예제 #1
  * Build teh evobar menu
 function build_evobar_menu()
      * @var Menu
     global $topleft_Menu, $topright_Menu;
     global $current_User;
     global $home_url, $admin_url, $dispatcher, $debug, $seo_page_type, $robots_index;
     global $Blog, $blog;
     global $Settings;
     $perm_admin_normal = $current_User->check_perm('admin', 'normal');
     $perm_admin_restricted = $current_User->check_perm('admin', 'restricted');
     $entries = NULL;
     if ($perm_admin_normal) {
         // Normal Access to Admin:
         $entries = array('b2evo' => array('text' => '<strong>b2evolution</strong>', 'href' => $home_url), 'dashboard' => array('text' => T_('Dashboard'), 'href' => $admin_url, 'title' => T_('Go to admin dashboard')), 'see' => array('text' => T_('See'), 'href' => $home_url, 'title' => T_('See the home page')), 'write' => array('text' => T_('Write'), 'title' => T_('No blog is currently selected'), 'disabled' => true), 'blog' => array('text' => T_('Blog'), 'title' => T_('No blog is currently selected'), 'disabled' => true), 'tools' => array('text' => T_('More'), 'disabled' => true));
     } elseif ($perm_admin_restricted) {
         // restricted Access to Admin:
         $entries = array('see' => array('text' => T_('Site'), 'href' => $home_url, 'title' => T_('See the home page')));
         if ($current_User->check_perm('blogs', 'create')) {
             $entries['blog'] = array('text' => T_('Blog'), 'title' => T_('No blog is currently selected'), 'disabled' => true);
         $entries['tools'] = array('text' => T_('More'), 'disabled' => true);
     if (!empty($Blog)) {
         // A blog is currently selected:
         if ($perm_admin_normal) {
             $entries['dashboard']['href'] = $admin_url . '?blog=' . $Blog->ID;
         if ($perm_admin_restricted) {
             $entries['see']['href'] = $Blog->get('url');
             $entries['see']['title'] = T_('See the public view of this blog');
         if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_post_statuses', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
             // We have permission to add a post with at least one status:
             $write_item_url = $Blog->get_write_item_url();
             if ($write_item_url) {
                 // write item URL is not empty, so it's sure that user can create new post
                 if (!$perm_admin_normal) {
                     $entries['write'] = array('text' => T_('Write'));
                 $entries['write']['href'] = $write_item_url;
                 $entries['write']['disabled'] = false;
                 $entries['write']['title'] = T_('Write a new post into this blog');
         if ($perm_admin_normal) {
             if (empty($write_item_url)) {
                 // Display restricted message on this blog
                 $entries['write']['title'] = T_('You don\'t have permission to post into this blog');
             // BLOG MENU:
             $items_url = $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;filter=restore';
             $entries['blog']['href'] = $items_url;
             $entries['blog']['disabled'] = false;
             $entries['blog']['title'] = T_('Manage this blog');
             if ($Blog->get('type') == 'manual') {
                 // Manual Pages
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['manual'] = array('text' => T_('Manual Pages') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $items_url . '&amp;tab=manual');
             $entries['blog']['entries']['posts'] = array('text' => T_('Posts') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $items_url);
             // Check if user has permission for published, draft or depreceted comments (any of these)
             if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_comments', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
                 // Comments:
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['comments'] = array('text' => T_('Comments') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=comments&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;filter=restore');
             // Chapters / Categories:
             if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_cats', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
                 // Either permission for a specific blog or the global permission:
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['chapters'] = array('text' => T_('Categories') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=chapters&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID);
             $entries['blog']['entries']['files'] = NULL;
             // BLOG SETTINGS:
             if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_properties', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
                 // We have permission to edit blog properties:
                 $blog_param = '&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID;
                 if (!empty($entries['blog']['entries'])) {
                     // There are already entries aboce, insert a separator:
                     $entries['blog']['entries'][] = array('separator' => true);
