public function getRepositoryUrls() { if ($this->_repositoryurls === null) { $app = Zend_Registry::get("app"); //$this->_repositoryurls = web_get_contents("http://commrepo/repofiles/getrepositorydata/" . $this->id); $this->_repositoryurls = web_get_contents($app["commrepoUrl"] . "repofiles/getrepositorydata/" . $this->id); } return $this->_repositoryurls; }
public function wikiAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $page = isset($_GET["page"]) ? strval($_GET["page"]) : null; if ($page === null) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); return; } $data = @web_get_contents("" . $page . "?do=export_xhtmlbody"); if ($data === false) { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); return; } echo "<div class='wikipage'>" . $data . "</div>"; }
private static function publishToVMCaster($researcher, $vo, $voimagelist) { $url = VMCaster::getVMCasterUrl(); $url .= "/vmlistcontroller/create/" . $voimagelist->id . "/published/vos"; $result = web_get_contents($url); if ($result === false) { error_log("[VOAdmin:publishToVMCaster]:Could not retrieve response data from " . $url); return false; } return true; }
public function entitydescriptorAction() { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); $source = trim($this->_getParam("source")); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); header("Content-type: application/samlmetadata+xml"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $source); echo web_get_contents("https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/auth/module.php/saml/sp/metadata.php/" . $source); }
public static function calculatePackageVersionIndex($package) { $pck = null; if (is_numeric($package)) { $pcks = new Repository_Model_MetaPoaReleasePackages(); $pcks->filter->id->equals($package); if (count($pcks->items) == 0) { return false; } $pck = $pcks->item[0]; } else { $pck = $package; } $ptype = strtolower(trim($pck->pkgType)); if ($ptype == "rpm" || $ptype == "deb") { $url = self::getBackendUrl() . "package/action/calcversionindex/" . $pck->id; $response = web_get_contents($url); if (!$response) { return false; } } return true; }
private function getData($url) { return web_get_contents($url); }
public static function statusIntegrityCheck($vaversionid) { $url = VMCaster::getVMCasterUrl() . "/integrity/statusimageList/" . $vaversionid . "/xml"; try { $xml = web_get_contents($url); if (trim($xml) === "") { throw new Exception('Could not connect with integrity check service. Please, try again later.'); } $result = VMCaster::parseIntegrityCheckResponse($xml); } catch (Exception $ex) { $result = VMCaster::parseIntegrityCheckResponse('[ERROR]' . $ex->getMessage()); return $result; } $newres = VMCaster::syncStatusIntegrityCheck($result); return $newres; }
public function syncvaproviderimagesAction() { if (localRequest()) { $this->_helper->layout->disableLayout(); $this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(); error_log(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . ": Sync VA Provider Images START"); $filter = '(&(GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentRepository=*/*))'; $attrs = array('dn', 'GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentID', 'GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentAppName', 'GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentDescription', 'GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentComputingManagerForeignKey', 'GLUE2EntityName', 'GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentAppVersion', 'GLUE2ApplicationEnvironmentRepository'); $prod_sites = $this->getVAProvidersArray(); db()->query("TRUNCATE TABLE va_provider_images"); foreach ($prod_sites as $site) { $basedn = 'GLUE2GroupID=cloud,GLUE2DomainID=' . $site["name"] . ',GLUE2GroupID=grid,o=glue'; if (trim($site["serviceid"]) != "") { $basedn = 'GLUE2ServiceID=' . $site["serviceid"] . ',' . $basedn; } $result = $this->getTopBDIIData($basedn, $filter, $attrs); if (!empty($result)) { if (isset($result["count"])) { for ($i = 0; $i < $result["count"]; $i++) { $mpURI = $result[$i]["glue2applicationenvironmentrepository"][0]; $imageID = $result[$i]["glue2entityname"][0]; # parse mpURI and find type $start = strpos($mpURI, "/store/") + strlen("/store/"); $len = strpos($mpURI, "/image/") - $start; $type = substr($mpURI, $start, $len); # parse mpURI and find instanceID $mpURI_tmp = parse_url($mpURI, PHP_URL_PATH); $params = substr($mpURI_tmp, strrpos($mpURI_tmp, 'image/') + 5); if (strlen($params) > 1) { $params = explode('/', $params); $params = explode(':', $params[1]); if (count($params) > 1) { if (is_numeric($params[1])) { $instanceID = intval($params[1]); } } } $vowide_instanceID = null; if ($type == "vo") { $vowide_instanceID = $instanceID; db()->setFetchMode(Zend_Db::FETCH_BOTH); $instanceID = db()->query("SELECT vapplists.vmiinstanceid FROM vowide_image_list_images INNER JOIN vapplists ON = vowide_image_list_images.vapplistid WHERE = ?", array($instanceID))->fetchAll(); if (count($instanceID) > 0) { if (count($instanceID[0]) > 0) { $instanceID = $instanceID[0][0]; } else { $instanceID = null; } } else { $instanceID = null; } } try { db()->query("INSERT INTO va_provider_images (va_provider_id, vmiinstanceid, content_type, va_provider_image_id, mp_uri, vowide_vmiinstanceid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($site["id"], $instanceID, $type, $imageID, $mpURI, $vowide_instanceID)); } catch (Exception $e) { error_log("ERROR in 'INSERT INTO va_provider_images (va_provider_id, vmiinstanceid, content_type, va_provider_image_id, mp_uri, vowide_vmiinstanceid)'"); error_log("VALUES: " . "'" . var_export($site["id"], true) . "', " . "'" . var_export($instanceID, true) . "', " . "'" . var_export($type, true) . "', " . "'" . var_export($imageID, true) . "', " . "'" . var_export($mpURI, true) . "', " . "'" . var_export($vowide_instanceID, true) . "', "); } } } } } error_log(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . ": Sync VA Provider Images DONE [1/2]. Will refresh related materialized views"); error_log(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . ": Sync VA Provider Images: Refreshing site_services_xml..."); db()->query("REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW site_services_xml;"); error_log(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . ": Sync VA Provider Images: Refreshing site_service_images_xml..."); db()->query("REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW site_service_images_xml;"); error_log(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()) . ": Sync VA Provider Images DONE [2/2]"); $this->makeVAprovidersCache(); if (strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]) == "") { web_get_contents(""); } } else { $this->getResponse()->clearAllHeaders(); $this->getResponse()->setRawHeader("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); $this->getResponse()->setHeader("Status", "403 Forbidden"); } }
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ if (array_key_exists("image", $_GET) && $_GET["image"] === "email") { header('PRAGMA: NO-CACHE'); header('CACHE-CONTROL: NO-CACHE'); header('Content-type: image/png'); echo web_get_contents(''); } else { include "AppdbAPI.php"; $api = new AppDBrestAPIHelper(); $vos = $api->VOs(); $vos = $vos->vo(); $regional = $api->Regional(); $countries = $regional->country(); $mids = $api->Middlewares(); $mids = $mids->middleware(); $tags = $api->Tags(); $tags = $tags->tag(); $api2 = new AppDBrestAPIHelper('1.0'); $disciplines = $api2->Desciplines(); $disc = $disciplines->discipline(); $categories = $api->categories();