示", "151" => "切换查看模式...(V)", "152" => "收藏夹(B)", "153" => "将当前位置添加到收藏夹", "154" => "创建新目录(N)", "155" => "创建新目录", "156" => "创建新文件(F)", "157" => "创建新文件", "158" => "重命名文件或文件夹", "159" => "复制到 ...", "160" => "移动到 ...", "161" => "删除所选文件.", "162" => "在线编辑文件.", "163" => "登录", "164" => "注销", "165" => "设置(g)", "166" => "关于(A)", "167" => "关于Pydio", "168" => "连接到 APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "断开到APPLICATION_TITLE的链接", "170" => "当前目录", "parent_access_key" => "P", "refresh_access_key" => "h", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "T", "bookmarks_access_key" => "B", "upload_access_key" => "U", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "F", "rename_access_key" => "R", "copy_access_key" => "C", "move_access_key" => "M", "delete_access_key" => "D", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "w", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "A", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "y", "restore_access_key" => "o", "171" => "浏览", "172" => "您的选择", "173" => "新文件夹的名字", "174" => "新文件的名字", "175" => "选择目标文件夹", "176" => "选中的文件将要被移动到回收站.", "177" => "是否确认永久删除选中文件?", "178" => "前一个", "179" => "后一个", "180" => "输入 用户名/密码", "181" => "登录", "182" => "密码", "183" => "请选择和源文件夹不同的位置!", "184" => "搜索当前目录和子目录", "185" => "停止搜索", "186" => "图像预览", "187" => "在线编辑 - ", "189" => "编辑我的首选项", "190" => "语言", "191" => "默认显示", "192" => "详细信息列表", "193" => "缩略图", "194" => "修改密码", "195" => "首选项", "196" => "您设置的语言与当前语言不符!\\n 是否重新加载页面来切换语言?", "197" => "新密码将在退出后生效.", "198" => "新", "199" => "确认", "200" => "切换仓库至...", "201" => "警告,有修改尚未保存!\\n 是否确认关闭?", "202" => "Warning, recursive copy!", "203" => "目标目录与原目录相同!", "204" => "文件 \"", "205" => "\" 超过文件大小限制 (", "206" => "Mb).\\n无法上传.", "207" => "在当前目录没有写权限", "208" => "在当前目录没有读权限", "209" => "服务器内部错误,请联系管理员!", "210" => "上传失败", "211" => "文件过大!", "212" => "没有找到文件!", "213" => "复制文件到当前目录出错", "214" => "浏览", "215" => "开始上传", "216" => "清空", "217" => "完毕", "218" => "从队列中删除", "219" => "完成", "220" => "清空(y)", "221" => "清空回收站", "222" => "还原(o)", "223" => "还原文件到原来的目录", "224" => "转到", "225" => "重命名收藏夹", "226" => "列表(L)", "227" => "切换到详细列表视图", "228" => "缩略图(T)", "229" => "切换到缩略图视图", "230" => "播放", "231" => "播放幻灯", "232" => "停止", "233" => "停止幻灯", "234" => "查看选择图片", "235" => "最大化", "236" => "恢复", "237" => "旧密码", "238" => "两次输入密码不同!", "239" => "请输入您当前密码", "240" => "密码错误!", "241" => "您的首选项已经更新", "242" => "Svn Log", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "版本", "244" => "作者", "245" => "捐助", "246" => "信息", "247" => "解压", "248" => "解压选中的 zip 文件 到...", "249" => "用户管理", "250" => "仓库管理", "251" => "日志", "252" => "超过总文件大小上限.", "253" => "HTTP错误:", "254" => "IO错误:", "255" => "安全加密错误:", "256" => "已经上传", "257" => "删除", "258" => "文件数量 :", "259" => "总大小 :", "260" => "字节", "261" => "记住登录", "262" => "一个或多个文件已经存在于目标位置 \\n\\n您希望如何处理?", "263" => "覆盖", "264" => "跳过", "265" => "文件", "266" => "B", "267" => "创建", "268" => "创建一个新表格", "269" => "结构", "270" => "编辑表格结构", "271" => "放弃", "272" => "放弃已经打开的表格", "273" => "插入", "274" => "插入一条新的记录", "275" => "您是否确定要放弃已经选中的表格?", "276" => "编辑选中记录", "277" => "删除选中的记录", "278" => "您是否确定要放弃已经选中的记录?", "279" => "表格", "280" => "记录", "281" => "限制", "282" => "每个文件的大小", "283" => "总大小", "284" => "文件数量", "285" => "无法找到用户,请重试.\\n 请确认拼写大小写正确!", "286" => "您的用户已经过期,请使用最新版本.", "287" => "文件权限", "288" => "用户", "289" => "组", "290" => "全部", "291" => "对子目录使用相同配置?", "292" => "公共链接", "293" => "创建此文件的公共链接", "294" => "链接有效时间(以天为单位)与访问密码(空白表示不设密码)", "295" => "有效时间", "296" => "复制下面的链接:", "297" => "新建用户(U)", "298" => "创建新用户", "299" => "新建存储库(R)", "300" => "创建新存储库", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "编辑配置", "302" => "复制为文本", "303" => "将所选内容复制为制表符分隔的文本。", "304" => "返回", "305" => "返回主页", "306" => "超过数量上限", "307" => "填充可选字段", "308" => "生成链接", "309" => "生成", "310" => "选项", "311" => "添加文件后自动上传", "312" => "上传选项", "313" => "压缩...", "314" => "将所选内容压缩为 zip 文件...", "315" => "将所选内容压缩为", "316" => "打开方式...(O)", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "源查看器", "318" => "CodePress 源代码查看器", "319" => "HTML 编辑器", "320" => "适用于 HTML 的 WYSIWYG 编辑器,", "321" => "选择", "322" => "选择当前文件", "323" => "通过电子邮件发送此 URL", "324" => "没有可用的编辑器", "325" => "自适应", "326" => "原始尺寸", "327" => "100%", "328" => "IMagick 浏览器", "329" => "在线浏览 pdf/svg/tif 文件", "330" => "正在渲染,请等待...", "331" => "页", "332" => "/", "333" => "Pixlr 图像编辑器", "334" => "更多", "335" => "请输入页码,介于 1 和 ", "336" => "很抱歉,您不能上传文件夹,只能上传文件!", "337" => "自动开始上传", "338" => "上传完成后自动关闭,", "339" => "重名文件", "340" => "警报", "341" => "文件信息", "342" => "文件夹信息", "343" => "图像信息", "344" => "搜索位置", "345" => "无法检索版本信息", "346" => "您的版本是最新的", "347" => "新版本 (%s) 可用! 访问 %s", "348" => "已共享新存储库。", "349" => "警告,缺少参数", "350" => "已存在一个不属于您的临时用户使用此名称,请选择其他名称。", "351" => "您没有权限创建共享元素。", "352" => "已存在使用相同名称的存储库,请选择其他名称。", "353" => "目标用户", "354" => "创建新用户或从列表中选择一个用户。", "355" => "用户名", "356" => "用户密码", "357" => "目标存储库", "358" => "为共享元素设置一个名称,并为您的临时用户分配访问权限。", "359" => "标签", "360" => "权限", "361" => "读", "362" => "写", "363" => "共享元素", "364" => "您没有执行此操作的权限", "365" => "不能一次性上传超过 %s 个文件。", "366" => "此用户没有任何活动的存储库。", "367" => "不能上传此类型的文件。 请在以下扩展名中进行选择: ", "368" => "已成功地将所选内容从存档 %s 提取到文件夹 %s", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE 链接", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE 公共下载", "371" => "当前下载需要密码", "372" => "当前存储库", "373" => "目标", "374" => "不能跨存储库复制文件夹", "375" => "警告,由于您已处于非活动状态超过 __IDLE__,您将在 __LOGOUT__ 后自动注销", "376" => "单击任意位置重新激活", "378" => "警告,密码为空或太短!", "379" => "密码不安全!", "380" => "太短", "381" => "非常弱", "382" => "弱", "383" => "中等", "384" => "强", "385" => "非常强", "386" => "您已登录失败 3 次。\\n为安全起见,请填写在图像中显示的代码。", "389" => "请读取下面的代码:", "390" => "代码", "391" => "无存储库", "392" => "警告,APPLICATION_TITLE 版本已更改(现在为 %s),请清除您的浏览器缓存并刷新页面,以确保一切运行正常!", "393" => "警告,名称长度必须低于 %s,此文件的名称将被截断!", "394" => "很抱歉,此时无法使用当前身份验证驱动程序进行文件夹共享(用户是不可编辑的)。 尽管如此,仍可以进行文件共享。", "395" => "您拖入的项目好像是一个文件夹,文件夹不能上传到服务器! 是否确认要上传?", "396" => "身份验证方法", "397" => "分块下载", "398" => "分块下载所选文件", "399" => "输入您要分割的块数,并单击确认按钮,然后点击分块文件来启动下载。", "400" => "块数:", "401" => "下载并安装软件hjsplit,即可合并分块文件: ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "You can use the WebDAV protocol to mount your APPLICATION_TITLE repositories as a 'network drive' on various clients, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, etc.", "405" => "Use the following URLS to access your repositories, with your username and the password you entered. Warning, this won't work until you set this feature as 'active' and you enter your password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully, do not forget to update your password if it's the first time!", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Int.", "532" => "Ext.", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.");
예제 #4
파일: ru.php 프로젝트: pussbb/CI_DEV_CMS

//	AjaXplorer
//	Copyright 2007-2008 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
//  www.Ajaxplorer.info
//  Reference dictionnary for translations
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Russian", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Версия", "1" => "Имя файла", "2" => "Размер", "3" => "Тип", "4" => "Изменен", "5" => "Actions", "6" => "Переимен.", "7" => "Удалить", "8" => "Папка", "9" => "Файл Midi", "10" => "Текстовый файл", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "Изображение GIF", "13" => "Изображение JPG", "14" => "Страница HTML", "15" => "Страница HTML", "16" => "Файл REAL", "17" => "Файл REAL", "18" => "Скрипт PERL", "19" => "Архив ZIP", "20" => "Файл WAV", "21" => "Скрипт PHP", "22" => "Скрипт PHP", "23" => "Файл", "24" => "На уровень выше", "25" => "Загрузить один или несколько файлов (максимум " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") в папку: ", "26" => "Создать новую папку в: ", "27" => "Закачать", "28" => "Создать новый файл в: ", "29" => "Создать", "30" => "Введите имя для папки и нажмите &laquo;Создать&raquo;", "31" => "Вы должны выбрать файл", "32" => "Открыть", "33" => "Ошибка при загрузке файлов!", "34" => "Файл", "35" => "был успешно создан в папке", "36" => "Его размер", "37" => "Введите правильное имя", "38" => "Папка", "39" => "была создана в", "40" => "Эта папка уже существует (регистр букв не имеет значения)", "41" => " : переименовано", "42" => "в", "43" => "уже существует (регист букв не имеет значения)", "44" => " : удалено", "45" => "папка", "46" => "файл", "47" => "Вы действительно хотите удалить", "48" => "OK", "49" => "Отмена", "50" => "Файл EXE", "51" => "Редактор", "52" => "Редактирование файла", "53" => "Сохранить", "54" => "Отмена", "55" => "был изменен", "56" => "Изображение BMP", "57" => "Изображение PNG", "58" => "Файл стилей CSS", "59" => "Музыка MP3", "60" => "Архив RAR", "61" => "Файл GZ", "62" => "Корневая папка", "63" => "Выйти", "64" => "Таблица XLS", "65" => "Документ Word", "66" => "Копировать", "67" => "Выбранный файл", "68" => "Вставить в", "69" => "Или выберете другую папку", "70" => "Переместить", "71" => "Этот файл уже существует (регистр букв не имеет значения)", "72" => "Путь к корневой папке неправильный. Проверьте его в файле conf/conf.php", "73" => " : скопировано в папку", "74" => " : перемещено в папку", "75" => "The file users.txt is not in the directory prive", "76" => "Этот файл был перемещен", "77" => "Отправить", "78" => "Pass", "79" => "Документ PDF", "80" => "Видео MOV", "81" => "Видео AVI", "82" => "Видео MPG", "83" => "Видео MPEG", "84" => "Помощь", "85" => "Обновить", "86" => "Закрыть", "87" => "Поиск", "88" => "Скачать", "89" => "Не могу открыть файл", "90" => "Печать", "91" => "Анимация Flash", "92" => "Язык", "93" => "Для возможности выбора языка ваш браузер должен принимать cookies.", "94" => "Вход", "95" => "Выберите язык:", "96" => "Пожалуйста выберите папку назначения в дереве каталогов: ", "97" => "Закачать файл", "98" => "Кликните на этом окошке чтоб закрыть его.", "99" => "не могу записать. Это может быть проблема доступа, обратитесь к своему администратору.", "100" => "Не могу найти файл ", "101" => "Текущая и новая папки совпадают!", "102" => "Ошибка при создании файла:", "103" => "Не могу найти папку ", "104" => "Перейти", "105" => "E-mail и URL для доступа прямо к этой папке.", "106" => "Отправить e-mail", "107" => "Ваше имя и/или e-mail", "108" => "E-mail адресата", "109" => "URL", "110" => "Добавить комментарий", "111" => "Следущий e-mail был отправлен:", "112" => "Ошибка при отправке e-mail: ", "113" => "Выбранная область пуста!", "114" => "При копировании произошла неизвестная ошибка!", "115" => "Файл был успешно сохранен", "116" => "файлов", "117" => "Папка", "118" => "Скачать несколько файлов", "119" => "Кликните на каждом файле чтобы скачать его.", "120" => "Вы не можете удалить всю вложенную структуру!", "121" => "Файл изображения ", "122" => "Корзина", "123" => " : перемещено ", "124" => "Перезаписать существующие файлы?", "125" => "Файл или папка с таким именем уже существуют (регистр букв не имеет значения). Выберите другое имя!", "126" => "Эскизы", "127" => "Размер", "128" => "файлов выбрано.", "129" => "Просмотр", "130" => "Папки", "131" => "Инфо", "132" => "Нет файла или папки", "133" => "Имя", "134" => "Тип", "135" => "Разрешение", "136" => "Полный размер", "138" => "Изменен", "139" => "Редактировать онлайн", "140" => "Играть всю папку", "141" => "Читается файл", "142" => "Вы вошли как ", "143" => "Гостевой просмотр. Вход.", "144" => "Вход не выполнен.", "145" => "Мои закладки", "146" => "Удалить закладку", "147" => "Закладки", "148" => "Вверх", "149" => "Обновить", "150" => "Вид", "151" => "Переключить вид...", "152" => "Закладка", "153" => "Добавить текущую папку в Мои Закладки", "154" => "Новая папка", "155" => "Создать новую папку", "156" => "Новый файл", "157" => "Создать новый пустой файл", "158" => "Переименовать выбранный файл или папку", "159" => "Копировать выбранное в ...", "160" => "Переместить выбранные файлы в ...", "161" => "Удалить выбранные файлы", "162" => "Редактировать текстовый файл онлайн", "163" => "Войти", "164" => "Выйти", "165" => "Настройки", "166" => "О программе", "167" => "Об AjaXplorer", "168" => "Подключиться к AjaXplorer", "169" => "Отключиться от AjaXplorer", "170" => "Текущая папка", "parent_access_key" => "В", "refresh_access_key" => "б", "list_access_key" => "С", "thumbs_access_key" => "Э", "bookmarks_access_key" => "З", "upload_access_key" => "а", "folder_access_key" => "п", "file_access_key" => "ф", "rename_access_key" => "м", "copy_access_key" => "К", "move_access_key" => "е", "delete_access_key" => "У", "edit_access_key" => "д", "view_access_key" => "м", "download_access_key" => "ч", "settings_access_key" => "Н", "about_access_key" => "О", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "и", "restore_access_key" => "т", "171" => "Выбрать из вашего компьютера", "172" => "Ваш выбор", "173" => "Имя новой папки", "174" => "Имя нового файла", "175" => "Выберите папку назначения", "176" => "Выбранные файлы будут перемещены в корзину.", "177" => "Вы хотите удалить выбранные файлы без возможности восстановления. Уверены?", "178" => "Предыдущий", "179" => "Следущий", "180" => "Введите имя/пароль", "181" => "Имя", "182" => "Пароль", "183" => "Пожалуйста выберите папку назначения отличную от исходной!", "184" => "Поиск в текущей папке и во вложенных", "185" => "Остановить поиск", "186" => "Предпросмотр изображения", "187" => "Онлайн редактирование - ", "189" => "Редактировать мои настройки", "190" => "Язык", "191" => "Вид по умолчанию", "192" => "Обычный список", "193" => "Эскизы", "194" => "Сменить пароль", "195" => "Настройки пользователя", "196" => "Ваш язык отличается от текущего!\\n Вы хотите обновить страницу для переключения языка?", "197" => "Изменение пароля вступит в силу после выхода.", "198" => "Новый", "199" => "Подтверждение", "200" => "Переключить хранилище...", "201" => "Внимание, некоторые изменения не сохранены!\\n Уверены что хотите закрыть?", "202" => "Внимание, рекурсивное копирование!", "203" => "Папка назначения совпадает с исходной папкой!", "204" => "Файл \"", "205" => "\" превышает допустимый размер (", "206" => "Mb).\\nОн не будет загружен.", "207" => "У вас нет прав для записи в эту папку", "208" => "У вас нет прав для чтения этой папки", "209" => "Внутренняя ошибка сервера, пожалуйста обратитесь к администратору!", "210" => "Загрузка прервана", "211" => "Файл слишком большой!", "212" => "Файлов на сервере не найдено!", "213" => "Ошибка во время копирования файлов в текущую папку", "214" => "Выбрать", "215" => "Начать загрузку", "216" => "Очистить", "217" => "Очистка завершена", "218" => "Удалить из очереди", "219" => "Выполнено", "220" => "Очистить", "221" => "Очистить корзину", "222" => "Восстановить", "223" => "Восстановить файл в его исходном месте", "224" => "Перейти", "225" => "Переименовать закладку", "226" => "Список", "227" => "Переключиться в детальный вид", "228" => "Эскизы", "229" => "Переключиться в эскизы", "230" => "Слайдшоу", "231" => "Начать слайдшоу", "232" => "Стоп", "233" => "Остановить слайдшоу", "234" => "Просмотреть выбранные файлы", "235" => "Раскрыть", "236" => "Восстановить", "237" => "Старый пароль", "238" => "Пароли разные!", "239" => "Пожалуйста напишите свой текущий пароль", "240" => "Неправильный пароль!", "241" => "Ваши настройки успешно сохранены", "242" => "Svn Log", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Ревизия", "244" => "Автор", "245" => "Дата", "246" => "Сообщение", "247" => "Распаковать", "248" => "Распаковать выбранное из zip в...", "249" => "Пользователи", "250" => "Хранилища", "251" => "Логи", "252" => "Был достигнут предел на общий размер файлов.", "253" => "Произошла ошибка HTTP:", "254" => "Произошла ошибка Ввода/Вывода:", "255" => "Произошла ошибка безопасности:", "256" => "Загружено", "257" => "Удалить", "258" => "Файлов:", "259" => "Общий размер:", "260" => "байт", "261" => "Запомнить меня", "262" => "Один или несколько файлов уже существуют\\nв папке назначения.\\nЧто хотите сделать?", "263" => "Заменить", "264" => "Пропустить", "265" => "Файлов", "266" => "Б", "267" => "Создать", "268" => "Создать новую таблицу", "269" => "Структура", "270" => "Редактировать структуру таблицы", "271" => "Удалить", "272" => "Удалить открытую таблицу", "273" => "Вставить", "274" => "Вставить новую запись", "275" => "Уверены что хотите удалить открытые таблицы?", "276" => "Редактировать выбранную запись", "277" => "Удалить выбранные записи", "278" => "Уверены что хотите удалить выбранные записи?", "279" => "Таблицы", "280" => "Записи", "281" => "Ограничения", "282" => "Размер одного файла", "283" => "Общий размер", "284" => "Количество файлов", "285" => "Cannot find user, please try again.\\n Make sure your Caps Lock is not engaged!", "286" => "Your user is out of date with the current version, please use the upgrade procedure.", "287" => "File Permissions", "288" => "User", "289" => "Group", "290" => "All", "291" => "Apply recursively?", "292" => "Public link", "293" => "Create a public link to this file", "294" => "Link time expiration (in days)", "295" => "Password (leave blank for now)", "296" => "Please copy the link below:", "297" => "New User", "298" => "Create a new user", "299" => "New Repo.", "300" => "Create a new repository", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Edit configuration", "302" => "Copy as Text", "303" => "Copy selection as tab-separated text.", "304" => "Back", "305" => "Go back to main page", "306" => "Too many folders", "307" => "Fill optional fields", "308" => "Generate Link", "309" => "Generate", "310" => "Options", "311" => "Upload automatically when a file is added", "312" => "Uploader Options", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "AjaXplorer Link", "370" => "AjaXplorer Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate");
예제 #5
파일: ca.php 프로젝트: pussbb/CI_DEV_CMS

//	AjaXplorer
//	Copyright 2007-2008 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
//  www.Ajaxplorer.info
//	Catalan translation: Jose Fco Martinez <*****@*****.**>
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Catalan", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Darrera veure.", "1" => "Nom", "2" => "Tamany", "3" => "Tipus", "4" => "Modificat", "5" => "Accions", "6" => "Canvia el nom.", "7" => "Supr.", "8" => "Directori", "9" => "Arxiu Midi", "10" => "Arxiu de Text", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "Imatge GIF", "13" => "Imatge JPG", "14" => "Pàgina HTML", "15" => "Pàgina HTML", "16" => "Arxiu REAL", "17" => "Arxiu REAL", "18" => "Script PERL", "19" => "Arxiu ZIP", "20" => "Arxiu WAV", "21" => "Script PHP", "22" => "Script PHP", "23" => "Fitxer", "24" => "Directori superior", "25" => "Envía un fitxer o més (max " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") al directori: ", "26" => "Crear nou arxiu en: ", "27" => "Envia", "28" => "Crear nou arxiu en: ", "29" => "Crear", "30" => "Escriu el nom del directori i fes click en &quot;Create&quot;", "31" => "Has de seleccionar un arxiu", "32" => "Explore", "33" => "Error en enviar el fitxer!", "34" => "L'arxiu", "35" => "ha estat correctament creat en el directori", "36" => "La seva mida és", "37" => "Heu d'introduir un nom vàlid", "38" => "La carpeta", "39" => "ha estat creat a", "40" => "Aquest directori ja existeix (no es distingeixen majúscules / minúscules)", "41" => "ha canviat de nom a", "42" => "a", "43" => "ja existeix (no es distingeixen majúscules / minúscules)", "44" => "ha estat esborrat", "45" => "directori", "46" => "arxiu", "47" => "Vols realment esborrar el", "48" => "D'acord", "49" => "Cancel", "50" => "Arxiu Exe", "51" => "Edita", "52" => "Editar arxiu", "53" => "Desa", "54" => "Cancel", "55" => "ha estat modificat", "56" => "Imatge BMP", "57" => "Imatge PNG", "58" => "Fitxer CSS", "59" => "Arxiu MP3", "60" => "Fitxer RAR", "61" => "Arxiu GZ", "62" => "Directori arrel", "63" => "desconnecta.", "64" => "Fitxer XLS", "65" => "Fitxer Word", "66" => "Copia", "67" => "Fitxer seleccionat", "68" => "Copia a", "69" => "O seleccionar un directori", "70" => "Mou", "71" => "Aquest fitxer ja existeix (no es distingeixen majúscules / minúscules)", "72" => "El directori arrel no és correcte. Comprova-ho en el fitxer conf / conf.php", "73" => "ha estat copiat al directori", "74" => "ha estat mogut al directori", "75" => "L'arxiu users.txt no està en el directori privat", "76" => "Aquest arxiu a estat esborrat", "77" => "Envia", "78" => "Pass", "79" => "Arxiu PDF", "80" => "Arxiu MOV", "81" => "Fitxer AVI", "82" => "Arxiu MPG", "83" => "Arxiu MPEG", "84" => "Ajuda", "85" => "Actualitza", "86" => "Tanca", "87" => "Cerca", "88" => "Descarregar", "89" => "Impossible obrir arxiu", "90" => "Imprimeix", "91" => "Arxiu FLASH", "92" => "llenguatge", "93" => "Per a escollir una llengua, el teu navegador ha d'acceptar cookies.", "94" => "Connectar", "95" => "Escull el teu idioma:", "96" => "Escull el directori de destí en l'arbre de carpetes:", "97" => "Envia un fitxer", "98" => "Fes en qualsevol punt del diàleg per tancar-lo.", "99" => "no pot escriure. Pot ser que hi hagi un problema de permisos, comprova-ho amb el teu administrador.", "100" => "No s'ha pogut trobar l'arxiu", "101" => "La carpeta d'origen i destinació són les mateixes!", "102" => "Error en crear l'arxiu:", "103" => "No s'ha pogut trobar directori", "104" => "Anar a la ubicació introduïda", "105" => "Envia un enllaç per accedir directament a aquesta ubicació.", "106" => "Envia Correu", "107" => "El teu nom i / o correu", "108" => "Correu de destí", "109" => "Link clickable", "110" => "Afegeix comentari", "111" => "Ha estat enviat el correu següent:", "112" => "L'enviament del correu:", "113" => "La selecció està buida!", "114" => "Error desconegut en copiar!", "115" => "L'arxiu ha estat correctament guardat", "116" => "arxius", "117" => "La carpeta", "118" => "Descarregar Diversos Arxius", "119" => "Fes click a cada arxiu per descarregar-lo.", "120" => "No pots esborrar tot l'arbrat!", "121" => "Arxiu d'Imatge", "122" => "Paperera", "123" => "ha estat mogut a", "124" => "Sobreescriure fitxers existents?", "125" => "Ja existeix un fitxer / directori amb aquest nom (no es distingeixen majúscules / minúscules). Tria un altre!", "126" => "Miniatures", "127" => "Tamany", "128" => "arxius escollits.", "129" => "Veure", "130" => "Carpetes", "131" => "Detalls", "132" => "Cap arxiu", "133" => "Nom", "134" => "Tipus", "135" => "Dimensions", "136" => "Veure Imatge Major", "138" => "Data Modif.", "139" => "Edita Online", "140" => "Reproduir directori sencer", "141" => "S'està llegint directori", "142" => "Connectat com", "143" => "Forma d'Convidat. Connecta.", "144" => "No connectat.", "145" => "Preferits", "146" => "Esborrar Preferit", "147" => "Favorits", "148" => "Superior", "149" => "Actualitza", "150" => "Vista", "151" => "Canviar vista ...", "152" => "Preferit", "153" => "Afegeix ubicació actual a Els meus favorits", "154" => "Nou Dir", "155" => "Crear nou directori", "156" => "Nou Arc.", "157" => "Crea nou fitxer buit", "158" => "Canvia el nom de fitxer o directori seleccionat", "159" => "Copia selecció a. ..", "160" => "Mou fitxers seleccionats a. ..", "161" => "Esborrar fitxers seleccionats.", "162" => "Edita arxius de text en línia.", "163" => "Connectar", "164" => "desconnecta.", "165" => "Config.", "166" => "Quant a", "167" => "Quant a AjaXplorer", "168" => "Connecta a AjaXplorer", "169" => "Desconnectar de AjaXplorer", "170" => "Carpeta Actual", "parent_access_key" => "u", "refresh_access_key" => "z", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "i", "bookmarks_access_key" => "f", "upload_access_key" => "E", "folder_access_key" => "D", "file_access_key" => "A", "rename_access_key" => "n", "copy_access_key" => "C", "move_access_key" => "M", "delete_access_key" => "S", "edit_access_key" => "t", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "g", "settings_access_key" => "o", "about_access_key" => "Q", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "V", "restore_access_key" => "R", "171" => "Examina teu ordinador", "172" => "La teva selecció", "173" => "Nom del nou directori", "174" => "Nom del nou arxiu", "175" => "Selecciona carpeta de destinació", "176" => "Els arxius seleccionats es mouran a la paperera.", "177" => "Estàs segur que vols suprimir permanentment els fitxers seleccionats?", "178" => "Anterior", "179" => "Seguent", "181" => "Usuari", "180" => "Introduir usuari/clau", "182" => "Contrasenya", "183" => "Selecciona una carpeta de destí diferent de la d'origen!", "184" => "Cercar en el directori actual i en els subdirectoris", "185" => "Aturar la cerca", "186" => "Previsualització de la imatge", "187" => "Edició Online -", "189" => "Edita meus Preferències", "190" => "llenguatge", "191" => "Vista per defecte", "192" => "Detalls", "193" => "Miniatures", "194" => "Canviar Clau", "195" => "Preferències d'usuari", "196" => "El teu idioma difereix de l'idioma actual! \\ \\ NVoleu recarregar la pàgina per canviar l'idioma?", "197" => "Preferències d'usuari correctament modificades! \\ \\ N \\ \\ n Si has canviat la teva clau, tindrà efecte després de la desconnexió", "198" => "Nou", "199" => "Confirma", "200" => "Canviar magatzem a. ..", "201" => "Compte, alguns canvis no s'han desat! \\ \\ N Esteu segur que voleu tancar?", "202" => "Compte, còpia recursiva!", "203" => "El directori de destinació i el directori original són el mateix!", "204" => "L'arxiu \" ", "205" => "\" excedeix el límit de mida ( ", "206" => "Mb). \\ \\ NNo serà enviat.", "207" => "No teniu permís d'escriptura en aquest directori", "208" => "No teniu permís de lectura en aquest directori", "209" => "Error intern del servidor, posa't en contacte amb l'Administrador!", "210" => "Ha fallat l'enviament", "211" => "L'arxiu és massa gran!", "212" => "Ninbún arxiu trobat al servidor!", "213" => "Error while copying file to current folder", "214" => "Examinar fitxers", "215" => "Inicia Enviament", "216" => "Netejar Cola", "217" => "Neteja Completada", "218" => "Treure de la cua", "219" => "Completat", "220" => "Buidar", "221" => "Buidar Paperera", "222" => "Restaurar", "223" => "Restaura arxiu a la seva ubicació original", "224" => "Anar a", "225" => "Canvia el nom favorit", "226" => "Llista", "227" => "Detalls Llista", "228" => "Miniato.", "229" => "Miniatures", "230" => "Play", "231" => "Reproduir passi de diapositives", "232" => "Stop", "233" => "Aturar presentació de diapositives", "234" => "Mostra les imatges seleccionades", "235" => "Pantalla completa", "236" => "Restaurar", "237" => "Contrasenya antiga", "238" => "Les contrasenyes diferents!", "239" => "Si us plau, ompli la seva contrasenya actual", "240" => "Contrasenya incorrecta", "241" => "Les seves preferències s'ha desat amb èxit", "242" => "svn log", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revisió", "244" => "Autor", "245" => "Data", "246" => "Missatge", "247" => "Extracte", "248" => "Extracte de la selecció zip a ...", "249" => "Gestió d'Usuaris", "250" => "Arxius de gestió", "251" => "Registres", "252" => "Tamany màxim d'enviament assolit.", "253" => "Error HTTP:", "254" => "Error d'E / S:", "255" => "Error de seguretat:", "256" => "Transferit", "257" => "Elimina", "258" => "Nombre de fitxers:", "259" => "combinat Mida:", "260" => "bytes", "261" => "Remember Me", "262" => "One or more files appear to exist \\nalready in the destination folder.\\nWhat do you want to do?", "263" => "Sobreescriure", "264" => "Anar", "265" => "Arxius", "266" => "B", "267" => "Crear", "268" => "Crear una nova taula", "269" => "estructura", "270" => "Canviar estructura de taula", "271" => "Drop", "272" => "drop table oberta", "273" => "Insereix", "274" => "Insereix un nou registre", "275" => "Esteu segur que voleu eliminar la taula seleccionada (s)?", "276" => "Edita registre seleccionat", "277" => "Eliminar els registres seleccionats", "278" => "Esteu segur que voleu eliminar el registre seleccionat (s)?", "279" => "Taules", "280" => "Records", "281" => "Límits", "282" => "Tamany per arxiu", "283" => "Tamany Total", "284" => "Nombre de fitxers", "285" => "No es pot trobar a l'usuari, si us plau, torneu-ho a provar. \\ \\ N Assegureu-vos que el bloqueig de majúscules no està compromesa", "286" => "L'usuari està actualitzada amb la versió actual, si us plau, utilitzeu el procediment d'actualització.", "287" => "Els permisos d'arxius", "288" => "Usuari", "289" => "Grup", "290" => "Tots", "291" => "Aplicar recursivament?", "292" => "enllaç Pública", "293" => "Crear un vincle del públic a aquesta imatge", "294" => "Vincular el temps de caducitat (en dies)", "295" => "Contrasenya (deixar en blanc per ara)", "296" => "Si us plau, copieu l'enllaç següent:", "297" => "Nou Usuari", "298" => "Crear un nou usuari", "299" => "Nou Repo.", "300" => "Crear un nou dipòsit", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Edita la configuració", "302" => "Copia com a text", "303" => "Copia selecció com a text separat per tabuladors.", "304" => "Tornar", "305" => "Tornar a la pàgina principal", "306" => "massa carpetes", "307" => "Omplir camps opcionals", "308" => "Enllaç Generar", "309" => "Generar", "310" => "Opcions", "311" => "Torna a carregar automàticament quan s'agrega un arxiu", "312" => "Opcions de carregador", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "AjaXplorer Link", "370" => "AjaXplorer Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate");
예제 #6
  * Error Catcher for PHP errors. Depending on the SERVER_DEBUG config
  * shows the file/line info or not.
  * @static
  * @param $code
  * @param $message
  * @param $fichier
  * @param $ligne
  * @param $context
 public static function catchError($code, $message, $fichier, $ligne, $context)
     if (error_reporting() == 0) {
     AJXP_Logger::error(basename($fichier), "error l.{$ligne}", array("message" => $message));
     if (ConfService::getConf("SERVER_DEBUG")) {
         $stack = debug_backtrace();
         $stackLen = count($stack);
         for ($i = 1; $i < $stackLen; $i++) {
             $entry = $stack[$i];
             $func = $entry['function'] . '(';
             $argsLen = count($entry['args']);
             for ($j = 0; $j < $argsLen; $j++) {
                 $s = $entry['args'][$j];
                 if (is_string($s)) {
                     $func .= $s;
                 } else {
                     if (is_object($s)) {
                         $func .= get_class($s);
                 if ($j < $argsLen - 1) {
                     $func .= ', ';
             $func .= ')';
             $message .= "\n" . str_replace(dirname(__FILE__), '', $entry['file']) . ':' . $entry['line'] . ' - ' . $func . PHP_EOL;
     if (!headers_sent()) {
     if (!empty($context) && is_object($context) && is_a($context, "AJXP_PromptException")) {
         AJXP_XMLWriter::write("<prompt type=\"" . $context->getPromptType() . "\"><message>" . $message . "</message><data><![CDATA[" . json_encode($context->getPromptData()) . "]]></data></prompt>", true);
     } else {
         AJXP_XMLWriter::sendMessage(null, SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($message), true);
예제 #7
 function readFile($filePathOrData, $headerType = "plain", $localName = "", $data = false, $gzip = GZIP_DOWNLOAD)
     global $G_PROBE_REAL_SIZE;
     if (!$data) {
         $test = fopen($filePathOrData, "r");
         if ($test) {
     $isFile = !$data && !$gzip;
     if (!$G_PROBE_REAL_SIZE || ini_get('safe_mode')) {
         $size = $data ? strlen($filePathOrData) : filesize($filePathOrData);
     } else {
         $size = $data ? strlen($filePathOrData) : floatval(trim($this->getTrueSize($filePathOrData)));
     if ($gzip && ($size > GZIP_LIMIT || !function_exists("gzencode") || @strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip') === FALSE)) {
         $gzip = false;
         // disable gzip
     $localName = $localName == "" ? basename($filePathOrData) : $localName;
     if ($headerType == "plain") {
     } else {
         if ($headerType == "image") {
             header("Content-Type: " . Utils::getImageMimeType(basename($filePathOrData)) . "; name=\"" . $localName . "\"");
             header("Content-Length: " . $size);
             header('Cache-Control: public');
         } else {
             if ($headerType == "mp3") {
                 header("Content-Type: audio/mp3; name=\"" . $localName . "\"");
                 header("Content-Length: " . $size);
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('/ MSIE /', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match('/ WebKit /', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                     $localName = str_replace("+", " ", urlencode(SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8($localName)));
                 if ($isFile) {
                     header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
                 // Check if we have a range header (we are resuming a transfer)
                 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']) && $isFile && $size != 0) {
                     // multiple ranges, which can become pretty complex, so ignore it for now
                     $ranges = explode('=', $_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']);
                     $offsets = explode('-', $ranges[1]);
                     $offset = floatval($offsets[0]);
                     $length = floatval($offsets[1]) - $offset;
                     if (!$length) {
                         $length = $size - $offset;
                     if ($length + $offset > $size || $length < 0) {
                         $length = $size - $offset;
                     header('HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content');
                     header('Content-Range: bytes ' . $offset . '-' . ($offset + $length - 1) . '/' . $size);
                     header("Content-Length: " . $length);
                     $file = fopen($filePathOrData, 'rb');
                     fseek($file, 0);
                     $relOffset = $offset;
                     while ($relOffset > 2000000000.0) {
                         // seek to the requested offset, this is 0 if it's not a partial content request
                         fseek($file, 2000000000, SEEK_CUR);
                         $relOffset -= 2000000000;
                         // This works because we never overcome the PHP 32 bit limit
                     fseek($file, $relOffset, SEEK_CUR);
                     while (ob_get_level()) {
                     $readSize = 0.0;
                     while (!feof($file) && $readSize < $length && connection_status() == 0) {
                         echo fread($file, 2048);
                         $readSize += 2048.0;
                 } else {
                     header("Content-Type: application/force-download; name=\"" . $localName . "\"");
                     header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
                     if ($gzip) {
                         header("Content-Encoding: gzip");
                         // If gzip, recompute data size!
                         $gzippedData = $data ? gzencode($filePathOrData, 9) : gzencode(file_get_contents($filePathOrData), 9);
                         $size = strlen($gzippedData);
                     header("Content-Length: " . $size);
                     if ($isFile && $size != 0) {
                         header("Content-Range: bytes 0-" . ($size - 1) . "/" . $size . ";");
                     header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $localName . "\"");
                     header("Expires: 0");
                     header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
                     header("Pragma: no-cache");
                     if (preg_match('/ MSIE 6/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                         header("Cache-Control: max_age=0");
                         header("Pragma: public");
                     // For SSL websites there is a bug with IE see article KB 323308
                     // therefore we must reset the Cache-Control and Pragma Header
                     if (ConfService::getConf("USE_HTTPS") == 1 && preg_match('/ MSIE /', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                     if ($gzip) {
                         print $gzippedData;
     if ($data) {
         print $filePathOrData;
     } else {
         $file = fopen($filePathOrData, "rb");
         if ($file !== FALSE) {
예제 #8

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "עברית", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_intl_locale" => "he-IL", "0" => "גרסה אחרונה", "1" => "שם קובץ", "2" => "גודל", "3" => "סוג", "4" => "שונה", "5" => "פעולות", "6" => "שנה שם", "7" => "מחק", "8" => "ספריה", "9" => "Midi File", "10" => "Text file", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF picture", "13" => "JPG picture", "14" => "HTML page", "15" => "HTML page", "16" => "REAL file", "17" => "REAL file", "18" => "PERL script", "19" => "ZIP file", "20" => "WAV file", "21" => "PHP script", "22" => "PHP script", "23" => "קובץ", "24" => "Parent directory", "25" => "Upload one or more files (max. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") in the directory : ", "26" => "צור ספריה חדשה ב: ", "27" => "העלה קובץ", "28" => "צור קובץ חדש ב : ", "29" => "צור", "30" => "Write a name for the directory then click on &quot;Create&quot;", "31" => "עליך לבחור קובץ", "32" => "סייר", "33" => "שגיאה בהעלאת קובץ !", "34" => "הקובץ", "35" => "נוצר בהצלחה בספריה", "36" => "גודלו הוא", "37" => "עליך לכתוב שם תקין", "38" => "הספריה", "39" => "נוצר ב", "40" => "This directory already exists (names are case insensitive)", "41" => "שמו שונה ל", "42" => "ל", "43" => "already exists  (names are case insensitive)", "44" => "נמחק", "45" => "ספריה", "46" => "קובץ", "47" => "האם אתה באמת רוצה למחוק את ה", "48" => "אישור", "49" => "ביטול", "50" => "Exe file", "51" => "ערוך", "52" => "עורך קובץ", "53" => "שמור", "54" => "בטל", "55" => "שונה", "56" => "BMP picture", "57" => "PNG picture", "58" => "CSS File", "59" => "MP3 File", "60" => "RAR File", "61" => "GZ File", "62" => "Root directory", "63" => "התנתק", "64" => "XLS File", "65" => "Word File", "66" => "העתק", "67" => "הקובץ הנבחר", "68" => "הדבק ב", "69" => "או שתבחר ספריה אחרת", "70" => "הזז", "71" => "This file already exists (names are case insensitive)", "72" => "The root path is not correct. Check it in the conf/conf.php file", "73" => "הועתק לתוך הספריה", "74" => "הוזז לתוך הספריה", "75" => "The file users.txt is not in the directory prive", "76" => "קובץ זה נמחק", "77" => "שלח", "78" => "Pass", "79" => "PDF File", "80" => "MOV File", "81" => "AVI File", "82" => "MPG File", "83" => "MPEG File", "84" => "עזרה", "85" => "רענן", "86" => "סגור", "87" => "חפש", "88" => "הורד קובץ", "89" => "לא ניתן לפתוח את הקובץ", "90" => "הדפס", "91" => "FLASH File", "92" => "שפה", "93" => "To choose your language, your browser must accept cookies.", "94" => "התחבר", "95" => "בחר את שפתך :", "96" => "אנא בחר את ספרית היעד בעץ : ", "97" => "העלה קובץ", "98" => "Click anywhere on this box to close it.", "99" => "is not writeable. There might be a permission problem, please check your administrator.", "100" => "קובץ לא נמצא ", "101" => "The origin and destination folders are the same!", "102" => "שגיאה ביצירת הקובץ :", "103" => "תיקיה לא נמצאה ", "104" => "לך למיקום זה", "105" => "Email an url to access directly to this location.", "106" => "שלח אימייל", "107" => "Your name and/or email", "108" => "The destination email", "109" => "Clickable URL", "110" => "הוסף הערה", "111" => "The following email has been sent :", "112" => "Email sending failed : ", "113" => "The selection is empty!", "114" => "Unkown error happened during copy!", "115" => "הקובץ נשמר בהצלחה", "116" => "קבצים", "117" => "התיקיה", "118" => "הורד מספר קבצים", "119" => "הקלק על כל קובץ על מנת להורידו.", "120" => "You are not allowed to delete the whole arborescence!", "121" => "Image File ", "122" => "סל המיחזור", "123" => "has been moved to the ", "124" => "לדרוס קובץ קיים?", "125" => "A file/folder with that name already exists (names are case insensitive). Please choose another one!", "126" => "תמונות ממוזערות", "127" => "גודל", "128" => "קבצים נבחרו.", "129" => "הצג", "130" => "תיקיות", "131" => "פרטים", "132" => "No file or folder", "133" => "שם", "134" => "סוג", "135" => "ממדים", "136" => "הצג בהגדלה", "138" => "שונה לאחרונה", "139" => "ערוך באופן מקוון", "140" => "Play whole folder", "141" => "Reading folder", "142" => "משתמש מחובר ", "143" => "Guest browsing. Log in.", "144" => "לא מחובר.", "145" => "הסמניות שלי", "146" => "מחק סמניה", "147" => "סמניות", "148" => "למעלה", "149" => "רענן", "150" => "תצוגה", "151" => "החלף מצב תצוגה...", "152" => "סמניה", "153" => "הוסף מיקום נוכחי לסמניות שלי", "154" => "תיקיה חדשה", "155" => "צור תיקיה חדשה", "156" => "קובץ חדש", "157" => "צור קובץ ריק חדש", "158" => "שנה את שם הקובץ או התיקיה הנבחרים", "159" => "העתק את הבחירה ל...", "160" => "הזז קבצים נבחרים ל ...", "161" => "מחק קבצים נבחרים.", "162" => "ערוך קובץ טקסט באופן מקוון.", "163" => "התחבר", "164" => "התנתק", "165" => "הגדרות", "166" => "אודות", "167" => "אודות Pydio", "168" => "התחבר ל APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "התנתק מ APPLICATION_TITLE", "170" => "תיקיה נוכחית", "parent_access_key" => "ל", "refresh_access_key" => "נ", "list_access_key" => "ה", "thumbs_access_key" => "מ", "bookmarks_access_key" => "ס", "upload_access_key" => "ע", "folder_access_key" => "ת", "file_access_key" => "ק", "rename_access_key" => "ש", "copy_access_key" => "ע", "move_access_key" => "ז", "delete_access_key" => "מ", "edit_access_key" => "ך", "view_access_key" => "צ", "download_access_key" => "ד", "settings_access_key" => "ג", "about_access_key" => "ו", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "ר", "restore_access_key" => "ש", "171" => "Browse", "172" => "בחירתך", "173" => "שם תיקיה חדשה", "174" => "שם קובץ חדש", "175" => "בחר תיקית יעד", "176" => "הקבצים הנבחרים יועברו לסל המיחזור.", "177" => "האם אתה בטוח כי ברצונך למחוק לעד את הקבצים הנבחרים?", "178" => "הקודם", "179" => "הבא", "180" => "הכנס שם וסיסמה", "181" => "שם", "182" => "סיסמה", "183" => "Please select a destination folder different from the origin!", "184" => "Search in current folder and sub-folders", "185" => "עצור חיפוש", "186" => "תצוגה מקדימה של תמונות", "187" => "Online Edition - ", "189" => "ערוך את ההעדפות שלי", "190" => "שפה", "191" => "תצוגת ברירת המחדל", "192" => "רשימת פרטים", "193" => "תמונות ממוזערות", "194" => "שנה סיסמה", "195" => "העדפות משתמש", "196" => "Your language differs from the current language!\\n Do you want to reload the page to switch language?", "197" => "סיסמה חדשה תכנס לתוקף לאחר חיבור מדש.", "198" => "חדש", "199" => "אשר", "200" => "Switch Repository to...", "201" => "Warning, some changes are unsaved!\\n Are you sure you want to close?", "202" => "Warning, recursive copy!", "203" => "Destintation folder is the same as original folder!", "204" => "The file \"", "205" => "\" exceeds size limit (", "206" => "Mb).\\nIt will not be uploaded.", "207" => "אין לך הרשאות כתיבה בתיקיה זו", "208" => "אין לך הרשאות קריאה בתיקיה זו", "209" => "Internal server error, please contact Administrator!", "210" => "העלאה נכשלה", "211" => "הקובץ גדול מידי!", "212" => "No file found on server!", "213" => "Error while copying file to current folder", "214" => "Browse", "215" => "התחל העלאה", "216" => "נקה", "217" => "נקה שהסתיימו", "218" => "הוצא מהתור", "219" => "הסתיים", "220" => "רוקן", "221" => "רוקן את סל המיחזור", "222" => "שחזר", "223" => "שחזר את הקובץ למקומו המקורי", "224" => "לך ל", "225" => "שנה שם הסמניה", "226" => "רשימה", "227" => "עבור לתצוגת רשימת פרטים", "228" => "תמונות ממוזערות", "229" => "עבור לתצוגת תמונות ממוזערות", "230" => "נגן", "231" => "הפעל מצגת", "232" => "עצור", "233" => "עצור מצגת", "234" => "הראה תמונות שנבחרו", "235" => "מסך מלא", "236" => "שחזר", "237" => "סיסמה ישנה", "238" => "אין התאמה בסיסמאות!", "239" => "אנא מלא את סיסמתך הנוכחית", "240" => "סיסמה שגויה!", "241" => "העדפותיך נשמרו בהצלחה", "242" => "Svn Log", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revision", "244" => "מחבר", "245" => "תאריך", "246" => "הודעה", "247" => "Extract", "248" => "Extract selection from zip to...", "249" => "משתמשים", "250" => "Repositories", "251" => "Logs", "252" => "The total file size limit has been reached.", "253" => "There has been an HTTP Error:", "254" => "There has been an IO Error:", "255" => "These has been a Security Error:", "256" => "Uploaded", "257" => "Remove", "258" => "File count :", "259" => "Total size :", "260" => "bytes", "261" => "זכור אותי", "262" => "One or more files appear to exist \\nalready in the destination folder.\\nWhat do you want to do?", "263" => "Overwrite", "264" => "דלג", "265" => "קבצים", "266" => "B", "267" => "צור", "268" => "צור טבלה חדשה", "269" => "Structure", "270" => "Edit table structure", "271" => "Drop", "272" => "Drop open table", "273" => "הכנס", "274" => "הכנס רשומה חדשה", "275" => "Are you sure you want to drop the selected table(s)?", "276" => "ערוך רשומות נבחרות", "277" => "מחק רשומות נבחרות", "278" => "Are you sure you want to delete the selected record(s)?", "279" => "טבלאות", "280" => "רשומות", "281" => "Upload Limits", "282" => "Size per File", "283" => "Total Size", "284" => "Files Number", "285" => "Cannot find user, please try again.\\n Make sure your Caps Lock is not engaged!", "286" => "Your user is out of date with the current version, please use the upgrade procedure.", "287" => "הרשאות קובץ", "288" => "User", "289" => "Group", "290" => "All", "291" => "Apply recursively?", "292" => "Public link", "293" => "Create a public link to this file", "294" => "Link time expiration (in days)", "295" => "סיסמה", "296" => "Copy the URL below:", "297" => "משתמש חדש", "298" => "צור משתמש חדש", "299" => "New Repo.", "300" => "Create a new repository", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "מ", "301" => "ערוך הגדרות", "302" => "Copy as Text", "303" => "Copy selection as tab-separated text.", "304" => "Back", "305" => "Go back to main page", "306" => "Too many folders", "307" => "Fill optional fields", "308" => "Generate Link", "309" => "Generate", "310" => "אפשרויות", "311" => "Upload automatically when a file is added", "312" => "Uploader Options", "313" => "כווץ...", "314" => "כווץ בחירה ל Zip...", "315" => "כווץ בחירה ל", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "e", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Link", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate", "378" => "Warning, password is empty or too short!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Too short", "381" => "Very weak", "382" => "Weak", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Strong", "385" => "Very strong", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code", "391" => "No Repository", "392" => "Warning, APPLICATION_TITLE version has changed (now %s), please clear your browser cache and refresh the page to be sure that everything is functionnal!", "393" => "Warning, the names length must be under %s, this file's name will be truncated!", "394" => "Sorry, at the moment folder sharing is not possible using the current auth driver (users are not editable). File sharing is still possible though.", "395" => "The item you dropped seem to be a folder, and folders cannot be uploaded to server! Are you sure you want to upload?", "396" => "Auth. Method", "397" => "Download chunked", "398" => "Download selected file by pieces", "399" => "Enter the number of pieces you want to download, then click the button and click on each file to download them.", "400" => "Number of pieces :", "401" => "You can download and install the following software to join the pieces once on your computer : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "You can use the WebDAV protocol to mount your APPLICATION_TITLE repositories as a 'network drive' on various clients, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, etc.", "405" => "Use the following URLS to access your repositories, with your username and the password you entered. Warning, this won't work until you set this feature as 'active' and you enter your password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully, do not forget to update your password if it's the first time!", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Int.", "532" => "Ext.", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.");
예제 #9

