예제 #1
  * @param <GameProgress> $gameProgress
  * @return <GameResponse>
 public function grantShareProgress($gameProgress)
     $gameResponse = new GameProgressResponse();
     settype($gameProgress, "object");
     settype($gameProgress, "object");
     settype($gameProgress->friend, "object");
     settype($gameProgress->csp, "object");
     settype($gameProgress->csp->user, "object");
     settype($gameProgress->csp->artifact, "object");
     settype($gameProgress->progressType, "object");
     settype($gameProgress->friend->user, "object");
     $currentUserGameProfile = $_SESSION['game_profile'];
     $gameResponse->currentSearchParty = $gameProgress->csp;
     $artifactUtil = new ArtifactUtil();
     $artifact = $gameProgress->csp->artifact;
     if ($artifactUtil->isArtifactActive($artifact) == 0) {
         //artifact is in active
         $gameResponse->isSomebodyGetArtifact = true;
         return $gameResponse;
     $gameUtil = new GameUtil();
     //checking weather the person have sufficient money to buy or not
     if (!$gameUtil->validShare($currentUserGameProfile, $gameProgress)) {
         return null;
     $gameDao = new GameDAO();
     $progress = $gameDao->getShareProgress($currentUserGameProfile, $gameProgress);
     $progress = (int) $progress;
     $gameProgress->csp->progress += $progress;
     if ($progress == 0) {
         //dont update
     } else {
         //update and it will always happen as progress will b greater than zero
         $currentSearchPartyUtil = new CurrentSearchPartyUtil();
         $updatedSearchParty = $currentSearchPartyUtil->updateCurrentSearchPartyProgress($gameProgress->csp);
         if ($updatedSearchParty == null) {
             //some body already get the artifact
             $gameResponse->isSomebodyGetArtifact = true;
             return $gameResponse;
         } else {
             $gameResponse->isSomebodyGetArtifact = false;
     $gameResponse->percentObjtained = $progress;
     if ($gameProgress->csp->progress >= 100) {
         $gameUtil = new GameUtil();
         $gameUtilRes = $gameUtil->obtainArtifact($gameProgress->csp, $currentUserGameProfile);
         $updatedGameProfile = $gameUtilRes[1];
         $gameResponse->updatedGameProfile = $updatedGameProfile;
         $gameResponse->artifact = $gameUtilRes[0];
         $gameResponse->isActifactObtained = true;
     return $gameResponse;
예제 #2
  * @param <CurrentSearchParty> $currentSearchParty
  * @param <GameProfile> $gameProfile
  * @return <Array>
 public function obtainArtifact($currentSearchParty, $gameProfile)
     //add to inventory
     //give experience i.e update game profile
     //chk for lvl up
     //make item inactive
      * Adding to inventory
     $inventoryUtil = new InventoryUtil();
     $inventory = new Inventory();
     $inventory->artifact = $currentSearchParty->artifact;
     $inventory->artifactLvl = $currentSearchParty->artifactLvl;
     $inventory->user = $currentSearchParty->user;
     $inventory = $inventoryUtil->addToInventory($inventory);
      * Calulate exp
     $exp = $currentSearchParty->artifactLvl * 100;
     $exp = $gameProfile->exp + $exp;
      * Update game profile and checking for levelup and updateing level
     $userProfileDAO = new UserProfileDAO();
     $updatedProfile = $userProfileDAO->giveExperience($gameProfile, $exp);
     //exp is the updated exp
      * Making the artifact inactive
     $artifactUtil = new ArtifactUtil();
     $returnArray = array();
     array_push($returnArray, $inventory);
     //on position 0 inventory will b thr
     array_push($returnArray, $updatedProfile);
     //on 1st position updated profile
     return $returnArray;