<th class="dataHeading bdr1B" width="5%">Table #</th>
        <th class="dataHeading bdr1B" width="20%">Table Name</th>
        <th class="dataHeading bdr1B" width="5%">Round #</th>
            if ($_SESSION['jPrefsQueued'] == "N") {
        <th class="dataHeading bdr1B" width="5%">Flight #</th>
            do {
                $judge_info = explode("^", brewer_info($row_assignments['bid']));
                $table_info = explode("^", get_table_info("none", "basic", $row_assignments['assignTable'], $dbTable, "default"));
                $location_info = explode("^", get_table_info($row_assignments['assignLocation'], "location", "1", $dbTable, "default"));
                $judge_ranks = str_replace(",", ", ", $judge_info['3']);
    	<td class="bdr1B_gray"><?php 
                echo ucfirst(strtolower($judge_info['1'])) . ", " . ucfirst(strtolower($judge_info['0']));
        <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php 
                echo $judge_ranks;
        <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php 
                echo table_location($row_assignments['assignTable'], $_SESSION['prefsDateFormat'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeZone'], $_SESSION['prefsTimeFormat'], "default");
     $beer_end = 23;
 if ($_SESSION['prefsStyleSet'] == "BJCP2015") {
     $beer_end = 34;
 if ($action == "edit") {
     $collapse_icon = "fa-plus-circle";
 } else {
     $collapse_icon = "fa-pencil";
 if ($filter == "admin" || $filter == "default") {
     $brewer_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
 } else {
     $brewer_id = $filter;
 $brewer_info = brewer_info($brewer_id);
 $brewer_info = explode("^", $brewer_info);
 // Define custom functions
 function display_array_content_style($arrayname, $method, $base_url)
     $a = "";
     while (list($key, $value) = each($arrayname)) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $c = display_array_content($value, '');
             $d = ltrim($c, "0");
             $d = str_replace("-", "", $c);
             $a .= "<a id='modal_window_link' href='" . $base_url . "output/print.output.php?section=styles&amp;view=" . $c . "&amp;tb=true'>" . $d . "</a>";
         } else {
             $e = ltrim($value, "0");
             $e = str_replace("-", "", $value);
 $header2_1 .= "<h3>Best of Show &ndash; " . $row_sbi['sbi_name'] . "</h3>";
 if ($row_sbi['sbi_description'] != "") {
     $header2_1 .= "<p>" . $row_sbi['sbi_description'] . "</p>";
 // Build table headers
 $table_head2 .= "<tr>";
 if ($row_sbi['sbi_display_places'] == "1") {
     $table_head2 .= "<th width='5%'>Place</th>";
 $table_head2 .= "<th width='25%'>Brewer(s)</th>";
 $table_head2 .= "<th width='20%'>Entry Name</th>";
 $table_head2 .= "<th width='25%'>Style</th>";
 $table_head2 .= "<th>Club</th>";
 // Build table body
 do {
     $brewer_info = explode("^", brewer_info($row_sbd['bid']));
     $entry_info = explode("^", entry_info($row_sbd['eid']));
     $style = $entry_info['5'] . $entry_info['2'];
     $table_body2 .= "<tr>";
     if ($row_sbi['sbi_display_places'] == "1") {
         if ($action == "print") {
             $table_body2 .= "<td>";
             $table_body2 .= display_place($row_sbd['sbd_place'], 0);
             $table_body2 .= "</td>";
         } else {
             $table_body2 .= "<td>";
             $table_body2 .= display_place($row_sbd['sbd_place'], 3);
             $table_body2 .= "</td>";
     if ($action == "print") {
             $output .= "\t\t<JudgeData>\n";
             $output .= "\t\t\t<JudgeName>" . $staff_name . "</JudgeName>\n";
             $output .= "\t\t\t<JudgeRole>Staff</JudgeRole>\n";
             $output .= "\t\t\t<JudgePts>0.0</JudgePts>\n";
             if ($staff_points < $organ_points) {
                 $output .= "\t\t\t<NonJudgePts>" . $staff_points . "</NonJudgePts>\n";
             } else {
                 $output .= "\t\t\t<NonJudgePts>" . $organ_points . "</NonJudgePts>\n";
