$arr = explode(',', $_REQUEST['sub']); array_pop($arr); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $array[] = explode('.', $v); } foreach ($array as $k => $v) { $vote[$v[0]] = $v; } foreach ($vote as $k => $v) { unset($vote[$k][0]); } results_show($vote); } else { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'list') { $year = year(); $mouth = mouth(); $date = date1(); $time = date_handling(); $sql = "select * from vote_view"; $view = $db->getOne($sql); if (is_numeric($view['number']) && is_numeric($view['group'])) { $sql = "select t1.*,t2.* from vote as t1 left join vote_content as t2 on t1.vid = t2.vid where t1.is_show = 1 and t2.content != '0' and t1.is_show =1 and t1.vote_starttime<={$time} and t1.vote_endtime>={$time} and t1.`group` = '{$view['group']}' order by t1.vid desc limit 0,{$view['number']}"; } else { $sql = "select t1.*,t2.* from vote as t1 left join vote_content as t2 on t1.vid = t2.vid where t1.is_show = 1 and t2.content != '0' and t1.is_show =1 and t1.vote_starttime<={$time} and t1.vote_endtime>={$time} order by t1.vid desc limit 0,4"; } $vote = $db->getAll($sql); $vote = data_handling($vote); //var_dump($GLOBALS['user']); if (($_REQUEST['user_id'] || $_COOKIE[user_id]) && empty($_COOKIE['Moo_username'])) { $uid = $_REQUEST['user_id']; $sql = "select nick_name from vote_member where uid = '{$uid}'";
function member_add($add) { global $db; global $smarty; //GLOBAL $mem; //var_dump($add); $sql = "select nick_name from vote_member where nick_name = '{$add['nickname']}'"; //$one = $db->getOne($sql); if ($one) { $year = year(); $mouth = mouth(); $date = date1(); $text = '昵称重复'; $sex = $add['sex']; $region = $add['region']; $password = $add['passwd']; $region_city = $add['region_city']; $birthdatey = $add['birthdatey']; $birthdatem = $add['birthdatem']; $birthdated = $add['birthdated']; $cellphone = $add['cellphone']; $phone = $add['phone']; $marriage = $add['marriage']; $education = $add['education']; $email = $add['email']; $time = date_handling(); $sql = "select * from vote_view"; $view = $db->getOne($sql); if (is_numeric($view['number']) && is_numeric($view['group'])) { $sql = "select t1.*,t2.* from vote as t1 left join vote_content as t2 on t1.vid = t2.vid where t1.is_show = 1 and t2.content != '0' and t1.is_show =1 and t1.vote_starttime<={$time} and t1.vote_endtime>={$time} and t1.`group` = '{$view['group']}' order by t1.vid desc limit 0,{$view['number']}"; } else { $sql = "select t1.*,t2.* from vote as t1 left join vote_content as t2 on t1.vid = t2.vid where t1.is_show = 1 and t2.content != '0' and t1.is_show =1 and t1.vote_starttime<={$time} and t1.vote_endtime>={$time} order by t1.vid desc limit 0,4"; } $vote = $db->getAll($sql); $vote = data_handling($vote); if ($_REQUEST['user_id']) { $uid = $_REQUEST['user_id']; $sql = "select nick_name from vote_member where uid = '{$uid}'"; $user_name = $db->getOne($sql); $nickname = $user_name['nick_name']; } else { $uid = '0'; } $vote = content($vote); foreach ($vote as $key => $value) { $vote_up[$key + 1] = $vote[$key]; } exit; } else { if ($add['birthdatem'] == '0') { $birthdatem = '00'; } else { if ($add['birthdatem'] < '10') { $birthdatem = '0' . $add['birthdatem']; } else { $birthdatem = $add['birthdatem']; } } if ($add['birthdated'] == '0') { $birthdated = '00'; } else { if ($add['birthdated'] < '10') { $birthdated = '0' . $add['birthdated']; } else { $birthdated = $add['birthdated']; } } if ($add['birthdatey'] == '0') { $birthdatey = '1900'; } else { $birthdatey = $add['birthdatey']; } $birthdate = $birthdatey . $birthdatem . $birthdated; $passwd = md5($add[passwd]); $sql = "insert into vote_member (nick_name,password,sex,region,region_city,birthdate,cellphone,phone,marriage,education,email) values ('{$add['nickname']}','{$passwd}','{$add['sex']}','{$add['region']}',{$add['region_city']},'{$birthdate}','{$add['cellphone']}','{$add['phone']}','{$add['marriage']}','{$add['education']}','{$add['email']}')"; $db->query($sql); $sql = "select uid from vote_member where nick_name = '{$add['nickname']}'"; $uid = $db->getOne($sql); $user_id = $uid['uid']; MooSetCookie('user_id', $user_id, time() + 3600 * 24); MooMessageAdmin('注册成功,欢迎参与投票', 'index.php?n=service&h=qixi&user_id=' . $user_id, 1); } }