예제 #1
  * Attempts to retrieve the API entity name from any calling class.
  * @param string|object $classNameOrObject
  * @return string
  * @throws CRM_Core_Exception
 static function getEntityName($classNameOrObject)
     require_once 'api/api.php';
     $className = is_string($classNameOrObject) ? $classNameOrObject : get_class($classNameOrObject);
     // First try the obvious replacements
     $daoName = str_replace(array('_BAO_', '_Form_', '_Page_'), '_DAO_', $className);
     $shortName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName);
     // If that didn't work, try a different pattern
     if (!$shortName) {
         list(, $parent, , $child) = explode('_', $className);
         $daoName = "CRM_{$parent}_DAO_{$child}";
         $shortName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName);
     // If that didn't work, try a different pattern
     if (!$shortName) {
         $daoName = "CRM_{$parent}_DAO_{$parent}";
         $shortName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName);
     // If that didn't work, try a different pattern
     if (!$shortName) {
         $daoName = "CRM_Core_DAO_{$child}";
         $shortName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName);
     if (!$shortName) {
         throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Could not find api name for supplied class');
     return _civicrm_api_get_entity_name_from_camel($shortName);
예제 #2
파일: Api.php 프로젝트: kidaa30/yes
  * Attempts to retrieve the API entity name from any calling class.
  * FIXME: This is a bit hackish but the naming convention for forms is not very strict
  * @param string|object $classNameOrObject
  * @return string
  * @throws CRM_Core_Exception
 public static function getEntityName($classNameOrObject)
     require_once 'api/api.php';
     $className = is_string($classNameOrObject) ? $classNameOrObject : get_class($classNameOrObject);
     // First try the obvious replacements
     $daoName = str_replace(array('_BAO_', '_Form_', '_Page_'), '_DAO_', $className);
     $entityName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName);
     // If that didn't work, try a different pattern
     if (!$entityName) {
         list(, $parent, , $child) = explode('_', $className);
         $daoName = "CRM_{$parent}_DAO_{$child}";
         $entityName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName);
     // If that didn't work, try a different pattern
     if (!$entityName) {
         $daoName = "CRM_{$parent}_DAO_{$parent}";
         $entityName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName);
     // If that didn't work, try a different pattern
     if (!$entityName) {
         $daoName = "CRM_Core_DAO_{$child}";
         $entityName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName);
     // If that didn't work, try using just the trailing name
     if (!$entityName) {
         $entityName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getFullName($child) ? $child : NULL;
     // If that didn't work, try using just the leading name
     if (!$entityName) {
         $entityName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getFullName($parent) ? $parent : NULL;
     if (!$entityName) {
         throw new CRM_Core_Exception('Could not find api name for supplied class');
     return $entityName;
예제 #3
  * Apply common settings to entityRef fields.
  * @param array $field
  * @param string $table
 private function setEntityRefDefaults(&$field, $table)
     $field['attributes'] = $field['attributes'] ? $field['attributes'] : array();
     $field['attributes'] += array('entity' => CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName(CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($table)), 'multiple' => TRUE, 'placeholder' => ts('- select -'));
예제 #4
 * Having a DAO object find the entity name
 * @param object $bao DAO being passed in
 * @return string
function _civicrm_api_get_entity_name_from_dao($bao)
    $daoName = str_replace("BAO", "DAO", get_class($bao));
    return _civicrm_api_get_entity_name_from_camel(CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($daoName));
예제 #5
  * @param $entityTable
 public static function preProcess($entityTable)
     self::$_entityId = (int) CRM_Utils_Request::retrieve('id', 'Positive');
     self::$_entityTable = $entityTable;
     if (self::$_entityId && $entityTable) {
         $checkParentExistsForThisId = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getParentFor(self::$_entityId, $entityTable);
         if ($checkParentExistsForThisId) {
             self::$_hasParent = TRUE;
             self::$_parentEntityId = $checkParentExistsForThisId;
             self::$_scheduleReminderDetails = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getReminderDetailsByEntityId($checkParentExistsForThisId, $entityTable);
         } else {
             self::$_parentEntityId = self::$_entityId;
             self::$_scheduleReminderDetails = CRM_Core_BAO_RecurringEntity::getReminderDetailsByEntityId(self::$_entityId, $entityTable);
         if (property_exists(self::$_scheduleReminderDetails, 'id')) {
             self::$_scheduleReminderID = self::$_scheduleReminderDetails->id;
     CRM_Core_OptionValue::getValues(array('name' => $entityTable . '_repeat_exclude_dates_' . self::$_parentEntityId), $optionValue);
     $excludeOptionValues = array();
     if (!empty($optionValue)) {
         foreach ($optionValue as $key => $val) {
             $excludeOptionValues[$val['value']] = substr(CRM_Utils_Date::mysqlToIso($val['value']), 0, 10);
         self::$_excludeDateInfo = $excludeOptionValues;
     // Assign variables
     $entityType = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName(CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($entityTable));
     $tpl = CRM_Core_Smarty::singleton();
     $tpl->assign('recurringEntityType', ts($entityType));
     $tpl->assign('currentEntityId', self::$_entityId);
     $tpl->assign('entityTable', self::$_entityTable);
     $tpl->assign('scheduleReminderId', self::$_scheduleReminderID);
     $tpl->assign('hasParent', self::$_hasParent);
예제 #6
 * Returns fields allowable by api.