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['general'] = array('text' => T_('Blog settings'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings' . $blog_param, 'entries' => array('general' => array('text' => T_('General') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=general' . $blog_param), 'features' => array('text' => T_('Features') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=features' . $blog_param), 'skin' => array('text' => T_('Skin') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=skin' . $blog_param), 'plugin_settings' => array('text' => T_('Plugins') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=plugin_settings' . $blog_param), 'widgets' => array('text' => T_('Widgets') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=widgets' . $blog_param), 'urls' => array('text' => T_('URLs') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=urls' . $blog_param), 'seo' => array('text' => T_('SEO') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=seo' . $blog_param), 'advanced' => array('text' => T_('Advanced') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=advanced' . $blog_param)));
                 if ($Blog && $Blog->advanced_perms) {
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['general']['entries']['userperms'] = array('text' => T_('User perms') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=perm' . $blog_param);
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['general']['entries']['groupperms'] = array('text' => T_('Group perms') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=permgroup' . $blog_param);
     // SYSTEM MENU:
     if ($perm_admin_restricted) {
         if ($debug) {
             $debug_text = 'DEBUG: ';
             if (!empty($seo_page_type)) {
                 // Set in skin_init()
                 $debug_text = $seo_page_type . ': ';
             if ($robots_index === false) {
                 $debug_text .= 'NO INDEX';
             } else {
                 $debug_text .= 'do index';
             $entries['tools']['entries']['noindex'] = array('text' => $debug_text, 'disabled' => true);
             $entries['tools']['entries'][''] = array('separator' => true);
         if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'view')) {
             // Users:
             $entries['tools']['disabled'] = false;
             $entries['tools']['entries']['users'] = array('text' => T_('Users') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=users');
         $entries['tools']['entries']['messaging'] = NULL;
         $entries['tools']['entries']['files'] = NULL;
         $perm_spam = $current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'view');
         $perm_options = $current_User->check_perm('options', 'view');
         $perm_emails = $current_User->check_perm('emails', 'view');
         $perm_slugs = $current_User->check_perm('slugs', 'view');
         $perm_maintenance = $current_User->check_perm('perm_maintenance', 'upgrade');
         if ($perm_spam || $perm_options || $perm_slugs || $perm_maintenance) {
             if ($perm_emails) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['email'] = array('text' => T_('Emails'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email', 'entries' => array('blocked' => array('text' => T_('Addresses') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email'), 'sent' => array('text' => T_('Sent') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&amp;tab=sent'), 'return' => array('text' => T_('Returned') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&amp;tab=return'), 'settings' => array('text' => T_('Settings') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&amp;tab=settings')));
             $entries['tools']['disabled'] = false;
             $entries['tools']['entries']['tools_sep'] = array('separator' => true);
             if ($perm_options) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['status'] = array('text' => T_('System status') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=system');
             if ($perm_options) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['crontab'] = array('text' => T_('Scheduler') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=crontab');
             if ($perm_spam) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['antispam'] = array('text' => T_('Antispam'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam', 'entries' => array('blacklist' => array('text' => T_('Blacklist') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam')));
                 if ($perm_options) {
                     // If we have access to options, then we add a submenu:
                     $entries['tools']['entries']['antispam']['entries']['ipranges'] = array('text' => T_('IP Ranges') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam&amp;tab3=ipranges');
                     $entries['tools']['entries']['antispam']['entries']['settings'] = array('text' => T_('Settings') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam&amp;tab3=settings');
                     if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'edit')) {
                         $entries['tools']['entries']['antispam']['entries']['tools'] = array('text' => T_('Tools') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam&amp;tab3=tools');
             if ($perm_slugs) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['slugs'] = array('text' => T_('Slugs') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=slugs');
         if ($perm_options) {
             // Global settings:
             $entries['tools']['entries']['general'] = array('text' => T_('General') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=gensettings');
