function wait() { global $fatherpid; if (posix_getpid() == $fatherpid) { tlog("begin wait"); while (($pid = pcntl_wait($stat)) > 0) { tlog("child." . $pid . ". terminated \n"); } } }
function init_args(&$dbHandler) { $iParams = array("apikey" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 32, 64), "tproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "format" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N)); $args = new stdClass(); $pParams = R_PARAMS($iParams, $args); if (!is_null($args->apikey)) { $cerbero = new stdClass(); $cerbero->args = new stdClass(); $cerbero->args->tproject_id = $args->tproject_id; if (strlen($args->apikey) == 32) { $cerbero->args->getAccessAttr = true; $cerbero->method = 'checkRights'; $cerbero->redirect_target = "../../login.php?note=logout"; setUpEnvForRemoteAccess($dbHandler, $args->apikey, $cerbero); } else { $args->addOpAccess = false; $cerbero->method = null; setUpEnvForAnonymousAccess($dbHandler, $args->apikey, $cerbero); } } else { testlinkInitPage($dbHandler, true, false, "checkRights"); $args->tproject_id = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? intval($_SESSION['testprojectID']) : 0; } if ($args->tproject_id <= 0) { $msg = __FILE__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . " :: Invalid Test Project ID ({$args->tproject_id})"; throw new Exception($msg); } if (is_null($args->format)) { tlog("Parameter 'format' is not defined", 'ERROR'); exit; } $args->user = $_SESSION['currentUser']; return $args; }
function tlog_dump() { echo "<div class='noprint'" . " style='border-bottom: 2px solid red;height:3em'>" . "</div>"; tlog("done"); global $tlog_arr; echo "<div class='noprint tlog_report'>\n"; echo "<table>\n"; echo "<tr class='tlog_heading'>" . "<th>Total</th>" . "<th>Delta</th>" . "<th>Message</th>" . "</tr>\n"; $start = $tlog_arr[0][0]; $n = count($tlog_arr); for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) { $arr = $tlog_arr[$i]; $ts = $arr[0]; $msg = $arr[1]; if ($i < $n - 1) { $delta = $tlog_arr[$i + 1][0] - $ts; } else { $delta = 0; } $ts -= $start; echo sprintf("<tr>" . "<td class='tlog_num'>%.3f</td>" . "<td class='tlog_num'>%.3f</td>" . "<td>%s</td></tr>\n", $ts * 1000, $delta * 1000, h($msg)); } echo "</table>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; }
function error($handl) { //функция вызова ошибки tlog($handl); ob_end_clean(); include 'error.php'; exit; }
function getDataAndScale(&$dbHandler, $argsObj) { $obj = new stdClass(); $totals = null; $resultsCfg = config_get('results'); $metricsMgr = new tlTestPlanMetrics($dbHandler); $dataSet = $metricsMgr->getRootTestSuites($argsObj->tplan_id, $argsObj->tproject_id); $dummy = $metricsMgr->getStatusTotalsByTopLevelTestSuiteForRender($argsObj->tplan_id); $obj->canDraw = !is_null($dummy->info); if (property_exists($argsObj, 'debug')) { new dBug($dummy->info); } if ($obj->canDraw) { //// Process to enable alphabetical order $item_descr = array_flip($dataSet); ksort($item_descr); foreach ($item_descr as $name => $tsuite_id) { if (isset($dummy->info[$tsuite_id])) { $items[] = htmlspecialchars($name); $rmap = $dummy->info[$tsuite_id]['details']; foreach ($rmap as $key => $value) { $totals[$key][] = $value['qty']; } } else { // make things work, but create log this is not ok tlog(__FILE__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . 'Missing item: name/id:' . "{$name}/{$tsuite_id}", 'DEBUG'); } } } $obj->xAxis = new stdClass(); $obj->xAxis->values = $items; $obj->xAxis->serieName = 'Serie8'; $obj->series_color = null; foreach ($totals as $status => $values) { $obj->chart_data[] = $values; $obj->series_label[] = lang_get($resultsCfg['status_label'][$status]); if (isset($resultsCfg['charts']['status_colour'][$status])) { $obj->series_color[] = $resultsCfg['charts']['status_colour'][$status]; } } return $obj; }
