예제 #1
 function getLogicalChecksList($packageID)
     $conditions = array('PackageCheck.package_id' => $packageID, 'PackageCheck.type' => CHECK_TYPE_LOGICAL);
     $this->unbindModel(array('belongsTo' => array('Package')), false);
     $this->belongsTo['Parentcheck']['fields'] = array('Parentcheck.condition', 'Parentcheck.id');
     $logicalChecks = $this->generatetreelist($conditions, '{n}.PackageCheck.id', '{n}.PackageCheck.condition', '-', 0);
     foreach ($logicalChecks as $k => $v) {
         if (($logicalType = constValToLCSingle('check_condition_logical', $v)) == null) {
             $logicalType = "Unknown";
         $logicalChecks[$k] = str_replace($v, "", $logicalChecks[$k]);
         $logicalChecks[$k] .= "-Logical " . ucwords($logicalType);
     $logicalChecks = array(0 => 'Root Node') + $logicalChecks;
     return $logicalChecks;
예제 #2
 function refExists($data)
     $field = array_shift(array_keys($data));
     $typeName = constValToLCSingle('VARIABLE_TYPE_', $this->data['Variable']['ref_type'], false, false, false);
     return $typeName != null && ClassRegistry::init(ucwords($typeName))->find('count', array('conditions' => array(ucwords($typeName) . '.id' => $data[$field]))) > 0;
 function edit($type = null, $id = null)
     if ($type && (!ctype_alpha($type) && $id || ctype_alpha($type) && $id == null)) {
         $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid Internal Command.');
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
     } else {
         if ($type == null) {
             $this->Session->setFlash('Invalid id.');
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
         } else {
             if (ctype_digit($type) && $id == null) {
                 $id = $type;
                 $type = null;
             $which = strtolower($type);
             if (!empty($this->data)) {
                 $success = false;
                 switch ($which) {
                     case null:
                         // saving a modified existing package
                         $this->Package->id = $this->data['Package']['id'] = $id;
                         $success = $this->Package->save($this->data);
                         $pkgId = $id;
                         $which = "package";
                     case "action":
                         $this->data["PackageAction"]["id"] = $id;
                         $success = $this->Package->PackageAction->save($this->data);
                         $pkgId = $this->Package->PackageAction->field('package_id', array('PackageAction.id' => $id));
                         $which = "package action";
                     case "check":
                         $this->Package->PackageCheck->id = $id;
                         $prevParent = $this->Package->PackageCheck->field('parent_id');
                         $pkgId = $this->Package->PackageCheck->field('package_id');
                         $this->data['PackageCheck']['id'] = $id;
                         if ($this->data['PackageCheck']['parent_id'] == 0) {
                             $this->data['PackageCheck']['parent_id'] = null;
                         $success = $this->Package->PackageCheck->save($this->data);
                         if ($success && $prevParent != $this->data['PackageCheck']['parent_id']) {
                             $this->moveup("check", $id, 1);
                         $which = "package check";
                     case "exitcode":
                         $this->Package->PackageAction->ExitCode->id = $id;
                         $success = $this->Package->PackageAction->ExitCode->save($this->data);
                         $pkgActId = $this->Package->PackageAction->ExitCode->field('package_action_id', array('ExitCode.id' => $id));
                         $url = array('action' => 'view', 'action', $pkgActId);
                         $which = "exit code";
                         $this->Session->setFlash('An Error Occurred While Processing Your Input.');
                         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
                 if ($success) {
                     $this->Session->setFlash('The ' . ucwords($which) . ' has been saved.');
                     if (!isset($url)) {
                         $url = array('action' => 'view', $pkgId);
                 } else {
                     $this->Session->setFlash('The ' . ucwords($which) . ' could not be saved. Please, try again.');
             switch ($which) {
                 case null:
                     // for packages
                 // for packages
                 case "package":
                     $this->data = isset($success) ? $this->data : $this->Package->get($id, true);
                     $this->set('packageDependencies', $this->Package->getAllBut($id));
