     * output_jobs function.
     * @access public
     * @param mixed $args
     * @return void
    public function output_jobs($atts)
        extract($atts = shortcode_atts(apply_filters('job_manager_output_jobs_defaults', array('per_page' => get_option('job_manager_per_page'), 'orderby' => 'featured', 'order' => 'DESC', 'show_filters' => true, 'show_categories' => true, 'show_category_multiselect' => get_option('job_manager_enable_default_category_multiselect', false), 'show_pagination' => false, 'show_more' => true, 'categories' => '', 'job_types' => '', 'featured' => null, 'filled' => null, 'location' => '', 'keywords' => '', 'selected_category' => '', 'selected_job_types' => implode(',', array_values(get_job_listing_types('id=>slug'))))), $atts));
        if (!get_option('job_manager_enable_categories')) {
            $show_categories = false;
        // String and bool handling
        $show_filters = $this->string_to_bool($show_filters);
        $show_categories = $this->string_to_bool($show_categories);
        $show_category_multiselect = $this->string_to_bool($show_category_multiselect);
        $show_more = $this->string_to_bool($show_more);
        $show_pagination = $this->string_to_bool($show_pagination);
        if (!is_null($featured)) {
            $featured = is_bool($featured) && $featured || in_array($featured, array('1', 'true', 'yes')) ? true : false;
        if (!is_null($filled)) {
            $filled = is_bool($filled) && $filled || in_array($filled, array('1', 'true', 'yes')) ? true : false;
        // Array handling
        $categories = is_array($categories) ? $categories : array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $categories)));
        $job_types = is_array($job_types) ? $job_types : array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $job_types)));
        $selected_job_types = is_array($selected_job_types) ? $selected_job_types : array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $selected_job_types)));
        // Get keywords and location from querystring if set
        if (!empty($_GET['search_keywords'])) {
            $keywords = sanitize_text_field($_GET['search_keywords']);
        if (!empty($_GET['search_location'])) {
            $location = sanitize_text_field($_GET['search_location']);
        if (!empty($_GET['search_category'])) {
            $selected_category = sanitize_text_field($_GET['search_category']);
        if ($show_filters) {
            get_job_manager_template('job-filters.php', array('per_page' => $per_page, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'show_categories' => $show_categories, 'categories' => $categories, 'selected_category' => $selected_category, 'job_types' => $job_types, 'atts' => $atts, 'location' => $location, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'selected_job_types' => $selected_job_types, 'show_category_multiselect' => $show_category_multiselect));
            if (!$show_pagination && $show_more) {
                echo '<a class="load_more_jobs" href="#" style="display:none;"><strong>' . __('Load more listings', 'wp-job-manager') . '</strong></a>';
        } else {
            $jobs = get_job_listings(apply_filters('job_manager_output_jobs_args', array('search_location' => $location, 'search_keywords' => $keywords, 'search_categories' => $categories, 'job_types' => $job_types, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'posts_per_page' => $per_page, 'featured' => $featured, 'filled' => $filled)));
            if ($jobs->have_posts()) {


                while ($jobs->have_posts()) {
                    get_job_manager_template_part('content', 'job_listing');


                if ($jobs->found_posts > $per_page && $show_more) {


                    if ($show_pagination) {
                        echo get_job_listing_pagination($jobs->max_num_pages);
                    } else {
						<a class="load_more_jobs" href="#"><strong><?php 
                        _e('Load more listings', 'wp-job-manager');


            } else {
        $data_attributes_string = '';
        $data_attributes = array('location' => $location, 'keywords' => $keywords, 'show_filters' => $show_filters ? 'true' : 'false', 'show_pagination' => $show_pagination ? 'true' : 'false', 'per_page' => $per_page, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'categories' => implode(',', $categories));
        if (!is_null($featured)) {
            $data_attributes['featured'] = $featured ? 'true' : 'false';
        if (!is_null($filled)) {
            $data_attributes['filled'] = $filled ? 'true' : 'false';
        foreach ($data_attributes as $key => $value) {
            $data_attributes_string .= 'data-' . esc_attr($key) . '="' . esc_attr($value) . '" ';
        $job_listings_output = apply_filters('job_manager_job_listings_output', ob_get_clean());
        return '<div class="job_listings" ' . $data_attributes_string . '>' . $job_listings_output . '</div>';
    function widget($args, $instance)
        if ($this->get_cached_widget($args)) {
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
        $description = isset($instance['description']) ? esc_attr($instance['description']) : false;
        $featured = isset($instance['featured']) && 1 == $instance['featured'] ? true : null;
        $limit = isset($instance['limit']) ? absint($instance['limit']) : 3;
        $after_title = '<h2 class="home-widget-description">' . $description . '</h2>' . $after_title;
        $listings = get_job_listings(array('posts_per_page' => $limit, 'featured' => $featured, 'no_found_rows' => true));
        if (!$listings->have_posts()) {
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($title) {
            echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;

