/** * Add an item to the cart * @param $dbname The name of the database (e.g. instance of Omeka) * @param $item_id The ID of the item * @return false|interger Returns the number of item in the user's cart, otherwhise false */ function add_to_cart($dbname, $item_id) { if (isset($dbname) && isset($item_id) && ($user_id = get_connected_user_id())) { if (!is_in_cart($dbname, $item_id)) { $masterdb = get_master_db(); $table_name = $masterdb->getConfig()['prefix'] . 'carts'; $result = $masterdb->insert($table_name, array('user_id' => $user_id, 'dbname' => $dbname, 'item_id' => $item_id)); } return count(get_cart()); } return false; }
<a target="_blank" style="outline:none;" title="Télécharger" href="<?php echo getenv("INSTANCE_URL"); ?> /items/print/id/<?php echo $item->id; ?> "><img src="<?php echo WEB_THEME; ?> /cg35/images/item-download.png"></a> <?php if (get_connected_user_id()) { ?> <?php if (!is_in_cart(get_current_instance_name(), $item->id)) { ?> <a style="outline:none;" title="Mettre au panier" id="add-to-cart-2" href="#"><img src="<?php echo WEB_THEME; ?> /cg35/images/item-cart.png"></a> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <a style="outline:none;" href="<?php echo MASTER_URL; ?> /users/login" ><img src="<?php
<?php if (get_connected_user_id()) { ?> <!-- Add to cart functionality (hidden) --> <div id="cart-status" style="display:none;"> <img id="added-to-cart" src="<?php echo WEB_THEME; ?> /cg35/images/add-to-cart-ok.png" border="0" style="display:<?php echo !is_in_cart(get_current_instance_name(), $item->id) ? 'none' : 'block'; ?> "/> <span class="fa fa-cart-plus" id="picto-cart"></span> <a href="" id="add-to-cart" style="display:<?php echo is_in_cart(get_current_instance_name(), $item->id) ? 'none' : 'block'; ?> "></a> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="search-container" role="search"> <?php echo search_form(); ?> <a href="<?php echo getenv("INSTANCE_URL"); ?>
if (isset($_POST['recalc'])) { update_session(); } elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { update_session(); if (isset($_POST['mark'])) { $marked = $_POST['mark']; foreach ($marked as $symb) { del_from_cart('cart', $symb); } } } elseif (isset($_POST['watch'])) { update_session(); if (isset($_POST['mark'])) { $marked = $_POST['mark']; foreach ($marked as $symb) { if (!is_in_cart('watch', $symb)) { if (add_to_cart('watch', $symb, $_POST["comment_{$symb}"], $_POST["volume_{$symb}"])) { del_from_cart('cart', $symb); } } } } } elseif (isset($_POST['buy'])) { update_session(); if (isset($_POST['mark'])) { $marked = $_POST['mark']; foreach ($marked as $symb) { if (buy_stock($symb, $_POST["comment_{$symb}"], $_POST["volume_{$symb}"])) { del_from_cart('cart', $symb); } }
} print "<tr>"; // setup the first row of the table with the symbol details and the chance to add it to the cart or watch list if (!isset($row['symb'])) { die('<tr><td><font color="red">The Query must include the field "symb"</font></td></tr></table>'); } else { $symbol = $row['symb']; $name = get_symb_name_coloured($symbol, $pf_exch, $pfid, $pf_working_date); print '<tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="left"><tr>'; print "<td><a href=\"/inspector.php?symb={$symbol}\" target=\"_blank\">{$symbol}</a>: {$name}</td></tr>"; if (is_in_cart('cart', $symbol)) { print "<tr><td>Buying:</td></tr>\n"; } else { print "<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"buy[]\" value=\"{$symbol}\">Buy</td></tr>\n"; } if (is_in_cart('watch', $symbol)) { print "<tr><td>Watching:</td></tr>\n"; } else { print "<tr><td><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"watch[]\" value=\"{$symbol}\">Watch</td></tr>\n"; } print '</table>'; // print the rest of the selected rows into the table foreach ($headers as $index) { if ($index != 'symb') { if (isset($_SESSION['chart'])) { print "<td><table><tr><td>{$index}</td></tr>"; print "<tr><td>{$row[$index]}</td></tr></table></td>\n"; } else { print "<td>{$row[$index]}</td>\n"; } }
} if (isset($_POST['chart_period'])) { $_SESSION['chart_period'] = $_POST['chart_period']; } else { unset($_SESSION['chart_period']); } } if (isset($_POST['recalc'])) { update_session(); } elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { update_session(); if (isset($_POST['mark'])) { $marked = $_POST['mark']; foreach ($marked as $symb) { del_from_cart('watch', $symb); } } } elseif (isset($_POST['cart'])) { update_session(); if (isset($_POST['mark'])) { $marked = $_POST['mark']; foreach ($marked as $symb) { if (!is_in_cart('cart', $symb)) { if (add_to_cart('cart', $symb, $_POST["comment_{$symb}"], $_POST["volume_{$symb}"])) { del_from_cart('watch', $symb); } } } } } draw_watch_table($pf_id, $pf_working_date, $pf_exch, $pf_name);
function is_in_portfolio($symb, $pfid) { // lookup holdings to see if the symbol's there return is_in_cart('holdings', $symb); }