             $entries['tools']['entries']['regional'] = array('text' => T_('Regional'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=regional', 'entries' => array('locales' => array('text' => T_('Locales') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=locales'), 'time' => array('text' => T_('Time') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=time'), 'countries' => array('text' => T_('Countries') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=countries'), 'regions' => array('text' => T_('Regions') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=regions'), 'subregions' => array('text' => T_('Sub-regions') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=subregions'), 'cities' => array('text' => T_('Cities') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=cities'), 'currencies' => array('text' => T_('Currencies') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=currencies')));
             $entries['tools']['entries']['plugins'] = array('text' => T_('Plugins') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=plugins');
             $entries['tools']['entries']['remote'] = array('text' => T_('Remote publishing') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=remotepublish');
             $entries['tools']['entries']['maintenance'] = array('text' => T_('Maintenance'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=tools', 'entries' => array('tools' => array('text' => T_('Tools') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=tools'), 'import' => array('text' => T_('Import') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=tools&amp;tab3=import'), 'test' => array('text' => T_('Testing') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=tools&amp;tab3=test'), 'backup' => array('text' => T_('Backup') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=backup'), 'upgrade' => array('text' => T_('Check for updates') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=upgrade')));
     global $debug, $debug_jslog;
     if ($debug || $debug_jslog) {
         // Show JS log menu if debug is enabled
         $entries['jslog'] = array('text' => T_('JS log'), 'title' => T_('JS log'), 'class' => 'jslog_switcher');
     if ($entries !== NULL) {
         $topleft_Menu->add_menu_entries(NULL, $entries);
     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * RIGHT MENU
     global $localtimenow, $is_admin_page;
     $entries = array('userprefs' => array('text' => $current_User->get_avatar_imgtag('crop-top-15x15', '', 'top') . ' <strong>' . $current_User->get_colored_login() . '</strong>', 'href' => get_user_profile_url(), 'entries' => array('profile' => array('text' => T_('Edit your profile') . '&hellip;', 'href' => get_user_profile_url()), 'avatar' => array('text' => T_('Your profile picture') . '&hellip;', 'href' => get_user_avatar_url()), 'pwdchange' => array('text' => T_('Change password') . '&hellip;', 'href' => get_user_pwdchange_url()), 'userprefs' => array('text' => T_('Preferences') . '&hellip;', 'href' => get_user_preferences_url()), 'subs' => array('text' => T_('Notifications') . '&hellip;', 'href' => get_user_subs_url()))), 'time' => array('text' => date(locale_shorttimefmt(), $localtimenow), 'disabled' => true, 'class' => 'noborder'));
     // ADMIN SKINS:
     if ($is_admin_page) {
         $admin_skins = get_admin_skins();
         if (count($admin_skins) > 1) {
             // We have several admin skins available: display switcher:
             $entries['userprefs']['entries']['admskins_sep'] = array('separator' => true);
             $entries['userprefs']['entries']['admskins'] = array('text' => T_('Admin skin'));
             $redirect_to = rawurlencode(regenerate_url('', '', '', '&'));
             foreach ($admin_skins as $admin_skin) {
                 $entries['userprefs']['entries']['admskins']['entries'][$admin_skin] = array('text' => $admin_skin, 'href' => $dispatcher . '?ctrl=users&amp;action=change_admin_skin&amp;new_admin_skin=' . rawurlencode($admin_skin) . '&amp;redirect_to=' . $redirect_to);
     $entries['userprefs']['entries']['logout_sep'] = array('separator' => true);
     $entries['userprefs']['entries']['logout'] = array('text' => T_('Logout'), 'href' => get_user_logout_url());
     // AB switch:
     if ($perm_admin_normal) {
         // User must have permission to access admin...
         if ($is_admin_page) {
             if (!empty($Blog)) {
                 $entries['abswitch'] = array('text' => T_('Blog') . ' ' . get_icon('switch-to-blog'), 'href' => $Blog->get('url'));
             } else {
                 $entries['abswitch'] = array('text' => T_('Home') . ' ' . get_icon('switch-to-blog'), 'href' => $home_url);
         } else {
             $entries['abswitch'] = array('text' => T_('Admin') . ' ' . get_icon('switch-to-admin'), 'href' => $admin_url);
     $topright_Menu->add_menu_entries(NULL, $entries);
     $topright_Menu->add_menu_entries(NULL, array('logout' => array('text' => T_('Logout') . ' ' . get_icon('close'), 'class' => 'rollover_sprite', 'href' => get_user_logout_url())));
예제 #2
  * Build the evobar menu
 function build_evobar_menu()
      * @var Menu
     global $topleft_Menu, $topright_Menu;
     global $current_User;
     global $baseurl, $home_url, $admin_url, $debug, $debug_jslog, $dev_menu, $seo_page_type, $robots_index;
     global $Blog, $blog, $activate_collection_toolbar;
     global $Settings;
     $perm_admin_normal = $current_User->check_perm('admin', 'normal');
     $perm_admin_restricted = $current_User->check_perm('admin', 'restricted');
     $entries = NULL;
     $working_blog = get_working_blog();
     if ($working_blog) {
         // Set collection url only when current user has an access to the working blog
         if (is_admin_page()) {
             // Front page of the working blog
             $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
             $working_Blog =& $BlogCache->get_by_ID($working_blog);
             $collection_url = $working_Blog->get('url');
         } else {