        <ul class="job_listings">
        while ($listings->have_posts()) {

            get_template_part('content', 'job_listing');


        echo $after_widget;
        $content = ob_get_clean();
        echo apply_filters($this->widget_id, $content);
        $this->cache_widget($args, $content);
     * Get listings via ajax
    public function get_listings()
        global $wp_post_types;
        $result = array();
        $search_location = sanitize_text_field(stripslashes($_REQUEST['search_location']));
        $search_keywords = sanitize_text_field(stripslashes($_REQUEST['search_keywords']));
        $search_categories = isset($_REQUEST['search_categories']) ? $_REQUEST['search_categories'] : '';
        $filter_job_types = isset($_REQUEST['filter_job_type']) ? array_filter(array_map('sanitize_title', (array) $_REQUEST['filter_job_type'])) : null;
        $types = get_job_listing_types();
        $post_type_label = $wp_post_types['job_listing']->labels->name;
        $orderby = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['orderby']);
        if (is_array($search_categories)) {
            $search_categories = array_filter(array_map('sanitize_text_field', array_map('stripslashes', $search_categories)));
        } else {
            $search_categories = array_filter(array(sanitize_text_field(stripslashes($search_categories))));
        $args = array('search_location' => $search_location, 'search_keywords' => $search_keywords, 'search_categories' => $search_categories, 'job_types' => is_null($filter_job_types) || sizeof($types) === sizeof($filter_job_types) ? '' : $filter_job_types + array(0), 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['order']), 'offset' => (absint($_REQUEST['page']) - 1) * absint($_REQUEST['per_page']), 'posts_per_page' => absint($_REQUEST['per_page']));
        if (isset($_REQUEST['filled']) && ($_REQUEST['filled'] === 'true' || $_REQUEST['filled'] === 'false')) {
            $args['filled'] = $_REQUEST['filled'] === 'true' ? true : false;
        if (isset($_REQUEST['featured']) && ($_REQUEST['featured'] === 'true' || $_REQUEST['featured'] === 'false')) {
            $args['featured'] = $_REQUEST['featured'] === 'true' ? true : false;
            $args['orderby'] = 'featured' === $orderby ? 'date' : $orderby;
        $jobs = get_job_listings(apply_filters('job_manager_get_listings_args', $args));
        $result['found_jobs'] = false;
        if ($jobs->have_posts()) {
            $result['found_jobs'] = true;

            while ($jobs->have_posts()) {

                get_job_manager_template_part('content', 'job_listing');


        } else {

            get_job_manager_template_part('content', 'no-jobs-found');

