} ?> </div> </div> <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => view, 'data' => $this->_vars['item']['user']), $this); ?> "> <img alt="" src="<?php echo $this->_vars['item']['user']['media']['user_logo']['thumbs']['great']; ?> " /> </a> <div class="info"> <div class="text-overflow"><a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'view', 'data' => $this->_vars['item']['user']), $this); ?> "><?php echo $this->_vars['item']['user']['output_name']; ?> </a>, <?php echo $this->_vars['item']['user']['age']; ?> </div> <?php if ($this->_vars['item']['user']['location']) { ?> <div class="text-overflow"><?php echo $this->_vars['item']['user']['location']; ?> </div><?php
<li<?php if ($this->_vars['action'] == 'payments_history') { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> ><a data-pjax-no-scroll="1" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'account', 'action' => 'payments_history'), $this); ?> ">History</a></li> <li<?php if ($this->_vars['action'] == 'banners') { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> ><a data-pjax-no-scroll="1" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'account', 'action' => 'banners'), $this); ?> "><?php echo l('header_my_banners', 'banners', '', 'text', array()); ?> </a></li> <?php /* <li<?php if ($this->_vars['action'] == 'send_money'): ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?>><a data-pjax-no-scroll="1" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users','method' => 'account','action' => 'send_money'), $this);?>"><?php echo l('send_money', 'send_money', '', 'text', array()); ?></a></li> */ ?> </ul> </div>
?> ><a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'media', 'method' => 'video'), $this); ?> "><span><?php echo l('video', 'media', '', 'text', array()); ?> </span></a></li> <li data-param="albums"<?php if ($this->_vars['gallery_param'] == 'albums') { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> ><a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'media', 'method' => 'albums'), $this); ?> "><span><?php echo l('albums', 'media', '', 'text', array()); ?> </span></a></li> </ul> <span id="gallery_albums"<?php if ($this->_vars['gallery_param'] != 'albums') { ?> class="hide"<?php } ?> ><?php echo $this->_vars['albums']; ?>
<?php require_once 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\iot.calit2.uci.edu\\system\\libraries\\template_lite\\plugins\\compiler.l.php'; $this->register_compiler("l", "tpl_compiler_l"); require_once 'C:\\xampp\\htdocs\\iot.calit2.uci.edu\\system\\libraries\\template_lite\\plugins\\function.seolink.php'; $this->register_function("seolink", "tpl_function_seolink"); /* V2.10 Template Lite 4 January 2007 (c) 2005-2007 Mark Dickenson. All rights reserved. Released LGPL. 2015-08-31 23:09:08 Pacific Daylight Time */ ?> <li<?php if (!$this->_vars['kisses_count']) { ?> class="hide-always"<?php } ?> > <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'kisses', 'method' => 'inbox'), $this); ?> "> <?php echo l('header_new_kisses', 'kisses', '', 'text', array()); ?> : <b class="summand fright kisses_count"><?php echo $this->_vars['kisses_count']; ?> </b> </a> </li>
$this->_sections['m']['show'] = false; } } else { $this->_sections['m']['total'] = 0; } if ($this->_sections['m']['show']) { for ($this->_sections['m']['index'] = $this->_sections['m']['start'], $this->_sections['m']['iteration'] = 1; $this->_sections['m']['iteration'] <= $this->_sections['m']['total']; $this->_sections['m']['index'] += $this->_sections['m']['step'], $this->_sections['m']['iteration']++) { $this->_sections['m']['rownum'] = $this->_sections['m']['iteration']; $this->_sections['m']['index_prev'] = $this->_sections['m']['index'] - $this->_sections['m']['step']; $this->_sections['m']['index_next'] = $this->_sections['m']['index'] + $this->_sections['m']['step']; $this->_sections['m']['first'] = $this->_sections['m']['iteration'] == 1; $this->_sections['m']['last'] = $this->_sections['m']['iteration'] == $this->_sections['m']['total']; ?> <td> <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'memberships', 'method' => 'form', 'gid' => $this->_vars['block_memberships'][$this->_sections['m']['index']]['gid']), $this); ?> " class="button"><?php echo l('btn_buy_now', 'memberships', '', 'text', array()); ?> </a> </td> <?php } } ?> </tr> <?php } ?>
} } ?> </form> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <p><?php echo l('service_buy_text', 'services', '', 'text', array()); ?> </p> <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'services', 'method' => 'index', 'gid' => $this->_vars['template']['gid']), $this); ?> " target="blank"><?php echo l('service_link_buy', 'services', '', 'text', array()); ?> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <?php $this->_block_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->_block_content = tpl_block_strip($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], $this->_block_content, $this);