             // Dashboard of the working blog
             $collection_url = $admin_url . '?ctrl=dashboard&amp;blog=' . $working_blog;
     if ($perm_admin_normal || $perm_admin_restricted) {
         // Normal OR Restricted Access to Admin:
         $entries = array();
         if ($perm_admin_normal) {
             // Only for normal access
             $entries['b2evo'] = array('text' => '<strong>b2evolution</strong>', 'href' => $home_url, 'entry_class' => 'rwdhide');
         $entries['front'] = array('text' => T_('Front<u>-office</u>'), 'href' => $baseurl, 'title' => T_('Go to the site home page (Front-office)'));
         $entries['dashboard'] = array('text' => T_('Back<u>-office</u>'), 'href' => $admin_url, 'title' => T_('Go to the site dashboard (Back-office)'));
         if ($perm_admin_normal) {
             // Only for normal access
             $entries['write'] = array('text' => '<span class="fa fa-plus-square"></span> ' . T_('Post'), 'title' => T_('No blog is currently selected'), 'disabled' => true, 'entry_class' => 'rwdhide');
         if ($working_blog) {
             // Display a link to manage first available collection
             $entries['blog'] = array('text' => T_('Collection'), 'href' => $collection_url, 'disabled' => true);
         $entries['tools'] = array('text' => T_('More'), 'href' => $admin_url . '#', 'disabled' => true);
     if ((!is_admin_page() || !empty($activate_collection_toolbar)) && !empty($Blog)) {
         // A blog is currently selected AND we can activate toolbar items for selected collection:
         if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_post_statuses', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
             // We have permission to add a post with at least one status:
             $write_item_url = $Blog->get_write_item_url();
             if ($write_item_url) {
                 // write item URL is not empty, so it's sure that user can create new post
                 if (!$perm_admin_normal) {
                     $entries['write'] = array('text' => '<span class="fa fa-plus-square"></span> ' . T_('Post'));
                 $entries['write']['href'] = $write_item_url;
                 $entries['write']['disabled'] = false;
                 $entries['write']['title'] = T_('Write a new post into this blog');
         if ($perm_admin_normal && $working_blog) {
             if (empty($write_item_url)) {
                 // Display restricted message on this blog
                 $entries['write']['title'] = T_('You don\'t have permission to post into this blog');
             // BLOG MENU:
             $entries['blog'] = array('text' => T_('Collection'), 'title' => T_('Manage this blog'), 'href' => $collection_url);
             $display_separator = false;
             if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_ismember', 'view', false, $Blog->ID)) {
                 // Check if current user has an access to post lists
                 $items_url = $admin_url . '?ctrl=items&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;filter=restore';
                 // Collection front page
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['coll_front'] = array('text' => T_('Collection Front Page') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $Blog->get('url'));
                 // Collection dashboard
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['coll_dashboard'] = array('text' => T_('Collection Dashboard') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=dashboard&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID);
                 $entries['blog']['entries'][] = array('separator' => true);
                 if ($Blog->get('type') == 'manual') {
                     // Manual view
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['manual'] = array('text' => T_('Manual view') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $items_url . '&amp;tab=manual');
                 if ($Blog->get_setting('use_workflow')) {
                     // Workflow view
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['workflow'] = array('text' => T_('Workflow view') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $items_url . '&amp;tab=tracker');
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['posts'] = array('text' => T_('Posts') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $items_url);
                 $display_separator = true;
             // Check if user has permission for published, draft or depreceted comments (any of these)
             if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_comments', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
                 // Comments:
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['comments'] = array('text' => T_('Comments') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=comments&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID . '&amp;filter=restore');
                 $display_separator = true;
             // Chapters / Categories:
             if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_cats', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
                 // Either permission for a specific blog or the global permission:
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['chapters'] = array('text' => T_('Categories') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=chapters&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID);
                 $display_separator = true;
             if ($display_separator) {
                 $entries['blog']['entries'][] = array('separator' => true);
             $entries['blog']['entries']['files'] = NULL;