        $result['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        $result['showing'] = array();
        // Generate 'showing' text
        $showing_types = array();
        $unmatched = false;
        foreach ($types as $type) {
            if (is_array($filter_job_types) && in_array($type->slug, $filter_job_types)) {
                $showing_types[] = $type->name;
            } else {
                $unmatched = true;
        if (sizeof($showing_types) == 1) {
            $result['showing'][] = implode(', ', $showing_types);
        } elseif ($unmatched && $showing_types) {
            $last_type = array_pop($showing_types);
            $result['showing'][] = implode(', ', $showing_types) . " &amp; {$last_type}";
        if ($search_categories) {
            $showing_categories = array();
            foreach ($search_categories as $category) {
                $category_object = get_term_by(is_numeric($category) ? 'id' : 'slug', $category, 'job_listing_category');
                if (!is_wp_error($category_object)) {
                    $showing_categories[] = $category_object->name;
            $result['showing'][] = implode(', ', $showing_categories);
        if ($search_keywords) {
            $result['showing'][] = '&ldquo;' . $search_keywords . '&rdquo;';
        $result['showing'][] = $post_type_label;
        if ($search_location) {
            $result['showing'][] = sprintf(__('located in &ldquo;%s&rdquo;', 'wp-job-manager'), $search_location);
        if (1 === sizeof($result['showing'])) {
            $result['showing_all'] = true;
        $result['showing'] = apply_filters('job_manager_get_listings_custom_filter_text', sprintf(__('Showing all %s', 'wp-job-manager'), implode(' ', $result['showing'])));
        // Generate RSS link
        $result['showing_links'] = job_manager_get_filtered_links(array('filter_job_types' => $filter_job_types, 'search_location' => $search_location, 'search_categories' => $search_categories, 'search_keywords' => $search_keywords));
        // Generate pagination
        if (isset($_REQUEST['show_pagination']) && $_REQUEST['show_pagination'] === 'true') {
            $result['pagination'] = get_job_listing_pagination($jobs->max_num_pages, absint($_REQUEST['page']));
        $result['max_num_pages'] = $jobs->max_num_pages;
        wp_send_json(apply_filters('job_manager_get_listings_result', $result, $jobs));
     * Get listings via ajax
    public function get_listings()
        global $job_manager, $wpdb;
        $result = array();
        $search_location = sanitize_text_field(stripslashes($_POST['search_location']));
        $search_keywords = sanitize_text_field(stripslashes($_POST['search_keywords']));
        $search_categories = isset($_POST['search_categories']) ? $_POST['search_categories'] : '';
        $filter_job_types = isset($_POST['filter_job_type']) ? array_filter(array_map('sanitize_title', (array) $_POST['filter_job_type'])) : null;
        if (is_array($search_categories)) {
            $search_categories = array_filter(array_map('sanitize_text_field', array_map('stripslashes', $search_categories)));
        } else {
            $search_categories = array_filter(array(sanitize_text_field(stripslashes($search_categories))));
        $args = array('search_location' => $search_location, 'search_keywords' => $search_keywords, 'search_categories' => $search_categories, 'job_types' => is_null($filter_job_types) ? '' : $filter_job_types + array(0), 'orderby' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['orderby']), 'order' => sanitize_text_field($_POST['order']), 'offset' => (absint($_POST['page']) - 1) * absint($_POST['per_page']), 'posts_per_page' => absint($_POST['per_page']), 'show_featured_only' => isset($_POST['show_featured_only']) ? absint($_POST['show_featured_only']) : 0);
        $jobs = get_job_listings(apply_filters('job_manager_get_listings_args', $args));
        $result['found_jobs'] = false;
        if ($jobs->have_posts()) {
            $result['found_jobs'] = true;

            while ($jobs->have_posts()) {

                get_job_manager_template_part('content', 'job_listing');


        } else {

            get_job_manager_template_part('content', 'no-jobs-found');

        $result['html'] = ob_get_clean();
        // Generate 'showing' text
        $types = get_job_listing_types();
        if (sizeof($filter_job_types) > 0 && (sizeof($filter_job_types) !== sizeof($types) || $search_keywords || $search_location || $search_categories || apply_filters('job_manager_get_listings_custom_filter', false))) {
            $showing_types = array();
            $unmatched = false;
            foreach ($types as $type) {
                if (in_array($type->slug, $filter_job_types)) {
                    $showing_types[] = $type->name;
                } else {
                    $unmatched = true;
            if (!$unmatched) {
                $showing_types = '';
            } elseif (sizeof($showing_types) == 1) {
                $showing_types = implode(', ', $showing_types) . ' ';
            } else {
                $last = array_pop($showing_types);
                $showing_types = implode(', ', $showing_types);
                $showing_types .= " &amp; {$last} ";
            $showing_categories = array();
            if ($search_categories) {
                foreach ($search_categories as $category) {
                    if (!is_numeric($category)) {
                        $category_object = get_term_by('slug', $category, 'job_listing_category');
                    if (is_numeric($category) || is_wp_error($category_object) || !$category_object) {
                        $category_object = get_term_by('id', $category, 'job_listing_category');
                    if (!is_wp_error($category_object)) {
                        $showing_categories[] = $category_object->name;
            if ($search_keywords) {
                $showing_jobs = sprintf(__('Showing %s&ldquo;%s&rdquo; %sjobs', 'wp-job-manager'), $showing_types, $search_keywords, implode(', ', $showing_categories));
            } else {
                $showing_jobs = sprintf(__('Showing all %s%sjobs', 'wp-job-manager'), $showing_types, implode(', ', $showing_categories) . ' ');
            $showing_location = $search_location ? sprintf(' ' . __('located in &ldquo;%s&rdquo;', 'wp-job-manager'), $search_location) : '';
            $result['showing'] = apply_filters('job_manager_get_listings_custom_filter_text', $showing_jobs . $showing_location);
        } else {
            $result['showing'] = '';
        // Generate RSS link
        $result['showing_links'] = job_manager_get_filtered_links(array('filter_job_types' => $filter_job_types, 'search_location' => $search_location, 'search_categories' => $search_categories, 'search_keywords' => $search_keywords));
        $result['max_num_pages'] = $jobs->max_num_pages;
        echo '<!--WPJM-->';
        echo json_encode(apply_filters('job_manager_get_listings_result', $result));
        echo '<!--WPJM_END-->';
예제 #5
 * Template Name: Page: Monthly Listing
 * @package Listify

