public function appendNewNotification($event_types, $replace_notification = false, $create_negative = true, $delete_negative = false) { if ($create_negative) { // Get all (positive and negative) notifications stored for this event (more than one are possible for each event) $event_notifications = eF_getTableData("event_notifications", "*", "active = 1 AND (event_type = '" . $this->event['type'] . "' OR event_type = '" . -1 * $this->event['type'] . "')"); } else { // Get all notifications stored for exactly this event (only positive or negative though more than one are possible for each event) $event_notifications = eF_getTableData("event_notifications", "*", "active = 1 AND (event_type = '" . $this->event['type'] . "')"); } if (sizeof($event_notifications)) { // Form each one and append it to the notifications queue $notifications_to_send = array(); foreach ($event_notifications as $event_notification) { // Check whether the triggered event satisfies the conditions to be sent as an announcement $conditions = unserialize($event_notification['send_conditions']); $conditions_passed = true; foreach ($conditions as $field => $value) { // A value of 0 means any* (any lesson, test, content etc) if ($value != 0) { if ($this->event['lessons_ID'] != $value && $this->event['entity_ID'] != $value && $this->event['courses_ID'] != $value) { $conditions_passed = false; break; } } $conditions_passed = true; } // If all conditions are satisfied (or no conditions exist) if ($conditions_passed) { // Set type - entity field: denoting the type of the event ."_". the ID of the involved entity (lesson, test, forum etc) if ($this->event['type'] == EfrontEvent::COURSE_PROGRAMMED_START || $this->event['type'] == EfrontEvent::COURSE_PROGRAMMED_EXPIRY) { $event_notification['id_type_entity'] = $event_notification['id'] . "_" . $event_notification['event_type'] . "_" . $this->event['lessons_ID']; $negativeTypeEntity = "_" . -1 * $event_notification['event_type'] . "_" . $this->event['lessons_ID']; } else { if ($this->event['entity_ID']) { $event_notification['id_type_entity'] = $event_notification['id'] . "_" . $event_notification['event_type'] . "_" . $this->event['entity_ID']; $negativeTypeEntity = "_" . -1 * $event_notification['event_type'] . "_" . $this->event['entity_ID']; } else { if ($this->event['lessons_ID']) { $event_notification['id_type_entity'] = $event_notification['id'] . "_" . $event_notification['event_type'] . "_" . $this->event['lessons_ID']; $negativeTypeEntity = "_" . -1 * $event_notification['event_type'] . "_" . $this->event['lessons_ID']; } else { if ($this->event['courses_ID']) { $event_notification['id_type_entity'] = $event_notification['id'] . "_" . $event_notification['event_type'] . "_" . $this->event['courses_ID']; $negativeTypeEntity = "_" . -1 * $event_notification['event_type'] . "_" . $this->event['courses_ID']; } else { $event_notification['id_type_entity'] = $event_notification['id'] . "_" . $event_notification['event_type'] . "_"; $negativeTypeEntity = "_" . -1 * $event_notification['event_type'] . "_"; } } } } // Check whether this is of a NOT-event if ($event_notification['event_type'] < 0 || $replace_notification) { $event_notification['event_type'] = -1 * $event_notification['event_type']; // in that case delete the corresponding record in the table (if such exists) eF_deleteTableData("notifications", "id_type_entity= '" . $event_notification['id_type_entity'] . "' AND recipient = '" . $this->event['users_LOGIN'] . "'"); if ($this->event['type'] == -1 * EfrontEvent::COURSE_COMPLETION && $event_notification['event_type'] < 0 || $this->event['type'] == EfrontEvent::COURSE_COMPLETION && $event_notification['event_type'] > 0 || $this->event['type'] == -1 * EfrontEvent::LESSON_COMPLETION && $event_notification['event_type'] < 0 || $this->event['type'] == EfrontEvent::LESSON_COMPLETION && $event_notification['event_type'] > 0) { //for these 2 notifications, we don't want them to be re-scheduled continue; } } if ($delete_negative) { eF_deleteTableData("notifications", "id_type_entity like '%" . $negativeTypeEntity . "' AND recipient = '" . $this->event['users_LOGIN'] . "'"); } // Set event notification recipients if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::TRIGGERINGUSER) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = ""; $event_notification['recipient'] = $this->event['users_LOGIN']; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::ALLSYSTEMUSERS) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = "N;"; $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::SYSTEMADMINISTRATOR) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("user_type" => "administrator")); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::ALLLESSONUSERS) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("lessons_ID" => $this->event['lessons_ID'])); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::LESSONPROFESSORS) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("lessons_ID" => $this->event['lessons_ID'], "user_type" => "professor")); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::COURSEPROFESSORS) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("courses_ID" => $this->event['lessons_ID'], "user_type" => "professor")); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::ALLCOURSEUSERS) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("courses_ID" => $this->event['lessons_ID'])); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::LESSONUSERSNOTCOMPLETED) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("lessons_ID" => $this->event['lessons_ID'], "completed" => "0")); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::EXPLICITLYSEL) { if (isset($this->event['explicitly_selected'])) { // General