             // BLOG SETTINGS:
             if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_properties', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
                 // We have permission to edit blog properties:
                 $blog_param = '&amp;blog=' . $Blog->ID;
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['features'] = array('text' => T_('Features'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=home' . $blog_param, 'entries' => array('front' => array('text' => T_('Front page') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=home' . $blog_param), 'posts' => array('text' => T_('Posts') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=features' . $blog_param), 'comments' => array('text' => T_('Comments') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=comments' . $blog_param), 'other' => array('text' => T_('Other displays') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=other' . $blog_param), 'more' => array('text' => T_('More') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=more' . $blog_param)));
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['skin'] = array('text' => T_('Skin') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=skin' . $blog_param);
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['plugin_settings'] = array('text' => T_('Plugins') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=plugin_settings' . $blog_param);
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['widgets'] = array('text' => T_('Widgets') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=widgets' . $blog_param);
                 if (!is_admin_page()) {
                     // Display a menu to turn on/off the debug containers
                     global $ReqURI, $Session;
                     if ($Session->get('display_containers_' . $Blog->ID) == 1) {
                         // To hide the debug containers
                         $entries['blog']['entries']['containers'] = array('text' => T_('Hide containers'), 'href' => url_add_param(regenerate_url('display_containers'), 'display_containers=hide'));
                     } else {
                         // To show the debug containers
                         $entries['blog']['entries']['containers'] = array('text' => T_('Show containers'), 'href' => url_add_param(regenerate_url('display_containers'), 'display_containers=show'));
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['general'] = array('text' => T_('Settings'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings' . $blog_param, 'entries' => array('general' => array('text' => T_('General') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=general' . $blog_param), 'urls' => array('text' => T_('URLs') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=urls' . $blog_param), 'seo' => array('text' => T_('SEO') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=seo' . $blog_param)));
                 if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'view', false, $Blog->ID)) {
                     // Post Types & Statuses
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['general']['entries']['item_types'] = array('text' => T_('Post Types') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=itemtypes&amp;tab=settings&amp;tab3=types' . $blog_param);
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['general']['entries']['item_statuses'] = array('text' => T_('Post Statuses') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=itemstatuses&amp;tab=settings&amp;tab3=statuses' . $blog_param);
                 $entries['blog']['entries']['general']['entries']['advanced'] = array('text' => T_('Advanced') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=advanced' . $blog_param);
                 if ($Blog && $Blog->advanced_perms) {
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['general']['entries']['userperms'] = array('text' => T_('User perms') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=perm' . $blog_param);
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['general']['entries']['groupperms'] = array('text' => T_('Group perms') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=coll_settings&amp;tab=permgroup' . $blog_param);
                 if ($current_User->check_perm('options', 'view')) {
                     // Check if current user has a permission to view the common settings of the blogs
                     $entries['blog']['entries']['general']['entries']['common_settings'] = array('text' => T_('Common Settings') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=collections&amp;tab=blog_settings');
     if ($perm_admin_restricted) {
         // DEV MENU:
         $dev_entries = array();
         if ($dev_menu || $debug || $debug_jslog) {
             if (isset($Blog)) {
                 $dev_entries['coll'] = array('text' => 'Collection = ' . $Blog->shortname, 'disabled' => true);
             global $disp, $is_front;
             if (!empty($disp)) {
                 $dev_entries['disp'] = array('text' => '$disp = ' . $disp, 'disabled' => true);
             global $disp_detail;
             if (!empty($disp_detail)) {
                 $dev_entries['disp_detail'] = array('text' => '$disp_detail = ' . $disp_detail, 'disabled' => true);
             if (!empty($seo_page_type)) {
                 // Set in skin_init()
                 $dev_entries['seo_page_type'] = array('text' => '> ' . $seo_page_type, 'disabled' => true);
             global $is_front;
             if (!empty($is_front)) {
                 $dev_entries['front'] = array('text' => 'This is the FRONT page', 'disabled' => true);
