function getModuleInfo() { return smart_getModuleInfo($this->_moduleName); }
define("SMARTMAIL_ROOT_PATH", XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . SMARTMAIL_DIRNAME . '/'); } if (!defined("SMARTMAIL_IMAGES_URL")) { define("SMARTMAIL_IMAGES_URL", SMARTMAIL_URL . '/images/'); } /** Include SmartObject framework **/ include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/smartobject/class/smartloader.php'; include SMARTOBJECT_ROOT_PATH . "class/smartobjectcategory.php"; /* * Including the common language file of the module */ $fileName = SMARTMAIL_ROOT_PATH . 'language/' . $GLOBALS['xoopsConfig']['language'] . '/common.php'; if (!file_exists($fileName)) { $fileName = SMARTMAIL_ROOT_PATH . 'language/english/common.php'; } include_once $fileName; include_once SMARTMAIL_ROOT_PATH . "class/newsletter.php"; include_once SMARTMAIL_ROOT_PATH . "class/subscriber.php"; include_once SMARTMAIL_ROOT_PATH . "include/functions.php"; // Creating the SmartModule object $smartContentModule =& smart_getModuleInfo('smartmail'); // Find if the user is admin of the module $smartmail_isAdmin = smart_userIsAdmin('smartmail'); $myts = MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $smartmail_moduleName = $smartContentModule->getVar('name'); // Creating the SmartModule config Object $smartContentConfig =& smart_getModuleConfig('smartmail'); // Creating the Newsletter handler $smartmail_newsletter_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('newsletter', 'smartmail'); // Creating the Subscriber handler $smartmail_subscriber_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('subscriber', 'smartmail');
function &smart_getModuleConfig($moduleName = false) { static $smartConfigs; if (isset($smartConfigs[$moduleName])) { $ret =& $smartConfigs[$moduleName]; return $ret; } global $xoopsModule, $xoopsModuleConfig; if (!$moduleName) { if (isset($xoopsModule) && is_object($xoopsModule)) { $smartConfigs[$xoopsModule->getVar('dirname')] =& $xoopsModuleConfig; return $smartConfigs[$xoopsModule->getVar('dirname')]; } } // if we still did not found the xoopsModule, this is because there is none if (!$moduleName) { $ret = false; return $ret; } if (isset($xoopsModule) && is_object($xoopsModule) && $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') == $moduleName) { $smartConfigs[$moduleName] =& $xoopsModuleConfig; } else { $module =& smart_getModuleInfo($moduleName); if (!is_object($module)) { $ret = false; return $ret; } $hModConfig =& xoops_gethandler('config'); $smartConfigs[$moduleName] =& $hModConfig->getConfigsByCat(0, $module->getVar('mid')); } return $smartConfigs[$moduleName]; }
function getAllowedObjects($asObject = true, $groups, $criteria = null) { $smartModule = smart_getModuleInfo('smartmail'); $perm_handler = xoops_gethandler('groupperm'); $allowed_newsletterids = $perm_handler->getItemIds('smartmail_newsletter_subscribe', $groups, $smartModule->getVar('mid')); $nl_criteria = new CriteriaCompo(); if (!is_null($criteria)) { $nl_criteria->add($criteria); } $nl_criteria->add(new Criteria('newsletter_id', "(" . implode(',', $allowed_newsletterids) . ")", "IN")); if ($asObject) { return $this->getObjects($nl_criteria, true); } else { return $this->getList($nl_criteria); } }