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
//  Traditional Chinese (zh-tw UTF-8) translated by: Tommy Lam (Nov 13, 2008)
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "繁體中文", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_intl_locale" => "zh-TW", "0" => "上一版本", "1" => "名稱", "2" => "大小", "3" => "種類", "4" => "修改日期", "5" => "行動", "6" => "重新命名(R)", "7" => "刪除(D)", "8" => "目錄", "9" => "Midi 音效檔案", "10" => "文字檔案", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF 圖像", "13" => "JPG 圖像", "14" => "HTML 網頁", "15" => "HTML 網頁", "16" => "REAL 檔案", "17" => "REAL 檔案", "18" => "PERL 程式", "19" => "ZIP 檔案", "20" => "WAV 音效檔案", "21" => "PHP 程式", "22" => "PHP 程式", "23" => "檔案", "24" => "上一目錄", "25" => "上載一個或以上檔案 (最多 " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . " 個) 到目錄 : ", "26" => "建立新目錄於 : ", "27" => "上載檔案(U)", "28" => "建立新檔案於 : ", "29" => "建立", "30" => "給目錄命名並按 &quot;建立&quot;", "31" => "必須選擇一個檔案", "32" => "展開", "33" => "檔案上載錯誤!", "34" => "檔案", "35" => "已成功在目錄內產生。", "36" => "它的大小為", "37" => "必須使用有效之名稱", "38" => "目錄", "39" => "已產生在", "40" => "這目錄已存在 (名字沒有大小寫之分別)", "41" => "已被更名為", "42" => "至", "43" => "已存在 (名字沒有大小寫之分別)", "44" => "已被刪除", "45" => "目錄", "46" => "檔案", "47" => "確定要刪除以下", "48" => "確定", "49" => "取消", "50" => "Exe 檔案", "51" => "編輯", "52" => "編輯檔案", "53" => "存檔", "54" => "取消", "55" => "已修改", "56" => "BMP 圖像", "57" => "PNG 圖像", "58" => "CSS 檔案", "59" => "MP3 檔案", "60" => "RAR 檔案", "61" => "GZ 檔案", "62" => "根目錄", "63" => "登出", "64" => "XLS 檔案", "65" => "Word 檔案", "66" => "複製(C)", "67" => "已選擇的檔案", "68" => "貼上於", "69" => "或選擇其他目錄", "70" => "移動(M)", "71" => "這檔案已存在 (名字沒有大小寫之分別)", "72" => "根目錄路徑不正確. 請檢查 conf/conf.php 檔案", "73" => "已被複製到目錄", "74" => "已被移動到目錄", "75" => "users.txt 檔案不在 prive 目錄", "76" => "檔案已被移除", "77" => "傳送", "78" => "成功", "79" => "PDF 檔案", "80" => "MOV 檔案", "81" => "AVI 檔案", "82" => "MPG 檔案", "83" => "MPEG 檔案", "84" => "求助", "85" => "重新整理", "86" => "關閉", "87" => "搜尋", "88" => "下載(w)", "89" => "無法開啟檔案", "90" => "列印", "91" => "FLASH 檔案", "92" => "語言", "93" => "要選擇語言, 瀏覽器必須接受cookies.", "94" => "登入", "95" => "選擇語言:", "96" => "請選擇目的地目錄: ", "97" => "上載檔案", "98" => "按此方格關閉.", "99" => "不能寫入. 可能是權限問題, 請聯絡系統管理員.", "100" => "找不到檔案", "101" => "來源與目的地目錄一樣!", "102" => "產生檔案時錯誤 :", "103" => "找不到目錄 ", "104" => "前往指定位置", "105" => "電郵傳送網址以存取這位置", "106" => "發送郵件", "107" => "你的名字及/或電郵地址", "108" => "目的地電郵地址", "109" => "可連結之網址", "110" => "提供意見", "111" => "以下電郵已寄出:", "112" => "電郵發送失敗 : ", "113" => "選項是空白!", "114" => "複製時發生不明錯誤!", "115" => "檔案已成功儲存", "116" => "檔案", "117" => "目錄", "118" => "下載多個檔案", "119" => "按個別檔案下載.", "120" => "你無權刪除整個樹狀結構!", "121" => "影像檔案 ", "122" => "回收箱", "123" => "已被移動到 ", "124" => "複寫現有檔案?", "125" => "此檔案/目錄名稱已被使用 (名字沒有大小寫之分別). 請選另一名字!", "126" => "縮圖", "127" => "大小", "128" => "檔案已選.", "129" => "檢視", "130" => "資料夾", "131" => "詳細內容", "132" => "沒有檔案或目錄", "133" => "名字", "134" => "類別", "135" => "尺寸大小", "136" => "檢視較大影像", "138" => "最後修改日期", "139" => "線上修改", "140" => "播放整個目錄", "141" => "讀取目錄", "142" => "登入為 ", "143" => "以訪客身份瀏覽. 請登入.", "144" => "未登入.", "145" => "我的書籤", "146" => "刪除書籤", "147" => "書籤", "148" => "上一目錄(P)", "149" => "重新整理(h)", "150" => "縮圖", "151" => "切換顯示模式...(V)", "152" => "書籤(B)", "153" => "加至我的書籤", "154" => "開新目錄(N)", "155" => "建立新目錄", "156" => "開新檔案(F)", "157" => "建立新檔案", "158" => "為已選檔案/目錄更名", "159" => "複製已選項目至...", "160" => "移動已選檔案至 ...", "161" => "刪除已選檔案.", "162" => "線上編輯文字檔.", "163" => "登入", "164" => "登出", "165" => "設定(g)", "166" => "有關 Pydio(A)", "167" => "有關 Pydio", "168" => "連接至 APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "中止連接至 APPLICATION_TITLE", "170" => "現正使用的目錄", "parent_access_key" => "P", "refresh_access_key" => "h", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "T", "bookmarks_access_key" => "B", "upload_access_key" => "U", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "F", "rename_access_key" => "R", "copy_access_key" => "C", "move_access_key" => "M", "delete_access_key" => "D", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "w", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "A", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "y", "restore_access_key" => "o", "171" => "瀏覽檔案", "172" => "你的選擇", "173" => "新目錄名稱", "174" => "新檔案名稱", "175" => "選擇目的地目錄", "176" => "所選檔案會被移到回收箱.", "177" => "你確定要刪除所選檔案?", "178" => "上一個", "179" => "下一個", "180" => "輸入用戶名稱及密碼", "181" => "用戶名稱", "182" => "密碼", "183" => "請選擇與來源不同之目的地目錄!", "184" => "在現時的目錄及子目錄搜尋", "185" => "停止搜尋", "186" => "圖像預覽", "187" => "連線版本 - ", "189" => "修改我的設定", "190" => "語言", "191" => "預設顯示", "192" => "詳細列表", "193" => "縮圖", "194" => "更改密碼", "195" => "用戶設定", "196" => "所選語言與現有語言不同!\\n 是否需要更新頁面以切換語言?", "197" => "密碼變更需要重新連接才會生效.", "198" => "新密碼", "199" => "確認密碼", "200" => "切換共享空間至...", "201" => "警告! 有些變更尙未存檔!\\n 是否確定結束?", "202" => "警告! 遞歸的(recursive) 複製!", "203" => "目的地目錄與來源地目錄一樣!", "204" => "The file \"", "205" => "\" exceeds size limit (", "206" => "Mb).\\nIt will not be uploaded.", "207" => "你沒有寫入這目錄之權限", "208" => "你沒有讀取這目錄之權限", "209" => "內部錯誤, 請聯絡系統管理員!", "210" => "上載失敗", "211" => "檔案太大!", "212" => "伺服器上沒有檔案!", "213" => "複製至現有目錄時發生錯誤", "214" => "瀏覽", "215" => "開始上載", "216" => "清除", "217" => "清除完成", "218" => "從佇列中移除", "219" => "已完成", "220" => "清空", "221" => "清空回收箱", "222" => "還原", "223" => "將檔案還原至原來位置", "224" => "前往", "225" => "書籤更名", "226" => "列表", "227" => "切換至以詳細列表顯示", "228" => "縮圖(T)", "229" => "切換至以縮圖顯示", "230" => "播放", "231" => "播放幻燈片", "232" => "停止", "233" => "停止播放幻燈片", "234" => "觀看已選圖像", "235" => "全螢幕", "236" => "還原", "237" => "舊密碼", "238" => "密碼不符!", "239" => "請輸入現在密碼", "240" => "密碼錯誤!", "241" => "你的喜好已成功存檔", "242" => "儲存記錄檔", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "版本", "244" => "作者", "245" => "日期", "246" => "訊息", "247" => "取出", "248" => "從zip壓縮檔取出至...", "249" => "用戶管理", "250" => "共享空間管理", "251" => "記錄檔", "252" => "已超過檔案總計大小上限", "253" => "發生HTTP錯誤:", "254" => "發生IO錯誤:", "255" => "發生安全錯誤:", "256" => "已上載", "257" => "移除", "258" => "檔案數目 :", "259" => "總計大小 :", "260" => "位元", "261" => "記住我", "262" => "超過一個檔案在目的地目錄存在.\\n你想怎樣處理?", "263" => "複寫", "264" => "跳過", "265" => "檔案", "266" => "B", "267" => "建立", "268" => "建立新表單", "269" => "結構", "270" => "編輯表單結構", "271" => "丟棄", "272" => "丟棄已開表單", "273" => "插入", "274" => "插入新記錄", "275" => "是否丟棄所選表單?", "276" => "編輯已選記錄", "277" => "刪除已選記錄", "278" => "是否刪除所選記錄?", "279" => "表單", "280" => "記錄", "281" => "限制", "282" => "每個檔案大小", "283" => "總計大小", "284" => "檔案數目", "285" => "Cannot find user, please try again.\\n Make sure your Caps Lock is not engaged!", "286" => "Your user is out of date with the current version, please use the upgrade procedure.", "287" => "File Permissions", "288" => "User", "289" => "Group", "290" => "All", "291" => "Apply recursively?", "292" => "Public link", "293" => "Create a public link to this file", "294" => "Link time expiration (in days)", "295" => "Password (leave blank for now)", "296" => "Please copy the link below:", "297" => "New User", "298" => "Create a new user", "299" => "New Repo.", "300" => "Create a new repository", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Edit configuration", "302" => "Copy as Text", "303" => "Copy selection as tab-separated text.", "304" => "Back", "305" => "Go back to main page", "306" => "Too many folders", "307" => "Fill optional fields", "308" => "Generate Link", "309" => "Generate", "310" => "Options", "311" => "Upload automatically when a file is added", "312" => "Uploader Options", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Link", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate", "378" => "Warning, password is empty or too short!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Too short", "381" => "Very weak", "382" => "Weak", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Strong", "385" => "Very strong", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code", "391" => "No Repository", "392" => "Warning, APPLICATION_TITLE version has changed (now %s), please clear your browser cache and refresh the page to be sure that everything is functionnal!", "393" => "Warning, the names length must be under %s, this file's name will be truncated!", "394" => "Sorry, at the moment folder sharing is not possible using the current auth driver (users are not editable). File sharing is still possible though.", "395" => "The item you dropped seem to be a folder, and folders cannot be uploaded to server! Are you sure you want to upload?", "396" => "Auth. Method", "397" => "Download chunked", "398" => "Download selected file by pieces", "399" => "Enter the number of pieces you want to download, then click the button and click on each file to download them.", "400" => "Number of pieces :", "401" => "You can download and install the following software to join the pieces once on your computer : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "You can use the WebDAV protocol to mount your APPLICATION_TITLE repositories as a 'network drive' on various clients, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, etc.", "405" => "Use the following URLS to access your repositories, with your username and the password you entered. Warning, this won't work until you set this feature as 'active' and you enter your password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully, do not forget to update your password if it's the first time!", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Users", "532" => "Groups", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.cache" => "Cache server", "plugtype.desc.cache" => "Unique plugin to set up the cache server used by the application", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "plugtype.title.sec" => "Security", "plugtype.desc.sec" => "Advanced Security Features", "plugtype.title.helper" => "Helper", "plugtype.desc.helper" => "Helpers tools for administrative tasks", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.", "543" => "Results limited to %s.", "544" => "Show All", "545" => "Remote Share Dialog", "546" => "This item has been shared with you by %%OWNER%% from a remote location. Do you want to continue ?", "547" => "Accept", "548" => "Decline", "549" => "You have previously accepted this item that was shared with you by %%OWNER%% from a remote location. Do you want to reject it now?", "550" => "Reject this share", "551" => "Reject");
예제 #10
파일: da.php 프로젝트: bloveing/openulteo

//	AjaXplorer
//	Copyright 2007-2008 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
//  www.Ajaxplorer.info
//  Dansk oversættelse: Mike Johnsen
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Danish", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Aktuel Version", "1" => "Filnavn", "2" => "Størrelse", "3" => "Type", "4" => "Ændret", "5" => "Aktion", "6" => "Omdøb", "7" => "Slet", "8" => "Sti", "9" => "Midi Fil", "10" => "Tekst fil", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF Billede", "13" => "JPG Billede", "14" => "HTML Side", "15" => "HTML Side", "16" => "REAL fil", "17" => "REAL fil", "18" => "PERL script", "19" => "ZIP fil", "20" => "WAV fil", "21" => "PHP script", "22" => "PHP script", "23" => "Fil", "24" => "Et niveau op", "25" => "Upload en eller flere filer (maks. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") i biblioteket : ", "26" => "Opret nyt bibliotek i : ", "27" => "Upload", "28" => "Opret ny fil i : ", "29" => "Opret", "30" => "Skriv et navn for biblioteket og klik på &quot;Opret&quot;", "31" => "Du skal angive en fil", "32" => "Udforsk", "33" => "Fejl i fil upload !", "34" => "Filen", "35" => "er blevet oprettet i biblioteket med succes", "36" => "Dens størrelse er", "37" => "Du skal angive gyldigt navn", "38" => "Biblioteket", "39" => "er blevet oprettet i", "40" => "Dette bibliotek findes allerede (Bemærk forskel på store og små bogstaver)", "41" => "er blevet omdøbt til", "42" => "til", "43" => "eksisterer allerede (Bemærk forskel på store og små bogstaver)", "44" => "er blevet slettet", "45" => "bibliotek", "46" => "fil", "47" => "Er du sikker på du vil slette", "48" => "OK", "49" => "ANNULLER", "50" => "Exe fil", "51" => "Ændre", "52" => "Ændre fil", "53" => "Gem", "54" => "ANNULLER", "55" => "er blever ændret", "56" => "BMP Billede", "57" => "PNG Billede", "58" => "CSS Fil", "59" => "MP3 Fil", "60" => "RAR Fil", "61" => "GZ Fil", "62" => "Rod bibliotek", "63" => "Log ud", "64" => "XLS Fil", "65" => "Word Fil", "66" => "Kopier", "67" => "Valgt fil", "68" => "Sæt ind i", "69" => "Eller vælg et andet bibliotek", "70" => "Flyt", "71" => "Filen findes allerede (Bemærk forskel på store og små bogstaver)", "72" => "Rod stien er ikke korrekt. Kontroller det i conf/conf.php filen", "73" => "er blevet kopieret til biblioteket", "74" => "er blevet flyttet til biblioteket", "75" => "Filen users.cer er ikke i biblioteket brugere", "76" => "Filen er blevet flyttet", "77" => "Send", "78" => "Videregiv", "79" => "PDF Fil", "80" => "MOV Fil", "81" => "AVI Fil", "82" => "MPG Fil", "83" => "MPEG Fil", "84" => "hjælp", "85" => "Opdater", "86" => "Luk", "87" => "Søg", "88" => "Download", "89" => "Kan ikke åbne filen", "90" => "Print", "91" => "FLASH Fil", "92" => "Sprog", "93" => "For at vælge sprog, skal din browser acceptere cookies.", "94" => "Login", "95" => "Vælg dit sprog :", "96" => "Vælg destinations mappe i stifinder: ", "97" => "Upload Fil", "98" => "Klik hvor som helst i boksen for at lukke.", "99" => "er skrivbeskyttet. Check administrator for adgangs tilladelser.", "100" => "Kan ikke finde fil ", "101" => "Stien der kopieres til er den samme!", "102" => "Fejl ved oprettelse af fil :", "103" => "Kan ikke finde mappen ", "104" => "Skift til angivet mappe", "105" => "Send email med direkte adgang til denne sti.", "106" => "Send Mail", "107" => "Dit navn og/eller email", "108" => "Modtager email", "109" => "Klikbar URL", "110" => "Tilføj kommentar", "111" => "Følgende email er sendt :", "112" => "Fejl ved email afsendelse : ", "113" => "Intet valgt!", "114" => "Unkendt fejl under kopiering!", "115" => "Filen er gemt med success", "116" => "filer", "117" => "Mappen", "118" => "Download flere filer", "119" => "Klik på hver fil for at downloade.", "120" => "Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette strukturen!", "121" => "Billede filer ", "122" => "Papirkurv", "123" => "er blevet flyttet til ", "124" => "Overskriv eksisterende fil(er)?", "125" => "En fil/mappe med samme navn eksisterer allerede (Bemærk forskel på store og små bogstaver). Vælg et andet navn!", "126" => "Miniature", "127" => "Størrelse", "128" => "Valgte filer.", "129" => "Vis", "130" => "Mapper", "131" => "Detaljer", "132" => "Ingen fil eller mappe", "133" => "Navn", "134" => "Type", "135" => "Dimensioner", "136" => "Vis stort billede", "138" => "Ændret den.", "139" => "Ændre online", "140" => "Afspil hele mappen", "141" => "Læs mappe", "142" => "Logget ind som ", "143" => "Gæst. Log ind", "144" => "Ikke logget på.", "145" => "Mine bogmærker", "146" => "Slet bogmærker", "147" => "Bogmærker", "148" => "Op", "149" => "Opdater", "150" => "Vis", "151" => "Skift visning...", "152" => "Bogmærker", "153" => "Tilføj bogmærke", "154" => "Ny mappe", "155" => "Opret ny mappe", "156" => "Opret fil", "157" => "Opret ny fil", "158" => "Omdøb valgte filer eller mapper", "159" => "Kopier valgte filer eller mapper", "160" => "Flyt valgte filer eller mapper", "161" => "Slet valgte filer eller mapper.", "162" => "Rediger tekst filer online.", "163" => "Log ind", "164" => "Log ud", "165" => "Indstillinger", "166" => "Om", "167" => "Om AjaXplorer", "168" => "Opret forbindelse til AjaXplorer", "169" => "Afbryd forbindelse fra AjaXplorer", "170" => "Aktuel mappe", "parent_access_key" => "O", "refresh_access_key" => "p", "list_access_key" => "V", "thumbs_access_key" => "M", "bookmarks_access_key" => "B", "upload_access_key" => "U", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "f", "rename_access_key" => "b", "copy_access_key" => "K", "move_access_key" => "F", "delete_access_key" => "S", "edit_access_key" => "Æ", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "w", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "m", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "T", "restore_access_key" => "G", "171" => "Gennemse computer", "172" => "Valgte", "173" => "Nyt mappenavn", "174" => "Nyt filnavn", "175" => "Vælg destinationsmappen", "176" => "Valgte filer vil blive flyttet til papirkurv.", "177" => "Valgte filer vil blive slettet permanent?", "178" => "Forrige", "179" => "Næste", "180" => "Indtast brugernavn og adgangskode", "181" => "Brugernavn", "182" => "adgangskode", "183" => "Vælg en anden destinationsmappe end den aktuelle!", "184" => "Søg i aktuel mappe og undermapper", "185" => "Stop søgning", "186" => "Eksempel", "187" => "Online Editering - ", "189" => "Ændre mine indstillinger", "190" => "Sprog", "191" => "Standard visning", "192" => "Detaljer", "193" => "Miniature", "194" => "Ændre adgangskode", "195" => "Bruger indstillinger", "196" => "Dit sprog er anderledes end det aktuelle!\\n Vil du opdatere siden for at skifte sprog?", "197" => "Adgangskode gemt!\\n\\nHvis adgangskoden blev ændret, vil den være aktiv ved næste login.\\n\\nHvis sproget blev ændret, tryk på &quot;Opdater (F5)&quot; i din Browser.", "198" => "Ny", "199" => "Bekræft", "200" => "Skift depot til...", "201" => "Advarsel, ændringerne er ikke gemt!\\n Er du sikker på du vil lukke?", "202" => "Advarsel, rekursive kopi!", "203" => "destinationsmappen er den samme som original mappen!", "204" => "Filen \"", "205" => "\" Overskrider max størrelse (", "206" => "Mb).\\nKan ikke uploades.", "207" => "Du har ikke skriverettigheder til denne mappe", "208" => "Du har ikke læserettigheder til denne mappe", "209" => "Intern server fejl, kontakt Administrator!", "210" => "Upload mislykkedes", "211" => "Filen er for stor!", "212" => "Ingen fil fundet på serveren!", "213" => "Fejl ved kopiering til aktuel mappe", "214" => "Gennemse", "215" => "Start Upload", "216" => "Ryd", "217" => "Ryd afsluttet", "218" => "Slet fra kø", "219" => "Færdig", "220" => "Tøm", "221" => "Tøm papirkurv", "222" => "Gendan", "223" => "Gendanner fil til original destinationsmappe", "224" => "Gå til", "225" => "Omdøb bogmærke", "226" => "Visning", "227" => "Skift til detaljeret visning", "228" => "Miniature", "229" => "skift til miniature visning", "230" => "Afspil", "231" => "Afspil slideshow", "232" => "Stop", "233" => "Stop slideshow", "234" => "Vis valgte billeder", "235" => "Fuldskærm", "236" => "Gendan", "237" => "Gammel adgangskode", "238" => "Adgangskode er ikke ens!", "239" => "Skriv aktuel adgangskode", "240" => "Forkert adgangskode!", "241" => "Dine indstillinger er blevet gemt", "242" => "Svn Log fil", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revision", "244" => "Forfatter", "245" => "Dato", "246" => "Besked", "247" => "Udpak", "248" => "Udpak valgte fra zip, til...", "249" => "Brugere", "250" => "Depoter", "251" => "Log filer", "252" => "Max. fil størrelse er blevet nået.", "253" => "Der var en HTTP fejl:", "254" => "Der var en IO fejl:", "255" => "Der var en sikkerhedsfejl:", "256" => "Uploaded", "257" => "Flyt", "258" => "Antal filer :", "259" => "Samlet størrelse :", "260" => "bytes", "261" => "Husk mig på denne computer", "262" => "En eller flere filer findes \\nallerede i destinationsmappen.\\nHvad vil du gøre?", "263" => "Overskriv", "264" => "Spring over", "265" => "Filer", "266" => "B", "267" => "Opret", "268" => "Opret ny tabel", "269" => "Struktur", "270" => "Rediger tabel Struktur", "271" => "Kassér", "272" => "Kassér åben tabel", "273" => "indsæt", "274" => "Indsæt nyt datasæt", "275" => "Er du sikker på du vil kassér valgte tabeller?", "276" => "Rediger valgt datasæt", "277" => "Slet valgt datasæt", "278" => "Er du sikker på du vil slette valgte tabeller?", "279" => "Tabeller", "280" => "Datasæt", "281" => "Maximal", "282" => "Størrelse pr. fil", "283" => "Samlet størrelse", "284" => "Fil nummer", "285" => "Bruger ukendt, prøv igen.\\n Kontroller om capslock er aktiv!", "286" => "Din bruger er forældet med den nuværende version, brug venligst opgraderings proceduren.", "287" => "Fil tilladelser", "288" => "Bruger", "289" => "Gruppe", "290" => "Alle", "291" => "Anvend rekursiv?", "292" => "Offentlig genvej", "293" => "Opret offentlig genvej til denne fil", "294" => "Genvejs udløbstid (i dage)", "295" => "Adgangskode", "296" => "Kopier nedstående genvej:", "297" => "Ny bruger", "298" => "Opret en ny bruger", "299" => "Nyt depot.", "300" => "Opret et nyt depot", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "N", "301" => "Ændre indstillinger", "302" => "Kopier som tekst", "303" => "Kopier valgte som 'tabulator-separeret' tekst.", "304" => "Tilbage", "305" => "Tilbage til forsiden", "306" => "For mange mapper", "307" => "Udfyld valgfrie felter", "308" => "Generere link", "309" => "Generere", "310" => "Instillinger", "311" => "Upload automatisk når en fil bliver tilføjet", "312" => "Upload instillinger", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to");
예제 #11

//	AjaXplorer
//	Copyright 2007-2008 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
//  www.Ajaxplorer.info
//	Turkish translation by: Heron / date: 07 novembre 2009 (it feels good to help!)
//  transilated version: AjaXplorer-core-2.5.4 (release date: 02 novembre 2009)
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Turkce", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Son surum", "1" => "Dosya", "2" => "Boyut", "3" => "Tip", "4" => "De&#287;i&#351;ti", "5" => "Eylemler", "6" => "YEN&#304;DEN ADLANDIR", "7" => "TEM&#304;ZLE", "8" => "Klasor", "9" => "Midi dosyas&#305;", "10" => "Metin Dosyas&#305;", "11" => "javascript", "12" => "GIF goruntu", "13" => "JPG goruntu", "14" => "HTML sayfas&#305;", "15" => "HTML sayfas&#305;", "16" => "GER&#199;EK dosyas&#305;", "17" => "GER&#199;EK dosyas&#305;", "18" => "Perl beti&#287;i", "19" => "ZIP ar&#351;ivi", "20" => "WAV ses", "21" => "PHP beti&#287;i", "22" => "PHP beti&#287;i", "23" => "Dosya", "24" => "Ana Klasor", "25" => "Yukle bir veya daha fazla dosya (en fazla" . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") dosyan&#305;n icinde : ", "26" => "Yeni bir klasor olu&#351;turun : ", "27" => "Y&Uuml;KLE", "28" => "yeni bir dosya olu&#351;turun : ", "29" => "Olu&#351;tur", "30" => "dosya ismi belirleyiniz, sonrada t&#305;kla &quot;Maak&quot;", "31" => "Siz bir dosya secmelisiniz", "32" => "Ke&#351;fet", "33" => "Dosya yuklenirken hata olu&#351;tu!", "34" => "Dosya", "35" => "klasorde ba&#351;ar&#305;yla olu&#351;turuldu", "36" => "dosya buyuklu&#287;u", "37" => "Siz gecerli bir isim girmeniz gerekir", "38" => "Klasor", "39" => "icinde olu&#351;turuldu", "40" => "Bu isimde bir klasor zaten mevcut (isimler buyuk harf duyars&#305;z)", "41" => "isim olarak de&#287;i&#351;tirildi", "42" => "yon", "43" => "zaten mevcut (isimler buyuk harf duyars&#305;z)", "44" => "silindi", "45" => "klasor", "46" => "dosya", "47" => "gercekten silmek istiyormusunuz", "48" => "Tamam", "49" => "iptal", "50" => "exe dosyas&#305;", "51" => "D&Uuml;ZENLE", "52" => "Dosya Duzenle", "53" => "Kaydet", "54" => "iptal", "55" => "de&#287;i&#351;tirildi", "56" => "BMP tur resim", "57" => "PNG tur resim", "58" => "CSS dosyas&#305;", "59" => "MP3 ses", "60" => "RAR ar&#351;ivi", "61" => "GZ dosyas&#305;", "62" => "Ana klasor", "63" => "&#199;&#305;k&#305;&#351;", "64" => "XLS belgesi", "65" => "Word belgesi", "66" => "KOPYALA", "67" => "Secilmi&#351; dosya", "68" => "Yap&#305;&#351;t&#305;r", "69" => "Ya da farkl&#305; bir klasor secin", "70" => "TA&#350;I", "71" => "Bu dosya zaten mevcut (isimler buyuk harf duyars&#305;z)", "72" => "Ana klasor yanl&#305;&#351;. Bunu conf/conf.php dosyas&#305;nda kontrol edin", "73" => "klasore kopyaland&#305;", "74" => "klasore ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;", "75" => "users.txt dosyas&#305; privat klasorde mevcut de&#287;il", "76" => "Bu dosya silindi", "77" => "Yukle", "78" => "&#350;ifre", "79" => "PDF belgesi", "80" => "MOV vidyo", "81" => "AVI vidyo", "82" => "MPG vidyo", "83" => "MPEG vidyo", "84" => "Yard&#305;m", "85" => "YEN&#304;LE", "86" => "Kapat", "87" => "Ara", "88" => "&#304;ND&#304;R", "89" => "Dosya a&ccedl;&#305;lam&#305;yor", "90" => "Yazd&#305;r", "91" => "FLASH dosyas&#305;", "92" => "Dil", "93" => "Bir dil secebilmek icin web gezgini cerezleri kabul etmelidir.", "94" => "Giri&#351;", "95" => "Dil secin", "96" => "Klasorler listesinden hedef klasoru secin", "97" => "Dosya yukle", "98" => "Kapatmak icin bu kutunun bir yerine t&#305;klay&#305;n.", "99" => "yaz&#305;labilir de&#287;il. Belki tan&#305;nm&#305;&#351; haklarda bir problem vard&#305;r, bunu yonetici ile goru&#351;un.", "100" => "Dosya bulunamad&#305;", "101" => "Orjinal klasor ve hedef klasor ayn&#305;!", "102" => "Dosya olu&#351;turma hatas&#305;:", "103" => "Klasor bulunam&#305;yor", "104" => "Belirtilen yere git", "105" => "Bu yere do&#287;rudan eri&#351;im icin e-posta ile bir URL gonderin.", "106" => "E-posta gonder", "107" => "&#304;sminiz ve/veya e-posta adresi", "108" => "Hedef e-posta adresi", "109" => "T&#305;klanabilir URL", "110" => "Yorum ekle", "111" => "A&#351;a&#287;&#305;daki e-posta gonderildi:", "112" => "E-posta gonderme ba&#351;ar&#305;s&#305;z oldu:", "113" => "secim bo&#351;!", "114" => "Kopyalama s&#305;ras&#305;nda bilinmeyen hata!", "115" => "Dosyas&#305; ba&#351;ar&#305;yla kaydedildi", "116" => "Dosyalar", "117" => "Klasor", "118" => "Birden fazla dosya indirme", "119" => "&#304;ndirmek icin her dosyaya t&#305;klay&#305;n.", "120" => "A&#287;ac bicimini tamamen silebilme izni yok!", "121" => "Resim Dosyas&#305;", "122" => "&#199;op Kutusu", "123" => "Ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;&#287;&#305; yer ", "124" => "Varolan dosyalar&#305;n uzerine mi yaz&#305;ls&#305;n?", "125" => "Bu isimli dosya/klasor zaten mevcut (isimler buyuk harf duyars&#305;z). Farkl&#305; bir isim secin!", "126" => "M&#304;NYAT&Uuml;RLER", "127" => "Boyut", "128" => "Secilmi&#351; dosyalar.", "129" => "&#304;NCELE", "130" => "Klasorler", "131" => "Detaylar", "132" => "Herhangi bir dosya secilmedi", "133" => "&#304;sim", "134" => "Tip", "135" => "Boyutlar", "136" => "Resim ornekleri", "138" => "Yeni de&#287;i&#351;tirildi", "139" => "Online duzenle", "140" => "Klasorun tamam&#305;n&#305; oynat", "141" => "Klasoru okuma", "142" => "Giri&#351; &#351;ekli ", "143" => "Bir konuk olarak ke&#351;fedin. Giri&#351;.", "144" => "Giri&#351; yap&#305;lmad&#305;.", "145" => "Benim favori listem", "146" => "Favori listesini sil", "147" => "Favori listeleri", "148" => "YUKARI", "149" => "YEN&#304;LE", "150" => "Goster", "151" => "Goruntuleme &#351;eklini de&#287;i&#351;tir...", "152" => "FAVOR&#304; L&#304;STES&#304;", "153" => "Yeri favori listelerime ekle", "154" => "YEN&#304; KLAS&Ouml;R", "155" => "Yeni klasor olu&#351;tur", "156" => "YEN&#304; DOSYA", "157" => "Yeni bo&#351; bir dosya olu&#351;tur", "158" => "Secilen dosya veya klasoru yeniden adland&#305;r", "159" => "Secim kopyalama hedefi...", "160" => "Secim ta&#351;&#305;ma hedefi...", "161" => "Secilmi&#351; dosyalar&#305; sil", "162" => "Dosyay&#305; online de duzenle", "163" => "G&#304;R&#304;&#350;", "164" => "&#199;IKI&#350;", "165" => "AYARLAR", "166" => "HAKKINDA", "167" => "AjaXplorer hakk&#305;nda", "168" => "AjaXplorer'e ba&#287;lan", "169" => "AjaXplorer'le ba&#287;lant&#305;y&#305; kes", "170" => "Mevcut dosya", "parent_access_key" => "U", "refresh_access_key" => "Y", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "M", "bookmarks_access_key" => "F", "upload_access_key" => "K", "folder_access_key" => "S", "file_access_key" => "D", "rename_access_key" => "A", "copy_access_key" => "P", "move_access_key" => "T", "delete_access_key" => "Z", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "C", "download_access_key" => "N", "settings_access_key" => "R", "about_access_key" => "I", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "B", "restore_access_key" => "O", "171" => "Bilgisayar&#305;n&#305; ke&#351;fet", "172" => "Seciminiz", "173" => "Yeni klasor ismi", "174" => "Yeni dosya ismi", "175" => "Hedef klasoru secin", "176" => "Secilen dosyalar coptenekesine gonderilecek.", "177" => "Secilen dosyalar&#305; donu&#351;umsuz silmek istedi&#287;inizden eminmisiniz?", "178" => "onceki", "179" => "Sonraki", "180" => "Giri&#351;/&#351;ifre yaz&#305;n", "181" => "Giri&#351;", "182" => "&#350;ifre", "183" => "Orginal klasor harici bir hedef klasoru secin!", "184" => "Mevcut ana klasor ve alt klasorler icinde ara", "185" => "Aramay&#305; durdur", "186" => "Resim ornekleri", "187" => "Online surumu - ", "189" => "Tercihlerimi duzenle", "190" => "Dil", "191" => "Varsay&#305;lan Gorunum", "192" => "AYRINTILI L&#304;STE", "193" => "M&#304;NYAT&Uuml;RLER", "194" => "&#350;ifre de&#287;i&#351;tir", "195" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; Tercihleri", "196" => "Ki&#351;isel dil ayar&#305;n&#305;z gecerli dil ayar&#305;ndan farkl&#305;!\\n Sayfa dilini de&#287;i&#351;tirmek icin sayfay&#305; yenilemek istermisiniz?", "197" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; Tercihleri ba&#351;ar&#305;yla de&#287;i&#351;tirildi! \\n\\n. E&#287;er &#351;ifrenizi de&#287;i&#351;tirdiyseniz de&#287;i&#351;iklik ancak c&#305;k&#305;&#351; yapt&#305;ktan sonra gecerli olacakt&#305;r.", "198" => "Yeni", "199" => "Onayla", "200" => "Dosyalar deposunu duzenleme hedefi...", "201" => "Dikkat, baz&#305; de&#287;i&#351;iklikler henuz kaydedilmedi!\\n Pencereyi kapatmak istedi&#287;inizden eminmisiniz?", "202" => "Dikkat, recursif kopya!", "203" => "hedef klasor orjinal klasor ile ayn&#305;!", "204" => "Dosya \"", "205" => "\" gecerli olan boyutu a&#351;&#305;yor ( ", "206" => "Mb).\\nYuklenmeyecek.", "207" => "Bu klasor icin yaz&#305;m hakk&#305;n&#305;z yok", "208" => "Bu klasoru okuma hakk&#305;n&#305;z yok", "209" => "Server ici hata, lutfen moderatorle ili&#351;kiye gecin!", "210" => "Yukleme ba&#351;ar&#305;s&#305;z", "211" => "Dosya c*k buyuk!", "212" => "Serverde dosya bulunamad&#305;!", "213" => "Dosyay&#305; mevcut klasore kopyalama esnas&#305;nda hata olu&#351;tu", "214" => "Sec", "215" => "Yuklemeyi ba&#351;lat", "216" => "Listeyi sil", "217" => "Bo&#351;altma tamamland&#305;", "218" => "Listesinden c&#305;kart", "219" => "Tamamland&#305;", "220" => "TEM&#304;ZLE", "221" => "&#199;op Kutusunu Bo&#351;alt", "222" => "Geri donu&#351;um", "223" => "Dosyay&#305; orginal klasore geri gonder", "224" => "Oraya git", "225" => "Favori listesini yeniden adland&#305;r", "226" => "L&#304;STE", "227" => "Ayr&#305;nt&#305;l&#305; Liste", "228" => "M&#304;NYAT&Uuml;RLER", "229" => "Minyaturler Goruntu", "230" => "Oynat", "231" => "Slayt &#351;eklinde oynat", "232" => "Dur", "233" => "Slayt gosterisini durdur", "234" => "Secimi incele", "235" => "Azami", "236" => "RESTORE ET", "237" => "Eski &#351;ifre", "238" => "&#350;ifreler uyu&#351;muyor!", "239" => "Lutfen &#351;ifrenizi girin", "240" => "Yanl&#305;&#351; &#351;ifre!", "241" => "Tercihleriniz kaydedildi", "242" => "SVN Kay&#305;t", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revizyon", "244" => "Yazar", "245" => "Tarih", "246" => "Mesaj", "247" => "&#199;&#305;kart", "248" => "Secimin c&#305;kar&#305;lacak hedefi...", "249" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305;lar", "250" => "Dosya Deposu", "251" => "Kay&#305;tlar", "252" => "Gecerli maksimum yaz&#305;m oran&#305;na eri&#351;ildi.", "253" => "HTTP Hatas&#305;:", "254" => "IO Hatas&#305;:", "255" => "Guvenlik Hatas&#305;:", "256" => "Yuklendi", "257" => "Sil", "258" => "DOSYA SAYISI:", "259" => "Toplam Boyut", "260" => "bytler", "261" => "Bilgisayarda haf&#305;zaya kay&#305;t et", "262" => "Bir veya daha fazla dosya zaten\\n ana klasorde bulunmaktad&#305;r.\\nNe yapmak istiyorsunuz?", "263" => "&Uuml;zerine Yaz", "264" => "Atla", "265" => "Dosyalar", "266" => "B", "267" => "Olu&#351;tur", "268" => "Yeni bir tablo olu&#351;tur", "269" => "Yap&#305;s&#305;", "270" => "Tablo yap&#305;s&#305; duzenle", "271" => "B&#305;rak", "272" => "Ac&#305;k tabloyu b&#305;rak", "273" => "Yerle&#351;tir", "274" => "Yeni bir kay&#305;t ekle", "275" => "Secilen tablo (lar&#305;) b&#305;rakmak istedi&#287;inizden eminmisiniz?", "276" => "Secilen kayd&#305; duzenle", "277" => "Secilen kay&#305;tlar&#305; sil", "278" => "Secilen kay&#305;t (lar&#305;) silmek istedi&#287;inizden eminmisiniz?", "279" => "Tablolar", "280" => "Kay&#305;tlar", "281" => "S&#305;n&#305;rlar", "282" => "Dosya boyutu", "283" => "Toplam Boyut", "284" => "DOSYA SAYISI", "285" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; bulunamad&#305;, lutfen tekrar deneyin.\\n Caps Lock tu&#351;lar&#305;n&#305;n etkin olmadi&#287;&#305;ndan emin olun!", "286" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; gecerli versiyona uygun yap&#305;lamad&#305;, tercihen pro&#287;ram guncelleme veya yukseltme i&#351;lemini yap&#305;n.", "287" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; haklar&#305;", "288" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305;", "289" => "Grup", "290" => "Herkes", "291" => "Recursiv uygulans&#305;nm&#305;?", "292" => "Genel ba&#287;lant&#305;", "293" => "Bu dosyaya bir genel ba&#287;lant&#305; olu&#351;turun", "294" => "Son Kullanma Tarihi ba&#287;lant&#305; (gun olarak)", "295" => "&#350;ifre (hicbiri icin bo&#351; b&#305;rak&#305;n)", "296" => "A&#351;a&#287;&#305;daki linki kopyalay&#305;n:", "297" => "Yeni Kullan&#305;c&#305;", "298" => "Yeni bir kullan&#305;c&#305; olu&#351;turun", "299" => "Yeni depo.", "300" => "Yeni bir dosya deposu olu&#351;turun", "create_repo_accesskey" => "W", "create_user_accesskey" => "X", "301" => "Yap&#305;land&#305;rmay&#305; duzenle", "302" => "Metin olarak kopyala", "303" => "Secimi tabla ayr&#305;lm&#305;&#351; metin &#351;eklinde kopyala.", "304" => "Geri", "305" => "Ana sayfaya geri git", "306" => "&#199;ok fazla klasorler", "307" => "iste&#287;e ba&#287;l&#305; alanlar&#305; doldurun", "308" => "k&#305;sayol olu&#351;tur", "309" => "Olu&#351;tur", "310" => "Secenekler", "311" => "Bir dosya eklendi&#287;i zaman otomatikman yukle", "312" => "Yukleme Secenekleri", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "AjaXplorer Link", "370" => "AjaXplorer Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate", "378" => "Warning, password is empty or too short!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Too short", "381" => "Very weak", "382" => "Weak", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Strong", "385" => "Very strong", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code");
예제 #12
  * Utilitary to pass some parameters directly at startup :
  * + repository_id / folder
  * + compile & skipDebug
  * + update_i18n, extract, create
  * + external_selector_type
  * + skipIOS
  * + gui
  * @static
  * @param $parameters
  * @param $output
  * @param $session
  * @return void
 public static function parseApplicationGetParameters($parameters, &$output, &$session)
     $output["EXT_REP"] = "/";
     if (isset($parameters["repository_id"]) && isset($parameters["folder"]) || isset($parameters["goto"])) {
         if (isset($parameters["goto"])) {
             $explode = explode("/", ltrim($parameters["goto"], "/"));
             $repoId = array_shift($explode);
             $parameters["folder"] = str_replace($repoId, "", ltrim($parameters["goto"], "/"));
         } else {
             $repoId = $parameters["repository_id"];
         $repository = ConfService::getRepositoryById($repoId);
         if ($repository == null) {
             $repository = ConfService::getRepositoryByAlias($repoId);
             if ($repository != null) {
                 $parameters["repository_id"] = $repository->getId();
         } else {
             $parameters["repository_id"] = $repository->getId();
         require_once AJXP_BIN_FOLDER . "/class.SystemTextEncoding.php";
         if (AuthService::usersEnabled()) {
             $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser();
             if ($loggedUser != null && $loggedUser->canSwitchTo($parameters["repository_id"])) {
                 $output["FORCE_REGISTRY_RELOAD"] = true;
                 $output["EXT_REP"] = SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(urldecode($parameters["folder"]));
                 $loggedUser->setArrayPref("history", "last_repository", $parameters["repository_id"]);
                 $loggedUser->setPref("pending_folder", SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($parameters["folder"])));
             } else {
                 $session["PENDING_REPOSITORY_ID"] = $parameters["repository_id"];
                 $session["PENDING_FOLDER"] = SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(AJXP_Utils::decodeSecureMagic($parameters["folder"]));
         } else {
             $output["EXT_REP"] = SystemTextEncoding::toUTF8(urldecode($parameters["folder"]));
     if (isset($parameters["skipDebug"])) {
         ConfService::setConf("JS_DEBUG", false);
     if (ConfService::getConf("JS_DEBUG") && isset($parameters["compile"])) {
         require_once AJXP_BIN_FOLDER . "/class.AJXP_JSPacker.php";
     if (ConfService::getConf("JS_DEBUG") && isset($parameters["update_i18n"])) {
         if (isset($parameters["extract"])) {
         self::updateAllI18nLibraries(isset($parameters["create"]) ? $parameters["create"] : "");
     if (ConfService::getConf("JS_DEBUG") && isset($parameters["clear_plugins_cache"])) {
     if (AJXP_SERVER_DEBUG && isset($parameters["extract_application_hooks"])) {
     if (isset($parameters["external_selector_type"])) {
         $output["SELECTOR_DATA"] = array("type" => $parameters["external_selector_type"], "data" => $parameters);
     if (isset($parameters["skipIOS"])) {
         setcookie("SKIP_IOS", "true");
     if (isset($parameters["skipANDROID"])) {
         setcookie("SKIP_ANDROID", "true");
     if (isset($parameters["gui"])) {
         setcookie("AJXP_GUI", $parameters["gui"]);
         if ($parameters["gui"] == "light") {
             $session["USE_EXISTING_TOKEN_IF_EXISTS"] = true;
     } else {
         if (isset($session["USE_EXISTING_TOKEN_IF_EXISTS"])) {
         setcookie("AJXP_GUI", null);
     if (isset($session["OVERRIDE_GUI_START_PARAMETERS"])) {
         $output = array_merge($output, $session["OVERRIDE_GUI_START_PARAMETERS"]);
예제 #13
파일: en.php 프로젝트: Nanomani/pydio-core