             if ($robots_index === false) {
                 $debug_text = 'NO INDEX';
             } else {
                 $debug_text = 'do index';
             $dev_entries['noindex'] = array('text' => $debug_text, 'disabled' => true);
         if (($dev_menu || $debug) && !is_admin_page() && !empty($Blog)) {
             // Display a menu to turn on/off the debug containers
             global $ReqURI, $Session;
             $dev_entries[] = array('separator' => true);
             if ($Session->get('display_containers_' . $Blog->ID) == 1) {
                 // To hide the debug containers
                 $dev_entries['containers'] = array('text' => T_('Hide containers'), 'href' => url_add_param(regenerate_url('display_containers'), 'display_containers=hide'));
             } else {
                 // To show the debug containers
                 $dev_entries['containers'] = array('text' => T_('Show containers'), 'href' => url_add_param(regenerate_url('display_containers'), 'display_containers=show'));
             if ($Session->get('display_includes_' . $Blog->ID) == 1) {
                 // To hide the debug includes
                 $dev_entries['includes'] = array('text' => T_('Hide includes'), 'href' => url_add_param(regenerate_url('display_containers'), 'display_includes=hide'));
             } else {
                 // To show the debug includes
                 $dev_entries['includes'] = array('text' => T_('Show includes'), 'href' => url_add_param(regenerate_url('display_containers'), 'display_includes=show'));
         // MORE menu:
         if ($current_User->check_perm('users', 'view')) {
             // Users:
             $entries['tools']['disabled'] = false;
             $entries['tools']['entries']['users'] = array('text' => T_('Users') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=users');
         $entries['tools']['entries']['messaging'] = NULL;
         $entries['tools']['entries']['files'] = NULL;
         $perm_options = $current_User->check_perm('options', 'view');
         $perm_spam = $perm_options && $current_User->check_perm('spamblacklist', 'view');
         $perm_emails = $current_User->check_perm('emails', 'view');
         $perm_maintenance = $current_User->check_perm('perm_maintenance', 'upgrade');
         if ($perm_spam || $perm_options || $perm_maintenance) {
             $entries['tools']['entries'][] = array('separator' => true);
             if ($perm_emails) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['email'] = array('text' => T_('Emails'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=campaigns', 'entries' => array('campaigns' => array('text' => T_('Campaigns') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=campaigns'), 'blocked' => array('text' => T_('Addresses') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email'), 'sent' => array('text' => T_('Sent') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&amp;tab=sent'), 'return' => array('text' => T_('Returned') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&amp;tab=return'), 'settings' => array('text' => T_('Settings') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=email&amp;tab=settings')));
             $entries['tools']['disabled'] = false;
             $entries['tools']['entries']['system'] = array('text' => T_('System'), 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=system');
             if ($perm_options) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['status'] = array('text' => T_('Status') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=system');
             if ($perm_options) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['crontab'] = array('text' => T_('Scheduler') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=crontab');
             if ($perm_spam) {
                 $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['antispam'] = array('text' => T_('Antispam') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=antispam');
         if ($perm_options) {
             // Global settings:
             $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['regional'] = array('text' => T_('Regional') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=regional');
             $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['skins'] = array('text' => T_('Skins') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=skins&amp;tab=system');
             $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['plugins'] = array('text' => T_('Plugins') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=plugins');
             $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['remote'] = array('text' => T_('Remote publishing') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=remotepublish');
             $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['maintenance'] = array('text' => T_('Maintenance') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=tools');
             $entries['tools']['entries']['system']['entries']['syslog'] = array('text' => T_('System log'), 'href' => '?ctrl=syslog');
     if ($entries !== NULL) {
         $topleft_Menu->add_menu_entries(NULL, $entries);
     // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
      * RIGHT MENU
     global $localtimenow, $is_admin_page;
     $entries = array();
     // Dev menu:
     global $debug_jslog;
     if ($debug || $debug_jslog) {
         // Show JS log menu if debug is enabled
         $dev_entries[] = array('separator' => true);
         $dev_entries['jslog'] = array('text' => T_('JS log'), 'title' => T_('JS log'), 'class' => 'jslog_switcher');
     if (!empty($dev_entries)) {
