예제 #1
 function testRecoverPassword()
     $this->get($this->url . "/recoverPassword.php");
     if (strpos($this->getBrowser()->getContentAsText(), "your email address") === false) {
         $this->fail("'your email address' not found when expected.");
         return 1;
     if (!$this->setFieldByName("email", "simpletest@localhost")) {
         $this->fail("Failed to set email");
         return 1;
     if (!$this->clickSubmitByName("recover")) {
         $this->fail("clicking recover returned false");
     //fix the password so others can still login...
     $md5pass = md5("simpletest");
     pdo_query("UPDATE " . qid("user") . " SET password='******' WHERE email='simpletest@localhost'");
예제 #2
 public function testRecoverPassword()
     $this->get($this->url . '/recoverPassword.php');
     if (strpos($this->getBrowser()->getContentAsText(), 'your email address') === false) {
         $this->fail("'your email address' not found when expected.");
         return 1;
     if (!$this->setFieldByName('email', 'simpletest@localhost')) {
         $this->fail('Failed to set email');
         return 1;
     if (!$this->clickSubmitByName('recover')) {
         $this->fail('clicking recover returned false');
     //fix the password so others can still login...
     $md5pass = md5('simpletest');
     pdo_query('UPDATE ' . qid('user') . " SET password='******' WHERE email='simpletest@localhost'");
예제 #3
 function register_user($projectid, $email, $firstName, $lastName, $repositoryCredential)
     include dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/config.php';
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
     // Check if the user is already registered
     $user = pdo_query('SELECT id FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE email='{$email}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($user) > 0) {
         // Check if the user has been registered to the project
         $user_array2 = pdo_fetch_array($user);
         $userid = $user_array2['id'];
         $user = pdo_query("SELECT userid FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
         if (pdo_num_rows($user) == 0) {
             // not registered
             // We register the user to the project
             pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                  VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
             // We add the credentials if not already added
             $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
             $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
             // Add the email by default
             echo pdo_error();
             return false;
         return '<error>User ' . $email . ' already registered.</error>';
     // already registered
     // Check if the repositoryCredential exists for this project
     $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $repositoryCredential;
     if ($UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential() === true) {
         return '<error>' . $repositoryCredential . ' was already registered for this project under a different email address</error>';
     // Register the user
     // Create a new password
     $keychars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
     $length = 10;
     $pass = '';
     $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
         // random_int is available in PHP 7 and the random_compat PHP 5.x
         // polyfill included in the Composer package.json dependencies.
         $pass .= substr($keychars, random_int(0, $max), 1);
     $encrypted = md5($pass);
     pdo_query('INSERT INTO ' . qid('user') . " (email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,admin)\n                 VALUES ('{$email}','{$encrypted}','{$firstName}','{$lastName}','','0')");
     $userid = pdo_insert_id('user');
     // Insert the user into the project
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
     // We add the credentials if not already added
     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
     $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
     // Add the email by default
     $currentURI = get_server_URI();
     $prefix = '';
     if (strlen($firstName) > 0) {
         $prefix = ' ';
     $project = pdo_query("SELECT name FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
     $projectname = $project_array['name'];
     // Send the email
     $text = 'Hello' . $prefix . $firstName . ",\n\n";
     $text .= 'You have been registered to CDash because you have CVS/SVN access to the repository for ' . $projectname . "\n";
     $text .= 'To access your CDash account: ' . $currentURI . "/user.php\n";
     $text .= 'Your login is: ' . $email . "\n";
     $text .= 'Your password is: ' . $pass . "\n\n";
     $text .= 'Generated by CDash.';
     if (cdashmail("{$email}", 'CDash - ' . $projectname . ' : Subscription', "{$text}")) {
         echo 'Email sent to: ' . $email . '<br>';
     } else {
         add_log("cannot send email to: {$email}", 'register_user', LOG_ERR);
     return true;
예제 #4
            list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
            return (double) $sec + (double) $usec * 100000;
        $password = "";
        $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
            $password .= substr($keychars, rand(0, $max), 1);
        $currentURI = get_server_URI();
        $url = $currentURI . "/user.php";
        $text = "Hello,\n\n You have asked to recover your password for CDash.\n\n";
        $text .= "Your new password is: " . $password . "\n";
        $text .= "Please go to this page to login: "******"{$url}\n";
        $text .= "\n\nGenerated by CDash";
        if (cdashmail("{$email}", "CDash password recovery", $text, "From: CDash <" . $CDASH_EMAIL_FROM . ">\nReply-To: " . $CDASH_EMAIL_REPLY . "\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0")) {
            $md5pass = md5($password);
            // If we can send the email we update the database
            pdo_query("UPDATE " . qid("user") . " SET password='******' WHERE email='{$email}'");
            $xml .= "<message>A confirmation message has been sent to your inbox.</message>";
        } else {
            $xml .= "<warning>Cannot send recovery email</warning>";
$xml .= "</cdash>";
// Now doing the xslt transition
generate_XSLT($xml, "recoverPassword");
예제 #5
파일: sendemail.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
/** function to send email to site maintainers when the update
 * step fails */
function send_update_email($handler, $projectid)
    include 'config/config.php';
    include_once 'include/common.php';
    require_once 'include/pdo.php';
    require_once 'models/build.php';
    require_once 'models/project.php';
    require_once 'models/buildgroup.php';
    $Project = new Project();
    $Project->Id = $projectid;
    // If we shouldn't sent any emails we stop
    if ($Project->EmailBrokenSubmission == 0) {
    // If the handler has a buildid (it should), we use it
    if (isset($handler->BuildId) && $handler->BuildId > 0) {
        $buildid = $handler->BuildId;
    } else {
        // Get the build id
        $name = $handler->getBuildName();
        $stamp = $handler->getBuildStamp();
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $buildid = get_build_id($name, $stamp, $projectid, $sitename);
    if ($buildid < 0) {
    //  Check if the group as no email
    $Build = new Build();
    $Build->Id = $buildid;
    $groupid = $Build->GetGroup();
    $BuildGroup = new BuildGroup();
    // If we specified no email we stop here
    if ($BuildGroup->GetSummaryEmail() == 2) {
    // Send out update errors to site maintainers
    $update_errors = check_email_update_errors($buildid);
    if ($update_errors['errors']) {
        // Find the site maintainer(s)
        $sitename = $handler->getSiteName();
        $siteid = $handler->getSiteId();
        $to_address = '';
        $email_addresses = pdo_query('SELECT email FROM ' . qid('user') . ',site2user WHERE ' . qid('user') . ".id=site2user.userid AND site2user.siteid='{$siteid}'");
        while ($email_addresses_array = pdo_fetch_array($email_addresses)) {
            if ($to_address != '') {
                $to_address .= ', ';
            $to_address .= $email_addresses_array['email'];
        if ($to_address != '') {
            $serverURI = get_server_URI();
            // In the case of asynchronous submission, the serverURI contains /cdash
            // we need to remove it
                $serverURI = substr($serverURI, 0, strrpos($serverURI, '/'));
            // Generate the email to send
            $subject = 'CDash [' . $Project->Name . '] - Update Errors for ' . $sitename;
            $update_info = pdo_query('SELECT command,status FROM buildupdate AS u,build2update AS b2u
                              WHERE b2u.updateid=u.id AND b2u.buildid=' . qnum($buildid));
            $update_array = pdo_fetch_array($update_info);
            $body = "{$sitename} has encountered errors during the Update step and you have been identified as the maintainer of this site.\n\n";
            $body .= "*Update Errors*\n";
            $body .= 'Status: ' . $update_array['status'] . ' (' . $serverURI . '/viewUpdate.php?buildid=' . $buildid . ")\n";
            if ($CDASH_TESTING_MODE) {
                add_log($to_address, 'TESTING: EMAIL', LOG_DEBUG);
                add_log($subject, 'TESTING: EMAILTITLE', LOG_DEBUG);
                add_log($body, 'TESTING: EMAILBODY', LOG_DEBUG);
            } else {
                if (cdashmail("{$to_address}", $subject, $body)) {
                    add_log('email sent to: ' . $to_address, 'sendEmailExpectedBuilds');
                } else {
                    add_log('cannot send email to: ' . $to_address, 'sendEmailExpectedBuilds');
예제 #6
파일: index.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
if (isset($_GET['method'])) {
    require __DIR__ . '/index_old.php';
include dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/config/config.php';
require_once 'include/pdo.php';
include 'include/common.php';
include 'include/version.php';
require_once 'models/project.php';
require_once 'models/buildfailure.php';
require_once 'include/filterdataFunctions.php';
require_once 'include/index_functions.php';
// Check if we can connect to the database.
