/*we use index 0 (ekm account id) to test if the line is an actual contact. * if index 0 is not blank then it is account/contact information and the contact * details will be found in successive lines.*/ if ($order[0] != '') { // now we run a cursive check with existing ekm account id's to prevent duplicates for ($x = 0; $x <= $concount; $x++) { if ($ekmids[$x] == $order[0]) { $found = true; $sel = $x; } } if ($found != true) { if ($order[9] != '' && strpos('EKMUNIQUE', $order[9]) == 0 && $order[36] == 'COMPLETE') { //echo 'updating for email address '.$order[9].'<br>'; $contact = new Infusionsoft_Contact(); $eml = new Infusionsoft_EmailService(); $grp = new Infusionsoft_ContactGroupAssign(); $data = new Infusionsoft_DataService(); $contact->addCustomField('_County'); $contact->addCustomField('_County2'); $contact->addCustomField('_ShippingCompany'); $contact->addCustomField('_ShippingFirstName'); $contact->addCustomField('_ShippingLastName'); $contact->AccountId = $order[0]; $contact->Email = $order[9]; $contact->FirstName = $order[10]; $contact->LastName = $order[11]; $contact->Company = $order[12]; $contact->StreetAddress1 = $order[13]; $contact->StreetAddress2 = $order[14]; $contact->City = $order[15];
<form> Template Id: <input type="text" name="TemplateId"> <input type="submit"> </form> <?php include '../infusionsoft.php'; include 'testUtils.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['TemplateId'])) { $template = Infusionsoft_EmailService::getEmailTemplate($_REQUEST['TemplateId'] + 0); ?> <H1>Template Source (htmlBody)</H1> <?php echo "<pre>" . $template['htmlBody'] . "</pre>"; }
} ?> "><br/> receivedDate: <input type="text" name="receivedDate" value="<?php if (isset($_REQUEST['receivedDate'])) { echo htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['receivedDate']); } ?> "><br/> sentDate: <input type="text" name="sentDate" value="<?php if (isset($_REQUEST['sentDate'])) { echo htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['sentDate']); } ?> "><br/> emailSentType: <input type="text" name="emailSentType" value="<?php if (isset($_REQUEST['emailSentType'])) { echo htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST['emailSentType']); } ?> "><br/> <input type="submit"> <input type="hidden" name="go"> </form> <?php include '../infusionsoft.php'; include 'testUtils.php'; if (isset($_REQUEST['go'])) { $out = Infusionsoft_EmailService::attachEmail($_REQUEST['contactId'], $_REQUEST['fromName'], $_REQUEST['fromAddress'], $_REQUEST['toAddress'], $_REQUEST['ccAddresses'], $_REQUEST['bccAddresses'], $_REQUEST['contentType'], $_REQUEST['subject'], $_REQUEST['htmlBody'], $_REQUEST['textBody'], $_REQUEST['header'], $_REQUEST['receivedDate'], $_REQUEST['sentDate'], $_REQUEST['emailSentType']); var_dump($out); }