function init_args() { $iParams = array("tplan_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "format" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N)); $args = new stdClass(); $pParams = G_PARAMS($iParams, $args); $args->tproject_id = $_SESSION['testprojectID']; if (is_null($args->format)) { tlog("Parameter 'format' is not defined", 'ERROR'); exit; } return $args; }
case 'testproject': show_instructions('assignReqs'); exit; break; case 'testsuite': $gui = processTestSuite($db, $args, $gui); $templateCfg->default_template = 'reqTcBulkAssignment.tpl'; if ($bulkDone) { $gui->user_feedback = sprintf(lang_get('bulk_assigment_done'), $bulkCounter); } break; case 'testcase': $gui = processTestCase($db, $args, $gui); break; default: tlog("Wrong GET/POST arguments.", 'ERROR'); exit; break; } $smarty = new TLSmarty(); $smarty->assign('gui', $gui); $smarty->assign('modify_req_rights', has_rights($db, "mgt_modify_req")); $smarty->display($templateCfg->template_dir . $templateCfg->default_template); /** * */ function init_args() { $iParams = array("id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "req_id" => array(tlInputParameter::ARRAY_INT), "req" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "showCloseButton" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "doAction" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "edit" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "unassign" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "assign" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "form_token" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "idSRS" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N)); $args = new stdClass(); R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
* * Page has two functions: navigation and select Test Plan * * This file is the first page that the user sees when they log in. * Most of the code in it is html but there is some logic that displays * based upon the login. * There is also some javascript that handles the form information. * * @internal revisions * @since 1.9.10 * **/ require_once '../../'; require_once 'common.php'; if (function_exists('memory_get_usage') && function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')) { tlog("mainPage.php: Memory after common.php> Usage: " . memory_get_usage(), 'DEBUG'); } testlinkInitPage($db, TRUE); $smarty = new TLSmarty(); $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db); $user = $_SESSION['currentUser']; $testprojectID = isset($_SESSION['testprojectID']) ? intval($_SESSION['testprojectID']) : 0; $testplanID = isset($_SESSION['testplanID']) ? intval($_SESSION['testplanID']) : 0; $accessibleItems = $tproject_mgr->get_accessible_for_user($user->dbID, array('output' => 'map_name_with_inactive_mark')); $tprojectQty = $tproject_mgr->getItemCount(); $userIsBlindFolded = (is_null($accessibleItems) || count($accessibleItems) == 0) && $tprojectQty > 0; if ($userIsBlindFolded) { $testprojectID = $testplanID = 0; $_SESSION['testprojectTopMenu'] = ''; } $tplan2check = null;
/** * initializeGui * */ function initializeGui($statusCode, &$argsObj) { $guiObj = new stdClass(); // Count for the Failed Issues whose bugs have to be raised/not linked. $guiObj->without_bugs_counter = 0; $guiObj->dataSet = null; $guiObj->title = null; $guiObj->type = $argsObj->type; $guiObj->warning_msg = ''; // Humm this may be can be configured ??? foreach (array('failed', 'blocked', 'not_run') as $verbose_status) { if ($argsObj->type == $statusCode[$verbose_status]) { $guiObj->title = lang_get('list_of_' . $verbose_status); break; } } if (is_null($guiObj->title)) { tlog('wrong value of GET type'); exit; } return $guiObj; }