$db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
if (!$db || pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db) === false || pdo_query('SELECT id FROM ' . qid('user') . ' LIMIT 1', $db) === false) {
        $response = array();
        $response['error'] = 'CDash cannot connect to the database.';
        echo json_encode($response);
    } else {
        // redirect to the install.php script
        $response = array();
        $response['redirect'] = get_server_URI() . '/install.php';
        echo json_encode($response);
@($projectname = $_GET['project']);
예제 #7
파일: buildnote.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
require_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/config/config.php';
require_once 'include/pdo.php';
require_once 'include/common.php';
$buildid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($_GET['buildid']);
if (!isset($buildid) || !is_numeric($buildid)) {
    echo 'Not a valid buildid!';
$db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
// Find the notes
$note = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM buildnote WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' ORDER BY timestamp ASC");
while ($note_array = pdo_fetch_array($note)) {
    $userid = $note_array['userid'];
    $user_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query('SELECT firstname,lastname FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE id='{$userid}'"));
    $timestamp = strtotime($note_array['timestamp'] . ' UTC');
    switch ($note_array['status']) {
        case 0:
            echo '<b>[note] </b>';
        case 1:
            echo '<b>[fix in progress] </b>';
        case 2:
            echo '<b>[fixed] </b>';
    echo 'by <b>' . $user_array['firstname'] . ' ' . $user_array['lastname'] . '</b>' . ' (' . date('H:i:s T', $timestamp) . ')';
    echo '<pre>' . substr($note_array['note'], 0, 100) . '</pre>';
    // limit 100 chars
예제 #8
 * Authentication function
 * This is called on every page load where common.php is selected, as well as when
 * submitting the login form.
function auth($SessionCachePolicy = 'private_no_expire')
    include dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/config.php';
    $loginid = 1231564132;
        $login = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
        return authenticate($login, null, $SessionCachePolicy, 0);
        // we don't remember
    if (@$_GET['logout']) {
        // user requested logout
        // Remove the cookie if we have one
        $cookienames = array('CDash', str_replace('.', '_', 'CDash-' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));
        // php doesn't like dot in cookie names
        foreach ($cookienames as $cookiename) {
            if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) {
                $cookievalue = $_COOKIE[$cookiename];
                $cookieuseridkey = substr($cookievalue, 0, strlen($cookievalue) - 33);
                $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
                pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
                pdo_query('UPDATE ' . qid('user') . " SET cookiekey='' WHERE id=" . qnum($cookieuseridkey));
                setcookie('CDash-' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], '', time() - 3600);
        echo "<script language=\"javascript\">window.location='index.php'</script>";
        return 0;
    if (isset($_POST['sent'])) {
        // arrive from login form
        @($login = $_POST['login']);
        if ($login != null) {
            $login = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($login));
        @($passwd = $_POST['passwd']);
        if ($passwd != null) {
            $passwd = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($passwd));
        return authenticate($login, $passwd, $SessionCachePolicy, isset($_POST['rememberme']));
    } else {
        // arrive from session var
        $cookiename = str_replace('.', '_', 'CDash-' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
        // php doesn't like dot in cookie names
        if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) {
            $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
            pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
            $cookievalue = $_COOKIE[$cookiename];
            $cookiekey = substr($cookievalue, strlen($cookievalue) - 33);
            if (strlen($cookiekey) < 1) {
                return false;
            $cookieuseridkey = substr($cookievalue, 0, strlen($cookievalue) - 33);
            $sql = 'SELECT email,password,id FROM ' . qid('user') . "\n                WHERE cookiekey='" . pdo_real_escape_string($cookiekey) . "'";
            if (!empty($cookieuseridkey)) {
                $sql .= " AND id='" . pdo_real_escape_string($cookieuseridkey) . "'";
            $result = pdo_query("{$sql}");
            if (pdo_num_rows($result) == 1) {
                $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($result);
                @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $CDASH_COOKIE_EXPIRATION_TIME + 600);
                $sessionArray = array('login' => $user_array['email'], 'passwd' => $user_array['password'], 'ID' => session_id(), 'valid' => 1, 'loginid' => $user_array['id']);
                $_SESSION['cdash'] = $sessionArray;
                return true;
        // Return early if a session has already been started.
        if (session_status() != PHP_SESSION_NONE) {
        @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $CDASH_COOKIE_EXPIRATION_TIME + 600);
        $email = @$_SESSION['cdash']['login'];
        if (!empty($email)) {
            $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
            pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
            $sql = 'SELECT id,password FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE email='" . pdo_real_escape_string($email) . "'";
            $result = pdo_query("{$sql}");
            if (pdo_num_rows($result) == 0) {
                $loginerror = 'Wrong email or password.';
                return false;
            $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($result);
            if ($user_array['password'] == $_SESSION['cdash']['passwd']) {
                return true;
            $loginerror = 'Wrong email or password.';
            return false;
예제 #9
파일: monitor.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
function echo_submission_table()
    @($limit = $_REQUEST['limit']);
    if (!isset($limit)) {
        $limit = 25;
    } else {
        $limit = pdo_real_escape_numeric($limit);
    $rows = pdo_all_rows_query("SELECT * FROM " . qid("submission") . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
    $sep = ', ';
    echo "<h3>Table `submission` (most recently queued {$limit})</h3>";
    echo '<pre>';
    echo 'id, filename, projectid, status, attempts, filesize, filemd5sum, ' . 'lastupdated, created, started, finished' . "\n";
    echo "\n";
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
        echo $row['id'] . $sep . $row['filename'] . $sep . $row['projectid'] . $sep . $row['status'] . $sep . $row['attempts'] . $sep . $row['filesize'] . $sep . $row['filemd5sum'] . $sep . $row['lastupdated'] . $sep . $row['created'] . $sep . $row['started'] . $sep . $row['finished'] . "\n";
    echo '</pre>';
    echo '<br/>';
예제 #10
파일: user.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
 /** Get the user id from the email */
 function GetIdFromEmail($email)
     $email = pdo_real_escape_string($email);
     $query = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE email='" . trim($email) . "'");
     if (!$query) {
         return false;
     if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
         return false;
     $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
     return $query_array['id'];
예제 #11
파일: gitinfo.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
function echo_file_contents($filename)
    // Emit the contents of the named file, but only if it exists.
