예제 #1
파일: contact.php 프로젝트: bcneb/WebYep
echo sLS("Kontakt", "Contact");

webyep_longText(sWYLS(sLS("Adresse DE", "Adresse EN"), sLS("Address DE", "Address EN")), true, "", true);

<p>»»» <?php 
echo sLS("Plan zum Vergrößern anklicken:", "Click the plan to zoom:");
<br />
webyep_image(sWYLS("Plan", "Plan"), false, 'class="bordered"', "", "", 220, 0, true);

<p>»»» <?php 
echo sLS("Anfahrtsplan und Beschreibung als PDF herunterladen:", "Download map and directions:");
webyep_attachment(sWYLS("Anfahrtsplan", "Directions"));


include_once "../footer.inc.php";
예제 #2
<div class="divider"></div>
webyep_shortText(sWYLS('Veranstaltungstitel', 'EventTitle'), false);
echo sLS('Wann', 'When');
:</strong><br /><?php 
webyep_shortText(sWYLS('Wann', 'When'), false);
echo sLS('Wo', 'Where');
:</strong><br /><?php 
webyep_shortText(sWYLS('Wo', 'Where'), false);
<h2>„Tag der offenen Tür“</h2>
<p><strong>Wann: </strong>15.10.2010, 14.00–20.00 Uhr</p>
<p><strong>Wo: </strong>Therapiezentrum „Leben in Balance“</p>
<div class="divider"></div>
<a href="events.php">»»» <?php 
echo sLS('Weitere Termine', 'More events');
예제 #3

echo sSubMenuItem(sLS("Philosophie", "Philosophy"), "about_philosophy.php");
<div class="divider"></div>
echo sSubMenuItem(sLS("Team", "Team"), "about_team.php");
<div class="subSubNav"><?php 
webyep_menu("Team", true, "about_team_member.php", "", "", "");
<div class="divider"></div>
예제 #4
파일: partners.php 프로젝트: bcneb/WebYep

include_once "../main.inc.php";
$sPageTitle = sLS("Leben in Balance", "Life in Balance");
include_once "../header.inc.php";

<div id="mainContent" class="noSubMenu">

echo sLS("Unsere Partner", "Our Partners");
<div style="height: 20px"></div>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
foreach (WYLoopElement::aLoopIDs(sWYLS("Termine", "Events")) as $webyep_oCurrentLoop->iLoopID) {
<td valign="top" style="padding-right: 20px" width="1%">
    webyep_image(sWYLS("Logo", "Logo"), false, 'class="bordered"', "", "", 120, 0, false);
<td valign="top">
    <div class="loopControls"><?php 
예제 #5
파일: about_team.php 프로젝트: bcneb/WebYep

include_once "../main.inc.php";
$sPageTitle = sLS("Leben in Balance", "Life in Balance");
include_once "../header.inc.php";
<div id="mainContent">

if ($gsLang == "de") {

<h1>Unser Team</h1>

Erfahrene ÄrztInnen, TherapeutInnen und TrainerInnen betreuen Sie bei „Leben in Balance“. 

} else {

<h1>Our Team</h1>

<p>At „Live in Balance“ you in the hands of experienced medics, therapists and coaches.</p>


<p>Magna commy nosto dolore dipsusc ilisci blaore facipis nonse ming eugiam augiam eugue min ulla conum etuerci blandit ex estio eliqui te faccumsandip essent vel duis auguercidunt lor suscin vulla adit alis esequipit, susto euissi.</p>

<p>Se vullamet landre modiat inci eummy niamcore te dignit ullamco mmodoluptat acing er sumsan hent eugiamet ipisse tatin volorting exer sustrud ea faccum dolorem vel ulputpat, commod ming eu facin ex ero odolorper ad te magna feu faci et ipit acil essit, con euissi.</p>
예제 #6
    <td class="fieldLabel"><?php 
echo sLS("Lebenslauf", "Curriculum Vitae");
webyep_attachment(sWYLS("Lebenslauf", "CV"));
echo sLS("zum Herunterladen anlicken", "click to download");
    <td class="fieldLabel"><?php 
echo sLS("Kontakt", "Contact");
webyep_longText(sWYLS("Kontakt", "Contact"), false, "", true);

include_once "../footer.inc.php";
예제 #7

include_once "../main.inc.php";
$sPageTitle = sLS("Leben in Balance", "Life in Balance");
include_once "../header.inc.php";

<div id="mainContent" class="noSidebar">

echo sLS("Fotos", "Photos");
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
foreach (WYLoopElement::aLoopIDs(sWYLS("Termine", "Events")) as $webyep_oCurrentLoop->iLoopID) {
<td valign="top" colspan=2>
    <div style="height: 1px; padding-top: 20px; margin-top:20px; border-top: 1px solid #C0D445"></div>
<td valign="top">
    <div class="loopControls"><?php 
    webyep_shortText(sWYLS("Titel", "Title"), false);
예제 #8
    webyep_shortText(sWYLS("Titel", "Title"), false);
    echo sLS("Wann", "When");
    webyep_shortText(sWYLS("Wann", "When"), false);
    echo sLS("Wo", "Where");
    webyep_longText(sWYLS("Wo", "Where"), false, "", true);
    webyep_richText("Text", false, "../tinymce.css");
    webyep_attachment(sWYLS("Anhang", "Attachment"));
<td valign="top" style="padding-left: 20px">
    webyep_image(sWYLS("Bild", "Image"), false, 'class="bordered zoomable"', "", "", 192, 0, true);
예제 #9

include_once "../main.inc.php";
$sPageTitle = sLS("Leben in Balance", "Life in Balance");
include_once "../header.inc.php";

<div id="mainContent" class="noSubMenu">
echo sLS("Impressum", "Legal Notice");

webyep_longText(sWYLS(sLS("Adresse DE", "Adresse EN"), sLS("Address DE", "Address EN")), true, "", true);

if ($gsLang == "de") {

<p>Konzept und Grafik: Hilde Matouschek | <a href="http://www.officina.at" target="_blank">www.officina.at</a></p>
<p>Bilder: Hilde Matouschek (officina); Robert P. Mobley Jr., Alfred Wekelo, Pippa West, Vitalii Gubin, Yuri Arcurs, Mitarart, Dmitry Koksharov (alle: Fotolia.de)</p>
<p><strong>Hinweis:</strong> „Leben in Balance“ ist ein fiktives Projekt zur Demonstration des webbasierenden Content-Management-Systems WebYep! der Objective Development Software GmbH.</p>

} else {
예제 #10

webyep_menu(sLS(sWYLS("Terminkategorien DE", "Event Categories DE"), sWYLS("Terminkategorien EN", "Event Categories EN")), true, "events_category.php", "", "", "");
예제 #11
파일: about.php 프로젝트: bcneb/WebYep
include_once "../main.inc.php";
$sPageTitle = sLS("Leben in Balance", "Life in Balance");
include_once "../header.inc.php";

<div id="mainContent">

webyep_richText("Text", false, "../tinymce.css");


<div id="sidebarRight">
echo sIMG('/photos/about.jpg', '');
    <div class="imageCaption"><?php 
echo sLS("Ein freundliches, modernes Ambiente erwartet Sie.", "A friendly, modern atmosphere welcomes you.");

include_once "../footer.inc.php";