 * Copyright 2007-2014 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
 * This file is part of Pydio.
 * Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "English", "date_intl_locale" => "en_US", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "F, jS Y", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "0" => "Last version", "1" => "Filename", "2" => "Size", "3" => "Type", "4" => "Modified", "5" => "Actions", "6" => "Rename", "7" => "Delete", "8" => "Directory", "9" => "Midi File", "10" => "Text file", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF picture", "13" => "JPG picture", "14" => "HTML page", "15" => "HTML page", "16" => "REAL file", "17" => "REAL file", "18" => "PERL script", "19" => "ZIP file", "20" => "WAV file", "21" => "PHP script", "22" => "PHP script", "23" => "File", "24" => "Parent directory", "25" => "Upload one or more files (max. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") in the directory : ", "26" => "Create a new directory in : ", "27" => "Upload", "28" => "Create a new file in : ", "29" => "Create", "30" => "Write a name for the directory then click on &quot;Create&quot;", "31" => "You must select a file", "32" => "Explore", "33" => "Error uploading file !", "34" => "The file", "35" => "has been successfully created in the directory", "36" => "It's size is", "37" => "You must write a valid name", "38" => "The directory", "39" => "has been created in", "40" => "This directory already exists (names are case insensitive)", "41" => "has been renamed to", "42" => "to", "43" => "already exists  (names are case insensitive)", "44" => "has been deleted", "45" => "directory", "46" => "file", "47" => "Do you really want to delete the", "48" => "OK", "49" => "CANCEL", "50" => "Exe file", "51" => "Text Editor", "52" => "Editing file", "53" => "Save", "54" => "Cancel", "55" => "has been modified", "56" => "BMP picture", "57" => "PNG picture", "58" => "CSS File", "59" => "MP3 File", "60" => "RAR File", "61" => "GZ File", "62" => "Root directory", "63" => "Log out", "64" => "XLS File", "65" => "Word File", "66" => "Copy", "67" => "Selected file", "68" => "Paste in", "69" => "Or select another directory", "70" => "Move", "71" => "This file already exists (names are case insensitive)", "72" => "The root path is not correct. Check it in the conf/conf.php file", "73" => "has been copied into the directory", "74" => "has been moved into the directory", "75" => "The file users.txt is not in the directory prive", "76" => "This file has been removed", "77" => "Send", "78" => "Pass", "79" => "PDF File", "80" => "MOV File", "81" => "AVI File", "82" => "MPG File", "83" => "MPEG File", "84" => "Help", "85" => "Refresh", "86" => "Close", "87" => "Search", "88" => "Download", "89" => "Unable to open file", "90" => "Print", "91" => "FLASH File", "92" => "Language", "93" => "To choose your language, your browser must accept cookies.", "94" => "Login", "95" => "Select your language :", "96" => "Please select the destination folder in the tree : ", "97" => "Upload File", "98" => "Click anywhere on this box to close it.", "99" => "is not writeable. There might be a permission problem, please check with your administrator.", "100" => "Cannot find file ", "101" => "The origin and destination folders are the same!", "102" => "Error while creating file :", "103" => "Cannot find folder ", "104" => "Go to the given location", "105" => "Email an url to access directly to this location.", "106" => "Send Mail", "107" => "Your name and/or email", "108" => "The destination email", "109" => "Clickable URL", "110" => "Add a comment", "111" => "The following email has been sent :", "112" => "Email sending failed : ", "113" => "The selection is empty!", "114" => "Unkown error happened during copy!", "115" => "The file has been saved successfully", "116" => "files", "117" => "The folder", "118" => "Download Multiple File", "119" => "Click on each file to download it.", "120" => "You are not allowed to delete the whole arborescence!", "121" => "Image File ", "122" => "Recycle Bin", "123" => "has been moved to the ", "124" => "Overwrite existing files?", "125" => "A file/folder with that name already exists (names are case insensitive). Please choose another one!", "126" => "Thumbnails", "127" => "Size", "128" => "files selected.", "129" => "View", "130" => "Folders", "131" => "Details", "132" => "No file or folder", "133" => "Name", "134" => "Type", "135" => "Dimensions", "136" => "View Larger Image", "138" => "Last Modif.", "139" => "Edit Online", "140" => "Play whole folder", "141" => "Reading folder", "142" => "Logged as ", "143" => "Guest browsing. Log in.", "144" => "Not logged in.", "145" => "My Bookmarks", "146" => "Delete Bookmark", "147" => "Bookmarks", "148" => "Parent", "149" => "Refresh", "150" => "Display", "151" => "Switch display mode...", "152" => "Toggle Bookmark", "153" => "Add/remove item to MyBookmarks", "154" => "New Folder", "155" => "Create new folder", "156" => "New empty file", "157" => "Create new empty file", "158" => "Rename selected file or folder", "159" => "Copy selection to...", "160" => "Move selected files to ...", "161" => "Delete selected files.", "162" => "Edit text files online.", "163" => "Log in", "164" => "Log out", "165" => "Settings", "166" => "About", "167" => "About Pydio", "168" => "Connect to APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "Disconnect from APPLICATION_TITLE", "170" => "Current Folder", "parent_access_key" => "P", "refresh_access_key" => "h", "list_access_key" => "i", "thumbs_access_key" => "T", "bookmarks_access_key" => "B", "upload_access_key" => "U", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "F", "rename_access_key" => "R", "copy_access_key" => "C", "move_access_key" => "M", "delete_access_key" => "D", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "w", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "A", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "y", "restore_access_key" => "o", "171" => "Browse", "172" => "Your Selection", "173" => "New folder name", "174" => "New file name", "175" => "Select destination folder", "176" => "The selected files will be moved to the Recycle Bin.", "177" => "Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected files?", "178" => "Previous", "179" => "Next", "180" => "Enter login/password", "181" => "Login", "182" => "Password", "183" => "Please select a destination folder different from the origin!", "184" => "Search in current folder and sub-folders", "185" => "Stop searching", "186" => "Image Preview", "187" => "Online Edition - ", "189" => "Edit My Preferences", "190" => "Language", "191" => "Default Display", "192" => "List", "193" => "Thumbnails", "194" => "Change Password", "195" => "User Preferences", "196" => "Your language differs from the current language!\\n Do you want to reload the page to switch language?", "197" => "Your password change will take effect after you logout.", "198" => "New", "199" => "Confirm", "200" => "Switch Repository to...", "201" => "Warning, some of your changes are not saved!\\n Are you sure you want to close?", "202" => "Warning, recursive copy!", "203" => "Destintation folder is the same as original folder!", "204" => "The file \"", "205" => "\" exceeds size limit (", "206" => "Mb).\\nIt will not be uploaded.", "207" => "You have no write permission on this folder", "208" => "You have no read permission on this folder", "209" => "Internal server error, please contact Administrator!", "210" => "Upload failed", "211" => "The file is too big!", "212" => "No file found on server!", "213" => "Error while copying file to current folder", "214" => "Browse", "215" => "Start Upload", "216" => "Clear", "217" => "Clear Completed", "218" => "Remove from queue", "219" => "Completed", "220" => "Empty", "221" => "Empty Recycle Bin", "222" => "Restore", "223" => "Restore file to its original location", "224" => "Go to", "225" => "Rename bookmark", "226" => "Details", "227" => "Switch to detailed table view", "228" => "Thumbs", "229" => "Switch to thumbnails view", "230" => "Play", "231" => "Play Slideshow", "232" => "Stop", "233" => "Stop Slideshow", "234" => "View selected images", "235" => "Fullscreen", "236" => "Restore", "237" => "Old password", "238" => "Passwords differ!", "239" => "Please fill you current password", "240" => "Wrong password!", "241" => "Your preferences have been saved successfully!", "242" => "Svn Log", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revision", "244" => "Author", "245" => "Date", "246" => "Message", "247" => "Extract", "248" => "Extract selection from zip to...", "249" => "Users", "250" => "Workspaces", "251" => "Logs", "252" => "The total file size limit has been reached.", "253" => "There has been an HTTP Error:", "254" => "There has been an IO Error:", "255" => "These has been a Security Error:", "256" => "Uploaded", "257" => "Remove", "258" => "File count :", "259" => "Total size :", "260" => "bytes", "261" => "Remember Me", "262" => "One or more files appear to exist \\nalready in the destination folder.\\nWhat do you want to do?", "263" => "Overwrite", "264" => "Skip", "265" => "Files", "266" => "B", "267" => "Create", "268" => "Create a new table", "269" => "Structure", "270" => "Edit table structure", "271" => "Drop", "272" => "Drop open table", "273" => "Insert", "274" => "Insert a new record", "275" => "Are you sure you want to drop the selected table(s)?", "276" => "Edit selected record", "277" => "Delete selected records", "278" => "Are you sure you want to delete the selected record(s)?", "279" => "Tables", "280" => "Records", "281" => "Upload Limits", "282" => "Size per File", "283" => "Total Size", "284" => "Files Number", "285" => "Cannot find user, please try again.\\n Make sure your Caps Lock is not engaged!", "286" => "Your user is out of date with the current version, please use the upgrade procedure.", "287" => "File Permissions", "288" => "User", "289" => "Group", "290" => "All", "291" => "Apply recursively?", "292" => "Share", "293" => "Create a public link to this file", "294" => "Link time expiration (in days) and password (leave empty if no password).", "295" => "Expiration", "296" => "Copy the URL below:", "297" => "New User", "298" => "Create a new user", "299" => "Workspaces", "300" => "Create a new workspace", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Edit configuration", "302" => "Copy as Text", "303" => "Copy selection as tab-separated text.", "304" => "Back", "305" => "Go back to main page", "306" => "Too many items", "307" => "Fill optional fields", "308" => "Generate Link", "309" => "Generate", "310" => "Options", "311" => "Upload automatically when a file is added", "312" => "Uploader Options", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "View/Edit", "open_with_access" => "e", "317" => "Source Editor", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "Document Reader", "329" => "View pdf,svg, tif and more online", "330" => "Please wait while the pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieved", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new workspace has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A workspace with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared workspace.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active workspace.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "Shortcut", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across workspaces", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate", "378" => "Warning, password is empty or too short!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Too short", "381" => "Very weak", "382" => "Weak", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Strong", "385" => "Very strong", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code", "391" => "No Repository", "392" => "Warning, APPLICATION_TITLE version has changed (now %s), please clear your browser cache and refresh the page to be sure that everything is functionnal!", "393" => "Warning, the names length must be under %s, this file's name will be truncated!", "394" => "Sorry, at the moment folder sharing is not possible using the current auth driver (users are not editable). File sharing is still possible though.", "395" => "The item you dropped seem to be a folder, and folders cannot be uploaded to server! Are you sure you want to upload?", "396" => "Auth. Method", "397" => "Download chunked", "398" => "Download selected file by pieces", "399" => "Enter the number of pieces you want to download, then click the button and click on each file to download them.", "400" => "Number of pieces :", "401" => "You can download and install the following software to join the pieces once on your computer : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "WebDAV is a protocol that allows you to mount your APPLICATION_TITLE workspaces as a 'network drive' directly on your desktop. To enable this feature, please check the box below, and enter your password if necessary.", "405" => "Any WebDAV client will ask you for an adress, a login and a password. Use the URL below along with your standard name and password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add workspace ...", "418" => "Create your own workspace", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete workspace", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this workspace? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The workspace is now created, it is added to your workspace list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another workspace, then click on the red cross beside the workspace name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the workspace", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the workspace", "428" => "The workspace was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the workspace will appear in your list.", "430" => "Common Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "List", "461" => "Switch to list view", "detail_access_key" => "L", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save as a team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Users", "532" => "Groups", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface, themes and extensions", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexing", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additional features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Uploaders based on various technologies like HTML, Javascript, Java and others", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.cache" => "Cache server", "plugtype.desc.cache" => "Unique plugin to set up the cache server used by the application", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "plugtype.title.sec" => "Security", "plugtype.desc.sec" => "Advanced Security Features", "plugtype.title.helper" => "Helper", "plugtype.desc.helper" => "Helpers tools for administrative tasks", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.", "543" => "Results limited to %s.", "544" => "Show more", "545" => "Remote Share", "546" => "This item has been shared with you by %%OWNER%% from a remote location. Do you want to continue ?", "547" => "Accept", "548" => "Decline", "549" => "You have previously accepted this item that was shared with you by %%OWNER%% from a remote location. Do you want to reject it now?", "550" => "Reject this share", "551" => "Reject");
예제 #14

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
//      Portuguese Brazilian translation: Andre Domarques <*****@*****.**>
//	Revision in 2011 January Luciano lucianoes@ufrgs.br
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Português Brasileiro", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_intl_locale" => "pt-BR", "0" => "Última versão", "1" => "Nome do arquivo", "2" => "Tamanho", "3" => "Tipo", "4" => "Modificado", "5" => "Ações", "6" => "Renomear", "7" => "Apagar", "8" => "Diretório", "9" => "Arquivo Midi", "10" => "Arquivo texto", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "Imagem GIF", "13" => "Imagem JPG", "14" => "Página HTML", "15" => "Página HTML", "16" => "Arquivo REAL", "17" => "Arquivo REAL", "18" => "Script PERL", "19" => "Arquivo ZIP", "20" => "Arquivo WAV", "21" => "Script PHP", "22" => "Script PHP", "23" => "Arquivo", "24" => "Diretório pai", "25" => "Enviar um ou vários arquivo (máx. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") no diretório : ", "26" => "Criar um novo diretório em : ", "27" => "Enviar", "28" => "Criar um novo arquivo em : ", "29" => "Criar", "30" => "Informe um nome para o diretório e clique em &quot;Criar&quot;", "31" => "Você deve selecionar um arquivo", "32" => "Explorar", "33" => "Erro ao enviar o arquivo !", "34" => "O arquivo", "35" => "criado com sucesso no diretório", "36" => "It's size is", "37" => "Você deve informar um nome válido", "38" => "O diretório", "39" => "foi criado em", "40" => "Este diretório já existe (os nomes NÃO são sensíveis a caixa)", "41" => "foi renomeado para", "42" => "para", "43" => "já existe (os nomes NÃO são sensíveis a caixa)", "44" => "foi apagado", "45" => "diretório", "46" => "arquivo", "47" => "Você realmente deseja apagar", "48" => "Ok", "49" => "CANCELAR", "50" => "Arquivo Exe", "51" => "Editar", "52" => "Editando arquivo", "53" => "Savar", "54" => "Cancelar", "55" => "foi modificado", "56" => "Imagem BMP", "57" => "Imagem PNG", "58" => "Arquivo CSS", "59" => "Arquivo MP3", "60" => "Arquivo RAR", "61" => "Arquivo GZ", "62" => "Diretório raíz", "63" => "Sair", "64" => "Arquivo XLS", "65" => "Arquivo Word", "66" => "Copiar", "67" => "Arquivo selecionado", "68" => "Colar em", "69" => "Ou selecione outro diretório", "70" => "Mover", "71" => "Este arquivo já existe (os nomes NÃO são sensíveis a caixa)", "72" => "O caminho raíz não está correto. Verifique-o no arquivo conf/conf.php", "73" => "foi copiado no diretório", "74" => "foi movido para o diretório", "75" => "O arquivo users.txt não está no diretório prive", "76" => "Este arquivo foi removido", "77" => "Enviar", "78" => "Senha", "79" => "Arquivo PDF", "80" => "Arquivo MOV", "81" => "Arquivo AVI", "82" => "Arquivo MPG", "83" => "Arquivo MPEG", "84" => "Ajuda", "85" => "Atualizar", "86" => "Fechar", "87" => "Buscar", "88" => "Download", "89" => "Não foi possível abrir o arquivo", "90" => "Imprimir", "91" => "Arquivo FLASH", "92" => "Idioma", "93" => "Para escolher seu idioma, seu navegador deve aceitar cookies.", "94" => "Login", "95" => "Escolha seu idioma :", "96" => "Por favor, selecione o diretório de destino na árvore : ", "97" => "Enviar arquivo", "98" => "Clique em qualquer lugar desta caixa para fechar.", "99" => "não possui permissão para escrita. Deve haver algum problema de permissão, por favor, verifique com o administrador do sistema.", "100" => "Não foi possível encontrar o arquivo] ", "101" => "O diretório de origem e o destino são os mesmos!", "102" => "Erro ao criar o arquivo :", "103" => "Não foi possível encontrar o diretório ", "104" => "Vá para o local informado", "105" => "Enviar um e-mail com a URL para acessar diretamente este local.", "106" => "Enviar e-mail", "107" => "Seu nome e/ou e-mail", "108" => "E-mail do destinatário", "109" => "URL clicável", "110" => "Adicionar um comentário", "111" => "O seguinte e-mail foi enviado :", "112" => "O envio do e-mail falhou : ", "113" => "A seleção está vazia!", "114" => "Ocorreu um erro desconhecido durante a cópia!", "115" => "O arquivo foi salvo com sucesso", "116" => "arquivos", "117" => "O diretório", "118" => "Download de múltiplos arquivos", "119" => "Clique em cada arquivo para efetuar o download.", "120" => "Você não tem permissão para apagar toda hierarquia de diretórios!", "121" => "Arquivo de imagem ", "122" => "Lixeira", "123" => "foi movido para a ", "124" => "Sobrescrever os arquivos existentes?", "125" => "Um arquivo/diretório com este nome já existe (os nomes NÃO são sensíveis a caixa). Informe outro nome!", "126" => "Miniaturas", "127" => "Tamanho", "128" => "arquivos selecionados.", "129" => "Visualizar", "130" => "Diretórios", "131" => "Detalhes", "132" => "Arquivo não selecionado", "133" => "Nome", "134" => "Tipo", "135" => "Dimensões", "136" => "Visualizar imagem", "138" => "Última mod.", "139" => "Editar Online", "140" => "Ouvir todo diretório", "141" => "Carregando diretório", "142" => "Logado como ", "143" => "Navegação anônima. Log-in.", "144" => "Não autenticado.", "145" => "Meus favoritos", "146" => "Apagar favorito", "147" => "Favoritos", "148" => "Acima", "149" => "Atualizar", "150" => "Exibir", "151" => "Alternar modo de exibição...", "152" => "Favorito", "153" => "Adicionar local atual para Meus Favoritos", "154" => "Novo diretório", "155" => "Criar novo diretório", "156" => "Novo arquivo", "157" => "Criar novo arquivo vazio", "158" => "Renomear arquivo ou pasta selecionado", "159" => "Copiar seleção para...", "160" => "Mover arquivos selecionados para ...", "161" => "Apagar arquivos selecionados.", "162" => "Editar arquivos de texto online.", "163" => "Entrar", "164" => "Sair", "165" => "Configurações", "166" => "Sobre", "167" => "Sobre o Pydio", "168" => "Conectar ao APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "Disconectar do APPLICATION_TITLE", "170" => "Diretório atual", "parent_access_key" => "c", "refresh_access_key" => "r", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "s", "bookmarks_access_key" => "F", "upload_access_key" => "E", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "F", "rename_access_key" => "R", "copy_access_key" => "C", "move_access_key" => "M", "delete_access_key" => "A", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "w", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "S", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "z", "restore_access_key" => "u", "171" => "Navegar em seu computador", "172" => "Sua seleção", "173" => "Novo nome do diretório", "174" => "Novo nome do arquivo", "175" => "Selecione o diretório de destino", "176" => "Os arquivos slecionados foram movidos para a lixeira.", "177" => "Você tem certeza que quer remover permanentemente os arquivos selecionados?", "178" => "Anterior", "179" => "Próximo", "180" => "Informe seu usuário/senha", "181" => "Usuário", "182" => "Senha", "183" => "Selecione um diretório de destino diferente do diretório de origem!", "184" => "Buscar no diretório atual e sub-diretórios", "185" => "Parar a busca", "186" => "Pré-visualizar imagem", "187" => "Edição on-line - ", "189" => "Alterar minhas preferências", "190" => "Idioma", "191" => "Exibição Padrão", "192" => "Lista de detalhes", "193" => "Miniaturas", "194" => "Alterar senha", "195" => "Preferências do usuário", "196" => "Seu idioma difere do idioma atual!\\n Você quer atualizar a página para mudar o idioma??", "197" => "Sua nova senha só valerá após desconectar-se da sessão atual.", "198" => "Novo", "199" => "Confirmar", "200" => "Mudar repositório para...", "201" => "Atenção, algumas mudanças não foram salvas!\\n Você tem certeza que quer fechar?", "202" => "Atenção, copia recursiva!", "203" => "O diretório de destino é o mesmo do diretório de origem!", "204" => "O arquivo \"", "205" => "\" excede o limite de tamanho (", "206" => "Mb).\\nNão será enviado.", "207" => "Você não tem permissão de escrita neste diretório", "208" => "Você não tem permissão de leitura neste diretório", "209" => "Erro interno no servidor, contate o administrador do sistema!", "210" => "o envio falhou", "211" => "O tamanho do arquivo é muito grande!", "212" => "Nenhum arquivo encontrado no servidor!", "213" => "Erro ao copiar arquivo para o diretório atual", "214" => "Procurar arquivos", "215" => "Iniciar envio", "216" => "Limpar lista", "217" => "Limpeza completa", "218" => "Remover da lista", "219" => "Completado", "220" => "Esvaziar", "221" => "Esvaziar lixeira", "222" => "Restaurar", "223" => "Restaurar arquivo para seu local original", "224" => "Ir para", "225" => "Renomear favorito", "226" => "Lista", "227" => "Alternar para a visão de lista", "228" => "Miniaturas", "229" => "Alternar para a visão de miniaturas", "230" => "Tocar", "231" => "Exibir Slideshow", "232" => "Parar", "233" => "Parar Slideshow", "234" => "Exibir imagens selecionadas", "235" => "Tela cheia", "236" => "Restaurar", "237" => "Senha antiga", "238" => "Senhas diferem!", "239" => "Informe a senha atual", "240" => "Senha errada!", "241" => "Suas preferências foram salvas com sucesso", "242" => "Log Svn", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revisão", "244" => "Autor", "245" => "Data", "246" => "Mensagem", "247" => "Extrair", "248" => "Extrair seleção do arquivo compactado para...", "249" => "Gerenciamento de usuários", "250" => "Gerenciamento de repositórios", "251" => "Logs", "252" => "O tamanho limite total para arquivos foi atingido.", "253" => "Ocorreu um erro HTTP:", "254" => "Ocorreu um erro de E/S :", "255" => "Ocorreu um erro de segurança:", "256" => "Enviado", "257" => "Remover", "258" => "Número de arquivos :", "259" => "Tamanho total :", "260" => "bytes", "261" => "Lembrar-me", "262" => "Um ou mais arquivos já existem \\n no diretório de destino.\\nO que você deseja fazer?", "263" => "Sobrescrever", "264" => "Prosseguir", "265" => "Arquivos", "266" => "B", "267" => "Criar", "268" => "Criar nova tabela", "269" => "Estrutura", "270" => "Editar estrutura da tabela", "271" => "Remover", "272" => "Remover tabela aberta", "273" => "Inserir", "274" => "Inserir novo registro", "275" => "Você tem certeza que quer remover a(s) tabela(s) selecionada(s)?", "276" => "Editar registro selecionado", "277" => "Remover registros selecionados", "278" => "Você tem certeza que quer remover o(s) registro(s) selecionado(s)??", "279" => "Tabelas", "280" => "Registros", "281" => "Limites", "282" => "Tamanho por arquivo", "283" => "Tamanho total", "284" => "Número de arquivos", "285" => "Não foi possível encontrar o usuário, por favor tente novamente.\\n Verifique se o Caps Lock não está ativado!", "286" => "Seu usuário está desatualizado para esta versão, por favor use o procedimento de atualização.", "287" => "File Permissions", "288" => "User", "289" => "Group", "290" => "All", "291" => "Apply recursively?", "292" => "Public link", "293" => "Create a public link to this file", "294" => "Duração do link (em dias) e senha para acesso (deixe em branco para link sem senha).", "295" => "Dias", "296" => "Por favor copie o link abaixo:", "297" => "Novo Usuario", "298" => "Criar novo usuario", "299" => "Novo Repo.", "300" => "Criar um novo repo.", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Editar configuração", "302" => "Copiar como um Texto", "303" => "Copiar seleção como texto separado por TAB.", "304" => "Voltar", "305" => "Voltar a página inicial", "306" => "Muitas pastas", "307" => "Preencha campos opcionais", "308" => "Gerar Link", "309" => "Gerar", "310" => "Opções", "311" => "Upload automatico quando um arquivo é adicionado", "312" => "Opções do uploader", "313" => "Comprimir...", "314" => "Comprimir seleção em zip...", "315" => "Comprimir seleção em", "316" => "Abrir com...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Visualizar código", "318" => "CodePress visualizador código", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor HTML", "321" => "Selecionar", "322" => "Selecionar o arquivo atual", "323" => "E-mail esta URL", "324" => "Não há editor disponível", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "Veja o PDF online", "330" => "Por favor aguarde enquando as páginas são geradas...", "331" => "Página", "332" => "de", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "mais", "335" => "Por favor entre com um número de pag. entre 1 e ", "336" => "Desculpe você não pode adicionar pastas, somente arquivos!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Fechar automaticamente após upload", "339" => "Arquivos existentes", "340" => "Alerta", "341" => "Info. do arquivo", "342" => "Info. da pasta", "343" => "Info. da imagem", "344" => "Buscar em", "345" => "Não foi possível buscar informações da versão", "346" => "Sua versão está atualizada", "347" => "Uma nova versão (%s) está disponível! Visite %s", "348" => "Um novo repositório foi compartilhado.", "349" => "Alerta, faltando argumentos", "350" => "Um usuário que não pertence a você já existe com este nome, por favor escolha outro nome.", "351" => "Você não pode tornar público seus compartilhamentos.", "352" => "Um repositório com o mesmo nome já existe, por favor escolha outro nome.", "353" => "Usuário alvo", "354" => "Crie um novo usuário ou escolha um dos que já existem na lista.", "355" => "Usuário", "356" => "Senha usuário", "357" => "Repositório Alvo", "358" => "Escolha um nome para o compartilhamento e permissões para seu usuário.", "359" => "Rótulo", "360" => "Direitos", "361" => "Ler", "362" => "Escrever", "363" => "Compartilhamentos", "364" => "Você não possui direitos para efetuar esta operação", "365" => "Você não pode efetuar upload de mais de %s arquivos por vez.", "366" => "Este usuário não possui repositório ativo.", "367" => "Você não pode efetuar upload deste tipo arquivo. Por favor escolhe dentre as seguintes extensões : ", "368" => "Seleção extraída com sucesso do arquivo %s para a pasta %s", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Link", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Download público", "371" => "Uma senha é requerida para este download", "372" => "Repositório atual", "373" => "Destino", "374" => "Você não pode copiar pastas entre repositórios", "375" => "Alerta, você esteve inativo desde mais do que __IDLE__, você será desconectado em __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Clique em qualquer lugar para reativar", "378" => "Alerta, senha vazia ou muito curta!", "379" => "Palavra não-segura!", "380" => "Muito curto", "381" => "Muito fraco", "382" => "Fraco", "383" => "Médio", "384" => "Forte", "385" => "Muito forte", "386" => "Seu login falhou por três tentativas.\nPara sua segurança, por favor preencha o código que aparece na imagem.", "389" => "Por favor leia o código abaixo :", "390" => "Código", "391" => "Sem Repositório", "392" => "Alerta, A versão do APPLICATION_TITLE mudou (agora %s), por favor limpe o cache do browser e reinicie a página para assegura que tudo está funcional!", "393" => "Alerta, os nomes devem ter no máximo %s caracteres, este nome arquivo não é permitido!", "394" => "Lamento, mas no momento compartilhar pastas não é possível usando esta configuração(Usuário não são editáveis). Compartilhar arquivos ainda é permitido.", "395" => "O item que largou parece ser uma pasta e pastas não podem ser enviadas para o servidor! Tem a certeza que pretende enviar?", "396" => "Métodos de autent.", "397" => "Transferência fraccionada", "398" => "Transfira o ficheiro seleccionado em partes", "399" => "Insira o número de partes que pretende transferir, clique no botão e clique em cada ficheiro para os transferir.", "400" => "Número de partes:", "401" => "Pode transferir e instalar o seguinte software para unir as partes depois de já estarem no seu computador: ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "You can use the WebDAV protocol to mount your APPLICATION_TITLE repositories as a 'network drive' on various clients, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, etc.", "405" => "Use the following URLS to access your repositories, with your username and the password you entered. Warning, this won't work until you set this feature as 'active' and you enter your password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully, do not forget to update your password if it's the first time!", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Int.", "532" => "Ext.", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.");
예제 #15

//	AjaXplorer
//	Copyright 2007-2009 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
//  www.Ajaxplorer.info
//  French Translation by Charles du Jeu, corrected by GravuTrad
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Français", "date_format" => "d/m/Y H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "o", "0" => "Dernière version", "1" => "Nom du fichier", "2" => "Taille", "3" => "Type", "4" => "Modifié le", "5" => "Actions", "6" => "Renommer", "7" => "Supprimer", "8" => "Dossier", "9" => "Fichier MIDI", "10" => "Document texte", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "Image GIF", "13" => "Image JPG", "14" => "Page HTML", "15" => "Page HTML", "16" => "Fichier REAL", "17" => "Fichier REAL", "18" => "Script PERL", "19" => "Fichier ZIP", "20" => "Son WAV", "21" => "Script PHP", "22" => "Script PHP", "23" => "Fichier", "24" => "Dossier parent", "25" => "Transférer un ou plusieurs fichiers (max " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") dans : ", "26" => "Créer un nouveau répertoire dans : ", "27" => "Transférer", "28" => "Créer un nouveau fichier dans : ", "29" => "Créer", "30" => "Saisissez un nom de répertoire et cliquez sur 'Créer'", "31" => "Vous n'avez pas sélectionné de fichier", "32" => "Explorer", "33" => "Erreur de transfert !", "34" => "Le Fichier", "35" => "a été enregistré dans le répertoire", "36" => "Sa taille est de", "37" => "Vous devez saisir un nom de fichier valide", "38" => "Le dossier", "39" => "a été créé dans le répertoire", "40" => "Ce dossier existe déjà", "41" => "a été renommé en", "42" => "en", "43" => "existe déjà", "44" => "a été effacé", "45" => "répertoire", "46" => "fichier", "47" => "Voulez-vous supprimer définitivement le", "48" => "Ok", "49" => "Annuler", "50" => "Fichier EXE", "51" => "Editer", "52" => "Edition du fichier", "53" => "Enregistrer", "54" => "Annuler", "55" => "a été modifié", "56" => "Image BMP", "57" => "Image PNG", "58" => "Fichier CSS", "59" => "Fichier MP3", "60" => "Fichier RAR", "61" => "Fichier GZ", "62" => "Racine du site", "63" => "Déconnexion", "64" => "Fichier Excel", "65" => "Fichier Word", "66" => "Copier", "67" => "Fichier sélectionné", "68" => "Coller dans", "69" => "Ou choisissez un autre répertoire", "70" => "Déplacer", "71" => "Ce fichier existe déjà", "72" => "La racine du répertoire est incorrecte. Vérifier la variable dans le fichier conf/conf.php", "73" => "a été copié dans le répertoire", "74" => "a été déplacé dans le répertoire", "75" => "Le fichier users.txt n'est pas dans le répertoire prive", "76" => "Ce fichier a été supprimé", "77" => "Envoyer", "78" => "Passe", "79" => "Fichier PDF", "80" => "Fichier MOV", "81" => "Fichier AVI", "82" => "Fichier MPG", "83" => "Fichier MPEG", "84" => "Aide", "85" => "Actualiser", "86" => "Fermer", "87" => "Recherche", "88" => "Télécharger", "89" => "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier", "90" => "Imprimer", "91" => "Fichier FLASH", "92" => "Langue", "93" => "Pour sélectionner la langue, votre navigateur doit accepter les cookies.", "94" => "Login", "95" => "Choisissez votre langue :", "96" => "Choisissez le répertoire de destination dans l'arbre", "97" => "Envoyer un Fichier", "98" => "Cliquer n'importe où pour fermer cette boîte.", "99" => "n'est pas accessible en écriture. Contactez votre administrateur.", "100" => "Impossible de trouver le fichier ", "101" => "Les répertoires de destination et d'origine sont les mêmes!", "102" => "Erreur inconnue lors de la création du fichier :", "103" => "Impossible de trouver le répertoire ", "104" => "Aller à l'emplacement choisi", "105" => "Envoyer par email une URL ouvrant directement cet emplacement.", "106" => "Envoyer", "107" => "Votre nom et/ou adresse email", "108" => "Email du destinataire", "109" => "URL à envoyer", "110" => "Ajouter un commentaire dans le mail", "111" => "L'email suivant a été envoyé : ", "112" => "L'envoi de l'email a echoué.", "113" => "La sélection est vide!", "114" => "Une erreur inconnue s'est produite durant la copie!", "115" => "Le fichier a bien été sauvé.", "116" => "fichiers", "117" => "Le répertoire", "118" => "Télécharger plusieurs fichiers", "119" => "Cliquer sur chaque fichier pour le télécharger.", "120" => "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à effacer toute l'arborescence!", "121" => "Fichier image ", "122" => "Corbeille", "123" => "a été déplacé dans la", "124" => "Ecraser les fichiers existants?", "125" => "Un fichier/répertoire a déjà ce nom. Veuillez choisir un autre nom!", "126" => "Miniatures", "127" => "Taille", "128" => "fichiers sélectionnés", "129" => "Aperçu", "130" => "Répertoires", "131" => "Détails", "132" => "Aucun fichier ou répertoire.", "133" => "Nom", "134" => "Type", "135" => "Dimensions", "136" => "Voir en grand", "137" => "Télécharger", "138" => "Modif. le", "139" => "Editer", "140" => "Ecouter le répertoire", "141" => "Ecoute du répertoire", "142" => "Utilisateur : ", "143" => "Utilisateur invité.", "144" => "Veuilllez vous logger.", "145" => "Mes Favoris", "146" => "Supprimer", "147" => "Favoris", "148" => "Parent", "149" => "Rafraichir", "150" => "Affichage", "151" => "Changer l'affichage", "152" => "Favoris", "153" => "Ajouter le répertoire courant à MesFavoris", "154" => "Nv. Rép.", "155" => "Créer un nouveau répertoire", "156" => "Nv. Fich.", "157" => "Créer un nouveau fichier vide.", "158" => "Renommer le fichier sélectionné", "159" => "Copier la sélection dans...", "160" => "Déplacer la sélection dans...", "161" => "Supprimer les fichiers sélectionnés", "162" => "Editer le fichier directement en ligne", "163" => "Connex.", "164" => "Déconn.", "165" => "Paramètres", "166" => "A propos", "167" => "A propos d'AjaXplorer", "168" => "Connexion", "169" => "Déconnexion", "170" => "Répertoire Courant :", "parent_access_key" => "P", "refresh_access_key" => "h", "thumbs_access_key" => "V", "list_access_key" => "L", "bookmarks_access_key" => "a", "upload_access_key" => "T", "folder_access_key" => "R", "file_access_key" => "F", "rename_access_key" => "n", "copy_access_key" => "C", "move_access_key" => "D", "delete_access_key" => "S", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "u", "download_access_key" => "g", "settings_access_key" => "m", "about_access_key" => "o", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "i", "restore_access_key" => "r", "171" => "Parcourir votre ordinateur", "172" => "Votre sélection", "173" => "Nom du nouveau répertoire", "174" => "Nom du nouveau fichier", "175" => "Sélectionnez le répertoire de destination", "176" => "Les fichiers sélectionnés vont être placés dans la corbeille", "177" => "Etes vous sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement votre sélection?", "178" => "Précédent", "179" => "Suivant", "180" => "Entrez vos identifiant/mot de passe", "181" => "Identifiant", "182" => "Mot de Passe", "183" => "Veuillez choisir un répertoire différent du répertoire d'origine!", "184" => "Chercher dans le répertoire courant et ses sous-répertoires", "185" => "Arrêter la recherche", "186" => "Aperçu des images", "187" => "Edition en ligne - ", "189" => "Changer Mes Préférences", "190" => "Langue", "191" => "Affichage par défaut", "192" => "Liste détaillée", "193" => "Miniatures", "194" => "Changer de Mot de Passe", "195" => "Préférences Utilisateur", "196" => "Votre langue diffère du langage actuel.\\n Voulez vous recharger la page afin de changer de langue?", "197" => "Vos préférences ont été sauvées avec succès. \\n\\n. Si vous avez changé de mot de passe, il sera pris en compte après la prochaine déconnexion.", "198" => "Nouv.", "199" => "Confirmer", "200" => "Changer le répertoire racine...", "201" => "Attention, certaines modifications n'ont pas été sauvegardées!\\n Etes vous sûr de vouloir fermer?", "202" => "Attention, copie récursive!", "203" => "Le répertoire de destination est le même que le répertoire d'origine!", "204" => "Le fichier \"", "205" => "\" dépasse la taille autorisée (", "206" => "Mb).\\nIl ne sera pas transféré.", "207" => "Vous n'avez pas la permission en écriture", "208" => "Vous n'avez pas la permission en lecture", "209" => "Erreur interne. Contactez votre administrateur!", "210" => "Echec lors du transfert.", "211" => "Le fichier dépasse la taille autorisée", "212" => "Pas de fichier trouvé sur le serveur!", "213" => "Erreur lors de la copie du fichier temporaire.", "214" => "Parcourir", "215" => "Transférer", "216" => "Vider", "217" => "Vider les fichiers transférés", "218" => "Retirer de la file d'attente", "219" => "Terminé", "220" => "Vider", "221" => "Vider la Corbeille", "222" => "Restaurer", "223" => "Restaurer le fichier à son emplacement d'origine", "224" => "Aller à", "225" => "Renommer le favori", "226" => "Liste", "227" => "Passer en vue Liste Détaillée", "228" => "Vignettes", "229" => "Passer en vue Vignettes", "230" => "Auto", "231" => "Faire défiler les images", "232" => "Stop", "233" => "Arrêter le défilement automatique", "234" => "Voir les images sélectionnées", "235" => "Plein Ecran", "236" => "Restaurer", "237" => "Ancien mot de passe", "238" => "Les mots de passe sont différents!", "239" => "Veuillez remplir votre mot de passe", "240" => "Mauvais mot de passe", "241" => "Vos préférences ont été sauvées avec succès", "242" => "Log Svn", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Révision", "244" => "Auteur", "245" => "Date", "246" => "Message", "247" => "Extraire", "248" => "Extraire la sélection du zip à ...", "249" => "Gestion Utilisateurs", "250" => "Gestion des Répertoires", "251" => "Logs", "252" => "La taille cumulée de tous les fichiers dépasse celle autorisée.", "253" => "Erreur HTTP:", "254" => "Erreur E/S:", "255" => "Erreur sécurité:", "256" => "Transféré", "257" => "Retirer", "258" => "Nombre de fichiers :", "259" => "Taille cumulée :", "260" => "octets", "261" => "Mémoriser", "262" => "Un ou plusieur fichiers existent déjà \\ndans le répertoire de destination!\\nQue voulez-vous faire?", "263" => "Ecraser", "264" => "Passer", "265" => "Fichiers", "266" => "o", "267" => "Créer", "268" => "Créer une nouvelle table", "269" => "Structure", "270" => "Editer la structure de la table", "271" => "Déposer", "272" => "Effacer la ou les table(s)", "273" => "Insérer", "274" => "Insérer un nouvel enregistrement", "275" => "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir effacer la ou les table(s) sélectionnée(s)?", "276" => "Editer l'enregistrement", "277" => "Effacer le ou les enregistrement(s)", "278" => "Etes vous sûr de vouloir effacer le ou les enregistrement(s) sélectionné(s)?", "279" => "Tables", "280" => "Enregistrements", "281" => "Limites", "282" => "Taille Fichier", "283" => "Taille Totale", "284" => "Nb. Fichiers", "285" => "Ne peut trouver l'utilisateur, veuillez recommencer.\\n Vérifiez que la touche Majuscule n'est pas enfoncée!", "286" => "Cet utilisateur est obsolète avec cette version, veuillez utiliser la procédure de mise à jour.", "287" => "Permissions", "288" => "Utilisateur", "289" => "Groupe", "290" => "Autres", "291" => "Appliquer récursivement?", "292" => "Lien public", "293" => "Créer un lien public vers ce fichier", "294" => "Durée de validité du lien (en jours)", "295" => "Mot de passe (laisser vide pour aucun)", "296" => "Copiez l'URL ci dessous:", "297" => "Nouv. util", "298" => "Créer un nouvel utilisateur", "299" => "Nouv. Dépôt.", "300" => "Créer un nouveau dépot", "create_repo_accesskey" => "p", "create_user_accesskey" => "u", "301" => "Editer la configuration", "302" => "Copier comme texte", "303" => "Copier la sélection comme des textes séparés par des tab.", "304" => "Retour", "305" => "Retourner à l'interface principale", "306" => "Trop d'éléments", "307" => "Options facultatives", "308" => "Générer le lien", "309" => "Générer", "310" => "Options", "311" => "Uploader automatiquement lorsqu'un fichier est ajouté", "312" => "Options de l'Uploadeur", "313" => "Compresser...", "314" => "Compresser la sélection en zip...", "315" => "Compresser la sélection en", "316" => "Ouvrir avec...", "open_with_access" => "e", "317" => "Visionneuse de source", "318" => "Visionneuse CodePress", "319" => "Editeur HTML", "320" => "Editeur visuel HTML", "321" => "Selectionner", "322" => "Selectionner le fichier", "323" => "Envoyer le lien par e-mail", "324" => "Pas d'éditeur associé", "325" => "Ajuster", "326" => "Restaurer", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "Voir les PDF en ligne", "330" => "Veuillez patienter durant la génération des pages...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "sur", "333" => "Pixlr Editeur", "334" => "de plus", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Attention vous ne pouvez glisser que des fichiers, pas des dossiers!", "337" => "Démarrage auto.", "338" => "Fermeture auto.", "339" => "Fichiers existants", "340" => "Alerte", "341" => "Info fichier", "342" => "Info répertoire", "343" => "Données Image", "344" => "Chercher sur", "345" => "Pas d'informations sur la version", "346" => "Votre version est à jour", "347" => "Une nouvelle version (%s) est disponible! Visitez %s");
예제 #16