    // If it doesn't exist, emit nothing.
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
        $contents = file_get_contents($filename);
        echo '<h3>contents of "' . $filename . '"</h3>';
        echo '<pre>';
        echo htmlentities($contents);
        echo '</pre>';
        echo '<br/>';
if ($session_OK) {
    $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
    $user_is_admin = pdo_get_field_value('SELECT admin FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE id='{$userid}'", 'admin', 0);
    if ($user_is_admin) {
        echo_svn_output('remote -v');
        global $CDASH_ROOT_DIR;
        echo_file_contents($CDASH_ROOT_DIR . '/config/config.local.php');
        echo_file_contents($CDASH_ROOT_DIR . '/tests/config.test.local.php');
        echo '<br/>';
    } else {
        echo 'Admin login required to display svn info.';
예제 #12
$response['hidenav'] = 1;
@($projectid = $_GET['projectid']);
if ($projectid != null) {
    $projectid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($projectid);
// If the projectid is not set and there is only one project we go directly to the page
if (!isset($projectid)) {
    $project = pdo_query('SELECT id FROM project');
    if (pdo_num_rows($project) == 1) {
        $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
        $projectid = $project_array['id'];
@($show = $_GET['show']);
$role = 0;
$user_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query('SELECT admin FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE id='{$userid}'"));
if ($projectid && is_numeric($projectid)) {
    $user2project = pdo_query("SELECT role FROM user2project\n     WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($user2project) > 0) {
        $user2project_array = pdo_fetch_array($user2project);
        $role = $user2project_array['role'];
if ($user_array['admin'] != 1 && $role <= 1) {
    $response['error'] = "You don't have the permissions to access this page";
    echo json_encode($response);
// List the available projects that this user has admin rights to.
$sql = 'SELECT id,name FROM project';
if ($user_array['admin'] != 1) {
예제 #13
 public function testCleanup()
     pdo_query('DELETE FROM ' . qid('user') . "WHERE id={$this->UserId}");
     pdo_query("DELETE FROM password WHERE userid={$this->UserId}");
예제 #14
 function register_user($projectid, $email, $firstName, $lastName, $repositoryCredential)
     include "cdash/config.php";
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
     // Check if the user is already registered
     $user = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE email='{$email}'");
     if (pdo_num_rows($user) > 0) {
         // Check if the user has been registered to the project
         $user_array2 = pdo_fetch_array($user);
         $userid = $user_array2["id"];
         $user = pdo_query("SELECT userid FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
         if (pdo_num_rows($user) == 0) {
             // We register the user to the project
             pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                  VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
             // We add the credentials if not already added
             $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
             $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
             // Add the email by default
             echo pdo_error();
             return false;
         return "<error>User " . $email . " already registered.</error>";
     // already registered
     // Check if the repositoryCredential exists for this project
     $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $repositoryCredential;
     if ($UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential() === true) {
         return "<error>" . $repositoryCredential . " was already registered for this project under a different email address</error>";
     // Register the user
     // Create a new password
     $keychars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
     $length = 10;
     $pass = "";
     $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
         $pass .= substr($keychars, rand(0, $max), 1);
     $encrypted = md5($pass);
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO " . qid("user") . " (email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,admin)\n                 VALUES ('{$email}','{$encrypted}','{$firstName}','{$lastName}','','0')");
     $userid = pdo_insert_id("user");
     // Insert the user into the project
     pdo_query("INSERT INTO user2project (userid,projectid,role,emailtype)\n                                VALUES ('{$userid}','{$projectid}','0','1')");
     // We add the credentials if not already added
     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
     $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
     // Add the email by default
     $currentURI = get_server_URI();
     $prefix = "";
     if (strlen($firstName) > 0) {
         $prefix = " ";
     $project = pdo_query("SELECT name FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
     $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
     $projectname = $project_array['name'];
     // Send the email
     $text = "Hello" . $prefix . $firstName . ",<br><br>";
     $text .= "You have been registered to CDash because you have CVS/SVN access to the repository for " . $projectname . " <br>";
     $text .= "To access your CDash account: " . $currentURI . "/user.php<br>";
     $text .= "Your login is: " . $email . "<br>";
     $text .= "Your password is: " . $pass . "<br>";
     $text .= "<br>Generated by CDash.";
     if (@cdashmail("{$email}", "CDash - " . $projectname . " : Subscription", "{$text}", "From: {$CDASH_EMAILADMIN}\nReply-To: no-reply\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8")) {
         echo "Email sent to: " . $email . "<br>";
     return true;
예제 #15
파일: buildnote.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
set_include_path($cdashpath . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
require_once "cdash/config.php";
require_once "cdash/pdo.php";
require_once "cdash/common.php";
$buildid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($_GET["buildid"]);
if (!isset($buildid) || !is_numeric($buildid)) {
    echo "Not a valid buildid!";
$db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
// Find the notes
$note = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM buildnote WHERE buildid='{$buildid}' ORDER BY timestamp ASC");
while ($note_array = pdo_fetch_array($note)) {
    $userid = $note_array["userid"];
    $user_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT firstname,lastname FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE id='{$userid}'"));
    $timestamp = strtotime($note_array["timestamp"] . " UTC");
    switch ($note_array["status"]) {
        case 0:
            echo "<b>[note] </b>";
        case 1:
            echo "<b>[fix in progress] </b>";
        case 2:
            echo "<b>[fixed] </b>";
    echo "by <b>" . $user_array["firstname"] . " " . $user_array["lastname"] . "</b>" . " (" . date("H:i:s T", $timestamp) . ")";
    echo "<pre>" . substr($note_array["note"], 0, 100) . "</pre>";
    // limit 100 chars
예제 #16
파일: gitinfo.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
    // Emit the contents of the named file, but only if it exists.
