예제 #1
 // When transaction has a minimum confirmations
 if ($bitcoin->getreceivedbyaccount($address_id, BITCOIN_MIN_TRANSACTION_CONFIRMATIONS)) {
     // New approved statuses
     // Set order as APPROVED
     $statement = $db->prepare('UPDATE `order` SET `order_status_id` = ? WHERE `order_id` = ? LIMIT 1');
     $statement->execute(array(ORDER_APPROVED_STATUS_ID, $order->order_id));
     // Add file quota bonus
     $statement = $db->prepare('UPDATE `user` SET `file_quota` = `file_quota` + ? WHERE `user_id` = ? LIMIT 1');
     $statement->execute(array(QUOTA_BONUS_SIZE_PER_ORDER, $order->seller_user_id));
     // Generating a billing report
     if ($statement->rowCount()) {
         $fund_profit = (double) $order->amount * FEE_PER_ORDER / 100;
         $seller_profit = (double) $order->amount - $fund_profit;
         // Withdraw seller profit
         if ($transaction_id = $bitcoin->sendtoaddress($order->withdraw_address, $seller_profit, sprintf("%s Payout - Order ID %s", PROJECT_NAME, $order->order_id))) {
         } else {
             $error[] = sprintf("Seller Withdraw %s", $bitcoin->error);
         // Withdraw profit
         if (!$error && $fund_profit > 0) {
             if ($transaction_id = $bitcoin->sendtoaddress(BITCOIN_FUND_ADDRESS, $fund_profit, sprintf("%s Profit - Order ID %s", PROJECT_NAME, $order->order_id))) {
             } else {
                 $error[] = sprintf("[Fund Withdraw] %s", $bitcoin->error);
         // Add seller notification
         $notification = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `user_notification` SET `user_id`     = :user_id,
                                                                           `language_id` = :language_id,
예제 #2
if ($statement->rowCount()) {
    foreach ($statement->fetchAll() as $request) {
        $address_id = BITCOIN_USER_VERIFICATION_PREFIX . $request->user_id;
        // When order has been purchased
        if ((double) $bitcoin->getreceivedbyaccount($address_id) >= (double) $request->amount && $bitcoin->getreceivedbyaccount($address_id, BITCOIN_MIN_TRANSACTION_CONFIRMATIONS)) {
            // Transaction has minimum confirmations
            // Increase counter
            // Set order as PROCESSED
            $statement = $db->prepare('UPDATE `user_verification_request` SET `status` = ? WHERE `user_verification_id` = ? LIMIT 1');
            $statement->execute(array('processed', $request->user_verification_id));
            $affiliate_profit = round($request->amount - $request->amount * FEE_USER_VERIFICATION_AFFILIATE / 100, 8);
            $fund_profit = round($request->amount - $affiliate_profit, 8);
            // Withdraw affiliate profit
            if ($transaction_id = $bitcoin->sendtoaddress($request->affiliate_address, $affiliate_profit, sprintf("%s Payout to Affiliate ID %s - User Verification ID %s", PROJECT_NAME, $request->affiliate_user_id, $request->user_verification_id))) {
            } else {
                $error[] = sprintf("[Affiliate Withdraw] %s", $bitcoin->error);
            // Withdraw fund profit
            if (!$error && $fund_profit > 0) {
                if ($transaction_id = $bitcoin->sendtoaddress(BITCOIN_FUND_ADDRESS, $fund_profit, sprintf("%s Profit - User Verification ID %s", PROJECT_NAME, $request->user_verification_id))) {
                } else {
                    $error[] = sprintf("[Fund Withdraw] %s", $bitcoin->error);
            // Add affiliate notification
            $notification = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `user_notification` SET `user_id`     = :user_id,
                                                                              `language_id` = :language_id,
예제 #3
if ($approved_order_data) {
    $text .= "\n\nAPPROVED ORDERS\n\n";
    foreach ($approved_order_data as $order_id => $approved_order) {
        $text .= sprintf("Order #%s\n\n", $order_id);
        $text .= sprintf("\tBuyer #%s\n", $approved_order['buyer_id']);
        $text .= sprintf("\tSeller #%s\n", $approved_order['seller_id']);
        $text .= sprintf("\tProduct #%s\n", $approved_order['product_id']);
        $text .= sprintf("\tAmount: %s / Currency #%s\n", $approved_order['amount'], $approved_order['currency_id']);
        $text .= sprintf("\tWithdraw address: %s\n", $approved_order['withdraw_address']);
        $text .= sprintf("\tApproved time: %s\n\n", $approved_order['date']);
// Withdraw to the Bank Storage if Current Balance more than 0
$total_balance = $bitcoin->getbalance();
    if ($bitcoin->sendtoaddress(BITCOIN_STORAGE_WITHDRAW_ADDRESS, $total_balance, 'BITSYBAY BACKUP')) {
        $text .= "\n\nFund " . $total_balance . ' BTC has been send to the reserve address ' . BITCOIN_STORAGE_WITHDRAW_ADDRESS . ' at ' . date('d.m.y H:i:s');
    } else {
        $text .= "\n\nFund " . $total_balance . ' BTC has not been send to the reserve address ' . BITCOIN_STORAGE_WITHDRAW_ADDRESS . ' at ' . date('d.m.y H:i:s');
        $text .= sprintf("\nReason: %s", $bitcoin->error);
// Send billing report
if (!empty($text)) {
    $mail = new Mail();
    $mail->setSubject('BitsyBay - ORDER PROCESSOR REPORT');