 * @param $entity
 *   String Entity to query.
 * @param bool $unique
 *   Index by unique fields?.
 * @param array $params
 * @return array
function _civicrm_api_get_fields($entity, $unique = FALSE, &$params = array())
    $unsetIfEmpty = array('dataPattern', 'headerPattern', 'default', 'export', 'import');
    $dao = _civicrm_api3_get_DAO($entity);
    if (empty($dao)) {
        return array();
    $d = new $dao();
    $fields = $d->fields();
    // replace uniqueNames by the normal names as the key
    if (empty($unique)) {
        foreach ($fields as $name => &$field) {
            //getting rid of unused attributes
            foreach ($unsetIfEmpty as $attr) {
                if (empty($field[$attr])) {
            if ($name == $field['name']) {
            if (array_key_exists($field['name'], $fields)) {
                $field['error'] = 'name conflict';
                // it should never happen, but better safe than sorry
            $fields[$field['name']] = $field;
            $fields[$field['name']]['uniqueName'] = $name;
    // Translate FKClassName to the corresponding api
    foreach ($fields as $name => &$field) {
        if (!empty($field['FKClassName'])) {
            $FKApi = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($field['FKClassName']);
            if ($FKApi) {
                $field['FKApiName'] = $FKApi;
    $fields += _civicrm_api_get_custom_fields($entity, $params);
    return $fields;
예제 #7
  * Low-level option getter, rarely accessed directly.
  * NOTE: Rather than calling this function directly use CRM_*_BAO_*::buildOptions()
  * @see http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Pseudoconstant+%28option+list%29+Reference
  * NOTE: If someone undertakes a refactoring of this, please consider the use-case of
  * the Setting.getoptions API. There is no DAO/field, but it would be nice to use the
  * same 'pseudoconstant' struct in *.settings.php. This means loosening the coupling
  * between $field lookup and the $pseudoconstant evaluation.
  * @param string $daoName
  * @param string $fieldName
  * @param array $params
  * - name       string  name of the option group
  * - flip       boolean results are return in id => label format if false
  *                            if true, the results are reversed
  * - grouping   boolean if true, return the value in 'grouping' column (currently unsupported for tables other than option_value)
  * - localize   boolean if true, localize the results before returning
  * - condition  string|array add condition(s) to the sql query - will be concatenated using 'AND'
  * - keyColumn  string the column to use for 'id'
  * - labelColumn string the column to use for 'label'
  * - orderColumn string the column to use for sorting, defaults to 'weight' column if one exists, else defaults to labelColumn
  * - onlyActive boolean return only the action option values
  * - fresh      boolean ignore cache entries and go back to DB
  * @param string $context : Context string
  * @return array|bool
  *   array on success, FALSE on error.
 public static function get($daoName, $fieldName, $params = array(), $context = NULL)
     $flip = !empty($params['flip']);
     // Merge params with defaults
     $params += array('grouping' => FALSE, 'localize' => FALSE, 'onlyActive' => $context == 'validate' || $context == 'get' ? FALSE : TRUE, 'fresh' => FALSE, 'context' => $context);
     $entity = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName(CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getCanonicalClassName($daoName));
     // Custom fields are not in the schema
     if (strpos($fieldName, 'custom_') === 0 && is_numeric($fieldName[7])) {
         $customField = new CRM_Core_BAO_CustomField();
         $customField->id = (int) substr($fieldName, 7);
         $options = $customField->getOptions();
         if ($options && $flip) {
             $options = array_flip($options);
         return $options;
     // Core field: load schema
     $dao = new $daoName();
     $fieldSpec = $dao->getFieldSpec($fieldName);
     // Ensure we have the canonical name for this field
     $fieldName = CRM_Utils_Array::value('name', $fieldSpec, $fieldName);
     // Return false if field doesn't exist.
     if (empty($fieldSpec)) {
         return FALSE;
     } elseif (!empty($fieldSpec['pseudoconstant'])) {
         $pseudoconstant = $fieldSpec['pseudoconstant'];
         // if callback is specified..