<div id="primary" class="container">
    <div class="row content-area">

        <main id="main" class="site-main col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" role="main">
$today = date('Y-m-d');
$date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("+30 day"));
$listings = get_job_listings(array('no_found_rows' => true, 'post_type' => 'befolio_event', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'ASC', 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_date', 'value' => array($today, $date), 'compare' => 'BETWEEN', 'type' => 'DATE'))));
if ($listings->have_posts()) {

                <ul class="job_listings">

    while ($listings->have_posts()) {

        get_template_part('content', 'job_listing');
     * widget function.
     * @see WP_Widget
     * @access public
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $instance
     * @return void
    public function widget($args, $instance)
        if ($this->get_cached_widget($args)) {
        $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title'], $instance, $this->id_base);
        $number = absint($instance['number']);
        $jobs = get_job_listings(array('posts_per_page' => $number, 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'featured' => true));
        if ($jobs->have_posts()) {

            echo $before_widget;

            if ($title) {
                echo $before_title . $title . $after_title;

			<ul class="job_listings">

            while ($jobs->have_posts()) {

                get_job_manager_template_part('content-widget', 'job_listing');



            echo $after_widget;

        } else {

            get_job_manager_template_part('content-widget', 'no-jobs-found');

        $content = ob_get_clean();
        echo $content;
        $this->cache_widget($args, $content);
  * Match jobs to an alert
 public static function get_matching_jobs($alert, $force)
     if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'filter_' . $alert->alert_frequency) && !$force) {
         add_filter('posts_where', array(__CLASS__, 'filter_' . $alert->alert_frequency));
     if (taxonomy_exists('job_listing_category')) {
         $cats = array_filter((array) wp_get_post_terms($alert->ID, 'job_listing_category', array('fields' => 'slugs')));
     } else {
         $cats = '';
     if (taxonomy_exists('job_listing_region')) {
         $regions = array_filter((array) wp_get_post_terms($alert->ID, 'job_listing_region', array('fields' => 'ids')));
     } else {
         $regions = '';
     $types = array_filter((array) wp_get_post_terms($alert->ID, 'job_listing_type', array('fields' => 'slugs')));
     $jobs = get_job_listings(apply_filters('job_manager_alerts_get_job_listings_args', array('search_location' => $alert->alert_location, 'search_keywords' => $alert->alert_keyword, 'search_categories' => sizeof($cats) > 0 ? $cats : '', 'search_region' => $regions, 'job_types' => sizeof($types) > 0 ? $types : '', 'orderby' => 'date', 'order' => 'desc', 'offset' => 0, 'posts_per_page' => 50)));
     if (method_exists(__CLASS__, 'filter_' . $alert->alert_frequency) && !$force) {
         remove_filter('posts_where', array(__CLASS__, 'filter_' . $alert->alert_frequency));
     return $jobs;
예제 #8
 * Template Name: Page: Today Listing
 * @package Listify