    // If it doesn't exist, emit nothing.
    if (file_exists($filename)) {
        $contents = file_get_contents($filename);
        echo '<h3>contents of "' . $filename . '"</h3>';
        echo '<pre>';
        echo htmlentities($contents);
        echo '</pre>';
        echo '<br/>';
if ($session_OK) {
    $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
    $user_is_admin = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT admin FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE id='{$userid}'", 'admin', 0);
    if ($user_is_admin) {
        echo_svn_output('remote -v');
        global $CDASH_ROOT_DIR;
        echo_file_contents($CDASH_ROOT_DIR . '/cdash/config.local.php');
        echo_file_contents($CDASH_ROOT_DIR . '/tests/config.test.local.php');
        echo '<h3>phpinfo</h3>';
        echo '<br/>';
    } else {
        echo 'Admin login required to display svn info.';
예제 #17
/** Send an email to administrator of the project for users who are not registered */
function sendEmailUnregisteredUsers($projectid, $cvsauthors)
    include "cdash/config.php";
    require_once "models/userproject.php";
    include_once "cdash/common.php";
    $unregisteredusers = array();
    foreach ($cvsauthors as $author) {
        if ($author == "Local User") {
        $UserProject = new UserProject();
        $UserProject->RepositoryCredential = $author;
        $UserProject->ProjectId = $projectid;
        if (!$UserProject->FillFromRepositoryCredential()) {
            $unregisteredusers[] = $author;
    // Send the email if any
    if (count($unregisteredusers) > 0) {
        // Find the project administrators
        $email = "";
        $emails = pdo_query("SELECT email FROM " . qid("user") . ",user2project WHERE " . qid("user") . ".id=user2project.userid\n                         AND user2project.projectid=" . qnum($projectid) . " AND user2project.role='2'");
        while ($emails_array = pdo_fetch_array($emails)) {
            if ($email != "") {
                $email .= ", ";
            $email .= $emails_array["email"];
        // Send the email
        if ($email != "") {
            $projectname = get_project_name($projectid);
            $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
            if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
                $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
            $title = "CDash [" . $projectname . "] - Unregistered users";
            $body = "The following users are checking in code but are not registered for the project " . $projectname . ":\n";
            foreach ($unregisteredusers as $unreg) {
                $body .= "* " . $unreg . "\n";
            $body .= "\n You should register these users to your project. They are currently not receiving any emails from CDash.\n";
            $body .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
            add_log($title . " : " . $body . " : " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
            if (cdashmail("{$email}", $title, $body, "From: CDash <" . $CDASH_EMAIL_FROM . ">\nReply-To: " . $CDASH_EMAIL_REPLY . "\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\nX-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . "\nMIME-Version: 1.0")) {
                add_log("email sent to: " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
            } else {
                add_log("cannot send email to: " . $email, "sendEmailUnregisteredUsers");
    // end count()
예제 #18
파일: editUser.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
     } else {
         $user = new User();
         $user->Id = $userid;
         $user->Password = $md5pass;
         if ($user->Save()) {
             $xml .= '<error>Your password has been updated.</error>';
         } else {
             $xml .= '<error>Cannot update password.</error>';
 $xml .= '<user>';
 $user = pdo_query('SELECT * FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE id='{$userid}'");
 $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($user);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('id', $userid);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('firstname', $user_array['firstname']);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('lastname', $user_array['lastname']);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('email', $user_array['email']);
 $xml .= add_XML_value('institution', $user_array['institution']);
 // Update the credentials
 @($updatecredentials = $_POST['updatecredentials']);
 if ($updatecredentials) {
     $credentials = $_POST['credentials'];
     $UserProject = new UserProject();
     $UserProject->ProjectId = 0;
     $UserProject->UserId = $userid;
     $credentials[] = $user_array['email'];
예제 #19
/** Generate the subprojects dashboard */
function generate_subprojects_dashboard_XML($project_instance, $date)
    $start = microtime_float();
    $noforcelogin = 1;
    include_once "cdash/config.php";
    require_once "cdash/pdo.php";
    include 'login.php';
    include_once "models/banner.php";
    include_once "models/subproject.php";
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    if (!$db) {
        echo "Error connecting to CDash database server<br>\n";
    if (!pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db)) {
        echo "Error selecting CDash database<br>\n";
    $Project = $project_instance;
    $projectid = $project_instance->Id;
    $homeurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->HomeUrl));
    checkUserPolicy(@$_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'], $projectid);
    $xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
    $xml .= "<title>CDash - " . $Project->Name . "</title>";
    $Banner = new Banner();
    $text = $Banner->GetText();
    if ($text !== false) {
        $xml .= "<banner>";
        $xml .= add_XML_value("text", $text);
        $xml .= "</banner>";
    $text = $Banner->GetText();
    if ($text !== false) {
        $xml .= "<banner>";
        $xml .= add_XML_value("text", $text);
        $xml .= "</banner>";
        $xml .= "<showlastsubmission>1</showlastsubmission>";
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $Project->NightlyTime);
    $svnurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->CvsUrl));
    $homeurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->HomeUrl));
    $bugurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->BugTrackerUrl));
    $googletracker = htmlentities($Project->GoogleTracker);
    $docurl = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($Project->DocumentationUrl));
    // Main dashboard section
    $xml .= "<dashboard>\n  <datetime>" . date("l, F d Y H:i:s T", time()) . "</datetime>\n  <date>" . $date . "</date>\n  <unixtimestamp>" . $currentstarttime . "</unixtimestamp>\n  <svn>" . $svnurl . "</svn>\n  <bugtracker>" . $bugurl . "</bugtracker>\n  <googletracker>" . $googletracker . "</googletracker>\n  <documentation>" . $docurl . "</documentation>\n  <logoid>" . $Project->getLogoID() . "</logoid>\n  <projectid>" . $projectid . "</projectid>\n  <projectname>" . $Project->Name . "</projectname>\n  <projectname_encoded>" . urlencode($Project->Name) . "</projectname_encoded>\n  <previousdate>" . $previousdate . "</previousdate>\n  <projectpublic>" . $Project->Public . "</projectpublic>\n  <nextdate>" . $nextdate . "</nextdate>";
    if (empty($Project->HomeUrl)) {
        $xml .= "<home>index.php?project=" . urlencode($Project->Name) . "</home>";
    } else {
        $xml .= "<home>" . $homeurl . "</home>";
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/models/proProject.php")) {
        include_once "local/models/proProject.php";
        $pro = new proProject();
        $pro->ProjectId = $projectid;
        $xml .= "<proedition>" . $pro->GetEdition(1) . "</proedition>";
    if ($currentstarttime > time()) {
        $xml .= "<future>1</future>";
    } else {
        $xml .= "<future>0</future>";
    $xml .= "</dashboard>";
    // Menu definition
    $xml .= "<menu>";
    if (!has_next_date($date, $currentstarttime)) {
        $xml .= add_XML_value("nonext", "1");
    $xml .= "</menu>";
    $beginning_timestamp = $currentstarttime;
    $end_timestamp = $currentstarttime + 3600 * 24;
    $beginning_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp);
    $end_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
    // User
    if (isset($_SESSION['cdash'])) {
        $xml .= "<user>";
        $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
        $user2project = pdo_query("SELECT role FROM user2project WHERE userid='{$userid}' and projectid='{$projectid}'");
        $user2project_array = pdo_fetch_array($user2project);
        $user = pdo_query("SELECT admin FROM " . qid("user") . "  WHERE id='{$userid}'");