//	AjaXplorer
//	Copyright 2007-2008 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
//  www.Ajaxplorer.info
//  Reference dictionnary for translations
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Polski", "date_format" => "d/m/Y H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Ostatnia wersja", "1" => "Nazwa pliku", "2" => "Rozmiar", "3" => "Typ", "4" => "Zmodyfikowany", "5" => "Akcje", "6" => "Zmień nazwę", "7" => "Usuń", "8" => "Katalog", "9" => "Plik midi", "10" => "Plik tekstowy", "11" => "Skrypt Javy", "12" => "Obrazek GIF", "13" => "Obrazek JPG", "14" => "Strona HTML", "15" => "Strona HTML", "16" => "Plik REAL", "17" => "Plik REAL", "18" => "Skrypt PERL", "19" => "Plik ZIP", "20" => "Plik WAV", "21" => "Skrypt PHP", "22" => "Skrypt PHP", "23" => "Plik", "24" => "Katalog wyżej", "25" => "Wgraj na serwer jeden lub więcej plików (max. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") w katalogu: ", "26" => "Utwórz nowy katalog w: ", "27" => "Wgraj", "28" => "Utwórz nowy plik w: ", "29" => "Utwórz", "30" => "Wpisz nazwę katalogu, następnie kliknij &quot;Utwórz&quot;", "31" => "Musisz wybrać plik", "32" => "Przeglądaj", "33" => "Błąd wgrywania pliku!", "34" => "Plik", "35" => "został utworzony w wybranym katalogu", "36" => "Jego rozmiar wynosi", "37" => "Musisz wpisać właściwą nazwę", "38" => "Katalog", "39" => "został utworzony w", "40" => "Ten katalog już istnieje (rozróżniana jest wielkość liter)", "41" => "\"zmienił\" swoją nazwę na", "42" => "na", "43" => "już istnieje (rozróżniana jest wielkość liter)", "44" => "został usunięty", "45" => "katalog", "46" => "plik", "47" => "Czy naprawdę chcesz usunąć", "48" => "OK", "49" => "ANULUJ", "50" => "plik Exe", "51" => "Edytuj", "52" => "Edycja pliku", "53" => "Zapisz", "54" => "Anuluj", "55" => "został zmieniony", "56" => "obrazek BMP", "57" => "obrazek PNG", "58" => "Plik CSS", "59" => "Plik MP3", "60" => "Plik RAR", "61" => "Plik GZ", "62" => "Katalog główny", "63" => "Wyloguj się", "64" => "Plik XLS", "65" => "Plik Word", "66" => "Kopiuj", "67" => "Zaznaczony plik", "68" => "Wklej", "69" => "Lub wybierz inny katalog", "70" => "Przenieś", "71" => "Ten plik już istnieje (rozróżniana jest wielkość liter)", "72" => "Ścieżka katalogu głównego nie jest poprawna. Sprawdź ją w pliku conf/conf.php", "73" => "został skopiowany do katalogu", "74" => "został przeniesiony do katalogu", "75" => "Plik users.txt nie znajduje się koszu (?) katalogu", "76" => "Plik został usunięty", "77" => "Wyślij", "78" => "Podaj", "79" => "Plik PDF", "80" => "Plik MOV", "81" => "Plik AVI", "82" => "Plik MPG", "83" => "Plik MPEG", "84" => "Pomoc", "85" => "Odśwież", "86" => "Zamknij", "87" => "Szukaj", "88" => "Ściągnij", "89" => "Nie można otworzyć pliku", "90" => "Drukuj", "91" => "Plik FLASH", "92" => "Język", "93" => "Aby wybrać swój język, twoja przeglądarka musi akceptować ciasteczka (cookies).", "94" => "Login", "95" => "Wybierz swój język:", "96" => "Proszę wybrać folder docelowy w drzewie: ", "97" => "Załaduj plik", "98" => "Kliknij w box aby go zamknąć", "99" => "nie nadaje się do zapisu. Może to być problem z prawami dostępu. Skonsultuj się z Administratorem", "100" => "Nie można znaleźć pliku", "101" => "Folder oryginalny i docelowy są te same", "102" => "Błąd podczas tworzenia pliku:", "103" => "Nie mogę znaleźć folderu ", "104" => "Idź do podanego miejsca", "105" => "E-mail i url aby dostać się bezpośrednio do tego miejsca", "106" => "Wyślij e-mail", "107" => "Twoje imię i/lub e-mail", "108" => "Docelowy e-mail", "109" => "Odnośnik URL", "110" => "Dodaj komentarz", "111" => "Następujący e-mail został wysłany:", "112" => "Błąd w trakcie wysyłania e-maila: ", "113" => "Zaznaczenie jest puste!", "114" => "Podczas kopiowania wystąpił nieznany błąd!", "115" => "Zapis pliku zakończył się powodzeniem", "116" => "pliki", "117" => "Katalog", "118" => "Ściągnij wiele plików", "119" => "Kliknij na każdym pliku z osobna, aby go ściągnąć.", "120" => "Usunięcie całej struktury nie jest możliwe!", "121" => "Plik obrazka", "122" => "Kosz", "123" => "został przeniesiony do ", "124" => "Czy nadpisać istniejące pliki?", "125" => "Plik/Katalog o tej nazwie już istnieje (rozróżniana jest wielkość liter). Proszę wybrać inny!", "126" => "Miniaturki", "127" => "Rozmiar", "128" => "zaznaczonych plików.", "129" => "Widok", "130" => "Katalogi", "131" => "Szczegóły", "132" => "Nie ma pliku ani folderu", "133" => "Nazwa", "134" => "Typ", "135" => "Wymiary", "136" => "Zobacz większy obrazek", "138" => "Ostatnia modyf.", "139" => "Edytuj online", "140" => "Odtwarzaj cały katalog", "141" => "Czytanie katalogu", "142" => "Zalogowany jako ", "143" => "Przeglądanie jako gość. Zaloguj się", "144" => "Nie zalogowany.", "145" => "Moje zakładki", "146" => "Usuń zakładkę", "147" => "Zakładki", "148" => "Rodzic", "149" => "Odśwież", "150" => "Pokaż", "151" => "Przełącz tryb wyświetlania...", "152" => "Dodaj zakładkę", "153" => "Dodaj bieżącą lokalizację do Moich Zakładek", "154" => "Nowy katalog", "155" => "Utwórz nowy katalog", "156" => "Nowy plik", "157" => "Utwórz nowy pusty plik", "158" => "Zmień nazwę wybranego pliku lub folderu", "159" => "Kopiuj zaznaczenie do...", "160" => "Przenieś zanznaczone pliki do ...", "161" => "Usuń zaznaczone pliki.", "162" => "Edytuj pliki tekstowe online.", "163" => "Zaloguj się", "164" => "Wyloguj się", "165" => "Ustawienia", "166" => "O programie", "167" => "O AjaXplorer", "168" => "Połącz się z AjaXplorer", "169" => "Odłącz się od AjaXplorer", "170" => "Bieżący katalog", "parent_access_key" => "R", "refresh_access_key" => "O", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "M", "bookmarks_access_key" => "D", "upload_access_key" => "W", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "No", "rename_access_key" => "Z", "copy_access_key" => "K", "move_access_key" => "P", "delete_access_key" => "U", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "Ś", "settings_access_key" => "U", "about_access_key" => "O", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "y", "restore_access_key" => "o", "171" => "Przeglądaj twój komputer", "172" => "Twoje zaznaczenie", "173" => "Nazwa nowego folderu", "174" => "Nazwa nowego pliku", "175" => "Wybież folder docelowy", "176" => "Zaznaczone pliki zostaną przeniesione do Kosza.", "177" => "Jesteś pewny, że chcesz nieodwracalnie usunąć zaznaczone pliki?", "178" => "Poprzedni", "179" => "Następny", "180" => "Wprowadź login/hasło", "181" => "Login", "182" => "Hasło", "183" => "Proszę wybrać katalog docelowy inny niż źródłowy!", "184" => "Szukaj w bieżącym katalogu i podkatalogach", "185" => "Zatrzymaj szukanie", "186" => "Podgląd obrazka", "187" => "Edycja online - ", "189" => "Edytuj Moje preferecje", "190" => "Język", "191" => "Domyślne wyświetlanie", "192" => "Lista szczegółów", "193" => "Miniaturki", "194" => "Zmień hasło", "195" => "Preferencje użytkownika", "196" => "Twój język różni się od bieżącego języka\\n Chcesz odświeżyć stronę, aby przełączyć język?", "197" => "Zmiana twojego hasła odniesie skutek gdy się rozłączysz.", "198" => "Nowy", "199" => "Potwierdź", "200" => "Przełącz Repozytorium na...", "201" => "Uwaga, niektóre zmiany nie zostały zapisane!\\n Na pewno chcesz zamknąć?", "202" => "Uwaga kopiowanie rekursywne!", "203" => "Folder docelowy jest taki sam jak źródłowy!", "204" => "Plik \"", "205" => "\" ma większy rozmiar niż wynosi limit (", "206" => "Mb).\\nNie zostanie wgrany na serwer.", "207" => "Nie masz praw do zapisu do tego katalogu", "208" => "Nie masz prawa odczytu w tym folderze", "209" => "Wewnętrzny błęd serwera, proszę się skontaktować z Administratorem!", "210" => "Nie udało się załadować", "211" => "Plik jest zbyt duży!", "212" => "Nie znaleziono żadnego pliku na serwerze!", "213" => "Błąd podczas kopiowania pliku do bieżącego folderu", "214" => "Przeglądaj", "215" => "Rozpocznij wgrywanie", "216" => "Wyczyść", "217" => "Wyczyść zakończone", "218" => "Usuń z kolejki", "219" => "Zakończone", "220" => "Opróżnij", "221" => "Opróżnij kosz", "222" => "Przywróć", "223" => "Przywróć plik na pierwotne miejsce", "224" => "Idź do", "225" => "Zmień nazwę zakładki", "226" => "Spis", "227" => "Przełącz widok - lista szczegółowa", "228" => "Miniaturki", "229" => "Przełącz widok - miniaturki", "230" => "Odtwarzaj", "231" => "Zacznij pokaz slajdów", "232" => "Zatrzymaj", "233" => "Zatrzymaj pokaz slajdów", "234" => "Oglądaj zaznaczone obrazki", "235" => "Pełnoekr.", "236" => "Przywróć", "237" => "Stare hasło", "238" => "Hasła się różnią!", "239" => "Proszę wpisz swoje obecne hasło", "240" => "Złe hasło!", "241" => "Twoje preferencje zostały zapisane", "242" => "Svn log", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Rewizja", "244" => "Autor", "245" => "Data", "246" => "Komunikat", "247" => "Rozpakuj", "248" => "Rozpakuj zaznaczenie z zip do...", "249" => "Użytkownicy", "250" => "Repozytoria", "251" => "Logi", "252" => "Został osiągnięty maksymalny rozmiar pliku..", "253" => "Wystąpił błąd HTTP:", "254" => "Wystąpił błąd wejścia/wyjścia:", "255" => "Wystąpił błąd bezpieczeństwa:", "256" => "Załadowany", "257" => "Usuń", "258" => "Liczba plików:", "259" => "Całkowity rozmiar:", "260" => "bajtów", "261" => "Pamiętaj mnie", "262" => "Wydaje się, że conajmniej jeden plik istnieje\\nw katalogu docelowym.\\nCo chcesz zrobić?", "263" => "Nadpisz", "264" => "Pomiń", "265" => "Pliki", "266" => "B", "267" => "Utwórz", "268" => "Utwórz nową tabelkę", "269" => "Struktura", "270" => "Edytuj strukturę tabelki", "271" => "Usuń", "272" => "Usuń otwartą tabelkę", "273" => "Wstaw", "274" => "Wstaw nowy wiersz", "275" => "Jesteś pewien, że chesz usunąć zaznaczoną/e tabelkę/i?", "276" => "Edytuj zaznaczony rekord", "277" => "Usuń zaznaczone rekordy", "278" => "Jesteś pewien, że chesz usunąć zaznaczony/e rekord/y?", "279" => "Tabele", "280" => "Rekorty", "281" => "Ograniczenia", "282" => "Rozmiar na plik", "283" => "Całkowity rozmiar", "284" => "Liczba plików", "285" => "Nie moge znaleźć użytkownika, proszę spróbować ponownie.\\nUpewnij się, że Capslock jest wyłączony!", "286" => "Twój użytkownik jest przestarzały w obecnej wersji, proszę dokonać aktualizacji.", "287" => "Uprawnienia do pliku", "288" => "Użytkownik", "289" => "Grupa", "290" => "Wszyscy", "291" => "Zastosować rekurencyjnie?", "292" => "Publiczny link", "293" => "Utwórz publiczny link do tego pliku", "294" => "Czas wygaśnięcia linku (w dniach)", "295" => "Hasło", "296" => "Skopiuj adres URL poniżej:", "297" => "Nowy użytkownik", "298" => "Utwórz nowego użytkownika", "299" => "Nowe repo.", "300" => "Utwórz nowe repozytorium", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Edytuj konfigurację", "302" => "Skopiuj jako tekst", "303" => "Skopiuj zaznaczenie jako tekst oddzielony tabulatorami.", "304" => "Powrót", "305" => "Powrót do strony głównej", "306" => "Zbyt wiele folderów", "307" => "Wypełnij opcjonalne pola", "308" => "Generuj link", "309" => "Generuj", "310" => "Opcje", "311" => "Wgraj automatycznie gdy plik zostanie dodany", "312" => "Opcje wgrywania", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "AjaXplorer Link", "370" => "AjaXplorer Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate", "378" => "Warning, password is empty or too short!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Too short", "381" => "Very weak", "382" => "Weak", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Strong", "385" => "Very strong", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code");
예제 #17
파일: da.php 프로젝트: Nanomani/pydio-core

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
//  Dansk oversættelse: Mike Johnsen
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Danish", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_intl_locale" => "da-DK", "0" => "Aktuel Version", "1" => "Filnavn", "2" => "Størrelse", "3" => "Type", "4" => "Ændret", "5" => "Aktion", "6" => "Omdøb", "7" => "Slet", "8" => "Sti", "9" => "Midi Fil", "10" => "Tekst fil", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF Billede", "13" => "JPG Billede", "14" => "HTML Side", "15" => "HTML Side", "16" => "REAL fil", "17" => "REAL fil", "18" => "PERL script", "19" => "ZIP fil", "20" => "WAV fil", "21" => "PHP script", "22" => "PHP script", "23" => "Fil", "24" => "Et niveau op", "25" => "Upload en eller flere filer (maks. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") i biblioteket : ", "26" => "Opret nyt bibliotek i : ", "27" => "Upload", "28" => "Opret ny fil i : ", "29" => "Opret", "30" => "Skriv et navn for biblioteket og klik på &quot;Opret&quot;", "31" => "Du skal angive en fil", "32" => "Udforsk", "33" => "Fejl i fil upload !", "34" => "Filen", "35" => "er blevet oprettet i biblioteket med succes", "36" => "Dens størrelse er", "37" => "Du skal angive gyldigt navn", "38" => "Biblioteket", "39" => "er blevet oprettet i", "40" => "Dette bibliotek findes allerede (Bemærk forskel på store og små bogstaver)", "41" => "er blevet omdøbt til", "42" => "til", "43" => "eksisterer allerede (Bemærk forskel på store og små bogstaver)", "44" => "er blevet slettet", "45" => "bibliotek", "46" => "fil", "47" => "Er du sikker på du vil slette", "48" => "OK", "49" => "ANNULLER", "50" => "Exe fil", "51" => "Ændre", "52" => "Ændre fil", "53" => "Gem", "54" => "ANNULLER", "55" => "er blever ændret", "56" => "BMP Billede", "57" => "PNG Billede", "58" => "CSS Fil", "59" => "MP3 Fil", "60" => "RAR Fil", "61" => "GZ Fil", "62" => "Rod bibliotek", "63" => "Log ud", "64" => "XLS Fil", "65" => "Word Fil", "66" => "Kopier", "67" => "Valgt fil", "68" => "Sæt ind i", "69" => "Eller vælg et andet bibliotek", "70" => "Flyt", "71" => "Filen findes allerede (Bemærk forskel på store og små bogstaver)", "72" => "Rod stien er ikke korrekt. Kontroller det i conf/conf.php filen", "73" => "er blevet kopieret til biblioteket", "74" => "er blevet flyttet til biblioteket", "75" => "Filen users.cer er ikke i biblioteket brugere", "76" => "Filen er blevet flyttet", "77" => "Send", "78" => "Videregiv", "79" => "PDF Fil", "80" => "MOV Fil", "81" => "AVI Fil", "82" => "MPG Fil", "83" => "MPEG Fil", "84" => "hjælp", "85" => "Opdater", "86" => "Luk", "87" => "Søg", "88" => "Download", "89" => "Kan ikke åbne filen", "90" => "Print", "91" => "FLASH Fil", "92" => "Sprog", "93" => "For at vælge sprog, skal din browser acceptere cookies.", "94" => "Login", "95" => "Vælg dit sprog :", "96" => "Vælg destinations mappe i stifinder: ", "97" => "Upload Fil", "98" => "Klik hvor som helst i boksen for at lukke.", "99" => "er skrivbeskyttet. Check administrator for adgangs tilladelser.", "100" => "Kan ikke finde fil ", "101" => "Stien der kopieres til er den samme!", "102" => "Fejl ved oprettelse af fil :", "103" => "Kan ikke finde mappen ", "104" => "Skift til angivet mappe", "105" => "Send email med direkte adgang til denne sti.", "106" => "Send Mail", "107" => "Dit navn og/eller email", "108" => "Modtager email", "109" => "Klikbar URL", "110" => "Tilføj kommentar", "111" => "Følgende email er sendt :", "112" => "Fejl ved email afsendelse : ", "113" => "Intet valgt!", "114" => "Unkendt fejl under kopiering!", "115" => "Filen er gemt med success", "116" => "filer", "117" => "Mappen", "118" => "Download flere filer", "119" => "Klik på hver fil for at downloade.", "120" => "Du har ikke rettigheder til at slette strukturen!", "121" => "Billede filer ", "122" => "Papirkurv", "123" => "er blevet flyttet til ", "124" => "Overskriv eksisterende fil(er)?", "125" => "En fil/mappe med samme navn eksisterer allerede (Bemærk forskel på store og små bogstaver). Vælg et andet navn!", "126" => "Miniature", "127" => "Størrelse", "128" => "Valgte filer.", "129" => "Vis", "130" => "Mapper", "131" => "Detaljer", "132" => "Ingen fil eller mappe", "133" => "Navn", "134" => "Type", "135" => "Dimensioner", "136" => "Vis stort billede", "138" => "Ændret den.", "139" => "Ændre online", "140" => "Afspil hele mappen", "141" => "Læs mappe", "142" => "Logget ind som ", "143" => "Gæst. Log ind", "144" => "Ikke logget på.", "145" => "Mine bogmærker", "146" => "Slet bogmærker", "147" => "Bogmærker", "148" => "Op", "149" => "Opdater", "150" => "Vis", "151" => "Skift visning...", "152" => "Bogmærker", "153" => "Tilføj bogmærke", "154" => "Ny mappe", "155" => "Opret ny mappe", "156" => "Opret fil", "157" => "Opret ny fil", "158" => "Omdøb valgte filer eller mapper", "159" => "Kopier valgte filer eller mapper", "160" => "Flyt valgte filer eller mapper", "161" => "Slet valgte filer eller mapper.", "162" => "Rediger tekst filer online.", "163" => "Log ind", "164" => "Log ud", "165" => "Indstillinger", "166" => "Om", "167" => "Om Pydio", "168" => "Opret forbindelse til APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "Afbryd forbindelse fra APPLICATION_TITLE", "170" => "Aktuel mappe", "parent_access_key" => "O", "refresh_access_key" => "p", "list_access_key" => "V", "thumbs_access_key" => "M", "bookmarks_access_key" => "B", "upload_access_key" => "U", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "f", "rename_access_key" => "b", "copy_access_key" => "K", "move_access_key" => "F", "delete_access_key" => "S", "edit_access_key" => "Æ", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "w", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "m", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "T", "restore_access_key" => "G", "171" => "Gennemse computer", "172" => "Valgte", "173" => "Nyt mappenavn", "174" => "Nyt filnavn", "175" => "Vælg destinationsmappen", "176" => "Valgte filer vil blive flyttet til papirkurv.", "177" => "Valgte filer vil blive slettet permanent?", "178" => "Forrige", "179" => "Næste", "180" => "Indtast brugernavn og adgangskode", "181" => "Brugernavn", "182" => "adgangskode", "183" => "Vælg en anden destinationsmappe end den aktuelle!", "184" => "Søg i aktuel mappe og undermapper", "185" => "Stop søgning", "186" => "Eksempel", "187" => "Online Editering - ", "189" => "Ændre mine indstillinger", "190" => "Sprog", "191" => "Standard visning", "192" => "Detaljer", "193" => "Miniature", "194" => "Ændre adgangskode", "195" => "Bruger indstillinger", "196" => "Dit sprog er anderledes end det aktuelle!\\n Vil du opdatere siden for at skifte sprog?", "197" => "Adgangskode gemt!\\n\\nHvis adgangskoden blev ændret, vil den være aktiv ved næste login.\\n\\nHvis sproget blev ændret, tryk på &quot;Opdater (F5)&quot; i din Browser.", "198" => "Ny", "199" => "Bekræft", "200" => "Skift depot til...", "201" => "Advarsel, ændringerne er ikke gemt!\\n Er du sikker på du vil lukke?", "202" => "Advarsel, rekursive kopi!", "203" => "destinationsmappen er den samme som original mappen!", "204" => "Filen \"", "205" => "\" Overskrider max størrelse (", "206" => "Mb).\\nKan ikke uploades.", "207" => "Du har ikke skriverettigheder til denne mappe", "208" => "Du har ikke læserettigheder til denne mappe", "209" => "Intern server fejl, kontakt Administrator!", "210" => "Upload mislykkedes", "211" => "Filen er for stor!", "212" => "Ingen fil fundet på serveren!", "213" => "Fejl ved kopiering til aktuel mappe", "214" => "Gennemse", "215" => "Start Upload", "216" => "Ryd", "217" => "Ryd afsluttet", "218" => "Slet fra kø", "219" => "Færdig", "220" => "Tøm", "221" => "Tøm papirkurv", "222" => "Gendan", "223" => "Gendanner fil til original destinationsmappe", "224" => "Gå til", "225" => "Omdøb bogmærke", "226" => "Visning", "227" => "Skift til detaljeret visning", "228" => "Miniature", "229" => "skift til miniature visning", "230" => "Afspil", "231" => "Afspil slideshow", "232" => "Stop", "233" => "Stop slideshow", "234" => "Vis valgte billeder", "235" => "Fuldskærm", "236" => "Gendan", "237" => "Gammel adgangskode", "238" => "Adgangskode er ikke ens!", "239" => "Skriv aktuel adgangskode", "240" => "Forkert adgangskode!", "241" => "Dine indstillinger er blevet gemt", "242" => "Svn Log fil", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revision", "244" => "Forfatter", "245" => "Dato", "246" => "Besked", "247" => "Udpak", "248" => "Udpak valgte fra zip, til...", "249" => "Brugere", "250" => "Depoter", "251" => "Log filer", "252" => "Max. fil størrelse er blevet nået.", "253" => "Der var en HTTP fejl:", "254" => "Der var en IO fejl:", "255" => "Der var en sikkerhedsfejl:", "256" => "Uploaded", "257" => "Flyt", "258" => "Antal filer :", "259" => "Samlet størrelse :", "260" => "bytes", "261" => "Husk mig på denne computer", "262" => "En eller flere filer findes \\nallerede i destinationsmappen.\\nHvad vil du gøre?", "263" => "Overskriv", "264" => "Spring over", "265" => "Filer", "266" => "B", "267" => "Opret", "268" => "Opret ny tabel", "269" => "Struktur", "270" => "Rediger tabel Struktur", "271" => "Kassér", "272" => "Kassér åben tabel", "273" => "indsæt", "274" => "Indsæt nyt datasæt", "275" => "Er du sikker på du vil kassér valgte tabeller?", "276" => "Rediger valgt datasæt", "277" => "Slet valgt datasæt", "278" => "Er du sikker på du vil slette valgte tabeller?", "279" => "Tabeller", "280" => "Datasæt", "281" => "Maximal", "282" => "Størrelse pr. fil", "283" => "Samlet størrelse", "284" => "Fil nummer", "285" => "Bruger ukendt, prøv igen.\\n Kontroller om capslock er aktiv!", "286" => "Din bruger er forældet med den nuværende version, brug venligst opgraderings proceduren.", "287" => "Fil tilladelser", "288" => "Bruger", "289" => "Gruppe", "290" => "Alle", "291" => "Anvend rekursiv?", "292" => "Offentlig genvej", "293" => "Opret offentlig genvej til denne fil", "294" => "Genvejs udløbstid (i dage)", "295" => "Adgangskode", "296" => "Kopier nedstående genvej:", "297" => "Ny bruger", "298" => "Opret en ny bruger", "299" => "Nyt depot.", "300" => "Opret et nyt depot", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "N", "301" => "Ændre indstillinger", "302" => "Kopier som tekst", "303" => "Kopier valgte som 'tabulator-separeret' tekst.", "304" => "Tilbage", "305" => "Tilbage til forsiden", "306" => "For mange mapper", "307" => "Udfyld valgfrie felter", "308" => "Generere link", "309" => "Generere", "310" => "Instillinger", "311" => "Upload automatisk når en fil bliver tilføjet", "312" => "Upload instillinger", "313" => "Komprimer ...", "314" => "Komprimer det udvalgte til zip", "315" => "Komprimer det udvalgte til", "316" => "Åbn med ...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Kildefremviser", "318" => "Kode tryk på kildekodefremviser", "319" => "HTML redigeringsværktøj", "320" => "WYSIWYG redigeringsværktøj for HTML,", "321" => "Vælg", "322" => "Vælg den aktuelle fil", "323" => "E-mail denne URL", "324" => "Intet redigeringsværktøj tilgængeligt", "325" => "Bedste tilpasning", "326" => "Ingen tilpasning", "327" => "1.0", "328" => "PDF fremviser", "329" => "Se PDF online", "330" => "Vent venligst, mens siderne udføres ...", "331" => "Side", "332" => "af", "333" => "Pixlr billedredigeringsværktøj", "334" => "mere", "335" => "Indtast et sidetal mellem 1 og ", "336" => "Desværre kan du ikke droppe mapper, drop kun filer!", "337" => "Autostart overførsel", "338" => "Autoluk efter overførsel,", "339" => "Eksisterende filer", "340" => "Advarsel", "341" => "Fil-info", "342" => "Mappe-info", "343" => "Billed-info", "344" => "Søg på", "345" => "Der kunne ikke hentes nogen oplysninger om versionen", "346" => "Din version er opdateret", "347" => "Der findes en ny version (%s)! Besøg %s", "348" => "ET nyt lager er blevet delt.", "349" => "Advarsel, manglende begrundelser", "350" => "Der findes allerede en bruger med dette navn, som ikke tilhører dig, vælg venligst et andet navn.", "351" => "Du har ikke tilladelse til at dele elementer med offentligheden.", "352" => "Der findes allerede et lager med samme navn, vælg venligst et andet navn.", "353" => "Destinationsbruger", "354" => "Opret en ny bruger eller vælg en af dine eksisterende fra listen.", "355" => "Brugernavn", "356" => "Brugerpas", "357" => "Destinationslager", "358" => "Vælg et navn til det delte element, og tildel adgangsrettigheder til din bruger.", "359" => "Mærkat", "360" => "Rettigheder", "361" => "Læs", "362" => "Skriv", "363" => "Delte elementer", "364" => "Du har ingen rettigheder til at udføre denne handling", "365" => "Du har ikke ret til at overføre mere end %s filer ad gangen.", "366" => "Denne bruger har ikke noget aktivt lager.", "367" => "Du har ikke ret til at overføre denne type fil. Du kan vælge mellem følgende typenavne: ", "368" => "Udpakningen af udvælgelsen fra arkiv %s til mappe %s lykkedes", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE link", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE offentlig overførsel", "371" => "Denne overførsel kræver adgangskode", "372" => "Nuværende lager", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "Du kan ikke kopiere mapper på tværs af lagre", "375" => "Advarsel, du har været inaktiv i mere end __IDLE__, du bliver logget ud om __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Klik hvor som helst for at genaktivere", "378" => "Advarsel, adgangskoden er tom eller for kort!", "379" => "Usikkert kodeord!", "380" => "For kort", "381" => "Meget svag", "382" => "Svag", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Stærk", "385" => "Meget stærk", "386" => "Det er ikke lykkedes dig at logge ind 3 gange.\\nFor din egen sikkerheds skyld, udfyld koden, der vises i billedet.", "389" => "Læs nedenstående kode:", "390" => "Kode", "391" => "Intet lager", "392" => "Advarsel, APPLICATION_TITLE versionen er ændret (er nu %s), ryd browserens cache, og opdater siden for at være sikker på, at alting fungerer!", "393" => "Advarsel, navnets længde skal være under %s, denne fils navn bliver afkortet!", "394" => "Desværre er det ikke muligt at dele mapper med den aktuelle autoriserede driver (brugere kan ikke redigeres). Det er dog stadig muligt at dele filer.", "395" => "Det du droppede ser ud til at være en mappe, og mapper kan ikke overføres til serveren! Er du sikker på, at du vil overføre?", "396" => "Autoriseret metode", "397" => "Download kasseret", "398" => "Download den valgte fil i stykker", "399" => "Indtast antallet af stykker, du vil downloade, klik derefter på knappen, og klik på hver fil for at downloade dem.", "400" => "Antal stykker:", "401" => "Du kan downloade og installere følgende software for at samle stykkerne, når de er på din computer: ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "You can use the WebDAV protocol to mount your APPLICATION_TITLE repositories as a 'network drive' on various clients, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, etc.", "405" => "Use the following URLS to access your repositories, with your username and the password you entered. Warning, this won't work until you set this feature as 'active' and you enter your password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully, do not forget to update your password if it's the first time!", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Users", "532" => "Groups", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.cache" => "Cache server", "plugtype.desc.cache" => "Unique plugin to set up the cache server used by the application", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "plugtype.title.sec" => "Security", "plugtype.desc.sec" => "Advanced Security Features", "plugtype.title.helper" => "Helper", "plugtype.desc.helper" => "Helpers tools for administrative tasks", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.", "543" => "Results limited to %s.", "544" => "Show All", "545" => "Remote Share Dialog", "546" => "This item has been shared with you by %%OWNER%% from a remote location. Do you want to continue ?", "547" => "Accept", "548" => "Decline", "549" => "You have previously accepted this item that was shared with you by %%OWNER%% from a remote location. Do you want to reject it now?", "550" => "Reject this share", "551" => "Reject");
예제 #18

//	AjaXplorer
//	Copyright 2007-2008 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
//  www.Ajaxplorer.info
//  Reference dictionnary for translations
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Svenska", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Senaste version", "1" => "Filnamn", "2" => "Storlek", "3" => "Typ", "4" => "Ändrad", "5" => "Val", "6" => "Byt namn", "7" => "Ta bort", "8" => "Katalog", "9" => "Midi-fil", "10" => "Text-fil", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF-bild", "13" => "JPG-bild", "14" => "HTML-sida", "15" => "HTML-sida", "16" => "REAL-fil", "17" => "REAL-fil", "18" => "PERL-script", "19" => "ZIP-fil", "20" => "WAV-fil", "21" => "PHP-script", "22" => "PHP-script", "23" => "Fil", "24" => "Överordnad katalog", "25" => "Ladda upp en eller flera filer (max. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") i katalogen : ", "26" => "Skapa en ny katalog i : ", "27" => "Ladda upp", "28" => "Skapa en ny fil i : ", "29" => "Skapa", "30" => "Skriv ett namn på filen och klicka sedan på &quot;Skapa&quot;", "31" => "Du måste välja en fil", "32" => "Utforska", "33" => "Fel vid uppladdning av fil!", "34" => "Filen", "35" => "har skapats i mappen", "36" => "Storleken är", "37" => "Du måste ange ett giltigt namn", "38" => "Katalogen", "39" => "Har skapats i", "40" => "En katalog med samma namn finns redan (namn är inte skiftlägeskänsliga)", "41" => "har döpts om till", "42" => "till", "43" => "finns redan (namn är inte skiftlägeskänsliga)", "44" => "har tagits bort", "45" => "mapp", "46" => "fil", "47" => "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort", "48" => "OK", "49" => "AVBRYT", "50" => "Exe-fil", "51" => "Redigera", "52" => "Redigerar fil", "53" => "Spara", "54" => "Avbryt", "55" => "har ändrats", "56" => "BMP-bild", "57" => "PNG-bild", "58" => "CSS-fil", "59" => "MP3-fil", "60" => "RAR-fil", "61" => "GZ-fil", "62" => "Rootkatalog", "63" => "Logga ut", "64" => "XLS-fil", "65" => "Word-fil", "66" => "Kopiera", "67" => "Vald fil", "68" => "Klistra in", "69" => "Eller välj annan katalog", "70" => "Flytta", "71" => "En fil med samma namn finns redan (namn är inte skiftlägeskänsliga)", "72" => "Rootkatalogens sökväg är inkorrekt. Undersök den i filen conf/conf.php", "73" => "kar kopierats till katalogen", "74" => "kar flyttats till katalogen", "75" => "Filen users.txt fins inte i katalogen prive", "76" => "Filen har tagits bort", "77" => "Skicka", "78" => "Pass", "79" => "PDF-fil", "80" => "MOV-fil", "81" => "AVI-fil", "82" => "MPG-fil", "83" => "MPEG-fil", "84" => "Hjälp", "85" => "Uppdatera", "86" => "Stäng", "87" => "Sök", "88" => "Ladda ner", "89" => "Kan inte öppna fil", "90" => "Skriv ut", "91" => "FLASH-fil", "92" => "Språk", "93" => "För att kunna välja språk måste din webbläsare acceptera cookies.", "94" => "Logga in", "95" => "Välj ditt språk:", "96" => "Välj målkatalog i listan : ", "97" => "Ladda upp fil", "98" => "Klicka någonstans i denna box för att stänga den.", "99" => "är inte skrivbar. Detta kan bero på rättigheter, kontakta din administratör.", "100" => "Kan inte hitta fil ", "101" => "Ursprngskatalog och målkatalogen är densamma!", "102" => "Fel vid skapande av fil :", "103" => "Kan inte hitta katalog ", "104" => "Gå till angiven plats", "105" => "E-posta en url för direktaccess till denna plats.", "106" => "Skicka e-post", "107" => "Ditt namn och/eller e-postadress", "108" => "Mottagarens e-postadress", "109" => "Klickbar URL", "110" => "Lägg till en kommentar", "111" => "Följande e-postmeddelande har skikats :", "112" => "Fel vid skickande av e-postmeddelande : ", "113" => "Valet är tomt!", "114" => "Ett okänt fel inträffade vid kopiering!", "115" => "Filen har sparats", "116" => "filer", "117" => "Katalogen", "118" => "Ladda ner flera filer", "119" => "Klicka på varje fil för att ladda ner den.", "120" => "Du har inte rättigheter att ta bort hela trädstrukturen!", "121" => "Bildfil ", "122" => "Soptunnan", "123" => "har flyttats till ", "124" => "Skriv över existerande filer?", "125" => "En fil/katalog med detta namn finns redan (namn är inte skiftlägeskänsliga). Välj ett annat namn!", "126" => "Miniatyrbilder", "127" => "Storlek", "128" => "valda filer.", "129" => "Visa", "130" => "Kataloger", "131" => "Detaljer", "132" => "Ingen fil eller katalog", "133" => "Namn", "134" => "Typ", "135" => "Dimensioner", "136" => "Visa större bild", "138" => "Senast modif.", "139" => "Redigera online", "140" => "Spela upp hela katalogen", "141" => "Läser katalog", "142" => "Inloggad som ", "143" => "Gästvisning. Logga in.", "144" => "Inte inloggad.", "145" => "Mina bokmärken", "146" => "Ta bort bokmärke", "147" => "Bokmärken", "148" => "Förälder", "149" => "Uppdatera", "150" => "Visa", "151" => "Ändra visningsläge...", "152" => "Bokmärke", "153" => "Lägg till nuvarande plats som bokmärke", "154" => "Ny katalog", "155" => "Skapa ny katalog", "156" => "Ny fil", "157" => "Skapa en ny tom fil", "158" => "Döp om vald fil eller katalog", "159" => "Kopiera val till...", "160" => "Flytta valda filer till ...", "161" => "Ta bort valda filer.", "162" => "Redigera textfiler online.", "163" => "Logga in", "164" => "Logga ut", "165" => "Inställningar", "166" => "Om", "167" => "Om AjaXplorer", "168" => "Anslut till AjaXplorer", "169" => "Koppla ner från AjaXplorer", "170" => "Nuvarande katalog", "parent_access_key" => "r", "refresh_access_key" => "U", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "h", "bookmarks_access_key" => "ä", "upload_access_key" => "u", "folder_access_key" => "k", "file_access_key" => "f", "rename_access_key" => "n", "copy_access_key" => "o", "move_access_key" => "y", "delete_access_key" => "b", "edit_access_key" => "R", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "n", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "m", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "T", "restore_access_key" => "s", "171" => "Bläddra på din dator", "172" => "Ditt val", "173" => "Nytt namn på folder", "174" => "Nytt namn på fil", "175" => "Välj målkatalog", "176" => "Valda filer kommer flyttas till Soptunnan.", "177" => "Är du säker på att du vill radera valda filer?", "178" => "Tidigare", "179" => "Nästa", "180" => "Ange anvädarnamn/lösenord", "181" => "Användarnamn", "182" => "Lösenord", "183" => "Välj en målkatalog som skuljer sig från ursprungskatalogen!", "184" => "Sök i nuvarande katalog och underkataloger", "185" => "Avbryt sökning", "186" => "Förvisning av bild", "187" => "Online upplaga - ", "189" => "Ändra mina inställningar", "190" => "Språk", "191" => "Visningsläge", "192" => "Detaljerad lista", "193" => "Miniatyrbilder", "194" => "Ändra lösenord", "195" => "Användarinställningar", "196" => "Ditt språk skiljer sig från nuvarande språk!\\n Vill du ladda om sidan och byta språk?", "197" => "Ditt lösenord kommer ändras när du loggar ut.", "198" => "Nytt", "199" => "Bekräfta", "200" => "Byt källsystem till...", "201" => "Varning, vissa ändringar har inte sparats!\\n Är du säker på att du vill stänga?", "202" => "Varning, rekursiv kopiering!", "203" => "Målkatakogen är densama som ursprungskatalogen!", "204" => "Filen \"", "205" => "\" överskrider storleksgränsen (", "206" => "Mb).\\nDen kommer inte att laddas upp.", "207" => "Du måste ha skrivrättigheter för denna katalog", "208" => "Du måste ha läsrättigheter för denna katalog", "209" => "Internt serverfel, kontakta din administratör!", "210" => "Uppladdning misslyckades", "211" => "Filen är för stor!", "212" => "Ingen fil hittades på servern!", "213" => "Fel vid kopiering till nuvarande katalog", "214" => "Bläddra", "215" => "Börja ladda upp", "216" => "Rensa", "217" => "Rensning klar", "218" => "Ta bort från kö", "219" => "Färdigt", "220" => "Töm", "221" => "Töm soptunnan", "222" => "Återställ", "223" => "Återställ filer till deras ursprungliga plats", "224" => "Gå till", "225" => "Döp om bokmärke", "226" => "Lista", "227" => "Ändra till detaljerad lista", "228" => "Thumbs", "229" => "Ändra till miniatyrbilder", "230" => "Spela", "231" => "Starta bildspel", "232" => "Stopp", "233" => "Stoppa bildspel", "234" => "Visa valda bilder", "235" => "Fullskärm", "236" => "Återställ", "237" => "Gammalt lösenord", "238" => "Lösenorden är olika!", "239" => "Ange ditt nuvarande lösenord", "240" => "Fel lösenord!", "241" => "Dina inställningar har sparats", "242" => "Svn Log", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Omarbetning", "244" => "Författare", "245" => "Datum", "246" => "Meddelande", "247" => "Packa upp", "248" => "Packa upp valda objekt till...", "249" => "Användare", "250" => "Källsystem", "251" => "Loggar", "252" => "Den totala gränsen för filstorlek har nåtts.", "253" => "Det har skett ett HTTP-fel:", "254" => "Det har skett ett IO-fel:", "255" => "Det har skett ett säkerhetsfel:", "256" => "Ladda upp", "257" => "Ta bort", "258" => "Antal filer :", "259" => "Total storlek :", "260" => "bytes", "261" => "Kom ihåg mig", "262" => "En eller flera filer existerar \\nredan i målkatalogen.\\nVad vill du göra?", "263" => "Skriv över", "264" => "Skippa", "265" => "Filer", "266" => "B", "267" => "Skapa", "268" => "Skapa en ny tabell", "269" => "Struktur", "270" => "Ändra tabellens struktur", "271" => "Radera", "272" => "Radera öppen tabell", "273" => "Infoga", "274" => "Infoga ny rad", "275" => "Är du säker på att du vill radera valda tabell(er)?", "276" => "Redigera vald rad", "277" => "Radera valda rader", "278" => "Är du säker på att du vill radera valda rad(er)?", "279" => "Tabeller", "280" => "Rader", "281" => "Gränser", "282" => "Storlek per fil", "283" => "Total storlek", "284" => "Antal filer", "285" => "Cannot find user, please try again.\\n Make sure your Caps Lock is not engaged!", "286" => "Your user is out of date with the current version, please use the upgrade procedure.", "287" => "File Permissions", "288" => "User", "289" => "Group", "290" => "All", "291" => "Apply recursively?", "292" => "Public link", "293" => "Create a public link to this file", "294" => "Link time expiration (in days)", "295" => "Password (leave blank for now)", "296" => "Please copy the link below:", "297" => "New User", "298" => "Create a new user", "299" => "New Repo.", "300" => "Create a new repository", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Edit configuration", "302" => "Copy as Text", "303" => "Copy selection as tab-separated text.", "304" => "Back", "305" => "Go back to main page", "306" => "Too many folders", "307" => "Fill optional fields", "308" => "Generate Link", "309" => "Generate", "310" => "Options", "311" => "Upload automatically when a file is added", "312" => "Uploader Options", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "AjaXplorer Link", "370" => "AjaXplorer Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate", "378" => "Warning, password is empty or too short!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Too short", "381" => "Very weak", "382" => "Weak", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Strong", "385" => "Very strong", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code");
 function switchAction($action, $httpVars, $fileVars)
     if (!isset($this->actions[$action])) {
     if (preg_match('/MSIE 7/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match('/MSIE 8/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         // Force legacy theme for the moment
         $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"] = "oxygen";
     if (!defined("AJXP_THEME_FOLDER")) {
         define("CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER", AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/gui.ajax/res");
         define("AJXP_THEME_FOLDER", CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER . "/themes/" . $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"]);
     foreach ($httpVars as $getName => $getValue) {
         ${$getName} = AJXP_Utils::securePath($getValue);
     if (isset($dir) && $action != "upload") {
         $dir = SystemTextEncoding::fromUTF8($dir);
     $mess = ConfService::getMessages();
     switch ($action) {
         case "get_template":
             $folder = CLIENT_RESOURCES_FOLDER . "/html";
             if (isset($httpVars["pluginName"])) {
                 $folder = AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/" . AJXP_PLUGINS_FOLDER . "/" . AJXP_Utils::securePath($httpVars["pluginName"]);
                 if (isset($httpVars["pluginPath"])) {
                     $folder .= "/" . AJXP_Utils::securePath($httpVars["pluginPath"]);
             $crtTheme = $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"];
             $thFolder = AJXP_THEME_FOLDER . "/html";
             if (isset($template_name)) {
                 if (is_file($thFolder . "/" . $template_name)) {
                     include $thFolder . "/" . $template_name;
                 } else {
                     if (is_file($folder . "/" . $template_name)) {
                         include $folder . "/" . $template_name;
             //	GET I18N MESSAGES
         //	GET I18N MESSAGES
         case "get_i18n_messages":
             $refresh = false;
             if (isset($httpVars["lang"])) {
                 $refresh = true;
             //	SEND XML REGISTRY
         case "get_xml_registry":
             $regDoc = AJXP_PluginsService::getXmlRegistry();
             $changes = AJXP_Controller::filterActionsRegistry($regDoc);
             if ($changes) {
             if (isset($_GET["xPath"])) {
                 $regPath = new DOMXPath($regDoc);
                 $nodes = $regPath->query($_GET["xPath"]);
                 AJXP_XMLWriter::header("ajxp_registry_part", array("xPath" => $_GET["xPath"]));
                 if ($nodes->length) {
                     print AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($regDoc->saveXML($nodes->item(0)));
             } else {
                 AJXP_Utils::safeIniSet("zlib.output_compression", "4096");
                 header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8');
                 print AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($regDoc->saveXML());
             //	DISPLAY DOC
         //	DISPLAY DOC
         case "display_doc":
             echo HTMLWriter::getDocFile(AJXP_Utils::securePath(htmlentities($_GET["doc_file"])));
             //	GET BOOT GUI
         //	GET BOOT GUI
         case "get_boot_gui":
             header("X-UA-Compatible: chrome=1");
             if (!is_file(TESTS_RESULT_FILE)) {
                 $outputArray = array();
                 $testedParams = array();
                 $passed = AJXP_Utils::runTests($outputArray, $testedParams);
                 if (!$passed && !isset($_GET["ignore_tests"])) {
                     die(AJXP_Utils::testResultsToTable($outputArray, $testedParams));
                 } else {
                     AJXP_Utils::testResultsToFile($outputArray, $testedParams);
             $START_PARAMETERS = array("BOOTER_URL" => "index.php?get_action=get_boot_conf", "MAIN_ELEMENT" => "ajxp_desktop");
             if (AuthService::usersEnabled()) {
                 AuthService::preLogUser(isset($httpVars["remote_session"]) ? $httpVars["remote_session"] : "");
                 if (AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null || AuthService::logUser(null, null) == 1) {
                     if (AuthService::getDefaultRootId() == -1) {
                     } else {
                         $loggedUser = AuthService::getLoggedUser();
                         if (!$loggedUser->canRead(ConfService::getCurrentRootDirIndex()) && AuthService::getDefaultRootId() != ConfService::getCurrentRootDirIndex()) {
             AJXP_Utils::parseApplicationGetParameters($_GET, $START_PARAMETERS, $_SESSION);
             $confErrors = ConfService::getErrors();
             if (count($confErrors)) {
                 $START_PARAMETERS["ALERT"] = implode(", ", array_values($confErrors));
             $JSON_START_PARAMETERS = json_encode($START_PARAMETERS);
             $crtTheme = $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"];
             if (ConfService::getConf("JS_DEBUG")) {
                 if (!isset($mess)) {
                     $mess = ConfService::getMessages();
                 if (is_file(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/themes/{$crtTheme}/html/gui_debug.html")) {
                     include AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/themes/{$crtTheme}/html/gui_debug.html";
                 } else {
                     include AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/html/gui_debug.html";
             } else {
                 if (is_file(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/themes/{$crtTheme}/html/gui.html")) {
                     $content = file_get_contents(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/themes/{$crtTheme}/html/gui.html");
                 } else {
                     $content = file_get_contents(AJXP_INSTALL_PATH . "/plugins/gui.ajax/res/html/gui.html");
                 if (preg_match('/MSIE 7/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || preg_match('/MSIE 8/', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
                     $content = str_replace("ajaxplorer_boot.js", "ajaxplorer_boot_protolegacy.js", $content);
                 $content = AJXP_XMLWriter::replaceAjxpXmlKeywords($content, false);
                 if ($JSON_START_PARAMETERS) {
                     $content = str_replace("//AJXP_JSON_START_PARAMETERS", "startParameters = " . $JSON_START_PARAMETERS . ";", $content);
                 print $content;
             //	GET CONFIG FOR BOOT
         case "get_boot_conf":
             if (isset($_GET["server_prefix_uri"])) {
                 $_SESSION["AJXP_SERVER_PREFIX_URI"] = $_GET["server_prefix_uri"];
             $config = array();
             $config["ajxpResourcesFolder"] = "plugins/gui.ajax/res";
             $config["ajxpServerAccess"] = AJXP_SERVER_ACCESS;
             $config["zipEnabled"] = ConfService::zipEnabled();
             $config["multipleFilesDownloadEnabled"] = ConfService::getCoreConf("ZIP_CREATION");
             $config["customWording"] = array("welcomeMessage" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_WELCOME_MESSAGE"], "title" => ConfService::getCoreConf("APPLICATION_TITLE"), "icon" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_ICON"], "iconWidth" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_ICON_WIDTH"], "iconHeight" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_ICON_HEIGHT"], "iconOnly" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_ICON_ONLY"], "titleFontSize" => $this->pluginConf["CUSTOM_FONT_SIZE"]);
             $config["usersEnabled"] = AuthService::usersEnabled();
             $config["loggedUser"] = AuthService::getLoggedUser() != null;
             $config["currentLanguage"] = ConfService::getLanguage();
             $config["session_timeout"] = intval(ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime"));
             if (!isset($this->pluginConf["CLIENT_TIMEOUT_TIME"]) || $this->pluginConf["CLIENT_TIMEOUT_TIME"] == "") {
                 $to = $config["session_timeout"];
             } else {
                 $to = $this->pluginConf["CLIENT_TIMEOUT_TIME"];
             $config["client_timeout"] = $to;
             $config["client_timeout_warning"] = $this->pluginConf["CLIENT_TIMEOUT_WARN"];
             $config["availableLanguages"] = ConfService::getConf("AVAILABLE_LANG");
             $config["usersEditable"] = ConfService::getAuthDriverImpl()->usersEditable();
             $config["ajxpVersion"] = AJXP_VERSION;
             $config["ajxpVersionDate"] = AJXP_VERSION_DATE;
             if (stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "msie 6")) {
                 $config["cssResources"] = array("css/pngHack/pngHack.css");
             if (!empty($this->pluginConf['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID'])) {
                 $config["googleAnalyticsData"] = array("id" => $this->pluginConf['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID'], "domain" => $this->pluginConf['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_DOMAIN'], "event" => $this->pluginConf['GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_EVENT']);
             $config["i18nMessages"] = ConfService::getMessages();
             $config["password_min_length"] = ConfService::getCoreConf("PASSWORD_MINLENGTH", "auth");
             $config["SECURE_TOKEN"] = AuthService::generateSecureToken();
             $config["streaming_supported"] = "true";
             $config["theme"] = $this->pluginConf["GUI_THEME"];
             print json_encode($config);
     return false;
예제 #20
파일: ja.php 프로젝트: pussbb/CI_DEV_CMS