<div id="primary" class="container">
    <div class="row content-area">

        <main id="main" class="site-main col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12" role="main">
$today = getdate();
$listings = get_job_listings(array('no_found_rows' => true, 'post_type' => 'befolio_event', 'post_status' => 'publish,future', 'year' => $today["year"], 'monthnum' => $today["mon"], 'day' => $today["mday"]));
if ($listings->have_posts()) {

                <ul class="job_listings">
    while ($listings->have_posts()) {

        get_template_part('content', 'job_listing');

 public function get_listings_by_term()
     $limit = isset($this->instance['limit']) ? absint($this->instance['limit']) : 3;
     $featured = isset($this->instance['featured']) && 1 == $this->instance['featured'] ? true : null;
     $orderby = isset($this->instance['orderby']) ? $this->instance['orderby'] : 'date';
     if (!isset($this->taxonomy)) {
         $this->taxonomy = isset($this->instance['taxonomy']) ? esc_attr($this->instance['taxonomy']) : 'job_listing_type';
     foreach ($this->terms as $term_id) {
         $objects = get_objects_in_term($term_id, $this->taxonomy, array('orderby' => $orderby));
         if (empty($objects)) {
             $objects = array(-1);
         $_output[$term_id] = get_job_listings(array('posts_per_page' => $limit, 'featured' => $featured, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'post__in' => $objects));
     return $_output;
     * output_jobs function.
     * @access public
     * @param mixed $args
     * @return void
    public function output_jobs($atts)
        global $job_manager;
        extract($atts = shortcode_atts(apply_filters('job_manager_output_jobs_defaults', array('per_page' => get_option('job_manager_per_page'), 'orderby' => 'featured', 'order' => 'DESC', 'show_featured_only' => false, 'show_filters' => true, 'show_categories' => get_option('job_manager_enable_categories'), 'categories' => '', 'job_types' => '', 'location' => '', 'keywords' => '')), $atts));
        // String to bool
        if ($show_filters === 'false') {
            $show_filters = false;
        if ($show_featured_only === 'false') {
            $show_featured_only = false;
        $categories = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $categories)));
        $job_types = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $job_types)));
        // Get keywords and location from querystring if set
        if (!empty($_GET['search_keywords'])) {
            $keywords = sanitize_text_field($_GET['search_keywords']);
        if (!empty($_GET['search_location'])) {
            $location = sanitize_text_field($_GET['search_location']);
        if ($show_filters && $show_filters !== 'false') {
            get_job_manager_template('job-filters.php', array('per_page' => $per_page, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'show_categories' => $show_categories, 'categories' => $categories, 'job_types' => $job_types, 'atts' => $atts, 'location' => $location, 'keywords' => $keywords));
<ul class="job_listings"></ul><a class="load_more_jobs" href="#" style="display:none;"><strong><?php 
            _e('Load more job listings', 'wp-job-manager');
        } else {
            $jobs = get_job_listings(apply_filters('job_manager_output_jobs_args', array('search_location' => $location, 'search_keywords' => $keywords, 'search_categories' => $categories, 'job_types' => $job_types, 'orderby' => $orderby, 'order' => $order, 'posts_per_page' => $per_page, 'show_featured_only' => $show_featured_only)));
            if ($jobs->have_posts()) {

				<ul class="job_listings">

                while ($jobs->have_posts()) {

                    get_job_manager_template_part('content', 'job_listing');



                if ($jobs->found_posts > $per_page) {


					<a class="load_more_jobs" href="#"><strong><?php 
                    _e('Load more job listings', 'wp-job-manager');


        return '<div class="job_listings" data-location="' . esc_attr($location) . '" data-keywords="' . esc_attr($keywords) . '" data-show_filters="' . ($show_filters ? 1 : 0) . '" data-show_featured_only="' . ($show_featured_only ? 1 : 0) . '" data-per_page="' . esc_attr($per_page) . '" data-orderby="' . esc_attr($orderby) . '" data-order="' . esc_attr($order) . '" data-categories="' . esc_attr(implode(',', $categories)) . '">' . ob_get_clean() . '</div>';
예제 #11
파일: map.php 프로젝트: dot2006/jobify
  * Set things up
  * @since Jobify 1.0
  * @return void
 public function __construct($args = array())
     $this->jobs = get_job_listings($args);