if(!$parse['func'][$function]) tlog(false, $function.' in '.$parse2['files'][$decl], 'OK', 'fail'); else $okCount1++; } } tlog(true, 'Other declarations: '.$okCount1, 'OK', 'fail'); tsection('Unused Code'); ksort($parse['func']); foreach($parse['func'] as $function => $decl) if(!strStartsWith($parse2['files'][$decl], './plugins/') && !strStartsWith($parse2['files'][$decl], './log/') && !strStartsWith($parse2['files'][$decl], './static/')) { if(!inStr($parse2['files'][$decl], 'controller') && substr($function, 0, 1) != '_' && substr($function, 0, 1) != '(' && !strStartsWith($parse2['files'][$decl], './msg') && !$ignoreCallCheck[$function] && !strEndsWith($function, 'callback()') && !strStartsWith($function, 'js_') && !strStartsWith($function, 'dyn_') && $function != 'h2_exceptionhandler()') { if(!$parse['call'][$function]) tlog(false, $function.' in '.$parse2['files'][$decl], 'OK', 'fail'); else $okCount2++; } } tlog(true, 'Other calls: '.$okCount2, 'OK', 'fail'); tsection_end(); ?><!--<pre> <? print_r($parse); ?> </pre>-->
tlog($post->isDeleted, '"deleted" internal property set', 'OK', 'fail'); $streamPosts1 = $this->msg->getStream($ne2->key()); $wallPosts1 = $this->msg->getPostList($ne1->key()); $postFound9 = -1; $postFound10 = -1; foreach($streamPosts1['list'] as $pds) if($pds['m_id'] == $post->data['msgid']) $postFound9 = $pds['m_id']; tlog($postFound9 == -1, 'Message gone from author stream', 'OK', 'fail (#'.$postFound9.')'); foreach($wallPosts1['list'] as $pds) if($pds['m_id'] == $post->data['msgid']) $postFound10 = $pds['m_id']; tlog($postFound10 == -1, 'Message gone from owner profile', 'OK', 'fail ('.$postFound10.')'); // next, we'll try an invalid update where the author has suddenly changed $post->data['text'] = 'This update should not have happened.'; $post->author($ne1->ds); $post->sendToUrl($ne1->ds['server']); tlog($post->responseData['result'] != 'OK', 'Rejection policy', 'OK ('.$post->responseData['reason'].')', 'fail'); tsection_end(); ?>
function waitForClientToOutput($pipe, $string1, $retryCount = 20) { global $test_run_id; tlog("reading client output"); $rc = $retryCount; while (!feof($pipe)) { $clientOutput = fgets($pipe); tlog($clientOutput); if (strpos($clientOutput, ".....Debugger client still waiting for server response.....") === 0) { if (--$rc > 0) { continue; } dumpLogFilesToStdoutAndDie(); } echo $clientOutput; if (strpos($clientOutput, $string1) === 0) { break; } $rc = $retryCount; } if (feof($pipe)) { tlog("client closed the pipe."); } tlog("done reading client output"); }
tlog('No students purposefully not updated.', 'warn'); } tlog('', '----'); if ($logging['num']['grade_types']) { tlog($logging['num']['grade_types'] . ' grade types with ' . $logging['num']['grade_types_in_use'] . ' grades set:', 'smry'); $count = 0; foreach ($logging['grade_types'] as $grade_type => $num_grades) { echo sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $grade_type . ': ' . $num_grades . ".\n"; } } else { tlog('No grade_types found.', 'warn'); } tlog('', '----'); if ($logging['num']['poor_grades']) { tlog($logging['num']['poor_grades'] . ' poor grades:', 'smry'); $count = 0; foreach ($logging['poor_grades'] as $poorgrade) { echo sprintf('%4s', ++$count) . ': ' . $poorgrade . "\n"; } } else { tlog('No poor grades found. Good!', 'smry'); } // Finish time. $time_end = microtime(true); $duration = $time_end - $time_start; $mins = floor($duration / 60) == 0 ? '' : floor($duration / 60) . ' minutes'; $secs = $duration % 60 == 0 ? '' : $duration % 60 . ' seconds'; $secs = $mins == '' ? $secs : ' ' . $secs; tlog('', '----'); tlog('Finished at ' . date('c', $time_end) . ', took ' . $mins . $secs . ' (' . number_format($duration, DECIMALS) . ' seconds).', 'done'); exit(0);