         if (!empty($pseudoconstant['callback'])) {
             return call_user_func(Civi\Core\Resolver::singleton()->get($pseudoconstant['callback']));
         // Merge params with schema defaults
         $params += array('condition' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('condition', $pseudoconstant, array()), 'keyColumn' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('keyColumn', $pseudoconstant), 'labelColumn' => CRM_Utils_Array::value('labelColumn', $pseudoconstant));
         if ($context == 'abbreviate') {
             switch ($fieldName) {
                 case 'state_province_id':
                     $params['labelColumn'] = 'abbreviation';
                 case 'country_id':
                     $params['labelColumn'] = 'iso_code';
         // Fetch option group from option_value table
         if (!empty($pseudoconstant['optionGroupName'])) {
             if ($context == 'validate') {
                 $params['labelColumn'] = 'name';
             if ($context == 'match') {
                 $params['keyColumn'] = 'name';
             // Call our generic fn for retrieving from the option_value table
             $options = CRM_Core_OptionGroup::values($pseudoconstant['optionGroupName'], $flip, $params['grouping'], $params['localize'], $params['condition'] ? ' AND ' . implode(' AND ', (array) $params['condition']) : NULL, $params['labelColumn'] ? $params['labelColumn'] : 'label', $params['onlyActive'], $params['fresh'], $params['keyColumn'] ? $params['keyColumn'] : 'value');
             CRM_Utils_Hook::fieldOptions($entity, $fieldName, $options, $params);
             return $options;
         // Fetch options from other tables
         if (!empty($pseudoconstant['table'])) {
             // Normalize params so the serialized cache string will be consistent.
             CRM_Utils_Array::remove($params, 'flip', 'fresh');
             $cacheKey = $daoName . $fieldName . serialize($params);
             // Retrieve cached options
             if (isset(self::$cache[$cacheKey]) && empty($params['fresh'])) {
                 $output = self::$cache[$cacheKey];
             } else {
                 $daoName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($pseudoconstant['table']);
                 if (!class_exists($daoName)) {
                     return FALSE;
                 // Get list of fields for the option table
                 $dao = new $daoName();
                 $availableFields = array_keys($dao->fieldKeys());
                 $select = "SELECT %1 AS id, %2 AS label";
                 $from = "FROM %3";
                 $wheres = array();
                 $order = "ORDER BY %2";
                 // Use machine name in certain contexts
                 if ($context == 'validate' || $context == 'match') {
                     $nameField = $context == 'validate' ? 'labelColumn' : 'keyColumn';
                     if (!empty($pseudoconstant['nameColumn'])) {
                         $params[$nameField] = $pseudoconstant['nameColumn'];
                     } elseif (in_array('name', $availableFields)) {
                         $params[$nameField] = 'name';
                 // Condition param can be passed as an sql clause string or an array of clauses
                 if (!empty($params['condition'])) {
                     $wheres[] = implode(' AND ', (array) $params['condition']);
                 // onlyActive param will automatically filter on common flags
                 if (!empty($params['onlyActive'])) {
                     foreach (array('is_active' => 1, 'is_deleted' => 0, 'is_test' => 0, 'is_hidden' => 0) as $flag => $val) {
                         if (in_array($flag, $availableFields)) {
                             $wheres[] = "{$flag} = {$val}";
                 // Filter domain specific options
                 if (in_array('domain_id', $availableFields)) {
                     $wheres[] = 'domain_id = ' . CRM_Core_Config::domainID();
                 $queryParams = array(1 => array($params['keyColumn'], 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::QUERY_FORMAT_NO_QUOTES), 2 => array($params['labelColumn'], 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::QUERY_FORMAT_NO_QUOTES), 3 => array($pseudoconstant['table'], 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::QUERY_FORMAT_NO_QUOTES));
                 // Add orderColumn param
                 if (!empty($params['orderColumn'])) {
                     $queryParams[4] = array($params['orderColumn'], 'String', CRM_Core_DAO::QUERY_FORMAT_NO_QUOTES);
                     $order = "ORDER BY %4";
                 } elseif (isset($params['orderColumn']) && $params['orderColumn'] === FALSE) {
                     $order = '';
                 } elseif (in_array('weight', $availableFields)) {
                     $order = "ORDER BY weight";
                 $output = array();
                 $query = "{$select} {$from}";
                 if ($wheres) {
                     $query .= " WHERE " . implode($wheres, ' AND ');
                 $query .= ' ' . $order;
                 $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery($query, $queryParams);
                 while ($dao->fetch()) {
                     $output[$dao->id] = $dao->label;
                 // Localize results
                 if (!empty($params['localize']) || $pseudoconstant['table'] == 'civicrm_country' || $pseudoconstant['table'] == 'civicrm_state_province') {
                     $I18nParams = array();
                     if ($pseudoconstant['table'] == 'civicrm_country') {
                         $I18nParams['context'] = 'country';
                     if ($pseudoconstant['table'] == 'civicrm_state_province') {
                         $I18nParams['context'] = 'province';
                     $i18n = CRM_Core_I18n::singleton();
                     $i18n->localizeArray($output, $I18nParams);
                     // Maintain sort by label
                     if ($order == "ORDER BY %2") {
                 CRM_Utils_Hook::fieldOptions($entity, $fieldName, $output, $params);
                 self::$cache[$cacheKey] = $output;
             return $flip ? array_flip($output) : $output;
     } elseif (CRM_Utils_Array::value('type', $fieldSpec) === CRM_Utils_Type::T_BOOLEAN) {
         $output = $context == 'validate' ? array(0, 1) : CRM_Core_SelectValues::boolean();
         CRM_Utils_Hook::fieldOptions($entity, $fieldName, $output, $params);
         return $flip ? array_flip($output) : $output;
     // If we're still here, it's an error. Return FALSE.