// AjaXplorer
// Copyright 2007-2008 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
// http://www.Ajaxplorer.info
// Japanese translation: Nov. 27 2008 by Satoru Matsumoto (HeliosReds@opensuse.org)
// Reference dictionnary for translations
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "日本語", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "最新バージョン", "1" => "ファイル名", "2" => "サイズ", "3" => "タイプ", "4" => "変更済み", "5" => "アクション", "6" => "名前を変更(R)", "7" => "削除(D)", "8" => "ディレクトリ", "9" => "Midi ファイル", "10" => "テキストファイル", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF 画像", "13" => "JPG 画像", "14" => "HTML ページ", "15" => "HTML ページ", "16" => "REAL ファイル", "17" => "REAL ファイル", "18" => "PERL スクリプト", "19" => "ZIP ファイル", "20" => "WAV ファイル", "21" => "PHP スクリプト", "22" => "PHP スクリプト", "23" => "ファイル", "24" => "親ディレクトリ", "25" => "ファイル(複数可 - 上限 " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . " 個まで) を次のディレクトリにアップロード : ", "26" => "新しいディレクトリを作成 : ", "27" => "アップロード(U)", "28" => "新しいファイルを作成 : ", "29" => "作成", "30" => "ディレクトリ名を記入して 作成 をクリックしてください", "31" => "ファイルを選択してください", "32" => "閲覧", "33" => "ファイルのアップロードに失敗 !", "34" => "ファイル", "35" => "がディレクトリ内に作成されました", "36" => "このサイズは", "37" => "有効な名前を記入してください", "38" => "ディレクトリ", "39" => "が作成されました", "40" => "このディレクトリは既に存在しています (名前の大文字・小文字は区別されません)", "41" => "は次の通り名前が変更されました", "42" => "へ", "43" => "既に存在しています (名前の大文字・小文字は区別されません)", "44" => "削除されました", "45" => "ディレクトリ", "46" => "ファイル", "47" => "本当に削除していいですか", "48" => "OK", "49" => "キャンセル", "50" => "Exe ファイル", "51" => "編集(E)", "52" => "ファイルを編集", "53" => "保存", "54" => "キャンセル", "55" => "は変更されました", "56" => "BMP 画像", "57" => "PNG 画像", "58" => "CSS ファイル", "59" => "MP3 ファイル", "60" => "RAR ファイル", "61" => "GZ ファイル", "62" => "Root ディレクトリ", "63" => "ログアウト", "64" => "XLS ファイル", "65" => "Word ファイル", "66" => "コピー(C)", "67" => "選択されたファイル", "68" => "貼り付け", "69" => "もしくは他のディレクトリを選択してください", "70" => "移動(M)", "71" => "このファイルは既に存在しています (名前の大文字・小文字は区別されません)", "72" => "root パスが正しくありません。conf/conf.php ファイル内の指定を確認してください", "73" => "をディレクトリ内へコピーしました", "74" => "をディレクトリ内へ移動しました", "75" => "users.txt ファイルが prive ディレクトリ内にありません", "76" => "このファイルは削除されました", "77" => "送信", "78" => "パス", "79" => "PDF ファイル", "80" => "MOV ファイル", "81" => "AVI ファイル", "82" => "MPG ファイル", "83" => "MPEG ファイル", "84" => "ヘルプ", "85" => "リフレッシュ", "86" => "閉じる", "87" => "検索", "88" => "ダウンロード(w)", "89" => "ファイルを開けません", "90" => "印刷", "91" => "FLASH ファイル", "92" => "言語", "93" => "言語を選択するには、ブラウザのクッキーを有効にしてください。", "94" => "ログイン", "95" => "言語を選択 :", "96" => "ツリー内の宛先フォルダを選択してください : ", "97" => "ファイルをアップロード", "98" => "閉じるには、このボックス内のどこかをクリックしてください。", "99" => "は書き込み可能ではありません。権限設定に問題があるかもしれませんので、管理者に確認してください。", "100" => "ファイルが見つかりません ", "101" => "元になるフォルダと対象フォルダが同じです!", "102" => "ファイルの作成中にエラー :", "103" => "フォルダが見つかりません ", "104" => "指定された場所へ移動", "105" => "ここに直接アクセスするための URL をメールで送ります。", "106" => "メール送信", "107" => "あなたのお名前 / メールアドレス", "108" => "宛先メールアドレス", "109" => "URL をクリックできます", "110" => "コメントを追加", "111" => "メールが送信されました :", "112" => "メール送信に失敗 : ", "113" => "選択したものは空です!", "114" => "コピー中に未知のエラー発生!", "115" => "ファイルが保存されました", "116" => "ファイル", "117" => "フォルダ", "118" => "複数のファイルをダウンロード", "119" => "ダウンロードするには個々のファイルをクリックしてください。", "120" => "ディレクトリ・ツリーをまるごと削除することは許されていません!", "121" => "画像ファイル ", "122" => "ゴミ箱", "123" => "は移動しました ", "124" => "既存のファイルを上書きしますか?", "125" => "その名前のファイル/フォルダは既に存在しています (名前の大文字・小文字は区別されません)。別の名前を選んでください!", "126" => "サムネール", "127" => "サイズ", "128" => "ファイルが選択されました。", "129" => "表示(V)", "130" => "フォルダ", "131" => "詳細", "132" => "ファイルあるいはフォルダがありません", "133" => "名前", "134" => "タイプ", "135" => "ディメンション", "136" => "大きな画像を表示", "138" => "最新の変更", "139" => "オンラインで編集", "140" => "フォルダ全体を再生する", "141" => "フォルダを読み込んでいます", "142" => "右記の資格でログイン済み ", "143" => "ゲストの資格で閲覧しています。ログインしてください。", "144" => "ログインしていません。", "145" => "マイ・ブックマーク", "146" => "ブックマークを削除", "147" => "ブックマーク", "148" => "上へ(P)", "149" => "リフレッシュ(h)", "150" => "表示", "151" => "表示モードの切り替え...", "152" => "ブックマーク(B)", "153" => "現在の場所をマイ・ブックマークに追加する", "154" => "新規ディレクトリ作成(N)", "155" => "新しいディレクトリを作成", "156" => "新規ファイル作成(F)", "157" => "新しい空のファイルを作成", "158" => "ファイルもしくはフォルダの名前を変更", "159" => "選択したものをコピー...", "160" => "選択したファイルを移動...", "161" => "選択したファイルを削除。", "162" => "テキストファイルをオンラインで編集。", "163" => "ログイン", "164" => "ログアウト", "165" => "設定(g)", "166" => "情報(A)", "167" => "AjaXplorer について", "168" => "AjaXplorer に接続", "169" => "AjaXplorer との接続解除", "170" => "現在のフォルダ", "parent_access_key" => "P", "refresh_access_key" => "h", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "T", "bookmarks_access_key" => "B", "upload_access_key" => "U", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "F", "rename_access_key" => "R", "copy_access_key" => "C", "move_access_key" => "M", "delete_access_key" => "D", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "w", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "A", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "y", "restore_access_key" => "o", "171" => "お使いのコンピュータを閲覧", "172" => "あなたの選択", "173" => "新しいフォルダの名前", "174" => "新しいファイルの名前", "175" => "対象のフォルダを選択", "176" => "選択されたファイルはゴミ箱へ移動されます。", "177" => "選択したファイルを完全に削除してしまってもいいですか?", "178" => "前", "179" => "次", "180" => "ログイン名/パスワードを入力してください", "181" => "ログイン", "182" => "パスワード", "183" => "元とは異なる対象フォルダを選択してください!", "184" => "現在のフォルダとサブ・フォルダ内を検索", "185" => "検索を中止", "186" => "画像のプレビュー", "187" => "オンラインで編集中 - ", "189" => "マイ・プリファレンスを編集", "190" => "言語", "191" => "既定の表示方法", "192" => "詳細リスト", "193" => "サムネール", "194" => "パスワード変更", "195" => "ユーザのプリファレンス", "196" => "言語を切り替えました!\\n 言語切り替えを適用するためにページをリロードしますか?", "197" => "変更したパスワードは、次回ログイン時から有効になります。", "198" => "新規", "199" => "確認", "200" => "リポジトリを切り替え...", "201" => "注意 保存されていない変更があります!\\n 本当に閉じてしまってもいいですか?", "202" => "注意 再帰的コピーです!", "203" => "対象のフォルダは元フォルダと同じものです!", "204" => "ファイル \"", "205" => "\" のサイズが上限 (", "206" => "Mb)を越えているため、\\nIt アップロードできません。", "207" => "このフォルダに対する書き込み権限がありません", "208" => "このフォルダに対する読み取り権限がありません", "209" => "内部サーバ・エラー 管理者に連絡してください!", "210" => "アップロードに失敗", "211" => "ファイルが大きすぎます!", "212" => "サーバ内にファイルが見つかりません!", "213" => "現在のフォルダへファイルをコピー中にエラー", "214" => "閲覧", "215" => "アップロード開始", "216" => "クリア", "217" => "クリア完了", "218" => "キューから取り除く", "219" => "完了", "220" => "ゴミ箱を空にする(y)", "221" => "ゴミ箱を空にする(y)", "222" => "復元(o)", "223" => "ファイルを元の場所に復元する", "224" => "移動する", "225" => "ブックマークの名前変更", "226" => "リスト(L)", "227" => "リスト表示を詳細表示に切り替える", "228" => "サムネール(T)", "229" => "サムネール表示に切り替える", "230" => "開始", "231" => "スライドショー開始", "232" => "中止", "233" => "スライドショー中止", "234" => "選択した画像を表示", "235" => "フルスクリーン", "236" => "復元", "237" => "古いパスワード", "238" => "パスワードが一致しません!", "239" => "現在のパスワードを入力してください", "240" => "パスワードが違います!", "241" => "あなたのプリファレンスを保存しました", "242" => "Svn ログ", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "リビジョン", "244" => "著者", "245" => "日付", "246" => "メッセージ", "247" => "展開", "248" => "選択したものを zip から展開...", "249" => "ユーザ", "250" => "リポジトリ", "251" => "ログ", "252" => "ファイルサイズの合計が上限に達しました。", "253" => "HTTP エラーが発生しました:", "254" => "IO エラーが発生しました:", "255" => "セキュリティエラーが発生しました:", "256" => "アップロード済み", "257" => "取り除く", "258" => "ファイル数 :", "259" => "サイズ合計 :", "260" => "バイト", "261" => "覚えておく", "262" => "対象のフォルダには既に \\n 一つ以上のファイルが存在しています。\\n どうしますか?", "263" => "上書き", "264" => "スキップ", "265" => "ファイル", "266" => "B", "267" => "作成", "268" => "新しいテーブルの作成", "269" => "構造", "270" => "テーブル構造を編集", "271" => "ドロップ", "272" => "開いたテーブルをドロップ", "273" => "挿入", "274" => "新しいレコードを挿入", "275" => "選択したテーブルをドロップしてもいいですか?", "276" => "選択したレコードを編集", "277" => "選択したレコードを削除", "278" => "選択したレコードを削除してもいいですか??", "279" => "テーブル", "280" => "記録", "281" => "上限", "282" => "ファイル毎のサイズ", "283" => "合計サイズ", "284" => "ファイル数", "285" => "Cannot find user, please try again.\\n Make sure your Caps Lock is not engaged!", "286" => "Your user is out of date with the current version, please use the upgrade procedure.", "287" => "File Permissions", "288" => "User", "289" => "Group", "290" => "All", "291" => "Apply recursively?", "292" => "Public link", "293" => "Create a public link to this file", "294" => "Link time expiration (in days)", "295" => "Password (leave blank for now)", "296" => "Please copy the link below:", "297" => "New User", "298" => "Create a new user", "299" => "New Repo.", "300" => "Create a new repository", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Edit configuration", "302" => "Copy as Text", "303" => "Copy selection as tab-separated text.", "304" => "Back", "305" => "Go back to main page", "306" => "Too many folders", "307" => "Fill optional fields", "308" => "Generate Link", "309" => "Generate", "310" => "Options", "311" => "Upload automatically when a file is added", "312" => "Uploader Options", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "AjaXplorer Link", "370" => "AjaXplorer Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate");
예제 #21

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
//  Korean translation : minuki@gmail.com
//  오타, 오역, 어색한 부분은 누구든지 수정하여 재 공유 부탁드립니다.
//  History
//   + 2009/10/31 (version 2.5.3)
//   + 2009/08/30 (version 2.5.2)
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "한국어", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_intl_locale" => "ko-KR", "0" => "최신 버전", "1" => "파일 이름", "2" => "크기", "3" => "종류", "4" => "수정한 날짜", "5" => "액션", "6" => "이름 변경(R)", "7" => "삭제(D)", "8" => "디렉토리", "9" => "Midi 파일", "10" => "텍스트 파일", "11" => "자바스크립트", "12" => "GIF 그림", "13" => "JPG 그림", "14" => "HTML 페이지", "15" => "HTML 페이지", "16" => "REAL 파일", "17" => "REAL 파일", "18" => "PERL 스크립트", "19" => "ZIP 파일", "20" => "WAV 파일", "21" => "PHP 스크립트", "22" => "PHP 스크립트", "23" => "파일", "24" => "상위 디렉토리", "25" => "하나 또는 다수의 파일을 업로드 (최대 " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . " 개), 해당 디렉토리: ", "26" => "새 디렉토리 생성 : ", "27" => "업로드(U)", "28" => "다음 디렉토리에 새 파일 생성 : ", "29" => "생성", "30" => "디렉토리 이름을 입력한 후 &quot;생성&quot; 버튼을 눌러 주십시오", "31" => "파일을 선택하여 주십시오", "32" => "탐색", "33" => "파일 업로드 중 에러 발생", "34" => "파일", "35" => "디렉토리 내에 성공적으로 생성되었습니다.", "36" => "크기는 ", "37" => "적합한 이름을 입력하여 주십시오", "38" => "디렉토리", "39" => "생성되었습니다.", "40" => "이미 존재하는 디렉토리 입니다. (디렉토리 이름은 대/소문자를 구별하지 않습니다.)", "41" => "(은)는 다음과 같이 이름이 변경되었습니다.", "42" => "로", "43" => "이미 존재합니다.  (이름은 대/소문자를 구별하지 않습니다.)", "44" => "는 삭제되었습니다.", "45" => "디렉토리", "46" => "파일", "47" => "진짜 삭제하시겠습니까?", "48" => "확인", "49" => "취소", "50" => "Exe 파일", "51" => "편집(E)", "52" => "파일 편집", "53" => "저장", "54" => "취소", "55" => "(은)는 변경되었습니다.", "56" => "BMP 그림", "57" => "PNG 그림", "58" => "CSS 파일", "59" => "MP3 파일", "60" => "RAR 파일", "61" => "GZ 파일", "62" => "Root 디렉토리", "63" => "로그아웃", "64" => "XLS 파일", "65" => "Word 파일", "66" => "복사(C)", "67" => "선택된 파일", "68" => "다음으로 붙여넣기", "69" => "또는 다른 디렉토리를 선택하여 주십시오.", "70" => "이동(M)", "71" => "이미 존재하는 파일입니다. (이름은 대/소문자를 구별하지 않습니다.)", "72" => "Root 경로가 올바르지 않습니다. conf/conf.php 파일을 확인하여 주십시오.", "73" => "는 다음 디렉토리로 복사되었습니다.", "74" => "는 다음 디렉토리로 이동되었습니다.", "75" => "users.txt 파일이 prive 디렉토리에 없습니다.", "76" => "이 파일은 삭제되었습니다.", "77" => "전송", "78" => "Pass", "79" => "PDF 파일", "80" => "MOV 파일", "81" => "AVI 파일", "82" => "MPG 파일", "83" => "MPEG 파일", "84" => "도움말", "85" => "새로고침", "86" => "닫기", "87" => "검색", "88" => "다운로드(w)", "89" => "파일을 열 수 없습니다.", "90" => "인쇄", "91" => "FLASH 파일", "92" => "언어", "93" => "언어를 선택하기 위해서는 브라우저에서 쿠키가 활성화 되어있어야 합니다.", "94" => "로그인", "95" => "언어를 선택하여 주십시오 :", "96" => "Tree형 탐색기에서 대상 경로를 선택하여 주십시오 : ", "97" => "파일 업로드", "98" => "이 박스를 닫기 위해서는 아무곳이나 클릭하여 주십시오.", "99" => "는 쓸 수 없습니다. 권한 문제가 있을 수 있으니 관리자에게 확인하여 주십시오.", "100" => "파일을 찾을 수 없습니다.", "101" => "원본 경로와 대상경로가 같습니다.", "102" => "다음 파일을 생성중에 오류가 발생하였습니다. :", "103" => "폴더를 찾을 수 없습니다. ", "104" => "주어진 장소로 이동", "105" => "이곳에 직접 접근하기 위한 URL을 이메일로 전송합니다.", "106" => "메일 전송", "107" => "당신의 이름 또는 이메일", "108" => "대상 이메일", "109" => "클릭할 수 있는 URL", "110" => "의견 달기", "111" => "하기의 이메일이 전송되었습니다. :", "112" => "이메일 전송 실패 : ", "113" => "선택한 것이 없습니다!", "114" => "복사중 알 수 없는 오류가 발생하였습니다.!", "115" => "파일이 성공적으로 저장되었습니다.", "116" => "파일들", "117" => "폴더", "118" => "다수의 파일 다운로드", "119" => "다운로드 받기 위해서는 각각의 파일을 클릭하여 주십시오.", "120" => "디렉토리 트리 전체를 삭제하실 수 없습니다", "121" => "이미지 파일 ", "122" => "휴지통", "123" => "는 다음으로 이동되었습니다. ", "124" => "덮어 쓰시겠습니까?", "125" => "파일/폴더 이름이 중복됩니다. (이름은 대/소문자 구별하지 않습니다). 다른 이름을 선택하여 주십시오!", "126" => "썸네일", "127" => "크기", "128" => "파일이 선택되었습니다.", "129" => "보기(V)", "130" => "폴더", "131" => "상세 정보", "132" => "파일이나 폴더가 없습니다.", "133" => "이름", "134" => "종류", "135" => "너비*높이", "136" => "이미지 크게 보기", "138" => "최근 수정", "139" => "온라인 편집", "140" => "전체 폴더 재생", "141" => "폴더 읽는중", "142" => "로그인 한 계정 : ", "143" => "손님으로 접속 중입니다. 로그인하여 주십시오", "144" => "로그인하지 않았습니다.", "145" => "내 즐겨찾기", "146" => "즐겨찾기 삭제", "147" => "즐겨찾기", "148" => "상위(P)", "149" => "새로고침(h)", "150" => "표시", "151" => "표시 방법 변경", "152" => "즐겨찾기(B)", "153" => "현재의 위치를 즐겨찾기에 등록", "154" => "새 폴더(N)", "155" => "새로운 폴더를 생성합니다.", "156" => "새 파일(F)", "157" => "새로운 파일을 생성합니다.", "158" => "선택된 파일 또는 폴더의 이름 변경", "159" => "선택된 파일 또는 폴더의 복사", "160" => "선택된 파일 또는 폴더의 이동", "161" => "선택된 파일 또는 폴더의 삭제", "162" => "텍스트 파일 온라인 편집", "163" => "로그인", "164" => "로그아웃", "165" => "설정(g)", "166" => "정보(A)", "167" => "Pydio에 관하여...", "168" => "APPLICATION_TITLE 로그인", "169" => "APPLICATION_TITLE 로그 아웃", "170" => "현재 폴더", "parent_access_key" => "P", "refresh_access_key" => "h", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "T", "bookmarks_access_key" => "B", "upload_access_key" => "U", "folder_access_key" => "N", "file_access_key" => "F", "rename_access_key" => "R", "copy_access_key" => "C", "move_access_key" => "M", "delete_access_key" => "D", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "V", "download_access_key" => "w", "settings_access_key" => "g", "about_access_key" => "A", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "y", "restore_access_key" => "o", "171" => "당신의 컴퓨터 탐색", "172" => "당신의 선택", "173" => "새 폴더 이름", "174" => "새 파일 이름", "175" => "대상 경로를 선택하여 주십시오.", "176" => "선택된 파일/폴더를 휴지통으로 이동합니다.", "177" => "선택된 파일/폴더를 휴지통에 넣지 않고 지우시겠습니까?", "178" => "이전", "179" => "다음", "180" => "아이디와 비밀번호를 입력하여 <BR />주십시오.", "181" => "아이디", "182" => "비밀번호", "183" => "대상 경로를 원본과 다르게 선택하여 주십시오!", "184" => "현재 및 하위폴더에서 검색", "185" => "검색 중지", "186" => "이미지 미리보기", "187" => "온라인 편집 - ", "189" => "환경설정  편집", "190" => "언어", "191" => "기본 표시 방법", "192" => "자세한 목록", "193" => "썸네일", "194" => "비밀번호 변경", "195" => "사용자 환경 설정", "196" => "당신의 언어는 현재 언어와 다릅니다.\\n 언어를 변경하기 위해 페이지를 새로고침 하시겠습니까?", "197" => "비밀번호는 연결 해제 후 재 접속될 때 반영됩니다", "198" => "새 비밀번호", "199" => "비밀번호 재입력", "200" => "저장소 변경...", "201" => "[경고] 저장되지 않은 정보가 있습니다.\\n정말로 닫으시겠습니까?", "202" => "경고, 재귀적인 복사!", "203" => "대상 경로가 원본 경로와 같습니다.", "204" => "파일 \"", "205" => "\" 이 사이즈 제한 (", "206" => "Mb).\\n을 넘습니다. 업로드 할 수 없습니다.", "207" => "이 폴더에 쓰기 권한이 없습니다.", "208" => "이 폴더에 읽기 권한이 없습니다.", "209" => "내부 서버 오류, 관리자에게 연락하여 주십시오.!", "210" => "업로드 실패됨", "211" => "파일이 너무 큽니다!", "212" => "서버에 파일이 없습니다.!", "213" => "현재 폴더에 파일 복사중 오류 발생", "214" => "탐색", "215" => "업로드 시작", "216" => "삭제", "217" => "삭제 완료", "218" => "목록에서 삭제", "219" => "완료", "220" => "비움(y)", "221" => "휴지통 비우기(y)", "222" => "복원(o)", "223" => "원래 장소에 파일 복원", "224" => "이동", "225" => "즐겨찾기 이름 변경", "226" => "목록(L)", "227" => "상세 목록 보기로 전환", "228" => "썸네일(T)", "229" => "썸네일 보기로 전환", "230" => "재생", "231" => "슬라이드쇼 시작", "232" => "정지", "233" => "슬라이드쇼 정지", "234" => "선택한 이미지 보기", "235" => "전체화면", "236" => "복원", "237" => "이전 비밀번호", "238" => "비밀버호가 다릅니다.", "239" => "현재 비밀번호를 입력하여 주십시오", "240" => "잘못된 비밀번호!", "241" => "환경설정이 성공적으로 변경되었습니다.", "242" => "Svn 로그(L)", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revision", "244" => "작성자", "245" => "날짜", "246" => "메세지", "247" => "압축 풀기", "248" => "zip 파일에서 선택한 부분 압축 해제", "249" => "사용자", "250" => "저장소", "251" => "로그", "252" => "총 파일 크기 제한에 도달하였습니다.", "253" => "HTTP 오류가 발생하였습니다.:", "254" => "IO 오류가 발생하였습니다.:", "255" => "보안 오류가 발생하였습니다.:", "256" => "업로드", "257" => "삭제", "258" => "파일 갯수 :", "259" => "전체 크기 :", "260" => "바이트", "261" => "로그인 정보 저장", "262" => "하나 이상의 파일이 \\n이미 대상 경로에 존재합니다. \\n어떻게 하시겠습니까?", "263" => "덮어쓰기", "264" => "건너뛰기", "265" => "파일", "266" => "B", "267" => "생성", "268" => "새로운 테이블 생성", "269" => "구조", "270" => "테이블 구조 편집", "271" => "삭제", "272" => "열려있는 테이블 삭제", "273" => "추가", "274" => "새로운 레코드 추가", "275" => "선택된 테이블을 삭제하시겠습니까?", "276" => "선택된 레코드 편집", "277" => "선택된 레코드 삭제", "278" => "선택된 레코드들을 지우시겠습니까?", "279" => "테이블", "280" => "레코드", "281" => "제한 사항", "282" => "파일당 크기", "283" => "전체 크기", "284" => "파일 갯수", "285" => "입력하신 아이디나 비밀번호가 올바르지 않습니다. 다시 시도해 주십시오.\\n혹시 Caps Lock 버튼이 켜져있지 않은지 확인해 주십시오.", "286" => "현재 버전에서 사용자가 만료되었습니다. 업그레이드 해 주십시오.", "287" => "권한 설정", "288" => "사용자", "289" => "그룹", "290" => "전체", "291" => "하위폴더/파일에도 적용?", "292" => "공개 링크", "293" => "이 파일에 공개 링크 생성", "294" => "링크 만료 일자 (일 단위)", "295" => "비밀번호", "296" => "아래 링크를 복사하여 주십시오:", "297" => "새 사용자(U)", "298" => "새 사용자 추가", "299" => "새 저장소(R)", "300" => "새로운 저장소 추가", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "설정 편집", "302" => "텍스트로 복사", "303" => "탭으로 구별된 텍스트로 복사", "304" => "뒤로", "305" => "메인 페이지로 돌아가기", "306" => "폴더가 너무 많습니다.", "307" => "옵션 항목 채우기", "308" => "링크 생성", "309" => "생성", "310" => "옵션", "311" => "파일이 추가되면 자동으로 업로드", "312" => "업로드 옵션", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to", "316" => "Open with...", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Source viewer", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG editor for HTML", "321" => "Select", "322" => "Select the current file", "323" => "E-mail this URL", "324" => "No editor available", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF Viewer", "329" => "View PDF online", "330" => "Please wait while pages are being rendered...", "331" => "Page", "332" => "of", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "more", "335" => "Please enter a page number between 1 and ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Auto start upload", "338" => "Auto close after upload", "339" => "Existing Files", "340" => "Alert", "341" => "File Info", "342" => "Folder Info", "343" => "Image Info", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "No version information could be retrieven", "346" => "Your version is up to date", "347" => "A new version (%s) is available! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Link", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate", "378" => "Warning, password is empty or too short!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Too short", "381" => "Very weak", "382" => "Weak", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Strong", "385" => "Very strong", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code", "391" => "No Repository", "392" => "Warning, APPLICATION_TITLE version has changed (now %s), please clear your browser cache and refresh the page to be sure that everything is functionnal!", "393" => "Warning, the names length must be under %s, this file's name will be truncated!", "394" => "Sorry, at the moment folder sharing is not possible using the current auth driver (users are not editable). File sharing is still possible though.", "395" => "The item you dropped seem to be a folder, and folders cannot be uploaded to server! Are you sure you want to upload?", "396" => "Auth. Method", "397" => "Download chunked", "398" => "Download selected file by pieces", "399" => "Enter the number of pieces you want to download, then click the button and click on each file to download them.", "400" => "Number of pieces :", "401" => "You can download and install the following software to join the pieces once on your computer : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "You can use the WebDAV protocol to mount your APPLICATION_TITLE repositories as a 'network drive' on various clients, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, etc.", "405" => "Use the following URLS to access your repositories, with your username and the password you entered. Warning, this won't work until you set this feature as 'active' and you enter your password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully, do not forget to update your password if it's the first time!", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Int.", "532" => "Ext.", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.");
예제 #22

* Copyright 2007-2011 Charles du Jeu <contact (at) cdujeu.me>
* This file is part of AjaXplorer.
* AjaXplorer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* AjaXplorer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with AjaXplorer.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://www.ajaxplorer.info/>.
// Slovenian translation: April 21 2011 by Vladimir Bohinc (vladimir.bohinc@gmail.com)
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Slovenščina", "date_format" => "d/m/Y H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Zadnja različica", "1" => "Ime", "2" => "Velikost", "3" => "Vrsta", "4" => "Spremenjeno", "5" => "Dejanja", "6" => "Preimenuj", "7" => "Izbriši", "8" => "Mapa", "9" => "Midi avdio", "10" => "Besedilna datoteka", "11" => "Javaskript", "12" => "GIF slika", "13" => "JPG slika", "14" => "HTML stran", "15" => "HTML stran", "16" => "REAL audio", "17" => "REAL video", "18" => "PERL skripta", "19" => "ZIP arhiv", "20" => "WAV audio", "21" => "PHP skripta", "22" => "PHP skripta", "23" => "Datoteka", "24" => "Gor", "25" => "Naložite eno ali več datotek (največ " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") v mapo: ", "26" => "Ustvari novo mapo v: ", "27" => "Naloži", "28" => "Ustvari novo datoteko v: ", "29" => "Ustvari", "30" => "Poimenujte mapo in nato kliknite na &quot;Ustvari&quot;", "31" => "Izbrati morate datoteko", "32" => "Razišči", "33" => "Napaka pri nalaganju datotek(e)!", "34" => "Datoteka", "35" => "je bila uspešno ustvarjena v mapi", "36" => "Njena velikost je", "37" => "Napisati morate veljavno ime", "38" => "Mapa", "39" => "je bila ustvarjena v", "40" => "Ta mapa že obstaja (imena niso občutljiva na velikost črk)", "41" => "je bila preimenovana v", "42" => "v", "43" => "že obstaja (imena niso občutljiva na velikost črk)", "44" => "je izbrisana", "45" => "mapa", "46" => "datoteka", "47" => "Res želite izbrisati", "48" => "Vredu", "49" => "Prekliči", "50" => "Exe izvedljiva datoteka", "51" => "Urejevalnik", "52" => "Urejanje datoteke", "53" => "Shrani", "54" => "Prekliči", "55" => "je bila spremenjena", "56" => "BMP slika", "57" => "PNG slika", "58" => "CSS datoteka", "59" => "MP3 audio", "60" => "RAR arhiv", "61" => "GZ arhiv", "62" => "Korenska mapa", "63" => "Odjava", "64" => "XLS razpredelnica", "65" => "Word besedilo", "66" => "Kopiraj", "67" => "Izbrana datoteka", "68" => "Lepljenje v", "69" => "Ali pa izberite drugo mapo", "70" => "Premakni", "71" => "Ta datoteka že obstaja (imena niso občutljiva na velikost črk)", "72" => "Korenska pot ni pravilna. Preverite nastavitve v &quot;conf/conf.php&quot; datoteki", "73" => "je bila kopirana v mapo", "74" => "je bila premaknjena v mapo", "75" => "Datoteke users.txt ni v mapi prive", "76" => "Ta datoteka je bila odstranjena", "77" => "Pošlji", "78" => "Posreduj", "79" => "PDF datoteka", "80" => "MOV video", "81" => "AVI video", "82" => "MPG video", "83" => "MPEG video", "84" => "Pomoč", "85" => "Osveži", "86" => "Zapri", "87" => "Najdi", "88" => "Prenesi", "89" => "Datoteke ni mogoče odpreti", "90" => "Natisni", "91" => "FLASH video", "92" => "Jezik", "93" => "Da lahko izbirate med jeziki mora brskalnik sprejemati piškote.", "94" => "Uporabnik", "95" => "Izberite vaš jezik: ", "96" => "Prosim izberite ciljno mapo v drevesu: ", "97" => "Naloži datoteke", "98" => "Kliknite kjerkoli v okviru da ga zaprete.", "99" => "ni zapisljiva. Tu gre morda za težavo z dovoljenji, posvetujte se s skrbnikom.", "100" => "Ne najdem datoteke ", "101" => "Izvorna in ciljna mapa je ista!", "102" => "Napaka pri ustvarjanju datotek(e): ", "103" => "Ne najdem mape ", "104" => "Odpri mesto v naslovnem polju", "105" => "Pošlji URL za dostop do tega mesta po e-pošti.", "106" => "Pošlji e-pošto", "107" => "Vaše ime in/ali e-pošta", "108" => "Prejemnikova e-pošta", "109" => "URL ki ga je mogoče klikniti", "110" => "Dodaj komentar", "111" => "Naslednja e-pošta je bila poslana: ", "112" => "Pošiljanje e-pošte je spodletelo: ", "113" => "Izbira je prazna!", "114" => "Pri kopiranju je prišlo do neznane napake!", "115" => "Datoteka je bila uspešno shranjena", "116" => "Datoteka", "117" => "Mapa", "118" => "Prenesi več datotek", "119" => "Kliknite na vsako datoteko ki jo želite prenesti.", "120" => "Nimate zadostnih dovoljenj za brisanje celotne drevesne strukture!", "121" => "Slikovna datoteka ", "122" => "Smeti", "123" => "je bila premaknjena v ", "124" => "Prepišem obstoječe datoteke?", "125" => "Datoteka/mapa s tem imenom že obstaja (imena niso občutljiva na velikost črk). Prosim izberite drugo ime!", "126" => "Sličice", "127" => "Velikost", "128" => "datotek izbrano.", "129" => "Pogled", "130" => "Mape", "131" => "Podrobnosti", "132" => "Nobene datoteke ali mape", "133" => "Ime", "134" => "Vrsta", "135" => "Mere", "136" => "Prikaži večjo sliko", "138" => "Spremenjeno", "139" => "Uredi na spletu", "140" => "Predvajaj celotno mapo", "141" => "Prebiranje mape", "142" => "Prijavljen(a) kot ", "143" => "Javno brskanje. Prijavite se.", "144" => "Niste prijavljeni.", "145" => "Moji zaznamki", "146" => "Izbriši zaznamek", "147" => "Zaznamki", "148" => "Matični", "149" => "Osveži", "150" => "Prikaz", "151" => "Preklopi prikaz...", "152" => "Dodaj zaznamek", "153" => "Dodaj tenutno mesto med zaznamke", "154" => "Nova mapa", "155" => "Ustvari novo mapo", "156" => "Nova datoteka", "157" => "Ustvari novo datoteko", "158" => "Preimenuj izbrano datoteko ali mapo", "159" => "Kopiraj izbor v...", "160" => "Premakni izbor v...", "161" => "Izbriši izbor", "162" => "Urejanje besedilne datoteke na spletu.", "163" => "Prijava", "164" => "Odjava", "165" => "Nastavitve", "166" => "O AjaXplorer", "167" => "O AjaXplorer", "168" => "Prijava v AjaXplorer", "169" => "Odjava z AjaXplorer", "170" => "Trenutna mapa", "171" => "Razišči", "172" => "Izbor", "173" => "Ime nove mape", "174" => "Ime nove datoteke", "175" => "Izberite ciljno mapo", "176" => "Izbor bo premaknjen v Smeti.", "177" => "Ali res želite nepovratno izbrisati izbrane datoteke?", "178" => "Predhodna", "179" => "Naslednja", "180" => "Vnesite uporabniško ime in geslo", "181" => "Uporabnik: ", "182" => "Geslo: ", "183" => "Prosim izberite drugo ciljno mapo!", "184" => "Išči v trenutni mapi in njenih podmapah", "185" => "Prekini iskanje", "186" => "Pregledovalnik slik", "187" => "Spletni urejevalnik - ", "189" => "Uredi nastavitve", "190" => "Jezik", "191" => "Privzeti prikaz", "192" => "Seznam s podrobnostmi", "193" => "Sličice", "194" => "Spremenite geslo", "195" => "Uporabniške nastavitve", "196" => "Vaša izbira jezika se razlikuje od trenutno uporabljenega!\\n Želite osvežiti prikaz da se uveljavi vaš izbor?", "197" => "Sprememba gesla bo stopila v veljavo pri naslednji prijavi.", "198" => "Novo geslo", "199" => "Potrditev", "200" => "Preklopi v zbirko...", "201" => "Opozorilo, vse vaše spremembe niso shranjene!\\n Ali ne želite shranili sprememb?", "202" => "Opozorilo, rekurzivno kopiranje!", "203" => "Ciljna mapa je enaka izvorni mapi!", "204" => "Datoteka \"", "205" => "\" presega omejitev velikosti (", "206" => "Mb).\\nZato ne bo prenešena na strežnik.", "207" => "Nimate pravic zapisovanja v to mapo", "208" => "Nimate pravic branja te mape", "209" => "Notranja napaka strežnika, prosim obvestite skrbnika!", "210" => "Nalaganje spodletelo", "211" => "Datoteka je prevelika!", "212" => "Datoteke ni na strežniku!", "213" => "Napaka pri kopiranju datoteke v trenutno mapo", "214" => "Brskaj", "215" => "Začni", "216" => "Počisti", "217" => "Počisti zaključene", "218" => "Odstrani s čakalne vrste", "219" => "Zaključeno", "220" => "Izprazni", "221" => "Izprazni Smeti", "222" => "Obnovi", "223" => "Obnovi datoteko/mapo na njeno prvotno mesto", "224" => "Pojdi", "225" => "Preimenuj zaznamek", "226" => "Seznam", "227" => "Prikaži seznam s podrobnostmi", "228" => "Sličice", "229" => "Prikaži sličice", "230" => "Predvajaj", "231" => "Začni predstavitev", "232" => "Ustavi", "233" => "Ustavi predstavitev", "234" => "Poglej izbrane slike", "235" => "Razpni", "236" => "Pomanjšaj", "237" => "Staro geslo", "238" => "Gesli sta si različni!", "239" => "Prosim vnesite vaše trenutno geslo", "240" => "Napačno geslo!", "241" => "Vaše nastavitve so bile uspešno shranjene!", "242" => "SVN dnevnik", "243" => "Revizija", "244" => "Avtor", "245" => "Datum", "246" => "Sporočilo", "247" => "Izvleci", "248" => "Izvleci izbor v...", "249" => "Uporabniki", "250" => "Zbirke", "251" => "Dnevniki", "252" => "Dosežena je bila omejitev kvote velikosti.", "253" => "Prišlo je do HTTP napake:", "254" => "Prišlo je do IO napake:", "255" => "Prišlo je do varnostne napake:", "256" => "Napredek", "257" => "Odstrani", "258" => "Število datotek", "259" => "Skupna velikost", "260" => "bajtov", "261" => "Zapomni si me", "262" => "Ena ali več datotek že obstaja \\nv ciljni mapi.\\nKaj želite storiti?", "263" => "Prepiši", "264" => "Preskoči", "265" => "Datoteke", "266" => "B", "267" => "Ustvari", "268" => "Ustvari novo tabelo", "269" => "Struktura", "270" => "Uredi strukturo tabele", "271" => "Spusti", "272" => "Spusti odprto tabelo", "273" => "Vstavi", "274" => "Vstavi nov zapis", "275" => "Ali res želite odstraniti izbrano tabelo/tabele?", "276" => "Uredi izbran zapis", "277" => "Izbriši izbrane zapise", "278" => "Ali res želite izbrisati izbrane zapise?", "279" => "Tabele", "280" => "Zapisi", "281" => "Omejitev prenosa", "282" => "Velikost: ", "283" => "Skupna velikost", "284" => "Število: ", "285" => "Ne najdem uporabnika, poskusite ponovno.\\n Poskrbite, da tipka Caps Lock ni aktivna!", "286" => "Vaš uporabniški račun ni usklajen s trenutno različico, prosim uporabite postopke nadgradnje.", "287" => "Dovoljenja", "288" => "Lastnik", "289" => "Skupina", "290" => "Vsi", "291" => "Uveljavi rekurzivno?", "292" => "Daj v skupno rabo", "293" => "Ustvari javno povezavo do te datoteke", "294" => "Čas veljavnosti povezave (v dneh) in geslo za dostop (pustite prazno za dostop brez gesla).", "295" => "Iztek veljavnosti", "296" => "Kopiraj spodnji URL: ", "297" => "Nov uporabnik", "298" => "Ustvari nov uporabniški račun", "299" => "Nova zbirka", "300" => "Ustvari novo zbirko", "301" => "Uredi nastavitve", "302" => "Kopiraj kot besedilo", "303" => "Kopiraj izbor kot besedilo razdeljeno s tabulatorjem.", "304" => "Nazaj", "305" => "Nazaj na glavno stran", "306" => "Preveliko postavk", "307" => "Zapolni obvezna polja", "308" => "Ustvari povezavo", "309" => "Ustvari", "310" => "Možnosti", "311" => "Samodejno nalagaj ob dodajanju datotek", "312" => "Možnosti", "313" => "Arhiviraj", "314" => "Stisni izbor v zip...", "315" => "Stisni izbor v", "316" => "Odpri z...", "317" => "Urejevalnik izvorne kode", "318" => "Urejevalnik CodePress", "319" => "Urejevalnik HTML", "320" => "WYSIWYG urejevalnik HTML", "321" => "Izberi", "322" => "Izberi trenutno datoteko", "323" => "Pošlji URL po e-pošti", "324" => "Nobenega urejevalnika ni na voljo", "325" => "Najboljše ujemanje", "326" => "Brez ujemanja", "327" => "100%", "328" => "Prikazovalnik IMagick", "329" => "Ogled PDF, SVG in TIFF datotek na spletu", "330" => "Prosim počakajte da se slike ustvarijo...", "331" => "Stran", "332" => "od", "333" => "Urejevalnik Pixlr", "334" => "več", "335" => "Prosim vnesite številko strani med 1 in ", "336" => "Oprostite, sem ne morete spustiti map, samo datoteke!", "337" => "Samodejno začni", "338" => "Samodejno končaj", "339" => "Konflikti", "340" => "Vprašaj", "341" => "Informacije o datoteki", "342" => "Informacije o mapi", "343" => "Informacije o sliki", "344" => "Išči v", "345" => "Ni bilo mogoče pridobiti informacij o različicah", "346" => "Vaša različica je posodobljena", "347" => "Nova različica je na voljo - (%s) ! Obiščite %s", "348" => "Zbirka je bila dana v skupno rabo.", "349" => "Opozorilo, manjkajoče utemeljitve", "350" => "Uporabniški račun s tem imenom že obstoja, prosim izberite drugo ime.", "351" => "Nimate dovoljenj za deljenje virov in urejanja skupne rabe.", "352" => "Zbirka s tem imenom že obstoja, prosim izberite drugo ime.", "353" => "Ciljni uporabnik", "354" => "Ustvarite novega uporabnika ali pa izberite obstoječ uporabniški račun s seznama.", "355" => "Uporabnik", "356" => "Geslo", "357" => "Ciljna zbirka", "358" => "Izberite ime za vire v skupni rabi in določite privzete pravice uprabniškega računa.", "359" => "Oznaka", "360" => "Dovoljenja", "361" => "Branje", "362" => "Pisanje", "363" => "Skupna raba", "364" => "Nimate pravic za opravljanje te operacije", "365" => "Nimate pravic naložiti več kot %s datotek naenkrat.", "366" => "Ta uporabnik nima aktivne zbirke.", "367" => "Nimate pravic nalagati te vrste datotek. Prosim izberite sledeče vrste : ", "368" => "Izbor je bil uspešno izvlečen iz arhiva %s v mapo %s", "369" => "AjaXplorer povezava", "370" => "AjaXplorer javni prenosi", "371" => "Za dostop do cilja te povezave je zahtevano geslo", "372" => "Trenutna zbirka", "373" => "Cilj", "374" => "Map ni mogoče kopirati preko zbirk", "375" => "Opozorilo, seja je neaktivna več kot __IDLE__, samodejno boste odjavljeni čez __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Kliknite kjerkoli za reaktivacijo seje", "378" => "Opozorilo, geslo je prazno oz. prekratko!", "379" => "Ni varno!", "380" => "Prekratko", "381" => "Zelo šibko", "382" => "Šibko", "383" => "Srednje močno", "384" => "Močno", "385" => "Zelo močno", "386" => "Prijava je bila trikrat neuspešna .\\nZaradi varnosti morate vnesti kodo s spodnje slike.", "389" => "Prosim preberite spodnjo kodo: ", "390" => "Koda", "391" => "Ni zbirk", "392" => "Opozorilo, različica AjaXplorer se je spremenila (sedaj %s), prosim počistite brskalnikov medpomnilnik in osvežite stran (F5), zato da preprečite nepravilno delovanje!", "393" => "Opozorilo, dolžina imena mora biti krajša od %s znakov, ime te datoteke bo skrajšano!", "394" => "Oprostite, skupna raba map s trenutnim gonilnikom preverjanja istovetnosti ni mogoča (uporabniški računi se ne urejajo). Skupna raba datotek je kljub temu možna.", "395" => "Spuščena postavka je mapa, teh se ne da naložiti na strežnik! Res želite nadaljevati nalaganje?", "396" => "Način overitve", "397" => "Prenesi (v kosih)", "398" => "Prenesi v več kosih", "399" => "Vnesite število kosov in nato kliknite na posamezno datoteko da jo prenesete na vaš računalnik.", "400" => "Število kosov: ", "401" => "Za združitev posameznih kosov (na vašem računalniku) lahko uporabite naslednji program : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "parent_access_key" => "w", "refresh_access_key" => "e", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "T", "bookmarks_access_key" => "j", "upload_access_key" => "N", "folder_access_key" => "m", "file_access_key" => "d", "rename_access_key" => "r", "copy_access_key" => "K", "move_access_key" => "P", "delete_access_key" => "I", "edit_access_key" => "e", "view_access_key" => "g", "download_access_key" => "s", "settings_access_key" => "n", "about_access_key" => "A", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "z", "restore_access_key" => "o", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "create_repo_accesskey" => "z", "create_user_accesskey" => "u", "open_with_access" => "z", "403" => "Nastavitve WebDAV", "404" => "Lahko uporabite protokol WebDAV za priklop vaših AjaXplorer zbirk kot &quot;omrežni pogon&quot; na različnih odjemalcih, vključno z Windows, Mac, iPhone, itd", "405" => "Uporabite naslednje povezave za dostop do zbirk; s svojim uporabniškim imenom in tu določenim geslom. Opozorilo, te ne bodo delovale, dokler ne omogočite te funkcije in ne vnesete gesla.", "406" => "Omogoči WebDAV zmožnost", "407" => "Vnesite geslo, če prvič omogočate WebDAV funkcionalnost, oziroma če želite uporabljati drugo geslo :", "408" => "WebDAV zmožnost uspešno omogočena, ne pozabite posodobiti gesla če prvič omogočate WebDAV funkcionalnost!", "409" => "WebDAV zmožnost uspešno onemogočena", "410" => "Posodobitev WebDAV gesla uspešna", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "Presentation");
예제 #23

 * Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
 * This file is part of Pydio.
 * Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Russian", "date_intl_locale" => "ru_RU", "date_format" => "d/m/Y H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_relative_date" => " DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "d/m/Y в H:i", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "сегодня в TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "вчера в TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "завтра в TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s д. назад", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "0" => "Версия", "1" => "Имя файла", "2" => "Размер", "3" => "Тип", "4" => "Изменен", "5" => "Действия", "6" => "Переимен.", "7" => "Удалить", "8" => "Папка", "9" => "Файл Midi", "10" => "Текстовый файл", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "Изображение GIF", "13" => "Изображение JPG", "14" => "Страница HTML", "15" => "Страница HTML", "16" => "Файл REAL", "17" => "Файл REAL", "18" => "Скрипт PERL", "19" => "Архив ZIP", "20" => "Файл WAV", "21" => "Скрипт PHP", "22" => "Скрипт PHP", "23" => "Файл", "24" => "На уровень выше", "25" => "Загрузить один или несколько файлов (максимум " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") в папку: ", "26" => "Создать новую папку в: ", "27" => "Закачать", "28" => "Создать новый файл в: ", "29" => "Создать", "30" => "Введите имя для папки и нажмите &laquo;Создать&raquo;", "31" => "Вы должны выбрать файл", "32" => "Открыть", "33" => "Ошибка при загрузке файлов!", "34" => "Файл", "35" => "был успешно создан в папке", "36" => "Его размер", "37" => "Введите правильное имя", "38" => "Папка", "39" => "была создана в", "40" => "Эта папка уже существует (регистр букв не имеет значения)", "41" => " : переименовано", "42" => "в", "43" => "уже существует (регист букв не имеет значения)", "44" => " : удалено", "45" => "папка", "46" => "файл", "47" => "Вы действительно хотите удалить", "48" => "OK", "49" => "Отмена", "50" => "Файл EXE", "51" => "Редактор", "52" => "Редактирование файла", "53" => "Сохранить", "54" => "Отмена", "55" => "был изменен", "56" => "Изображение BMP", "57" => "Изображение PNG", "58" => "Файл стилей CSS", "59" => "Музыка MP3", "60" => "Архив RAR", "61" => "Файл GZ", "62" => "Корневая папка", "63" => "Выйти", "64" => "Таблица XLS", "65" => "Документ Word", "66" => "Копировать", "67" => "Выбранный файл", "68" => "Вставить в", "69" => "Или выберете другую папку", "70" => "Переместить", "71" => "Этот файл уже существует (регистр букв не имеет значения)", "72" => "Путь к корневой папке неправильный. Проверьте его в файле conf/conf.php", "73" => " : скопировано в папку", "74" => " : перемещено в папку", "75" => "The file users.txt is not in the directory prive", "76" => "Этот файл был перемещен", "77" => "Отправить", "78" => "Pass", "79" => "Документ PDF", "80" => "Видео MOV", "81" => "Видео AVI", "82" => "Видео MPG", "83" => "Видео MPEG", "84" => "Помощь", "85" => "Обновить", "86" => "Закрыть", "87" => "Поиск", "88" => "Скачать", "89" => "Не могу открыть файл", "90" => "Печать", "91" => "Анимация Flash", "92" => "Язык", "93" => "Для возможности выбора языка ваш браузер должен принимать cookies.", "94" => "Вход", "95" => "Выберите язык:", "96" => "Пожалуйста выберите папку назначения в дереве каталогов: ", "97" => "Закачать файл", "98" => "Кликните на этом окошке чтоб закрыть его.", "99" => "не могу записать. Это может быть проблема доступа, обратитесь к своему администратору.", "100" => "Не могу найти файл ", "101" => "Текущая и новая папки совпадают!", "102" => "Ошибка при создании файла:", "103" => "Не могу найти папку ", "104" => "Перейти", "105" => "E-mail и URL для доступа прямо к этой папке.", "106" => "Отправить e-mail", "107" => "Ваше имя и/или e-mail", "108" => "E-mail адресата", "109" => "URL", "110" => "Добавить комментарий", "111" => "Следущий e-mail был отправлен:", "112" => "Ошибка при отправке e-mail: ", "113" => "Выбранная область пуста!", "114" => "При копировании произошла неизвестная ошибка!", "115" => "Файл был успешно сохранен", "116" => "файлов", "117" => "Папка", "118" => "Скачать несколько файлов", "119" => "Кликните на каждом файле чтобы скачать его.", "120" => "Вы не можете удалить всю вложенную структуру!", "121" => "Файл изображения ", "122" => "Корзина", "123" => " : перемещено ", "124" => "Перезаписать существующие файлы?", "125" => "Файл или папка с таким именем уже существуют (регистр букв не имеет значения). Выберите другое имя!", "126" => "Эскизы", "127" => "Размер", "128" => "файлов выбрано.", "129" => "Просмотр", "130" => "Папки", "131" => "Инфо", "132" => "Нет файла или папки", "133" => "Имя", "134" => "Тип", "135" => "Разрешение", "136" => "Полный размер", "138" => "Изменен", "139" => "Редактировать онлайн", "140" => "Играть всю папку", "141" => "Читается файл", "142" => "Вы вошли как ", "143" => "Гостевой просмотр. Вход.", "144" => "Вход не выполнен.", "145" => "Мои закладки", "146" => "Удалить закладку", "147" => "Закладки", "148" => "Вверх", "149" => "Обновить", "150" => "Вид", "151" => "Переключить вид...", "152" => "Закладка", "153" => "Добавить текущую папку в Мои Закладки", "154" => "Новая папка", "155" => "Создать новую папку", "156" => "Новый файл", "157" => "Создать новый пустой файл", "158" => "Переименовать выбранный файл или папку", "159" => "Копировать выбранное в ...", "160" => "Переместить выбранные файлы в ...", "161" => "Удалить выбранные файлы", "162" => "Редактировать текстовый файл онлайн", "163" => "Войти", "164" => "Выйти", "165" => "Администрирование", "166" => "О программе", "167" => "О Pydio", "168" => "Подключиться к APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "Отключиться от APPLICATION_TITLE", "170" => "Текущая папка", "parent_access_key" => "В", "refresh_access_key" => "б", "list_access_key" => "С", "thumbs_access_key" => "Э", "bookmarks_access_key" => "З", "upload_access_key" => "а", "folder_access_key" => "п", "file_access_key" => "ф", "rename_access_key" => "м", "copy_access_key" => "К", "move_access_key" => "е", "delete_access_key" => "У", "edit_access_key" => "д", "view_access_key" => "м", "download_access_key" => "ч", "settings_access_key" => "Н", "about_access_key" => "О", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "и", "restore_access_key" => "т", "171" => "Выбрать из вашего компьютера", "172" => "Ваш выбор", "173" => "Имя новой папки", "174" => "Имя нового файла", "175" => "Выберите папку назначения", "176" => "Выбранные файлы будут перемещены в корзину.", "177" => "Вы хотите удалить выбранные файлы без возможности восстановления. Уверены?", "178" => "Предыдущий", "179" => "Следущий", "180" => "Введите имя/пароль", "181" => "Имя", "182" => "Пароль", "183" => "Пожалуйста выберите папку назначения отличную от исходной!", "184" => "Поиск в текущей папке и во вложенных", "185" => "Остановить поиск", "186" => "Предпросмотр изображения", "187" => "Онлайн редактирование - ", "189" => "Редактировать мои настройки", "190" => "Язык", "191" => "Вид по умолчанию", "192" => "Обычный список", "193" => "Эскизы", "194" => "Сменить пароль", "195" => "Настройки пользователя", "196" => "Ваш язык отличается от текущего!\\n Вы хотите обновить страницу для переключения языка?", "197" => "Изменение пароля вступит в силу после выхода.", "198" => "Новый", "199" => "Подтверждение", "200" => "Переключить хранилище...", "201" => "Внимание, некоторые изменения не сохранены!\\n Уверены что хотите закрыть?", "202" => "Внимание, рекурсивное копирование!", "203" => "Папка назначения совпадает с исходной папкой!", "204" => "Файл \"", "205" => "\" превышает допустимый размер (", "206" => "Mb).\\nОн не будет загружен.", "207" => "У вас нет прав для записи в эту папку", "208" => "У вас нет прав для чтения этой папки", "209" => "Внутренняя ошибка сервера, пожалуйста обратитесь к администратору!", "210" => "Загрузка прервана", "211" => "Файл слишком большой!", "212" => "Файлов на сервере не найдено!", "213" => "Ошибка во время копирования файлов в текущую папку", "214" => "Выбрать", "215" => "Начать загрузку", "216" => "Очистить", "217" => "Очистка завершена", "218" => "Удалить из очереди", "219" => "Выполнено", "220" => "Очистить", "221" => "Очистить корзину", "222" => "Восстановить", "223" => "Восстановить файл в его исходном месте", "224" => "Перейти", "225" => "Переименовать закладку", "226" => "Список", "227" => "Переключиться в детальный вид", "228" => "Эскизы", "229" => "Переключиться в эскизы", "230" => "Слайдшоу", "231" => "Начать слайдшоу", "232" => "Стоп", "233" => "Остановить слайдшоу", "234" => "Просмотреть выбранные файлы", "235" => "Раскрыть", "236" => "Восстановить", "237" => "Старый пароль", "238" => "Пароли разные!", "239" => "Пожалуйста напишите свой текущий пароль", "240" => "Неправильный пароль!", "241" => "Ваши настройки успешно сохранены", "242" => "Svn Log", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Ревизия", "244" => "Автор", "245" => "Дата", "246" => "Сообщение", "247" => "Распаковать", "248" => "Распаковать выбранное из zip в...", "249" => "Пользователи", "250" => "Хранилища", "251" => "Логи", "252" => "Был достигнут предел на общий размер файлов.", "253" => "Произошла ошибка HTTP:", "254" => "Произошла ошибка Ввода/Вывода:", "255" => "Произошла ошибка безопасности:", "256" => "Загружено", "257" => "Удалить", "258" => "Файлов:", "259" => "Общий размер:", "260" => "байт", "261" => "Запомнить меня", "262" => "Один или несколько файлов уже существуют\\nв папке назначения.\\nЧто хотите сделать?", "263" => "Заменить", "264" => "Пропустить", "265" => "Файлов", "266" => "Б", "267" => "Создать", "268" => "Создать новую таблицу", "269" => "Структура", "270" => "Редактировать структуру таблицы", "271" => "Удалить", "272" => "Удалить открытую таблицу", "273" => "Вставить", "274" => "Вставить новую запись", "275" => "Уверены что хотите удалить открытые таблицы?", "276" => "Редактировать выбранную запись", "277" => "Удалить выбранные записи", "278" => "Уверены что хотите удалить выбранные записи?", "279" => "Таблицы", "280" => "Записи", "281" => "Ограничения", "282" => "Размер одного файла", "283" => "Общий размер", "284" => "Количество файлов", "285" => "Невозможно найти пользователя, пожалуйста, попробуйте ещё.\\n Проверьте, что Caps Lock не включён!", "286" => "Ваш пользователь устарел с текущей версии, пожалуйста, используйте процедуру обновления.", "287" => "Права доступа к файлам", "288" => "Пользователь", "289" => "Группа", "290" => "Все", "291" => "Применить к вложенным папкам и файлам?", "292" => "Общий доступ", "293" => "Создать общедоступную ссылку на этот файл", "294" => "Время жизни ссылки (в днях)", "295" => "Пароль (оставьте пустым на данный момент)", "296" => "Пожалуйста, скопируйте ссылку:", "297" => "Новый пользователь", "298" => "Создать нового пользователя", "299" => "Новое хранилище.", "300" => "Создать новое хранилище", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Редактировать конфигурацию", "302" => "Копировать как текст", "303" => "Копировать выделение, как текст. Разделитель - табуляция.", "304" => "Назад", "305" => "Вернуть назад на главную страницу", "306" => "Слишком много папок", "307" => "Заполните дополнительные поля", "308" => "Генерировать ссылку", "309" => "Генерировать", "310" => "Настройки", "311" => "Автоматически загружать добавленный файл", "312" => "Настройки загрузчика", "313" => "Сжать...", "314" => "Сжать выбранное в zip...", "315" => "Сжать выбор в", "316" => "Просмотр/редактирование", "open_with_access" => "O", "317" => "Редактор кода", "318" => "Просмотрщик кода CodePress", "319" => "Редактор HTML", "320" => "Визуальный редактор для HTML", "321" => "Выбор", "322" => "Выбрать текущий файл", "323" => "Отправить URL по почте", "324" => "Нет доступного редактора", "325" => "Оптимальное выравнивание", "326" => "Без выравнивания", "327" => "100%", "328" => "Просмотр PDF", "329" => "Просмотр PDF он-лайн", "330" => "Пожалуйста, подождите формирования страницы...", "331" => "Страница", "332" => "of", "333" => "Редактор Pixlr изображений", "334" => "больше", "335" => "Пожалуйста, введите номер страницы между 1 и ", "336" => "Извините, Вы не можете перетаскивать папки, только файлы!", "337" => "Автоматический старт загрузки", "338" => "Автоматически закрыть после загрузки", "339" => "Существующие файлы", "340" => "Тревога", "341" => "Информация о файле", "342" => "Информация о папке", "343" => "Информация об изображении", "344" => "Поиск по", "345" => "Информация о версии не может быть получена", "346" => "Ваша версия в актуальном состоянии", "347" => "Доступна новая версия - (%s)! Посетите %s", "348" => "К новому репозиторию открыт доступ другим пользователям.", "349" => "Предупреждение, пропущен аргументы", "350" => "Пользовател не принадлежит Вам и такое имя уже существует. Пожалуйста, выберите другое имя.", "351" => "У вас нет прав делать элементы публичными (для всех).", "352" => "Хранилище с таким именем уже существует. Пожалуйста, выберите другое имя.", "353" => "Целевой пользователь", "354" => "Создайте нового пользователя или выберите существующего из списка.", "355" => "Имя пользователя", "356" => "Пароль пользователя", "357" => "Целевое хранилище", "358" => "Выберите имя для общего рабочего пространства.", "359" => "Метка", "360" => "Права", "361" => "Чтение", "362" => "Запись", "363" => "Общее", "364" => "У Вас нет прав для выполнения этой операции", "365" => "Вы не можете загрузить больше чем %s файлов за один раз.", "366" => "У этого пользователя нет активных репозиториев.", "367" => "У вас нет прав загружать этот тип файлов. Пожалуйста, выберите одино из следующих расширений : ", "368" => "Выбор успешно извлечён из архива %s в папку %s", "369" => "Ссылка на APPLICATION_TITLE", "370" => "Загрузка APPLICATION_TITLE", "371" => "Для этой загрузки требуется пароль", "372" => "Текущее хранилище", "373" => "Назначение (цель)", "374" => "Вы не можете копировать папки между репозиториями", "375" => "Предупреждение: Вы неактивны с более чем __IDLE__, сессия прервётся в __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Щелкните в любом месте, чтобы активировать", "378" => "Предупреждение: пароль пустой или слишком короткий!", "379" => "Небезопасное слово!", "380" => "Очень коротко", "381" => "Очень слабый", "382" => "Слабый", "383" => "Средний", "384" => "Надёжный", "385" => "Очень надёжный", "386" => "Вы 3 раза неудачно пытались войти.\nДля безопасности, пожалуйста, напишите код с рисунка.", "389" => "Пожалуйста, прочитайте код ниже :", "390" => "Код", "391" => "Нет репозитория", "392" => "Внимание! APPLICATION_TITLE версия была изменена (теперь %s). Очистите кеш браузера и обновите страницу, чтобы быть уверенным в корректной работе приложения!", "393" => "Внимание! Длина имени файла должна быть менее %s символов, это имя файла будет сокращено!", "394" => "Извините, в данный момент сделать папку общей невозможно (система авторизации не может редактировать пользователей). Делать общими файлы можно.", "395" => "Это похоже на папку, а папки не могут быть загружены на сервер! Вы уверены, что хотите загрузить??", "396" => "Метод авторизации", "397" => "Скачать по частям", "398" => "Скачать выбранный файл по частям", "399" => "Enter the number of pieces you want to download, then click the button and click on each file to download them.", "400" => "Количество частей :", "401" => "Вы можете скачать и установить следующее программное обеспечение, чтобы объединить части на своём компьютере : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "Настройки (предпочтения) WebDAV", "404" => "Вы можете использовать WebDAV протокол, чтобы присоединить APPLICATION_TITLE хранилище в виде 'сетевого диска' на различных системах, включая Windows, Mac, iPhone, и т.д.", "405" => "Используйте следующую URLS для доступа к хранилищу вместе с именем пользователя и паролем, которые Вы ввели. Внимание! Это не будет работать, пока Вы не установите эту вункцию в режим 'активно' и не введёте пароль.", "406" => "Активировать WebDAV", "407" => "Введите пароль, если это первая активация webDAV или для смены пароля :", "408" => "Активация WebDav успешна, не забудьте обновить пароль, если это делается впервые!", "409" => "WebDav отключён", "410" => "Обновление пароля для webDav успешно", "411" => "Открыть", "412" => "Только загрузка", "413" => "Общее с", "414" => "Используйте стрелки для перемещения и +/- для масштабирования", "415" => "Переключение видимости левой панели", "416" => "Левая панель", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Добавить хранилище ...", "418" => "Создать Ваше собственное хранилище", "419" => "Шаблоны загружаются...", "420" => "Шаблоны", "421" => "Новый %s", "422" => "Пожалуйста, заполните необходимые параметры. Наведите мышь на название поля и увидите больше информации.", "423" => "Удалить хранилище", "424" => "Уверены, что хотите удалить хранилище? Его уже будет назад не вернуть!", "425" => "Хранилище создано, добавлено в список. Если хотите его удалить, обязательно переключитесь на другое хранилище и нажмите красный крест рядом с именем удаляемого.", "426" => "Ошибка создания хранилища", "427" => "Ошибка удаления хранилища", "428" => "Хранилище успешно удалено", "429" => "Это, как хранилище появится в списке.", "430" => "Основные файлы", "431" => "Пример шаблона", "432" => "Мои файлы", "433" => "готов", "434" => "отправка", "435" => "сделано", "436" => "ошибка", "437" => "Ключ безопасности (token) просрочен! Пожалуйста, %s нажав обновить или F5 в браузере!", "438" => "перезагрузить страницуe", "439" => "Основные настройки", "440" => "Да", "441" => "Нет", "442" => "Моя учётная информация", "443" => "Обновить Вашу персональную информацию", "444" => "Обновите Ваш пароль, иначе зайти в систему будет невозможно.", "445" => "Ваш сеанс завершён, пожалуйста, войдите обратно, используя Ваш новый пароль, спасибо!", "446" => "Презентация", "447" => "Моя группа", "448" => "создать пользователя", "449" => "Создание %s, выберите пароль", "450" => "Сортировать по ...", "451" => "Сортировать миниатюры по ...", "452" => "Размер миниатюр", "453" => "Установить размер миниатюр", "454" => "Выберите файлы на своём компьютере", "455" => "Файлы", "456" => "Дополнительно", "457" => "обновить", "458" => "удалить", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Детали", "461" => "Переключить на подробное представление", "detail_access_key" => "L", "462" => "Предпросмотр", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Скачать всё", "464" => "Скачать всё содержимое рабочего пространства сразу (zip-архив)", "465" => "Показать альтернативные URL (смонтировать рабочие пространства отдельно)", "466" => "Загрузка...", "467" => "Все общие элементы", "468" => "Рабочие пространства", "469" => "Общее со мной", "470" => "Создано %date", "471" => "Создано пользователем %user %date", "472" => "Сделал общим %user", "473" => "Сделал общим %user %date", "474" => "Описание недоступно", "475" => "Общие файлы всех пользователей", "476" => "Ваша персональная рабочая область", "477" => "Выберите файл или папку, чтобы уведеть здесь детальную информацию", "478" => "Нет результатов", "479" => "Забыли пароль?", "480" => "Просмотр всех папок текущего рабочего пространства.", "481" => "Все Ваши общие файлы и папки", "482" => "Быстрый доступ к закладкам", "483" => "Вам нельзя создавать больше пользователей!", "484" => "Создать пользователя", "485" => "Создать общего пользователя", "486" => "Расширенное", "487" => "Основное", "488" => "Расширенный фильтр", "489" => "Метаданные", "490" => "Диапазон дат", "491" => "После", "492" => "до", "493" => "Сегодня", "494" => "Вчера", "495" => "Последняя неделя", "496" => "Последний месяц", "497" => "Последний год", "498" => "Свойства документа", "499" => "Файл", "500" => "расширение", "501" => "или", "502" => "Папка", "503" => "Размер", "504" => "1КБ,1МБ,1ГБ", "505" => " до ", "506" => "Параметры приложения (пользователи, рабочие пространства, конфигурации)", "507" => "Добро пожаловать в %s", "508" => "Создана учётная запись на %s. Для соединения нажмите следующую ссылку %link с использованием:  <br><br> Имя: %user <br><br> Пароль: %pass", "509" => "Сохранить текущий список пользователей в качестве личной группы пользователей", "510" => "Введите метку группы пользователей", "511" => "Мой %s", "512" => "На полный экран", "513" => "показать", "514" => "скрыть", "515" => "Нет закладок - перетащите сюда папки или файлы для быстрого доступа.", "516" => "развернуть", "517" => "свернуть", "518" => "Кроме того, вы можете <a class='create_file_alt_link'>создать новый пустой файл</a>.", "519" => "Обновить данные пользователя", "520" => "Обновить данные о пользователе и пароль", "521" => "Информация о пользователе обновлена успешно", "522" => "ID пользователя", "523" => "Пароль", "524" => "Обновить пароль", "525" => "Показать оригинальное изображение", "526" => "версия с низким разрешением", "527" => "Общее с", "528" => "Внутренних", "530" => "Внешних", "531" => "Внутр.", "532" => "Внеш.", "533" => "Идентификатор для входа, латинские буквы и цифры или email в нижнем регистре.", "534" => "Пароль для входа", "535" => "Послать пароль по e-mail", "536" => "Послать приветственное письмо с паролем новому пользователю", "plugtype.title.access" => "Драйвера рабочих пространств", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Плагины действий", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Аутентификация (frontends)", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Средства шифрования", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Редакторы", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Графический интерфейс пользователя", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Индексирование", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Дополнения к рабочим пространствам", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Метаданные для хранилищ", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "Короткие URL", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Загрузчики", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Аутентификация (backends)", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Системный загрузчик", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Хранилище конфигурации", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Хранилище событий", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Протоколирование", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Почта", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "IM - сообщения", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.");
예제 #24
파일: cs.php 프로젝트: biggtfish/cms

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Čeština", "date_format" => "d/m/Y H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Poslední verze", "1" => "Název souboru", "2" => "Velikost", "3" => "Typ", "4" => "Změněno", "5" => "Akce", "6" => "Přejmenovat", "7" => "Smazat", "8" => "Složka", "9" => "Midi soubor", "10" => "Textový soubor", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "obrázek GIF", "13" => "obrázek JPG", "14" => "HTML stránka", "15" => "HTML stránka", "16" => "soubor REAL", "17" => "soubor REAL", "18" => "PERL script", "19" => "ZIP archiv", "20" => "WAV soubor", "21" => "PHP script", "22" => "PHP script", "23" => "Soubor", "24" => "Nadřazená složka", "25" => "Nahrát jeden nebo více souborů (max. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") do složky : ", "26" => "Vytvořit novou složku v : ", "27" => "Nahrát", "28" => "Vytvořit nový soubor v : ", "29" => "Vytvořit", "30" => "Zadejte název složky a potom klikněte na &quot;Vytvořit&quot;", "31" => "Musíte vybrat soubor", "32" => "Procházet", "33" => "Chyba při nahrávání souboru !", "34" => "Soubor", "35" => "byl úspěšně vytvořen ve složce", "36" => "Je velký", "37" => "Musíte zadat platný název", "38" => "Složka", "39" => "byl vytvořen v", "40" => "Složka již existuje (nerozlišují se malá a velká písmena)", "41" => "byl přejmenován na", "42" => "do", "43" => "již existuje  (nerozlišují se malá a velká písmena)", "44" => "byl smazán", "45" => "složka", "46" => "soubor", "47" => "Opravdu chcete smazat", "48" => "OK", "49" => "Storno", "50" => "Exe soubor", "51" => "Editovat", "52" => "Edituji soubor", "53" => "Uložit", "54" => "Zrušit", "55" => "byl změněn", "56" => "obrázek BMP", "57" => "obrázek PNG", "58" => "soubor CSS", "59" => "soubor MP3", "60" => "RAR archiv", "61" => "GZ archiv", "62" => "Kořenová složka", "63" => "Odhlásit se", "64" => "tabulka XLS", "65" => "dokument Word", "66" => "Kopírovat", "67" => "Vybraný soubor", "68" => "Vložit", "69" => "Nebo vyberte jinou složku", "70" => "Přesunout", "71" => "Tento soubor již existuje (nerozlišují se malá a velká písmena)", "72" => "Kořenová cesta je neplatná. Zkontrolujte její nastavení v souboru conf/conf.php", "73" => "byl zkopírován do složky", "74" => "byl přesunut do složky", "75" => "Soubor users.txt není ve složce prive", "76" => "Soubor byl odstraněn", "77" => "Odeslat", "78" => "Předat", "79" => "PDF dokument", "80" => "MOV video", "81" => "AVI video", "82" => "MPG video", "83" => "MPEG video", "84" => "Nápověda", "85" => "Obnovit", "86" => "Zavřít", "87" => "Hledat", "88" => "Stáhnout", "89" => "Nemohu otevřít soubor", "90" => "Tisknout", "91" => "soubor FLASH", "92" => "Jazyk", "93" => "Pro výběr jazyka musíte mít v prohlížeči povoleny cookies.", "94" => "Přihlásit", "95" => "Zvolte svůj jazyk :", "96" => "Zvolte prosím ve stromu cílovou složku : ", "97" => "Nahrát soubor", "98" => "Kliknutí dovnitř rámu jej uzavře.", "99" => "nemá povolen zápis. Mohlo by se jednat o problém oprávnění, kontaktujte prosím svého správce.", "100" => "Nepodařilo se najít soubor ", "101" => "Zdrojová a cílová složka jsou shodné!", "102" => "Chyba při vytváření souboru :", "103" => "Nepodařilo se najít složku ", "104" => "Jít do zadaného umístění", "105" => "Poslat URL pro přímý přístup do tohoto umístění.", "106" => "Poslat e-email", "107" => "Vaše jméno a/nebo e-mail", "108" => "E-mail adresáta", "109" => "Klikací URL", "110" => "Přidat komentář", "111" => "Byl odeslán následující e-mail :", "112" => "Odeslání e-mailu se nezdařilo : ", "113" => "Výběr je prázdný!", "114" => "Během kopírování došlo k neznámé chybě!", "115" => "Soubor byl úspěšně uložen", "116" => "soubory", "117" => "Složka", "118" => "Stáhnout více souborů", "119" => "Pro stažení klikněte na každý ze souborů.", "120" => "Nemáte oprávnění smazat celý strom!", "121" => "Image soubor ", "122" => "Koš", "123" => "byl přesunut do ", "124" => "Přepsat stávající soubory?", "125" => "Soubor nebo složka s tímto názvem již existuje (v názvech se nerozlišují malá a velká písmena). Vyberte prosím jiné pojmenování!", "126" => "Náhledy", "127" => "Velikost", "128" => "souborů vybráno.", "129" => "Zobrazit", "130" => "Složky", "131" => "Podrobnosti", "132" => "Žádné soubory nebo složky", "133" => "Název", "134" => "Typ", "135" => "Rozměry", "136" => "Zobrazit větší obrázek", "138" => "Naposledy změněno", "139" => "Editovat online", "140" => "Přehrát celou složku", "141" => "Načítám složku", "142" => "Přihlášen(a) jako ", "143" => "Procházení pro hosty. Přihlašte se.", "144" => "Nepřihlášen(a).", "145" => "Moje záložky", "146" => "Smazat záložku", "147" => "Záložky", "148" => "Nadřazený", "149" => "Obnovit", "150" => "Zobrazit", "151" => "Přepnout režim zobrazení...", "152" => "Záložka", "153" => "Přidat aktuální umístění do mých záložek", "154" => "Nová složka", "155" => "Vytvořit novou složku", "156" => "Nový soubor", "157" => "Vytvořit nový prázdný soubor", "158" => "Přejmenovat vybraný soubor nebo složku", "159" => "Kopírovat výběr do...", "160" => "Přesunout vybrané soubory do ...", "161" => "Smazat vybrané soubory.", "162" => "Editovat textové soubory online.", "163" => "Přihlásit", "164" => "Odhlásit", "165" => "Nastavení", "166" => "O aplikaci", "167" => "O AjaXploreru", "168" => "Připojit se k AjaXploreru", "169" => "Odpojit se od AjaXploreru", "170" => "Aktuální složka", "parent_access_key" => "d", "refresh_access_key" => "O", "list_access_key" => "z", "thumbs_access_key" => "h", "bookmarks_access_key" => "Z", "upload_access_key" => "N", "folder_access_key" => "l", "file_access_key" => "s", "rename_access_key" => "j", "copy_access_key" => "p", "move_access_key" => "u", "delete_access_key" => "m", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "r", "download_access_key" => "S", "settings_access_key" => "t", "about_access_key" => "p", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "y", "restore_access_key" => "b", "171" => "Procházet", "172" => "Váš výběr", "173" => "Název nové složky", "174" => "Název nového souboru", "175" => "Vyberte cílovou složku", "176" => "Vybrané soubory budou přesunuty do koše.", "177" => "Určitě chcete trvale odstranit vybrané soubory?", "178" => "Předchozí", "179" => "Další", "180" => "Zadejte jméno/heslo", "181" => "Jméno", "182" => "Heslo", "183" => "Vyberte prosím jinou cílovou složku!", "184" => "Hledat v aktuální složce a podsložkách", "185" => "Zastavit hledání", "186" => "Prohlížeči obrázků", "187" => "Online editace - ", "189" => "Editovat moje předvolby", "190" => "Jazyk", "191" => "Výchozí zobrazení", "192" => "Podrobný seznam", "193" => "Náhledy", "194" => "Změnit heslo", "195" => "Uživatelské předvolby", "196" => "Váš jazyk se liší od aktuálního!\\n Chcete stránku obnovit, aby došlo k přepnutí jazyka?", "197" => "Změna Vašeho hesla se projeví až po odhlášení.", "198" => "Nové", "199" => "Potvrzení", "200" => "Přepnout úložiště na...", "201" => "Varování: některé změny nejsou uloženy!\\n Určitě chcete zavřít?", "202" => "Varování: rekurzivní kopírování!", "203" => "Cílová složka je stejná jako zdrojová!", "204" => "Velikost souboru \"", "205" => "\" překračuje povolený limit (", "206" => "Mb).\\nSoubor nebude nahrán.", "207" => "K této složce nemáte oprávnění pro zápis", "208" => "K této složce nemáte oprávnění pro čtení", "209" => "Interní chyba serveru, kontaktujte prosím správce!", "210" => "Nahrání se nezdařilo", "211" => "Soubor je příliš velký!", "212" => "Na serveru nebyl nalezen žádný soubor!", "213" => "Při kopírování souboru do aktuální složky došlo k chybě", "214" => "Procházet", "215" => "Začít nahrávání", "216" => "Smazat", "217" => "Smazat dokončené", "218" => "Odebrat z fronty", "219" => "Dokončeno", "220" => "Vyprázdnit", "221" => "Vysypat koš", "222" => "Obnovit", "223" => "Obnovit soubor do jeho původního umístění", "224" => "Jít na", "225" => "Přejmenovat záložku", "226" => "Seznam", "227" => "Přepnout na podrobný seznam", "228" => "Náhledy", "229" => "Přepnout na zobrazení náhledů", "230" => "Přehrát", "231" => "Pustit slideshow", "232" => "Zastavit", "233" => "Zastavit slideshow", "234" => "Zobrazit vybrané obrázky", "235" => "Celá obrazovka", "236" => "Obnovit", "237" => "Staré heslo", "238" => "Hesla se neshodují!", "239" => "Vyplňte prosím Vaše stávající heslo", "240" => "Chybné heslo!", "241" => "Vaše předvolby byly úspěšně uloženy", "242" => "Log SVN", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revize", "244" => "Autor", "245" => "Datum", "246" => "Zpráva", "247" => "Rozbalit", "248" => "Rozbalit výběr ze zip archivu do...", "249" => "Uživatelé", "250" => "Úložiště", "251" => "Logy", "252" => "Byl dosažen limit celkové velikosti souborů.", "253" => "Došlo k HTTP chybě:", "254" => "Došlo k IO chybě:", "255" => "Došlo k bezpečnostní chybě:", "256" => "Nahráno", "257" => "Odstranit", "258" => "Počet souborů :", "259" => "Celková velikost :", "260" => "bajtů", "261" => "Pamatuj si mě", "262" => "Zdá se, že jeden nebo více souborů \\njiž existují v cílové složce.\\nCo mám udělat?", "263" => "Přepsat", "264" => "Přeskočit", "265" => "Soubory", "266" => "B", "267" => "Vytvořit", "268" => "Vytvořit novou tabulku", "269" => "Struktura", "270" => "Editovat strukturu tabulky", "271" => "Smazat", "272" => "Smazat otevřenou tabulku", "273" => "Vložit", "274" => "Vložit nový záznam", "275" => "Určitě chcete smazat vybranou tabulku/y?", "276" => "Editovat vybrané záznamy", "277" => "Smazat vybrané záznamy", "278" => "Určitě chcete smazat vybrané záznamy?", "279" => "Tabulky", "280" => "Záznamy", "281" => "Limity pro nahrávání", "282" => "Velikost jednotlivého souboru", "283" => "Celková velikost", "284" => "Počet souborů", "285" => "Uživatel nebyl nalezen, zkuste prosím znovu.\\n Ujistěte se, že nemáte zapnutý Caps Lock!", "286" => "Váš účet v této verzi zastaral, použijte prosím proceduru aktualizace.", "287" => "Oprávnění", "288" => "Uživatel", "289" => "Skupina", "290" => "Ostatní", "291" => "Použít rekurzivně?", "292" => "Veřejný odkaz", "293" => "Vytvořit veřejný odkaz na tento soubor", "294" => "Platnost odkazu (ve dnech)", "295" => "Heslo", "296" => "Zkopírujte si níže uvedené URL:", "297" => "Nový uživatel", "298" => "Vytvořit nového uživatele", "299" => "Nové úložiště", "300" => "Vytvořit nové úložiště", "create_repo_accesskey" => "o", "create_user_accesskey" => "i", "301" => "Editovat konfiguraci", "302" => "Kopírovat jako text", "303" => "Kopírovat výběr jako text oddělený tabulátory.", "304" => "Zpět", "305" => "Návrat na hlavní stranu", "306" => "Příliš mnoho složek", "307" => "Vyplňte volitelné položky", "308" => "Vygenerujte odkaz", "309" => "Generovat", "310" => "Volby", "311" => "Nahrát automaticky po přidání souboru", "312" => "Volby nahrávání", "313" => "Komprimovat...", "314" => "Komprimovat výběr do zip archivu...", "315" => "Komprimovat výběr do", "316" => "Otevřít v...", "open_with_access" => "e", "317" => "Prohlížeči zdrojáku", "318" => "CodePress source code viewer", "319" => "HTML editoru", "320" => "WYSIWYG editoru pro HTML", "321" => "Vybrat", "322" => "Vybrat aktuální soubor", "323" => "Poslat tuto URL", "324" => "Není dostupný žádný prohlížeč", "325" => "Fit Best", "326" => "No Fit", "327" => "100%", "328" => "PDF prohlížeč", "329" => "Otevřít PDF online", "330" => "Prosím počkejte na vykreslení...", "331" => "Stránka", "332" => "z(e)", "333" => "Pixlr image editor", "334" => "více", "335" => "Prosím zadejte číslo od 1 do ", "336" => "Sorry you cannot drop folders, drop only files!", "337" => "Začít nahrávat automaticky", "338" => "Zavřít po dokončení", "339" => "Existující soubory", "340" => "Upozornění", "341" => "Informace o souboru", "342" => "Informace o složce", "343" => "Informace o obrázku", "344" => "Search on", "345" => "Nemohly být zjištěny informace o nové verzi", "346" => "Vaše verze je aktuální", "347" => "Je dostupná nová verze (%s) ! Visit %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "Repozitář s tímto názvem již existuje, zadejte jiný.", "353" => "Cílový uživatel", "354" => "Vytvořte nového uživatele nebo vyberte existujícího ze seznamu.", "355" => "Uživatelské jméno", "356" => "Uživatelské heslo", "357" => "Cílový repozitář", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Značka", "360" => "Práva", "361" => "Číst", "362" => "Zapisovat", "363" => "Sdílené položky", "364" => "Pro tuto akci nemáte dostatečná oprávnění.", "365" => "Nemůžete nahrávat více než %s souborů najednou.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "Vytvořit odkaz", "370" => "Pydio Public Download", "371" => "Je potřeba zadat heslo pro stažení", "372" => "Tento repozitář", "373" => "Cíl", "374" => "Nelze kopírovat složky mezi repozitáři", "375" => "Varování, Byl jste neaktivní již __IDLE__, budete odhlášení za __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Pro deaktivaci klikněte kamkoliv", "378" => "Varování, heslo chybí nebo je příliš krátké!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Příliš krátké", "381" => "Velmi slabé", "382" => "Slabé", "383" => "Střední", "384" => "Silné", "385" => "Velmi silné", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code", "391" => "Žádný repozitář", "392" => "Warning, Pydio version has changed (now %s), please clear your browser cache and refresh the page to be sure that everything is functionnal!", "393" => "Warning, the names length must be under %s, this file's name will be truncated!", "394" => "Sorry, at the moment folder sharing is not possible using the current auth driver (users are not editable). File sharing is still possible though.", "395" => "The item you dropped seem to be a folder, and folders cannot be uploaded to server! Are you sure you want to upload?", "396" => "Auth. Method", "397" => "Stáhnout po částech", "398" => "Stáhnout vybraný soubor po částech", "399" => "Enter the number of pieces you want to download, then click the button and click on each file to download them.", "400" => "Počet částí :", "401" => "You can download and install the following software to join the pieces once on your computer : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "You can use the WebDAV protocol to mount your Pydio repositories as a 'network drive' on various clients, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, etc.", "405" => "Use the following URLS to access your repositories, with your username and the password you entered. Warning, this won't work until you set this feature as 'active' and you enter your password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully, do not forget to update your password if it's the first time!", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Otevřít", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Sdílel", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Přepnout zobrazení panelu", "416" => "Levý panel", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Přidat repozitář ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Načítám šablony...", "420" => "Šablony", "421" => "Nový %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "Moje soubory", "433" => "připraveno", "434" => "odesílám", "435" => "hotovo", "436" => "chyba", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "načíst znovu", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Ano", "441" => "Ne", "442" => "Můj účet", "443" => "Aktualizovat údaje", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "Moje skupina", "448" => "vytvořit uživatele", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Řadit podle ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Velikost náhledu", "453" => "Nastavit velikost náhledu", "454" => "Vyberte soubory na svém počítači", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "Další", "457" => "aktualizovat", "458" => "smazat", "459" => "Hlavní složka", "460" => "Detaily", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "dnes v TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "včera v TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "zítra v TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "za %s dní", "462" => "Náhled", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Načítám...", "467" => "Všechny sdílené položky", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Sdíleno se mnou", "470" => "Vytvořeno %date", "471" => "Vytvořeno %user %date", "472" => "Sdílel %user", "473" => "Sdílel %user %date", "474" => "Popis není k dispozici", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Pro zobrazení podrobností musíte označit soubor nebo složku", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s");
예제 #25