                 case "action":
                 case "package action":
                     $this->data = isset($success) ? $this->data : $this->Package->PackageAction->get($id, true);
                     $pkgId = isset($pkgId) ? $pkgId : $this->data['Package']['id'];
                     $this->set('pkgName', $this->Package->field('name', array('Package.id' => $pkgId)));
                     $this->set('pkgId', $pkgId);
                     $this->set('pkgActId', $this->data['PackageAction']['id']);
                     $this->autoRender = false;
                     $this->render(null, "main", "action-edit");
                 case "check":
                 case "package check":
                     $this->data = isset($success) ? $this->data : $this->Package->PackageCheck->get($id);
                     if (!isset($this->passedArgs['type'])) {
                         $this->passedArgs['type'] = $this->data["PackageCheck"]["type"];
                     $checkTypeCond = isset($this->passedArgs['cond']) ? $this->passedArgs['cond'] : $this->data["PackageCheck"]["condition"];
                     if (isset($this->passedArgs['type'])) {
                         $strCheckType = constValToLCSingle('check_type', $this->passedArgs['type'], true);
                         if ($strCheckType == null) {
                             $strCheckType = "uninstall";
                         // default check type if invalid one passed in
                     } else {
                         $strCheckType = "uninstall";
                     // default check type if one wasn't passed in
                     // The list of conditions to be shown in the condition combo box
                     $checkCond = constsToWords('check_condition_' . $strCheckType);
                     // The selected check type in the type combo box
                     $checkType = constant('CHECK_TYPE_' . strtoupper($strCheckType));
                     // Bounds checking on the selected check condition
                     $keys = array_keys($checkCond);
                     if ($checkTypeCond < min($keys) || $checkTypeCond > max($keys)) {
                         $checkTypeCond = min($keys);
                     // default check condition if invalid one passed in
                     // A hierarchy of logical checks for this package id for the parent check combo box
                     if ($this->passedArgs['type'] != CHECK_TYPE_LOGICAL || $this->data["PackageCheck"]["type"] != CHECK_TYPE_LOGICAL) {
                         $logicalChecks = $this->Package->PackageCheck->getLogicalChecksList($this->data['Package']['id']);
                     $this->set('pkgName', $this->data['Package']['name']);
                     $this->set('pkgId', $this->data['Package']['id']);
                     $this->set('pkgChkId', $this->data['PackageCheck']['id']);
                     $this->set(compact('checkType', 'checkTypeCond', 'checkCond', 'logicalChecks'));
                     $this->autoRender = false;
                     $this->render(null, "main", "check-edit");
                 case "exitcode":
                 case "exit code":
                     $this->data = isset($success) ? $this->data : $this->Package->PackageAction->ExitCode->get($id);
                     $actType = ucwords(constValToLCSingle('action_type', $this->data['PackageAction']['type']));
                     $this->set('pkgActType', ucwords($actType));
                     $this->set('pkgActId', $this->data['ExitCode']['package_action_id']);
                     $this->set('pkgActCmd', $this->data['PackageAction']['command']);
                     $this->autoRender = false;
                     $this->render(null, "main", "exitcode-edit");
                     $this->Session->setFlash('An Error Occurred While Processing Your Input.');
                     $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
 function delete($id = null)
     if (!ctype_digit($id)) {
         $this->_showCritError('Invalid id for Variable');
     $var = $this->Variable->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Variable.id' => $id), 'fields' => array('Variable.ref_type', 'Variable.ref_id')));
     if ($var && $this->Variable->del($id)) {
         $type = constValToLCSingle('VARIABLE_TYPE_', $var['Variable']['ref_type']);
         $recordId = $var['Variable']['ref_id'];
         if ($this->RequestHandler->isAjax()) {
             $this->set('variables', $this->Variable->getAllFor($type, $recordId));
             $this->render('/elements/variables', 'plain');
         } else {
             $this->Session->setFlash('Variable deleted');
             $this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $type, $recordId));
     } else {
         $this->_showCritError('Invalid id for Variable');