     return FALSE;
예제 #8
 * For BAO's which don't have a create() or add() functions, use this fallback implementation.
 * @fixme There's an intuitive sense that this behavior should be defined somehow in the BAO/DAO class
 * structure. In practice, that requires a fair amount of refactoring and/or kludgery.
 * @param string $bao_name
 * @param array $params
 * @throws API_Exception
 * @return CRM_Core_DAO|NULL an instance of the BAO
function _civicrm_api3_basic_create_fallback($bao_name, &$params)
    $dao_name = get_parent_class($bao_name);
    if ($dao_name === 'CRM_Core_DAO' || !$dao_name) {
        $dao_name = $bao_name;
    $entityName = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($dao_name);
    if (empty($entityName)) {
        throw new API_Exception("Class \"{$bao_name}\" does not map to an entity name", "unmapped_class_to_entity", array('class_name' => $bao_name));
    $hook = empty($params['id']) ? 'create' : 'edit';
    CRM_Utils_Hook::pre($hook, $entityName, CRM_Utils_Array::value('id', $params), $params);
    $instance = new $dao_name();
    CRM_Utils_Hook::post($hook, $entityName, $instance->id, $instance);
    return $instance;
예제 #9
  * Generates acl clauses suitable for adding to WHERE or ON when doing an api.get for this entity
  * Return format is in the form of fieldname => clauses starting with an operator. e.g.:
  * @code
  *   array(
  *     'location_type_id' => array('IS NOT NULL', 'IN (1,2,3)')
  *   )
  * @endcode
  * Note that all array keys must be actual field names in this entity. Use subqueries to filter on other tables e.g. custom values.
  * @return array
 public function addSelectWhereClause()
     $clauses = array();
     $fields = $this->fields();
     foreach ($fields as $fieldName => $field) {
         // Clause for contact-related entities like Email, Relationship, etc.
         if (strpos($fieldName, 'contact_id') === 0 && CRM_Utils_Array::value('FKClassName', $field) == 'CRM_Contact_DAO_Contact') {
             $clauses[$fieldName] = CRM_Utils_SQL::mergeSubquery('Contact');
         // Clause for an entity_table/entity_id combo
         if ($fieldName == 'entity_id' && isset($fields['entity_table'])) {
             $relatedClauses = array();
             $relatedEntities = $this->buildOptions('entity_table', 'get');
             foreach ((array) $relatedEntities as $table => $ent) {
                 if (!empty($ent)) {
                     $ent = CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName(CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($table));
                     $subquery = CRM_Utils_SQL::mergeSubquery($ent);
                     if ($subquery) {
                         $relatedClauses[] = "(entity_table = '{$table}' AND entity_id " . implode(' AND entity_id ', $subquery) . ")";
                     } else {
                         $relatedClauses[] = "(entity_table = '{$table}')";
             if ($relatedClauses) {
                 $clauses['id'] = 'IN (SELECT id FROM `' . $this->tableName() . '` WHERE (' . implode(') OR (', $relatedClauses) . '))';
     CRM_Utils_Hook::selectWhereClause($this, $clauses);
     return $clauses;
  * @param string $entityTable
  *   The target entity table (e.g. "civicrm_mailing" or "civicrm_activity").
  * @return string|NULL
  *   The target entity name (e.g. "Mailing" or "Activity").
 public function getDelegatedEntityName($entityTable)
     if ($this->allowedDelegates === NULL || in_array($entityTable, $this->allowedDelegates)) {
         $className = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getClassForTable($entityTable);
         if ($className) {
             $entityName = \CRM_Core_DAO_AllCoreTables::getBriefName($className);
             if ($entityName) {
                 return $entityName;
     return NULL;