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
//	Finnish translation by Aleksi Postari
//	aleksi (at) postari.net
//	Last update: 10.09.2010
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Finnish", "date_format" => "d/m/Y H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "date_intl_locale" => "fi-FI", "0" => "Viimeisin versio", "1" => "Nimi", "2" => "Koko", "3" => "Tyyppi", "4" => "Muokattu", "5" => "Toiminnot", "6" => "Uudelleennimeä", "7" => "Poista", "8" => "Kansio", "9" => "Midi Tiedosto", "10" => "Tekstitiedosto", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF kuva", "13" => "JPG kuva", "14" => "HTML sivu", "15" => "HTML sivu", "16" => "REAL tiedosto", "17" => "REAL tiedosto", "18" => "PERL skripti", "19" => "ZIP tiedosto", "20" => "WAV tiedosto", "21" => "PHP skripti", "22" => "PHP skripti", "23" => "Tiedosto", "24" => "Taaksepäin", "25" => "Lähetä yksi tai useampi tiedosto (max. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") kansioon : ", "26" => "Luo uusi kansio sijaintiin : ", "27" => "Lähetä", "28" => "Luo uusi tiedosto sijaintiin : ", "29" => "Luo", "30" => "Kirjoita nimi tiedostolle ja klikkaa nappia &quot;Luo&quot;", "31" => "Valitse tiedosto", "32" => "Selaa", "33" => "Virhe lähetettäessä tiedostoa!", "34" => "Tiedosto", "35" => "On onnistuneesti luotu sijaintiinsa.", "36" => "Sen koko on", "37" => "Syötä hyväksyttävä nimi", "38" => "Kansio", "39" => "on luotu sijaintiin", "40" => "Kansio on jo olemassa (isot ja pienet kirjaimet ovat samanarvoisia)", "41" => "on uudelleennimetty kohteeksi", "42" => "sijaintiin", "43" => "on jo olemassa (isot ja pienet kirjaimet ovat samanarvoisia)", "44" => "on poistettu", "45" => "kansio", "46" => "tiedosto", "47" => "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa tämän?", "48" => "OK", "49" => "PERUUTA", "50" => "Exe tiedosto", "51" => "Muokkaa", "52" => "Muokataan tiedostoa", "53" => "Tallenna", "54" => "Peruuta", "55" => "on muokattu", "56" => "BMP tiedosto", "57" => "PNG tiedosto", "58" => "CSS tiedosto", "59" => "MP3 tiedosto", "60" => "RAR tiedosto", "61" => "GZ tiedosto", "62" => "Yläkansio", "63" => "Kirjaudu ulos", "64" => "XLS tiedosto", "65" => "Word tiedosto", "66" => "Kopioi", "67" => "Valittu tiedosto", "68" => "Liitä kohteeseen", "69" => "Tai valitse eri kansio", "70" => "Siirrä", "71" => "Tämä tiedosto on jo olemassa (isot ja pienet kirjaimet ovat samanarvoisia)", "72" => "Pääkansio on virheellinen. Tarkista se tiedostosta conf/conf.php.", "73" => "kopioitiin onnistuneesti kansioon", "74" => "siirrettiin onnistuneesti kansioon", "75" => "Tiedosto users.txt ei ole kansiossaan", "76" => "Tiedosto poistettu", "77" => "Lähetä", "78" => "Siirrä", "79" => "PDF tiedosto", "80" => "MOV tiedosto", "81" => "AVI tiedosto", "82" => "MPG tiedosto", "83" => "MPEG tiedosto", "84" => "Apua", "85" => "Päivitä", "86" => "Sulje", "87" => "Hae", "88" => "Lataa", "89" => "Tiedostoa ei pystytty lataamaan", "90" => "Tulosta", "91" => "FLASH tiedosto", "92" => "Kieli", "93" => "Valitaksesi kielen, sinulla täytyy olla keksit käytössä.", "94" => "Tunnus", "95" => "Valitse kieli :", "96" => "Valitse kohdekansio : ", "97" => "Lähetä tiedosto", "98" => "Klikkaa tätä laatikkoa sulkeaksesi sen.", "99" => "ei ole kirjoitettavissa. Saattoi esiintyä virhe oikeuksien kanssa, ota yhteyttä järjestelmänvalvojaan.", "100" => "Tiedostoa ei löydy ", "101" => "Lähdesijainti ja kohdesijainti on sama!", "102" => "Virhe luodessa tiedostoa :", "103" => "Kansio ei löydy ", "104" => "Mene valittuun sijaintiin", "105" => "Lähetä sähköpostilla URL tähän sijaintiin.", "106" => "Lähetä sähköposti", "107" => "Nimesi ja/tai sähköpostiosoite", "108" => "Vastaanottajan sähköpostiosoite", "109" => "Klikattava URL", "110" => "Lisää kommentti", "111" => "Sähköposti lähetetty onnistuneesti osoitteeseen :", "112" => "Sähköpostiviestin lähettäminen epäonnistui : ", "113" => "Valinta on tyhjä!", "114" => "Kopioitaessa ilmeni tuntematon virhe!", "115" => "Tiedosto tallennettu onnistuneesti", "116" => "tiedostot", "117" => "kansio", "118" => "Lähetä usea tiedosto", "119" => "Klikkaa jokaista tiedostoa jotka haluat ladata.", "120" => "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta poistaa koko kansiopuuta!", "121" => "Kuvatiedosto ", "122" => "Roskakori", "123" => "on siirretty sijaintiin ", "124" => "Korvaa nykyiset tiedostot?", "125" => "Tällä nimellä oleva tiedosto/kansio on jo olemassa (isot ja pienet kirjaimet ovat samanarvoisia). Valitse toinen nimi!", "126" => "Esikatselukuvakkeet", "127" => "Koko", "128" => "valitut tiedostot.", "129" => "Näkymä", "130" => "Kansiot", "131" => "Tiedot", "132" => "Ei tiedostoa tai kansiota", "133" => "Nimi", "134" => "Tyyppi", "135" => "Mitat", "136" => "Näytä suurempi kuva", "138" => "Viim. muokattu", "139" => "Muokkaa selaimessa", "140" => "Toista kansion musiikkitiedostot", "141" => "Luetaan kansiota", "142" => "Kirjautuneena: ", "143" => "Vierailija. Kirjaudu sisään.", "144" => "Ei ole kirjautunut sisään.", "145" => "Kirjanmerkkini", "146" => "Poista kirjanmerkki", "147" => "Kirjanmerkit", "148" => "Taaksepäin", "149" => "Päivitä", "150" => "Näytä", "151" => "Muuta näyttötilaa...", "152" => "Lisää kirjanmerkkeihin", "153" => "Lisää nykyinen sijainti kirjanmerkkeihini", "154" => "Uusi kansio", "155" => "Luo uusi kansio", "156" => "Uusi tiedosto", "157" => "Luo uusi tyhjä tiedosto", "158" => "Uudelleennimeä valittu tiedosto tai kansio", "159" => "Kopioi valinta kansioon...", "160" => "Siirrä valitut tiedostot kansioon ...", "161" => "Poista valitut kohteet", "162" => "Muokkaa tiedostoa selaimessa", "163" => "Kirjaudu sisään", "164" => "Kirjaudu ulos", "165" => "Asetukset", "166" => "Tietoa", "167" => "Tietoa ohjelmasta Pydio", "168" => "Yhdistä APPLICATION_TITLE", "169" => "Poistu APPLICATION_TITLE", "170" => "Nykyinen kansio", "parent_access_key" => "ä", "refresh_access_key" => "P", "list_access_key" => "t", "thumbs_access_key" => "E", "bookmarks_access_key" => "k", "upload_access_key" => "L", "folder_access_key" => "k", "file_access_key" => "d", "rename_access_key" => "U", "copy_access_key" => "K", "move_access_key" => "S", "delete_access_key" => "P", "edit_access_key" => "M", "view_access_key" => "N", "download_access_key" => "a", "settings_access_key" => "O", "about_access_key" => "T", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "y", "restore_access_key" => "u", "171" => "Selaa", "172" => "Valintasi", "173" => "Uuden kansion nimi", "174" => "Uuden tiedoston nimi", "175" => "Valitse kohdekansio", "176" => "Valitut tiedostot siirretään roskakoriin.", "177" => "Oletko varma, että haluat pysyvästi poistaa valitut kohteet?", "178" => "Edellinen", "179" => "Seuraava", "180" => "Syötä tunnus ja salasana", "181" => "Tunnus", "182" => "Salasana", "183" => "Valitse kohdesijainti joka on eri, kuin nykyinen sijainti!", "184" => "Hae nykyisestä kansiosta, sekä alakansioista.", "185" => "Lopeta haku", "186" => "Kuvan katselu", "187" => "Muokkaaminen selaimessa - ", "189" => "Muuta asetuksiani", "190" => "Kieli", "191" => "Oletusnäkymä", "192" => "Tietolista", "193" => "Esikatselukuvakkeet", "194" => "Muuta salasana", "195" => "Käyttäjän asetukset", "196" => "Kielesi poikkeaa nykyisestä kielestä!\\n Haluatko päivittää sivun muuttaaksesi kielen?", "197" => "Uusi salasanasi tulee voimaan uloskirjautumisen yhteydessä.", "198" => "Uusi", "199" => "Vahvista", "200" => "Muuta kansioksi...", "201" => "Varoitus, joitakin asetuksia ei ole tallennettu!\\n Oletko varma, että haluat poistua?", "202" => "Varoitus, rekursiivinen poistaminen!", "203" => "Kohdekansio on sama kuin lähdekansio!", "204" => "Tiedosto \"", "205" => "\" ylittää kokorajoituksen (", "206" => "Mb).\\nTiedostoa ei lähetetä.", "207" => "Sinulla ei ole kirjoitusoikeutta tähän kansioon", "208" => "Sinulla ei ole lukuoikeutta tähän kansioon", "209" => "Sisäinen palvelimen virhe, ota yhteyttä järjestelmänvalvojaan!", "210" => "Tiedoston lataaminen epäonnistui", "211" => "Tiedosto on liian suuri!", "212" => "Tiedostoa ei löytynyt palvelimelta!", "213" => "Virhe siirtäessä tiedostoa nykyiseen sijaintiin", "214" => "Selaa", "215" => "Lähetä", "216" => "Tyhjennä", "217" => "Tyhjennä valmiit", "218" => "Poista jonosta", "219" => "Valmis", "220" => "Tyhjennä", "221" => "Tyhjennä roskakori", "222" => "Palauta", "223" => "Palauta tiedosto alkuperäiseen sijaintiinsa", "224" => "Mene", "225" => "Uudelleennimeä kirjanmerkki", "226" => "Tiedot", "227" => "Vaihda tietolistaukseen", "228" => "Esikatselukuvakkeet", "229" => "Vaihda esikatselukuvakkeisiin", "230" => "Toista", "231" => "Näytä diaesitys", "232" => "Pysäytä", "233" => "Pysäytä diaesitys", "234" => "Näytä valitut kuvat", "235" => "Koko ruutu", "236" => "Palauta", "237" => "Vanha salasana", "238" => "Salasanat ovat erilaiset!", "239" => "Syötä nykyinen salasanasi", "240" => "Väärä salasana!", "241" => "Asetukset tallennettu", "242" => "Svn historia", "svn_log_access_key" => "h", "243" => "Versio", "244" => "Tekijä", "245" => "Päiväys", "246" => "Viesti", "247" => "Pura", "248" => "Pura ZIP arkisto sijaintiin...", "249" => "Käyttäjät", "250" => "Kansiot", "251" => "Historia", "252" => "Tiedostojen suurimman mahdollisen koon raja ylitetty.", "253" => "Ilmeni HTTP virhe:", "254" => "Ilmeni IO virhe:", "255" => "Ilmeni turvallisuusvirhe:", "256" => "Lähetetty", "257" => "Poista", "258" => "Tiedostojen määrä :", "259" => "Koko yhteensä :", "260" => "bittiä", "261" => "Muista minut", "262" => "Yksi tai useampi tiedosto on jo olemassa \\nkohdekansiossa.\\nMitä haluat tehdä?", "263" => "Korvaa", "264" => "Ohita", "265" => "Tiedostot", "266" => "B", "267" => "Luo", "268" => "Luo uusi taulu", "269" => "Rakenne", "270" => "Muokkaa taulukon rakennetta", "271" => "Tiputa", "272" => "Tiputa aukinainen taulu", "273" => "Lisää", "274" => "Lisää uusi tietue", "275" => "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa valitut taulut?", "276" => "Muokkaa valittuja tietueita", "277" => "Poista valitut tietueet", "278" => "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa valitut tietueet?", "279" => "Taulut", "280" => "Tietueet", "281" => "Lähetysrajat", "282" => "Tiedoston koko", "283" => "Koko yhteensä", "284" => "Tiedostojen määrä", "285" => "Käyttäjää ei löydy, yritä uudelleen.\\n Varmista, että Caps Lock ei ole päällä!", "286" => "Käyttäjäsi tiedot ovat vanhentuneet uuden version myötä, käytä päivitystä.", "287" => "Tiedoston oikeudet", "288" => "Käyttäjä", "289" => "Ryhmä", "290" => "Kaikki", "291" => "Käytä rekursiivisesti?", "292" => "Julkinen linkki", "293" => "Luo julkinen linkki tähän tiedostoon", "294" => "Linkin vanhentumisaika (päivissä)", "295" => "Salasana", "296" => "Kopioi alla oleva osoite:", "297" => "Uusi käyttäjä", "298" => "Luo uusi käyttäjä", "299" => "Luo uusi kansio", "300" => "Luo uusi kansio", "create_repo_accesskey" => "n", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Muuta asetuksia", "302" => "Kopioi tekstiksi", "303" => "Kopioi valitut kohteet tekstiksi", "304" => "Taaksepäin", "305" => "Palaa pääsivulle", "306" => "Liian monta kansiota", "307" => "Täytä valinnaiset kentät", "308" => "Luo linkki", "309" => "Luo", "310" => "Mukauta", "311" => "Lähetä heti, kun tiedosto lisätään", "312" => "Lähetyksen asetukset", "313" => "Pakkaa...", "314" => "Pakkaa zip arkistoksi...", "315" => "Arkiston nimi", "316" => "Toiminnot...", "open_with_access" => "m", "317" => "Lähdekoodin editori", "318" => "CodePress lähdekoodin editori", "319" => "HTML editori", "320" => "WYSIWYG HTML editori", "321" => "Valitse", "322" => "Valitse nykyinen tiedosto", "323" => "Lähetä tämä osoite sähköpostilla", "324" => "Ei editoria saatavilla", "325" => "Skaalaa kuva", "326" => "Ei skaalausta", "327" => "100%", "328" => "IMagick kuvien katsely", "329" => "Esikatsele pdf, svg ja tif tiedostoja", "330" => "Odota hetki, sivuja muunnetaan...", "331" => "Sivu", "332" => "kohteista", "333" => "Pixlr kuvanmuokkain", "334" => "enemmän", "335" => "Syötä sivunumero väliltä 1 ja ", "336" => "Voit tiputtaa ainoastaan tiedostoja!", "337" => "Siirrä heti", "338" => "Sulje ikkuna valmistuessa", "339" => "Kohde olemassa", "340" => "Varoita", "341" => "Tiedoston tiedot", "342" => "Kansion tiedot", "343" => "Kuvan tiedot", "344" => "Hae kohteista", "345" => "Versiotietoja ei pystytty tarkistamaan", "346" => "Sinulla on käytössä uusin versio", "347" => "Uusi versio (%s) on saatavilla! Vieraile osoitteessa %s", "348" => "A new repository has been shared.", "349" => "Warning, missing arguments", "350" => "A user that does not belong to you already exists with this name, please choose another name.", "351" => "You are not allowed to share elements to the public.", "352" => "A repository with the same name already exists, please choose another name.", "353" => "Target User", "354" => "Create a new user or choose one of your existing ones from the list.", "355" => "User Name", "356" => "User Pass", "357" => "Target Repository", "358" => "Choose a name for the shared element and assign access rights for your user.", "359" => "Label", "360" => "Rights", "361" => "Read", "362" => "Write", "363" => "Shared Elements", "364" => "You do not have the rights to perform this operation", "365" => "You are not allowed to upload more than %s files at once.", "366" => "This user does not have any active repository.", "367" => "You are not allowed to upload this type of file. Please choose among the following extensions : ", "368" => "Selection successfully extracted from archive %s to folder %s", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Link", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Public Download", "371" => "A password is required for this download", "372" => "Current Repository", "373" => "Destination", "374" => "You cannot copy folders across repositories", "375" => "Warning, you were inactive since more than __IDLE__, you will be logged out in __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Click anywhere to reactivate", "378" => "Warning, password is empty or too short!", "379" => "Unsafe word!", "380" => "Too short", "381" => "Very weak", "382" => "Weak", "383" => "Medium", "384" => "Strong", "385" => "Very strong", "386" => "You have failed logging in for 3 times.\nFor your security, please fill the code that appear in the image.", "389" => "Please read the code below :", "390" => "Code", "391" => "No Repository", "392" => "Warning, APPLICATION_TITLE version has changed (now %s), please clear your browser cache and refresh the page to be sure that everything is functionnal!", "393" => "Warning, the names length must be under %s, this file's name will be truncated!", "394" => "Sorry, at the moment folder sharing is not possible using the current auth driver (users are not editable). File sharing is still possible though.", "395" => "The item you dropped seem to be a folder, and folders cannot be uploaded to server! Are you sure you want to upload?", "396" => "Auth. Method", "397" => "Download chunked", "398" => "Download selected file by pieces", "399" => "Enter the number of pieces you want to download, then click the button and click on each file to download them.", "400" => "Number of pieces :", "401" => "You can download and install the following software to join the pieces once on your computer : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Preferences", "404" => "You can use the WebDAV protocol to mount your APPLICATION_TITLE repositories as a 'network drive' on various clients, including Windows, Mac, iPhone, etc.", "405" => "Use the following URLS to access your repositories, with your username and the password you entered. Warning, this won't work until you set this feature as 'active' and you enter your password.", "406" => "Activate WebDAV shares", "407" => "Enter your password if it's the first time that you are activating webDAV shares, or if you want to re-type a new password :"******"408" => "Activated WebDav shares successfully, do not forget to update your password if it's the first time!", "409" => "De-activated WebDav shares successfully", "410" => "Updated webDav password successfully", "411" => "Open", "412" => "Upload only", "413" => "Shared by", "414" => "Use arrows to navigate and +/- to change zoom", "415" => "Toggle left pane visibility", "416" => "Left Pane", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Add repository ...", "418" => "Create your own repository", "419" => "Loading templates...", "420" => "Templates", "421" => "New %s", "422" => "Please fill the required parameters. Fly over the field titles with your mouse to have more information.", "423" => "Delete repository", "424" => "Are you sure you want to delete this repository? The operation is irreversible.", "425" => "The repository is now created, it is added to your repository list, if you want to remove it, make sure to switch to another repository, then click on the red cross beside the repository name.", "426" => "There was an error while creating the repository", "427" => "There was an error while deleting the repository", "428" => "The repository was successfully deleted", "429" => "This is how the repository will appear in your list.", "430" => "Default Files", "431" => "Sample Template", "432" => "My Files", "433" => "ready", "434" => "sending", "435" => "done", "436" => "error", "437" => "Ooops, it seems that your security token has expired! Please %s by hitting refresh or F5 in your browser!", "438" => "reload the page", "439" => "Main Options", "440" => "Yes", "441" => "No", "442" => "My Account", "443" => "Update your personal information", "444" => "Please update your password, you will not be able to log in otherwise.", "445" => "You will now be logged out, please log back using your new password, thank you!", "446" => "Presentation", "447" => "My group", "448" => "create user", "449" => "Creating %s, choose a password", "450" => "Sort by ...", "451" => "Sort thumbnails by ...", "452" => "Thumbs size", "453" => "Set thumbnails size", "454" => "Select files on your computer", "455" => "My Workspaces", "456" => "More", "457" => "update", "458" => "remove", "459" => "Top folder", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Switch to details view", "detail_access_key" => "D", "date_relative_date" => "on DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "today at TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "yesterday at TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "tomorrow at TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s days ago", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s days", "462" => "Preview", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Download all", "464" => "Download all workspace content at once (zipped)", "465" => "Show alternative URLs (mount workspaces separately)", "466" => "Loading...", "467" => "All Shared Elements", "468" => "My Workspaces", "469" => "Shared with me", "470" => "Created %date", "471" => "Created by %user %date", "472" => "Shared by %user", "473" => "Shared by %user %date", "474" => "No description available", "475" => "Files shared amongst all users", "476" => "Your personal workspace", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Int.", "532" => "Ext.", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.");
예제 #26
파일: et.php 프로젝트: rcmarotz/pydio-core

* Copyright 2007-2013 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
//  Estonian translation by Ardi Jürgens <ardi (at) zone.ee>
//  + updates/fixes by Kain Väljaots <kain (at) zone.ee>
//	Last update: 27.05.2013
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Estonian", "date_intl_locale" => "et-EE", "date_format" => "d/m/Y H:i", "date_relative_date" => "DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "Y/m/d", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "täna TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "eile TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "homme TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "%s päeva tagasi", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "%s päeva jooksul", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Viimane versioon", "1" => "Nimi", "2" => "Suurus", "3" => "Tüüp", "4" => "Muudetud", "5" => "Tegevused", "6" => "Nimeta ümber", "7" => "Kustuta", "8" => "Kataloog", "9" => "Midi fail", "10" => "Tekstifail", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF pilt", "13" => "JPG pilt", "14" => "HTML leht", "15" => "HTML leht", "16" => "REAL fail", "17" => "REAL fail", "18" => "PERL skript", "19" => "ZIP fail", "20" => "WAV fail", "21" => "PHP skript", "22" => "PHP skript", "23" => "Fail", "24" => "Ülemine kataloog", "25" => "Lae üles fail või mitu faili (maks. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") kataloogi : ", "26" => "Loo uus kataloog asukohta : ", "27" => "Saada", "28" => "Loo uus fail asukohta : ", "29" => "Loo", "30" => "Sisesta kataloogi nimi ja vajuta nuppu &quot;Loo&quot;", "31" => "Vali fail", "32" => "Lehitse", "33" => "Faili üleslaadimisel tekkis viga!", "34" => "Fail", "35" => "on edukalt loodud asukohta.", "36" => "Selle suurus on", "37" => "Sisesta vastuvõetav nimi", "38" => "Kataloog", "39" => "on loodud asukohta", "40" => "Kataloog on juba olemas (suur- ja väiketähtedel ei tehta vahet)", "41" => "uus nimi on", "42" => "asukohta", "43" => "on juba olemas (suur- ja väiketähtedel ei tehta vahet)", "44" => "on kustutatud", "45" => "kataloog", "46" => "fail", "47" => "Kas oled kindel, et soovid selle kustutada?", "48" => "OK", "49" => "TÜHISTA", "50" => "Exe fail", "51" => "Tekstiredaktor", "52" => "Faili muudetakse", "53" => "Salvesta", "54" => "Tühista", "55" => "on muudetud", "56" => "BMP pilt", "57" => "PNG pilt", "58" => "CSS fail", "59" => "MP3 fail", "60" => "RAR arhiiv", "61" => "GZ arhiiv", "62" => "Ülemkataloog", "63" => "Välju", "64" => "Tabelarvutusfail", "65" => "Word dokument", "66" => "Kopeeri", "67" => "Valitud fail", "68" => "Kleebi asukohta", "69" => "Või vali teine kataloog", "70" => "Liiguta", "71" => "See fail on juba olemas (suur- ja väiketähtedel ei tehta vahet", "72" => "Ülemkataloogi on vale. Kontrolli selle sätet failist conf/conf.php.", "73" => "kopeeriti edukalt kataloogi", "74" => "liigutati edukalt kataloogi", "75" => "Faili users.txt ei ole oma kataloogis", "76" => "Fail kustutatud", "77" => "Saada", "78" => "Edasta", "79" => "PDF dokument", "80" => "MOV fail", "81" => "AVI fail", "82" => "MPG fail", "83" => "MPEG fail", "84" => "Abi", "85" => "Värskenda", "86" => "Sulge", "87" => "Otsi", "88" => "Lae alla", "89" => "Faili ei suudetud avada", "90" => "Prindi", "91" => "FLASH fail", "92" => "Keel", "93" => "Keele valimiseks peab su veebilehitseja toetama küpsiseid.", "94" => "Kasutajanimi", "95" => "Vali keel :", "96" => "Vali sihtkataloog : ", "97" => "Lae fail üles", "98" => "Kliki kastikesele, et see sulgeda.", "99" => "ei ole kirjutatav. Kasutajaõigustega võib olla probleem, võta ühendust kontaktisikuga.", "100" => "Faili ei leitud ", "101" => "Algne kataloog ja sihtkataloog on samad!", "102" => "Viga faili loomisel :", "103" => "Kataloogi ei leitud ", "104" => "Mine valitud asukohta", "105" => "Saada e-postiga URL sellesse asukohta.", "106" => "Saada e-post", "107" => "Nimi ja/või e-posti aadress", "108" => "Saaja e-posti aadress", "109" => "Klikitav URL", "110" => "Lisa kommentaar", "111" => "E-post saadetud :", "112" => "E-posti saatmine ebaõnnestus : ", "113" => "Valik on tühi!", "114" => "Kopeerimisel tekkis tundmatu viga!", "115" => "Fail edukalt salvestatud", "116" => "failid", "117" => "kataloog", "118" => "Lae alla mitu faili", "119" => "Kliki igal failil, mida tahad alla laadida.", "120" => "Sul puuduvad õigused kogu kataloogipuu kustutamiseks!", "121" => "Pildifail ", "122" => "Prügikast", "123" => "on liigutatud asukohta ", "124" => "Kirjuta üle praegused failid?", "125" => "Selle nimega fail/kataloog on juba olemas (suur- ja väiketähtedel ei tehta vahet). Vali teine nimi!", "126" => "Eelvaated", "127" => "Suurus", "128" => "faili valitud", "129" => "Vaade", "130" => "Kataloogid", "131" => "Andmed", "132" => "Faili või kataloogi pole", "133" => "Nimi", "134" => "Tüüp", "135" => "Suurus", "136" => "Näita suuremat pilti", "138" => "Viimati muudet.", "139" => "Muuda lehitsejas", "140" => "Mängi faile kataloogist", "141" => "Loen kataloogi", "142" => "Sisse logitud kui: ", "143" => "Külaline. Logi sisse.", "144" => "Ei ole sisse logitud.", "145" => "Minu järjehoidjad", "146" => "Eemalda järjehoidja", "147" => "Järjehoidjad", "148" => "Tagasi", "149" => "Värskenda", "150" => "Kuva", "151" => "Muuda vaadet...", "152" => "Lisa järjehoidjatesse", "153" => "Lisa praegune asukoht järjehoidjatesse", "154" => "Uus kataloog", "155" => "Loo uus kataloog", "156" => "Uus fail", "157" => "Loo uus tühi fail", "158" => "Nimeta valitud fail või kataloog ümber", "159" => "Kopeeri valitu kataloogi...", "160" => "Liiguta valitu kataloogi ...", "161" => "Kustuta valitu", "162" => "Muuda tekstifaile lehitsejas", "163" => "Logi sisse", "164" => "Logi välja", "165" => "Seaded", "166" => "Info", "167" => "Info Pydio kohta", "168" => "Ühendu Pydio", "169" => "Ühendu lahti", "170" => "Praegune kataloog", "parent_access_key" => "ü", "refresh_access_key" => "ä", "list_access_key" => "l", "thumbs_access_key" => "E", "bookmarks_access_key" => "j", "upload_access_key" => "S", "folder_access_key" => "k", "file_access_key" => "f", "rename_access_key" => "N", "copy_access_key" => "p", "move_access_key" => "g", "delete_access_key" => "u", "edit_access_key" => "M", "view_access_key" => "v", "download_access_key" => "L", "settings_access_key" => "P", "about_access_key" => "o", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "Y", "restore_access_key" => "t", "171" => "Lehitse", "172" => "Sinu valik", "173" => "Uue kataloogi nimi", "174" => "Uue faili nimi", "175" => "Vali sihtkataloog", "176" => "Valitud failid liigutatakse prügikasti.", "177" => "Kas soovid valitud failid püsivalt kustutada?", "178" => "Eelmine", "179" => "Järgmine", "180" => "Sisesta kasutajanimi ja salasõna", "181" => "Kasutaja", "182" => "Salasõna", "183" => "Vali sihtkataloog, mis erineb lähtekataloogist!", "184" => "Otsi praegusest kataloogist ja alamkataloogidest.", "185" => "Lõpeta otsing", "186" => "Pildi eelvaade", "187" => "Muutmine lehitsejas - ", "189" => "Muuda seadeid", "190" => "Keel", "191" => "Vaikevaade", "192" => "Andmete nimekiri", "193" => "Eelvaated", "194" => "Muuda salasõna", "195" => "Kasutaja seaded", "196" => "Keele-eelistus erineb praegusest!\\n Kas soovid värskendada lehte, et keelt muuta?", "197" => "Uus salasõna hakkab kehtima peale välja logimist.", "198" => "Uus", "199" => "Kinnita", "200" => "Vaheta Andmehoidlat...", "201" => "Hoiatus, osa seadeid on salvestamata!\\n Kas oled kindel, et soovid lehe sulgeda?", "202" => "Hoiatus, rekursiivne koopia!", "203" => "Sihtkataloog on sama, mis lähtekataloog!", "204" => "Fail \"", "205" => "\" ületab suuruspiirangu (", "206" => "Mb).\\Faili ei laeta üles.", "207" => "Sul ei ole sellele kataloogis kirjutusõigust", "208" => "Sul ei ole selles kataloogis lugemisõigust", "209" => "Serveripoolne viga, võta ühendust oma kontaktisikuga!", "210" => "Üleslaadimine ebaõnnestus", "211" => "Fail on liiga suur!", "212" => "Faili ei leitud serverist!", "213" => "Faili kopeerimisel aktuaalsesse kataloogi tekkis viga", "214" => "Lehitse", "215" => "Lae üles", "216" => "Puhasta", "217" => "Puhasta laetud", "218" => "Eemalda järjekorrast", "219" => "Valmis", "220" => "Tühjenda", "221" => "Tühjenda prügikast", "222" => "Taasta", "223" => "Taasta fail oma algsesse asukohta", "224" => "Mine", "225" => "Nimeta järjehoidja ümber", "226" => "Loend", "227" => "Aktiveeri loendivaade", "228" => "Eelvaated", "229" => "Aktiveeri eelvaated", "230" => "Mängi", "231" => "Näita slaididena", "232" => "Peata", "233" => "Peata slaidivaade", "234" => "Vaata valitud pilte", "235" => "Täisekraan", "236" => "Taasta", "237" => "Vana salasõna", "238" => "Salasõnad ei klapi!", "239" => "Sisesta praegune salasõna", "240" => "Vale salasõna!", "241" => "Seaded salvestatud", "242" => "Svn ajalugu", "svn_log_access_key" => "S", "243" => "Versioon", "244" => "Autor", "245" => "Kuupäev", "246" => "Teade", "247" => "Paki lahti", "248" => "Paki ZIP fail lahti asukohta...", "249" => "Kasutajad", "250" => "Andmehoidlad", "251" => "Ajalugu", "252" => "Faili suuruse limiit on ületatud.", "253" => "Tekkis HTTP viga:", "254" => "Tekkis IO viga:", "255" => "Tekkis turvalisusviga:", "256" => "Saadetud", "257" => "Kustuta", "258" => "Failide hulk :", "259" => "Maht kokku :", "260" => "baiti", "261" => "Jäta mind meelde", "262" => "Üks või mitu failidest on juba olemas \\sihtkataloogis.\\nMida soovid teha?", "263" => "Kirjuta üle", "264" => "Jäta vahele", "265" => "Failid", "266" => "B", "267" => "Loo", "268" => "Loo uus tabel", "269" => "Struktuur", "270" => "Muuda tabeli struktuuri", "271" => "Kustuta", "272" => "Kustuta avatud tabel", "273" => "Lisa", "274" => "Lisa uus kirje", "275" => "Kas oled kindel, et soovid valitud tabeli(d) kustutada?", "276" => "Muuda valitud kirjeid", "277" => "Kustuta valitud kirjed", "278" => "Kas oled kindel, et soovid valitud kirje(d) kustutada?", "279" => "Tabelid", "280" => "Kirjed", "281" => "Piirangud", "282" => "Faili suurus", "283" => "Maht kokku", "284" => "Failide hulk", "285" => "Kasutajat ei leitud, proovi uuesti.\\n Kontrolli, ega Caps Lock ei ole peal!", "286" => "Kasutaja andmed on seoses versiooniuuendusega vananenud, palun uuenda andmeid.", "287" => "Failiõigused", "288" => "Kasutaja", "289" => "Grupp", "290" => "Teised", "291" => "Muuda rekursiivselt?", "292" => "Jaga...", "293" => "Loo avalik viide selle failini", "294" => "Viida aegumine (päevades)", "295" => "Salasõna", "296" => "Kopeeri allolev viit:", "297" => "Uus kasutaja", "298" => "Loo uus kasutaja", "299" => "Loo uus..", "300" => "Loo uus andmehoidla", "create_repo_accesskey" => "o", "create_user_accesskey" => "U", "301" => "Muuda seadeid", "302" => "Kopeeri tekstina", "303" => "Kopeeri valitu tab-i abil eraldatud tekstina.", "304" => "Tagasi", "305" => "Tagasi pealehele", "306" => "Liiga palju objekte", "307" => "Täida valikulised väljad", "308" => "Genereeri viit", "309" => "Genereeri", "310" => "Valikud", "311" => "Lae üles kohe, kui fail lisatakse", "312" => "Saatmise valikud", "313" => "Paki...", "314" => "Paki zip arhiiviks...", "315" => "Arhiivi nimi", "316" => "Ava rakenduses...", "open_with_access" => "a", "317" => "Lähtekoodi redaktor", "318" => "CodePress lähtekoodi redaktor", "319" => "HTML redaktor", "320" => "WYSIWYG HTML redaktor", "321" => "Vali", "322" => "Vali praegune fail", "323" => "Saada praegune asukoht e-postiga", "324" => "Redaktor ei ole saadaval", "325" => "Mahuta pilt", "326" => "Ära mahuta", "327" => "100%", "328" => "Dokumendi vaatamine", "329" => "Vaata pdf, svg ja tif faile online", "330" => "Oota hetk, lehti töödeldakse..", "331" => "Leht", "332" => "koguarvust", "333" => "Pixlr pildiredaktor", "334" => "rohkem", "335" => "Sisesta lehe number vahemikust 1 ja ", "336" => "Katalooge ei saa eemaldada, eemaldada saab vaid faile!", "337" => "Üleslaadimine algab automaatselt", "338" => "Sulge aken peale üleslaadimist", "339" => "Konfliktid", "340" => "Hoiata", "341" => "Faili andmed", "342" => "Kataloogi andmed", "343" => "Pildi andmed", "344" => "Otsi asukohast", "345" => "Versiooniandmeid ei leitud", "346" => "Sul on kasutusel värskeim versioon", "347" => "Värskem versioon (%s) on saadaval! Külasta aadressi %s", "348" => "Uus andmehoidla on jagatud.", "349" => "Tähelepanu, puuduvad argumendid", "350" => "Sama nimega kasutaja juba eksisteerib mujal süsteemis, palun vali uus nimi.", "351" => "Sul puuduvad õigused jagada neid elemente avalikkusega.", "352" => "Sama nimega andmehoidla juba eksisteerib, palun vali uus nimi.", "353" => "Sihtkasutaja", "354" => "Loo uus kasutaja või vali olemasolevatest nimekirjast.", "355" => "Kasutajanimi", "356" => "Salasõna", "357" => "Sihtandmehoidla", "358" => "Sisesta jagatud elementide nimi ja määra kasutajale õigused.", "359" => "Silt", "360" => "Õigused", "361" => "Lugemine", "362" => "Kirjutamine", "363" => "Jagatud elemendid", "364" => "Sul puuduvad õigused selle operatsiooni teostamiseks.", "365" => "Sul pole lubatud laadida üles rohkem, kui %s faili korraga.", "366" => "Sellel kasutajal puudub aktiivne andmehoidla.", "367" => "Sul pole lubatud sellist tüüpi faili üles laadida. Palun vali mõni järgnevatest laienditest : ", "368" => "Valik edukalt lahti pakitud arhiivist %s kataloogi %s", "369" => "Viit", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE-i Avalik Allalaadimine", "371" => "Selle allalaadimise sooritamiseks on vaja teada salasõna", "372" => "Praegune andmehoidla", "373" => "Sihtkataloog", "374" => "Faile ei saa kopeerida andmehoidlate vahel", "375" => "Tähelepanu, oled olnud jõude kauem kui __IDLE__, sind logitakse välja, kui möödunud on __LOGOUT__", "376" => "Kliki siia, et ühendus taasaktiveerida", "378" => "Tähelepanu, salasõna on tühi või liiga lühike!", "379" => "Ebaturvaline sõna!", "380" => "Liiga lühike", "381" => "Väga nõrk", "382" => "Nõrk", "383" => "Keskmine", "384" => "Tugev", "385" => "Väga tugev", "386" => "Sisselogimine on ebaõnnestunud 3 korda.\nTurvalisuse huvides, palun sisesta kood juuresolevalt pildilt.", "389" => "Loe kood altpoolt :", "390" => "Kood", "391" => "Andmehoidla puudub", "392" => "Tähelepanu, APPLICATION_TITLE-i versioon on uuenenud (nüüd %s), palun puhasta oma veebilehitseja vahemälu ja värskenda lehte, et kõik jätkuvalt toimiks!", "393" => "Tähelepanu, faili nimi peab olema lühem, kui %s märki, selle faili nimi lühendatakse!", "394" => "Vabandust, hetkel ei ole kataloogide jagamine võimalik. Failide jagamine on sellegipoolest võimalik.", "395" => "Objekt, mille siia tõstsid tundub olevat kataloog. Katalooge nii üles laadida ei saa! kas oled kindel, et soovid jätkata?", "396" => "Autent. meetod", "397" => "Lae alla tükkidena", "398" => "Lae valitud fail alla tükkidena", "399" => "Sisesta mitme tükina soovid faili alla laadida, seejärel kliki nupul ja igal failil, mida alla laadida kavatsed.", "400" => "Tükkide arv :", "401" => "Lae alla ja paigalda järgmine programm, et tükid oma arvutis taas tervikuks ühendada : ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Seaded", "404" => "Võid kasutada WebDAV protokolli, et ühendada APPLICATION_TITLE andmehoidla 'võrgukettana' oma kliendi külge, toimib Windowsis, Macil, iPhones, jne.", "405" => "Kasuta järgmiseid aadresse, et pääseda ligi oma andmehoidlatele, kasutades oma kasutajanime ja salasõna. Tähelepanu, see ei tööta, kuni oled selle funktsionaalsuse aktiveerinud ja salasõna määranud.", "406" => "Aktiveeri WebDAV jagamine", "407" => "Kui see on esimene kord WebDAV jagamist aktiveerida, siis sisesta oma salasõna, võid ka salasõna vahetada :", "408" => "WebDAV jagamine edukalt aktiveeritud, ära unusta oma salasõna sisestada, kui see on esimene kord!", "409" => "WebDAV jagamine edukalt deaktiveeritud", "410" => "WebDAV salasõna edukalt uuendatud", "411" => "Ava", "412" => "Lae ainult üles", "413" => "Jagaja", "414" => "Kasuta nooli navigeerimiseks ja +/- suumimiseks", "415" => "Lülita vasaku paan sisse/välja", "416" => "Vasak paan", "leftpane_accesskey" => "V", "417" => "Lisa andmehoidla ...", "418" => "Loo oma andmehoidla", "419" => "Laen malle...", "420" => "Mallid", "421" => "Uus %s", "422" => "Palun sisesta nõutud parameetrid. Lisainfo saamiseks liigu hiirega välja kirjeldusele.", "423" => "Kustuta andmehoidla", "424" => "Oled kindel, et soovid andmehoidlat kustutada? Seda ei saa tagasi võtta.", "425" => "Andmehoidla on nüüd loodud, see on lisatud sinu andmehoidlate nimekirja. Selle kustutamiseks aktiveeri mõni muu andmehoidla ja vajuta punasel ristil kustutatava hoidla nime kõrval.", "426" => "Andmehoidla loomisel tekkis viga", "427" => "Andmehoidla kustutamisel tekkis viga", "428" => "Andmehoidla edukalt kustutatud", "429" => "Andmehoidla kuvatakse sinu nimekirjas järgmiselt.", "430" => "Vaikefailid", "431" => "Näidismall", "432" => "Minu failid", "433" => "valmis", "434" => "saadan", "435" => "tehtud", "436" => "viga", "437" => "Sinu turvatunnus on aegunud. Palun %s vajutades värskenda nuppu oma veebilehitsejas!", "438" => "värskenda lehte", "439" => "Peamised valikud", "440" => "Jah", "441" => "Ei", "442" => "Minu Konto", "443" => "Uuenda enda andmeid", "444" => "Uuenda enda parooli, vastasel juhul ei lubata sisse logida.", "445" => "Sind logitakse süsteemist välja, palun sisene peale seda oma uue parooliga, tänan!", "446" => "Presentatsioon", "447" => "Minu grupp", "448" => "loo kasutaja", "449" => "Luuakse %s, vali parool", "450" => "Sorteeri ... järgi", "451" => "Sorteeri väikepildid ... järgi", "452" => "Ikooni suurus", "453" => "Määra väikepildi suurus", "454" => "Vali failid oma arvutist", "455" => "Töölauad", "456" => "Veel", "457" => "uuenda", "458" => "eemalda", "459" => "Eelmine kaust", "460" => "Detailid", "461" => "Lülitu detailvaatesse", "detail_access_key" => "D", "462" => "Eelvaade", "preview_access_key" => "e", "463" => "Laadi kõik", "464" => "Laadi kogu töölaua sisu (zipitult)", "465" => "Näite alternatiivseid URLe (moundi tööruumid eraldi)", "466" => "Laadib...", "467" => "Kõik ", "468" => "Minu töölauad", "469" => "Minuga jagatud", "470" => "Loodud %date", "471" => "Loonud %user %date", "472" => "Jagas %user", "473" => "Jagas %user %date", "474" => "Kirjeldus puudub", "475" => "Kõikide kasutajate vahel jagatud failid", "476" => "Sinu personaalne töölaud", "477" => "Select a file or folder to see its details here", "478" => "No results found", "479" => "Forgot your password?", "480" => "Browse all folders of the current workspace.", "481" => "All your shared files and folders", "482" => "Quick access to your bookmarked items", "483" => "You are not authorized to create more users!", "484" => "Create user", "485" => "Create a shared user", "486" => "Advanced", "487" => "Basic", "488" => "Advanced Filter", "489" => "Metadata", "490" => "Date range", "491" => "After", "492" => "until", "493" => "Today", "494" => "Yesterday", "495" => "Last week", "496" => "Last month", "497" => "Last year", "498" => "Document Property", "499" => "File", "500" => "extension", "501" => "or", "502" => "Folder", "503" => "Size", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "to", "506" => "Application parameters (users, workspaces, configurations)", "507" => "Welcome on %s", "508" => "I just created an account for you on %s. To connect, please click on the following link %link and use these credentials:  <br><br> Login: %user <br><br> Password: %pass", "509" => "Save the current users list as a personal team", "510" => "Please enter a team label", "511" => "My %s", "512" => "Desktop Full Screen", "513" => "show", "514" => "hide", "515" => "No bookmarks - Drop files or folders here for quick access.", "516" => "expand", "517" => "collapse", "518" => "Alternatively, you can <a class='create_file_alt_link'>create a new empty file</a>.", "519" => "Update user", "520" => "Update user data and password", "521" => "User was update successfully", "522" => "User ID", "523" => "Password", "524" => "Update Password", "525" => "Show original picture", "526" => "Low-resolution version", "527" => "Shared with", "528" => "Internal users", "530" => "External users", "531" => "Int.", "532" => "Ext.", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Send password by email", "536" => "Send a welcome email including the password to the new user", "plugtype.title.access" => "Workspaces Drivers", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Plugins defining how a workspace will both access its backend (a file storage or whatever else) and major layouts and actions.", "plugtype.title.action" => "Action plugins", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Feature oriented plugins for various aspects", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentication Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Methods for gathering identification credentials (web form, api key, etc)", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Encryption Tools", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Data encryption plugins", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editors", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Viewers or editors for wide range of mime types", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Graphical User Interface", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Main web interface and its declinations", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indexation", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Tools for indexing data and providing quick search option", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Workspace Meta Aspects", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Additionnal features to be added to the workspaces", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadata Storage", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Various implementations for storing metadata along with files and folders", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL Shortening", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Webservices bridges for shortening public links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploaders", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Implementation of uploaders using various technologies (html, js, java...)", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentication Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "How users data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Unique plugin for loading the framework.", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Configuration Storage", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "How configuration data are stored in the backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Events Feed Storage", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Implementations for storing data events (only SQL yet)", "plugtype.title.log" => "Loggers", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Send application logs to various channels", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailers", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Tools for letting the application send emails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Instant Messaging", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementations of a simple PUB/SUB server", "537" => "File is too large! Maximum authorized size is %i", "538" => "Upload error: no file found on server!", "539" => "Upload error: file is partial", "540" => "Upload error: cannot find the temporary directory", "541" => "Upload error: cannot write into the temporary directory", "542" => "Upload error: a PHP extension stopped the upload process.");
예제 #27
파일: tr.php 프로젝트: bloveing/openulteo