/** * initializeGui * */ function initializeGui($statusCode, &$argsObj, &$tplanMgr) { $guiObj = new stdClass(); $guiObj->format = $argsObj->format; $guiObj->tproject_id = $argsObj->tproject_id; $guiObj->tplan_id = $argsObj->tplan_id; $guiObj->apikey = $argsObj->apikey; // Count for the Failed Issues whose bugs have to be raised/not linked. $guiObj->without_bugs_counter = 0; $guiObj->dataSet = null; $guiObj->title = null; $guiObj->type = $argsObj->type; $guiObj->warning_msg = ''; // Implementation based on convention, will use only keys starting with 'list_tc_' // see reports.cfg.php $reportCfg = config_get('reports_list'); $lbl_th_bugs_not_linked = lang_get('th_bugs_not_linked'); $needle = 'list_tc_'; $nl = strlen($needle); foreach ($reportCfg as $key => $val) { $checkIt = false; if ($checkIt = strpos($key, $needle) !== FALSE) { // now get the verbose status // list_tc_[verbose_status], example list_tc_not_run $verbose_status = substr($key, $nl); // if( $verbose_status != 'not_run' || $verbose_status != 'passed' ) $guiObj->bugs_msg = $lbl_th_bugs_not_linked; if (isset($reportCfg[$key]['misc'])) { if (isset($reportCfg[$key]['misc']['bugs_not_linked']) && $reportCfg[$key]['misc']['bugs_not_linked'] == false) { $guiObj->bugs_msg = ''; } } } if ($checkIt) { if ($argsObj->type == $statusCode[$verbose_status]) { $guiObj->title = lang_get('list_of_' . $verbose_status); break; } } } if (is_null($guiObj->title)) { tlog('wrong value of GET type'); exit; } // needed to decode $getOpt = array('outputFormat' => 'map'); $guiObj->platformSet = $tplanMgr->getPlatforms($argsObj->tplan_id, $getOpt); if (!($guiObj->show_platforms = !is_null($guiObj->platformSet))) { $guiObj->platformSet = array(''); } $guiObj->buildSet = $tplanMgr->get_builds_for_html_options($argsObj->tplan_id); return $guiObj; }
<h3>Creating and finding</h3> <? $newUserId = 'HTT_'.substr(md5(time()), 0, 5); $erec = array('server' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'user' => $newUserId, 'url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/'.$newUserId); $ne = new HubbubEntity(); ?><div>Test Entity: <?php echo json_encode($erec); ?> </div><? $ne->create($erec, true); tlog($ne->ds['_key'] > 0, 'HubbubEntity::create()', 'created', 'failed, no key assigned'); $found = HubbubEntity::findEntityGlobal(array('server' => $erec['server'], 'user' => $erec['user'])); tlog($found['_key'] > 0, 'HubbubEntity::findEntityGlobal(server, user)', 'found', 'not found'); tlog($found['_key'] == $ne->ds['_key'], 'HubbubEntity::findEntityGlobal(server, user) key value', 'correct', 'not valid'); tlog(!HubbubEntity::isNameAvailable($erec['user']), 'HubbubEntity::isNameAvailable(user)', 'OK', 'name not found'); ?>
$post = new HubbubMessage('post'); $post->localUserEntity = $u[0]['id']; $post->owner($u[0]['erec']); $post->data['text'] = 'This is a realtime message. Umlauts like üöä should be preserved.'; $post->save(); tlog($post->ds['m_key'] > 0, 'Message created by user ('.$u[0]['id'].')', 'OK (#'.$post->ds['m_key'].')', 'fail'); // now let's see who has the message in their stream foreach($u as $usr) { if($isFriend[$u[0]['id']][$usr['id']]) tlog(hasMessageInStream($this, $usr['id'], $post->ds['m_key']), 'User '.$usr['id'].' has message '.$post->ds['m_key'].' in stream', 'OK', 'fail'); else tlog(!hasMessageInStream($this, $usr['id'], $post->ds['m_key']), 'User '.$usr['id'].' has message '.$post->ds['m_key'].' NOT in stream', 'OK', 'fail'); } tsection_end(); ?> <div style="height: 200px"></div> <pre><? #print_r($this->msg->getStream($u[4]['id'])); ?></pre>