imagedestroy($tmp); } } imagejpeg($im, "../" . $outfile); if (!file_exists("../" . $thumbfile)) { $thumb = createThumb($im, 55); imagejpeg($thumb, "../" . $thumbfile); } $result['addToList'] = true; $result['thumb'] = $thumbfile; } else { // duplicate! $result["duplicate"] = true; } $result["name"] = $nick; $result["clan"] = getClanName($nick); $result["file"] = $outfile; // send the final data back as a success! print json_encode($result); } else { print json_encode(array("error" => "error, someone didn't flip enough!")); } function createName($first, $middle, $last) { if ($first == $middle && $middle == $last) { // edge case where longer names are more interesting, but // we want to show the real name when all three pieces are // one person: $str = $first; } else { // break each name into thirds, then return the mashup name
function thumbnails() { $files = array(); $str = ""; $dir = opendir('./cache/'); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dir))) { if ($filename[0] !== ".") { $files[] = substr($filename, 0, strlen($filename) - 4); } } // generate a list of "last names" from the images $clans = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $clan = getClanName($file); if (empty($clans[$clan])) { $clans[$clan] = array(); } $clans[$clan][] = $file; } // put each thumbnail into an UL by clan name foreach ($clans as $clan => $data) { print "<div id='" . $clan . "' class='clan'>"; print "<h2><a href='#" . $clan . "'>" . $clan . "</a></h2>"; print "<ul class='" . $clan . "'>"; foreach ($data as $file) { print "\n\t\t<li class='thumbnail'><a href='cache/" . $file . ".jpg' title='" . $file . "' class='imageThumb'>" . "<img src='cache/." . $file . "_thumb.jpg'>" . "</a></li>"; } print "</ul>"; print "</div>"; } }