case - set field "explicitly_selected" in the triggerEvent fields if (!is_array($this->event['explicitly_selected'])) { $this->event['explicitly_selected'] = array($this->event['explicitly_selected']); } $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("users_login" => $this->event['explicitly_selected'])); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { // This special treatment is used for surveys - so that all members of the survey will get the notification when the time of dispatch comes $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("entity_ID" => $this->event['entity_ID'], "entity_category" => $event_types[$event_notification['event_type']]['category'])); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } } } } } } } } } } if (G_VERSIONTYPE == 'enterprise') { #cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::USERSUPERVISORS) { $cond = array("users_login" => $this->event['users_LOGIN'], "supervisor" => 1); if (in_array('courses_ID', array_keys($conditions))) { $cond['courses_ID'] = $this->event['lessons_ID']; } $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize($cond); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } elseif ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::USERIMMEDIATESUPERVISORS) { $cond = array("users_login" => $this->event['users_LOGIN'], "immediate_supervisor" => 1); if (in_array('courses_ID', array_keys($conditions))) { $cond['courses_ID'] = $this->event['lessons_ID']; } $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize($cond); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } else { if ($event_notification['send_recipients'] == EfrontNotification::ALLSUPERVISORS) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = 'supervisors'; $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } } } #cpp#endif /* // Special treatment due to explicity recipient selection if ($this -> event['type'] == EfrontEvent::NEW_SURVEY) { $event_notification['send_conditions'] = serialize(array("surveys_ID" => $this -> event['entity_ID'])); $event_notification['recipient'] = ""; } */ //@TODO unite with upper // Format the message on the first layer: replacing event specific information now // Note: Recipient's specific information will be first replaced in layer 2 (before sending) $template_formulations = $this->createSubstitutionsArray($event_types, $event_notification['send_recipients']); $subject = eF_formulateTemplateMessage($event_notification['subject'], $template_formulations); $message = eF_formulateTemplateMessage($event_notification['message'], $template_formulations); $html_message = $event_notification['html_message']; // Create a single array to implode it and insert it at once in the notifications queue table //Added != XXXX_EXPIRY because notification was not sent in expiry date but immediately if ($event_notification['send_immediately'] && ($this->event['type'] != EfrontEvent::PROJECT_EXPIRY && $this->event['type'] != EfrontEvent::LESSON_PROGRAMMED_EXPIRY && $this->event['type'] != EfrontEvent::COURSE_PROGRAMMED_EXPIRY && $this->event['type'] != EfrontEvent::COURSE_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRY)) { $timestamp = 0; $_SESSION['send_next_notifications_now'] = 1; } else { $timestamp = $this->event['timestamp'] + ($event_notification['after_time'] ? $event_notification['after_time'] : 0); } $notifications_to_send[] = array('timestamp' => $timestamp, 'id_type_entity' => $event_notification['id_type_entity'], 'send_interval' => 0, 'send_conditions' => $event_notification['send_conditions'], 'recipient' => $this->event['users_LOGIN'], 'subject' => $subject, 'message' => $message, 'html_message' => $html_message); //$notifications_to_send[] = $timestamp. "','". $event_notification['id_type_entity'] ."','" .$event_notification['after_time']. "', '" .$event_notification['send_conditions']."','". $event_notification['recipient']. "', '".$subject. "', '".$message. "', '".$html_message; } } if (sizeof($notifications_to_send)) { //eF_execute("INSERT INTO notifications (timestamp, id_type_entity, send_interval, send_conditions, recipient, subject, message, html_message) VALUES ('". implode("'),('", $notifications_to_send) . "')"); eF_insertTableDataMultiple("notifications", $notifications_to_send); } } }
public function sendTo($recipient) { if (is_array($recipient)) { if (isset($recipient['login'])) { if (!(isset($recipient['email']) && isset($recipient['name']) && isset($recipient['surname']) && isset($recipient['user_type']))) { $recipient = $recipient['login']; } else { $defined = 1; } } else { throw new EfrontNotificationException(_UNKNOWNRECIPIENT, EfrontNotificationException::NORECIPIENTLOGIN_DEFINED); } } if (!$defined) { $recipient = eF_getTableData("users", "*", "login = '******'"); if (!empty($recipient)) { $recipient = $recipient[0]; } else { throw new EfrontNotificationException(_UNKNOWNRECIPIENT, EfrontNotificationException::NORECIPIENTLOGIN_DEFINED); } } // create the array of substitutions for this particular user and replace them in the subject/message texts $hostname = G_SERVERNAME; if ($hostname[strlen($hostname) - 1] == "/") { $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, strlen($hostname) - 1); } $language = eF_getTableData("languages", "translation", "name = '" . $recipient['languages_NAME'] . "'"); if (!empty($language)) { $language = $language[0]['translation']; } $template_formulations = array("users_name" => $recipient['name'], "users_surname" => $recipient['surname'], "users_login" => $recipient['login'], "users_email" => $recipient['email'], "users_comments" => $recipient['comments'], "users_language" => $language, "date" => formatTimestamp(time()), "date_time" => formatTimestamp(time(), 