* $Id: common.php,v 1.1 2006/11/02 17:25:05 marcan Exp $ * Module: SmartClone * Author: The SmartFactory <> * Licence: GNU */ if (!defined("XOOPS_ROOT_PATH")) { die("XOOPS root path not defined"); } if (!defined("SMARTCLONE_DIRNAME")) { define("SMARTCLONE_DIRNAME", 'smartclone'); } if (!defined("SMARTCLONE_URL")) { define("SMARTCLONE_URL", XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . SMARTCLONE_DIRNAME . '/'); } if (!defined("SMARTCLONE_ROOT_PATH")) { define("SMARTCLONE_ROOT_PATH", XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . SMARTCLONE_DIRNAME . '/'); } if (!defined("SMARTCLONE_IMAGES_URL")) { define("SMARTCLONE_IMAGES_URL", SMARTCLONE_URL . '/images/'); } /** Include SmartObject Framework **/ include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/smartobject/include/common.php'; include_once SMARTCLONE_ROOT_PATH . "include/functions.php"; // Creating the SmartModule object $smartclone_module =& smart_getModuleInfo(SMARTCLONE_DIRNAME); // Find if the user is admin of the module $smartclone_isAdmin = smart_userIsAdmin(SMARTCLONE_DIRNAME); $myts = MyTextSanitizer::getInstance(); $smartclone_moduleName = $smartclone_module->getVar('name'); // Creating the SmartModule config Object $smartclone_config =& smart_getModuleConfig(SMARTCLONE_DIRNAME);
function moduleUpgrade(&$module) { $dirname = $module->getVar('dirname'); ob_start(); $table = new SmartDbTable($dirname . '_meta'); if (!$table->exists()) { $table->setStructure("\n\t\t\t `metakey` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t\t `metavalue` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',\n\t\t\t PRIMARY KEY (`metakey`)"); $table->setData("'version',0"); if (!$this->updateTable($table)) { /** * @todo trap the errors */ } } $dbVersion = smart_GetMeta('version', $dirname); if (!$dbVersion) { $dbVersion = 0; } $newDbVersion = constant(strtoupper($dirname . '_db_version')) ? constant(strtoupper($dirname . '_db_version')) : 0; echo 'Database version : ' . $dbVersion . '<br />'; echo 'New database version : ' . $newDbVersion . '<br />'; if ($newDbVersion > $dbVersion) { for ($i = $dbVersion + 1; $i <= $newDbVersion; $i++) { $upgrade_function = $dirname . '_db_upgrade_' . $i; if (function_exists($upgrade_function)) { $upgrade_function(); } } } echo "<code>" . _SDU_UPDATE_UPDATING_DATABASE . "<br />"; // if there is a function to execute for this DB version, let's do it //$function_ $module_info = smart_getModuleInfo($dirname); $this->automaticUpgrade($dirname, $module_info->modinfo['object_items']); echo "</code>"; $feedback = ob_get_clean(); if (method_exists($module, "setMessage")) { $module->setMessage($feedback); } else { echo $feedback; } smart_SetMeta("version", $newDbVersion, $dirname); //Set meta version to current return true; }
function getPrintAndMailLink($smartObj) { global $xoopsConfig; $printlink = $this->handler->_moduleUrl . "print.php?" . $this->handler->keyName . "=" . $smartObj->getVar($this->handler->keyName); $js = "javascript:openWithSelfMain('" . $printlink . "', 'smartpopup', 700, 519);"; $printlink = '<a href="' . $js . '"><img src="' . SMARTOBJECT_IMAGES_ACTIONS_URL . 'fileprint.png" alt="" style="vertical-align: middle;"/></a>'; $smartModule = smart_getModuleInfo($smartObj->handler->_moduleName); $link = smart_getCurrentPage(); $mid = $smartModule->getVar('mid'); $friendlink = "<a href=\"javascript:openWithSelfMain('" . SMARTOBJECT_URL . "sendlink.php?link=" . $link . "&mid=" . $mid . "', ',',',',',','sendmessage', 674, 500);\"><img src=\"" . SMARTOBJECT_IMAGES_ACTIONS_URL . "mail_send.png\" alt=\"" . _CO_SOBJECT_EMAIL . "\" title=\"" . _CO_SOBJECT_EMAIL . "\" style=\"vertical-align: middle;\"/></a>"; $ret = '<span id="smartobject_print_button">' . $printlink . " </span>" . '<span id="smartobject_mail_button">' . $friendlink . '</span>'; return $ret; }