function expand_enemy_info($enemy_id) { $enemy = char_info($enemy_id); $enemy = format_health_percent($enemy); $enemy['enemy_id'] = $enemy_id; return $enemy; }
} $duel_checked = !!$combat_toggles['duel']; // Duel isn't in the general combat skills, so it gets set separately. // Pull the items and some necessary data about them. $items = inventory_counts($char_id, $last_item_used); $valid_items = rco($items); // row count //debug($items); } // End of the there-was-no-attack-error section $set_bounty_section = ''; $communication_section = ''; $player_clan_section = ''; $clan = get_clan_by_player_id($player_info['player_id']); $same_clan = false; $player_info = format_health_percent($player_info); // Player clan and clan members if ($clan) { $viewer_clan = is_logged_in() ? get_clan_by_player_id($viewing_player_obj->vo->player_id) : null; $clan_members = get_clan_members($clan->getID())->fetchAll(); // TODO - When we switch to Smarty 3, remove fetchAll for foreach $clan_id = $clan->getID(); $clan_name = $clan->getName(); if ($viewer_clan) { $same_clan = $clan->getID() == $viewer_clan->getID(); $display_clan_options = $username && !$self && $same_clan && is_clan_leader($viewing_player_obj->vo->player_id); } else { $same_clan = $display_clan_options = false; } } // Send the info to the template.