         // Add Dev menu if at least one entry is should be displayed
         $entries['dev'] = array('href' => $admin_url . '#', 'text' => '<span class="fa fa-wrench"></span> Dev', 'entries' => $dev_entries);
     // User menu:
     $current_user_Group = $current_User->get_Group();
     $userprefs_entries = array('name' => array('text' => $current_User->get_avatar_imgtag('crop-top-32x32', '', 'left') . '&nbsp;' . $current_User->get_preferred_name() . '<br />&nbsp;<span class="note">' . $current_user_Group->get_name() . '</span>', 'href' => get_user_profile_url()));
     $userprefs_entries[] = array('separator' => true);
     $user_profile_url = get_user_profile_url();
     if (!empty($user_profile_url)) {
         // Display this menu item only when url is available to current user
         $userprefs_entries['profile'] = array('text' => T_('Edit your profile') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $user_profile_url);
     $user_avatar_url = get_user_avatar_url();
     if (!empty($user_avatar_url)) {
         // Display this menu item only when url is available to current user
         $userprefs_entries['avatar'] = array('text' => T_('Your profile picture') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $user_avatar_url);
     $user_pwdchange_url = get_user_pwdchange_url();
     if (!empty($user_pwdchange_url)) {
         // Display this menu item only when url is available to current user
         $userprefs_entries['pwdchange'] = array('text' => T_('Change password') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $user_pwdchange_url);
     $user_preferences_url = get_user_preferences_url();
     if (!empty($user_preferences_url)) {
         // Display this menu item only when url is available to current user
         $userprefs_entries['userprefs'] = array('text' => T_('Preferences') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $user_preferences_url);
     $user_subs_url = get_user_subs_url();
     if (!empty($user_subs_url)) {
         // Display this menu item only when url is available to current user
         $userprefs_entries['subs'] = array('text' => T_('Notifications') . '&hellip;', 'href' => $user_subs_url);
     $entries['userprefs'] = array('text' => '<strong>' . $current_User->get_colored_login(array('login_text' => 'name')) . '</strong>', 'href' => get_user_profile_url(), 'entries' => $userprefs_entries);
     $entries['time'] = array('text' => date(locale_shorttimefmt(), $localtimenow), 'disabled' => true, 'entry_class' => 'rwdhide');
     if ($current_User->check_perm('admin', 'normal') && $current_User->check_perm('options', 'view')) {
         // Make time as link to Timezone settings if permission
         $entries['time']['disabled'] = false;
         $entries['time']['href'] = $admin_url . '?ctrl=time';
     // ADMIN SKINS:
     if ($is_admin_page) {
         $admin_skins = get_admin_skins();
         if (count($admin_skins) > 1) {
             // We have several admin skins available: display switcher:
             $entries['userprefs']['entries']['admskins'] = array('text' => T_('Admin skin'));
             $redirect_to = rawurlencode(regenerate_url('', '', '', '&'));
             foreach ($admin_skins as $admin_skin) {
                 $entries['userprefs']['entries']['admskins']['entries'][$admin_skin] = array('text' => $admin_skin, 'href' => $admin_url . '?ctrl=users&amp;action=change_admin_skin&amp;new_admin_skin=' . rawurlencode($admin_skin) . '&amp;redirect_to=' . $redirect_to);
     $entries['userprefs']['entries'][] = array('separator' => true);
     $entries['userprefs']['entries']['logout'] = array('text' => T_('Log out!'), 'href' => get_user_logout_url());
     $topright_Menu->add_menu_entries(NULL, $entries);
예제 #3
 * Display user activate info form content
 * @param Object activateinfo Form
function display_activateinfo($params)
    global $current_User, $Settings, $UserSettings, $Plugins;
    global $secure_htsrv_url, $rsc_path, $rsc_url, $dummy_fields;
    if (!is_logged_in()) {
        // if this happens, it means the code is not correct somewhere before this
        debug_die("You must log in to see this page.");
    // init force request new email address param
    $force_request = param('force_request', 'boolean', false);
    // get last activation email timestamp from User Settings
    $last_activation_email_date = $UserSettings->get('last_activation_email', $current_User->ID);
    if ($force_request || empty($last_activation_email_date)) {
        // notification email was not sent yet, or user needs another one ( forced request )
        $params = array_merge(array('form_action' => $secure_htsrv_url . 'login.php', 'form_name' => 'form_validatemail', 'form_class' => 'fform', 'form_layout' => 'fieldset', 'inskin' => false), $params);
        $Form = new Form($params['form_action'], $params['form_name'], 'post', $params['form_layout']);
        $Form->hidden('action', 'req_validatemail');
        $Form->hidden('redirect_to', $params['redirect_to']);
        if ($params['inskin']) {
            $Form->hidden('inskin', $params['inskin']);
            $Form->hidden('blog', $params['blog']);
        $Form->hidden('req_validatemail_submit', 1);
        // to know if the form has been submitted
        echo '<ol>';
        echo '<li>' . T_('Please confirm your email address below:') . '</li>';
        echo '</ol>';
        // set email text input content only if this is not a forced request. This way the user may have bigger chance to write a correct email address.
        $user_email = $force_request ? '' : $current_User->email;
        // fp> note: 45 is the max length for evopress skin.