'time'), "timestamp" => time(), "user_type" => $recipient['user_type'], "host_name" => $hostname, "site_name" => $GLOBALS['configuration']['site_name'], "site_motto" => $GLOBALS['configuration']['site_motto']); $header = array('From' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['system_email'], 'To' => $recipient['email'], 'Subject' => eF_formulateTemplateMessage($this->notification['subject'], $template_formulations), 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '7bit', 'Date' => date("r")); if ($this->notification['html_message'] == 1) { $header['Content-type'] = 'text/html;charset="UTF-8"'; // if content-type is text/html, the message cannot be received by mail clients for Registration content } else { $header['Content-type'] = 'text/plain;charset="UTF-8"'; } $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array('auth' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'host' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_host'], 'password' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_pass'], 'port' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_port'], 'username' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_user'], 'timeout' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_timeout'])); // force url change for html messages $message = eF_getCorrectLanguageMessage($this->notification['message'], $recipient['languages_NAME']); // Local paths names should become urls if ($this->notification['html_message'] == 1) { $message = str_replace('="content', '="###host_name###/content', $message); /* * //Commented-out Feb 2013 (periklis) because it's no longer needed (probably) if ($configuration['math_images']) { $message = "<html><body><script type = \"text/javascript\" src = \"###host_name###/js/ASCIIMath2Tex.js\"> </script>".$message."</body></html>"; } else { $message = "<html><body><script type = \"text/javascript\" src = \"###host_name###/js/ASCIIMathML.js\"> </script>".$message."</body></html>"; } */ } else { $message = str_replace("<br />", "\r\n", $message); $message = str_replace("<br>", "\r\n", $message); $message = str_replace("<p>", "\r\n", $message); $message = str_replace("</p>", "\r\n", $message); $message = str_replace("&", "&", $message); $message = strip_tags($message); } $message = eF_formulateTemplateMessage($message, $template_formulations); $message = eF_replaceMD5($message); if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['notifications_send_mode'] == 0) { //email only if (!empty($recipient['email'])) { $result = $smtp->send($recipient['email'], $header, $message); } } else { if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['notifications_send_mode'] == 1) { //pm only $pm = new eF_PersonalMessage($recipient['login'], $recipient['login'], $header['Subject'], $message); $result = $pm->send(); } else { if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['notifications_send_mode'] == 2) { //email and pm $pm = new eF_PersonalMessage($recipient['login'], $recipient['login'], $header['Subject'], $message); $pm->send(); if (!empty($recipient['email'])) { $result = $smtp->send($recipient['email'], $header, $message); } } } } if (PEAR::isError($result)) { $admin = EfrontSystem::getAdministrator(); eF_mail($GLOBALS['configuration']['system_email'], $admin->user['email'], _AUTOMATEDEMAILSENTFROM . $admin->user['email'], $result->getMessage()); throw new EfrontNotificationException($result->getMessage(), EfrontNotificationException::GENERAL_ERROR); } if ($result === true) { // put into sent_notifications table eF_insertTableData("sent_notifications", array("timestamp" => time(), "recipient" => $recipient['email'] . " (" . $recipient['name'] . " " . $recipient['surname'] . ")", "subject" => $header['Subject'], "body" => $message, "html_message" => $this->notification['html_message'])); return true; } else { return false; } }
$condition = $form->exportValue('available_lessons'); $condition = array("lessons_ID" => $condition); } else { $condition = array(); } } } } } } if (isset($_GET['add_notification'])) { //Added because course not completion notification for already assigned users (rows added while creating notification) has not replaced formulations //only users assigned to course after creating the notification was correct (since it is created via triggerEvent) (#5918) $template_formulations = EfrontNotification::createSubstitutionsArrayForDateNotifications($condition); $subject = eF_formulateTemplateMessage($subject, $template_formulations); $message = eF_formulateTemplateMessage($message, $template_formulations); EfrontNotification::addEventNotification($events_type, $subject, $message, $condition, $_POST['event_recipients'], $html_message, $after_time, $send_immediately); } else { // if we changed from simple notification event -> on/after event notification if (!isset($_GET['event'])) { eF_deleteTableData("notifications", "id = '" . $_GET['edit_notification'] . "'"); //$notification = array ("event_type" => $events_type, "send_conditions" => serialize($condition),"send_recipients" => $_POST['event_recipients'], "message" => $message,"subject" => $subject); EfrontNotification::addEventNotification($events_type, $subject, $message, $condition, $_POST['event_recipients'], $html_message, $after_time, $send_immediately); } else { EfrontNotification::editEventNotification($_GET['edit_notification'], $events_type, $subject, $message, $condition, $_POST['event_recipients'], $html_message, $after_time, $send_immediately); } } $message = _NOTIFICATIONSETUPSUCCESSFULLY; $message_type = 'success'; } eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=digests&message=" . urlencode($message) . "&message_type=" . $message_type);