        $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($user);
        $xml .= add_XML_value("id", $userid);
        $isadmin = 0;
        if ($user2project_array["role"] > 1 || $user_array["admin"]) {
            $isadmin = 1;
        $xml .= add_XML_value("admin", $isadmin);
        $xml .= add_XML_value("projectrole", $user2project_array['role']);
        $xml .= "</user>";
    // Get some information about the project
    $xml .= "<project>";
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nbuilderror", $Project->GetNumberOfErrorBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nbuildwarning", $Project->GetNumberOfWarningBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nbuildpass", $Project->GetNumberOfPassingBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nconfigureerror", $Project->GetNumberOfErrorConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nconfigurewarning", $Project->GetNumberOfWarningConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("nconfigurepass", $Project->GetNumberOfPassingConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("ntestpass", $Project->GetNumberOfPassingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("ntestfail", $Project->GetNumberOfFailingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("ntestnotrun", $Project->GetNumberOfNotRunTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, true));
    if (strlen($Project->GetLastSubmission()) == 0) {
        $xml .= add_XML_value("lastsubmission", "NA");
    } else {
        $xml .= add_XML_value("lastsubmission", $Project->GetLastSubmission());
    $xml .= "</project>";
    // Look for the subproject
    $row = 0;
    $subprojectids = $Project->GetSubProjects();
    $subprojProp = array();
    foreach ($subprojectids as $subprojectid) {
        $SubProject = new SubProject();
        $subprojProp[$subprojectid] = array('name' => $SubProject->GetName());
    $testSubProj = new SubProject();
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfErrorBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuilderror'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfWarningBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuildwarning'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingBuilds($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nbuildpass'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfErrorConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigureerror'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfWarningConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigurewarning'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingConfigures($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['nconfigurepass'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfPassingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestpass'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfFailingTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestfail'] = $row[1];
    $result = $testSubProj->GetNumberOfNotRunTests($beginning_UTCDate, $end_UTCDate, True);
    if ($result) {
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            $subprojProp[$row['subprojectid']]['ntestnotrun'] = $row[1];
    $reportArray = array('nbuilderror', 'nbuildwarning', 'nbuildpass', 'nconfigureerror', 'nconfigurewarning', 'nconfigurepass', 'ntestpass', 'ntestfail', 'ntestnotrun');
    foreach ($subprojectids as $subprojectid) {
        $SubProject = new SubProject();
        $xml .= "<subproject>";
        $xml .= add_XML_value("name", $SubProject->GetName());
        $xml .= add_XML_value("name_encoded", urlencode($SubProject->GetName()));
        foreach ($reportArray as $reportnum) {
            $reportval = array_key_exists($reportnum, $subprojProp[$subprojectid]) ? $subprojProp[$subprojectid][$reportnum] : 0;
            $xml .= add_XML_value($reportnum, $reportval);
        if (strlen($SubProject->GetLastSubmission()) == 0) {
            $xml .= add_XML_value("lastsubmission", "NA");
        } else {
            $xml .= add_XML_value("lastsubmission", $SubProject->GetLastSubmission());
        $xml .= "</subproject>";
        if ($row == 1) {
            $row = 0;
        } else {
            $row = 1;
    // end for each subproject
    $end = microtime_float();
    $xml .= "<generationtime>" . round($end - $start, 3) . "</generationtime>";
    $xml .= "</cdash>";
    return $xml;
예제 #20
파일: viewMap.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
$nightlytime = strtotime($project_array["nightlytime"]);
$nightlyhour = gmdate("H", $nightlytime);
$nightlyminute = gmdate("i", $nightlytime);
$nightlysecond = gmdate("s", $nightlytime);
$end_timestamp = $currenttime - 1;
// minus 1 second when the nightly start time is midnight exactly
$beginning_timestamp = gmmktime($nightlyhour, $nightlyminute, $nightlysecond, gmdate("m", $end_timestamp), gmdate("d", $end_timestamp), gmdate("Y", $end_timestamp));
if ($end_timestamp < $beginning_timestamp) {
    $beginning_timestamp = gmmktime($nightlyhour, $nightlyminute, $nightlysecond, gmdate("m", $end_timestamp - 24 * 3600), gmdate("d", $end_timestamp - 24 * 3600), gmdate("Y", $end_timestamp - 24 * 3600));
$beginning_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $beginning_timestamp);
$end_UTCDate = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, $end_timestamp);
if ($CDASH_DB_TYPE == "pgsql") {
    $site = pdo_query("SELECT s.id,s.name,si.processorclockfrequency,\n                     si.description,\n                     si.numberphysicalcpus,s.ip,s.latitude,s.longitude, \n                     " . qid('user') . ".firstname," . qid('user') . ".lastname," . qid('user') . ".id AS userid\n                     FROM build AS b, siteinformation AS si, site as s\n                     LEFT JOIN site2user ON (site2user.siteid=s.id)\n                     LEFT JOIN " . qid('user') . " ON (site2user.userid=" . qid('user') . ".id)\n                     WHERE s.id=b.siteid \n                     AND b.starttime<'{$end_UTCDate}' AND b.starttime>'{$beginning_UTCDate}'\n                     AND si.siteid=s.id\n                     AND b.projectid='{$projectid}' GROUP BY s.id,s.name,si.processorclockfrequency,\n                     si.description,\n                     si.numberphysicalcpus,s.ip,s.latitude,s.longitude," . qid('user') . ".firstname," . qid('user') . ".lastname," . qid('user') . ".id");
} else {
    $site = pdo_query("SELECT s.id,s.name,si.processorclockfrequency,\n                     si.description,\n                     si.numberphysicalcpus,s.ip,s.latitude,s.longitude, \n                     " . qid('user') . ".firstname," . qid('user') . ".lastname," . qid('user') . ".id AS userid\n                     FROM build AS b, siteinformation AS si, site as s\n                     LEFT JOIN site2user ON (site2user.siteid=s.id)\n                     LEFT JOIN " . qid('user') . " ON (site2user.userid=" . qid('user') . ".id)\n                     WHERE s.id=b.siteid \n                     AND b.starttime<'{$end_UTCDate}' AND b.starttime>'{$beginning_UTCDate}'\n                     AND si.siteid=s.id\n                     AND b.projectid='{$projectid}' GROUP BY s.id");
echo pdo_error();
while ($site_array = pdo_fetch_array($site)) {
    $xml .= "<site>";
    $xml .= add_XML_value("name", $site_array["name"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("id", $site_array["id"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("description", $site_array["description"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("processor_speed", getByteValueWithExtension($site_array["processorclockfrequency"] * 1024 * 1024));
    $xml .= add_XML_value("numberphysicalcpus", $site_array["numberphysicalcpus"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("latitude", $site_array["latitude"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("longitude", $site_array["longitude"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("longitude", $site_array["longitude"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("maintainer_name", $site_array["firstname"] . " " . $site_array["lastname"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("maintainer_id", $site_array["userid"]);
    $xml .= "</site>";
예제 #21
파일: user.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
include_once 'cdash/common.php';
include "cdash/version.php";
include_once 'models/project.php';
include_once 'models/clientjobschedule.php';
include_once 'models/clientsite.php';
include_once 'models/clientjob.php';
include_once 'models/build.php';
if ($session_OK) {
    $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
    $xml = begin_XML_for_XSLT();
    $xml .= add_XML_value("manageclient", $CDASH_MANAGE_CLIENTS);
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("title", "CDash - My Profile");