             $output .= "\t\t</JudgeData>\n";
 // Organizer without a properly formatted BJCP ID in the system
 foreach (array_unique($o) as $uid) {
     $organizer_info = explode("^", brewer_info($uid));
     if ($organizer_info['0'] != "" && $organizer_info['1'] != "" && !validate_bjcp_id($organizer_info['4'])) {
         $output .= "\t\t<JudgeData>\n";
         $output .= "\t\t\t<JudgeName>" . $organizer_info['0'] . " " . $organizer_info['1'] . "</JudgeName>\n";
         $output .= "\t\t\t<JudgeRole>Organizer</JudgeRole>\n";
         $output .= "\t\t\t<JudgePts>0.0</JudgePts>\n";
         $output .= "\t\t\t<NonJudgePts>" . $organ_points . "</NonJudgePts>\n";
         $output .= "\t\t</JudgeData>\n";
 $output .= "\t</NonBJCP>\n";
 // BOS Reporting
 $output .= "\t<Comments>\n";
 $output .= "Submitter Email: " . $_SESSION['user_name'] . "\n";
 do { $a[] = $row_style_types['id']; } while ($row_style_types = mysql_fetch_assoc($style_types));
예제 #5
    <table class="dataTable" id="sortable<?php 
                echo $style;
    	<th width="10%" class="dataHeading bdr1B">Entry #</th>
        <th width="10%" class="dataHeading bdr1B">Judging #</th>
        <th class="dataHeading bdr1B">Label Affixed?</th>
                do {
                    $info = brewer_info($row_entries['brewBrewerID']);
                    $brewer_info = explode("^", $info);
        <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php 
                    echo sprintf("%04s", $row_entries['id']);
        <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><?php 
                    echo readable_judging_number($row_entries['brewCategory'], $row_entries['brewJudgingNumber']);
        <td class="data bdr1B_gray"><p class="box_small">&nbsp;</p></td>
                } while ($row_entries = mysql_fetch_assoc($entries));
  <th width="3%" class="dataHeading bdr1B">Paid?</th>
  <th width="3%" class="dataHeading bdr1B">Rec'd?</th>
  <th class="dataHeading bdr1B">Loc / Box</th>
    if ($action != "print" && $dbTable == "default") {
  <th class="dataHeading bdr1B">Actions</th>
    do {
        $brewer_info = brewer_info($row_log['brewBrewerID']);
        $brewer_info = explode("^", $brewer_info);
        $styleConvert = style_convert($row_log['brewCategorySort'], 1);
        $entry_style = $row_log['brewCategorySort'] . "-" . $row_log['brewSubCategory'];
        if ($row_log['brewConfirmed'] == "0" && $action != "print") {
            echo " style='background-color: #ff9; border-top: 1px solid #F90; border-bottom: 1px solid #F90;'";
        } elseif (check_special_ingredients($entry_style) && $row_log['brewInfo'] == "") {
            echo " style='background-color: #ff9; border-top: 1px solid #F90; border-bottom: 1px solid #F90;'";
  <input type="hidden" name="id[]" value="<?php 
        echo $row_log['id'];
        <th class="dataHeading bdr1B hidden-print">Actions</th>
    do {
        if ($dbTable == "default") {
            $brewer_info_filter = "default";
        } else {
            $brewer_info_filter = get_suffix($dbTable);
        $brewer_info = brewer_info($row_log['brewBrewerID'], $brewer_info_filter);
        $brewer_info = explode("^", $brewer_info);
        $styleConvert = style_convert($row_log['brewCategorySort'], 1);
        $entry_style = $row_log['brewCategorySort'] . "-" . $row_log['brewSubCategory'];
        $entry_style_display = "";
        $entry_brewer_display = "";
        $entry_updated_display = "";
        $entry_judging_num_display = "";
        $entry_paid_display = "";
        $entry_received_display = "";
        $entry_box_num_display = "";
        $entry_actions = "";
        $entry_unconfirmed_row = "";
        if ($row_log['brewConfirmed'] == 0 || $row_log['brewConfirmed'] == "") {
            $entry_unconfirmed_row = "bg-danger";
        } elseif (check_special_ingredients($entry_style) && $row_log['brewInfo'] == "") {
                 $output_stewards .= "</td>";