//	AjaXplorer
//	Copyright 2007-2008 Charles du Jeu - LGPL
//  www.Ajaxplorer.info
//	Turkish translation by: Heron / date: 07 novembre 2009 (it feels good to help!)
//  transilated version: AjaXplorer-core-2.5.4 (release date: 02 novembre 2009)
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Turkce", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "byte_unit_symbol" => "b", "0" => "Son surum", "1" => "Dosya", "2" => "Boyut", "3" => "Tip", "4" => "De&#287;i&#351;ti", "5" => "Eylemler", "6" => "YEN&#304;DEN ADLANDIR", "7" => "TEM&#304;ZLE", "8" => "Klasor", "9" => "Midi dosyas&#305;", "10" => "Metin Dosyas&#305;", "11" => "javascript", "12" => "GIF goruntu", "13" => "JPG goruntu", "14" => "HTML sayfas&#305;", "15" => "HTML sayfas&#305;", "16" => "GER&#199;EK dosyas&#305;", "17" => "GER&#199;EK dosyas&#305;", "18" => "Perl beti&#287;i", "19" => "ZIP ar&#351;ivi", "20" => "WAV ses", "21" => "PHP beti&#287;i", "22" => "PHP beti&#287;i", "23" => "Dosya", "24" => "Ana Klasor", "25" => "Yukle bir veya daha fazla dosya (en fazla" . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") dosyan&#305;n icinde : ", "26" => "Yeni bir klasor olu&#351;turun : ", "27" => "Y&Uuml;KLE", "28" => "yeni bir dosya olu&#351;turun : ", "29" => "Olu&#351;tur", "30" => "dosya ismi belirleyiniz, sonrada t&#305;kla &quot;Maak&quot;", "31" => "Siz bir dosya secmelisiniz", "32" => "Ke&#351;fet", "33" => "Dosya yuklenirken hata olu&#351;tu!", "34" => "Dosya", "35" => "klasorde ba&#351;ar&#305;yla olu&#351;turuldu", "36" => "dosya buyuklu&#287;u", "37" => "Siz gecerli bir isim girmeniz gerekir", "38" => "Klasor", "39" => "icinde olu&#351;turuldu", "40" => "Bu isimde bir klasor zaten mevcut (isimler buyuk harf duyars&#305;z)", "41" => "isim olarak de&#287;i&#351;tirildi", "42" => "yon", "43" => "zaten mevcut (isimler buyuk harf duyars&#305;z)", "44" => "silindi", "45" => "klasor", "46" => "dosya", "47" => "gercekten silmek istiyormusunuz", "48" => "Tamam", "49" => "iptal", "50" => "exe dosyas&#305;", "51" => "D&Uuml;ZENLE", "52" => "Dosya Duzenle", "53" => "Kaydet", "54" => "iptal", "55" => "de&#287;i&#351;tirildi", "56" => "BMP tur resim", "57" => "PNG tur resim", "58" => "CSS dosyas&#305;", "59" => "MP3 ses", "60" => "RAR ar&#351;ivi", "61" => "GZ dosyas&#305;", "62" => "Ana klasor", "63" => "&#199;&#305;k&#305;&#351;", "64" => "XLS belgesi", "65" => "Word belgesi", "66" => "KOPYALA", "67" => "Secilmi&#351; dosya", "68" => "Yap&#305;&#351;t&#305;r", "69" => "Ya da farkl&#305; bir klasor secin", "70" => "TA&#350;I", "71" => "Bu dosya zaten mevcut (isimler buyuk harf duyars&#305;z)", "72" => "Ana klasor yanl&#305;&#351;. Bunu conf/conf.php dosyas&#305;nda kontrol edin", "73" => "klasore kopyaland&#305;", "74" => "klasore ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;", "75" => "users.txt dosyas&#305; privat klasorde mevcut de&#287;il", "76" => "Bu dosya silindi", "77" => "Yukle", "78" => "&#350;ifre", "79" => "PDF belgesi", "80" => "MOV vidyo", "81" => "AVI vidyo", "82" => "MPG vidyo", "83" => "MPEG vidyo", "84" => "Yard&#305;m", "85" => "YEN&#304;LE", "86" => "Kapat", "87" => "Ara", "88" => "&#304;ND&#304;R", "89" => "Dosya a&ccedl;&#305;lam&#305;yor", "90" => "Yazd&#305;r", "91" => "FLASH dosyas&#305;", "92" => "Dil", "93" => "Bir dil secebilmek icin web gezgini cerezleri kabul etmelidir.", "94" => "Giri&#351;", "95" => "Dil secin", "96" => "Klasorler listesinden hedef klasoru secin", "97" => "Dosya yukle", "98" => "Kapatmak icin bu kutunun bir yerine t&#305;klay&#305;n.", "99" => "yaz&#305;labilir de&#287;il. Belki tan&#305;nm&#305;&#351; haklarda bir problem vard&#305;r, bunu yonetici ile goru&#351;un.", "100" => "Dosya bulunamad&#305;", "101" => "Orjinal klasor ve hedef klasor ayn&#305;!", "102" => "Dosya olu&#351;turma hatas&#305;:", "103" => "Klasor bulunam&#305;yor", "104" => "Belirtilen yere git", "105" => "Bu yere do&#287;rudan eri&#351;im icin e-posta ile bir URL gonderin.", "106" => "E-posta gonder", "107" => "&#304;sminiz ve/veya e-posta adresi", "108" => "Hedef e-posta adresi", "109" => "T&#305;klanabilir URL", "110" => "Yorum ekle", "111" => "A&#351;a&#287;&#305;daki e-posta gonderildi:", "112" => "E-posta gonderme ba&#351;ar&#305;s&#305;z oldu:", "113" => "secim bo&#351;!", "114" => "Kopyalama s&#305;ras&#305;nda bilinmeyen hata!", "115" => "Dosyas&#305; ba&#351;ar&#305;yla kaydedildi", "116" => "Dosyalar", "117" => "Klasor", "118" => "Birden fazla dosya indirme", "119" => "&#304;ndirmek icin her dosyaya t&#305;klay&#305;n.", "120" => "A&#287;ac bicimini tamamen silebilme izni yok!", "121" => "Resim Dosyas&#305;", "122" => "&#199;op Kutusu", "123" => "Ta&#351;&#305;nd&#305;&#287;&#305; yer ", "124" => "Varolan dosyalar&#305;n uzerine mi yaz&#305;ls&#305;n?", "125" => "Bu isimli dosya/klasor zaten mevcut (isimler buyuk harf duyars&#305;z). Farkl&#305; bir isim secin!", "126" => "M&#304;NYAT&Uuml;RLER", "127" => "Boyut", "128" => "Secilmi&#351; dosyalar.", "129" => "&#304;NCELE", "130" => "Klasorler", "131" => "Detaylar", "132" => "Herhangi bir dosya secilmedi", "133" => "&#304;sim", "134" => "Tip", "135" => "Boyutlar", "136" => "Resim ornekleri", "138" => "Yeni de&#287;i&#351;tirildi", "139" => "Online duzenle", "140" => "Klasorun tamam&#305;n&#305; oynat", "141" => "Klasoru okuma", "142" => "Giri&#351; &#351;ekli ", "143" => "Bir konuk olarak ke&#351;fedin. Giri&#351;.", "144" => "Giri&#351; yap&#305;lmad&#305;.", "145" => "Benim favori listem", "146" => "Favori listesini sil", "147" => "Favori listeleri", "148" => "YUKARI", "149" => "YEN&#304;LE", "150" => "Goster", "151" => "Goruntuleme &#351;eklini de&#287;i&#351;tir...", "152" => "FAVOR&#304; L&#304;STES&#304;", "153" => "Yeri favori listelerime ekle", "154" => "YEN&#304; KLAS&Ouml;R", "155" => "Yeni klasor olu&#351;tur", "156" => "YEN&#304; DOSYA", "157" => "Yeni bo&#351; bir dosya olu&#351;tur", "158" => "Secilen dosya veya klasoru yeniden adland&#305;r", "159" => "Secim kopyalama hedefi...", "160" => "Secim ta&#351;&#305;ma hedefi...", "161" => "Secilmi&#351; dosyalar&#305; sil", "162" => "Dosyay&#305; online de duzenle", "163" => "G&#304;R&#304;&#350;", "164" => "&#199;IKI&#350;", "165" => "AYARLAR", "166" => "HAKKINDA", "167" => "AjaXplorer hakk&#305;nda", "168" => "AjaXplorer'e ba&#287;lan", "169" => "AjaXplorer'le ba&#287;lant&#305;y&#305; kes", "170" => "Mevcut dosya", "parent_access_key" => "U", "refresh_access_key" => "Y", "list_access_key" => "L", "thumbs_access_key" => "M", "bookmarks_access_key" => "F", "upload_access_key" => "K", "folder_access_key" => "S", "file_access_key" => "D", "rename_access_key" => "A", "copy_access_key" => "P", "move_access_key" => "T", "delete_access_key" => "Z", "edit_access_key" => "E", "view_access_key" => "C", "download_access_key" => "N", "settings_access_key" => "R", "about_access_key" => "I", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "B", "restore_access_key" => "O", "171" => "Bilgisayar&#305;n&#305; ke&#351;fet", "172" => "Seciminiz", "173" => "Yeni klasor ismi", "174" => "Yeni dosya ismi", "175" => "Hedef klasoru secin", "176" => "Secilen dosyalar coptenekesine gonderilecek.", "177" => "Secilen dosyalar&#305; donu&#351;umsuz silmek istedi&#287;inizden eminmisiniz?", "178" => "onceki", "179" => "Sonraki", "180" => "Giri&#351;/&#351;ifre yaz&#305;n", "181" => "Giri&#351;", "182" => "&#350;ifre", "183" => "Orginal klasor harici bir hedef klasoru secin!", "184" => "Mevcut ana klasor ve alt klasorler icinde ara", "185" => "Aramay&#305; durdur", "186" => "Resim ornekleri", "187" => "Online surumu - ", "189" => "Tercihlerimi duzenle", "190" => "Dil", "191" => "Varsay&#305;lan Gorunum", "192" => "AYRINTILI L&#304;STE", "193" => "M&#304;NYAT&Uuml;RLER", "194" => "&#350;ifre de&#287;i&#351;tir", "195" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; Tercihleri", "196" => "Ki&#351;isel dil ayar&#305;n&#305;z gecerli dil ayar&#305;ndan farkl&#305;!\\n Sayfa dilini de&#287;i&#351;tirmek icin sayfay&#305; yenilemek istermisiniz?", "197" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; Tercihleri ba&#351;ar&#305;yla de&#287;i&#351;tirildi! \\n\\n. E&#287;er &#351;ifrenizi de&#287;i&#351;tirdiyseniz de&#287;i&#351;iklik ancak c&#305;k&#305;&#351; yapt&#305;ktan sonra gecerli olacakt&#305;r.", "198" => "Yeni", "199" => "Onayla", "200" => "Dosyalar deposunu duzenleme hedefi...", "201" => "Dikkat, baz&#305; de&#287;i&#351;iklikler henuz kaydedilmedi!\\n Pencereyi kapatmak istedi&#287;inizden eminmisiniz?", "202" => "Dikkat, recursif kopya!", "203" => "hedef klasor orjinal klasor ile ayn&#305;!", "204" => "Dosya \"", "205" => "\" gecerli olan boyutu a&#351;&#305;yor ( ", "206" => "Mb).\\nYuklenmeyecek.", "207" => "Bu klasor icin yaz&#305;m hakk&#305;n&#305;z yok", "208" => "Bu klasoru okuma hakk&#305;n&#305;z yok", "209" => "Server ici hata, lutfen moderatorle ili&#351;kiye gecin!", "210" => "Yukleme ba&#351;ar&#305;s&#305;z", "211" => "Dosya c*k buyuk!", "212" => "Serverde dosya bulunamad&#305;!", "213" => "Dosyay&#305; mevcut klasore kopyalama esnas&#305;nda hata olu&#351;tu", "214" => "Sec", "215" => "Yuklemeyi ba&#351;lat", "216" => "Listeyi sil", "217" => "Bo&#351;altma tamamland&#305;", "218" => "Listesinden c&#305;kart", "219" => "Tamamland&#305;", "220" => "TEM&#304;ZLE", "221" => "&#199;op Kutusunu Bo&#351;alt", "222" => "Geri donu&#351;um", "223" => "Dosyay&#305; orginal klasore geri gonder", "224" => "Oraya git", "225" => "Favori listesini yeniden adland&#305;r", "226" => "L&#304;STE", "227" => "Ayr&#305;nt&#305;l&#305; Liste", "228" => "M&#304;NYAT&Uuml;RLER", "229" => "Minyaturler Goruntu", "230" => "Oynat", "231" => "Slayt &#351;eklinde oynat", "232" => "Dur", "233" => "Slayt gosterisini durdur", "234" => "Secimi incele", "235" => "Azami", "236" => "RESTORE ET", "237" => "Eski &#351;ifre", "238" => "&#350;ifreler uyu&#351;muyor!", "239" => "Lutfen &#351;ifrenizi girin", "240" => "Yanl&#305;&#351; &#351;ifre!", "241" => "Tercihleriniz kaydedildi", "242" => "SVN Kay&#305;t", "svn_log_access_key" => "L", "243" => "Revizyon", "244" => "Yazar", "245" => "Tarih", "246" => "Mesaj", "247" => "&#199;&#305;kart", "248" => "Secimin c&#305;kar&#305;lacak hedefi...", "249" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305;lar", "250" => "Dosya Deposu", "251" => "Kay&#305;tlar", "252" => "Gecerli maksimum yaz&#305;m oran&#305;na eri&#351;ildi.", "253" => "HTTP Hatas&#305;:", "254" => "IO Hatas&#305;:", "255" => "Guvenlik Hatas&#305;:", "256" => "Yuklendi", "257" => "Sil", "258" => "DOSYA SAYISI:", "259" => "Toplam Boyut", "260" => "bytler", "261" => "Bilgisayarda haf&#305;zaya kay&#305;t et", "262" => "Bir veya daha fazla dosya zaten\\n ana klasorde bulunmaktad&#305;r.\\nNe yapmak istiyorsunuz?", "263" => "&Uuml;zerine Yaz", "264" => "Atla", "265" => "Dosyalar", "266" => "B", "267" => "Olu&#351;tur", "268" => "Yeni bir tablo olu&#351;tur", "269" => "Yap&#305;s&#305;", "270" => "Tablo yap&#305;s&#305; duzenle", "271" => "B&#305;rak", "272" => "Ac&#305;k tabloyu b&#305;rak", "273" => "Yerle&#351;tir", "274" => "Yeni bir kay&#305;t ekle", "275" => "Secilen tablo (lar&#305;) b&#305;rakmak istedi&#287;inizden eminmisiniz?", "276" => "Secilen kayd&#305; duzenle", "277" => "Secilen kay&#305;tlar&#305; sil", "278" => "Secilen kay&#305;t (lar&#305;) silmek istedi&#287;inizden eminmisiniz?", "279" => "Tablolar", "280" => "Kay&#305;tlar", "281" => "S&#305;n&#305;rlar", "282" => "Dosya boyutu", "283" => "Toplam Boyut", "284" => "DOSYA SAYISI", "285" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; bulunamad&#305;, lutfen tekrar deneyin.\\n Caps Lock tu&#351;lar&#305;n&#305;n etkin olmadi&#287;&#305;ndan emin olun!", "286" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; gecerli versiyona uygun yap&#305;lamad&#305;, tercihen pro&#287;ram guncelleme veya yukseltme i&#351;lemini yap&#305;n.", "287" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305; haklar&#305;", "288" => "Kullan&#305;c&#305;", "289" => "Grup", "290" => "Herkes", "291" => "Recursiv uygulans&#305;nm&#305;?", "292" => "Genel ba&#287;lant&#305;", "293" => "Bu dosyaya bir genel ba&#287;lant&#305; olu&#351;turun", "294" => "Son Kullanma Tarihi ba&#287;lant&#305; (gun olarak)", "295" => "&#350;ifre (hicbiri icin bo&#351; b&#305;rak&#305;n)", "296" => "A&#351;a&#287;&#305;daki linki kopyalay&#305;n:", "297" => "Yeni Kullan&#305;c&#305;", "298" => "Yeni bir kullan&#305;c&#305; olu&#351;turun", "299" => "Yeni depo.", "300" => "Yeni bir dosya deposu olu&#351;turun", "create_repo_accesskey" => "W", "create_user_accesskey" => "X", "301" => "Yap&#305;land&#305;rmay&#305; duzenle", "302" => "Metin olarak kopyala", "303" => "Secimi tabla ayr&#305;lm&#305;&#351; metin &#351;eklinde kopyala.", "304" => "Geri", "305" => "Ana sayfaya geri git", "306" => "&#199;ok fazla klasorler", "307" => "iste&#287;e ba&#287;l&#305; alanlar&#305; doldurun", "308" => "k&#305;sayol olu&#351;tur", "309" => "Olu&#351;tur", "310" => "Secenekler", "311" => "Bir dosya eklendi&#287;i zaman otomatikman yukle", "312" => "Yukleme Secenekleri", "313" => "Compress...", "314" => "Compress selection to zip...", "315" => "Compress selection to");
예제 #28
 function processFileName($fileName)
     $max_caracteres = ConfService::getConf("MAX_CHAR");
     // Don't allow those chars : ' " & , ; / \ ` < > : * ? | ! + ^
     $fileName = SystemTextEncoding::magicDequote($fileName);
     // Unless I'm mistaken, ' is a valid char for a file name (under both Linux and Windows).
     // I've found this regular expression for Windows file name validation, not sure how it applies for linux :
     // ^[^\\\./:\*\?\"<>\|]{1}[^\\/:\*\?\"<>\|]{0,254}$   This reg ex remove ^ \ . / : * ? " < > | as the first char, and (same thing but . for any other char), and it limits to 254 chars (could use max_caracteres instead)
     // Anyway, here is the corrected version of the big str_replace calls below that doesn't kill UTF8 encoding
     $fileNameTmp = preg_replace("/[\",;\\/`<>:\\*\\|\\?!\\^]/", "", $fileName);
     return substr($fileNameTmp, 0, $max_caracteres);
예제 #29

* Copyright 2007-2014 Charles du Jeu - Abstrium SAS <team (at) pyd.io>
* This file is part of Pydio.
* Pydio is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Pydio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with Pydio.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* The latest code can be found at <http://pyd.io/>.
* German translation:
*   + update: Axel Otterstätter <*****@*****.**>
*   + update: Stefan Huber <*****@*****.**>
*   + update: Martin Schaible <*****@*****.**>
$mess = array("languageLabel" => "Deutsch", "date_format" => "Y/m/d H:i", "date_intl_locale" => "de_DE", "date_relative_date" => "am DATE", "date_relative_time" => "TIME", "date_relative_date_format" => "d F Y", "date_relative_time_format" => "H:i", "date_relative_today" => "Heute um TIME", "date_relative_yesterday" => "Gestern um TIME", "date_relative_tomorrow" => "Morgen um TIME", "date_relative_days_ago" => "vor %s Tagen", "date_relative_days_ahead" => "in %s Tagen", "byte_unit_symbol" => "B", "0" => "Aktuelle Version", "1" => "Dateiname", "2" => "Größe", "3" => "Typ", "4" => "Bearbeitet", "5" => "Aktion", "6" => "Umbenennen", "7" => "Löschen", "8" => "Ordner", "9" => "MIDI-Datei", "10" => "Textdatei", "11" => "Javascript", "12" => "GIF-Bild", "13" => "JPG-Bild", "14" => "HTML-Datei", "15" => "HTML-Datei", "16" => "REAL-Datei", "17" => "REAL-Datei", "18" => "PERL-Skript", "19" => "ZIP-Datei", "20" => "WAV-Datei", "21" => "PHP-Skript", "22" => "PHP-Skript", "23" => "Datei", "24" => "Aufwärts", "25" => "Eine oder mehrere Dateien (max. " . ConfService::getConf('UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER') . ") in folgenden Ordner hochladen: ", "26" => "Erstelle einen neuen Ordner in: ", "27" => "Hochladen", "28" => "Erstelle neue Datei in: ", "29" => "Erstellen", "30" => "Bitte einen Namen für den Ordner eingeben und auf 'Erstellen' klicken.", "31" => "Mindestens eine Datei muss ausgewählt werden", "32" => "öffnen", "33" => "Fehler beim Hochladen!", "34" => "Die Datei", "35" => "wurde im Ordner erfolgreich erstellt", "36" => "Die Größe beträgt", "37" => "Bitte einen gültigen Namen eingeben", "38" => "Der Ordner", "39" => "wurde erstellt in", "40" => "Dieser Ordner existiert bereits (Gross- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht beachtet)", "41" => "wurde umbenannt zu", "42" => "zu", "43" => "existiert bereits (Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht beachtet)", "44" => "wurde gelöscht.", "45" => "Ordner", "46" => "Datei", "47" => "Löschen bestätigen von", "48" => "OK", "49" => "Abbruch", "50" => "EXE-Datei", "51" => "Bearbeiten", "52" => "Datei wird bearbeitet", "53" => "Speichern", "54" => "Abbrechen", "55" => "wurde geändert", "56" => "BMP-Bild", "57" => "PNG-Bild", "58" => "CSS-Datei", "59" => "MP3-Datei", "60" => "RAR-Datei", "61" => "GZ-Datei", "62" => "Hauptverzeichnis", "63" => "Abmelden", "64" => "XLS-Tabelle", "65" => "Word-Dokument", "66" => "Kopieren", "67" => "Ausgewählte Datei", "68" => "Einfügen in", "69" => "oder ein anderen Ordner wählen", "70" => "Verschieben", "71" => "Diese Datei existiert bereits (Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht beachtet)", "72" => "Der Pfad zum Hauptverzeichnis ist nicht korrekt. Bitte in der Datei conf/conf.php korrigieren.", "73" => "wurde kopiert in den Ordner", "74" => "wurde verschoben in den Ordner", "75" => "Die Datei users.txt ist nicht im Ordner privat", "76" => "Diese Datei wurde entfernt", "77" => "Senden", "78" => "Weitergeben", "79" => "PDF-Datei", "80" => "MOV-Datei", "81" => "AVI-Datei", "82" => "MPG-Datei", "83" => "MPEG-Datei", "84" => "Hilfe", "85" => "Aktualisieren", "86" => "Schließen", "87" => "Suche", "88" => "Herunterladen", "89" => "Die Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden", "90" => "Drucken", "91" => "Flash-Datei", "92" => "Sprache", "93" => "Um die Sprache anzupassen, müssen Cookies im Browser zugelassen werden.", "94" => "Benutzername", "95" => "Sprache wählen:", "96" => "Zielordner aus der Verzeichnisliste wählen: ", "97" => "Datei hochladen", "98" => "Zum Schließen irgendwo auf dieses Fenster klicken.", "99" => "kann nicht gespeichert werden. Dies könnte ein Berechtigungsproblem sein. Wenden Sie sich bitte an den Systemadministrator.", "100" => "Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden ", "101" => "Quell- und Zielordner sind identisch!", "102" => "Fehler beim Erstellen der Datei: ", "103" => "Ordner wurde nicht gefunden ", "104" => "Zum angegebenen Ordner wechseln", "105" => "Die URL für den direkten Zugriff auf diesen Ordner versenden.", "106" => "Sende E-Mail", "107" => "Name oder E-Mail-Adresse: ", "108" => "Ziel E-Mail-Adresse: ", "109" => "Aufrufbare URL", "110" => "Kommentar hinzufügen", "111" => "Die folgende E-Mail wurde erfolgreich versendet: ", "112" => "Senden der E-Mail fehlgeschlagen: ", "113" => "Nichts ausgewählt!", "114" => "Beim Kopieren ist ein unbekannter Fehler aufgetreten!", "115" => "Die Datei wurde erfolgreich gespeichert", "116" => "Dateien", "117" => "Der Ordner", "118" => "Mehrere Dateien herunterladen", "119" => "Zum Herunterladen auf einzelne Dateien klicken.", "120" => "Sie haben keine Berechtigung um die gesamte Verzeichnisstruktur zu löschen!", "121" => "Bild-Datei ", "122" => "Papierkorb", "123" => "wurde verschoben nach ", "124" => "Bestehende Dateien überschreiben?", "125" => "Eine Datei oder ein Ordner mit diesem Namen existiert bereits (Groß- und Kleinschreibung wird nicht beachtet). Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen!", "126" => "Symbolansicht", "127" => "Größe", "128" => "Dateien ausgewählt.", "129" => "Ansicht", "130" => "Ordner", "131" => "Details", "132" => "Keine Datei ausgewählt", "133" => "Name", "134" => "Typ", "135" => "Abmessungen", "136" => "Größeres Bild anzeigen", "138" => "Zuletzt bearbeitet.", "139" => "Online bearbeiten", "140" => "Verzeichnisinhalt abspielen", "141" => "öffne Ordner", "142" => "Angemeldet als ", "143" => "Bitte anmelden.", "144" => "Nicht angemeldet.", "145" => "Meine Lesezeichen", "146" => "Lesezeichen löschen", "147" => "Lesezeichen", "148" => "Aufwärts", "149" => "Aktualisieren", "150" => "Ansicht", "151" => "Ansicht wechseln...", "152" => "Lesezeichen", "153" => 'Aktuellen Ordner zu "Meine Lesezeichen" hinzufügen', "154" => "Neuer Ordner", "155" => "Neuen Ordner erstellen", "156" => "Neue Datei", "157" => "Neue Datei erstellen", "158" => "Ausgewählte Datei/Ordner umbennen", "159" => "Kopieren der Auswahl nach...", "160" => "Verschieben der Auswahl nach...", "161" => "Auswahl löschen", "162" => "Datei bearbeiten", "163" => "Anmelden", "164" => "Abmelden", "165" => "Einstellungen", "166" => "Info", "167" => "über Pydio", "168" => "Anmelden", "169" => "APPLICATION_TITLE verlassen", "170" => "Aktueller Ordner", "parent_access_key" => "A", "refresh_access_key" => "k", "list_access_key" => "i", "thumbs_access_key" => "S", "bookmarks_access_key" => "z", "upload_access_key" => "H", "folder_access_key" => "O", "file_access_key" => "D", "rename_access_key" => "U", "copy_access_key" => "K", "move_access_key" => "V", "delete_access_key" => "L", "edit_access_key" => "b", "view_access_key" => "c", "download_access_key" => "n", "settings_access_key" => "s", "about_access_key" => "o", "empty_recycle_access_key" => "e", "restore_access_key" => "W", "171" => "Computer durchsuchen", "172" => "Auswahl", "173" => "Neuer Ordnername", "174" => "Name der Datei", "175" => "Zielordner", "176" => "Die ausgewählten Dateien/Ordner werden in den Papierkorb verschoben.", "177" => "Sollen die gewählten Dateien/Ordner wirklich gelöscht werden?", "178" => "Vorheriges", "179" => "Nächstes", "180" => "Bitte Benutzernamen und Passwort eingeben", "181" => "Benutzername", "182" => "Passwort", "183" => "Bitte einen vom Quellordner unterschiedlichen Zielordner wählen!", "184" => "Im aktuellen Ordner und dessen Unterordnern suchen", "185" => "Suche beenden", "186" => "Bildvorschau", "187" => "Online Bearbeitung - ", "189" => "Meine Einstellungen bearbeiten", "190" => "Sprache", "191" => "Standardanzeige", "192" => "Details", "193" => "Symbolansicht", "194" => "Passwort ändern", "195" => "Benutzereinstellungen", "196" => "Die gewählte Sprache entspricht nicht der aktuellen Sprache!\\n Soll die Seite neu geladen werden, um die Sprache zu ändern?", "197" => "Die Benutzereinstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert!\\n\\nFalls das Passwort geändert wurde, ist es beim nächsten Anmelden aktiv.\\n\\nFalls die Sprache geändert wurde, drücken Sie bitte 'Neu laden (F5)'; des Browsers.", "198" => "Neues Passwort", "199" => "Passwort wiederholen", "200" => "Speicherort wechseln", "201" => "Achtung, einige Änderungen wurden nicht gespeichert!\\nOhne Speichern fortfahren?", "202" => "Achtung, rekursive Kopie!", "203" => "Der Zielordner ist mit dem Quellordner identisch!", "204" => "Die Datei \"", "205" => "\" ist größer als die maximal erlaubte Dateigröße (", "206" => "Mb).\\nDie Datei konnte nicht hochgeladen werden.", "207" => "Sie haben keine Schreibrechte in diesem Ordner", "208" => "Sie haben keine Leserechte in diesem Ordner", "209" => "Ein interner Serverfehler ist aufgetreten. Wenden Sie sich bitte an den Systemadministrator!", "210" => "Das Hochladen ist fehlgeschlagen", "211" => "Die Datei ist zu groß!", "212" => "Keine Datei auf dem Server gefunden!", "213" => "Ein Fehler ist beim Kopieren der Datei in den aktuellen Ordner aufgetreten", "214" => "Durchsuchen der Dateien", "215" => "Beginne mit dem Hochladen", "216" => "Löschen der Warteschlange", "217" => "Fertig mit dem Löschen", "218" => "Aus der Warteschlange entfernen", "219" => "Fertig", "220" => "Leeren", "221" => "Papierkorb leeren", "222" => "Wiederherstellen", "223" => "Die Datei wird an dem ursprünglichen Ort wiederhergestellt", "224" => "Wechseln nach", "225" => "Lesezeichen umbenennen", "226" => "Liste", "227" => "Zur Detailansicht wechseln", "228" => "Symbole", "229" => "Zur Symbol-/Miniatur-Ansicht wechseln", "230" => "Diashow", "231" => "Diashow starten", "232" => "Stop", "233" => "Diashow stoppen", "234" => "Bilder anzeigen", "235" => "Vollbild", "236" => "Wiederherstellen", "237" => "Altes Passwort", "238" => "Die Passwörter sind unterschiedlich!", "239" => "Bitte das aktuelle Passwort eingeben!", "240" => "Falsches Passwort!", "241" => "Die Voreinstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert!", "242" => "SVN-Logdatei", "svn_log_access_key" => "g", "243" => "Versionsstand", "244" => "Autor", "245" => "Datum", "246" => "Meldung", "247" => "Entpacken", "248" => "Ausgewählte Dateien entpacken nach...", "249" => "Benutzerverwaltung", "250" => "Verzeichnisverwaltung", "251" => "Log-Dateien", "252" => "Maximal erlaubte Dateigröße erreicht.", "253" => "Ein HTTP-Fehler ist aufgetreten:", "254" => "Ein Ein-/Ausgabe-Fehler ist aufgetreten:", "255" => "Ein Sicherheitsfehler ist aufgetreten:", "256" => "Hochladen", "257" => "Entfernen", "258" => "Anzahl der Dateien:", "259" => "Gesamtgröße:", "260" => "Bytes", "261" => "Auf diesem Computer merken", "262" => "Eine oder mehrere Dateien \\nexistieren im Zielverzeichnis!", "263" => "überschreiben", "264" => "überspringen", "265" => "Dateien", "266" => "B", "267" => "Anlegen", "268" => "Eine neue Tabelle anlegen", "269" => "Struktur", "270" => "Tabellenstruktur bearbeiten", "271" => "Verwerfen", "272" => "Offene Tabelle verwerfen", "273" => "Einfügen", "274" => "Neuen Datensatz einfügen", "275" => "Wollen Sie die ausgewählten Tabellen wirklich läschen?", "276" => "Ausgewählte Datensätze bearbeiten", "277" => "Ausgewählte Datensätze löschen", "278" => "Wollen Sie die ausgewählten Datensätze wirklich löschen?", "279" => "Tabellen", "280" => "Datensätze", "281" => "Limit", "282" => "Größe pro Datei", "283" => "Gesamtgröße", "284" => "Anzahl Dateien", "285" => "Der Benutzer wurde nicht gefunden.\\n Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Caps-Lock-Taste nicht aktiviert ist.", "286" => "Der Benutzer ist nicht mit der installierten Version kompatibel. Verwenden Sie bitte die Upgrade-Funktion.", "287" => "Dateirechte", "288" => "Benutzer", "289" => "Gruppe", "290" => "Alle", "291" => "Rekursiv übernehmen?", "292" => "Teilen", "293" => "Für diese Datei einen öffentlichen Link erstellen", "294" => "Gültigkeit des Links (in Tagen) und Passwort (nichts eintragen für bisheriges)", "295" => "Gültigkeit", "296" => "Bitte den untenstehenden Link kopieren:", "297" => "Neuer Benutzer", "298" => "Neuen Benutzer anlegen", "299" => "Neue Arbeitsumgebung", "300" => "Neue Arbeitsumgebung anlegen", "create_repo_accesskey" => "R", "create_user_accesskey" => "t", "301" => "Konfiguration ändern", "302" => "Als Text kopieren", "303" => "Den Text durch Tabs getrennt kopieren.", "304" => "Zurück", "305" => "Zurück zur Hauptseite", "306" => "Zu viele Ordner", "307" => "Optionale Felder ausfüllen", "308" => "Link erzeugen", "309" => "Erzeugen", "310" => "Einstellungen", "311" => "Eine neue Datei automatisch hochladen", "312" => "Einstellungen zum Hochladen", "313" => "Komprimieren...", "314" => "Auswahl als Zip-Datei komprimieren...", "315" => "Auswahl komprimieren nach", "316" => "öffnen mit...", "open_with_access" => "f", "317" => "Quelltextbetrachter", "318" => "CodePress Quelltextbetrachter", "319" => "HTML-Editor", "320" => "WYSIWYG-Editor für HTML-Dateien", "321" => "Auswählen", "322" => "Die aktuelle Datei auswählen", "323" => "URL per E-Mail", "324" => "Kein Editor verfügbar", "325" => "Größe anpassen", "326" => "Ohne Anpassung", "327" => "100%", "328" => "ImageMagick-Betrachter", "329" => "PDF, SVG und TIF online anzeigen", "330" => "Bitte warten, die Seiten werden aufgebaut...", "331" => "Seite", "332" => "von", "333" => "Pixlr Bildbearbeitung", "334" => "mehr", "335" => "Bitte eine Seitenzahl eingeben zwischen 1 und ", "336" => "Es können nur Dateien, keine Ordner abgelegt werden!", "337" => "Automatisch starten", "338" => "Abgeschlossene ausblenden", "339" => "Vorhandene Datei", "340" => "Fragen", "341" => "Datei-Info", "342" => "Ordner-Info", "343" => "Bild-Info", "344" => "Suchen nach", "345" => "Es wurden keine Versionsinformationen gefunden", "346" => "Die Version ist auf dem aktuellsten Stand", "347" => "Eine neue Version (%s) ist verfügbar! Besuchen Sie %s", "348" => "Eine neue Arbeitsumgebung wurde freigegeben.", "349" => "Warnung! Es fehlen Parameter", "350" => "Ein Benutzer mit diesem Namen existiert bereits. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.", "351" => "Es ist nicht erlaubt Elemente freizugeben.", "352" => "Eine Arbeitsumgebung mit diesem Namen existiert bereits. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Namen.", "353" => "Ziel-Benutzer", "354" => "Einen neuen Benutzer anlegen oder einen vorhandenen aus der Liste wählen.", "355" => "Benutzername", "356" => "Benutzerpasswort", "357" => "Ziel-Arbeitsumgebung", "358" => "Wählen Sie einen Namen für das freigegebene Element und legen Sie die Zugriffsrechte für die Benutzer fest.", "359" => "Markierung", "360" => "Rechte", "361" => "Lesen", "362" => "Schreiben", "363" => "Freigegebene Elemente", "364" => "F&uuml;r diese Operation fehlt die Berechtigung", "365" => "Es dürfen nicht mehr als %s Dateien auf einmal hochgeladen werden.", "366" => "Dieser Benutzer hat keine aktiven Arbeitsumgebungen.", "367" => "Dieser Dateityp ist beim Hochladen nicht erlaubt. Bitte nur folgende Typen verwenden: ", "368" => "Die Auswahl wurde erfolgreich aus dem Archive %s in das Verzeichnis %s extrahiert.", "369" => "APPLICATION_TITLE Link", "370" => "APPLICATION_TITLE öffentlicher Download", "371" => "Für diesen Download wird ein Passwort benötigt", "372" => "Aktuelle Arbeitsumgebung", "373" => "Ziel", "374" => "Ordner können nicht zwischen Arbeitsumgebungen kopiert werden", "375" => "Achtung, Inaktivität seit mehr als __IDLE__. Ein automatischer Logout erfolgt in __LOGOUT__.", "376" => "Zum Zurücksetzen irgendwo klicken", "378" => "Achtung! Sie haben entweder ein leeres oder ein zu kurzes Passwort eingegeben!", "379" => "Unsicheres Passwort!", "380" => "Zu kurz", "381" => "Sehr unsicher", "382" => "Unsicher", "383" => "Mittel", "384" => "Sicher", "385" => "Sehr sicher", "386" => "Drei Anmeldeversuche sind fehlgeschlagen.\\nGeben Sie zur Sicherheit bitte das Wort vom Bild ein.", "389" => "Bitte den untenstehenden Code lesen:", "390" => "Code", "391" => "Keine Arbeitsumgebungen", "392" => "Achtung, die Version des APPLICATION_TITLE hat sich geändert (jetzt %s). Bitte den Browser-Cache leeren und die Seite neu laden!", "393" => "Achtung, der Name muss kürzer als %s sein, dieser Dateiname wird abgeschnitten!", "394" => "Entschuldigung, aber zur Zeit ist das Teilen von Ordnern aufgrund des aktuellen Authentifizierungstreiber nicht möglich (Benutzer können nicht verändert werden). Aber das Datei-Sharing funktioniert.", "395" => "Das fallengelassene Element scheint ein Ordner zu sein. Ordner können nicht zum Server hochgeladen werden! Soll der Vorgang trotzdem gestartet werden?", "396" => "Auth. Methode", "397" => "Download segmentiert", "398" => "Download der ausgewählten Dateien in einzelnen Segmenten", "399" => "Geben Sie die Anzahl der Dateisegmente an, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche und wählen Sie die entsprechende Datei zum Download aus.", "400" => "Anzahl der Segmente:", "401" => "Um einzelne Segmente zusammen zufügen laden Sie folgende Software herunter und installieren Sie diese: ", "402" => "http://www.hjsplit.org/", "403" => "WebDAV Voreinstellungen", "404" => "Das WebDAV-Protokoll kann verwendet werden, um die APPLICATION_TITLE Arbeitsumgebungen als 'Netzwerklaufwerk' unter Windows, Mac, iPhone usw. zu nutzen.", "405" => "Nutzen Sie die folgenden URLs um auf die Arbeitsumgebungen mit ihrem eingegebenen Benutzernamen und Passwort zu zugreifen. Achtung, die Freigabe funktioniert nur, wenn diese auf 'Aktiv' gesetzt ist und das Passwort eingegeben wurde.", "406" => "Aktiviere die WebDAV-Freigaben", "407" => "Bitte das Passwort eingeben, wenn die WebDAV-Freigaben zum ersten Mal aktiviert werden oder ein neues Passwort verwendet werden soll:", "408" => "WebDAV-Freigaben erfolgreich aktiviert, falls es die erste Aktivierung ist, bitte nicht vergessen das Passwort zu aktualisieren!", "409" => "WebDAV-Freigaben erfolgreich deaktiviert", "410" => "WebDAV-Passwort erfolgreich aktualisiert", "411" => "öffnen", "412" => "Nur Hochladen", "413" => "Freigegeben von", "414" => "Benutzen Sie die Pfeile zum Navigieren und die +/- Symbole zum Ändern der Größe.", "415" => "Die linke Seite Ein- und Ausschalten", "416" => "Linke Seite", "leftpane_accesskey" => "L", "417" => "Arbeitsumgebung hinzufügen...", "418" => "Eigene Arbeitsumgebung erstellen", "419" => "Lade Vorlagen...", "420" => "Vorlagen", "421" => "Neu %s", "422" => "Bitte geben Sie die erforderlichen Parameter an. Fahren Sie mit der Maus über die Titel um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.", "423" => "Arbeitsumgebung löschen", "424" => "Arbeitsumgebung wirklich löschen? Das Löschen kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.", "425" => "Die Arbeitsumgebung wurde erstellt und zu ihrer Liste der Arbeitsumgebungen hinzugefügt. Falls es wieder gelöscht werden soll, zunächst zu einer anderer Arbeitsumgebung wechseln und dann auf das rote Kreuz neben dem Namen der Arbeitsumgebung klicken.", "426" => "Es ist ein Fehler beim Erstellen der Arbeitsumgebung aufgetreten.", "427" => "Es ist ein Fehler beim Löschen der Arbeitsumgebung aufgetreten.", "428" => "Die Arbeitsumgebung wurde gelöscht.", "429" => "Dies gibt an, wie die Arbeitsumgebung in der Liste dargestellt wird.", "430" => "Öffentliche Dateien", "431" => "Beispiel Vorlage", "432" => "Meine Dateien", "433" => "bereit", "434" => "senden", "435" => "fertig", "436" => "Fehler", "437" => "Oh, es scheint, dass das Sicherheitstoken abgelaufen ist! Bitte %s durch drücken von F5 Neuladen!", "438" => "Neuladen der Seite", "439" => "Grundeinstellungen", "440" => "Ja", "441" => "Nein", "442" => "Mein Konto", "443" => "Persönliche Informationen aktualisieren", "444" => "Bitte das Passwort neu setzen, ansonsten ist ein erneutes Anmelden nicht möglich.", "445" => "Sie wurden abgemeldet. Bitte erneut mit dem neuen Passwort anmelden, Danke!", "446" => "Präsentation", "447" => "Meine Gruppe", "448" => "Benutzer erstellen", "449" => "erstelle %s, wähle ein Passwort", "450" => "Sortieren nach ...", "451" => "Sortiere Thumbnails nach ...", "452" => "Thumbnails Größe", "453" => "Setze Größe der Thumbnails", "454" => "Durchsuchen", "455" => "Meine Arbeitsumgebung", "456" => "Mehr", "457" => "update", "458" => "löschen", "459" => "Hauptordner", "460" => "Details", "461" => "Zur Detailansicht wechseln", "detail_access_key" => "D", "462" => "Vorschau", "preview_access_key" => "r", "463" => "Alle herunterladen", "464" => "Alle Inhalte der Arbeitsumgebungen auf einmal herunterladen (gezippt)", "465" => "Zeige alternative URLs (momentane Arbeitsumgebungen)", "466" => "Lade...", "467" => "Alle geteilten Inhalte", "468" => "Meine Arbeitsumgebung", "469" => "Mit mir Geteilt", "470" => "Erstellt %date", "471" => "Erstellt von %user %date", "472" => "Geteilt von %user", "473" => "Geteilt von %user %date", "474" => "Keine Beschreibung verfügbar", "475" => "Für alle Benutzer freigegeben", "476" => "Ihre persönliche Arbeitsumgebung", "477" => "Datei oder Ordner wählen um deren Details hier zu sehen", "478" => "Keine Ergebnisse gefunden", "479" => "Passwort vergessen?", "480" => "Alle Ordner der aktuellen Arbeitsumgebung anzeigen.", "481" => "Alle freigegebenen Dateien und Ordner", "482" => "Schnellzugriff auf vorgemerkte Dinge", "483" => "Sie sind nicht autorisiert zusätzliche Benutzer zu erstellen!", "484" => "Benutzer erstellen", "485" => "Erstelle einen gemeinsamen Benutzer", "486" => "Erweitert", "487" => "Einfach", "488" => "Erweiterte Filter", "489" => "Metadaten", "490" => "Zeitraum", "491" => "Nach", "492" => "bis", "493" => "Heute", "494" => "Gestern", "495" => "Letzte Woche", "496" => "Letzten Monat", "497" => "Letztes Jahr", "498" => "Dokumenteeigenschaften", "499" => "Datei", "500" => "Erweiterung", "501" => "oder", "502" => "Ordner", "503" => "Größe", "504" => "1k,1M,1G", "505" => "bis", "506" => "Einstellungen der Anwendung (Benutzer, Arbeitsumgebungen, Konfigurationen)", "507" => "Willkommen bei %s", "508" => "Wir erstellten ein Konto für Sie bei %s. Um sich zu verbinden klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link %link und melden Sie sich mit diesen Zugangsdaten an:  <br><br> Benutzername: %user <br><br> Passwort: %pass", "509" => "Aktuelle Benutzerliste als persönliches Team speichern", "510" => "Bitte eine Markierung für das Team eingeben", "511" => "Mein(e) %s", "512" => "Vollbildanzeige", "513" => "anzeigen", "514" => "verbergen", "515" => "Keine Lesezeichen. Dateien oder Ordner für den Schnellzugriff per Drag und Drop hinzufügen.", "516" => "ausklappen", "517" => "einklappen", "518" => "Sie können auch eine <a class='create_file_alt_link'>leere Datei erstellen</a>.", "519" => "Benutzer akualisieren", "520" => "Benutzerkonto und Passwort aktualisieren", "521" => "Benutzerkonto erfolgreich aktualisiert", "522" => "Benutzer-ID", "523" => "Passwort", "524" => "Passwort ändern", "525" => "Originalbild anzeigen", "526" => "Niedrig aufgelöste Version zur schnellen Anzeige", "527" => "Geteilt mit", "528" => "Interne Benutzer", "530" => "Externe Benutzer", "531" => "Intern", "532" => "Extern", "533" => "Identifier used to login, please use alphanumeric or email lowercase characters.", "534" => "Password used to login", "535" => "Sende Passwort via E-Mail", "536" => "Sende eine Willkommens-E-Mail an den neuen Benutzer (inkl. Passwort )", "plugtype.title.access" => "Arbeitsumgebungs-Treiber", "plugtype.desc.access" => "Erweiterungen, die bei Arbeitsumgebungen festlegen, wie auf die Daten zugegriffen werden kann", "plugtype.title.action" => "Aktionen", "plugtype.desc.action" => "Erweiterungen für verschiedene Zusatzfunktionen", "plugtype.title.authfront" => "Authentifizierungs-Frontends", "plugtype.desc.authfront" => "Verschiedene Methoden für die Anmeldung von Benutzern via Formular, API und mehr", "plugtype.title.cypher" => "Verschlüsselung", "plugtype.desc.cypher" => "Erweiterungen für die Verschlüsselung von Daten", "plugtype.title.editor" => "Editoren", "plugtype.desc.editor" => "Datei-Betrachter und Editoren für eine Vielzahl von MIME-Typen", "plugtype.title.gui" => "Grafische Oberfläche", "plugtype.desc.gui" => "Die Web-Oberfläche, Themen und Erweiterungen", "plugtype.title.index" => "Indizierung", "plugtype.desc.index" => "Werkzeuge für die Indizierung von Daten und von Suchfunktionen", "plugtype.title.meta" => "Metadaten", "plugtype.desc.meta" => "Zusätzliche Metadaten für Arbeitsumgebungen", "plugtype.title.metastore" => "Metadatenspeicher", "plugtype.desc.metastore" => "Verschiedene Erweiterungen für das Speichern von Metadaten zu Ordner und Dateien.", "plugtype.title.shorten" => "URL-Kürzungsdienste", "plugtype.desc.shorten" => "Erweiterung zum Kürzen öffentlicher Links", "plugtype.title.uploader" => "Uploader", "plugtype.desc.uploader" => "Uploader basierend auf verschiedenen Technologien wie HTML, Javascript, Java und andere", "plugtype.title.auth" => "Authentifizierungs-Backends", "plugtype.desc.auth" => "Methoden für die Anmeldung und Speicherung der Benutzerdaten im Backend", "plugtype.title.boot" => "Loader", "plugtype.desc.boot" => "Spezielles Plugin für den Ladevorgang des Frameworks", "plugtype.title.conf" => "Konfigurationsspeicher", "plugtype.desc.conf" => "Methoden für die Speicherung der Konfiguration im Backend", "plugtype.title.feed" => "Ereignisspeicher", "plugtype.desc.feed" => "Methoden für die Speicherung von Daten-Ereignissen", "plugtype.title.log" => "Protokollierung", "plugtype.desc.log" => "Sendet Anwendungsprotokolle an verschiedene Ziele", "plugtype.title.mailer" => "Mailer", "plugtype.desc.mailer" => "Werkzeuge für den Versand von E-Mails", "plugtype.title.mq" => "Nachrichten-Warteschlangen", "plugtype.desc.mq" => "Implementation eines einfachen PUB/SUB-Servers", "537" => "Datei zu gross! Maximal erlaubte Grösse ist %i", "538" => "Fehler beim Hochladen: Datei auf dem Server nicht gefunden!", "539" => "Fehler beim Hochladen: Datei ist unvollständig", "540" => "Fehler beim Hochladen: Ordner für temporäre Dateien nicht gefunden", "541" => "Fehler beim Hochladen: Kein Schreibzugriff auf Ordner für temporäre Dateien", "542" => "Fehler beim Hochladen: Hochladen wurde durch PHP-Erweiterung unterbrochen");
 public function stream_stat()
     $PROBE_REAL_SIZE = ConfService::getConf("PROBE_REAL_SIZE");
     if (is_resource($this->fp)) {
         $statValue = fstat($this->fp);
         fsAccessWrapper::$lastRealSize = false;
         if ($statValue[2] > 0 && $PROBE_REAL_SIZE && !ini_get("safe_mode")) {
             fsAccessWrapper::$lastRealSize = floatval(trim($this->getTrueSizeOnFileSystem($this->realPath)));
         return $statValue;
     if (is_resource($this->dH)) {
         return fstat($this->dH);
     if ($this->fp == -1) {
         return self::$currentListing[self::$currentFileKey];
     return null;