    $user = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE id='{$userid}'");
    $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($user);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("user_name", $user_array["firstname"]);
    $xml .= add_XML_value("user_is_admin", $user_array["admin"]);
        $xml .= add_XML_value("user_can_create_projects", 1);
    } else {
        $xml .= add_XML_value("user_can_create_projects", 0);
    // Go through the list of project the user is part of
    $project2user = pdo_query("SELECT user2project.projectid AS projectid,role,name,\n                            (SELECT count(errorlog.projectid) FROM errorlog WHERE errorlog.projectid=user2project.projectid)\n                             AS errors\n                             FROM user2project,project\n                             WHERE project.id=user2project.projectid\n                             AND userid='{$userid}' ORDER BY project.name ASC");
    echo pdo_error();
    $condition_list_projects = '';
    $Project = new Project();
    $start = gmdate(FMT_DATETIME, strtotime(date("r")) - 3600 * 24);
    while ($project2user_array = pdo_fetch_array($project2user)) {
예제 #22
require_once "cdash/pdo.php";
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
echo "<userid>";
if (!isset($_GET['author'])) {
    echo "error<no-author-param/></userid>";
if (strlen($_GET['author']) == 0) {
    echo "error<empty-author-param/></userid>";
$author = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($_GET['author']));
// First, try the simplest query, where the author string is simply exactly
// equal to the user's email:
$userid = pdo_get_field_value("SELECT id FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE email='{$author}'", 'id', '-1');
if ($userid !== '-1') {
    echo $userid . "</userid>";
// If no exact email match, fall back to the more complicated project-based
// repository credentials lookup:
if (!isset($_GET['project'])) {
    echo "error<no-project-param/></userid>";
if (strlen($_GET['project']) == 0) {
    echo "error<empty-project-param/></userid>";
예제 #23
파일: viewMap.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
if ($CDASH_DB_TYPE == 'pgsql') {
    $site = pdo_query('SELECT s.id,s.name,si.processorclockfrequency,
                     ' . qid('user') . '.firstname,' . qid('user') . '.lastname,' . qid('user') . '.id AS userid
                     FROM build AS b, siteinformation AS si, site as s
                     LEFT JOIN site2user ON (site2user.siteid=s.id)
                     LEFT JOIN ' . qid('user') . ' ON (site2user.userid=' . qid('user') . ".id)\n                     WHERE s.id=b.siteid\n                     AND b.starttime<'{$end_UTCDate}' AND b.starttime>'{$beginning_UTCDate}'\n                     AND si.siteid=s.id\n                     AND b.projectid='{$projectid}' GROUP BY s.id,s.name,si.processorclockfrequency,\n                     si.description,\n                     si.numberphysicalcpus,s.ip,s.latitude,s.longitude," . qid('user') . '.firstname,' . qid('user') . '.lastname,' . qid('user') . '.id');
} else {
    $site = pdo_query('SELECT s.id,s.name,si.processorclockfrequency,
                     ' . qid('user') . '.firstname,' . qid('user') . '.lastname,' . qid('user') . '.id AS userid
                     FROM build AS b, siteinformation AS si, site as s
                     LEFT JOIN site2user ON (site2user.siteid=s.id)
                     LEFT JOIN ' . qid('user') . ' ON (site2user.userid=' . qid('user') . ".id)\n                     WHERE s.id=b.siteid\n                     AND b.starttime<'{$end_UTCDate}' AND b.starttime>'{$beginning_UTCDate}'\n                     AND si.siteid=s.id\n                     AND b.projectid='{$projectid}' GROUP BY s.id");
echo pdo_error();
while ($site_array = pdo_fetch_array($site)) {
    $xml .= '<site>';
    $xml .= add_XML_value('name', $site_array['name']);
    $xml .= add_XML_value('id', $site_array['id']);
    $xml .= add_XML_value('description', $site_array['description']);
    $xml .= add_XML_value('processor_speed', getByteValueWithExtension($site_array['processorclockfrequency'] * 1024 * 1024));
    $xml .= add_XML_value('numberphysicalcpus', $site_array['numberphysicalcpus']);
    $xml .= add_XML_value('latitude', $site_array['latitude']);
    $xml .= add_XML_value('longitude', $site_array['longitude']);
    $xml .= add_XML_value('longitude', $site_array['longitude']);
    $xml .= add_XML_value('maintainer_name', $site_array['firstname'] . ' ' . $site_array['lastname']);
    $xml .= add_XML_value('maintainer_id', $site_array['userid']);
    $xml .= '</site>';
예제 #24
파일: register.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
/** Authentication function */
function register()
    global $reg;
    include dirname(__DIR__) . '/config/config.php';
    require_once 'include/pdo.php';
    if (isset($_GET['key'])) {
        $key = pdo_real_escape_string($_GET['key']);
        $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . qid('usertemp') . " WHERE registrationkey='{$key}'";
        $query = pdo_query($sql);
        if (pdo_num_rows($query) == 0) {
            $reg = 'The key is invalid.';
            return 0;
        $query_array = pdo_fetch_array($query);
        $email = $query_array['email'];
        // We copy the data from usertemp to user
        $user = new User();
        $user->Email = $email;
        $user->Password = $query_array['password'];
        $user->FirstName = $query_array['firstname'];
        $user->LastName = $query_array['lastname'];
        $user->Institution = $query_array['institution'];
        if ($user->Save()) {
            pdo_query("DELETE FROM usertemp WHERE email='{$email}'");
            return 1;
        } else {
            $reg = pdo_error();
            return 0;
    } elseif (isset($_POST['sent'])) {
        // arrive from register form
        $url = $_POST['url'];
        if ($url != 'catchbot') {
            $reg = 'Bots are not allowed to obtain CDash accounts!';
            return 0;
        $email = $_POST['email'];
        $passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
        $passwd2 = $_POST['passwd2'];
        if (!($passwd == $passwd2)) {
            $reg = 'Passwords do not match!';
            return 0;
        $complexity = getPasswordComplexity($passwd);
        if ($complexity < $CDASH_MINIMUM_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY) {
                $reg = "Your password must contain at least {$CDASH_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY_COUNT} characters from {$CDASH_MINIMUM_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY} of the following types: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.";
            } else {
                $reg = "Your password must contain at least {$CDASH_MINIMUM_PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY} of the following: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.";
            return 0;
        if (strlen($passwd) < $CDASH_MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH) {
            $reg = "Your password must be at least {$CDASH_MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH} characters.";
            return 0;
        $fname = $_POST['fname'];
        $lname = $_POST['lname'];
        $institution = $_POST['institution'];
        if ($email && $passwd && $passwd2 && $fname && $lname && $institution) {
            $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
            pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
            $passwd = md5($passwd);
            $email = pdo_real_escape_string($email);
            $sql = 'SELECT email FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE email='{$email}'";
            if (pdo_num_rows(pdo_query($sql)) > 0) {
                $reg = "{$email} is already registered.";
                return 0;
            $sql = 'SELECT email  FROM ' . qid('usertemp') . " WHERE email='{$email}'";
            if (pdo_num_rows(pdo_query($sql)) > 0) {
                $reg = "{$email} is already registered. Check your email if you haven't received the link to activate yet.";
                return 0;
            $passwd = pdo_real_escape_string($passwd);
            $fname = pdo_real_escape_string($fname);
            $lname = pdo_real_escape_string($lname);
            $institution = pdo_real_escape_string($institution);
                $keychars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
                $length = 40;
                $key = '';
                $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
                for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
                    // random_int is available in PHP 7 and the random_compat PHP 5.x
                    // polyfill included in the Composer package.json dependencies.