?> "><?php echo l('header_play', 'like_me', '', 'text', array()); ?> </a></li> <?php } ?> <li<?php if ($this->_vars['action'] == 'matches') { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> ><a data-pjax-no-scroll="1" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'like_me', 'method' => 'index', 'action' => 'matches'), $this); ?> "><?php echo l('header_matches', 'like_me', '', 'text', array()); ?> </a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="action-block"></div> </div> </div> <script> <?php if (!empty($this->_vars['user_data']['have_more'])) { ?> var all_loaded = <?php
<input type="button" name="btn_send" value="<?php echo l('btn_send', 'mailbox', '', 'button', array()); ?> " id="btn_send_message" class="btn"> <?php if ($this->_vars['type'] == 'short' && !$this->_vars['is_reply']) { ?> <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="fright" id="write_message_full"><?php echo l('link_message_form', 'mailbox', '', 'text', array()); ?> </a> <?php } elseif (!$this->_vars['write_message']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'mailbox', 'method' => $this->_vars['folder']), $this); ?> " class="btn-link"><i class="icon-arrow-left icon-big edge hover"></i><i><?php echo l('link_back_to_' . $this->_vars['folder'], 'mailbox', '', 'text', array()); ?> </i></a> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="clr"></div> <?php if ($this->_vars['type'] == 'short' && !$this->_vars['is_reply']) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="id_to_user" value="<?php echo $this->_vars['user_id'];
?> (<?php echo $this->_vars['trash_new_message']; ?> )<?php } ?> </a></li> <li<?php if ($this->_vars['folder'] == 'spam') { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> id="spam"><a data-pjax-no-scroll="1" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'mailbox', 'method' => 'spam'), $this); ?> "><?php echo l('spam', 'mailbox', '', 'text', array()); ?> <?php if ($this->_vars['spam_new_message'] > 0) { ?> (<?php echo $this->_vars['spam_new_message']; ?> )<?php } ?> </a></li> </ul>
?> <span id="friendlist_<?php echo $this->_vars['friendlist_button_rand']; ?> "> <span id="friendlist_links_<?php echo $this->_vars['friendlist_button_rand']; ?> "> <?php if (is_array($this->_vars['buttons']) and count((array) $this->_vars['buttons'])) { foreach ((array) $this->_vars['buttons'] as $this->_vars['btn_name'] => $this->_vars['btn']) { ?> <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'friendlist', 'method' => $this->_vars['btn']['method'], 'destination_user_id' => $this->_vars['id_dest_user']), $this); ?> " class="link-r-margin" data-pjax="0" method="<?php echo $this->_vars['btn']['method']; ?> " onclick="event.preventDefault();" title="<?php echo l('action_' . $this->_vars['btn_name'], 'friendlist', '', 'text', array()); ?> " data-user_id="<?php echo $this->_vars['id_dest_user']; ?> "><i class="icon-<?php echo $this->_vars['btn']['icon'];
<?php echo l('error_empty_billing_system_list', 'service', '', 'text', array()); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </form> <div class="pt10"> <a class="btn-link" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => account, 'action' => 'services'), $this); ?> "> <i class="icon-arrow-left icon-big edge hover"></i><i><?php echo l('back_to_payment_services', 'services', '', 'text', array()); ?> </i> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clr"></div> <?php $this->_block_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->_block_content = tpl_block_strip($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack) - 1][1], $this->_block_content, $this);
</td> </tr> <?php } } ?> </table> </div> <div class="b outside"> <input type="submit" class='btn' value="<?php echo l('btn_send', 'start', '', 'button', array()); ?> " name="btn_save"> <a class="btn-link" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => account, 'action' => 'payments_history'), $this); ?> "> <i class="icon-arrow-left icon-big edge hover"></i><i><?php echo l('btn_cancel', 'start', '', 'text', array()); ?> </i> </a> </div> </div> </form> </div> </div> <div class="clr"></div> <?php $this->_block_content = ob_get_contents();