        $Form->text_input($dummy_fields['email'], $user_email, 45, T_('Your email'), '', array('maxlength' => 255, 'class' => 'input_text', 'required' => true));
        // Submit button:
        $submit_button = array(array('name' => 'submit', 'value' => T_('Send me a new activation email now!'), 'class' => 'submit'));
        if (!$params['inskin']) {
            $Plugins->trigger_event('DisplayValidateAccountFormFieldset', array('Form' => &$Form));
    // get notification email from general Settings
    $notification_email = $Settings->get('notification_sender_email');
    // convert date to timestamp
    $last_activation_email_ts = mysql2timestamp($last_activation_email_date);
    // get difference between local time and server time
    $time_difference = $Settings->get('time_difference');
    // get last activation email local date and time
    $last_email_date = date(locale_datefmt(), $last_activation_email_ts + $time_difference);
    $last_email_time = date(locale_shorttimefmt(), $last_activation_email_ts + $time_difference);
    $user_email = $current_User->email;
    echo '<ol start="1" class="expanded">';
    $instruction = sprintf(T_('Open your email account for %s and find a message we sent you on %s at %s with the following title:'), $user_email, $last_email_date, $last_email_time);
    echo '<li>' . $instruction . '<br /><b>' . sprintf(T_('Activate your account: %s'), $current_User->login) . '</b>';
    $request_validation_url = 'href="' . regenerate_url('', 'force_request=1&validate_required=true&redirect_to=' . $params['redirect_to']) . '"';
    echo '<p>' . sprintf(T_('NOTE: If you don\'t find it, check your "Junk", "Spam" or "Unsolicited email" folders. If you really can\'t find it, <a %s>request a new activation email</a>.'), $request_validation_url) . '</p></li>';
    echo '<li>' . sprintf(T_('Add us (%s) to your contacts to make sure you receive future email notifications, especially when someone sends you a private message.'), '<b><span class="nowrap">' . $notification_email . '</span></b>') . '</li>';
    echo '<li><b class="red">' . T_('Click on the activation link in the email.') . '</b>';
    echo '<p>' . T_('If this does not work, please copy/paste that link into the address bar of your browser.') . '</p>';
    echo '<p>' . sprintf(T_('If you need assistance, please send an email to %s'), '<b><a href="mailto:"' . $notification_email . '"><span class="nowrap">' . $notification_email . '</span></a></b>') . '</p></li>';
    echo '</ol>';
    if ((strpos($user_email, '@hotmail.') || strpos($user_email, '@live.') || strpos($user_email, '@msn.')) && file_exists($rsc_path . 'img/login_help/hotmail-validation.png')) {
        // The user is on hotmail and we have a help screen to show him: (needs to be localized and include correct site name)
        echo '<div class="center" style="margin: 2em auto"><img src="' . $rsc_url . 'img/login_help/hotmail-validation.png" /></div>';
예제 #4
  * Template function: display time (datetime) of comment
  * @param string date/time format: leave empty to use locale default time format
  *                                 '#short_time' - to use locale default short time format
  * @param boolean true if you want GMT
 function time($format = '', $useGM = false)
     if (empty($format)) {
         // Get the current locale's default time format
         $format = locale_timefmt();
     if ($format == '#short_time') {
         // Use short time format of current locale
         $format = locale_shorttimefmt();
     echo mysql2date($format, $this->date, $useGM);
예제 #5
  * Template function: display issue time (datetime) of Item
  * @param array
  *   - 'time_format': Time format ('#short_time' - to use short time)
  *   - ... see {@link get_issue_date()}
  * @see get_issue_date()
 function issue_time($params = array())
     // Make sure we are not missing any param:
     $params = array_merge(array('time_format' => '#'), $params);
     if (!isset($params['date_format'])) {
         $params['date_format'] = $params['time_format'];
     if ($params['date_format'] == '#') {
         // Use default time format of current locale
         $params['date_format'] = locale_timefmt();
     if ($params['date_format'] == '#short_time') {
         // Use short time format of current locale
         $params['date_format'] = locale_shorttimefmt();
     echo $this->get_issue_date($params);
예제 #6
파일: _toolbar.inc.php 프로젝트: LFSF/oras
        // echo '<a href="#">'.T_('test').' '.get_icon('dropdown').'</a>';
        // echo '<ul>';
        foreach ($admin_skins as $admin_skin) {
            echo '<li><a href="admin.php?ctrl=users&amp;action=change_admin_skin&amp;new_admin_skin=' . rawurlencode($admin_skin) . '">' . T_('Admin skin:') . ' ' . $admin_skin . '</a></li>';
        // echo '</ul>';
        // echo '</li>';
echo '<li class="separator"><hr /></li>';
user_logout_link('<li>', '</li>', T_('Logout'));
	<li class="time"><?php 
echo date(locale_shorttimefmt(), $localtimenow);
if ($is_admin_page) {
    blog_home_link('<li>', '</li>', T_('Blog') . ' ' . get_icon('switch-to-blog'), T_('Home') . ' ' . get_icon('switch-to-blog'));
} else {
    user_admin_link('<li>', '</li>', T_('Admin') . ' ' . get_icon('switch-to-admin'));
user_logout_link('<li>', '</li>', T_('Logout') . ' ' . get_icon('close'), '#', array('class' => 'rollover'));

<div class="actions_left">