                    $key .= substr($keychars, random_int(0, $max), 1);
                $date = date(FMT_DATETIME);
                $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . qid('usertemp') . " (email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,registrationkey,registrationdate)\n                    VALUES ('{$email}','{$passwd}','{$fname}','{$lname}','{$institution}','{$key}','{$date}')";
            } else {
                $user = new User();
                $user->Email = $email;
                $user->Password = $passwd;
                $user->FirstName = $fname;
                $user->LastName = $lname;
                $user->Institution = $institution;
            if (pdo_query($sql)) {
                    $currentURI = get_server_URI();
                    // Send the email
                    $emailtitle = 'Welcome to CDash!';
                    $emailbody = 'Hello ' . $fname . ",\n\n";
                    $emailbody .= "Welcome to CDash! In order to validate your registration please follow this link: \n";
                    $emailbody .= $currentURI . '/register.php?key=' . $key . "\n";
                    $serverName = $CDASH_SERVER_NAME;
                    if (strlen($serverName) == 0) {
                        $serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
                    $emailbody .= "\n-CDash on " . $serverName . "\n";
                    if (cdashmail("{$email}", $emailtitle, $emailbody)) {
                        add_log('email sent to: ' . $email, 'Registration');
                    } else {
                        add_log('cannot send email to: ' . $email, 'Registration', LOG_ERR);
                    $reg = "A confirmation email has been sent. Check your email (including your spam folder) to confirm your registration!\n";
                    $reg .= 'You need to activate your account within 24 hours.';
                    return 0;
                return 1;
            } else {
                $reg = pdo_error();
                return 0;
        } else {
            $reg = 'Please fill in all of the required fields';
            return 0;
    return 0;
예제 #25
파일: common.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
function get_dashboard_JSON($projectname, $date, &$response)
    include "cdash/config.php";
    require_once "cdash/pdo.php";
    $projectid = get_project_id($projectname);
    if ($projectid == -1) {
    $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
    if (!$db) {
        echo "Error connecting to CDash database server<br>\n";
    if (!pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db)) {
        echo "Error selecting CDash database<br>\n";
    $project = pdo_query("SELECT * FROM project WHERE id='{$projectid}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($project) > 0) {
        $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
    } else {
        $project_array = array();
        $project_array["cvsurl"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["bugtrackerurl"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["documentationurl"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["homeurl"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["googletracker"] = "unknown";
        $project_array["name"] = $projectname;
        $project_array["nightlytime"] = "00:00:00";
    list($previousdate, $currentstarttime, $nextdate) = get_dates($date, $project_array["nightlytime"]);
    $response['datetime'] = date("l, F d Y H:i:s", time());
    $response['date'] = $date;
    $response['unixtimestamp'] = $currentstarttime;
    $response['startdate'] = date("l, F d Y H:i:s", $currentstarttime);
    $response['svn'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array["cvsurl"]));
    $response['bugtracker'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array["bugtrackerurl"]));
    $response['googletracker'] = htmlentities($project_array["googletracker"]);
    $response['documentation'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array["documentationurl"]));
    $response['projectid'] = $projectid;
    $response['projectname'] = $project_array["name"];
    $response['projectname_encoded'] = urlencode($project_array["name"]);
    $response['projectpublic'] = $project_array["public"];
    $response['previousdate'] = $previousdate;
    $response['nextdate'] = $nextdate;
    $response['logoid'] = getLogoID($projectid);
    if (empty($project_array["homeurl"])) {
        $response['home'] = "index.php?project=" . urlencode($project_array["name"]);
    } else {
        $response['home'] = make_cdash_url(htmlentities($project_array["homeurl"]));
    if ($CDASH_USE_LOCAL_DIRECTORY && file_exists("local/models/proProject.php")) {
        include_once "local/models/proProject.php";
        $pro = new proProject();
        $pro->ProjectId = $projectid;
        $response['proedition'] = $pro->GetEdition(1);
    $userid = 0;
    if (isset($_SESSION['cdash'])) {
        $userid = $_SESSION['cdash']['loginid'];
        // Is the user super administrator
        $userquery = pdo_query("SELECT admin FROM " . qid('user') . " WHERE id='{$userid}'");
        $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($userquery);
        $response['admin'] = $user_array[0];
        // Is the user administrator of the project
        $userquery = pdo_query("SELECT role FROM user2project WHERE userid=" . qnum($userid) . " AND projectid=" . qnum($projectid));
        $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($userquery);
        $response['projectrole'] = $user_array[0];
    $response['userid'] = $userid;
예제 #26
        // Create a new password
        $keychars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!#$%&';
        $length = 10;
        $password = '';
        $max = strlen($keychars) - 1;
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
            // random_int is available in PHP 7 and the random_compat PHP 5.x
            // polyfill included in the Composer package.json dependencies.