" name="logbtn"> </div> </form> <?php echo tpl_function_helper(array('func_name' => 'show_social_networking_login', 'module' => 'users_connections'), $this); ?> </div> <div class="clr"></div> <div> <p class="header-comment"><?php echo l('text_register_comment', 'users', '', 'text', array()); ?> </p> <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'registration'), $this); ?> " class="btn-link"><i class="fa-arrow-right icon-big edge hover"></i><i><?php echo l('link_register', 'users', '', 'text', array()); ?> </i></a> </div> </div> <div class="clr"></div> <?php $_templatelite_tpl_vars = $this->_vars; echo $this->_fetch_compile_include($this->general_path . $this->get_current_theme_gid('', '') . "footer.tpl", array('load_type' => false)); $this->_vars = $_templatelite_tpl_vars; unset($_templatelite_tpl_vars);
?> : <a href="<?php echo $this->_vars['data']['feed_link']; ?> "><?php echo $this->_vars['data']['feed']['title']; ?> </a><?php } ?> <div class="clr"></div> <?php echo tpl_function_block(array('name' => 'comments_form', 'module' => 'comments', 'gid' => news, 'id_obj' => $this->_vars['data']['id'], 'hidden' => 0, 'count' => $this->_vars['data']['comments_count']), $this); ?> <br><a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'news', 'method' => 'index'), $this); ?> "><?php echo l('link_back_to_news', 'news', '', 'text', array()); ?> </a> </div> </div> <?php echo tpl_function_block(array('name' => 'show_social_networks_like', 'module' => 'social_networking'), $this); echo tpl_function_block(array('name' => 'show_social_networks_share', 'module' => 'social_networking'), $this); echo tpl_function_block(array('name' => 'show_social_networks_comments', 'module' => 'social_networking'), $this); ?> <div class="clr"></div> <?php
</div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if (is_array($this->_vars['sections']) and count((array) $this->_vars['sections'])) { foreach ((array) $this->_vars['sections'] as $this->_vars['item']) { ?> <h2 class="line top bottom linked"> <?php echo $this->_vars['item']['name']; ?> <a class="fright" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'profile', 'section-code' => $this->_vars['item']['gid'], 'section-name' => $this->_vars['item']['name']), $this); ?> "><i class="fa-pencil icon-big edge hover"></i></a> </h2> <div class="view-section"> <?php $_templatelite_tpl_vars = $this->_vars; echo $this->_fetch_compile_include($this->module_path . "users" . $this->module_templates . $this->get_current_theme_gid('', '"users"') . "custom_view_fields.tpl", array('fields_data' => $this->_vars['item']['fields'], 'load_type' => false)); $this->_vars = $_templatelite_tpl_vars; unset($_templatelite_tpl_vars); ?> </div> <?php } }
: <?php echo $this->_vars['item']['data_admin'][$this->_vars['setting_gid']]; ?> </span></div> <?php } } ?> </div> </dt> <dt class="righted"> <?php if ($this->_vars['item']['price'] || $this->_vars['item']['template']['price_type'] != 1) { ?> <input type="button" onclick="locationHref('<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'services', 'method' => 'form', 'gid' => $this->_vars['item']['gid']), $this); ?> ');" value="<?php echo l('btn_buy_now', 'services', '', 'text', array()); ?> " /> <?php } else { ?> <input type="button" onclick=" var href='<?php echo $this->_vars['site_url']; ?> services/user_service_activate/<?php echo $this->_vars['user_id']; ?>
</div> <?php if ($this->_vars['data']['id']) { ?> <div class="row"> <div class="h"><?php echo l('field_view_link', 'content', '', 'text', array()); ?> : </div> <div class="v"> <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'content', 'method' => 'view', 'data' => $this->_vars['data']), $this); ?> "> <?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'content', 'method' => 'view', 'data' => $this->_vars['data']), $this); ?> </a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="row"> <div class="h"><?php echo l('field_lang', 'content', '', 'text', array()); ?> : </div> <div class="v"> <select name="lang_id"> <?php
<li<?php if ($this->_vars['profile_section'] == 'profile') { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> ><a data-pjax-no-scroll="1" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'view', 'data' => $this->_vars['seodata'], 'section-code' => 'profile', 'section-name' => $this->_vars['profile_section_name']), $this); ?> "><?php echo $this->_vars['profile_section_name']; ?> </a></li> <?php $this->assign('gallery_section_name', l('filter_section_gallery', 'users', '', 'text', array())); ?> <li<?php if ($this->_vars['profile_section'] == 'gallery') { ?> class="active"<?php } ?> ><a data-pjax-no-scroll="1" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'view', 'data' => $this->_vars['seodata'], 'section-code' => 'gallery', 'section-name' => $this->_vars['gallery_section_name']), $this); ?> "><?php echo $this->_vars['gallery_section_name']; ?> </a></li> </ul> </div>