                 $output_stewards .= "<td class='data bdr1B_gray'>" . steward_points($uid) . "</td>";
                 $output_stewards .= "</tr>";
 if ($totalRows_staff > 0) {
     do {
         $st[] = $row_staff['uid'];
     } while ($row_staff = mysql_fetch_assoc($staff));
     $st_running_total[] = "";
     foreach (array_unique($st) as $uid) {
         if (array_sum($st_running_total) < $staff_points_total) {
             $staff_info = explode("^", brewer_info($uid));
             $st_running_total[] = $staff_points;
             if (!empty($staff_info['1'])) {
                 $staff_name = ucwords(strtolower($staff_info['1'])) . ", " . ucwords(strtolower($staff_info['0']));
                 $output_staff .= "<tr>";
                 $output_staff .= "<td class='bdr1B_gray'>" . $staff_name . "</td>";
                 $output_staff .= "<td class='data bdr1B_gray'>";
                 if (validate_bjcp_id($staff_info['4'])) {
                     $output_staff .= strtoupper(strtr($staff_info['4'], $bjcp_num_replace));
                 $output_staff .= "</td>";
                 $output_staff .= "<td class='data bdr1B_gray'>";
                 if (array_sum($st_running_total) <= $staff_points_total && $staff_points < $organ_points) {
                     $output_staff .= $staff_points;
                 } else {
                     $output_staff .= $organ_points;
     $a[] = array('First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email', 'Category', 'Sub Category', 'Entry Number', 'Judging Number', 'Brew Name', 'Special Ingredients', 'Sweetness', 'Carb', 'Strength');
 if ($go == "csv" && ($action == "default" || $action == "email") && $filter != "winners") {
     $a[] = array('First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email', 'Category', 'Sub Category', 'Entry Number', 'Judging Number', 'Brew Name', 'Special Ingredients', 'Sweetness', 'Carb', 'Strength', 'Address', 'City', 'State/Province', 'Zip/Postal Code', 'Country');
 if ($go == "csv" && $action == "default" && $filter == "winners") {
     $a[] = array('Table Number', 'Table Name', 'Category', 'Sub-Category', 'Style', 'Place', 'Last Name', 'First Name', 'Email', 'Address', 'City', 'State/Province', 'Zip/Postal Code', 'Country', 'Phone', 'Entry Name', 'Club', 'Co Brewer');
 do {
     $brewerFirstName = strtr($row_sql['brewBrewerFirstName'], $html_remove);
     $brewerLastName = strtr($row_sql['brewBrewerLastName'], $html_remove);
     $brewName = strtr($row_sql['brewName'], $html_remove);
     $brewInfo = strtr($row_sql['brewInfo'], $html_remove);
     $entryNo = sprintf("%04s", $row_sql['id']);
     $judgingNo = readable_judging_number($row_sql['brewCategory'], $row_sql['brewJudgingNumber']);
     $brewer_info = explode("^", brewer_info($row_sql['brewBrewerID']));
     // Winner Downloads
     if ($action == "default" && $filter == "winners" && $_SESSION['prefsWinnerMethod'] == 0) {
         include DB . 'output_entries_export_winner.db.php';
     // end if (($action == "default") && ($filter == "winners"))
     // No participant email addresses
     if ($action == "hccp" && $filter != "winners") {
         $a[] = array($brewerFirstName, $brewerLastName, $row_sql['brewCategory'], $row_sql['brewSubCategory'], $entryNo, $brewName, $brewInfo, $row_sql['brewMead2'], $row_sql['brewMead1'], $row_sql['brewMead3']);
     // With email addresses of participants.
     if (($action == "default" || $action == "email") && $go == "csv" && $filter != "winners") {
         $a[] = array($brewerFirstName, $brewerLastName, $brewer_info[6], $row_sql['brewCategory'], $row_sql['brewSubCategory'], $entryNo, $judgingNo, $brewName, $brewInfo, $row_sql['brewMead1'], $row_sql['brewMead2'], $row_sql['brewMead3'], $brewer_info[10], $brewer_info[11], $brewer_info[12], $brewer_info[13], $brewer_info[14]);
 } while ($row_sql = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql));
 if ($action == "default" && $filter == "winners" && $_SESSION['prefsWinnerMethod'] > 0) {