public function index() { // TODO: Security? if (isset($this->request->query['q'])) { $query = $this->request->query['q']; $conditions = array('name' => array('$regex' => "{$query}", '$options' => 'i')); $teamList = Teams::all(compact('conditions')); } return compact('teamList', 'query'); }
public function getTeams($entity) { if (!$entity->exists()) { return null; } $conditions = array('players' => $entity->_id); $order = array('league_id' => 1); $list = Teams::all(compact('conditions', 'order')); return $list; }
?> <?php if (is_object($g->game_time) and $g->game_time->sec <= time() and $g->canReport($CURRENT_USER)) { $reportScoreLink = $this->html->link('<i title="Report Score" class="hasTooltip icon-edit"></i>', array('Leagues::reportScore', 'id' => $g->_id), array('escape' => false)); } else { $reportScoreLink = ''; } $fs = $g->getFieldsite(); $teams = $g->teams; for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $t = isset($teams[$i]) ? (string) $teams[$i] : null; $thisTeam = null; if (isset($t) and isset($teamCache[$t])) { $thisTeam = $teamCache[$t]; } elseif (isset($t)) { $thisTeam = Teams::find($t); $teamCache[$t] = $thisTeam; } if (isset($thisTeam)) { echo "<td>" . $this->html->link($thisTeam->name, array('Teams::view', 'id' => $thisTeam->_id)) . "</td>"; $team_id = $thisTeam->_id; if (isset($g->scores->{$team_id})) { $scoreVar = "score_{$i}"; ${$scoreVar} = $g->scores->{$team_id}; } } else { echo "<td>n/a</td>"; } } ?>
public function importRoster() { if (!isset($this->CURRENT_USER) or !$this->league->isManager($this->CURRENT_USER)) { $redirectUrl = $this->request->env('HTTP_REFERER') ?: '/'; $this->flashMessage('You do not have permission to check this league\'s schedule.', array('alertType' => 'error')); return $this->redirect($redirectUrl); } $lineErrors = array(); $errors = array(); $playerList = array(); $rosters = array(); if (isset($this->request->data['draft_results'])) { $draft_results = $this->request->data['draft_results']; $draftLines = explode("\n", trim($draft_results)); $line = 0; foreach ($draftLines as $l) { $line++; $fields = explode(",", $l); // Check field count if (count($fields) != 2) { $errors["{$line}"] = 'Wrong number of fields'; continue; } $team_id = trim($fields[0]); $user_id = trim($fields[1]); if (!isset($rosters[$team_id])) { $team = Teams::find($team_id); if (!isset($team) or !$team->exists()) { $errors["{$line}"] = "Team with the ID '{$team_id}' not found."; continue; } if ($team->league_id != $this->league->_id) { $errors["{$line}"] = "Team with the ID '{$team_id}' is not in this league."; continue; } $rosters[$team_id] = array(); } if (isset($playerList[$user_id])) { $errors["{$line}"] = "User with ID '{$user_id}' has been assigned multiple times."; continue; } $user = Users::find($user_id); if (!isset($user) or !$user->exists()) { $errors["{$line}"] = "User with the ID '{$user_id}' not found."; continue; } $playerList[$user_id] = new \MongoId($team_id); $rosters[$team_id][] = new \MongoId($user_id); } if (empty($errors)) { // Assign Team Rosters foreach ($rosters as $team_id => $roster) { $conditions = array('_id' => new \MongoId($team_id)); $query = array('$set' => array('players' => $roster)); Teams::update($query, $conditions); } // Assign Player Teams foreach ($playerList as $user_id => $team_id) { $conditions = array('_id' => new \MongoId($user_id)); $query = array('$addToSet' => array('teams' => $team_id)); Users::update($query, $conditions); } $this->flashMessage('Roster Imported Successfully!', array('alertType' => 'success')); return $this->redirect(array('Leagues::view', 'id' => $this->league->_id)); } } else { $draft_results = ''; } return compact('draft_results', 'errors', 'rosters'); }
public function getTeams($entity) { $team_ids = $entity->teams->export(); $conditions = array('_id' => array('$in' => $team_ids['data'])); return Teams::all(compact('conditions')); }
public function teams(Teams $teams) { $this->data['teams'] = $teams->getActive(); return view('pages.teams', $this->data); }
protected function updateLeagueStandings() { // Compile a list of all teams needing an update across all leagues $conditions = array('needs_standings_update' => true); $fields = array('_id'); $leagues_needing_update = Leagues::all(compact('conditions', 'fields')); foreach ($leagues_needing_update as $l) { $team_list = array(); $conditions = array('league_id' => $l->_id); $leage_teams = Teams::all(compact('conditions')); foreach ($leage_teams as $t) { $team_list[] = $t; } usort($team_list, function ($a, $b) { // One of the team has no reported scores, other team wins by default. if (is_object($a->stats) and !is_object($b->stats)) { return 1; } else { if (is_object($a->stats) and !is_object($b->stats)) { return -1; } else { if (!is_object($a->stats) and !is_object($b->stats)) { return 0; } } } // Criteria #1: winning percentage $a_pct = $a->stats->wins / ($a->stats->wins + $a->stats->losses); $b_pct = $b->stats->wins / ($b->stats->wins + $b->stats->losses); if ($a_pct != $b_pct) { // Needs to return an int, these percentages won't be ints. return intval(($a_pct - $b_pct) * 100); } // Criteria #2: Number of wins if ($a->stats->wins != $b->stats->wins) { return $a->stats->wins - $b->stats->wins; } // Criteria #3: Head-to-head wins / Criteria #4: Head-to-head point-diff $conditions = array('teams' => array($a->_id, $b->_id), 'scores' => array('$exists' => true)); $joint_games = Games::all(compact('conditions')); $head_to_head_wins = 0; $head_to_head_pnts = 0; foreach ($joint_games as $g) { // Note: Lithium does not support $and yet, so we can't do this optimally if ($a->_id != $g->teams[0] and $a->_id != $g->teams[1] or $b->_id != $g->teams[0] and $b->_id != $g->teams[1]) { // This game isn't head-to-head, doesn't count; continue; } if ($g->winner == $a->_id) { $head_to_head_wins++; $head_to_head_pnts += $g->getScoreDiff(); } else { if ($g->winner == $b->_id) { $head_to_head_wins--; $head_to_head_pnts -= $g->getScoreDiff(); } } } if ($head_to_head_wins != 0) { return $head_to_head_wins; } if ($head_to_head_pnts != 0) { return $head_to_head_pnts; } // Criteria #5: Head-to-head point-diff if ($a->stats->point_differential != $b->stats->point_differential) { return $a->stats->point_differential - $b->stats->point_differential; } // Still tied? $a->stats->tied = true; $b->stats->tied = true; return 0; }); // Assign their ranks, handle ties correctly: $rank = 0; $tied_rank = null; foreach (array_reverse($team_list) as $t) { $rank++; if (!isset($tied_rank) and $t->stats->tied == true) { $tied_rank = $rank; } else { if ($t->stats->tied == false) { $tied_rank = null; } } $display_rank = $tied_rank ?: $rank; $t->save(array('stats.rank' => $display_rank)); } } }