/** * Prepare the user data to go into the database. */ function cleanup_session_data($session) { // Convert hours (expressed like "1.75" or "2" or "3.5") to minutes $session->duration = facetoface_hours_to_minutes($session->duration); // Only numbers allowed here $session->capacity = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $session->capacity); $MAX_CAPACITY = 100000; if ($session->capacity < 1) { $session->capacity = 1; } elseif ($session->capacity > $MAX_CAPACITY) { $session->capacity = $MAX_CAPACITY; } return $session; }
public function test_facetoface_hours_to_minutes() { // Should negative values return 0 or a negative value? // Test for positive hours value. $this->assertEqual(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('10'), '600'); // Test for positive minutes and hours value. $this->assertEqual(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('11:17'), '677'); // Test for negative hours value. $this->assertEqual(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('-3'), '-180'); // Test for negative hours & minutes value. $this->assertEqual(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('-2:1'), '-119'); // Test for invalid characters value. $this->assertEqual(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('invalid_string'), ''); }
/** * Prepare the user data to go into the database. */ function cleanup_session_data($session) { // Convert hours (expressed like "1.75" or "2" or "3.5") to minutes. $session->duration = facetoface_hours_to_minutes($session->duration); // Only numbers allowed here. $session->capacity = preg_replace('/[^\\d]/', '', $session->capacity); $MAX_CAPACITY = 100000; if ($session->capacity < 1) { $session->capacity = 1; } else { if ($session->capacity > $MAX_CAPACITY) { $session->capacity = $MAX_CAPACITY; } } // Get the decimal point separator. setlocale(LC_MONETARY, get_string('locale', 'langconfig')); $localeinfo = localeconv(); $symbol = $localeinfo['decimal_point']; if (empty($symbol)) { // Cannot get the locale information, default to en_US.UTF-8. $symbol = '.'; } // Only numbers or decimal separators allowed here. $session->normalcost = round(preg_replace("/[^\\d{$symbol}]/", '', $session->normalcost)); $session->discountcost = round(preg_replace("/[^\\d{$symbol}]/", '', $session->discountcost)); return $session; }
function test_facetoface_hours_to_minutes() { // Test - for positive hours value. $this->assertEquals(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('10'), '600'); // Test - for positive minutes and hours value. $this->assertEquals(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('11:17'), '677'); // Test - for negative hours value. $this->assertEquals(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('-3'), '-180'); // Test - for negative hours & minutes value. $this->assertEquals(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('-2:1'), '-119'); // Test - for invalid characters value. $this->assertEquals(facetoface_hours_to_minutes('invalid_string'), 0.0); $this->resetAfterTest(true); }