            $password .= substr($keychars, random_int(0, $max), 1);
        $currentURI = get_server_URI();
        $url = $currentURI . '/user.php';
        $text = "Hello,\n\n You have asked to recover your password for CDash.\n\n";
        $text .= 'Your new password is: ' . $password . "\n";
        $text .= 'Please go to this page to login: '******'CDash password recovery', $text)) {
            $md5pass = md5($password);
            // If we can send the email we update the database
            pdo_query('UPDATE ' . qid('user') . " SET password='******' WHERE email='{$email}'");
            $xml .= '<message>A confirmation message has been sent to your inbox.</message>';
        } else {
            $xml .= '<warning>Cannot send recovery email</warning>';
$xml .= '</cdash>';
// Now doing the xslt transition
generate_XSLT($xml, 'recoverPassword');
예제 #27
         } else {
             $xml .= add_XML_value('error', 'Please fill in all of the required fields');
 } elseif (isset($_POST['makenormaluser'])) {
     if ($postuserid > 1) {
         $update_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query('SELECT firstname,lastname FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE id='" . $postuserid . "'"));
         pdo_query('UPDATE ' . qid('user') . " SET admin=0 WHERE id='" . $postuserid . "'");
         $xml .= '<warning>' . $update_array['firstname'] . ' ' . $update_array['lastname'] . ' is not administrator anymore.</warning>';
     } else {
         $xml .= '<error>Administrator should remain admin.</error>';
 } elseif (isset($_POST['makeadmin'])) {
     $update_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query('SELECT firstname,lastname FROM ' . qid('user') . " WHERE id='" . $postuserid . "'"));
     pdo_query('UPDATE ' . qid('user') . " SET admin=1 WHERE id='" . $postuserid . "'");
     $xml .= '<warning>' . $update_array['firstname'] . ' ' . $update_array['lastname'] . ' is now an administrator.</warning>';
 } elseif (isset($_POST['removeuser'])) {
     $user = new User();
     $user->Id = $postuserid;
     $name = $user->GetName();
     $xml .= "<warning>{$name} has been removed.</warning>";
 if (isset($_POST['search'])) {
     $xml .= '<search>' . $_POST['search'] . '</search>';
     $xml .= add_XML_value('fullemail', '1');
예제 #28
파일: login.php 프로젝트: rpshaw/CDash
/** Authentication function */
function auth($SessionCachePolicy = 'private_no_expire')
    include "cdash/config.php";
    $loginid = 1231564132;
        $login = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
        return authenticate($login, NULL, $SessionCachePolicy, 0);
        // we don't remember
    if (@$_GET["logout"]) {
        // user requested logout
        // Remove the cookie if we have one
        $cookienames = array("CDash", str_replace('.', '_', "CDash-" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));
        // php doesn't like dot in cookie names
        foreach ($cookienames as $cookiename) {
            if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) {
                $cookievalue = $_COOKIE[$cookiename];
                $cookieuseridkey = substr($cookievalue, 0, strlen($cookievalue) - 33);
                $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
                pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
                pdo_query("UPDATE " . qid("user") . " SET cookiekey='' WHERE id=" . qnum($cookieuseridkey));
                setcookie("CDash-" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], "", time() - 3600);
        echo "<script language=\"javascript\">window.location='index.php'</script>";
        return 0;
    if (isset($_POST["sent"])) {
        @($login = $_POST["login"]);
        if ($login != NULL) {
            $login = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($login));
        @($passwd = $_POST["passwd"]);
        if ($passwd != NULL) {
            $passwd = htmlspecialchars(pdo_real_escape_string($passwd));
        @($rememberme = $_POST["rememberme"]);
        if ($rememberme != NULL) {
            $rememberme = pdo_real_escape_numeric($rememberme);
        return authenticate($login, $passwd, $SessionCachePolicy, $rememberme);
    } else {
        // arrive from session var
        $cookiename = str_replace('.', '_', "CDash-" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
        // php doesn't like dot in cookie names
        if (isset($_COOKIE[$cookiename])) {
            $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
            pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
            $cookievalue = $_COOKIE[$cookiename];
            $cookiekey = substr($cookievalue, strlen($cookievalue) - 33);
            $cookieuseridkey = substr($cookievalue, 0, strlen($cookievalue) - 33);
            $sql = "SELECT email,password,id FROM " . qid("user") . "\n         WHERE cookiekey='" . pdo_real_escape_string($cookiekey) . "'";
            if (!empty($cookieuseridkey)) {
                $sql .= " AND id='" . pdo_real_escape_string($cookieuseridkey) . "'";
            $result = pdo_query("{$sql}");
            if (pdo_num_rows($result) == 1) {
                $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($result);
                @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $CDASH_COOKIE_EXPIRATION_TIME + 600);
                $sessionArray = array("login" => $user_array['email'], "passwd" => $user_array['password'], "ID" => session_id(), "valid" => 1, "loginid" => $user_array['id']);
                $_SESSION['cdash'] = $sessionArray;
                return true;
        @ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', $CDASH_COOKIE_EXPIRATION_TIME + 600);
        $email = @$_SESSION['cdash']["login"];
        if (!empty($email)) {
            $db = pdo_connect("{$CDASH_DB_HOST}", "{$CDASH_DB_LOGIN}", "{$CDASH_DB_PASS}");
            pdo_select_db("{$CDASH_DB_NAME}", $db);
            $sql = "SELECT id,password FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE email='" . pdo_real_escape_string($email) . "'";
            $result = pdo_query("{$sql}");
            if (pdo_num_rows($result) == 0) {
                $loginerror = "Wrong email or password.";
                return false;
            $user_array = pdo_fetch_array($result);
            if ($user_array["password"] == $_SESSION['cdash']["passwd"]) {
                return true;
            $loginerror = "Wrong email or password.";
            return false;
예제 #29
파일: install.php 프로젝트: kitware/cdash
                                    $query = substr($query, 0, $pos) . substr($query, $pos + 1);
                                $result = pdo_query($query);
                                if (!$result) {
                                    $xml .= '<db_created>0</db_created>';
                                $query = '';
                    // Check the version of PostgreSQL
                    $result_version = pdo_query('SELECT version()');
                    $version_array = pdo_fetch_array($result_version);
                    if (strpos(strtolower($version_array[0]), 'postgresql 9.') !== false) {
                        // For PgSQL 9.0 we need to set the bytea_output to 'escape' (it was changed to hexa)
                        @pdo_query('ALTER DATABASE ' . $CDASH_DB_NAME . " SET bytea_output TO 'escape'");
                pdo_query('INSERT INTO ' . qid('user') . " (email,password,firstname,lastname,institution,admin) VALUES ('" . $admin_email . "', '" . md5($admin_password) . "', 'administrator', '','Kitware Inc.', 1)");
                echo pdo_error();
                $xml .= '<db_created>1</db_created>';
                // Set the database version
$xml .= '</cdash>';
// Now doing the xslt transition
generate_XSLT($xml, 'install');
예제 #30
$response['menusubtitle'] = 'Build Groups';
@($projectid = $_GET["projectid"]);
if ($projectid != NULL) {
    $projectid = pdo_real_escape_numeric($projectid);
// If the projectid is not set and there is only one project we go directly to the page
if (!isset($projectid)) {
    $project = pdo_query("SELECT id FROM project");
    if (pdo_num_rows($project) == 1) {
        $project_array = pdo_fetch_array($project);
        $projectid = $project_array["id"];
@($show = $_GET["show"]);
$role = 0;
$user_array = pdo_fetch_array(pdo_query("SELECT admin FROM " . qid("user") . " WHERE id='{$userid}'"));
if ($projectid && is_numeric($projectid)) {
    $user2project = pdo_query("SELECT role FROM user2project\n     WHERE userid='{$userid}' AND projectid='{$projectid}'");
    if (pdo_num_rows($user2project) > 0) {
        $user2project_array = pdo_fetch_array($user2project);
        $role = $user2project_array["role"];
if ($user_array["admin"] != 1 && $role <= 1) {
    $response['error'] = "You don't have the permissions to access this page";
    echo json_encode($response);
// List the available projects that this user has admin rights to.
$sql = "SELECT id,name FROM project";
if ($user_array["admin"] != 1) {