?> "> <i class="fa-heart icon-big edge hover"></i> </a> <a class="remove_from_fav<?php if ($this->_vars['action'] == 'add') { ?> hide<?php } ?> link-r-margin" data-userId="<?php echo $this->_vars['id_dest_user']; ?> " href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'favourites', 'method' => 'remove', 'destination_user_id' => $this->_vars['id_dest_user']), $this); ?> " data-pjax="0" onclick="event.preventDefault();" class="link-r-margin" title="<?php echo l('action_remove', 'favourites', '', 'text', array()); ?> "> <i class="fa-heart icon-big edge hover"> <i class="fa-mini-stack icon-remove"></i> </i> </a> </span> <script><?php echo ' $(function() {
echo $this->_vars['text_user_logo']; ?> " title="<?php echo $this->_vars['text_user_logo']; ?> " /></a> </div> <div class="content"> <h3> <span><?php if ($this->_vars['comments']['users'][$this->_vars['comment_id_user']]['is_guest'] && $this->_vars['comment']['user_name']) { echo $this->_vars['comment']['user_name']; } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'view', 'data' => $this->_vars['comments']['users'][$this->_vars['comment_id_user']]), $this); ?> "><?php echo $this->_vars['comments']['users'][$this->_vars['comment_id_user']]['output_name']; ?> </a><?php } ?> </span><?php if (!$this->_vars['comment']['is_author']) { ?> <span class="ml10"><?php echo tpl_function_block(array('name' => 'mark_as_spam_block', 'module' => 'spam', 'object_id' => $this->_vars['comment']['id'], 'type_gid' => 'comments_object', 'template' => 'minibutton'), $this); ?> </span><?php }
</div> <script type="text/javascript"><?php echo ' $(function(){ loadScripts("'; echo tpl_function_js(array('module' => 'users', 'file' => 'users-list.js', 'return' => 'path'), $this); echo '", function(){ users_list = new usersList({ siteUrl: \''; echo $this->_vars['site_url']; echo '\', viewUrl: \''; echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'perfect_match'), $this); echo '\', viewAjaxUrl: \'ajax_perfect_match\', listBlockId: \'main_users_results\', tIds: [\'pages_block_1\', \'pages_block_2\', \'sorter_block\'] }); }, \'users_list\' ); }); '; ?> </script> </div> <?php
</div> <ul class="ulHeader"> <li> <div class="buttons"> <!--<div>--> <!--style="line-height:30%;">--> <div class="companyRegButton"> <a href="<?php echo $this->_vars['site_url']; ?> users/registration"><button type="button" style="width:100%;height: 2.13em;">Company Registration</button></a> </div> <div class="loginButton" id="ajax_login_link_menu"> <!--a id="ajax_login_link" href="<?php echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'login_form'), $this); ?> "><button type="button" style="width:100%;">Login</button></a--> <a href="<?php echo $this->_vars['site_url']; ?> users/login_form"><button type="button" style="width:100%;height: 2.13em;">Login</button></a> </div> </div> <div class="searchPart"> <div class="searchDropdown"> <?php echo tpl_function_selectbox(array('input' => 'user_type', 'id' => 'looking_user_type', 'value' => $this->_vars['user_types']['option'], 'default' => $this->_vars['all_select_lang']), $this); ?>
$(function(){ loadScripts( "'; echo tpl_function_js(array('file' => 'available_view.js', 'return' => 'path'), $this); echo '", function(){ activate_available_view = new available_view({ siteUrl: \''; echo $this->_vars['site_url']; echo '\', checkAvailableAjaxUrl: \'users/ajax_available_user_activate_in_search/\', buyAbilityAjaxUrl: \'users/ajax_activate_user_activate_in_search/\', buyAbilityFormId: \'ability_form\', buyAbilitySubmitId: \'ability_form_submit\', success_request: function(message) {error_object.show_error_block(message, \'success\'); locationHref(\''; echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'profile'), $this); echo '\')}, fail_request: function(message) {error_object.show_error_block(message, \'error\');} }); }, \'activate_available_view\', {async: false} ); }); </script>'; ?> <div> <a href="<?php echo $this->_vars['site_url']; ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->_vars['users'][$this->_vars['id_dest_user']]['media']['user_logo']['thumbs']['small']; ?> " /> </a> </div> <div class="content"> <?php echo l('wall_events_and', 'friendlist', '', 'text', array()); ?> <a href="<?php if (!empty($this->_vars['id_dest_user'])) { echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'view', 'data' => $this->_vars['users'][$this->_vars['id_dest_user']]), $this); } else { echo tpl_function_seolink(array('module' => 'users', 'method' => 'untitled'), $this); } ?> "> <?php echo $this->_vars['users'][$this->_vars['id_dest_user']]['output_name']; ?> </a> <?php if ($this->_vars['event']['event_type_gid'] == 'friend_add') { ?> <?php echo l('wall_now_friends', 'friendlist', '', 'text', array()); ?> <?php